
Duration: 35min
Children—Josh Stewart
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Where is the pain? Right up and down.
The square $1000 for me. She didn't come back and call me by the tree.
2019 to 1923 in your eyes. 1000 times crazy.
When you're seeing, well, I'm not bad and painful. It's been a lot of dry time getting by. The kids crying. Yeah, I have a lot of inflammation. I can find a guy which came will not.
Save me.
You didn't make it out of the dark. Everyone's not doing anything. She didn't even use that weight. But you're just complaining to me breathing. They are on the 1010% if you need me.
Probably will stay with me. Drop hands 10,000 and 91 dry stuff work that I can get you out of the sun to everywhere in the morning by the Halloween rhythm. It came right? Well, today it may.
He's gone blind by me.
She was from forever and all the tree Yee Yee Fung wings to make me dream.
He also can play with me.
OK, how about another one?
Go ahead #40.
Alright, this is a favorite.
Jesus loves me this time.
Let someone.
Be crying and strong.
You have to give us a lot of things you're up to start with me.
I'm talking not a Bible. Don't make so.
You can't watch me. Goodnight.
He's so much, so very migraine, but I thought when I was a little child for helping him, yeah, he tried to block me.
Yeah, even though it's a lot of people thinking, yeah.
You should come to a pig rock by a little bell meat so.
God bless me so I.
Can't get away to the earth and continue to ride on grace and we're close to gaining hands and honours.
Yeah, today's the day. It's from the rain on.
Yeah, it sounds like a pain.
Yes, you need to bust lots of me.
Yeah, you are probably not. I don't know.
She didn't take the last two months maybe 12 days when I buried every week in heaven now.
Round him shine and wind flames on the fire.
Umm, down with a lot of teaching, right? Or high or high, Yeah.
Did you try to clothing? Yeah, give us a lot of meaning.
Transcribe quick.
Blah blah blah. Who tells me so?
Yeah, we tried to watch it today. Yeah.
You can press one maybe.
Yeah, three times 1/6.
Five one countries so.
OK, before we go any further, let's, uh, close our eyes and ask for the Lord's help.
For Jesus, we come this morning and we're so thankful for the privilege that we have to have all the children come come up to the front and sing these songs and in a few minutes to save some memory verses and to have a little lesson from from thy word for us. And just thank you so much Lord Jesus, for thy love to us that we've been singing of that love which would take thee all the way to the cross.
To die for our sins, to suffer there.
So we just pray for help that there will be a little lesson this morning that could be a help and an encouragement to these, uh, little children. So we just pray this and we give thanks in the worthy and precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
OK, how about one more and then we'll see if anyone wants to say a memory verse, Go ahead 44.
Into a tank where?
They got me.
Nobody ever told me to be.
Proud, but I'll never get up again.
Umm, medicine. Somewhere in your medicine, do you know, All around the world.
Yeah, I'm trying to get back out of the blood cells. They're all in the house and you know all you need to learn, so I'll see you.
She has not broken up so I really can't go.
Out, and I have one way out of here without any Sunstone reaching all around the world.
Yeah, I'm trying to cancel it all the time. Get off the ground then.
Nobody asked her to have qualification for her.
Everything we can talk about last. Where is God in his breath? John Sandy. And there's a family of them. One can't get thundering. So everything.
That I am sure that the same thing for me that I'm living at the end of the run again.
Salvation story reaping, all right.
For, you know, I can't stand all of us. You don't have anything else to Madden, but I'll buy me a river and I'm not supposed to be alone.
OK, so those are some very nice songs and now, umm, there's a a verse on the.
On the messages of God's love that BTP prints, and I know some of you have probably memorized it. So would anyone like to say a verse that they have memorized? I'll tell you the one on the paper. It is First Timothy 115. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. But if you have another one you've memorized, you can say that one as well. So do I have anyone that would like to say a verse?
We have some down here. OK, I've learned first.
First Timothy 115 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. First Timothy 115 Very good. OK anyone else?
OK, go ahead.
First Tennessee 115. Very good. It's always good to have someone to help you all right down here.
Christ Jesus came in the world into the world to say as soon as of whom I am chief First Timothy 115 very good. OK any other volunteers for the verse? OK Quincy.
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. First time See 115 Very good. Anyone else? Go ahead.
First Timothy 115 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. First Timothy 1:15.
OK First Timothy 115 Christ came to the world to save sinners. First Timothy 115 OK anyone else? OK, right over here.
First Tennessee 115 Christ, you came to the workplace sinners.
It's OK First Timothy 115 Not everyone says the reference twice. That's all right. First Timothy 115 Christ Jesus came into the world to save Sinner's first embassy. 115 OK.
First Tennessee 115. Christ Jesus came to the world to save sinners. First Timothy 1:15 Yeah, very good. All right, Tom.
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. First Timothy 115. Very good. OK, anyone else? Oh, we've got some down here. Great.
First Tennessee 115 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, First Timothy 1:15 First Timothy 115 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, First Timothy 1:15.
OK. Anyone else?
OK, very good. So this verse is a very beautiful verse because it gives us the gospel in a nutshell. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners so.
Every single one of us that's here in this room is a center because we've all sinned. And so the Lord Jesus came from. Where did he come from? Does anyone know?
He came into the world, but where did he come from? You know that's.
Right. It came from heaven and he came into this world and and what did he have to, what did he have to become so that he could come into this world?
Does anyone know?
It happened 2000 years ago approximately.
What did he have to become a man? Very good.
So he came into this world and he became a man. Does anybody know why he had to become a man, or at least one of the reasons why he had to become a man to save sinners?
Very good to save sinners. You know, it tells us in Luke that angels cannot die. So he couldn't become an Angel because in order to save sinners he had to die. He had to give his life, so he had to become a man. And so the Lord Jesus, the Son of God, became a man and he came into this world and he laid down his life.
As a sacrifice for sin, so that sinners could be saved. Very simple.
And So what do we need to do in order to be saved? Can anyone tell me? It's very simple.
Gleevend the Lord Jesus Christ. Very good, very simple, We just need to believe on Him.
So I have, uh, a lesson this morning for you children and.
Today's Sunday school lesson is going to be on the subject of attraction. OK, so for all the parents out there, I'm gonna keep this age appropriate. We're gonna talk about spiritual attraction. OK. And, uh, So what is attraction? That's, uh, maybe a little bit of a big word for some of you. Does anyone know what it is?
If, if, if two things are attracted, what does that mean? They come together very good, OK.
So I have an example that I'll show you for attraction, OK?
Who would like to help me out? How about right here? Can you hold on to this for me?
You better hold on tight, OK? So if you hold it, I'm gonna I'm gonna bring my piece towards yours, OK? Tell me if you feel something.
Wow, wanna try again?
Better make sure your fingers aren't in the way.
Wow, You feel that? So they pulled together. They're attracted. OK, Thank you.
Attraction is when something is drawn by a force to another object. OK, and I've been reading my personal reading in the Gospel of John and there's a theme that runs, as appears to be all the way through the Gospel of John, having to do with attraction and the person that we are attracted to.
Can anyone guess who that is? Go ahead. That's right, the Lord Jesus, He is the one that we are attracted to. So I wanna just read a couple verses to show you that.
And first of all, just read a verse in John chapter 6. John chapter 6 and verse 44 says no man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him. No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him. So this verse tells us that God the Father is drawing.
Those who are going to be believers.
To the Lord Jesus. So just like this magnet.
Is drawing this other magnet.
Together with a with a force in that same way, God the father is is drawing each one of you children who's put your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus to him. And you know what that's a wonderful thing. And I just want to to read this verse to start out because we have to realize that the only way that we can be saved is through Christ Jesus who came into the world.
And that's who God the Father is drawing us to. He's drawing you, each one of you, to the Lord Jesus.
To be saved, you know, and all the way through the Gospel of John, I'm not going to take a lot of time on this, but we find that Jesus, when he came into the world, something new came into the world.
Before the Lord Jesus was here in this world, those who were, you might call them believers, they believed at least in in the Word of God, parts of the Word of God. There was nothing in their hearts, there was nothing for them to be attracted to. They had the Old Testament right, which is about 2/3 of our Bible.
They had the Old Testament to tell them what God wanted them to do, but.
There was nothing that was drawing them.
And when the Lord Jesus came into this world, a great change happened. And for the first time there was a person in this world that the hearts of all those who have been touched by God's grace are being attracted to this one person. And it's a beautiful thing if you, if you want to study it, but I'll just give you an example.
And I won't read it, but in the first chapter of of of John's gospel, does anyone remember the man who was sent from God?
Before Jesus, before Jesus was born, before Jesus became went public with his ministry. Does anyone remember that man's name? Go ahead. John the Baptist. OK, so John the Baptist was was standing there one day and he had two disciples next to him and he saw Jesus.
And he said, because I don't remember what he said, anybody. It starts with behold, he said, behold, the Lamb of God. So John was looking at Jesus and he knew that this man who was he, he was looking at was the man that was going to be the sacrifice, God's sacrificial lamb so that he could take away.
The sin of the whole world. And John saw that, and he said almost to himself.
Behold the Lamb of God and these two disciples that were standing next to him.
They just left John. They've been with John, who knows how long, I don't know, but they left him and they went and they followed Jesus. And I think that's a beautiful example of how the Lord Jesus was just like that magnet and he came into this world and he just started drawing people to follow him, drawing, drawing people after him. In John three we have a man named Nicodemus. He came to Jesus. Was it nighttime or was it daytime? Does anyone remember?
Anyone go ahead night time. That's right. He came to Jesus at night because he was afraid. He didn't want people to know he was coming, but he came anyways. So the Lord Jesus was drawing people to him all the way through when he was here in this world. And umm, there was there's another time in John three. I'll just read it. You don't have to turn there, but.
The disciples of John came to John.
And they had a question.
Because they saw Jesus and he was his disciples were baptizing and he was getting more and more followers, more and more disciples were following Jesus. And the disciples of John said, what's going on here? Why are so many people following the Lord Jesus? And and so they said to him, just wanted to read this verse. It's they said.
Uh, Rabbi or teacher, he that was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou bearest witness, behold the same baptizeth, and all men come to him. So you see how the disciples of John knew.
That there was something with this man, the Lord Jesus, and just everybody was being attracted to him. And isn't that wonderful? Well, I wanna turn now to John chapter 10 and read a verse or two here and then I have a little illustration I wanna I wanna use.
John, Chapter 10.
And I guess I'll read.
Verse 14 I am the Good Shepherd and know my sheep and am known of mine. So who is speaking in this verse? Who is the Good Shepherd? That's right, the Lord Jesus, He's the shepherd and he has sheep and he knows them and they know him. And then down in verse.
And other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice.
And there shall be one. It should be translated flock and one shepherd. OK, so now I have some questions for you. Does anybody know what a fold is? What a sheepfold is?
Go ahead.
It's not exactly a bunch of sheep.
A bunch of sheep go into this this thing. What is a fold? Does anybody know?
It's like a pen. Exactly. So I have a sheepfold here that I made last night and I will, I will show it to you. It's like a, it's like a, a pen. Probably the walls will be made out of stone, but it took me a lot less time to draw a fence than stone walls. So, so you can see a fence all the way around, right. And the sheep are in this fold.
And so the Lord Jesus says that there is a fold. Does anybody know what this fold is that that the Lord Jesus is talking about? Does anybody know what it is? I'll give you a hint.
These see these wires here that are making up this fence. They have to keep the sheep in. Sometimes the sheep wanna go and they wanna do what they wanna do. But these wires, they have little sharp pointy pieces that stick out. And if the sheep goes too close, Ouch, the sheep will hit it and they'll come back in. Does anybody know what those wires are? What the what the fence is? Go ahead.
That's right, that's where the sheep live, and the fence is what is the job of the fence.
What does, what does the fence do very good. It keeps them in. And so this fence is gonna tell you children what it is. It's it's the Old Testament Scriptures, It's the law. So but before the Lord Jesus came, what his people had was a law and the law said.
Do this and don't do that. And this law was like this fence and it was keeping them in.
OK, and do you think that sheep always like to do what they're told?
No. Can anyone think of a verse that tells us that starts with all?
Anybody think of a verse? It's in Isaiah 53. It says all we like sheep have gone astray, and sheep just wanna go wherever they wanna go. And so I wanna show you that here.
And so I have, I have some things that we wanna show you.
And uh.
What I have here is some steel bulbs. OK.
And these are kind of like sheep, alright, and I'm gonna pour these.
Into the fold and we're going to see what happens. Do any any of your children want to come up so you can see? Go ahead. I really hope this works.
OK. All right, we'll start pouring them.
I think I'm going to take this off OK. It's going to come out slow.
What are they doing? Where are they going?
Going towards the fence, yeah.
We're all going towards the fence.
Why aren't they staying in the middle? Anyone know? That's right. They want to do what they want. Exactly. Finally I got this off. Oops. You lost a few, all right.
It's a lot of sheep and they're all going away from the middle.
They're getting as far away as they can from the middle, OK?
So now everyone stay right here, OK? Try not to touch, OK? I have something else here.
I need a volunteer.
Hold on, I have, I have two jobs. One is going to be hard, one is going to be very easy. Who wants to do the hard job? You have to be really quick.
Hey, how about you? OK, first of all, what are these?
The 10 commandments, right? These are tables of wood, but the real ones were made out of stone. I would like somebody to use these tables, these 10 commandments, try to get all these sheep to come back to the middle. OK, can you, can you go ahead and do that?
All right, let's see.
He says he knows how to do it.
How's it going?
Not that good. OK, yeah.
So. So what happened when we tried to bring him to the middle?
They just kept rolling back to the fence and that's what it is like when we try to.
When when we try to use these 10 commandments to try to make us do what God wants us to do. Because these 10 commandments tell us what God wants to do, but sheep just want to do what they want to do anyways. So can anyone think of a way to get these sheep to come into the middle?
A magnet. Good job.
OK, so who would like to try that method?
Umm, how about this boy over here? OK, you can go ahead and take that magnet and we'll see if you can.
And you can leave it together as one if you'd like. If you keep them together, you might be able to get them all on one.
And now are they rolling back to the fence? Now No.
Why aren't they rolling back to the fence?
Very good. Good job. You got them all to the middle. Very nice. OK, so we can all go and sit back down now in our seats.
So the Lord Jesus said that there was going to be not one, not one fold, but one flock. And what's the difference between a flock and a fold?
Go ahead. Wow. Very good, Very good. So she said it better than I could say it. OK.
So the Lord Jesus, when he came into this world, he became the Good Shepherd.
And so all the sheep now hear his voice and they follow him, just like all those steel balls rolled to the center were attracted to that magnet because they heard his voice, because he was the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for the sheep. And so this is the very simple lesson that I wanna, I wanna impress on you. And I realize this is not the simplest lesson, but.
You know when we come home from this conference, right? Let me go back home and it's Monday and we get home and we, we wake up, let's say with, with a headache or something like that. We wake up with a bad, a bad attitude and we want to do something that's that's not right. We want to say something that's mean or we want to disobey our parents. We don't want to do our chores they ask us to do.
You know, we need to think about the Bible that God has given us, not as a list of rules.
Because if we do that, it's gonna be like the boy who tried to hurt all the sheep with ease and that didn't work out right. Instead, what we need to do is think about the Lord Jesus, and you can think about Him and remember what He did for you.
Do you remember what the Lord Jesus did for you? He gave up everything. He suffered. He was nailed to that cross, and He suffered for your sins and He laid his. He laid his life down for you. And if you think about Him and appreciate what He did for you, then you know what? You're gonna find that you're gonna want to do the things He tells you to do. You're gonna want to do it just like those.
Sheep went right to the magnet because they they were attracted to the magnet. OK.
So that is the simple lesson that I wanted to present now before we close.
After this meeting, there's gonna be another meeting.
Does anyone know what that meeting is called? Go ahead, what is it?
Yeah, there's two meetings, but what's the second one called right before lunch? Go ahead.
It's not the gospel meeting.
Breaking of bread, very good. And we come to the breaking of bread meeting because we are coming to remember the Lord Jesus, OK?
And I just want to read another verse before I close in John 12 and verse.
32 This is the Lord Jesus speaking, and he said, And I, if I be lifted up, we'll draw all men unto me. And so the Lord Jesus, as the one who was lifted up on the cross, lifted up in death, is become the gathering center, and he is gathering everyone, all who believe on him.
To think about him and to remember him and I realized this verse is not exactly talking about the breaking of bread, but I'm just making that application that we come to remember the Lord Jesus because.
We love him because our hearts, like that magnet, are attracted to him.
And so we come and there are many here that will be breaking bread in the next meeting. And do you think that they're coming because they feel like they have to come or because they want to come? Maybe we should ask some of them. What do you think? So we asked Mr. Ruga, do you think we should ask Mr. Ruga, is he coming because he has to come or because he wants to come? What do you think? Let's ask him.
He wants to come. How about Mr. Highland?
Yeah, I think we could ask everyone here and they would agree that we come because we want to come because we're attracted to the Lord Jesus Christ.
OK, so with that we can close in prayer.
Loving God and our Father, we just thank Thee for the privilege this morning to have Thy word open. So read these few simple verses and to be reminded that our hearts are attracted to the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. We just pray for each of these children that first of all that they might come to Christ to be saved, to know Him as the Savior of sinners, and then to seek Him and follow after Him.
And stay close to his side all the days of their life. So we just pray this for each one of us. We thank Thee 2 for the privilege of remembering him and his death.
Having him before us, this person and his work, and may we always appreciate and enjoy that wonderful privilege. So we just pray these things and worthy and precious name of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.