BEHOLD! the Lord forsaken,
Upon the shameful tree;
There, life from Him was taken,
To set the captives free;
He died beneath the pressure
Of God’s almighty hand,
That we―His hidden treasure―
Before the throne might stand.
Behold! the Lord arising
Out from the silent grave, ―
Oh, love all hearts surprising!
His enemies to save:
All those who now believe Him,
Are made God’s righteousness;
All those who now receive Him,
Eternal life possess.
Behold! the Lord ascended!
All power rests in His hand,
Which is in grace extended
O’er every people, land:
But soon that hand, uplifted,
In judgment shall descend;
Of those, who grace rejected,
Destruction is the end.
Behold! the Lord beseeching
In rich abounding grace!
His boundless love is reaching
To earth’s most distant place:
Oh, hear the voice now pleading,
And fix on Him faith’s eye;
Submit to His blest leading,―
Why, sinner, shouldst thou die?
G. W. P.