The first letter of each of the following responses will form the three words which describe the striking appearance of the raiment worn by a late-night visitor to some negligent “keepers.” [3] The number in brackets indicates the number of words in each answer.
1. A part of the diet of one who wore raiment of camel’s hair. [2]
2. That which four diseased men did upon discovering a vast store of gold, silver and raiment. [2]
3. In New Testament times, where did one expect to find soft raiment worn? [3]
4. The number of raiment changes a certain army captain carried into a foreign country. [1]
5. The way a beautiful queen felt when she decided to send new raiment to her sackcloth-clothed uncle. [2]
6. The place where Christians should be mindful that respect of persons on the basis of raiment worn is unchristian. [1]
7. A manly routine accomplished by a prisoner (who also changed his raiment) before coming into the presence of a monarch. [2]
8. The celestial phenomenon which served as a time schedule for an Israelite to return the raiment that had been taken as a pledge. [3]
9. Of whom were certain women instructed to borrow precious jewels and raiment before making a hasty departure? [1]
10. The word that signifies a personal victory had been achieved by those that will receive white raiment as a reward. [1]
11. That which was said of the raiment which certain people had worn continually for forty years. [3]
Answers to these questions will be found in the next issue of Christian Shepherd.
R. Erisman