Beware of Dogs

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
The Apostle says, “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.” He warns us to beware of religious teachers who make something of the flesh, who trust in it, or who trust in the works of the law. As the Jews called the Gentiles dogs, so does God the Spirit designate Jewish-minded teachers whose teaching exalts self. It may seem to be humility to seek in self something good, but such doctrine is the result of pride of heart. Beware of it, shun it; Christ and Christ only is the ground of confidence before God. Christ was crucified for us, and in His death is the condemnation of sin in the flesh by God. Christ is risen from the dead and is in heaven, and everyone who is in Christ is risen with Him. Faith lays hold of the fact that in Christ’s death is the divine judgment of what man is in himself, and hence faith abhors everything which in any way brings in self—either good self or bad—as worthy of the favor of God; and more, faith sees in Christ true righteousness and all that satisfies the will of God.