At the Throne of Grace

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 20
When weary with effort,
Disheartened with care,
And o’erwhelmed with unspeakable pain,
We find a sure refuge
And solace in prayer,
And our losses are turned into gain.
If failure dismays us,
And troubles annoy,
And the way seems uncertain and drear,
We find in Thy presence
A peace and a joy
That will give sweetest comfort and cheer.
Whatever Thou choosest,
Blest Father, to send,
May we with submission receive;
Thy mercies are many,
Thy love without end,
And Thou never dost willingly grieve.
In Thee we’ll find comfort
And strength to endure,
As we bow to Thy sovereign will;
And a peace passing knowledge,
God-given and sure,
Will our hearts and our minds ever fill.
Fill our hearts with thanksgiving,
Our lips with Thy praise,
As we follow this pathway of earth:
And when in communion
Our voices we raise,
O reveal more and more of Thy worth.