"Ask and it Shall be Given You."

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LITTLE M—had been at school, and when she came home, she came running into the room where her father lay sick in bed, and told him the “Examiner” had been in school, and said “she did. her work the best in the class,” and asked the teacher who she was. Her father said to her: “I have been asking the Lord to help you at school. and that is why you got along so well.”
Little M—replied, “I know, for I asked Him myself, and He did help me.”
Her father then told her to go into the next room and thank the Lord, to which M—replied, “I did.” When he pressed her to go, she did not seem in any hurry to do so, and then her father said to her that when the Lord had been so good to her, she ought to go and thank Him. She then told her father, that, before coming into the house, she had gone into the back shed, and kneeled down all alone, and thanked the Lord.
So you see, dear children, little M—not only asked the Lord for help, but when she got help she also thanked Him for it. I am sure you will say this was right. Do you trust the Lord in this way, dear children? Do you so trust Him, that you go to Him to get help with your daily duties? And when He gives you help, do you go and kneel down all alone, and thank Him? I hope also that you trust in Him as your Saviour, to save you from all your sins. This is the first thing. Then pray to Him to help you please Him in all you do. A. H. R.
ML 12/10/1899