Oh, Jesus Lord, Thou matchless One,
Who once this desert trod,
What joy to see Thee seated now
Upon the throne of God!
With glory and with honor crowned,
While heavenly hosts Thy praise resound.
What joy to gaze upon Thy face,
Where glory bright doth shine,
And tell in God the Father’s ear
Thine attributes divine.
Of heaven itself Thou art the Light,
And God Thy Father’s full delight.
Exalted now to His right hand,
The highest place is Thine,
And yet Thou’rt pouring out Thy love
Into this heart of mine;
Detaching me from things of earth,
By showing me Thy peerless worth.
Thy death has closed the things of earth,
But opened heaven to me;
And there in spirit now I ‘in brought
To dwell, my Lord, with Thee.
And since Thy place above is mine,
I’d seek no place on earth but Thine.
For this is but a desert land,
Because Thou art not here;
Earth’s brightest scenes attract me not,
My heart is with Thee there;
No more can I be satisfied
To seek a place where Thou halt died.
A lonely stranger here below,
Lord, I would follow Thee;
Rejoicing only in that cross,
Which changed all things for me.
Till Thou shalt call me with Thee there,
In Thy rejection here I share.
L. W.