As He Is

1 John 4:8
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Address—A.M. Barry
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First, the person of John chapter 4 and verse 8.
He that loveth not knoweth not God.
For God is love.
And this was manifested the love of God toward us.
Because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world.
That we might live.
Who am? Wherein is love?
Not that we love God.
But that we loved us and fed his son to be the obituation.
For our sins.
Beloved, if God so loved us.
We ought.
Also to love one another.
No man hath seen God at any time.
If we love one another.
God dwelleth in US, and his love is perfect said in US, whereby know we that we dwell in Him.
And He and us, because he has given us of his spirit.
And we have seen.
And they testify that the Father sent the Son to be the savior of the world.
Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God.
God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
And we have known and believed the love that God.
Ask to us God is love and he that dwelleth in love.
Dwelleth in God, and God in him.
Therein is our love, Martin says. Love with us.
Made perfect.
That we may have boldness in the day of Judgment.
Because as he is.
Though are we in this world?
There is No Fear in love.
A perfect love cast about fear.
We can't hear that torment through that spirit was not made perfect in love.
We love him because he first loved us.
Say I love God and hate us, his brother. He is a liar.
For he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom you have not seen? And this is his commandment, that.
His commandment have we from him, that he who loveth God, loveth his brother also.
We often hear this stated.
God is light and God is love.
To find both in this epistle.
But they're not put together as is often stated and often heard.
But we have them we between these two statements.
We have.
The 2nd, 3rd till we get to the 4th chapter.
That is between the two wonderful statements that God is like and God is love. We have that distance.
Because before the soul can enter into these wonderful, marvelous love of God, you have to know that God is life and that everything about us is exposed and that.
We live in his bed and when we found that we are entirely posed that nothing is hidden from him, just like fear when he was in the boat on the lake and he got the big draft of fishes.
He realized that he was in the presence of the very Creator who made all things.
When he falls down at this street, getting depart from me, for I'm a sinful man, Oh Lord.
That is the I discovered what God is in life and then we learn what God is in love and when we found out that we have to do with a sin hating God and everything is manifested and made naked and open.
When the eye of Him was all we have to do. And still, in spite of all our nothingness and all our sins and built and failure, that God loves it. That's what breaks down by every opposition and brings us to know that wonderful love, that God will love the world.
That he gave his only begotten Son, that was forever.
Not very that have everlasting life.
Now in the verses I've read where you have the word love mentioned so many times.
You know where I began.
In the ninth verse, and this was manifested the love of God toward us.
That the first thought the love of God toward it, and then we get.
And the 12Th word, God dwelleth in US, and his love is perfected in US. There we got God's love in it, and then we get in the in the.
The 17th verse, wherein is always bad as it is in the margin here, is love here.
Perfect. Now we have the love of God toward us, we have the love of God in us, and we have the love of God with us.
Why is love toward us?
Takes us back before we came into existence.
Or tells us.
Remicade manifested the love of God toward us because of God sent His only begotten Son into the world.
How do God have displayed that love toward us when we were lost and before we were lost? Anticipating.
All the time when we would be in need. And He sent his Son in that love toward us, and then we get His love in it. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us as the first verse, and His love is perfected in it. There's the love of God in US.
All right.
Water through the Bay. One that wonderful thought the love of God in a poor Sinner down here.
Just because he has accepted Christ as his own personal Savior. And then we get in that 17th verse hearing with love toward us, love with us rather made perfect. So you have you see the whole existence, our whole existence not before.
When God sent his Son, and now at the present, that love in US, and then we get it. We are carried on to the judgment day and then we get the love of God with us. So what a full display we have of the love of God.
Who are towards sinful man?
Knowing that the ninth verse.
And this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
The first thought is life.
Because in our natural state, we're dead in practices and in sins. Don't thought, isn't it just as dead as someone that's lying in the cemetery?
Lord is our no heart, no thought, no interest in divine things, no concern about hereafter. But it's a marvelous thing that we're told this in the 5th chapter of John.
That the all cometh in now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live.
Friends, you might say, then if I'm a dead Sinner, there's no hope for me. Ah, there is. Is this to tell the dead man to get out of his way and go to work? Doesn't it? Can't do anything all over that has taken him away?
That for a Sinner, that is as morally and certainly as good as one thing that's possible.
And that is that you can hear the voice of the Son of God. Or are there any fear that have never listened to the voice of the Son of God? Think of how he's speaking at this moment.
Give him to his gracious word.
As he says, Come unto me, all ye that.
Labor and your heavy labor and others give you will.
So when you say the first thing is that we might live.
That is, the first thing the soul needs is life.
That we might.
Live through him.
Well then we get here in His love. Not that we love God, but that He loved us.
And sent his friends to be the perspiciation for our sins.
Where we get the love of God displayed in its holiness.
And we need to remember, friends, that God is a holy God.
And so because of His Holiness, he needed one that would take our place and bear the judgment. And that's where propitiation is brought in. Not that we love God, but that He loved us and sent his Son to be the 458.
Wah, same. You notice in these verses there's a very opposite of the demands of the law.
The law says out and love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all our minds, and with all our strength. And then it fell around thy neighbors thyself.
The first verse killed me. It's not that we love God.
Well, here's the love that goes out.
In the very opposite way.
There was a love in my heart to the God to whom I was responsible.
There when there was hatred in the heart toward him, that God.
Who and manifested His love? Not that we love God, but that we love the beloved friend. Stop and meditate on those few words that we love us and spin His Son to do the pro 5018.
That takes us to the cross, that tells us about how he.
Wears suffered there the death for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.
That broke this year for our sins. Then we get in the 11Th verse. With God full of death, we ought to love one another. What a difference.
In the command of the law.
First you serious to ourselves, that beautiful of God, our soul, mind and strength, and then they feel the neighbor. The law said thy neighbors, I felt. Now here's the principle of grace. If God so loved us, there is a motive for it, not a demand of the law.
But a great faith appeal to the heart, if God so loved it.
We ought to love one another. Now speaking about the love of God in it, no man has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in US, and His love is perfected in US. When they first chapter the Gospel of John.
We have the same difficulty that way. I just turned to John One and verse 18 for a moment.
John one and eight two. No man has seen God at any time.
The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, we have declared Him.
We're told that God dwelleth in thick darkness.
In light unaccoable, when no man hath been nor can see, that is, we're just shut out from the present.
Our holy God of majesty and power. But oh how lovely. This verse comes in the very first that tells us that no man has seen God. Tells us how we can see God, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father. We have declared it. There are One who came from the bosom of the Father.
All the love that's expressed in that gift of all gifts, when God gave in front of his left and set him into this world of spending thought to live here, to law among men.
Until the world put him out of his hue by the cross and buried him and filled his graves as though they would never have him again among him. Well at the core heart of man in this world. But that's the one friend that has revealed the unseen God.
Whom it is impossible for you and me to see her to behold.
While we find the same difficulty wave when this captured before, no man has seen God at any time. If we will love one another, God dwelleth in US, and His largest purpose is in US. Wonderful illness that the very way or the very time when God seems to be set out.
And the sun has manifested that love in this room.
Now those that are sick can have the very love that one in their hearts and manifest that love them, their love for one another.
Now that the pure love, beloved friends, and it's the love that speaks always the good or the one that the opposite, all that love and care.
You wouldn't see then guilty of in any way encouraging another to go on in the wrong course.
And if we can give them pursuit that the court, their following is a mistake in their own court, well, when there is restoration, full restoration, hard luck can be thrown out and displayed. Just like grandparents came back on shore after the Lord and visited him.
And had a controversy with him alone. You know, we find Peter with his brother there in the 24th chapter of Luke. For we're told that when the two from the nails came back to Jacobson, they found the 11 gathered together saying the Lord, the Lord is living.
Occurred under Simon first. Simon after denying the Lord, and the Lord looked at him, he got up there and went out, left the country, arose enemies of Christ, never to associate with him again. But there is something more and something more precise, and that was when the Lord restored Peter's school, and he went back to his bread, and there was a full happy restoration.
And then in that you find them that my first of John how his publicly restored to his ministry when he asked red root of his various when the Lord has said farm and son of Jonas lovest thou me all what attempt to a scooter and another heart is reply was.
He said, Lord thou N that is not just to say, Lord, I know that no one else can see.
Any love in my heart for you have to wear to that. I know that you can do that love and when Peter has taken that humble.
Of how he had dishonored his, says Lord, I am here happily restored among his burden. And the Lord held either that he's going to honor him in the very way that he had dishonored him.
By denying him when he was, by invisible being condemned.
No, we might think, beloved friends.
That communion was something that beyond the rank and file among God's people.
That is for those who have gone on for years in a devoted and consistent way. But I like to read this.
It felt in the 51St whosoever consult.
That Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he and God, well, there we have an expression of the union. It's just the only the consulting of who he is that gives that practice happy communion.
To himself.
Now I just go on to the last thought I had before me.
And the 17th verse here in his love without me perfect, that we may have boon in the day of judgment.
At all times that we can think of the day before the judgment.
The all that past history to come there before the judge.
Would be the last occasion we can think of where we'd have boldness. Oh, we think, oh, what game. What an humiliating thing I feel that time.
And now it's come up where it just had this judgment suit. But then that marvelous beloved friend that we can have doomed in the day of judgment. And what is the reason given that we can have that holy boom at a time when everything.
Will be manifested in that case because as he is.
So are we not going to get to heaven? But in this world? Don't say as He will know when the Lord will hear. He was on his way to judgment in the cross. Now He's beyond the cross. He's beyond the other side of the judgment, and it's just as He is.
Then that being where he is now seeded, that they can do ourselves.
As he was just like the very one who heated there and that's why in viewer of of the coming judgment that will get through from anything that appeared out because as he was where are we in this world?