August 16

John 14:3
“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that whore I am, there ye may be also” — John 14:33And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. (John 14:3).
THIS is the Lord’s word to His own redeemed ones. Such are destined to share with Him the joy and gladness of the Father’s house which is the eternal Home of all the heavenly saints. He who has gone to prepare this place of rest and unbroken fellowship is coming again in person to receive those purchased by His blood to Himself. Centuries have elapsed since the promise was given, “I will come again,” but He has not forgotten. Soon He will descend from heaven with an awakening shout and we who know Him as our Saviour and Lord shall be caught up to meet Him in the air.
“So I am watching quietly
Every day.
Whenever the sun shines brightly
I rise and say,
Surely it is the shining of His face,
And look unto the gate of His high place
Beyond the sea.
For I know He is corning shortly
To summon me.
And when a shadow fails across the window
Of my room,
Where I am working my appointed task,
I lift my head to watch the door and ask,
If He is come?
And the Spirit answers softly
In my home,
Only a few more shadows,
And He will come.’”
—B. M.