The first letter of each of the following responses will form the word that tells the manner in which we are to keep the precepts of the Lord.
1. Something the Israelites were promised to be free from in exchange for attentive ears.
2. That which is said to those seeking to please God when personal faith is wanting.
3. That which was done first when the woman of the parable discovered her lack.
4. One word that describes how a certain man, said to be eloquent and fervent, was prepared for his ministry.
5. Something for which the one who procureth favor is ever watchful.
6. Something all who love the Lord should surely seek to follow, but here spoken to certain women.
7. The desire of an apostle for a lawyer and his companion to ease their journey.
8. Something that a root of bitterness, if allowed to flourish, may cause, leading to defilement.
9. One of four physical attitudes that are daily assured, that would be an opportunity for parents in Israel to instruct their children.
10. Someone whom a troubled king requested wise men to find that he might be a worshipper. Answers to these questions will be found in next month's issue of Christian Treasury.
R. Erisman