The Children’s Class
1. “They looked steadfastly toward heaven.”
2. “There came a sound from heaven.”
3. “I will show wonders in heaven.”
4. “Whom the heaven must receive.”
5. “None other name under heaven.”
6. “Heaven is my throne.”
7. “I see the heavens opened.”
The Mind
1. What does Scripture say of those whose MINDS ARE REPROBATE (void of judgment)? Rom.
2. What class of people have DEFILED MINDS? Titus.
3. When the Apostle Paul preached the gospel at Berea, what was received with READINESS OF MIND? Acts 17.
4. What should characterize those having RENEWED MINDS? Eph. 4.
5. What one thing is alone able to KEEP OUR MINDS? Phil. 4.
6. What will be our relationship toward others if we have HUMBLENESS OF MIND? Col. 3.
7. What wrong thoughts do those with CORRUPT MINDS have concerning godliness? 1 Tim. 6.