Be Not Overcome of Evil.

WE are overcome of evil when we are under the mastery of its weight, when the mind cannot rise above the sense of tin evil of which we feel the pressure. Then Satan, the evil one, has an advantage over us. Then the believer has, as it were, the conscious enjoyment of the peace of God crushed out of heart and mind. It is not that we fail to believe the love which God ha: toward us, but, by reason of being overcome of evil, our misery is meat to us, as dust is to the serpent.
Let the power of the Lord but fill the soul, then what God is for us and Christ is to us will lift us up to work out God’s wishes respecting our circumstances in God’s way We shall not then be under the evil, but above it. We shall be walking with God, and when walking with Him we shall regard evil from the position of power―God’s presence.