Attacks on the Scriptures

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 9
People are energetic enough in these days, but their energy is against the gospel. It is not so with all, thank God! but the peculiar feature of the present age is that the active aggression is against Scripture, an organized rebellion proceeding from professors in the high seats of human learning. Not only daring individuals here and there attack Scripture, but the nominal teachers and heads of the clergy combine to do it with comparative impunity as if they were determined to concentrate the whole weight of their personal and official influence to that end. This has a voice for us; if we have understanding of the times, let us take care that we stand firmly, conscientiously, a n d uncompromisingly, though humbly, on the foundation of divine truth, caring for nothing else. We shall be counted harsh; this is always the portion of faithfulness. But the name of the Lord is our tower of strength for the last days, as from the beginning.
So Paul warns Timothy in his last epistle, as he looked at the perils of these days (which are still more emphatically true now than they were then); and what is the resource for them? Not tradition, but the written Word of God. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable," etc. It is not teachers, nor godly men raised up, however precious both may be- nothing but Scripture can be a permanent standard of truth.