As You Can

The above three words always give me a joy, for we know perfectly well that no man could make the sepulcher sure against the resurrection of our blessed Divine Master, Jesus Christ. Pilate said unto them, “Ye have a watch, go your way; make it as sure as ye can.” It seems almost as if this heathen Roman Governor knew what would happen. Perhaps he remembered his wife’s message, who had learned in a dream that he had better “have nothing to do with that just man” (Matt. 27:1919When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him. (Matthew 27:19)). The name of Pontius Pilate is more often in the four Gospels than any other with the exception of our blessed Lord Himself, the Son of God, who is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, three Persons but one God. We all know how much Pontius Pilate had to do with our Lord’s trial and crucifixion, how he could have delivered Him, but he did not. He was for ten years Procurator in Judaea, but shortly after our Lord’s death he was ordered to Rome owing to his barbarous treatment of the Samaritans. He was then banished to Vienne in Gaul, where it was said he committed suicide. At any rate, Vienne has a monument dedicated as the Tomb of Pontius Pilate. Switzerland also claims to be the place where he died. The Swiss say so, the great mountain Pilatus being named after him in the Bernese Oberland, and so distinctly seen at Lucerne. They suppose he wandered to the summit and drowned himself in one of the lakes there, and when the wind howls that he is wailing, wailing on Pilatus. We know he said one true word, “Make it as sure as ye can.” But the Lord rose that Easter morn, for they could not make it sure against the glorious purpose of God, who has made it sure that all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are quite sure of salvation. The foundation of God standeth sure (2 Tim. 2:1919Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. (2 Timothy 2:19)). Jesus is the one Foundation to build upon; no other surety for life eternal, but Christ Jesus. “No man is sure of life, (see Job 24:2222He draweth also the mighty with his power: he riseth up, and no man is sure of life. (Job 24:22)), but he that believeth on Jesus Christ hath life, and is sure of eternal life.
Emily P. Leakey