Numbers 18
AARON and his sons, the priests, being the only ones to go into the holy place, were to be very careful that their ways were such as suited the presence of God.
Then their food is spoken of, —whatever in the offering of Christ, in His life and death, is precious—is the food of those who are priests. And this food is to be eaten only in the holy place.
How important is it that Christians, whether young or old, should be very watchful in everything in their lives, to seek to do only the things that please God. And it is true that if the believer is to grow in his spiritual life he must be fed with the Word of God; he must read, prayerfully and thoughtfully read, his Bible daily. Neglect of the Word of God is the cause of most of the unhappiness and worldliness and sin among the children of God.
There was food for others than the priests too, for all the family of God was to be provided for. All true believers are priests, to offer up spiritual sacrifices to God; they are also members of the family of God—children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. So we who are His, are looked at as priests, and as children of God, and those who serve the Lord are specially mentioned, too.
ML 03/09/1924