Bible Challenger-04-April V.09: The Words Which Identified the One Having Noteworthy Eyes and …

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
The first letter of each of the following responses (Bible quotations with one or more words to complete) will form the words which identified the One having noteworthy eyes and feet, and who brought a singular message to a certain ancient church. [3] The number in brackets indicates the number of words in the answer.
1. "This is not unto death, but for the glory of God." [1]
2. "Who is he that the world, but he that believeth." [1]
3. "And that believing ye might have life through His [1]
4. "And the power of the Highest shall Thee." [1]
5. "Lo, I see loose, walking in the midst of the fire." [2]
6. 'Who loved me, and Himself for me." [1]
7. 'We have a law, and by our law He to die." [1]
8. "Saying, Thou that , and buildest it in three days." [3]
Answers to these questions will be found in the next issue of Christian Treasury.
R. Erisman