Bible Questions for May

Listen from:
The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, or Jude.
1.“All their hard speeches.”
2.“Turn from the holy commandment.”
3.“Love not the world.”
4.“The world knoweth us not.”
5.“Reserved unto fire.”
6. “That ye may know.”
7. “The blood of Jesus Christ.”
The Young People’s Class Wisdom
We are living in days when great stress is being laid upon education and the acquiring of the wisdom of this world. We would like to put still greater stress upon a much greater need—the acquiring of a knowledge of the Word of God. Here, and here alone, true wisdom—God’s wisdom—is found by the diligent seeker.
When Paul, inspired by the Spirit of God, was writing to the wise Greeks who lived in. Corinth long ago, he said a good deal about the wisdom of this world, and also about the wisdom of God. He showed that all man’s wisdom did not enable him to know God, or even lead him nearer to God. If man is to know God, God must reveal Himself, and this He has done in Christ.
But the sad part is that man—the natural man—does not want this wisdom. It is foolishness to him, and it is not until God opens his eyes when he accepts Christ as his Saviour that he can understand God’s wisdom. It is so far beyond the natural man that the most brilliant intellect can never discover it, but the moment a man is saved and indwelt by the Spirit of God the Bible becomes a new book to him. It was once like a. sealed hook, but now every page shines with divine wisdom. O that we who are saved were more diligent in acquiring this blessed wisdom which will abide forever, while all the rest upon which we may spend many years of study will soon pass away.
1.What is the beginning of wisdom? Proverbs 9.
2.Where are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden? Colossians.
3.How can we get wisdom for our path? James.
4.Did Paul preach with wisdom of words? 1 Corinthians.
5.What was to be the secret of Israel’s wisdom in the sight of the nations? Deuteronomy 4.
6.What must one be in order to win souls? Proverbs 11.
7.What does God say of the wisdom of this world? 1 Corinthians.
ML 05/07/1950