Bible Challenger-05-May V.07: The Spiritual Possessions of All Christians Enjoyed by Faith

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
The first letter of each of the following responses will form the word describing the spiritual possessions of all Christians which now can only be enjoyed by faith in heavenly places. [The number in brackets indicates the number of words in the answer.]
1. A near relative who through subtlety took away a valuable heritage from another. [1]
2. Something from the south given to a daughter who later received things upper and nether. [1]
3. That which drinketh oft, thereby richly rewarding the dressers thereof. [1]
4. A repository into which those who deposit according to the divine formula are promised heavenly dividends. [1]
5. A heart activity in some widows to former acts of kindness by one who now was overcome by his own grief. [3]
6. God's mathematical promise to an old man comparing his future progeny to stars and sand. [5]
7. Something, though negative, is really quite positive when added to that which maketh rich. [2]
8. A mountain close to Mt. Ebal having particular significance to the Israelites when they were brought into the land of promise. [1]
9. A promise of something to come down seasonally when the Israelites are brought into their millennial land. [3]
Answers to these questions will be found in the next issue of Christian Treasury. R. Erisman