Bible Lessons

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
Listen from:
Psalm 77.
This psalm and Psalm 73 are the musings of an exercised, afflicted soul; in the latter he considers the ways of God in connection with the wicked, his enemies, but in Psalm 77 he is learning about God’s way with himself; both are needed lessons. It is through deep exercise of soul in the presence of God that the believer learns and is blessed.
Verses 1 to 3 (as often) show the suspect of the psalm; deep distress leads to a cry to God who will give ear to the suppliant. He thinks of the days long past (verse 5); happy days, when the loving kindness of God was known. Then was Israel enjoying God’s favor, but now is the day of trouble. Overwhelmed with grief, the question is raised, Will the Lord cast off forever? Will He be favorable no more? Hath God forgotten to be gracious, or hath He in anger shut up His tender mercies? Such thoughts are not of faith, and in verse 10 they are owned.
Instead of occupying his mind with thoughts of unbelief, the psalmist will meditate upon all God’s work and upon His doing (verse 12). The result is seen in verse 13, “O God, Thy way is in the sanctuary;” that is, He deals with His children according to His own nature, and having before Him their real state, inwardly.
Verse 19 views the same subject from another angle; if man in his own natural thoughts will judge what He does, it must be to acknowledge that God’s ways are in the sea, His footsteps are not known, —they cannot be traced by man.
The believer is privileged to know Him in the holy place, but it requires a guarded, watchful, self-distrustful habit of life, occupation with the Word of God and prayer, to thus know Him and understand His “way”. What an incalculable blessing He has made possible for the believer! May we all seek more earnestly to realize the portion thus offered to us.
ML 03/08/1931