Ben was just a little African boy, and one day he asked the missionary, “Was Jesus a black man?”
“No, Ben,” replied his friend.
A cloud of disappointment came over Ben’s face, and as he turned away he said, “The white people have all the good things.”
But the missionary called him back and said, “Ben, the Lord Jesus lived in Palestine. That is in the Middle East. There the people have a complexion that is a little darker than we who live in the West, and lighter than yours. It is somewhat in between.”
A smile then lit up little Ben’s face and he joyfully exclaimed, “Then Jesus belongs to both of us, doesn’t He?”
“That is right, Ben,” said his friend. “Jesus belongs to people of all colors. Every one who receives Him as his Saviour belongs to Him, regardless of the color of their skin.”
Jesus died for little children;
All the children of the world—
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight;
Jesus died for all the children of the world.