"Behold, He Cometh With Clouds."

Revelation 1:7
THE Lord, whom scoffers scorn and slight,
Will shortly come again
With two-edg’d sword, when He will smite
Ungodly, sinful men.
No soul, not sheltered in the Lamb,
Can face that dreadful day;
For Jesus is the great I AM,
And over all hath sway.
When every eye the Lord shall see,
And judgment falls on men,
How will it fare, dear soul, with thee?
Oh! where wilt THOU be then?
When Balaam, with prophetic eye,
That day beheld with awe,
He knew that he should not be nigh
To HIM whose day he saw.
Sin’s wages He both loved and earned,
Rejecting truth and grace;
And they who Christ have scorned or spurned,
With woe shall see His face.
When every eye the Lord shall see,
And judgment falls on men,
How will it fare, dear soul, with thee?
Oh! where wilt THOU be then?
All kindreds of the earth shall wail—
Each tribe from pole to pole;
With terror shall the boldest quail,
And each unrighteous soul;
While they who’re Christ’s shall be with Him,
His holy image bear;
Have joy that overflows the brim,
And all His honors share.
When every eye the Lord shall see,
And judgment falls on men,
How will it fare, dear soul, with thee?
Oh! where wilt THOU be then?
That solemn day must come to pass;
Yea, soon it will be here,
And fall upon the faithless mass
Who will not heed and fear.
But now is Jesus on the throne,
And grace still shows to those
Who trust in Him, and Him alone,
Although they were His foes.
When every eye the Lord shall see,
And judgment falls on men,
How will it fare, dear soul, with thee?
Oh! where wilt THOU be then?