WE all know the pleasure of watching for the return of someone we love; and none know better than children do how delightful this is. With what shouts of joy do they hail the news of the quick return of their father or mother, or perhaps an absent brother or sister! How slowly the days seem to pass, and how often it is said, “Only a little time, and they will be here”! What eager faces are pressed against the window to catch the first sight of the coming one, and how quickly do the little feet run to open the door and get the first kiss!
Now, dear children, I want to talk to you of One who has told us that He is coming quickly, and for Whom we may all watch and wait every day. Take your Bibles and read the last verse but one,
Who is speaking here? Who is saying this, and saving it as if He knew there were those who would be rejoiced to hear it? Look back at verse 16. “I, Jesus.” Yes, it is the blessed Lord Jesus Himself who is coming, and coming quickly.
Will you be glad to see Him, and to welcome Him? Are you watching for Him? Can you say, as a little girl once said when reading a chapter in her Bible.
“How nice to think that we shall really see Jesus when He comes, and that He may come before we finish the chapter! Then, we should have nothing to do, but to catch up our Bibles and go to meet Him.”
But perhaps to some of you, this thought brings fear instead of joy? It may be with you as with another child, who said,
“Jesus may come today, but most likely it will not be till tomorrow.”
Why should there be this difference; why should you desire that the Lord Jesus should delay His coming for one day? Ah! I am afraid it is because you do not know Him; you do not believe His love to you; there, is something you prefer to Jesus, or you would long to see Him; you are not ready to meet Him.
Let me tell you a story to show how you, too, may be able to look forward with joy to the Lord’s coming.
A little boy was one day repeating the hymn beginning,
“There’s a home for little children, Above the bright blue sky.”
When he finished, he said, “I am going there some day; Jesus will take me when He comes.”
“For whom is Jesus coming?” he was asked. For a moment he paused, and then said,
“Jesus is coming for me.”
“But, Freddy, you know that happy home is a holy place, where no sin can enter; how can you be sure that you, who have often done naughty things, will be taken there when Jesus comes?” Again there was a pause, and then he answered? “Don’t you know Jesus came once to die for me, and He is coming again to take me home, and He will never let me drop.”
It made this little boy happy to think of this, for he was ready, and knew that the One who was coming was his Saviour; and you, too, will be able to watch for Jesus, if you come to Him now, and believe on Him as the One who has died to put your sins away. Then it will be your greatest joy to know that He may come today, and to seek to please Him in everything, as long as He leaves you here.
A little girl once said, “Jesus may come before we finish our lesson, so we must try to do it very well, for we should not like Him to come and find us idle.”
How nice it is to have this hope that Jesus is coming to take those who believe in Him to His own home above the bright blue sky, and while we are waiting for Him, to seek to please Him in all we do every day, “till He come”!
ML 10/25/1925