
 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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BAKKE was a little girl who lived in India. Her father and mother were very poor and never sent her to school, so she could neither read nor write.
When her parents moved to another town they lived opposite a large home run by some Christian missionaries. Bakke saw many little girls going in and out of the house every day and wondered what they did in there. The little girls all seemed to be happy and nicely-dressed.
There was a board with some writing on it over the entrance to the big house but Bakke’s parents could not tell her what it said. Then one day her uncle came and he told them it read, “Mission School for Girls.” He said Bakke’s father should send her to the school to learn to read and write, but her father did not want her to become a Christian. However, he finally consented to her going though he hated Christians.
How glad was little Bakke to go to school with the other little girls. She learned to read and write, and she also learned about the Lord Jesus, who loves little boys and girls and came into this world to save sinners. She also learned many wonderful stories from the Bible.
One story Bakke liked especially was about the Good Samaritan who stopped to help a dying man along the side of the road. Though he was a stranger, he saved the man’s life. Bakke learned that the Good Samaritan is a picture of the Lord Jesus who though a heavenly Stranger shows kindness and love to lost and dying sinners. He gives them eternal life here and a home in heaven with Himself. Bakke thought, How unlike my people is the Good Samaritan, for my people only hate and even kill others.
The time came when Bakke’s father decided to move back to his old village, and Bakke was so sad when she had to leave school and all her kind friends. But before leaving she asked her teacher if she could have a Bible of her own to take with her. She said, “I want to read God’s Book every day.” Her teacher did give her a Bible and as she read it faithfully each day she learned more about the Lord Jesus. One day she asked Him to come into her heart, and He did. He gave her to realize that He had put all her sins away on the cross and she trusted Him as her Saviour. Now she was no more sad, but a bright happy little Christian who like her Saviour loved to show kindness to others.