HOW terribly do they dishonor God who tell us that angels, apostles, the mother of Jesus, or other eminent saints, are necessary as go-betweens in order that we may receive of the Father! Even our Lord Jesus himself tells us the Father gives out of the love of His own heart. It is not necessary to have some one as a special pleader on our behalf. “The Father Himself loveth you.” How blessed to realize this, and so to go to Him with implicit confidence, assured that He delights to do for us everything that is consistent with His holy purpose and therefore which will be for our good.
“If you had been living when Christ was on earth,
And had met the Saviour kind,
What would you have asked Him to do for you,
Supposing you were stone blind?”
The child considered, and then replied, —
“I expect that, without doubt,
I’d have asked for a dog, with a collar and chain,
To lead me daily about.”
“And how often thus, in our faithless prayers,
We acknowledge with shamed surprise,
We have only asked for a dog and a chain,
When we might have had—opened eyes.”
—M. Colley.