Bible Challenger-01-January V.02: A Never-Failing Regard the Lord has for His Own

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
The first letter of the following responses will form the word telling us of a never-failing regard the Lord has for each of His own.
1. The Lord's invitation to the heavy laden.
2. The risen Lord's comment to two wayfarers who found resurrection truths hard to believe.
3. Jesus' answer to His disbelieving brethren for not going to Judea.
4. Jesus' words to the assembled disciples on the evening of resurrection day.
5. Jesus' counsel to all who would bear fruit.
6. The Lord's unexpected answer to those who tempted Him about paying tribute.
7. What Jesus said to His disciples signifying of whom the kingdom of God is comprised.
8. Jesus' announcement for a world in darkness.
9. How did Jesus address the Pharisees and Sadducees in view of impending wrath?
How did the Lord Jesus conclude His prayer when contemplating the work of the cross?
What did Jesus tell those who doubted that He came from God the Father?
Answers to these questions will be found in next month's issue of Christian Treasury.
R. Erisman