1. What does God say about a man, or an angel, who preaches any other gospel?
2. Who did Paul say “loved me, and gave Hielf for me?”
3. What does God say of those who are of the works of the law?
4. How do we become the children of God?
5. What does the Spirit of God in our hearts teach us to say?
6. How should we serve one another?
7. To whom should we seek to do good?
The Young People’s Class
1. What kind of an offering did Cain offer to the Lord? Did the Lord accept it? Genesis 4.
2. What does God say of those who, leaving out the blood, go on in the way of Cain? Jude.
3. What kind of an offering did Abel offer to the Lord? Did the Lord accept it? Genesis 4.
4. Did Abel “obtain witness that he was righous” by his good life, or by his sacrifice? Hebrews.
5. What came upon Coin because he had shed Abel’s blood? Genesis 4.
6. Whose blood speaks better things (pardon and blessing) than Abel’s, to those who believe? Hebrews 12.
7. Were those who rejected Christ when He was here, held responsible for what their fathers had done, even as far back as the time of Abel? Luke 11.
ML 06/06/1954