Messages of God's Love: 1950
Table of Contents
Bible Questions for January
The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in First and Second Timothy.
1. “The Lord knoweth them that are His.”
2. “Thou hast known the holy Scriptures.”
3. “The love of money is the root.”
4. “Adorn themselves in modest apparel.”
5. “Not according to our works.”
6. “Worthy of all acceptation.”
7. “Thou oughtest to behave thyself.”
The Young People’s Class: Worship
The Father seeks worshipers, not worship only. (See Question 4.) If He wanted worship He could make all the stories cry out and sing His praises (Luke 19:40), but He wants the worship of redeemed hearts. Therefore only a saved person can worship. An unsaved man cannot worship God, for “They that are in the flesh cannot please God.” Romans 8:8. There must be living faith before there can be true worship, like the blind man in John 9 who first said, “Lord, I believe,” and then he worshiped Him immediately.
Unsaved people are often invited to “Come and worship with us,” but such worship is not acceptable to God (Matt. 15:8), for it is not “in Spirit and in truth.” The very first thing that anyone can do to please God is to take his place as a sinner and accept Christ as his Saviour.
Even some Christians are not fully aware of what worship is. They love the Lord, but they are occupied with what they are doing, and with their blessings, instead of with their Blesser. We worship God for what He is as revealed in Christ and there is nothing sweeter to the ear of God the Father than to hear His Son exalted, “That in all things He might have the preeminence.” (Col. 1:18.) We can and do thank Him for what He has done, but what a privilege to sit around the Lord’s table and worship Him for what He is, in all the loveliness of His Person, and for how He has glorified God in His wonderful work on Calvary. Since the Father seeks worshipers, let us count it a great privilege—far greater than any service—just to worship Him according to His mind and Word.
1.Should we worship anyone but God? Matthew 4.
2. Was John allowed to worship an angel? Rev. 29.
3. Did Peter allow Cornelius to bow down to him, or worship him? Acts 10.
4. How should we worship the Father? John.
5. Did Abraham take his servants to worship with him? Genesis 22.
6. Could the seventy elders draw near in worship? Exodus 24.
7. Can we, if cleansed in the blood of Christ, draw near? Hebrews.
ML 01/01/1950
A Doubtful Present
Jimmie worked on a beautiful estate, the owner of which was a Christian, and one who honored the Lord with his substance. Every day he gathered together all the members of the household and read the Word of God to them, and at the time of this story all his family and servants, except Jimmie, had heeded the warning in God’s Word, and accepted Christ as their Saviour.
One day his master called the boy to him, and said he wanted to give him a present. Jimmie of course was quite delighted, and the man went on to say that he would give him his beautiful home and grounds,
Jimmie was speechless but his face showed the pleasure and surprise he felt, Then he was reminded that one day, perhaps very soon, the Lord Jesus would cane and, giving a shout, call all those who had taken Him, in simple faith as their Saviour, up to be with Himself forever.
“And,” said his master, “as everyone here will be gone, you may then have all that we leave behind.”
“Thank you very, very much, sir,” said the overjoyed Jimmie, and as he went back to his work he began to dream of the day when all these riches would be his own.
In the middle of the night the master was disturbed by a noise at his door. As he listened, wondering, there was a knock, and he called, “Who’s there?” “Please, sir, it’s me, it’s Jimmie,” said a frightened voice. “May I speak to you at once, sir?”
“Certainly, I’ll he right out, Jimmie,” he responded, guessing the reason he was wanted.
He led the boy to a nearby couch, and waited for him to speak.
“Oh, sir,” he burst out, “I don’t want it—I don’t want it.”
“But why, Jimmie, did you wake me up in the middle of the night to tell me so?” his master asked.
“Because, sir, I was afraid Jesus would come before morning and I’d be left behind—I’m not ready to go.”
Once again Jimmie was told of God’s love in sending His Son down into this world to die for sinners, and that if he would take his place as a lost, guilty sinner, and accept the Lord Jesus Christ—the One who died in his stead—as his own Saviour, he would be made white and clean, fit for the Lord’s presence.
Jimmie did so at once and, kneeling by his master’s side, he told the Lord what a sinner he had been, and sought forgiveness and pardon through the blood of Christ. He rose from his knees with a look of peace on his face. When asked, “What if Jesus should come bore morning?” he replied, “Oh, sir, I’d go with you all to be with Him who died for me!”
And how about you, dear reader? If your sins have not been washed away, do he warned by Jimmie’s story, and own them at once, accepting, Jesus as your own Saviour.
ML 01/01/1950
The Unwanted Book
Have you a Bible? If so, do you read it? The Bible, you know, is God’s message to you, and He wants you to read it.
I heard of a man in Morocco who bought a Bible, but he didn’t read it—he only bought it to help the colporteur who was selling them! It was left lying around his home, and at last was picked up by a visitor, who, finding it was not wanted there, took it home to read it herself.
She soon found it had a message for her, and going to a Christian man nearby, asked him to help her understand it. Together they read the Word of God, and she heard fur the first time of God’s love to ruined man, and of His sending His Son into the world to die for sinners. She saw too, what a sinner she was in God’s sight, and that if she wished to be made fit for His presence, she must take His offered gift of salvation through faith in Christ. This she did and was soon rejoicing in her Saviour.
She could not keep such good news to herself, and soon several others of her family were brought to know the Lord.
“Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee.” Mark 5:19.
ML 01/01/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 26:31-33.
We now come to the veil of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, with the cherubim worked upon it, which hung up between the holy place and the most holy place. Only the high priest, and then but once a year, could go into the most holy place. Then too, there were very definite instructions as to how he was to go in, for the most holy place was where God dwelt, and the way into His presence was not yet made manifest until the Lord Jesus had accomplished redemption. (Heb. 9:8.) As soon as He had said “It is finished” on the cross, then the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom and now God can come out in the fullness of blessing, and man can go in cleansed by the precious blood of Christ.
We are not left to our own thoughts as to what this veil typifies. Hebrews 10:21 tells us that it typifies His (Christ’s) flesh. That is, it is Himself as man down here. His perfect, sinless life displayed the heavenly color (blue), and then too, He was the rightful, though rejected, King (the scarlet), He was thus the heavenly One and the rightful ruler of earth at the same time for the purple is a blending of blue and scarlet, and then the fine twined linen speaks of His moral glory—that perfection which was seen in His every action and in His every word. He could not be less than what He was, perfect, and therefore His moral glory could not be hid.
But there was no approach to God through the LIFE of Christ. His perfect life only condemned us, and like the veil rose up before us to show how utterly unfit and unworthy we were in ourselves to be in. His presence. Before we could approach God the veil must be rent—Christ must die. In the Old Testament the high priest approached through the veil with the blood of a sacrifice, which God accepted for the time in view of the work of His Son, but the veil was never rent and the sacrifice had to be offered again every year. However, as soon as Christ had finished the work of redemption, the veil was rent, for He has obtained “eternal redemption for us.” Dear reader, do not try to approach God in any other way than through the work of His Son, but if you are relying upon what He has done, you are “perfected forever.” (Hebrews 10:14.)
This beautiful veil was hung by hooks of gold upon four pillars of shittim wood overlaid with gold. The pillars, like the boards of the tabernacle, stood in sockets of silver. Four in the Bible is used to symbolize the whole world, for we find such expressions as “the four corners of the earth” and “the four winds” and others. Now these four pillars would no doubt tell us how the work of Christ has opened up a way of blessing for the whole world. (1 John 2:2.) It would, perhaps, also bring before us our privilege as worshiper’s. The redeemed from every nation have the privilege of drawing near upon redemption ground, like the sockets of silver, and as conscious too that we are made the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Cor. 5:21). Then, like the pillars overlaid with gold, we can “hold up the veil.” This is exactly what true worship is. It is to present Christ to God in all the loveliness of His Person and work. This is the privilege of every believer, for every believer is a priest. (1 Peter 2:9.)
ML 01/01/1950
A Letter for Me
Is there a letter for me?” Many little boys and girls have asked the — question Tommy-asked that day. A letter for Tommy was a matter of some importance, especially since Daddy was away and the letter was almost sure to be from him.
Mother looked the letters over carefully, for Tommy was not quite old enough to be trusted. His initials were much like Daddy’s, and we have to be careful not to open other people’s mail, you know. All the letters had the same last name, but it was the initials that made the difference. Yes, there was a letter for Tommy, and there was a real dollar in it too. Tommy loved Daddy, not just for that, but for lots of things.
Do you know what your initials are? Your last name is “Sinner,” of course, because God says that “all have sinned,” and if your name is not Sinner, then God has no letter for you at all. But it’s the initials that make the difference, and I think you will find your initials in John 1:11,12, which speaks of Jesus coming into the world. First, “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.” Their initials were R. H. N. because they “received Him not.” There is nothing in their letter except sorrow and judgment, so sad that Jesus wept when He spoke about it.
Second, “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” Their initials are R. H. because they “received Him,” and in their letter is the power (or title) to become the sons of God. Now they love the Father, because He first loved them.
My reader, which initials are yours, R. H. N. or R. H.? Have you the right to call yourself one of God’s very own children? Are you ready to be at home in the Father’s house? Remember, it is only through receiving Jesus as your Saviour that you can claim this verse as a message from God to yourself.
ML 01/08/1950
Golden Lotus
Two elephants had just arrived at the pagoda with its golden tower situated on the edge of a thick jungle forest in Indo-China. Out of the palanquin of one of the elephants, a princess and her little daughter dismounted with their ayah (nurse). The princess and the little girl were dressed in costly silk garments, decked with jewels. The young child, about six years old, had the same beautiful, sweet features as her mother. She put her hands into those of her mother and the nurse, chatting happily, hut the eyes of the two women were full of tears. An old priest, nearly a hundred years of age, with snow white beard, welcomed the guests with great, respect and then waited in silence.
The princess said: “My father, the gods have heard our prayers and have given us two sons, therefore in gratitude my husband and I are going to consecrate our little daughter to the service of the temple to be an apsaras. Be kind to her for she is a sweet, loving child, and it breaks my heart to sacrifice her.” The old man only groaned instead of answering, rang a little bell, and a Chinese nun with hard features appeared and took the child away by the hand. As soon as she found out that she was to be separated from her dear mother, she began to scream pitifully, and so the nun dragged her into the interior of the pagoda. With aching hearts the two women mounted their elephants and soon disappeared in the dense forest. The sacrifice had been accomplished.
There were about a dozen other girls in the pagoda, consecrated to be apsarases. They had to dance before the gods and to recite the long story of the idol Rama. The young child soon learned it to perfection because she was graceful. and intelligent. The old priest was very kind to her and gave her the name of Golden Lotus. He also taught her to read and write. He lived in a cell in the temple of Angkor nearby. It was a magnificent building, and although half in ruins, it was still very beautiful. Golden Lotus was not afraid to go there. She did not mind the many bats, snakes, and spiders of winch the ancient place was full, and often would. kneel alone for a long time before the giant statue of Buddha. But she found no satisfaction in all these religious ceremonies and was afraid of the many ugly idols with fierce faces and threatening swords in their hands. Often when she was sitting with her little hand in that of the old priest’s at the gate of the temple under the starlit sky, she would wonder whether there was not a kind God above the stars who loved His worshipers.
The princess visited her daughter. regularly. When she wanted to give the old man a present for all his kindness to the child, he refused it saying: “I do not need anything, I only want peace. May the gods give it to me before I die, I am afraid of hell and the evil spirits.” Once the princess brought, her little girl a dog, called. Suko (comfort), which made her very happy. Golden Lotus was now twelve years old.
One day the mother came with a happy, peaceful face and gave her daughter a little book asking her to read it carefully, because it would tell her about the only true God and His Son, the Saviour Jesus Christ, who loves us and has given His life to save us. She told the child how their nurse had first heard these glad tidings from the lips of white missionaries, and believing she had found peace. Through her testimony the princess was also won, and was now saved and happy in the Saviour who had died for her sins on the cross. She was very much concerned that her daughter might become a Christian too.
ML 01/08/1950
Do You Read Your Bible?
Some time ago a group of boys had gathered in our home to trade postage stamps. They were very lively boys, and we always enjoyed their visits. At such times we always sought to tell them of the Saviour’s love in dying for sinners. We asked each boy to quote a verse from the Bible, and some of them had a lot of trouble in remembering any verse at all. One night, just as they were leaving, I asked them how many of them read their Bibles. They looked at one another and then two or three hands went up. I was disappointed, for they were bright boys and 1 knew they all could read very well. Then I asked them how many of them read comic books, and every hand went up at once!
Dear young reader, the Bible says, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.” Matt. 24: 35.
Not long ago we heard of a dear Russian Christian who started on a journey to China. As he went from place to place he found that very few people had Bibles of their own, and they were so glad to hear God’s Word that they asked him if he could spare them at least a page. or two for them to keep and read. Bibles are very hard to get in Russia, so this dear Christian man did as they asked him. When he at last arrived in China he had nothing left but the covers! Every page had gone to those hungry people whom he had met along the way. They were hungry for the Word of God! if we could visit that part of Russia and Siberia today, I am sure we would find these treasured pages read and reread and passed around by those who, in spite of much persecution, love God’s Word and treasure it.
I hope that every boy and girl who reads this paper will begin today to read God’s Word.
“Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven.” Psalm 119:89.
ML 01/08/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 26:34-37
The beautiful veil of which we spoke last week separated between the holy place and the most holy. In the most holy place there were but two things—the ark and the mercy seat on top of it. In the holy place there were three things: the table of showbread, the candlestick, and the altar of incense (although this has not, yet been mentioned). Now, since the veil has been rent, we as believers can enjoy them all, in perfect liberty as purged worshipers.
There was also a hanging for the door of the tabernacle, made of the same materials as the veil, except that there were no cherubim wrought upon it. Then too, it was held up by five pillars instead of four (as for the veil inside the tabernacle), and these pillars stood in sockets of brass instead of silver.
It is as holy priests that we draw near in worship (1 Peter 2:5), but it is as royal priests that we serve the Lord (1 Peter 2:9), and just as these five pillars held up the outer hanging of the tabernacle which met the eye of those outside, so it is our privilege to “show forth the praises of Him who hath called (us) out of darkness into His marvelous light.” It is in confessed weakness, like the five pillars, but it should ever be in the sense and joy of our place in Christ, for the pillars were overlaid with gold. Then too, just as these pillars stood in sockets of brass, we need to have the sentence of death in ourselves, for brass speaks of the judgment of sin as seen at the brazen altar (for us at the cross).
These five pillars, though they symbolized weakness, yet they held up that beautiful hanging. May this be a lesson for an of us who preach the gospel, and for all, whether young or old, who try to point others to Christ. Let us not speak of ourselves, or even he occupied with expounding deep truth to the unsaved. Let us hold up the veil— let us speak of the beauties and glories of Christ and seek to attract sinners to Him. This is what, is needed today, for there is nothing sweeter than a powerful message, wherein Christ is presented to the lost from a full heart. Remember the woman of Sychar’s well: her message was “Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did.” The blind man whose eyes were opened at the pool of Siloam said, “Will ye also be His disciples?” Philip, the evangelist, preached CHRIST to the Samaritans, and Paul was determined to know nothing among the Corinthians “save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” Oh, for more of this in our Sunday schools, from our platforms, and in our conversation with our friends. Let us always present CHRIST to the lost.
We have noticed too, that this hanging did not have cherubim. (judgment) wrought upon it, for the Lord Jesus did not come to condemn the world—He came to save. Some day He will appear as the Judge, but He came first as the Saviour, and this is still the day of His grace. While we must warn of coming judgment, let us extol the precious name of Christ as Saviour, remembering that the Scripture tells us that “the goodness of God leadeth ... to repentance.” Romans 2:4.
ML 01/08/1950
"He'll Shout for Me Too"
John was only a little lad, and wherever Mother was, John was always there too. After baby sister was tucked into her little crib he pulled up a chair to watch Mother wash the dishes—and maybe help a bit too.
Suddenly there was the shrill whistle of a fire engine and John was startled. Is it whistle in sky?” he asked Mother. So Mother explained that it was only a fire engine rushing by, and then went on to tell her little son how some day, perhaps very soon, there would be a big shout in the sky because Jesus would come for all who loved Him and whose sins were washed away in His precious blood.
“Don’t want Him to shout,’’ said little John, looking troubled.
So simply and tenderly Mother told her little son how Jesus loved him and had died for him on the cross, and that now He wanted to make his naughty little heart clean and white, if he would only ask Him to come in.
“I’m going now, Mammy,” said little John, and he stepped down from his chair and went to another room where he knelt quietly with his hands over his eyes. Soon he came back again saying, “I did, Mommy, I did.”
“What did you ask Him?” said Mother putting her arms around him.
“Wash all my sins away,” said little John, and then added with a happy little smile, “He’ll shout for me too, Mommy.”
Dear boy, or girl, can you say like little John, “He’ll shout for me too”? If not, why not come to Him now?
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
ML 01/15/1950
Golden Lotus
(Continued from January 8)
One day the old priest saw Golden Lotus reading in the little book and questioned her about it. She told him all she knew about the Lord Jesus and he wanted to read the book for himself, for he said: “I want peace.” Golden Lotus lent him the book. He returned it after several days, having copied the most important parts. He said: “If this book is true, then Jesus is the One who gives peace forever. Our idols are not able to give us eternal peace.”
One day Golden Lotus was told that her mother wanted to see her. One of the first questions her mother asked was, “What do you think about the Lord Jesus?” The child answered, “He is my Saviour and Friend,” The mother was overwhelmed with joy, but she said, “If you are a disciple of Jesus, then you must not stay in this temple of demons worshiping idols any longer, I did not know any better when I brought you here, but now you must flee from this terrible place. In the night of the full moon you must go. You have to go alone through the thick forest by night. Let neither tiredness nor fear prevent you from going forward. Here is a basket with provisions and take Suko with you, for the little dog will be a help to you. At the other end of the forest the missionary friends are awaiting you to take you to the “Jesus Hall.” Are you going to undertake this journey?”
“Yes, Mother,” said Golden Lotus, “the Lord Jesus will help me. Better to die than to displease the Lord.”
“We shall pray for you, my child,” said her mother, and then she left with a trembling heart. Would she ever see her child again?
When the old priest met Golden Lotus, he said: “You are going away.” The child was astonished. But he continued: “I approve of it, you have to flee, you cannot live the guilty life of a dancing girl of the temple. I myself believe now in the Lord Jesus. He has pardoned my many sins, taken all my fears away and has given me peace. I cannot accompany you; I am too old. I shall pray for you the whole night of your journey.”
“Bless me,” said the child.
The old man placed his hands on the bowed head of the young girl and said; “The Lord Jesus who is your Saviour and mine keep you on your dangerous journey which you undertake out of love to Hien., Go in peace, any daughter.”
Toward evening Golden Lotus went into the temple and took off her beautiful apsaras garments embroidered with gold and decked with precious stones; also her jewelry, arm-rings and the glittering headdress, and put on a simple frock of a country girl. Then she knelt down and asked her heavenly Friend to bring her safe to the Jesus Hall.
She entered the dark forest by a small pathway which led to a village. The jungle which was silent during the day was now all awake. The trees cracked under the feet of the elephants, the harts brayed, there was the cry of the tiger and the grumbling of the wild buffaloes. Golden Lotus was used to these sounds, having lived so near the forest, but after venturing a few yards into the darkness, a great terror overcame her. She was tempted to return. Looking back she saw the feeble light of the temple.
ML 01/15/1950
The Spider's Web
Mr. Grasshopper was caught in a spider’s web! Perhaps you always think of a spider’s web as something which catches only flies and bugs, but this web was a bit different. It was built like a funnel right over a hole in the ground. The grasshopper was very strong, and when he found that he was caught he gave a couple of very strong kicks with his powerful back legs—but he was still caught.
Soon a big black spider came crawling out of the dark hole. Across the web he came, right up to the struggling grasshopper and stung him! Then he bucked away and waited a while, and crawled up and stung him again.
Of course those stings hurt, and soon that grasshopper began to feel strange and weak and he could hardly kick anymore!
However, someone else was watching the struggles besides the spider. A lady had noticed all that had happened and she knew Mr. Grasshopper could not get away. So right then, before the spider could crawl up and sting a third time, she reached right into the web and pulled the struggling insect out and placed him on the ground.
Mr. Grasshopper’s first hop was a little weak, but each hop was stronger and longer as he hurried far away from that web.
Is there anyone who can reach down and save boys and girls out of Satan’s web of sin? They cannot save themselves for Satan is much too strong and knows just how to tangle each one up in his web. Is there anyone who can save sinners?
I think you know the answer—it is the Lord Jesus.
“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither is His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1.
Every boy and girl needs the Lord Jesus as Saviour, and He, like that lady, is watching boys and girls, waiting and ready to save them. But some boys and girls will not let Him rescue them from the web of sin. Why not call upon Him now in your need, dear reader, and He will save you at once?
“This is a faithful saving, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15.
ML 01/15/1950
Faith is a very simple thing,
Though little understood;
It frees the soul from death’s dread sting,
By resting on the blood.
It looks not on the things around,
Nor on the things within;
It takes its flight to scenes above,
Beyond the sphere of sin.
It sees upon the throne of God
A victim that was slain;
It rests its all on His shed blood,
And says, “I’m born again.”
Faith is not what we see or feel,
It is a simple trust
In what the God of love has said
Of Jesus as the Just.
ML 01/15/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 27:1-8
As soon as one entered the court of the tabernacle the first thing he came to was the brazen altar, and here we find the instructions which God gave to Moses for making it. There could never be any approach to God except through a sacrifice, and it was upon this altar of brass that the sacrifice was to be offered.
It was to be five cubits long and five cubits broad. Five, as we have remarked before, speaks of weakness, and surely this would bring to our minds a verse in 2 Corinthians 13:4. It says, “Though He (Christ) was crucified through weakness, yet He liveth by the power of God.” God, as God, could not die, so the Lord Jesus, the Son of God, became a man so that He could die for us. What wondrous love! The altar was foursquare, we are told, as though God delighted to remind us that the work of redemption is for “whosoever will” out of any nation under heaven. This makes us think of the heavenly city which is also foursquare. There the redeemed from all nations will join to sing about the precious blood by which they have been brought into it (Rev. 5:9.) Dear reader, will you be there?
The height of the altar was three cubits. Three in the Bible brings before us complete testimony, for “In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.” Matt. 18:16. God has given perfect witness to the fact that He is satisfied with the work of His Son, for He has raised Him from the dead and seated Him, at His own right hand in glory. He bore the full heat of God’s judgment against sin, for just as this particular metal used for the altar was one which could stand extreme heat, so we hear the Lord Jesus saying prophetically, “Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto My sorrow; which is done unto Me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted Me in the day of His fierce anger.” Lam. 1:12. We shall never fully know what it cost the Lord Jesus to “bear our sins in His own body on the tree,” but faith rejoices in the testimony God has given as to His acceptance of the work which His Son has accomplished.
God would never have us forget the awful judgment of sin, however, and so everything connected with the altar was also to be made of brass. The pans, the shovels, the flesh hooks, and all the necessary things for its use were all of brass. How often the truth of this is passed over or forgotten today, and people attempt to approach God through works of their own. What a solemn day of reckoning is coming for them, when with few sins or many, they stand before God to be “judged according to their works.” We who are saved, know that judgment is passed for us. It took place at Calvary, and we rejoice in our present perfect standing in Christ.
The horns of the altar were the means by which the sacrifice was tied to the altar—there was no escape. The Lord Jesus’ strength, like the ram caught by his horns (Gen. 22:13), was devoted in obedience even unto death. The staves in the side were used to carry it from place to place in the wilderness, and so may we ever carry with us the sense of what the Lord has done for us at Calvary.
ML 01/15/1950
Poor Old Mr. James
Winter was coming on. Already the cold winds rattled the windows where poor old Mr. James lived. The old man sighed bitterly.
“It’s all right for folks that have money,” he said, “but no one wants a penniless old man like me. I know my nephew would rather I did not come to live with him, but I can’t help it. I’m starving to death here.”
Grumbling to himself, Mr. James packed his few belongings in to a small trunk, then took a last look about his lonely home. His eyes fell upon a large beautifully-bound Bible, which he picked up with another grumble, “If only my Uncle John had left me something better than this,” he said bitterly. “He was rich enough, and I had reason to expect a good share when he died. He promised me so.”
The old man’s goods were packed, but the wagon had not yet come to take him to the station, so he sat down to while away the time with the old Book. He blew the dust off its cover, and slowly turned the pages. I cannot tell you what scriptures he read, but I well know the power of this Book, the living and powerful Word of God. Old Mr. James used to say that we are all sinners, but now in the presence of God, he saw that he himself was a sinner. He read of One, even God, who gave His only begotten Son, that old Mr. James might have everlasting life. He forgot the time and the cold winds and the empty purse as he read, with tears in his eyes, the very words of God. He found that the blood of Christ could cleanse away all his sins and his soul was filled with the peace of forgiveness. Rich old Mr. James!
“No wonder Uncle John loved it,” he murmured, as he turned another page. And there, to his astonished gaze, lay a note for a large sum of money.
“I’ve lived on the poorest of fare all these years,” he mourned. “I’ve been cold and all but starving. This treasure was here for me all the time and I never knew it.”
The wasted years never came back, but I scarcely need to tell you that he and his big Bible brought joy and not sorrow to his nephew’s house, and his nephew’s children.
Perhaps my reader is like one of the little nephews and nieces who crowded around the great-uncle’s knee. Listen then to the old man’s voice saying, “Don’t wait until you are old to find your treasure, but find it now in your youth. There is no treasure on earth like the Word of God if you believe it and obey it.
ML 01/22/1950
"Taste and See"
A storekeeper once set a saucer of salt on his counter, and when the first customer came in he asked, “What do you think is in the dish?”
The man carefully looked at it and said, “I think it’s sugar.”
“No, you’re wrong,” said the grocer.
The next man to come in was asked the same question, and he too replied, “Sugar.”
“Wrong again,’’ responded the storekeeper.
A third man came in and was met with the same question. He promptly went over to the saucer, moistened his finger and tasted a little.
“It’s salt,” he said decidedly, and of course he was right, for he had tasted it!
We who know the Lord love to tell others about Him, but we cannot make them know how good and precious He is—they must taste and see for themselves. Each one must take the Saviour for himself and then he will know “that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.” Psa. 34:8.
ML 01/22/1950
Golden Lotus
Then she remembered that the old Buddhist priest was praying for her, and that her mother, the nurse, and the Christian friends were praying for her too, so she took courage. “Rather die than worship the serpent with seven heads,” she said to herself, and she pressed on. Above her head in the trees the orangutans chased each other, and the eyes of the wild cat shone in the darkness. Suddenly a huge snake crawled over the pathway. There was no end of the dark forest yet. She passed a lake where the wild beasts came to quench their thirst. An elephant was drinking. Suddenly a tiger jumped on his back, and the two animals fought until the water was colored red. Golden Lotus hurried on, while the moon shed a little light on her path.
At last she felt so tired that she sat down, and soon fell asleep. The little dog awakened her but she had lost all sense of direction. She did not know where to turn. She asked Suko: “Where is the house?” The dog ran in the direction of the temple, the only house he knew. And so Gold Lotus went on in the opposite direction calling her dog back. On and on she walked. At last the wild cocks crowed, for the dawn was approaching. But Golden Lotus was exhausted, and she threw herself down on the ground. Her sandals were torn and her feet were bleeding. A little bear was snuffing at her. Suko chased him away.
Golden Lotus was so tired that she was only half-conscious and she knew, if God did not send help, she must die there in the jungle. Suddenly she saw something very tall approaching. Suko crouched behind her, and she closed her eyes with fear. A rough hand touched her, but not unkindly, and a strange voice asked, “Are you sick, little girl; where do you go?” “I want to go to the Jesus Hall,” answered Golden Lotus faintly, “I am so tired.” It was a tall woman from the wild mountain tribe who was bending over her. The long sticks in the baskets on her back had made her appear much taller. She gave the child a drink from a cucumber bottle. Then she took the wood our of her basket and put Golden Lotus and the dog into it and off she ran until she came to the border of the forest. She gave her charge to the missionaries who were waiting there and ran back into the jungle. She had been kind to Golden Lotus because her child had been healed in the Mission hospital.
The missionaries put Golden Lotus on a stretcher and carried her to their home where she slept again for a long time, and when she awoke she heard the children of the Mission home singing so sweetly about the Lord Jesus and His work on Calvary. What a contrast to the monotonous litany of the Buddhist monks! A moment later her mother entered and pressed her precious child to her heart with tears of joy.
“On Mother dear,” exclaimed Golden Lotus, “I am at last in the Jesus Hall. I am going to tell the heathen girls of my country that there is a Saviour who saves sinners and gives them peace.”
ML 01/22/1950
Seven Bible Manners
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1
“Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32.
“A soft answer turneth away wrath.” Proverbs 15:1.
“Do all things without murmurings and disputings.” Philippians 2:14.
“Eat such things as are set before you.” Luke 10:8.
“Be content with such things as ye have.” Hebrews 13:5.
“Study to be quiet, and to do your own business.” 1 Thessalonians 4:11.
ML 01/22/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 27:9-15
We now come to the linen hangings for the court of the tabernacle. It will be noticed that two important pieces of furniture for the tabernacle itself have so far been omitted, and they are not described until after the consecration of Aaron and his sons. They are the brazen laver and the altar of incense. Both are connected typically with Christ’s priestly work for us in heaven, and this is no doubt the reason they are not mentioned until after Aaron’s consecration (of which we read in chapter 29), for Aaron is a type of Christ as our Great High Priest.
These lovely white hangings tell us of the perfect walk of the Lord Jesus in His pathway through this world. On one occasion when the officers were sent to arrest Him, they returned with the report, “Never man spake like this man.” Even those who did not believe on Him “wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth.” Truly “He could not be hid,” for like the line twined linen hangings of the tabernacle court, which were seen from all sides, He could not be less than perfect in all that He said and did. Even the very tone of His voice was perfect; and yet the world rejected and hated this wonderful testimony of “God ... manifest in flesh,” In the rejection of Christ, therefore, man’s true character came out as an enemy of God.
There were pillars to hold up these wonderful hangings, and each one was filleted with silver and stood in a socket of brass. The hooks for them were made of silver also. Silver speaks of redemption, and brass of judgment, and so all this beautifully typifies to us the purpose for which the Lord Jesus came to earth. Surely God delights to turn our thoughts to the wonderful work of His beloved Son.
“His was the voice that
The comfort of the sky.
We bless Thee, Lord, who came to earth,
For us to die.”
Yes, the Lord Jesus came to earth to accomplish the mighty work of redemption, and in order to redeem us He must bear our judgment. This He did at Calvary during those three hours of darkness.
There is also a practical lesson for us in these hangings. We who are cleansed in the precious blood of Christ are now the children of God. We are in His family, and are to seek to walk as Christ walked here (1 John 2:6) so that others may see Christ in us. Are we trying to do this? The Lord Jesus is soon coming to take us home to heaven, and then our privilege of bearing testimony for Him in this “wilderness world” will be gone forever. We shall be eternally happy up there, but what a loss it will be to have lived in this world for ourselves instead of for Him—the One who loved us and gave Himself for us.
These beautiful white hangings were all around the tabernacle court, but on the east side there was the gate of entrance. This gate had four pillars, and it typifies to us the Lord Jesus the-true Door who, with outstretched arms, is now offering salvation to “Whosoever will” from the “four corners” of the earth. The east side, where the sun rises, would remind us of the Lord Jesus as the “Sun of righteousness” who will soon arise to set things right in this sin-ruined world.
ML 01/22/1950
Wana Panta
Far, far away in the Sudan in the interior of Africa lives a young lad named Wana Panta. Some missionaries had gone down there to tell the natives about God’s great love in sending His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on Calvary’s cross for sinners.
Some of the natives did not want to hear the message at all, but others, whose hearts the Lord opened, were glad to hear of the grace of trod which offers salvation to sinners. Among these was Wana Panta in a village named Doro. As yet, however, the Bible had never been translated into their larnguage and so the missionaries could not give them anything to read. Nevertheless they were working very hard translating it, but it was very slow work. If they could give them even one of the Gospels in their own language they knew it would be a blessing, for the Bible says, “The entrance of Thy words giveth light.” Psalm 119:130.
Wana Parini was very much interested. Since this book which told these wonderful things was really God’s Word, he wanted to learn to read so he could see for himself. And so while the missionaries were working on the translation, he came over and learned to read. As he read he was like the Bereans of long ago—he believed too. He opened his heart to the Lord Jesus and the change that took place in his life showed that he was a “new creature in Christ Jesus.”
Most of our readers have the Bible in their own homes, hut I wonder if you have all searched it like Wana Panta, to see for yourself. If not, why not start today?
ML 01/29/1950
Still Believing
A children’s meeting was being held in a little town called Maxville. The room was full of-children and they listened very quietly while the preacher told them of Jesus and His love.
“I wonder,” he said at the close of the talk, “how many children in this room will trust Jesus, and believe in Him as their Saviour?”
Many little hands were lifted, and after a few more words with them, and prayer, the meeting was over and the children went to their homes.
Frances and Herbert hurried home and told their mother all about it. Frances was just five and her brother Herbert was nine.
“Mother,” said the little girl, as they went into the house, “Mr. Potter asked us how many would believe in Jesus, so I held up my hand.”
“Did you, dear?” said her mother, “and what about you, Herbert, did you hold up your hand too?”
“No, Mother.”
“Why not, my boy?”
“But, Mother, I thought he meant who would trust Jesus for the first time tonight, and I trusted Him when I was a little boy.”
It made Mother very happy to know that both her children were trusting in the Lord Jesus. Of course we don’t get saved by simply putting up our hand in meeting, but we do get saved by taking the Lord. Jesus as our own Saviour, and when we know Him as our Saviour, we should never be ashamed to tell others that we belong to Him.
Sometime after Frances and Herbert had been at that children’s meeting their mother wrote a letter to the preacher. She told Frances that she was writing to him, and asked if she had any message. “Yes,” she said, “tell him that I am still believing.”
Sometimes boys and girls say, “Yes, I would like to be a Christian, but I am afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep on.”
Do you remember the story of the shepherd who went to seek the one sheep that was lost? When he found that lost sheep, he didn’t send it on home. He picked it up and put it on his strong shoulders and carried it all the way home.
And so, dear boy or girl, if you will take Jesus right now as your Saviour, He will take you up in His own arms and carry you all the way borne to heaven.
“I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:28.
ML 01/29/1950
"Take Heed unto Thyself."
We have been speaking about Paul’s charge to Timothy as a young man, and there has been much instruction in the few verses we have been considering at the end of 1 Timothy 4. We now come to the last verse, and in one sense it is the most needful of all. It says, “Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.” v. 16. The Word of God is always a two-edged sword which cuts both speaker and hearer, writer as well as reader. It is so easy to bring the truth before others, but it is of all importance that we walk in it ourselves. The enemy is ever busy and there is no one that he attacks so vigorously as the servant of God. He will set snares for his feet at every turn and unless we are walking humbly and in self-judgment, the enemy will soon get the advantage. May every one of us who seek to serve the Lord in any measure remember this admonition, “Take heed unto thyself.”
“And unto the doctrine.” This is another danger which ever besets the servant of God. If the enemy cannot lead him into carelessness as to his own walk, he will try to get him to compromise the truth. It is difficult to be always “earnestly contending for the faith.” You will be far more popular if you are not too particular and will overlook some things, even though you know they are contrary to the Word. You will be considered broad-minded and this will please many, even true Christians, who do not like the narrow path. But a servant cannot serve two masters, and Paul said, by the Spirit, “If I yet pleased men, I should not he the servant of Christ.” Gal. 1:10. He knew what would please the Galatians, but he chose rather to please the Lord, and so he wrote faithfully as to the doctrines of Christianity which they were in danger of giving up. Truly he took heed to the doctrine!
“Continue in them.” It is comparatively easy to make a start in the path. Even the seed that fell on stony ground made a start, but not having any depth of earth in which to take root it soon withered away. Oh, how many have started out in the path of obedience to the Word, but then a testing time came, as it always does, and they were turned aside. They did riot continue. They were offended at something, or some person, and they did not value the truth enough to continue in it: They thought more of their own tender feelings and reputation than of the truth. of God, so they stepped out of the path. May the Lord help us to continue till He comes!
The last part of the verse about “saving ourselves and our hearers” may seem a little difficult. We may say, however, that it is not the salvation of one’s soul that is in question here. It has to do with one’s life. There are many true Christians whose lives are lost because they are lived for self and self-interests. Or perhaps they once started out to serve the Lord, and then because of a little criticism they gave it up. At the judgment seat of Christ their “life” is lost, though their soul is saved, “yet so as by fire.” 1. Cor. 3:15. What a loss this is, eternity alone will declare! And then what about our hearers? Well, since our lives as well as our words have an effect upon others, we can easily see that when a servant of the Lord misses the path he often leads others with him; while if he walks in the path he encourages others to do the same. Therefore, let us all “take heed ... .and... continue,” in the strength of flint who alone can keep us.
ML 01/29/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 27:16-28:1
The hangings for the gate of the court were the same as those for the door of the tabernacle.
They were of blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen. We have noticed before that these colors speak to us of the glories of Christ. The sinner cannot see any beauty in Him, like one looking at the white hangings of the court, but the moment he feels his need and comes to Christ, the true Door, his eyes are opened and he sees something of His beauty. As he enters he sees infinitely more, but he must enter first, and that by the only way of entrance—the door.
Our chapter closes with the command to the children of Israel that they bring beaten olive oil to be used in the seven-branched candlestick. It was always to be burning and must be attended to every morning and every evening. Oil is used in the Scripture to speak to us of the Holy Spirit of God, and therefore how important it was that there should always be oil to keep this great lamp burning. There can be no testimony in our lives apart from the Spirit of God who is the power for it.
Undoubtedly there is a good reason why the instruction to bring the oil conies in just here, long after the description of the candlestick itself. Perhaps it is because there is always a danger of getting truth into our heads and knowing all the theory, so that we can answer every question, and yet very little testimony for Christ may be seen in our lives. It would be like the beautiful candlestick without any oil. May we, who have learned something of the beauty of all these wonderful pieces of furniture in the tabernacle, remember that it is only in the measure in which they have been made good in our hearts by the Spirit of God that there will be any light and testimony in our lives for Christ. As the children of Israel needed diligence to be sure that there was enough oil for every morning and evening, so we need the daily reading of the Word and prayer that our souls may be kept in communion by the Spirit day by day.
Now we come to the garments for Aaron and his sons. Aaron was the high priest and his sons were priests. Aaron was a type of the Lord Jesus, our Great High. Priest, and his sons were types of all believers, who are now priests. Perhaps some of our young readers may wonder why there were only certain men chosen as priests in those days. Every Israelite was not a priest.
We know that the tabernacle with all its furniture and ritual was only “a shadow of good things to come” (Heb. 10:1). The way into the presence of God could not be known until the Lord Jesus had died, risen, and ascended to God’s right hand. Now the Spirit of God has come down to bear witness to Christ’s finished work, and to teach EVERY believer that he has a place of nearness. Yes, EVERY believer is NOW a priest, and can draw near to God and offer up his spiritual sacrifices, assured that they are acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (1 Peter-2:5). How blessed it is to be in the liberty of this place, and to know that the “shadow of good things to come” has been replaced by the “good things” themselves. Although we know that some people still look up to a certain class of men as priests, let us be careful that we do not deny Christ’s finished work in this way.
ML 01/29/1950
Bible Questions for February
The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in Titus, Philemon, or Hebrews, chapters 1-5.
1.“How shall we escape?”
2.“According to His mercy He saved us.”
3.“An evil heart of unbelief.”
4.“In works they deny Him.”
5.“The word of God is quick.”
6.“Zealous of good works.”
7.“The right hand of the Majesty.”
The Young People’s Class Service
Worship comes before service in God’s order of things, and so we spoke of it last month. This month we have made our questions on the subject of service.
Let us not forget that service has its place. We are liable to be extremists, some making everything of worship, others making everything of service; but let us remember that each has its proper place in the Christian’s life. When we think of all the Lord Jesus has done for us, we find our place at His feet praising and thanking Him for His matchless grace. But then we delight to tell others of His love too—we delight to serve! As soon as Saul of Tarsus learned who was calling him in grace, he immediately said, “Lord what wilt Thou have me to do?” Acts 9:6.
It is hot good, however, to be occupied with service, but with Christ—the Person whom we serve. Martha had to be rebuked for allowing herself to be cumbered with her service, for she had lost sight of the One whom she served.
There never was a greater need than there is today for whole-hearted servants of the Lord—those who have Christ and His glory before them and who are willing to deny themselves in loving service to so great a Master. Let no believer think that he is exempted here. There is something for each of us to do if we are only willing to do His bidding, be the service great or small. Even in heaven there is a service which will go on forever, and how joyfully we shall render it there! May we own His claims over us more readily here.
1.How should we serve the Lord? Psalm 100.
2.Where does the Lord want His servant to be? John.
3.Should the service of Judaism be mixed with that of Christianity? Hebrews 13.
4.Does the Lord want us to feel His service cumbersome? Luke 10.
5.Did the Lord Jesus come to serve (minister), or to be served? Mark 10.
6.Will the Lord continue in loving service to His people in heaven? Luke 12.
7. Can a servant serve two masters? Luke 16.
ML 02/05/1950
Who is your best friend, Richard?” a father asked his boy one day. “Do you mean anywhere, or just in the world?” replied Richard.
“Anywhere,” said his father.
“Jesus,” was Richard’s prompt reply, “but in the world, it’s Mummy.”
Jesus is your best friend, dear reader. Listen to His words, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13. But the Lord Jesus had a greater love even than this, for He laid down His life for His enemies.
This reminds me of another story of a young man who was badly wounded in a battle fought. Many years ago between the Northern. and Southern States. He was so badly hurt that no one was able to see or talk to him. His mother, on hearing the news, started on her way to see her boy. Stopped at the gate of the hospital by a guard, she pleaded for entry and finally was allowed through. On entering the ward, she was stopped by the nurse, but again her mother-love would not be stopped. She asked if she might just look at her boy, not even speak to him. She went to his bedside and, looking down at him, she could see that his eyes were closed, and that he was in great pain. Her motherly love led her to put out her hand and touch his head. Immediately he spoke and said, “Mother.” He knew her touch.
Dear reader, has a greater love touched you? Has the love of Christ touched your heart? Has His pierced hand touched you and given you life, that eternal life which is only found in Christ, through the finished work He accomplished for sinners on the cross?
ML 02/05/1950
Too Many Flowers
Most boys and girls like flowers. What girl is there who hasn’t spent many a happy time gathering daisies or spring wild flowers? Even boys, who like their baseball and football, still enjoy hunting and gathering flowers. When my mother was a little girl she spent a day in the country during the summer. She, too, enjoyed flowers, and when she saw so many daisies growing in the field, she went out, and gathered as many as her arras could carry. Then she put them in a big vase in the farmhouse kitchen. The next morning when she came downstairs the flowers were all gone! The farmer had thrown them into the stove. He didn’t think of them as pretty flowers at all, hut as weeds, for they hindered the growth of his crops.
Not long ago I visited a place where there were too many flowers. It was the island of Bermuda. There were many flowers there which we had never seen before, and we admired them very much. But there were two flowers which had become so abundant that they were classed as weeds. You would never guess what they were. Morning-glory vines, and the climbing nasturtium! They were beautiful to look at, certainly, but they were climbing all over the trees and the pasture land so that the cows were having a hard time getting enough grass to eat. Wouldn’t you like to see a field scattered with bright crimson and orange nasturtium blossoms, and beautiful blue morning-glories? But the cows couldn’t eat those flowers!
Now I wonder if I can explain to you the lesson which I learned from this land of “too many flowers.” God has something which. He offers boys and girls because He knows they need it. That gift is eternal life and a home in heaven. But Satan hates God and His gospel, and he has tried many ways to keep boys and girls from accepting what God offers. How could he do that? Satan offers you something else instead. He offers all kinds of pleasures, and entertainments; perhaps not very wicked, but, like those flowers, very attractive and innocent-looking.
Many boys and girls are deceived by what Satan offers and they miss the very best thing that any boy or girl could ever have. They miss taking the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, and find when they come to die that they have been deceived by the devil’s offers.
ML 02/05/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 28:2-12.
We will learn a great deal if we carefully consider the marvelously detailed instructions as to the garments for Aaron and his sons. We need hardly remark that although Aaron was the high priest, Christ alone is the Great High Priest. Aaron was only a type, and a failing one at that, for he had to offer sacrifices for his own sins as well as for those of the people; but the Lord Jesus, the Great High Priest, is “holy, harmless; undefiled, and separate from sinners.” He was able to offer Himself “without spot to God,” and through His finished work ALL our sins are forever put away.
Let us now consider the garments of glory and beauty worn by Aaron. God, gave special wisdom from Himself to those who made them. The natural wisdom of those days, great though it was, was not sufficient to make them apart from the wisdom which God gave, and so the natural unsaved man can never understand the things of God. It is only by the Spirit of God that we can enter into or enjoy our place in and through Christ who is our Great High Priest.
The priest’s robe was to be of the same beautiful colors as the veil, and gold was also to be woven into it. The veil, we are told, speaks of Christ’s flesh (Heb. 10:20), but now as the One who has accomplished redemption He carries on His blessed work as our Great High Priest above. All God’s righteous claims (the gold) have been settled at the cross, arid now as our Great High Priest and Advocate, He is “just” as well as “faithful” in maintaining our case before God.
The curious girdle of the ephod, speaking of service, was of the same material as the ephod itself, and it reminds us of the marvelous fact that the Lord Jesus is serving us above. He not only died for us but He lives for us and serves us there. When we think of this it is beyond our understanding— “curious” indeed when we think of what we were; and more “curious” still when we think of the Person who has stooped so low to undertake our whole case and to bring us into such a place of blessing. Not only has He brought us into this place, but His unwearied service on high is maintaining us there. If we were to visit a king and he himself prepared a meal for us, we would marvel indeed, hut our Great High Priest who serves us so faithfully is King of kings and Lord of lords. Surely it is the wonder of all wonders that Christ should so love and serve us.
There were three things on or in the ephod that deserve our special attention. First, there were two onyx stones fitted on Aaron’s shoulders—one on each shoulder. On each of these stones six names of the children of Israel were engraved, so that Aaron always carried all their names on his shoulders. There was no special place of favor for some and riot others of the tribes—all were there. And so the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ, bears each one of His people (His sheep) on His mighty shoulders of strength, and will carry them all the way home. These two onyx stones were set in ouches of gold, and so our place of security is not because of anything we are in ourselves, but because of what Christ is in His Person and work which has satisfied all God’s holy claims.
“Stern justice can demand no more,
And mercy can dispense her store.”
ML 02/05/1950
The Story of a Snowman
Many years ago an Italian sculptor made a very beautiful snowman. It was not funny like the one in our picture, but every curve of his fine face and clothing was skillfully carved as only an artist could do it. After several days’ work he stood back to admire the finished handiwork, all sparkling in hard white snow. The king was then invited to see this beautiful snowman. It is said that as he gazed at it, he wept and said, “Alas, must all this beauty pass away so soon?”
At his command, a roof was built over it in order to shelter it from the hot rays of the sun. This, however, only dulled the beauty of its sparkle. Slowly and surely the snowman melted away. Nothing at all was left of the sculptor’s work.
“Foolish man,” do you say? But any of our readers who would spend a whole lifetime apart things that will not stand in the presence of God would he far more foolish. His Word says “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6. Although you may have worked hard, what has your busy young energy produced that is pleasing to Him? Nothing at all. What will God accept then?
“This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He hast sent.” John 6:29. God sent His own Sort to finish the work of redemption for us because we could never do it ourselves. God cannot accept any of our works for salvation, but He has already accepted the work of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you believed on Him?
Our friend the sculptor accepted the king’s offer to carve lasting works in stone after that. The king supplied him with the finest of marble for this.
Our God has provided a Saviour for you, and if you have accepted Him, then in His name and in His strength alone, you also may do the will of God, and this work will abide forever. Lay aside your worthless labors and accept Christ’s Work for your salvation today. Then, and not till then, can you
ML 02/12/1950
Take Heed to the Warning
One cold winter morning two young people set out in their car to drive down the river on the ice. In some places it was quite safe to do this as the ice was good. and thick, but in other places the ice was very thin and it was dangerous even to walk on it. One of these places was called “The Narrows.” There were many who drove their cars across the coves where they knew it was safe, but no one dared to drive through the Narrows. Even strangers who came along could see the danger and generally made inquiries before attempting to cross there. They were always warned not to venture it.
When our two young friends came to this point that morning they stopped and made inquiries too. They were warned that it was not safe and that they should not attempt to go on. But they would not listen. It looked good enough to them, especially after such a cold night as the last one had been, and so they decided to take a chance and try it.
How this reminds us of many people who hear about the awful judgment which is at the end of a Christless life, but who do not take any heed. They just continue to live in their sins. They think they are all right because they cannot see the danger. And so our two young friends got back into their car and started out. They had only crossed a fraction of the ice when there was a crack! crack! One of their front wheels broke through—but in a minute they were out again. Surely this should have been a warning to them! No, they went on and continued over the thin ice. Then suddenly without any further warning there was a great crack, and the whole car with its two passengers plunged into the icy waters. They were trapped in their car and drowned before help could reach them.
How sad it was! Yet how foolish they were not to listen to those who knew of the danger and warned them. They thought they were safe when they were not.
Dear reader, how about you? God, who knows all, has warned you of the danger, and there is no chance about it.
If you continue to live in your sins you will be lost forever. But God has done much more for you than those who warned these two young people of their danger. He has provided a way of escape through the work of His beloved Son at Calvary. The precious blood of Christ can cleanse you from all your sins and shelter you from coming judgment. Not only will you be sheltered from judgment, but God has a wonderful home in heaven for all His redeemed children. Will you be there, dear reader? We beseech you to listen to God’s warning.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3.
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Tim. 1:15.
“See that ye refuse riot Him that speaketh: for if they escaped not who refused Him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from Him that speaketh from heaven.” Hebrews 12:25.
ML 02/12/1950
The Toy Horse
Little Alfred was having a lot of fun playing with his toy animals. His mother had given them to him for his birthday, and he enjoyed setting them all in order and moving them around. Like many children, especially boys, when he grew tired of his playthings, he would pull them to pieces to see how they were made. This time his mother had told him that if he began to destroy his animals, she would take them all away from him. Alfred was trying to take extra good care of them.
Whether by accident or mischief, something happened that made him suddenly quiet, and his mother looked across the room. There were tears in Alfred’s eyes as he held up his horse with the head in one hand and the body in tire other.
Mother loved her little boy very much, and she didn’t want to punish him, but as she had given her word, she had to take all the animals away from him, while he slowly walked out of the room. Then his mother sat and wondered if she couldn’t forgive him. just this once, though she was always very careful to keep her word.
Just, then she felt his little hands touching her dress, for he had crept back into the room. With a wistful look in his large eyes he said,
“Mother, I am so sorry I broke my horse!”
“Well, my boy, I will forgive you but you must try to be careful.”
“Mother, has God touched your heart? I have been out and asked Him on the stairs to touch your heart, and to let you be willing to give me my toys again.”
“Yes, dear, God has heard. your little prayer. Go and play with your toys again.”
Alfred was only five years old, but he knew to whom he should go in his trouble, and God listened to his prayer.
Dear children, God is watching you as you read this paper. And He loves you more than Alfred’s mother loved her boy. Have you ever sinned against God? You know you have, and God has seen it too. But God wants to forgive you, and He punished His own Son, the Lord Jesus, so that He might be able to say, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
Have you ever come to God, as Alfred did to his mother, and told Him that you were a sinner? If you do that now, He will wash away, not one sin, but ALL your sins, through the blood of the Lord Jesus.
ML 02/12/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 28:13-30
The shoulder pieces of the ephod were attached by golden chains to the breastplate which was in turn fastened to the ephod. itself by a lace of blue in a way that it could not be loosed. How beautifully all this reminds us of the perfect security of the believer. The Lord Jesus Himself has pledged that those who have put their trust in Him “shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of (His) hand.” John 10:28.
Dear reader, how is it with you? Can you say you are secure for all’ eternity because you are resting upon Christ’s finished work? Is your confidence in His love and His power made known on your behalf, quite apart from any of your efforts to save yourself, or even to hold on? Remember the shoulder plates and the breastplate were held on by chains of gold and a lace of blue, and so in righteousness (the gold) we are put in this place of perfect security. We can also look up above the “blue” sky and know that we are already “seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus”; and so we have the blue and the gold. It was grace alone that gave Israel their place of favor and acceptance, and so grace alone has given us our place as “accepted in the beloved.”
We have seen that the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel were borne upon the shoulders of the high priest, and now we find that the same names were also engraven upon twelve stories in the breastplate which was carried over the high priest’s heart. Not only does divine strength hold every believer safe and secure, but perfect love is ever toward each one in an individual way. Although these twelve names were only the names of the children of Israel, God would show us that He had in His purposes blessing for those who believe front every nation, in that the breastplate was foursquare. Then too it was doubled, a span each way, for ours is a double security, held by the Father’s hand and the Son’s hand. (John 10:28, 29.)
Every one of these twelve stones was different and all were beautiful. How this reminds us of our individual place in the heart of Christ. We are never lost in the crowd to Him. He knows our individual needs and each one of His children has a special beauty in His eyes because of His comeliness which He has placed upon us. (Ezekiel 16: 14.) Each stone was set in gold, and so each believer has the same perfect standing—made the righteousness of God in Christ. (2 Cor. 5:21.)
Inside of the breastplate was placed the Urim and Thummim, which means Lights and Perfection. God has not told us exactly what this was, but we know that it was there in the breastplate, and we often read of its being used in seeking guidance from. the Lord at certain times in Israel’s history. It would speak of divine wisdom.
There were three important parts to the ephod then: the shoulder plates, which speak of strength; the breast-plate, which speaks of love; and the Urim and Thummim, which speaks of wisdom. Surely we can see these three things in their perfection in Christ our Great High Priest. He is perfect in strength which He delights to use on our behalf, and His love passes knowledge. Then too He always sends what is best for us because His wisdom is infinite.
ML 02/12/1950
A Farmer's Conversion
Someone has called John 3:16 “The gospel in a nut shell.” By this is meant that this verse tells out in the simplest possible manner God’s love in giving His Son, and that a sinner may know that he possesses eternal life through believing in Him. There isn’t much room inside the shell of a nut, is there? And so in this verse of but a few words, God has made known to us His wonderful way of salvation. I would like to tell you a story of how God used this verse in blessing.
A few years ago a farmer received a copy of God’s precious Word—the Bible. Although he was very religious he had not read the Bible very often before this time—perhaps not at all. But God was working in his heart, and so having started, he read more and more of God’s wonderful Book. When he came to John 3:16, he paused. What beautiful words they were—and they were addressed to him too, for the verse said “Whosoever,” and he knew that meant him. He read it again. Yes, he could know that he had everlasting life, because that was exactly what God said. Right there and then he believed it and was saved.
Like everyone else who is truly saved, he wanted others to know. his Saviour too, especially those at home. He called his wife and read. the verse to her “Read it again,” she said, and so he did. “Read it once more,” she said. The wonderful life-giving words entered her heart too, and she passed from death unto life.
Their neighbors wondered what had happened to them. Even to this day their happy faces and changed lives tell out that they have found the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. They have proved for themselves that by believing the Word of God they can KNOW that they have everlasting life. Dear reader, Have you taken God at His Word? Can you say you have everlasting life?
ML 02/19/1950
Gottlieb's Treasure
Many, many years ago a small French army took possession of a fortified town in Germany. The men had been promised, in reward for their fighting, that they might plunder the homes and take anything they chose. A man named Egelrich broke into the home of a poor widow. When he entered the room he found the lady surrounded by four little children, and Gottlieb, the eldest, ran up to the savage soldier and offered him a picture Bible, saying, “There, that is my most precious treasure. I will give it to you, but do not hurt my mother.”
The soldier was surprised, and opening the Book, his eye fell on a page he remembered reading years before. It was a message from God, and affected him so he could not move. With his eyes full of tears he said to the woman, “I shall take nothing from you, but do let me have the Bible.”
“May God’s blessing go with you, noble man,” said the poor woman. Then he stood outside the door to turn away other soldiers who would enter.
The next day the German army arrived and they soon cleared the town of the French soldiers. Egelrich was shot twice in the breast and left for dead, but after a while he regained consciousness and found that both bullets were lodged in Gottlieb’s Bible!
Seven years later when Egelrich was chief of a battalion, he sent a letter to Gottlieb, enclosing some money. This is what he said: “This is a small reward to the noble boy who gave his most precious possession as a ransom for his mother, and saved his grateful friend, Egelrich. Chief of Battalion.”
How wonderful are the ways of God, and how He cares for those who trust in Him! ‘Even the hairs of their heads are all numbered. Surely we can say— “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall. I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear.” Psa. 27:1, 3.
ML 02/19/1950
I Can't Understand It
It was four o’clock on a bright Sunday afternoon, and the children were hurrying out of Sunday school. Dorothy didn’t seem to be in quite as big a hurry as the others, so her teacher laid a hand on her shoulder, and said kindly,
“Why won’t you trust Jesus now, Dorothy?”
The girl shook off the hand, and darted into the street. Then her little face grew very grave, and Dorothy said to herself,
“That’s what they always say, ‘Why don’t you trust Jesus?’ and they can’t see how all the time I am longing to know Him, but I can’t understand it, don’t know the way to be saved. I wish I did—Oh, I wish I did.”
Late that night Dorothy went up to her little room. All evening she had tried to be her cheerful self, but there was such an aching in her heart, poor girl—she knew not where to find the Good Shepherd.
Kneeling down by the window, she laid her head upon the sill, and let the tears flow.
“O if Jesus was here, if He lived on earth now,” she thought, “I would go straight to Him, and tell Him all about it. I would tell Him that I am such a sinner, and would ask Him to save me.”
Suddenly a thought came. Wasn’t Jesus there all the time in her own little room? Even though she could not see Him, she knew that He was there—why hadn’t she thought of it before? She slipped over to her bed, and, closing her eyes, told the Lord Jesus all about it.
She knelt there quite a long time, for she had a lot to tell. When she got up from her knees her little heart was perfectly happy. She had come to Jesus and He was now her very own Saviour!
“Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6.
“Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.” Psalm 2:12.
ML 02/19/1950
Saved for Eternity
Two young men started out by the first train in the morning, to the city of Toronto. Tom, the younger of the two, was going to start work in a factory there, and his brother George went with him to help find a boarding-house.
George was a Christian young man, and he had been praying that his brother Tom might be truly converted before he started work. Several times as they journeyed together, George tried to speak to his brother about this matter, but Tom seemed much too interested in the great sights they would see that day.
The day passed quickly, and. late in the evening the two brothers stood at a busy crossing where they were to part.
They stood in silence. Torn was beginning to feel a bit lonely, for he had spent very few nights away from home. George was praying for his brother for he didn’t want to leave him unsaved.
“Good-by, Tom—I wish we could have parted brothers in the Lord. And I wish that even now you would take Jesus as your Saviour.”
Tom’s eyes kept looking down at the sidewalk, and presently a tear rolled down his cheek. George reached into his pocket and pulled out his Bible.
“Tom, you can be saved right here as easily as anywhere else. Let me show you the verse that led me to the Saviour. ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death. unto life.’” John 5:24.
George read these words under the light of the street lamp, and Torn followed carefully. After a moment’s pause, Tom reached out his hand and grasped George’s.
“Yes, George, I will come to Jesus, I do come to Jesus right here and now. I do receive Him as my Saviour.”
Years have passed since that night, and Tom is still in business in Toronto. His happiest work is to tell others of that Saviour whom he first trusted that night long ago.
Reader, have you made a decision for Jesus Christ? Are you saved for eternity?
ML 02/19/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 28:31-38
We now come to the robe of the ephod which was “all of blue.” It is not hard to remember what the blue speaks to us about, for we look up into the blue sky so often. We know too of that blessed One, our Great High Priest, who came down from heaven and who has now gone back to heaven having accomplished redemption, and is pleading for us there. It was specially mentioned that this robe was not to be rent, for how carefully the Spirit of God would guard the Person of Christ. There was no place where His coat was joined, for the Lord Jesus was perfect God and perfect man at the same time. God did not allow even His enemies to rend His robe. (John 19:23, 24.)
On the border of this robe there were golden bells, and pomegranates of blue and purple and scarlet. We are told about the pomegranates first because’ the Lord Jesus first bore fruit for God and accomplished redemption as man clown here, before testimony could be borne to His finished work. In the next verse, however, the golden bells come first, then the pomegranates, for this is the way we lay hold of it. We hear the glorious testimony to Christ’s finished work, like the sounding of the golden bells on the priest’s robe, and then we are brought into the fruit of it by faith.
There is also a practical lesson for us in all this, for on the high priest’s garments there were an equal number of bells and pomegranates. In the Lord Jesus’ life as man down here, His walk and talk corresponded perfectly. He lived out everything He taught. With us however it is not always so, for our life is not always up to our talk, though it should be. Then too the golden bells come first here, reminding us that if we make some new acquaintances we should sound the bell of testimony first. This is all the battle, for the moment we confess the Lord we find ourselves in the right company at once. The world does not want us if we confess Him, but as soon as we have taken our stand, the Lord gives special strength to live for Him. If we would always do this when starting to a new school, or to work in a new shop or office, it would make things far easier for us. Let us run our colors good and high so that others may know that we belong to Christ then seek to live for Him before them. Fruit does not make any noise, hut we all enjoy it, and how good it is to see the fruit of the Spirit in the lives of Christians.
The next part of the high priest’s garments of which we are told is the mitre. On it was a golden plate upon which was engraved “HOLINESS TO THE LORD.” It hung upon Aaron’s forehead, for he was to bear the iniquity of Israel’s holy things in all their holy gifts. What a lesson for us! Even when we who are Christians really try to please the Lord and do what is right, we fail so often. Then sometimes we do a right thing in a wrong way, but the Lord knows all, and in our prayers, praises, and service to Him, only what is pleasing to God reaches His ear, because of our Great High Priest who wears the “mitre” for us. May this encourage us to open our mouths to speak His praises, even though we do it in a very faltering way!
ML 02/19/1950
"Peace, Be Still"
What a terrible storm is raging here! See how high the waves are rolling, and the life boat is tossing to and fro. It is at times like this that men are made to feel how helpless they are, and sometimes they must wonder if they will ever reach home again.
But the Lord is the One who controls the winds and the waves. There is a verse in the Bible which says, “The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea,” Psalm 93:4. What a comfort this is to those that go to sea!
Some time ago a Christian man was giving out portions of God’s Word in Eritrea. One young man took a copy and, opening it, he started to read it aloud. An old fisherman was listening, and as he heard the story of the Lord Jesus walking on the water and stilling the storm, he asked for a copy too. He said that when he went out in his little fishing boat and a storm came up he would like to read about the One who could say to the wind and the waves, “Peace, be still,”
I hope as the old fisherman reads of this in God’s wonderful Word, he may learn much more about this blessed One, who could not only still the storm on the troubled. sea, but is able to bring peace to troubled hearts. He could stop the mighty winds by the word of His mouth, but before He could give poor sinners like you and me peace with God, He must go to the cross and bear the judgment which we deserved. Yes, He paid our great debt in full, and now He is the risen One seated at God’s right hand in heaven. Now He is ready to bring peace of conscience and joy of heart to every sinner who comes to Him by faith. Will you come, dear reader?
ML 02/26/1950
A Christian lady was traveling on the train toward Toronto, when a young ‘girl not yet twenty years of age entered the coach and took a seat beside her. It was a bright sunny day, and the lady turned. and smiled. “Isn’t it a beautiful day?” The young girl tried to smile, but a tear rolled down her cheek as she just managed to whisper, “Yes.”
The Christian looked to the Lord for wisdom, and then tried once more to start a conversation.
“Are you in trouble?”
There was a long pause.
“Yes, I am.”
“Is it family trouble, or bereavement?”
“Perhaps it is soul trouble?”
“Yes, that’s what it is.”
Then the young girl began to tell her that some time ago she had become anxious about her soul, and had gone to hear many preachers, had prayed and tried every means to get salvation, but was still as unhappy as ever.
“Have you ever turned to Jesus alone?”
“No. There is no Saviour for me.” “Do you mean to say that Jesus died for others, but not for you?”
“It seems like it.”
The Christian lady opened her Bible and began to read, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. She stressed the word “whosoever,” and then added,
“Are you included in the ‘whosoever,’ or does it mean everybody but you?”
There was no answer for a moment, and then the unhappy look slowly went away, a happy smile came in its place, and the young girl happily replied, “I see it now, I see it now. Jesus died for me!”
Dear reader, you may be a child, or you may be older, but you are certainly included in God’s “whosoever.” Can you say, “Jesus died for me?”
“The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20.
ML 02/26/1950
Saved to Serve
As I entered the gospel meeting, a young boy offered me a hymnbook.
“Can you tell me,” I asked him, “what became of Noah’s carpenters; the men who helped to build the ark, but did not enter it themselves?”
He answered seriously,
“They were all drowned.”
“And what will become of boys who help at meetings and give out hymnbooks and are not themselves saved?”
“They will be lost in hell.”
“Will you?”
He smiled brightly. “No sir,” he said, “Jesus is my Saviour.”
I learned that he had come to Jesus two years before and was earnestly working for his Saviour.
“If any man serve Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there shall also My servant be.” John. 12:26.
ML 02/26/1950
A Guilty Conscience
Let us suppose that we could hear Adam and Eve telling Cain and Abel, their two boys, how they received a conscience. Conscience, you know, is the knowledge of good and evil which mankind acquired through the fall, when sin entered the world.
First of all they would tell how God put them in the lovely garden of Eden where they were once so happy. Adam would tell of naming all the animals, and then how God made Eve to help him. Then they would come to the sad part of the story—how they believed Satan’s lie instead of obeying the word of God. They would speak of that tempting-looking fruit and of how they took of it and ate it, even though God had forbidden them to do so. It tasted so good, and they thought it would be so wonderful to be like God Himself. Then they would remember their amazement and sorrow when, after eating it, they received the knowledge of good and evil. Yes, they had a conscience, but it was a guilty conscience.
Now they knew that they were naked before God, and so they made aprons of fig leaves. They worked hard, as they never had before, trying to finish them before the Lord walked in the garden that evening. Soon the last leaf was sewed together and presently they heard the voice of the Lord calling them. Strangely enough they felt afraid, even though they had their “lovely” fig-leaf aprons on. They had sinned and they knew it, and what was worse still they found out that after all their efforts to cover themselves they were still unfit for the presence of a holy God. His voice startled them and they ran to hide. God called out to Adam and said, “Where art thou?” A voice inside of Adam seemed to whisper, “There is no use trying to hide from God. He can see you right where you are.”
Then there were further questions asked by God Himself. Adam and Eve made excuses for their sin, Adam blaming Eve, and Eve blaming the serpent, but it was all to no avail for all their excuses, their each blaming another, and their fig-leaf aprons, did not, and could not, remove the solemn conviction that they were guilty before God. Oh, how miserable they were! If they had only obeyed the voice of God instead of listening to the voice of Satan! It was too late then. The harm was done. They were fallen creatures and they must die just as God had said.
What sorrow must have filled the hearts of Adam and Eve as they told this to their children, and alas they knew only too well that their children were sinners too. Thank God, there was a remedy provided by God Himself, of which we shall speak next month, but we would like to impress upon the mind of any unsaved reader of these lines, your own great need. All the works that your guilty hands can do, all the excuses you can make, will never take away the guilt which rests so heavily at times upon your guilty conscience. Attendance to religious observances, or all your money, will never put away your sins from before a thrice holy God, and what is worse still if you die in your sins your conscience will continue to trouble you through all eternity in that awful place “where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.” Mark 9:44. May God grant that your conscience may he so thoroughly awakened that you will not find rest or peace until it has been purged of all guilt through Christ’s finished work.
ML 02/26/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 28:39, 29:4.
Aaron and his sons ware to have coats, girdles, and bonnets made-of fine linen. They were also to wear linen breeches to cover their nakedness when they came into the tabernacle of the congregation. The fine linen speaks of practical righteousness, and so we can see that, typically, everything they wore was to be suited to the moral character of God. This moral glory shone out in perfection in Christ, the One who wore the “coat... without seam, woven from the top throughout.” John 19:23.
Needless to say the Lord Jesus, the blessed Antitype, never needed anything to cover. His nakedness, for He was ever and always perfect. Even His “inwards” were “washed with water” (Ex. 29:17), for His every motive, word, and deed were always pleasing to God His Father. Nevertheless His outward life which the eye of man could see was surely spotless “fine linen.” This would remind us also that we, like Aaron’s sons, being priests, should seek to “walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing,” for holiness always becomes God’s house. If we fail, we should judge it at once, and particularly before we come into His presence as worshipers. (1 Cor. 11:28.)
We now come to the consecration of Aaron and his sons. They were to be brought to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and there they were washed all over with water. This was done only once when they were consecrated to be priests. It was never repeated. The Lord Jesus referred to the typical meaning of this when He said to Peter, “He that is washed... is clean every whit.” John 13:10. It is a moral cleansing founded upon the finished work of Christ. We read in John 19:34 that both blood and water flowed from the pierced side of our Saviour at Calvary. The precious blood of Christ tells us that all God’s holy claims against sin have been fully met, and the sinner who believes is thereby cleansed from all sin. What a glorious truth to lay hold of! But “How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?” Romans 6:2. This is what is meant by the water. When one is born again by the Word and Spirit of God he receives a new nature which hates sin, and loves obedience and holiness. The Word of God is thus applied to all that he is and does. He is “washed all over” and the old habits soon fall off, for he is now “a new creature (in Christ Jesus): old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God.” 2 Cor. 5:17, 18.
One feels it necessary to mention these things because we are living in days of easy profession, and too often there is little evidence of this “washing all over.” People profess faith in Christ and then go on in very much the same way as they did before, so that we have reason to doubt if they are really saved at all. God Himself asks the question how they can continue to live habitually in their sins if they are really dead to them. Everyone who is truly saved has that new nature, and although the old one is still there, we are, nevertheless, sure to see some evidence of divine life if the work is real. Let us not forget that God’s Word says, “Faith without works is dead.” James 2:26.
If this little paper should fall into the hands of anyone who has only a lifeless profession, may the Lord use it to awaken you to your need, and may you come to Christ NOW. He is able and willing to save you and to give you the strength to live for His glory.
ML 02/26/1950
Bible Questions for March
The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in Hebrews, chapters 6-13.
1.“I will he merciful.”
2.“Save them to the uttermost.”
3.“After this the judgment.”
4.“Your work and labor of love.”
5.“Of things not seen as yet.”
6.“The just shall live by faith.”
7.“Be content with such things.”
The Young People’s Class Conscience
Every man and woman, and every child who has come to the age of responsibility, has a conscience. It is the knowledge of good and evil which mankind has received through Adam’s fall in the garden of Eden. Of course a person’s conscience may become seared and dulled so that it does not trouble him as it should, but still it is there. It never dies, and he will always have a certain knowledge of good and evil. It may, however, become perverted through the deception of Satan so that a man can do the most terrible things, even to murder itself, under the name of religion and not realize that they are wrong. He may even think that he is serving God by such things (John 16:1, 2) for such is man when. he comes under Satan’s power. Conscience in itself, then, is not a sure guide.
Nevertheless the Bible, which is God’s Word, always speaks to the conscience of the most careless sinner, and that is why he hates it. It is “the sword of the Spirit,” who uses it to convict a sinner of his sins so that he may come to Christ for salvation and peace. True peace of conscience is found in Christ alone.
It is of all importance then, when speaking to an unsaved man that we use the Word to reach his conscience about his sins. It is also of equal importance that we who are saved read the Word day by day so that our consciences are exercised, and we judge ourselves for anything which is displeasing to the Lord in our lives.
1.What did Paul exercise himself about at all times? Acts.
2.What verse shows that the heather Gentiles have a conscience? Romans 2.
3.Are we to consider the conscience of another in our actions? 1 Corinthians.
4.Did Paul commend the truth to people’s intellects or to their consciences? 2 Corinthians 4.
5.What are we told to hold in order to, avoid shipwreck? 1 Timothy.
6.Does the Lord take notice when we have to suffer wrongfully in order to maintain a good conscience? 1 Peter.
7.Should we be subject to “the power that be” only to avoid punishment? Romans 13.
ML 03/05/1950
The Pet Fish
Willie had a little pet, a nice fish which he kept in a basin in the basement. One day he came up in tears because his fish was gone. A cat must have crept through the little window and got the poor fish.
Although Willie was not able to keep his pet in safety, the Lord Jesus is able to keep the little children who trust in Him from the evil one who is going about like a roaring lion. He has said of His own,
ML 03/05/1950
The Last Request of a Chinese Girl
In China many young girls of heathen parents are given away or sold, or even put out to starve. But there are many Christian missionaries in that heathen land who are telling the story of the Lord Jesus and His love for sinners. When they find these poor neglected children, they often bring them home and take care of them. They have even built homes for these “orphans” and teach them God’s Word. Many of these little ones open their hearts early to the Saviour, believe Him, love Him, and follow Him faithfully.
Not long ago one of these girls died. As she lay on her bed just waiting to pass into eternity, she turned and said to a lady who sat by her side,
“Tell the friends across the ocean it was not in vain that they have sent their money to pay for this home, for I have found the Lord Jesus as my Saviour and now I. am going to Him.”
My dear young reader, perhaps no money is being paid that you might hear of the Lord Jesus. Perhaps you attend a Sunday school where you are often told of the Saviour’s love. But could you say, as the dear little Chinese girl did, “I have found the Lord Jesus as my Saviour?”
It is a terrible thing to hear the story of God’s love over and over again, and yet to refuse to take His Son, the Lord Jesus, as your Saviour.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.” Hebrews 2:3.
ML 03/05/1950
Stanley and the Birds
Stanley was very fond of birds, so he built a birdhouse and hung it in a tree in their garden, hoping that a family of orioles would make their home there. Every day he watched to see if the birds had arrived, and finally one day he found it was occupied, and how delighted he was He soon discovered that instead of orioles, it was a family of sparrows living there and he was much disappointed.
The more he thought about it the worse he felt, so after a while he decided to climb the tree and turn the sparrows out. He would give the orioles another chance to go in. By this time, however, the little eggs had hatched, and when he put his hand into the nest, out fell a baby sparrow. Down, down it went to the ground below, and was killed by the fall. As Stanley watched it he remembered a verse in God’s Word, “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall to the ground without your Father.” Matt. 10:29.
Suddenly he realized that God was watching him, and that He, too, had seen the little sparrow fall. Down came Stanley as fast as he could, and to this day he has never touched a bird’s nest again.
Yes, God cares for the sparrows, and sees them fall, but He cares far more for boys and girls. His Word says, “Ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Matt. 10:31. You see, boys and girls have precious souls which sparrows have not. When a sparrow dies that is the end of it, but every creature of Adam’s race must live on for all eternity either in heaven or hell, How much more the Lord. Jesus must care for us than sparrows when He was willing to take our place and bear our sins at Calvary in order to save our lost souls.
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom 1 am chief.” 1 Timothy 1:15.
ML 03/05/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 29:5-14
After Aaron had been washed all over he was then taken and clothed in his garments of glory and beauty. How wonderfully this typifies to us the Lord Jesus who after His walk of perfect obedience to God His Father is now our Great High Priest above. Aaron was also anointed with oil, and so we delight to think of the Lord Jesus who was anointed by the Spirit of God for His service down here. The Spirit came upon Him like a dove because of who He was—the spotless Son of God. Aaron’s sons had to have the blood put upon them first before they were anointed with oil, because they typify believers who must first know the cleansing power of the blood of Christ before they can receive the Holy Spirit of God. Now, because of this, all believers are priests.
Of course every type must fall short of the perfection of Christ’s Person and work. Aaron needed a sin offering for himself, whereas the Lord Jesus Christ, our Great High Priest, was the sin offering Himself, that is, for our sins. He had no sins of His own. A bullock was taken and Aaron and his sons placed their hands on the head of the bullock. This bullock was to be a sin offering and they must identify themselves with it, By putting their hands on it, it was as though they transferred their guilt to the animal which was to die in their stead. Then it was killed and some of its blood was put on the horns of the altar, while the rest was poured out at the bottom of it. How this would remind them, as they watched the animal die, that death was the penalty of sin. “Without shedding of blood is no remission.” Hebrews 9:22.
The fat and the fat parts of the animal were then taken and burned upon the brazen altar where the burnt offerings were offered. Although it was a sin offering we are ever reminded of how precious Christ was to the heart of God, even when bearing our sins in His own body on the tree. We must also realize the awfulness of the judgment of sin when we see the flesh, the skin, and the dung of the bullock carried outside the camp and burned there. And so we think of the Lord Jesus, the true sin offering, taken outside of the wall of Jerusalem, and there He bore the fire of God’s judgment against sin. Yes, He bore the full heat of it, and now there is no judgment left for us.
We notice that the skin as well as the dung of the animal must be burned. Perhaps there might be with us some self-righteousness, which, like the skin of the animal, looks very nice to others, but still it is not acceptable to God, “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” before Him, and so we see that the so-called good works of the sinner, as well as the horrible and vile sins, like the dung, must all together come under the fire of judgment. Dear reader, have you ever seen your true condition before God? Have you ever seen yourself as God sees you in your sins? If not, our prayer is that you may see it today in the light of God’s holy Word, and flee to Christ whose mighty work of redemption was for sinners like you and me. What peace it gives to the heart when we take shelter under the precious blood of Christ and know that; our sins are gone forever. “In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:14.
ML 03/05/1950
The Best Gift
Billy could hardly sleep the night before his birthday! How he wished he knew for sure that Mother and Father would give him what he wanted most of all—a dog!
What fun it would be to have a dog all his own! They could play together, go fishing together, and be real pals. Billy could think of lots of tricks to teach a smart dog. He could even sleep at the foot of his bed at night if Mother didn’t mind—and just about that time Billy fell asleep.
The next morning he almost flew downstairs. There at his place at the table were some packages, and on the floor was a big one—big enough to hold a small dog! Billy’s fingers seemed to be all thumbs when he tried to open that big box. Suddenly the box moved a bit. “Woof, Woof” came a puppy’s bark! In a few seconds a happy little boy was hugging the little dog that he had decided to call “Pal.” Bunning first to Mother and then to Father, Billy gave them each a big kiss and a “Thank you!”
When all the gifts had been opened, Father opened his big Bible and Billy and Mother sat quietly to listen. Before he began to read, lie asked his boy, “Billy, what is the best gift you have received?”
“Pal,” quickly answered Billy.
“God has a gift for you too, my boy, a better gift than Pal. It is the greatest gift in all the world. Paul said, ‘Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.’ Your Mother and I pray each day that you will receive that gift. Do you know what God’s gift is?”
Billy looked a bit puzzled, so Father went on. “‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.’ That is God’s gift to you. God gave Him to die on the cross for your sins, Billy. He took your punishment. Then God says, ‘that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ John 3:16.”
After a few moments Billy said, “I would like to have God’s gift. May I tell Him so?” Then Billy bowed his head and prayed, “Thank you, God, for sending Jesus to die for me, and thank you, Lord Jesus, for taking away my sins.”
ML 03/12/1950
Peace, Not War
In Brazil lives an old man who loves the Lord Jesus, and as often as he is able he goes out into the country to sell copies of God’s Word to the people in villages nearby. One man who bought a Bible from him said he was anxious to know all that the prophets had written about, war.
Sometime later when they met again, the new Bible reader told the colporteur, “Reading the Bible carefully I found verses concerning war, but more important than that, a friendly neighbor who is a believer in God, read the Word with me. With his help, I found Jesus as my personal Saviour, and He has made me so happy. I set out to learn about war, but found rest and peace for my soul.”
“The entrance of Thy words giveth light, it giveth understanding unto the simple.” Psalm 119:130.
ML 03/12/1950
"I Am Still Trusting in the Blood"
Betty, Joan and Walter were having dinner with their governess, when their older brother, Fred, walked into the room. He laid his hand on the head of his little five-year-old sister, Joan, saying,
“Thus do your sins lie heavy upon you.”
“Is there any cure for this?” asked the governess, “Is there anything that can take away sins?”
Little Joan looked up at her and said. “The blood.”
Whose blood is that, dear reader? When your sins lie heavy upon you, remember that “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.”
Ten years later, Joan was dying in the hospital. The kind Christian governess came in to see her, longing to know whether the child was resting for her salvation on the blood of Jesus Christ. She found Joan in tears, grieving to part from her older sister, Betty. As Betty went out of the room, she handed the governess a story book, and asked her to read to Joan.
The story was about an. Eastern king. He had commanded one of his nobles to build him a wonderful palace; and had given him a large sum of money for this purpose. On the way to the place where the palace was to be built, the nobleman came to a village where the people were starving, and he used the money to feed them. The king, enraged at thus losing his palace, ordered the nobleman to be executed. But that night in a dream he saw a very beautiful palace.
“This is my palace!” he exclaimed, “only it is even more beautiful than I had planned.”
But a voice replied, “This is the heavenly palace. Your portion is the blackness of darkness forever.”
The sick girl had stopped crying and was listening intently.
“Joan,” said the governess, “Do you remember that, when you were a little girl, your brother Fred laid his hand on your head, saying, ‘Thus do your sins lie heavy upon you?’ You told me then that it was the blood that removes sin. Do you think that your good works can prepare you a place in heaven?”
A look of joyful trust came into the girl’s face. “I am still trusting in the blood,” she replied.
We do not need to build ourselves a palace in the heavens, nor could we do it if we tried. Some boys and girls believe that their good deeds and their prayers will admit them to heaven. But the Lord Jesus said, “In My Father’s house are many mansions ... .I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2. And our only title to that place is the “precious blood of Christ.”
ML 03/12/1950
This is a story of a poor little boy named Garco who lives in. Africa. His father and mother are both dead, and Garco lives with some missionaries who came to Africa to tell the people there about the Lord Jesus. He is only ten years old, and yet he is a great help to the missionaries, and likes to work in the little hospital. which they have built. Garco loves the Lord Jesus very much, and he loves to pray. Often his happy voice is heard in prayer and praise as he goes about his work.
Just a short time ago, Garco took sick with double pneumonia. I suppose most boys and girls who read this paper have been sick at some time or another. But I don’t think many of you have been as sick as Garco. He became weaker and weaker, and struggled to save his life. The faith of the little fellow never wavered. He believed that God intended him to get well again, and take the gospel back to his own people, the Kare tribe. Sometimes when we brought him food or medicine, he was so very weak he could hardly take it, so he would say, “Wait until I pray.” Then after a few words of prayer for strength, he would take what was brought for him. More than once we had to use a big needle to give him some medicine in his arm, but every time he would just close his eyes and pray while we did it, and he never seemed to mind it at all.
After a few days of very much weakness, Garco began to feel better, and we could hear him singing and praying all day long as we went about our work.
While taking care of Garco, I praised God for him, and I know that you are glad that this poor boy, away in far-off Africa, knows and loves the Lord Jesus.
Do you love Jesus yourself? Have you learned to know Him as the One that loved you so much that. He died to put away your sins? If Jesus is your Saviour, then I hope you will do as Garco did and praise and thank (Fin for all. His goodness to you.
“The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth.” Psalm 145:18.
ML 03/12/1950
“His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6.
Wonderful Saviour, wonderful Friend,
Wonderful love that never will end.
Wonderful place He’s gone to prepare,
Wonder of wonders, I shall be there.
ML 03/12/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 29:15-20
There were two rams offered at Aaron and his sons’ consecration. The first one was a burnt offering. Perhaps some of our young readers might wonder what we mean by a burnt offering. There were several different kinds of offerings and each one had a typical meaning of its own. The burnt offering tells us of how Christ’s work on the cross was most pleasing to God His Father. Even if no one were saved at all, God was glorified about the sin question in the very world where His name had been so dishonored.
Aaron and his sons must put their hands on the head of the ram, but not this time to transfer their guilt to it, but rather to make their own, or take to themselves, the value of the sacrifice. In this Ave sec that the believer is brought into a place of favor and acceptance “in Christ.” We stand before God in all the value of His work which has, as it were, been transferred to us.
Then, after the rain had been killed and its blood sprinkled upon the altar, it was cut in pieces and all its inward parts were washed in water. This reminds us again of how the Lord Jesus ever walked according to the Word (the water) and then “offered Himself without spot to God.” Hebrews 9:14. Then the whole ram, every part of it, was offered on the brazen altar, just as every part of the Lord Jesus’ work was a sweet savor to the heart of God.
The next ram was the ram of consecration. It is most interesting. for it brings before us the devoted obedience of Christ even unto death. It was like the ram which Abraham found caught in the thicket by its horns—the strength of the animal was caught. And so the Lord Jesus was so devoted in His love to His Father and to us, His redeemed people, that nothing could turn Him back—He was obedient unto death.
Aaron and his sons were to put their hands on the head of this ram too. Just as with the first ram they were identified with the value of the sacrifice, so with this ram of consecration they were to be devoted in their service to Jehovah. For us this would speak of the devotedness that should characterize our lives as we realize that we belong to Christ. His love should ever constrain us.
When this animal was killed its blood was taken and put on the right ear of Aaron and his sons as well as on the thumb of their right hand and on the great toe of their right foot. Aaron, as we have noticed before, is a type of Christ, and so he had been anointed with oil first. We see in this that the Lord Jesus’ life, which was ever by the power of the Spirit of God (the oil), was one of perfect obedience. His ear was ever open to hear His Father’s voice, his hands were ever ready to do the Father’s will, and His feet were always found in the path the Father had marked out for Him, even though that path meant that He must “resist to blood.”
With Aaron’s sons it was different. The blood must be applied before the oil, and so we learn in this that we must first be under the shelter of the precious blood of Christ before our ears or hands or feet can be used acceptably in service to God. But now we have been cleansed in This blood. may we be ready to “present our bodies a living sacrifice” in return for such wondrous love.
ML 03/12/1950
Sunday School by the Sea
Away in foggy London lived a little girl named Nellie. Each summer she visited the seaside where everything was new and different. There were big rocks to climb over; gulls, crabs, and lobsters to wonder at; and big salty waves in which to bathe. her little bare toes.
Sunday school at the beach was different too. No doors or windows were needed in the big open-air Sunday school, and no chairs either, since the boys and girls just sat down on the golden sand. Here they listened to a Christian man who stood with his Bible, in his hand to tell them the story of the death of the blessed Lord Jesus. Nellie was a very little girl, but she felt that the message was for her and she listened to every word.
The man noticed her eager little face, and so he came to speak to her after the meeting.
“What, is your name?” he asked, “Nellie Goodenough,” she answered.
The man smiled at her unusual name, and said, “And are you really good enough for God?”
Nellie was too shy to answer but she felt that afternoon that she really was not good enough after all. The folks at home often said she was a good little girl, but somehow, while the man was reading from his Bible, she saw that it was most important to know what God said about her, God’s Word says: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. Nellie Goodenough was not good enough for God.
The man with the Bible saw that our little friend was miserable, and he had good news for her. It was just children. like Nellie and you and me that Jesus came to save. Nellie was lost, but Jesus, found her that day. Nellie had come short of God’s glory, but Jesus died so that she might live in that glory forever.
The little girl found, too, that Jesus was the very same Saviour at home in London as He was in that happy Sunday school by the sea. Best of all, He is the same Saviour who waits in glory. to bring home to Himself all the little children who trust in Him for salvation.
ML 03/19/1950
The Lost Bird
Willie had a pet canary which he liked very much. He found a great deal of pleasure in feeding it and caring for it. One fine summer day his canary got out of its cage and flew outside through an open window. Willie felt very bad. He ran out into the street to see if he could find it, and there it was away up on one of the highest branches of a large tree.
Willie knew the Lord Jesus as his Saviour, and so he asked Him to help him in his trouble. He took the bird cage outside, and, holding it over his, head, he called his bird. The canary heard his call and flew straight from the treetop into his wire house. How happy Willie was to have his bird back again, and I am glad to tell you that he did not forget to thank the Lord, for His help.
Yes, dear children, the Lord is ever ready to answer the prayers of His children, and He wants us to ask His help in every time of need. If you are not one of His children, you can become one today, by simply accepting the Lord Jesus as your own personal Saviour. He alone can put away your sins and give you everlasting life.
“As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12.
ML 03/19/1950
Robert in the Snowdrift
Robert was a lively boy, just fourteen years old, and like many other boys, and girls too, he was self-willed, and liked to have his own way.
It was the middle of winter and there had been lots of snow. In some places the drifts were very deep. Robert’s father and mother had warned him to keep to the roads and to the beaten paths. God’s Word says, “Children, obey your parents.” But Robert thought he knew better than his parents and he wanted to have some fun. So on his way home from school, he took another, way which, looked to be so much more fun than just walking along the road. He was wading through the deep snow and really having a good time, when all at once he fell right into a thick, snowdrift. And in a very few minutes it began to snow still more! Poor Robert was frightened, for he knew he had been disobedient. Besides, he couldn’t get out. There he was, all alone on the side of a hill, far away from his own home and nobody at hand to help him, out. So he set about to struggle, and struggle he did. But the harder he tried, the deeper his feet sank in the snow.
Before I finish the story, let me tell you that God has told us in His Word that there is one way to heaven. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the; life: no man cometh unto the Father, hut by Me.” John 14:6. If you have, not taken Jesus as your Saviour, you are not on the road to heaven. The road, you are on leads to hell although you may be just as happy as Robert was—until he fell into the snowdrift, and then he began to worry.
Robert had been struggling for quite a long time when he heard the bark of a dog. Soon he heard a man’s voice calling, “Who is there?”
“It’s Robert, and I’m stuck in the snow and can’t get out. Please get me out.”
It was a hard thing to do, but the man soon had Robert pulled out, and then what do you think he did? He set Robert up on his shoulders, and carried him right to his own home, where his wife soon had hot milk and some warm blankets ready for the shivering boy. You may be sure Robert thanked, them both very much, and it wasn’t long before he was taken home to his own father and mother.
What does this story make you think of? Weren’t you and I just like Robert in the snowdrift, lost and unable to save ourselves?
But the Lord Jesus came to die for sinners and if we cry out to Him as Robert did and tell Him that we are lost and want to be saved, He will do the rest.
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ: Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15.
ML 03/19/1950
JESUS—Saviour, precious Name, Of the babe in Bethlehem, Came to earth to shed His blood, Son of man, yet Son of God.
EARNESTLY front day to day, (Seeking sinners all the way) Thou didst tread the thorny road; Here for man—blest Son of God.
SEEKS thee, sinner! still in grace! Wilt thou riot then seek His face? So that welcomed, pardoned, blessed, Thou shalt have eternal rest.
US (though sinners, such as we, Nailed Thee, Saviour, to the tree) Thou didst suffer all to win Millions from the power of sin.
SINNERS, Jesus seeks you still, Seeks to break your stubborn will, Seeks to bring you home to God; This is WHY He shed His blood.
“Thou shalt call His name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins.” Matt. 1:21.
ML 03/19/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 29:21-41
The blood of the ram of consecration and the anointing oil were then sprinkled on the garments of glory and beauty which the high priest was to wear. This blood would remind us of how the Lord Jesus, our Great High Priest, wears the marks in His hands, feet, and side, of His suffering and death for us as He serves us on high.
The blood and the anointing oil was also sprinkled on the garments of Aaron’s sons. The garments in Scripture speak of the outward associations of life, and how instructive this is to see that we who are redeemed with the precious blood of Christ should always remember in our contacts with others, that we belong to Him. There should be that devoted obedience, by the power of the Spirit of God, of which the oil is a type, seen in the life of every believer.
After this the fat parts of the ram, along with the right shoulder, a loaf of bread, a cake of oiled bread, and a water of unleavened bread were waved as a wave offering before the Lord by Aaron and his sons. The word consecration means “filling the hand,” and so it would tell us of how in worship our hearts should be filled with a sense of the loveliness of Christ, and we delight to present Him to God in worship. The fat tells of the excellence of the sacrifice—the best part as it were; the shoulder speaks of strength, while the loaves of bread speak of Christ as man down here, marked out by the, Spirit, and ever living by the Spirit, as the sinless One. Surely our “hands” and hearts should be filled with a sense of this, and thus find our delight in reminding God our Father of all the excellence we see in His beloved Son.
The heave shoulder and the breast of the ram were to be for Aaron and his sons, for we would not only present Christ to God in worship, but at the same time we ourselves find our joy and communion in thinking about Him. This is a peace offering, for we find our peace and joy in such occupation.
Aaron and his sons were then to seethe the flesh of the ram and eat it in the holy place. It was, we notice, to be eaten on the same day, for God would have us in the fresh enjoyment of our portion so that it does not become a formal thing with us. Anything left over until the next day was to be burned with fire.
The sin offering was to be offered each day for seven days, while Aaron and his sons were being consecrated. They were always to remember, seven days in the week, the cost of their redemption.
The next thing was the continual burnt offering—two lambs every day—one in the morning and the other in the evening. This was to continue every day of the year throughout their generations. Surely this has a lesson for us, for we need Christ in the morning and Christ in the evening all along our earthly pathway. There was also the fine flour, the oil, and the wine, reminding us of Christ’s perfect life enjoyed by the power of the Spirit of God. How often this is neglected, and we allow our hearts to become cold and indifferent to the Lord’s claims over us. May we never allow anything that robs us of our joy in the Lord.
ML 03/19/1950
Here is a picture of one of the modern streamlined trains which runs through the State of Iowa now, but I would like to tell you about a little girl who saved a trainload of people from a terrible accident many years ago. Her name was Kate, and she lived with her parents in a very humble home near the Des Moines River. Their house was quite close to a railway bridge, and Kate knew all about the trains which crossed there each day. She had often watched them racing along at a high speed carrying hundreds of men and women and boys and girls from place to place.
One day there was a terrible raining and the little creek over which the bridge was built rose higher and higher until it washed away part of the bridge. It was late in the evening and Kate knew that there was an express train which came through in the middle of the night and unless someone gave the warning there would be a wreck and perhaps many lives would be lost. There was no way of telling about the danger except to go to the nearest station. Although it was a very stormy night, she started out all alone and finally reached the station in time to give the warning.
The passengers on the train were so thankful for her courage and bravery which had saved their lives that they collected money and other things to give her.
How this story makes us think of the Lord Jesus, the One who looked down upon us in our terrible danger as we were traveling on to eternal destruction. He left His bright home above and came down to this poor world, going to that awful cross of Calvary to save us. There He bore the judgment which we deserved in order that we might escape it, and be brought to heaven. How thankful we ought to be to Him! The passengers of that express train were willing to give freely to show their gratitude to Kate for her efforts to save them, but God offers salvation to “Whosoever will” without money arid without price. Have you ever thanked Him, dear reader, for what He suffered for sinners on the cross? Can you say “He died for me?”
ML 03/26/1950
Mrs. Wang
Far away in the interior of China a gospel hall had just been opened, and the wife of the missionary went out to invite some of the women to come and hear the wonderful message of God’s love to sinners. While going from house to house she came to the home of a rich Chinese family where she met many fine ladies. They all promised very courteously to come to the gospel meeting the next morning.
With great hopes the missionary went on. As she passed along the street she saw a poor woman with her little girl, sitting in the dust in front of one of the homes, and so she invited her to come too.
When the time came for the gospel meeting the next morning, not one of the fine ladies came, but the poor woman who was sitting in the dirt was there. Her name was Mrs. Wang. She listened very attentively to the message, and from then on she came to every meeting. Each day she visited the missionary’s home where she was taught to read. Before long she saw her great need as a sinner, and accepted the Lord Jesus as her own personal Saviour. This made a great change in her life and in her appearance too. She tried to keep her clothes clean and tidy, and her face, once hard and sad, now had a happy expression on it.
Mrs. Wang’s husband was not at all pleased that his wife had “eaten” the foreign doctrine, and he threatened to kill her if he saw her coming out of the Gospel Hall. However, she continued to come and trusted the Lord to protect her. One day, after prayer with her missionary friend, she started out through the little porch at the gate and there was her husband sitting at the roadside. She passed by without saying a word, and went on home. Some little time later her husband came home and asked her if she had been to the Gospel Hall that day. She was amazed and asked, “Did you not see me?” He had not seen her passing—the Lord had covered his eyes! He was so impressed that he did not try to hinder her from going to the meetings again, and even stopped persecuting her as he had been doing.
“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1.
ML 03/26/1950
A Purged Conscience
We noticed last month that when Adam and his wife had eaten of the forbidden fruit they received a conscience, but sad to say, because of their sin, it was a guilty conscience. They tried fig leaf aprons, then hiding from. God, and last of all they tried to place the blame on others, but none of these things removed their guilty conscience in the presence of a holy God. What a sad condition they were in, and there was nothing, absolutely nothing they could do to remove their guilt, or give their consciences peace before God. They were ruined sinners and they must die as God had said.
Although we know that a purged. conscience could never be known before the cross, let us look at God’s provision for Adam and his wife as a type of the believer’s place now. How wonderful were the words which fell upon their ears telling that the Seed of the woman was to bruise the serpent’s head. What did it mean? They had tried in vain to hide their guilt by their own works, but now God said that He was going to come in and bruise the serpent’s head through the woman’s Seed. They could not understand it, but they believed it. As yet they had no children, but God had promised the Seed and so that settled it. They had listened to the serpent before but now they believed God. Therefore Adam called his wife’s name “Eve” which means “The mother of all living.” He knew that God was going to fulfill His word and give the promised Seed. He had faith in God.
Then God undertook their whole case. Some little animals were killed, their blood was shed, and then God clothed Adam and Eve with coats of skins. Now they could stand before Him in a covering which He Himself had provided. Their doubts were gone; God had provided the covering; He was satisfied and so were they.
How beautifully this shadows forth. the place of the believer now. There was, of course, no real value in the blood of these animals which were killed to make the coats of skins for Adam and Eve. Nor was there any real value in the blood of the many sacrifices which were offered from that time onward, except that they pointed on to the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was He, the promised Seed of the woman, who came to undo the works of the devil. Never in Old Testament times could they have a conscience purged of all guilt, because the true Sacrifice, the One whose blood alone can put away sin, had not come; but now the work has been forever completed. All the majesty and holiness of God’s throne has been fully upheld and the precious blood of Christ is of such infinite value that the one who is cleansed in it has no more conscience of sins. What a glorious truth, and every believer should he in the enjoyment of it! It is our place by virtue of the finished work of Christ.
The believer is not merely looked upon as a forgiven sinner, but he is in a new standing entirely. Just as Adam and Eve’s nakedness was no longer seen because they were clothed with the skin of the victim who had died in their stead, so the believer is made the righteousness of God in Christ. (2 Cor. 5:21.) God sees him in all the perfection of His own beloved Son, as to his standing, and since he has the life of Christ he is looked at as though he had never sinned at all. (Col. 3:3, 4.) We have died in the death of Christ out of our position of condemnation, and are NOW “perfected forever” through His finished work. May we rejoice and praise Him more for it!
ML 03/26/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 29:42-30:2
Let us just notice a little more about this continual burnt offering, for it is most important. God would have us in the enjoyment of the love of Christ in our souls and if we lose, this we are in danger at once. It was upon the offering of this sacrifice that the Lord said He would commune with the children of Israel, and so if we are going to have the mind and thoughts of God as to our path we will have to be careful not to neglect this “daily sacrifice.” No amount of knowledge of God’s Word will keep us if we get out of communion, and when difficulties and problems arise we shall not have the Lord’s mind as to our path.
Not only will we find true happiness for ourselves when walking in the love of God, hut what joy it gives the Lord too, for He delights in having our company. He loves us and love always wants the company of the one it loves. So here we find the Lord reminding the children of Israel that He was going to dwell among them. He had redeemed. them for that very purpose, hut because He is holy everything must be suited to His nature. Because of their sinful condition He could not dwell among them apart from the offering of sacrifices day by day.
Having learned about the consecration of Aaron and his sons and the garments they were to wear, we now come to the two pieces of tabernacle furniture which were omitted previously. They are the altar of incense and the laver. A careless reader might wonder why they should not have been mentioned along with the other furniture, but we know that God has a purpose in all these things. There is always a perfect order in God’s ways. When the Lord Jesus arose from the dead, “the napkin that was about His head (was) ... .wrapped together in a place by itself” apart from the other clothing. All must be in order, giving witness and testimony to the world that His body had not been stolen away by disorderly men, but that it was God who had raised Him from the dead. God. always acts according to His own character—always.
The reason that the altar of incense comes in after the consecration of the priests is that it typifies worship. Thus we see that it is because we have a Great High Priest, the Lord Jesus, that we can draw near in worship. We who are saved are now a kingdom of priest, and can come into the very presence of God to offer up our spiritual sacrifices assured that they are acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. The altar therefore speaks of Christ. The shittim wood tells us of His perfect humanity, and the gold with which it was overlaid would tell us of His deity. It was one cubit long and one cubit wide, for there is one God, and He only must be worshiped. Although God has now been revealed in trinity, there is only our God, and it is wrong to worship angels, men, or images. The Word of God says, “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God. and Him only shalt thou serve.” Matt. 4:10.
The altar being foursquare would remind us once again that the blessings of Christ’s work are not confined to the nation of Israel, but go out to the “four corners” of the earth. Believers of all nations are made “one in Christ Jesus,” and regardless of nationality each and all can draw near in worship.
ML 03/26/1950
Bible Questions for April
The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in James or 1 Peter.
1.“A friend of the world.”
2.“The tongue is a fire.”
3.“Now ye see Him not.”
4.“The just for the unjust.”
5.“Doers of the word.”
6.“The poor of this world.”
7.“On your part He is glorified.”
The Young People’s Class The Heart
In speaking of the heart we do not refer to the physical organ of the body which pumps blood through our veins and arteries. It is spoken of in the Word of God generally as the place of our affections, and it is in this way that we are using it in our questions today. In the book of Proverbs we read, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” This verse shows us that our whole life is the outcome of what we allow our affections to run after. A man who loves money will probably spend his life trying to accumulate it, A boy who loves sport will probably spend all his spare time following up the line of sport he likes best. The girl who loves dress is likely to become the slave of fashion.
There are many, many things which we can set our hearts upon down here, but let us be assured that they will all pass away with the world to which they belong.
I hope that the one who reads these lines has not set his or her heart upon anything in this poor passing world. I hope you have set it upon things above and that your whole heart is absorbed and satisfied with Christ. If it is, you have found the true “issues of life.” You have found the true secret of happiness, and of you it can be said, “Your heart shall live forever.” Psalm 22:26. May the Lord give each one of us to “keep (our hearts) with all diligence” day by day. His matchless love demands it!
1.Why are we to keep our hearts with all diligence? Proverbs 4.
2.Should we set our hearts upon riches? Psalm 62.
3.Where should we set our affections? Colossians.
4.What was the joy and rejoicing of Jeremiah’s heart? Jeremiah 15.
5.What gives a person a cheerful face? Proverbs 15.
6.Is God pleased with nice talk if a person’s heart is far from Him? Matthew.
7.What does God say about the imagination of the unsaved man’s heart? Genesis 6.
ML 04/02/1950
The Noisy Waterfall
A man went to live near a no by waterfall. It was a very pretty spot, but when he went to bed at night he could not get to sleep because of the roar of the falling water. However, he soon became so accustomed to the noise that he could sleep there as well as any place else, and perhaps even a little better!
I wonder if you are something like this man, dear reader. Sometimes, perhaps, when you have heard how God will judge the sinner, you have been alarmed, and thought it was time to be saved. And then the feeling of conviction wore off, and Satan persuaded you that there was plenty of time, and you became careless as to your soul.
Now you can almost go to sleep-under the sound of the gospel. You may be hearing it every week at Sunday school, but perhaps you have grown so accustomed to it that it does not trouble you any longer. Remember that God’s Word says, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2. Receive the Lord Jesus NOW as your Saviour before it is forever too late.
“You had better come to Jesus And that — just NOW.”
ML 04/02/1950
Reggie's Disobedience
It was dull! Reggie’s mother was sick in bed, and as he was an only child he had nobody to play with.
What seemed to be so hard to Reggie was this: he had a new sailboat which he loved to sail every day on the pond. His mother had asked him not to sail it there while she was so sick, for it made her worry.
As he looked at his boat, so trim, and neat, the temptation seemed too strong for him, and so he reached for it and hurried away.
It was himself he sought to please, and not the Lord, who says,
“Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord.” Col. 3:20.
Don’t imagine that Reggie fell into the water and was drowned. He had a good time, except for a bit of a bad conscience. His disobedience continued for several days. One day as he was just about to leave with his boat, the nurse met him at the door and told him that his mother was much worse and might not live very long.
Poor Reggie. He loved his mother and he thought, “What if mother should die before I have confessed and she has forgiven my sin and disobedience!”
He at once begged to be allowed to see her, but the doctor had ordered perfect quiet, and the nurse would not let him in.
With a heavy load on his heart he wandered about in the garden. Suddenly he had a bright idea, and he hurried in and picked up his blackboard and chalk. This is what he wrote:
“Dear Mother, I have been very disobedient and sailed my boat on the pond. I am so very, very sorry and want you to forgive me. Please say you forgive me by rubbing this off the blackboard.”
Then on tip-toe he crept upstairs to the door of his mother’s room and sat there waiting for the nurse to come out.
“Do give this to Mother,” he whispered when at last she came to the door.
“I’m afraid she’s too sick to read it, but wait just a minute.”
After a long time the nurse returned and. handed the board back to Reggie saying, “Your mother has read it,”
Eagerly he looked at it and what do you think he found? It was clean! All rubbed out! The burden of his heart was gone and he knew he was forgiven.
I do not know whether Reggie ever confessed his sins to God. But I do know that God is waiting to do for you just what Reggie’s mother did for him. If you will but own your sins before Him, He will wash them all away, and you will be forgiven.
“The blood of Jesus Christ. His Son cleanseth us from all sin,” 1 John 1:7.
ML 04/02/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 30:2-16
The altar of incense was two cubits high, and two is typical of testimony. “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matt. 18:20. Many of God’s dear children have laid hold of this precious promise, and, meeting in God’s appointed way, they remember the Lord in His death and offer up their spiritual sacrifices to God. What a privilege this is! Surely it is far more wonderful than the sweet-smelling incense which was offered on the tabernacle altar, which was only a “shadow of good things to come!”
Around this altar of incense, as around the ark and the table, there was to be a crown. of gold. How carefully God guards the glory of the Person of His Son and how important this is in worship. Our blessed Lord is the One whom “the King delighteth to honor,” and surely every true believer delights to do the same.
Every morning Aaron was to burn sweet incense upon the altar when he dressed the lamps, and again every evening when he lighted them. There was to be no strange incense offered, for only what speaks of the loveliness of Christ in His Person and work is a sweet God. The fire by which the incense was to be burned came from the brazen altar, for only that which is the fruit of the knowledge of what Christ accomplished at Calvary is the true foundation of worship. All other attempts are like strange fire, as though to present to God something of man’s efforts which cannot be accepted at all. We are told here that the altar was most holy and we should always remember this when we come into the presence of God in worship.
Aaron was to make an atonement for the altar once a year, for they must always be reminded that the blood of bulls and goats could never take away sin. Only the blood of the Perfect Sacrifice, the blessed, spotless, Lamb of God, could obtain “eternal redemption for us.” “The law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God.” Hebrews 7:19. May we ever rejoice in the perfection of Christ’s work!
Whenever the people were numbered everyone must give a half shekel of silver. It must be after the shekel of the sanctuary too. It must be according to God’s standard, not man’s. Moreover the rich were not to give more nor the poor less, for God is no respecter of persons. All stand on one common platform before Him as sinners, whether rich or poor, and all need redemption. Of course we know that we are “not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold.. but with the precious blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:18, 19. All need this, and thank God, salvation is for “whosoever will.” Dear reader, are you redeemed? Are you resting on Christ’s finished work? There is no other ground of peace with God.
When David on one occasion numbered the people without this redemption money, God sent a plague among them, and it was not until David offered a sacrifice that the plague stopped. Nor will you ever be “numbered” among the happy throngs in heaven, dear reader, unless you learn the redemption song here. God must remind us over and over again that there is no blessing for fallen man apart from redemption.
ML 04/02/1950
The Train Ride
What boy or girl does not like to look at a locomotive! How huge it is, and well able to pull many freight cars or passenger coaches, and bring them speedily from one city to another. Steam, like that which escapes from mother’s kettle when it is boiling, makes the wheels turn around and enables this big “steelhorse” to pull as much as five million pounds. And so when you step into a coach your weight will not make it much harder for the big engine, will it? No indeed, but we must ask God to keep us even on a big strong train, for even trains have wrecks sometimes!
But, we cannot take a train to heaven, can we? There is only One Person who can bring us there. Many of our little readers will say: “Oh, that is Jesus.” Yes, and the wonderful part about it is, that if you have trusted Him as your only Saviour, He will bring you safe home to the Father’s house above. How good it is, when we let His Word settle every doubt and question, for God wants us to have a happy journey, and not to be like the two little girls of whom I wish to tell you.
These two girls were to go from one little town to another and they looked forward to having a grand time. They had their tickets which, they were told, would give them the right to get on the train and go to their destination. After they waited in the station for a little while the train thundered in, and soon the conductor was helping them into a nice coach. In their eagerness to get in they handed him their tickets without knowing they had done it. Soon they were comfortably seated by the window and as the train started moving again they should have enjoyed their ride. But alas, where were their tickets? They looked at each other, they looked on the seat, on the floor, everywhere, but no tickets could be found! Their faces were anything but happy now, and while they rolled past all the nice sights outside, there were two troubled little hearts inside, so they did not enjoy their trip at all. Finally the conductor came along and so they told him their troubles. The kind man smiled and said, “Well, well, I had your tickets all the time, but here you are at your destination”—and the train came to a stop and they got off.
Do you say, “That was too bad?” But isn’t this like some boys and girls, and grownups too, who have told the Lord Jesus that they would take Him as their Saviour, but they still have doubts. Could it be that they have forgotten that Jesus paid all the fare—all that it takes to make a sinner whiter than snow and take him all the way into God’s holy presence in heaven? You need not worry in the least if you have just trusted in the Lord Jesus. To such we would say that it is not a question of your thoughts or feelings, for God sees the sinner who believes safe and secure under the shelter of the precious blood of His dear Son. Why not rejoice and be happy on your journey to heaven knowing that the Lord Jesus has paid for all your sins at Calvary and has promised to take you safely there. In God’s precious Word He says,
ML 04/09/1950
Tell Others
A Chinese Christian was thrown, into jail because he preached about Jesus. Chang, the prisoner who shared the cell with him, was an honest man, but had been put in jail because Someone accused him of stealing. The Christian silently prayed for him, but he soon found out that Chang didn’t want to hear anything about the One who loved him and died for him.
One day they were taken out by the soldiers to weed in a field, and here they found the remains of many books which had been burned. In the ashes the Christian found a complete copy of the book of The Acts which had escaped the flames, and it was very precious to him, He read it most of the time, and soon Chang wanted to read it too. He read it carefully many times, and soon he sought and found the Saviour who was seeking for him. He confessed that his sins needed punishment, and then believed that Jesus bore that punishment for him when He died on ‘the cross. This made him so happy even though he was in prison, and when he was released he loved to tell others of the Saviour he had found.
Do you tell others of the Saviour who has saved you, dear young Christian? Jesus said to one of old: “Return to thine own house, and show how great things God hath done unto thee,” Luke 8:39. How wonderful if someone were saved because you or I spoke to him of the Lord Jesus!
ML 04/09/1950
Nelly's Text
It was the last day of the year, and a big pile of new almanacs lay on the kitchen table, ready to be given to the neighbors. Little Nelly came running into the kitchen, and at once her attention was caught by the big text in the center of the sheet. Nelly was five years old, and had just learned to read, so she was eager to show off her knowledge to the cook.
“God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3: 16.
Slowly and emphatically she read the big, clear words. Now Nelly had heard that beautiful verse over and over again. This time she not only read the words with her lips, and understood them with her mind—she believed them in her heart. She saw for the first time that God really loved her, little Nelly, and she, little Nelly, now had everlasting life. And so the verse seemed quite new to her.
“That is the most beautiful verse I ever heard,” she said. Then, turning to the cook, she added, “I must have one of those papers on the wall in my bedroom.”
“Oh, no,” said the cook, laughing, “you do not need one.”
“Yes, I do,” said the child, “and I know my daddy would give me one.”
“But there is no room on the wall for you to put it up,” said the cook.
“Oh, yes, there is lots of room. Come upstairs with me and I’ll show you—right over my bed.”
She went up readily enough, for she knew something Nelly did not know. When they looked into the bedroom, there, right over Nelly’s bed was the beautiful text. Her mother had already fastened the almanac there!
All the year long Nellie slept under that wonderful assuring verse, which told her that she would not perish but that she had everlasting life— all because of God’s great love.
Nelly used to delight to say, “God so loved Nelly, that Nelly need not perish,”
Can you put your name into the empty places in the text? God is waiting for you to make it your very own.
ML 04/09/1950
"Who Loved First"
I suppose you are like other little boys and girls who like to be “first.” You like to say, “I did it first” or “I saw it first.” But have you ever thought who LOVED first?
A little boy name Willie was very sick. One Sunday evening he heard, through his open window, the sounds of singing from an open-air meeting. Willie asked his mother to go down and invite one of the preachers to come up and sing for him. Soon his mother returned with a young man and he asked Willie what hymn he would like to hear.
“Please sir,” said Willie, “sing I Love Jesus, Hallelujah.’”
The young man sang the hymn to please the sick boy, and then he explained that it would be far happier for Willie if he would think about the One who loved FIRST.
It is not because we love Jesus that He loves us. The Bible says, “We love Him, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19. So we love to hear children sing,
“Jesus loves me, this I know,
For the Bible tells me so.”
“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” 1 John 4:10.
ML 04/09/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 30: 7-25
The last piece of furniture is the laver. It was made of brass obtained from the looking glasses of the women in the assembly. Yes, they parted with their looking glasses to make this important piece of furniture! We shall see the reason for this shortly, but we must learn first of all what the laver was to be used for; When one entered the court of the tabernacle the first thing he came to was the brazen altar. There, in figure, we learn that the Lord Jesus has fully glorified God about the question of sin. He has fully met the sinner’s need too, for the fire of God’s judgment fell upon Him, just as the sacrifice was burned upon the brazen altar. Then we pass on a little way and we come to the laver of which we are speaking, where the priests washed their hands and feet before entering the tabernacle. It is like applying the Word of God to any and every defilement of the way and judging ourselves for it.
Now we can see the reason the looking glasses were used. The vanity of all that we are by nature and all our boasting must be judged and come to an end. These looking glasses could never be used again to satisfy the vanity of the women who once possessed them. They had given them to the Lord and were now henceforth more concerned with how they appeared in His eyes. Oh, that more Christian women would visit God’s “beauty shop” and adorn themselves for His eyes instead of for their own vanity! Dear sisters in the Lord, have you taken your looking glasses to the Lord and allowed the “water” of His Word, like the water in the laver, to be applied to all you use your mirror for? It is a privilege to please the Lord even in the little things, is it not? God did not tell Moses that the laver must be made from these looking glasses, but the women gave them willingly, and God has been pleased to record this in His Word.
The priests were only washed all over once and that was at-their consecration, but they had to be continually washing their hands and feet at the laver. The reason their hands had to be washed was because of the bloody sacrifices they were continually offering, but now since the one perfect sacrifice. of Christ, our “hands” need not be washed to approach before God. We can always present Christ and this is sure to be acceptable to Him. However, although the Lord would not wash Peter’s hands and head, because he was “clean every whit,” He did wash Peter’s feet, as well as the feet of the other disciples. (John 13:1-10.) in the same way we need to apply the Word of God to our walk, allowing it to produce self-judgment for everything that is contrary to it. And so we read, “Let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.” 1 Cor. 11:28. Let us not forget this, for if we do not judge ourselves the Lord will have to chasten us as His children. (Heb. 12:7.)
After this comes the holy anointing oil, which typifies Christ as the One whose life was ever by the power of the Spirit of God and was ever fragrant to God His Father. The Spirit of God could come down upon Him like a dove and there rest, while the Father’s voice from heaven said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Matt. 3:17. This anointing oil was never put upon man’s flesh, for there is nothing of the natural man that is acceptable to God. Only what is of Christ in the power of the Spirit is pleasing to Him.
ML 04/09/1950
What Happened to Daisy
“Girls,” called Mother, “Come and see what John has found.”
We were downstairs in a moment, for we had seen John coming up from the barn with a queer-looking bundle in his arms. He laid it gently by the fire, and opened the blanket to show up the smallest and weakest of lambs. It was only a few hours old, shivering and just barely alive.
“Oh, Mother,” I cried, “may we have it?”
“Yes,” said Mother, “it is yours if you can get it to live.”
Our little lamb lived indeed, and we called her Daisy. No lamb in barn or field ever had so much loving care as our Daisy, till it was a wonder that she did not die from over-feeding. Mother said we were very foolish. “The Lord is my Shepherd,” she added softly, “and I’m glad that He is wiser than that in caring for His little lambs!”
No doubt Mother was right, for Daisy’s own way was her ruin, as you shall see. Her manners grew unbearable, and she had. a naughty way of bunting over milk pails or furniture, just for fun. We loved to play with her, but her worst enemy was the other lamb in my sister’s big mirror. One day she smashed the big looking glass to pieces!
This was enough for Father. Our Daisy, must be sold, and sold she was and slaughtered too, and all our tears and entreaties could not save her.
Mother dried our tears and told us that Father was right it could not be helped, “You couldn’t save your naughty little lamb,” she told us, “but the Lord Jesus can save His naughty little lambs.” You see, we are all self-willed by nature, and we bring plenty of trouble upon ourselves by our sinful ways. We deserve to die, and all the tears of those who love us cannot save us from God’s righteous judgment.
The Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who gave His life for the sheep. Daisy is dead, but the Lord’s little lambs will live with Him forever because He died instead of them. How good to shelter in His loving arms, and to know that His ways are best, now and always. Jesus said,
ML 04/16/1950
"I Am Afraid I Am!"
Waking along one of the streets of the city of Montreal one day, I handed a gospel tract to a gentleman passing by. The title of the tract was “I Am Not Going to a Christ-less Grave, Are You?” Taking it from me he continued on his way, but as I turned to see if he were reading it, he called to me and said, “I am afraid I am!”
How many people we pass day by day; if they would only admit it, must say the same words. How many there are who pass on to a Christless grave! Did you ever stop to think what this means, dear reader? It means a Christ-less resurrection and a Christless eternity in hell. How solemn! How awful!
God tells us in His Word that “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Rom. 3:23. Since God is so holy that He must punish every sin, how can anyone escape the judgment of a lost eternity? The answer is this: God’s own beloved Son took the sinner’s place and received from God’s hand the judgment we so richly deserved, in order that those who believe might go free.
Reader, if you wish to be saved now, read John 1:12, and receive Christ as your Saviour today. It says, “As many as received Him, to them gave He por to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” If you will kneel down in God’s holy presence right now and own yourself a lost, guilty, hell-deserving sinner, and tell God from your heart that you will receive Christ, He will save you at once. You will be cleansed and forgiven, and God will make you one of His children.
ML 04/16/1950
Winnie was brought to know the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour when she was thirteen years old. She had often heard about the Lord Jesus, but one day as she was walking along the street she saw these words, written in chalk on an old board fence,
“Sinner, where will you spend eternity?”
You may know a great deal about the Bible and yet not be very happy about answering that question. Winnie tried to forget it, but all day long she thought of it, and soon could bear her trouble no longer. She went alone to her room and opened her Bible and got down on her knees. There she told God about her trouble, and turned to see what the Bible might have to say. She had learned John 3:16 and could repeat it from memory, but she opened up her Bible and read it again.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Then and there she saw what she had not seen before. She saw that if she believed God and took the Lord Jesus as her Saviour, she could answer her question.
She was now filled with joy, and wanted to do something for the Saviour who had done so much for her.
From that day onward, she almost always carried gospel tracts with her wherever she went, and used to give them out on her way to and from school. I could tell you of many times that Winnie was used in blessing to other boys and girls, for she spoke of Jesus wherever she went.
“Sinner, where will you spend eternity?”
Can you say, “In heaven, with Jesus my Saviour?”
ML 04/16/1950
The Finger of God
Little Arthur watched through the window as the rain came pouring down. He liked to watch it run down. the glass, as it made him feel so thankful to be dry and warm. As he looked out at the garden, he began to wish that he could go out and pick at least one of his father’s nice roses. But he had been told never to touch the flowers, and he knew he must leave them alone. But they did look so pretty.
Soon the rain was over, and. Arthur thought he would go out and at least take a better look at those roses. I think it would have been better for him to stay away from temptation, but he thought he would just look, and not touch.
It wasn’t very long before Arthur found himself bending over and smelling the rose, and then looking this and that way to see if anybody was watching. Soon he reached out and took the prickly stem in his fingers all ready to break it off. He thought he should take just one more look around, and at once saw something which made him drop the rose very quickly. You would never guess what he saw. It was a bright and beautiful rainbow. And why would that make Arthur drop the rose? Let’s watch him while he runs quickly in to his mother, and maybe we shall find out what he was thinking.
“Oh, Mother,” he said breathlessly, “God has drawn His finger right across the sky, because He was angry with me.”
Then he explained about wanting that rose, and nearly picking it.
“My son,” said his mother, “it was not God’s anger, but His love which set that rainbow in the sky. But I would have you always see the finger of God directing you from the ways of sin and disobedience.”
Arthur often thought of the finger of God after this, and it was a help to him. When he felt like being disobedient, or having his own way, he often turned to the Lord Jesus for help and strength.
We read in Exodus 8:19 that the magicians of king Pharaoh saw the finger of God in the plagues sent upon Egypt. The finger of God also wrote upon the walls of the palace of Belshazzar. But in both Pharaoh and Belshazzar’s case, they refused to obey. the finger of God and they were destroyed.
God’s finger today points to the Lord Jesus, His own beloved Son. “This is My beloved Son: hear Him.” Mark 9: 7.
Remember, dear boys and girls, that the eye of God is always upon you, and that Jesus wants to be your Saviour. “He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.” John 6:47.
ML 04/16/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 30:26-38
We remarked last week that the holy anointing oil was never to be put upon man’s flesh, but it is beautiful to notice that Aaron’s sons were anointed with it after the blood had been applied to them first. In this we see that a man must be cleansed in the precious blood of Christ before he can be indwelt by the Spirit. of God and bear fruit for God. We find many today who are trying to do something for God and yet they are still unsaved. Their hearts are still defiled by sin, and the Word of God tells us that in this state they “cannot please God.” The very first thing a sinner can do to please God is to own his guilt and be cleansed from it in the precious blood of Christ.
All the vessels and furniture of the tabernacle were to be anointed with this precious anointing oil for they all spoke of Christ in the varied aspects of His Person and work. How lovely to connect this with the verse in Psalm 45:8, “All Thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia.” There we see Christ, as it were, fragrant with all these lovely spices; and. surely if we are near to Him and are filled with the Spirit, we shall be enjoying this, and something of His loveliness will be seen in us too. This ointment Was “most holy,” telling us that if we are to bear any fruit for God there must be the judgment of any and every failure in our lives. Holiness becomes God’s house and is particularly connected with worship in all these types.
There was to be no imitation of this ointment and the one who attempted to make any imitation of it was to be cut off from his people. What a warning to those who would attempt to imitate the work of the Spirit of God by excitement and other means. It is a very solemn thing to try to imitate the work of God— such attempts are the work of the enemy. Then we find unsaved people who are trying to imitate the life of Christ apart from new birth, and this too is hateful to God. Dear reader, have you accepted Christ as your own personal Saviour? If not, why not do so today?
Next there was the sweet perfume, and although we are told the kinds of spices which were to be used, we are not told how much of each was to be used in this wonderful perfume. There was, however, an equal quantity of each, for there was a perfect evenness in every grace in Christ, and yet each was infinite it could not be measured. Some of this perfume was to “beaten very small” and put before the testimony where God met with them. When we think of it being beaten very small, we think of the blessed Lord Jesus being “beaten” for its on the cross. Into those three hours were compressed all the suffering which our sins deserved, and yet we can surely say that there was never a time when the Lord Jesus was so pleasing to His Father as when He was accomplishing His will even unto death. The sweet perfume of this wonderful work of redemption is ever before God and it is because of this that He can meet. with us, the very ones who deserved the judgment which Jesus bore.
This perfume was most holy and no one was to make any imitation of it. There can be no substitute for the work of Christ—absolutely none. “His name alone is Excellent,” and His work alone is fragrant to God. Our place and privilege is because of Him, and His comeliness has been placed upon us. (Psalm 148:13; Ezek. 16:14.)
ML 04/16/1950
Brave Oscar
Two little children ran after their father one morning as he went to work, and on their way home, began to pick daisies on the side of the lake. Harry was just three years old, and he wasn’t quite as careful as his brother Carl. He reached. over the bank for an extra big daisy, slipped, and rolled down into the water. Carl heard him scream and turned just in time to see the splash as his brother went down. Carl ran home as fast as he could to tell his mother, but it was quite a long way, and I am afraid ‘Harry would have drowned but for brave Oscar. Oscar was a big dog that had been sleeping in the sunshine on the side of the river. Harry’s cry awakened him, and with one spring he was in the water. He caught Harry’s coat with his teeth, and kept him afloat until a boatman came along and picked him up. A crowd soon gathered on the lake side and in a few minutes Harry was safe in his mother’s arms.
Do you think he forgot brave Oscar? No. Although Harry is now a big boy, you may still see him walking by the lake with old Oscar by his side.
I know of One who died to save you from eternal death. His name is Jesus. Have you ever thanked Him? Do you walk by His side day by day?
ML 04/23/1950
Helen's Hymn
Do you go to Sunday school, little girl?”
“No,” said the dear wee-girl, “Father won’t let me. He says I can go when I am big, but it’s no use a little girl like me going; I wouldn’t know what was said.”
“Is your mother in the house?”
“No, Ma’am, my mother is dead, and Father and I live together. He is at work right now, but if you come after six o’clock he will be here.”
I had seen Helen playing in front of the little home, and longed that she might know and love the Lord Jesus. I called that evening and found her father home. He was a careless, different man, but he loved his little Helen and he at once said she could go to Sunday school if someone would. take care of her.
Sure enough, Helen was all ready next Sunday, and she did seem so happy with all the other boys and girls. We sang that hymn “Have You Any Room for Jesus?” She had never heard it before and tried so hard to remember it, but couldn’t get any more than the first line. All that week she kept singing around her home, “Have you any room for Jesus?” The next Sunday she was back again, and wanted to learn more. In a very short time she was able to sing the whole hymn.
The next time I went to visit her, I found that her father, who had been so careless, was now most anxious to hear about Jesus too. He told me that when Helen came home singing over and over, “Have you any room for Jesus?” it made him feel unhappy for he knew that there was no room for Jesus in his heart and life. Each week he would listen to see what Helen had learned, and when she came to those lines,
Room and time now give to Jesus,
Soon will pass God’s day of grace;
Soon thy heart be cold and silent,
And the Saviour’s pleadings cease,”
he could bear it no longer and he wanted so much to let Jesus come into his heart. Then and there as we talked, he opened his heart and bowed before the Lord Jesus, taking Him as his own Saviour.
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.” Revelation 3:20.
ML 04/23/1950
What Would You Do?
What would you do if the Lord Jesus were to come right now?” Mrs. Wilson had just been telling her two children about the Lord’s promised return, and she ended her story with this question, Freddie smiled happily and quickly answered,
“I would throw my arms around. Him.”
Wasn’t that a good answer? Do you think the Lord Jesus is really interested in little eight-year-old boys like Freddie? Of course He is. When He was down here on earth, He took little children up in His arms and blessed them, and He still loves children.
“Though here His voice is no more heard
From heaven itself He speaks this word,
‘Suffer the children to come unto Me.’”
Edith had been listening to her mother’s story too, and she heard her brother Freddie’s answer. There was no smile at all on her face. At last she spoke up and said, “I would run away and hide.”
Some boys and girls are happy at the thought that the Lord Jesus is coming soon, and some wish He wouldn’t come for a long time, and would like to run and hide if they knew He was coming right away.
The difference between Edith and her brother Freddie is just this: Freddie had come to the Lord Jesus and had taken Him as his own personal Saviour, but Edith had never done that. She had heard all the lovely stories about Jesus, and she believed them all too, but she had never taken Jesus as her Saviour, and so she didn’t love Him at all—she was afraid to meet Him!
Dear boy or girl, Jesus is coming. soon! He may come before you have finished reading this paper. What would YOU do? Would you be happy to meet Him or would you try to run and hide? And where do you think you could hide that Jesus can’t see you?
A day is coming when people will cry to the rocks arid to the mountains and call on them to hide them from the wrath of the Lamb, (Rev. 6:15-17.) They will know that they are sinners, and that they have rejected the only Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, and they will be filled with fear when they think of His coming in judgment.
Only those whose sins are washed away in the precious blood of Christ are ready to welcome the Saviour.
“I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:2,3.
ML 04/23/1950
Gracie's Two Wishes
What is your greatest wish, Gracie?” Two happy girls were playing on the street, when suddenly the older one, Agnes, tinned to her friend with this question.
“Well,” began Gracie, “I would like to be very rich, and live in a grand house, like that one,” as she pointed to the finest home she could see; “and of course I would like to be very beautiful, and have a nice bicycle of my own, and pretty dresses to wear!”
Agnes laughed very much at this vain, fanciful wish, hut she didn’t tell Gracie what her own wish was, though she afterward wished she had done so, for she had learned that nothing in this world can make us really happy. She had found the Lord Jesus as her Saviour, and this had made her happy.
Soon after, Agnes moved away, and did not see her friend Gracie for two years. Then she came back to the town for a visit and what joy it gave the two friends to meet and chatter together again. They hadn’t been talking long before Gracie told Agnes that she had taken the Lord as her Saviour. This reminded Agnes of the question she had asked two years before, so she asked her again.
“What is your greatest wish, Gracie?”
“To live in heaven, because I shall be with Jesus there,” answered Grade.
“And mine is for the Lord’s coming!” said Agnes.
Now, I wonder if I were to ask you your greatest wish, what would your answer be? Perhaps you are hoping for all sorts of good things that you think will make you very happy. But you will be very much disappointed, for you will have to leave them. all behind some day. If you come to the Lord Jesus, as both Agnes and Gracie did, you will find that which is far better than all the “wishes” you ever thought of.
“Blessed (happy) are all they that put their trust in Him.” Psalm 2: 12.
ML 04/23/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 31:1-11
All the instructions for the tabernacle have now been given and the work of making it was about to begin. What an important lesson for us in all this! Not a move was made until God had said what was to be done. O that we would always listen to the Word of God first, before starting any service for Him, and then when we have heard His voice instructing us let us acknowledge that He alone can enable us to do His blessed will. It is all of Him and all of grace.
Moses did not look over the camp and pick out men for this work himself. Nor did he call for volunteers. No, the Lord told Moses whom He had chosen and fitted for this wonderful service. It is a serious thing to serve the Lord, as well as a blessed privilege, and “no man taketh this honor unto himself.” Hebrews 5:4. The Lord alone can call, as He did Bezaleel and Aholiab in our chapter, and as He did Barnabas and Saul many years later. (Acts 13:2.) And the Lord alone can qualify too, as He did these men; and more than this we can be sure He will not call any whom He has not qualified. (Romans 12:3.)
Perhaps some of our young readers wander how we can know that we are called of God. This is a good question indeed and we heartily wish that every redeemed child had the desire to serve the Lord. We may be sure too that if the desire is there, and we ask the Lord, as Saul of Tarsus did, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” that the Lord will reveal His mind to us. We must, however, be humbly content to do His blessed will, no matter what the service is. Too often we are like Naaman who was willing enough to do some great thing, but not just what God had said. We must be willing to be despised and misunderstood even by those whom we love and seek to serve, and who proved this like the perfect Servant—the blessed Lord Himself? Moreover, we must not have a will or thought of our own as to what should be done, for there was not even the smallest detail of the construction of the tabernacle that was left to the wisdom of Bezaleel and Aholiab. God gave instructions about everything and they had only to do as God had commanded by His servant Moses. Of course this needed great wisdom, but not natural wisdom. It required the wisdom which. God alone could give, and this He did, fitting these two men in a marvelous way for their particular service. Our earnest prayer is that the Lord of the harvest may thrust forth many more into His ripened harvest fields. May we be more willing to listen to His call instead of being taken up with our own selfish interests. Many of us are like a little girl whom I know, who is often so busy with her own play that she does not hear her mother calling her to come and help. Then when she does come it is often too late to be of any use. May we be more like the blessed Lord Himself who said, “He wakeneth morning by morning, He wakeneth mine ear to hear.” Isaiah 50:4. The Lord has a daily, as well as a life, work for each one of us and the time for us to do it is short. His coming draws near.
These two men were filled with the Spirit of God for their work, and surely this is of all importance. Barnabas, whom we mentioned previously, was called and fitted. He was filled with the Holy Ghost too, but alas he allowed other things to come in and the Lord had to set him aside. The One who calls and fits His servants alone can keep them. May we ever pray, “Preserve me, O God, for in Thee do I put my trust.” Psalm 16:1.
ML 04/23/1950
Barbara's Story
A happy, lively, but often naughty little girl skipped up to me one day. “Teacher,” she said, “Last night Mommy and Daddy and Little Brother and I were in our boat and I fell out! Daddy jumped into the water to get me and lifted me back into the boat. I was so cross!”
“Barby, why were you cross?” I asked, surprised. “You would have been drowned in the deep water if your father hadn’t saved you.”
“I was cross because my head got bumped,” said Barbara.
What a foolish little girl! But aren’t we often just like Barbara? We too sometimes fall out of the happy circle where we are enjoying the love of Jesus, and though we cannot be forever lost if we have believed on Him, we may become very cold and unhappy away from Rim. We must let “firm bring us back right away, but sometimes we get hurt, just like Barbara did, when He corrects us for our naughty ways.
He always speaks gently first, hut sometimes He has to send a sorrow to bring us back to Him. If you, dear reader, are one of God’s children, cleansed in the precious blood of Christ, remember that every trouble and sorrow in your life is sent in love from God your Father. Do not be cross, like Barbara, but thank Him for bringing you back into the happy circle of His love.
ML 04/30/1950
The Result of Disobedience
A group of happy schoolboys started off on a Saturday morning to sail their boats in a stream some distance from their homes. Before they started out, their parents made them promise that they would not go in swimming, as there were many deep pools in the stream. For several hours the boys had a good time with their boats, but when noon came, they were so hot that one of them suggested a swim.
At first the other boys refused, hut they were promised that “no one would tell” and soon they were all diving into the water.
All at once, one of the boys disappeared. His brother quickly climbed up the hank and gave a loud cry for help. Three men came running from a field close by, and one of them dived right in with all his clothes on, and soon Sam was pulled out—unconscious. Inside of an hour, he was in his own bed, and I am thankful to say, soon recovered, but he never forgot that day.
“As I was going down, my disobedience and other sins came flashing across my mind,” he said “It was awful, but nothing to what it will he when a sinner goes down to the lake of fire with his memory awakened.” Sam is now a Christian, and sometimes speaks in this way in warning sinners to come to Christ. Dear reader, are you safe in Christ? Someday, it may be without warning, you will slip out into eternity, and unless your sins are washed away in the blood of Jesus Christ, you will be lost forever. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
ML 04/30/1950
Boy Wanted
George was out looking for a job. He went bravely from store to store but no one seemed to be in need of a boy and he began to walk more slowly and to feel a bit discouraged. Suddenly he spied a sign in the door of a bookstore across the street. There were just two words on the sign but they were just what George had been looking for, “BOY WANTED.”
He hurried across the street and took the card down. He tucked it under his arm and walked into the store and asked for the manager. As soon as he met him, he held up the sign and said, “Please, sir, did you hang this card up?”
“Yes, and why did you take it down?”
“Please, sir, I’m the boy.”
The gentleman smiled, put the card away in his desk and started George to work right away. George applied the matter personally and he got the job.
God’s Word says, “Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Rev. 22: 1 7.
That sign just said “BOY WANTED.” It didn’t say “GEORGE WANTED” but George knew that he was a boy and he said to himself, “That means me.”
“Whosoever will believe, and that means me.”
ML 04/30/1950
A Good Conscience
Conscience is not a sure guide. It is however most necessary, just as a compass is most necessary for the mariner at sea; but what good would a compass be to one who did not know in which direction he should. be traveling? The mariner needs a chart, to give him the right and safe course, and the compass to tell him in which direction he is traveling. We have both. We have the Word of God to mark out the path for us through this tangled scene, and our conscience to remind us when we start in the wrong direction. God’s Word also tells us the end of the path, and what a terrible end there is for the sinner who goes on in his sins!
The conscience of every man tells him that he is a sinner, but we were noticing last month that the believer has a purged conscience through the finished work of Christ. The Lord Jesus has so perfectly answered to God for all our sins that we are now “perfected forever” and “clean every whit.” What a blessed position to be in before God! What great cause it gives for thanksgiving to that blessed One who has done it ALL.
There is however a need, after one is saved, of maintaining a good conscience before God and men. This is most important. Not a purged conscience—Christ’s finished work has won that for us—but a good conscience. In fact I do not know of anything more important to a walk with. God, and how sad it is to see Christians who are not exercised in this matter. It does not seem to concern them whether they please God or not in the little things. They would shrink with horror from great sins, but they seem to be careless about the little things as though they did. not matter at all. God warns us in His Word about these “little foxes” which spoil the vines with their “tender grapes.” (Song of Solomon 2:15.) Communion is so easily broken, and although we may go on with a fair outward appearance, the inward joy will be gone if we are not maintaining a good conscience.
Surely we do well to remind ourselves of that verse “Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away, concerning faith have made shipwreck.” 1 Tim. 1:19. There are three steps in getting away from the Lord: first, losing the joy of the Lord; second, giving up a good conscience; then, shipwreck of faith. Shipwreck of faith is not necessarily being lost—a true believer never could be—but it is a path of open dishonor to the Lord, and of such one often has to say, as did. Paul of old, “The Lord knoweth them that are His.” The outward marks of a true Christian are riot seen in their lives.
O dear young people, in these days of increasing carelessness, how needful that we exercise ourselves “to have always a conscience void of offense toward God, and toward men.” Let us never “side step,” or tell “white lies,” or allow “little” sins. If any of us have done this, let us own it to the Lord at once and be restored instead of making excuses. It is so necessary that we do not lose this most important thing—a good conscience—if we wish to have a happy, fruitful, Christian life. We will be able to face the world and our brethren with holy boldness, as well as to have sweet confidence in prayer, only in the measure in which we maintain a good conscience. It is priceless!
“Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.” 1 John 3:21.
ML 04/30/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 31:l2-32:5
Once again the Sabbath is mentioned, as though God delighted to remind the people of His desire for their rest and blessing. Of course we know as we have mentioned previously, that they could never obtain the blessings of God’s rest through any works of their own. God had purposed blessing for them through Christ and they will receive it in a coming day on the ground of sovereign grace. This, however, did not relieve them of their responsibility, for they had entered into a solemn covenant to keep God’s holy law and to obtain rest in that way. God must remind them of this, as He does here, and then He gave Moses the two tables of stone on which the ten commandments were written with the finger of God. Moses then turned to go down from the mountain where he had been for forty days. What a different scene awaited him in the camp below!
Many days had passed by since Moses went up into the mountain and the children of Israel became restless and impatient. Many of them had never really walked by faith, and so when the test came we find where their hearts really were. They soon forgot the Lord and even attributed their deliverance out of Egypt to Moses instead of to the Lord. Then they turned to idolatry, worshiping the works of their own hands. What a sad picture, and yet it is just what man is in himself.
His history has always been one of departure from God, for the natural man has no faith, and loves his own way. “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6.
Aaron is soon led away by the crowd, and, being a leader, he joins the crowd as a leader, even suggesting what they should do to carry out their wicked plans. What a warning this is to any who take the place of leaders, whether young or old! A man may lead the people of God in the right way for a long time, but if he gets away from the Lord in his soul his influence may be felt just as much, or even more, in the wrong direction. We see this with Peter when he took all the others hack to their fishing again after he had denied the Lord. He apparently forgot that Jesus had called him to become a fisher of men, and then, since he was a recognized leader, the others quickly followed him. May the Lord help us to look to Him, and not to any man, except to imitate his faith. Let all who take the place of leaders be sure to wait on the Lord before taking a step, and then be faithful at all costs.
Aaron tried to put on a good front for all this wickedness, and he said, “Tomorrow is a feast to the Lord.” He did not say that it was a feast to the golden calf which he had made, but to the Lord. What deception! What a salve to the conscience! And yet we find those today who bow down to images and then tell us it is not to the image they are bowing, but to the Lord. Let us he very sure about it that, although they are deceiving themselves, they are not deceiving the Lord. He has forbidden both the making of images and the worship of them, and we know that He is just as much displeased with the idolatry of our day as with the worshiping of Israel’s golden calf. “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24.
ML 04/30/1950
Bible Questions for May
The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, or Jude.
1.“All their hard speeches.”
2.“Turn from the holy commandment.”
3.“Love not the world.”
4.“The world knoweth us not.”
5.“Reserved unto fire.”
6. “That ye may know.”
7. “The blood of Jesus Christ.”
The Young People’s Class Wisdom
We are living in days when great stress is being laid upon education and the acquiring of the wisdom of this world. We would like to put still greater stress upon a much greater need—the acquiring of a knowledge of the Word of God. Here, and here alone, true wisdom—God’s wisdom—is found by the diligent seeker.
When Paul, inspired by the Spirit of God, was writing to the wise Greeks who lived in. Corinth long ago, he said a good deal about the wisdom of this world, and also about the wisdom of God. He showed that all man’s wisdom did not enable him to know God, or even lead him nearer to God. If man is to know God, God must reveal Himself, and this He has done in Christ.
But the sad part is that man—the natural man—does not want this wisdom. It is foolishness to him, and it is not until God opens his eyes when he accepts Christ as his Saviour that he can understand God’s wisdom. It is so far beyond the natural man that the most brilliant intellect can never discover it, but the moment a man is saved and indwelt by the Spirit of God the Bible becomes a new book to him. It was once like a. sealed hook, but now every page shines with divine wisdom. O that we who are saved were more diligent in acquiring this blessed wisdom which will abide forever, while all the rest upon which we may spend many years of study will soon pass away.
1.What is the beginning of wisdom? Proverbs 9.
2.Where are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden? Colossians.
3.How can we get wisdom for our path? James.
4.Did Paul preach with wisdom of words? 1 Corinthians.
5.What was to be the secret of Israel’s wisdom in the sight of the nations? Deuteronomy 4.
6.What must one be in order to win souls? Proverbs 11.
7.What does God say of the wisdom of this world? 1 Corinthians.
ML 05/07/1950
The Obedient Lion and the Disobedient Prophet
One of God’s prophets was sent with a warning to the wicked king Jeroboam. The prophet was given a special command riot to eat bread in the land of Jeroboam, and not to return by the same way that he came.
The wicked king listened angrily, and would have killed the messenger, but God protected him, and he set out on his return journey by a different road.
Now another prophet lived in that land, who took his ass and went after the traveler and invited him to come and eat bread in his house. The prophet of God was no doubt hungry enough, but he remembered the word of the Lord and refused to come back. Finally, however, he was persuaded by lying words to return and eat bread in the forbidden place.
He had been a good and faithful man in many ways, and perhaps the man who lied was more to blame than he was, but it was disobedience to a direct command of God. Our God does not change His word, and He cannot pass over sin.
When the traveler later continued his journey, he was killed by a lion which, however, did not eat him nor harm his beast. It just stood by the dead body, because even a wild animal must obey its Creator!
You see, my reader, the Word of God must be obeyed, and although this prophet of God was a man of faith, God had to deal with him as a disobedient child. Not one of God’s redeemed children will ever be lost, but let us remember that His Word says,
ML 05/07/1950
"He Said He Would"
Percy wasn’t very old, but he knew that Jesus was his Saviour, and that his sins were forgiven.
There are a lot of people who pretend they know a great deal about the Bible, but they don’t think it is possible to know that our sins are gone. One day Percy was visiting with his father where there were quite a few men who had Bibles, and believed in God, but they didn’t know their sins were forgiven. Percy was singing quietly to himself a hymn which he had learned in Sunday school.
“What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”
All at once, one of these men called Percy to him arid began to ask him a lot of questions. Soon he asked, “And what did you do when you felt yourself to be so great a sinner?”
By this time everybody in the room was quietly listening to all the questions and answers.
“I just went to Jesus and told Him how sinful I was, and asked Him to wash away my sins in His blood.”
“And do you hope that at that time Jesus heard and forgave your sins?”
“I don’t only hope so, sir. I know He did.”
This was too much for the listeners. One of the older ones came right over and said, “You say you KNOW that Jesus forgave your sins?”
“Yes, sir, I did.”
“How do you know it, my boy?”
“He said He would,” said Percy, looking greatly surprised that anyone would doubt God’s promise.
“He said He would do what?”
“He said that if I would confess my sins, He was faithful and just, and would forgive them. I did confess them to Him, and I know He forgave them because HE SAID HE WOULD.”
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
ML 05/07/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 32:6-18
There was plenty of energy for this feast to the golden calf, and this we always see in connection with false religion. The people got up early in the morning and prepared their sacrifices. They gave willingly too, and did not seem to mind it at all. O that there were more of the true spiritual energy seen on behalf of the truth, and more of the free giving too! Of course we know that the enemy is ever ready to oppose the child of God who would walk in the truth, but he never opposes false religion. Man, being naturally religious, likes a religion which salves his conscience and lets him live on in his sins.
Let us remember, dear reader, that the God with whom we have to do is a holy God who cannot pass over sin. Every sin must be punished and unless your sins have been put away in the precious blood of Christ you must bear your own punishment in eternal banishment from the presence of God.
After attending to their idolatrous sacrifices, the Israelites spent the rest of the day in wickedness and sin until the Lord looked down upon them. They had fully earned His righteous vengeance and should have been judged, but it is beautiful to see Moses interceding for them. The Lord heard him too and spared the people. May this be a word of encouragement for us when looking to the Lord in prayer. Let us intercede for the lost, and for the children of God who are walking badly, knowing that “our Father will hear.”
As Moses was walking down from the mountain with his shining face, and Joshua with him, they came near the camp. Joshua heard a great noise in the camp and he thought it was the noise of war, but soon he heard a little more clearly and found out that they were singing. As they crane a little nearer they could see the golden calf, and the people dancing. They Were having “a good time” as the people of the world would say. Why disturb them? Why be a joy-killer? Such is the thought of the unsaved man who loves his sins, but Moses had the thoughts of God about what was going on there. Their so-called good time would have quickly come to an end if Moses had not interceded for them with God; and so now the Christian is “the salt of the earth.” It is only the goodness of God that waits while His people proclaim the message of salvation through the finished work of Christ, or judgment would fall upon this world right now. The world would like to get all the real Christians out of the way so that they can have their good time, but little do they realize that when the Christians are gone their good time will be gone too, and God’s sorest judgments will begin to fall upon the favored lands of Christendom. Dear reader, if you are one of the pleasure seekers of this doomed world, let us warn you that your days are numbered. Your empty pleasures are soon going to end, and then your eternal destiny will be the lake of fire. How solemn! Why not come to Christ, and have the joy of His love in your soul now, and then in a coming day, “pleasures for evermore” in heaven with Him. Leave your empty religion and your empty pleasures behind, and be cleansed in the precious blood of Christ today. You will never, never regret it.
ML 05/07/1950
It was a very pleasant spring day. Betty was walking slowly along the river road, enjoying every minute of it, when a car drew up beside her. The driver leaned out the window. “Could you tell me where John Thompson lives?” he asked.
“Just across the bridge you’ll see a signpost with his name on it, pointing to the right,” answered Betty.
“How is the road, could I get through?”
“Oh, yes, I think so. In fact,” she added with a smile, “I pass the signpost every day on the way to school, but I’ve never followed it.”
Now, my reader, you too are in the springtime of life, and we have stopped today to ask you, “Do you know where Jesus lives?”
“Yes,” you say, “He lives in heaven.”
“Right, and what is the way to heaven? Can you tell me?”
The Bible tells us about the Lord Jesus, the only Way to heaven, and many faithful Christians are like signposts too. (You ought to be “a signpost,” if you are saved.)
Now must, you say, as Betty did, that you know the way, and have often been pointed to Christ, but you have never followed it?
The driver found John Thompson’s home that day, and a welcome too, but Betty never did. She just never took that turn, although she knew it well.
Are you one of those who know well the way to heaven? Have you heard many a time that the Lord Jesus died on Calvary’s cross to save sinners? Hundreds of people have turned to Him and found a welcome, but what about you? Oh, my reader, wouldn’t it be dreadful to know the way to heaven, and yet find yourself in hell just because you would not come in God’s way!
The Lord Jesus said,
ML 05/14/1950
Peter was standing on the platform of a railway station waiting for his train to come along. It was a few minutes late and he was looking this way and that, greatly interested in the other trains and in the coming and going of the people nearby. Suddenly he heard one of the station officials shout, “ATTENTION!”
“Who can he be shouting at?” Peter said to himself. “Someone may be in danger; I wonder what the trouble is.” Again came the shout, louder than ever, “ATTENTION!”
This time Peter looked on either side of him, wondering to whom the call was directed, when suddenly a strong hand grasped him by his coat collar and dragged him back. Just then a locomotive came whizzing past so close that he would have been caught and dragged along had he not been pulled away.
“Thank you, sir, for saving my life!” “But did you not hear me shouting at you?”
“Yes, sir, I heard you shout ‘Attention’ but I didn’t see any danger and I thought it meant somebody else.”
Maybe you wonder how a locomotive could be so near, and yet Peter didn’t see or hear it. There were so many other things, and so many other noises about him, that the danger came on him without his noticing it.
This word is directed to you, my reader, and don’t take it for anybody else. You are in danger of losing your soul eternally. Hear these warning notes of God’s Word:
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.” Hebrews 2:3. “Flee from the wrath to come.” Matthew 3:7.
This message is not for the boy next door, or for the girl around the corner—it is for you! Have your sins been washed in the blood of Jesus, or are you exposed to the coming judgment?
ML 05/14/1950
Forever and Ever
It was Saturday night and Don’s it two little brothers had been scrubbed nice and clean after their play in the garden, arid tucked safely into bed. Now it was Don’s turn to have his bath, and just as he began to rub himself dry, he and his mother heard a call from the next room. Baby Marjorie had wakened and was saying as plainly as if she could talk, “I’m awake now, please come and get, me!”
Don was a little chatter-box, and he said, “My baby (his toy dog which always went to bed with him) is better than your baby, Mummy—he never cries, and he always stays where put I him.” And then, as they were jurying to finish so Mummy could go to the baby, he continued: “No Mummy, you baby’s best—because you can keep her forever and ever.”
What a lovely thought, that his baby sister was precious to the Lord Jesus and should He come before she grew older, she would be one of His little ones. Or if He tarried till she grew up, her parents earnestly prayed that she would learn to love Jesus for herself. Then, with Jesus as her Saviour, she would be fit to live in His happy home “forever and ever.”
How happy it is when boys and girls of Christian parents learn to love Jesus when they are young, so that each member of the family may sing the Saviour’s praises for all eternity in heaven. Dear reader, may you be ready to rise to “meet the Lord in the air,” when He comes.
“Be ye therefore ready also.” Luke 12:40.
ML 05/14/1950
"I Don't Want to!"
I don’t want to!” That was what little Charlie said when his mother called him to come into the house. He was playing in the yard with his cart, and he thought there was no need to come in just yet. But his mother was sure a storm was coming, and she wanted her little boy safe in the house.
As soon as his mother closed the kitchen door, little Charlie ran down the lane to get out of her way. At the end of the walk there was a little bridge which crossed a stream and led out into an open field. Beyond the field there was a most interesting woodland, and here Charlie ran to hide. Soon his mother noticed that Charlie had not obeyed, so she sent Bertha out to look for him; but while Bertha was looking around the garden, Charlie was wandering farther and farther into the woods.
Presently there was a bright flash of lightning and then a roar of thunder Charlie was frightened. It began to rain and soon the little fellow was soaked to the skin.
What a sight he was! He fell in the mud, the branches tore his clothes, and before very long he was wishing he hadn’t said, “I don’t want to!” Now he would gladly have rushed into his dear mother’s arms, but he couldn’t find his way home. Soon he slipped and fell again, this time cutting his hand on a stone. ‘This really frightened him as he saw the blood smeared all over his dirty wet clothes.
He could walk no farther, so he sat down and began to say, “Now I lay me down to sleep.” Somehow this didn’t seem the right thing to say, so he tried again, “Oh, please, God, help me!” Then he added, “And I’m sorry I was so naughty and disobedient to my mother.” He could not remember any more.
When he woke up, he found himself in his own little bed, with all his dirty wet and torn clothes taken off, and his own warm bed clothes on. Mother was leaning over him rubbing him.
Some days later, when they were having their family Bible reading, the story was about the prodigal son. Charlie spoke up and said, “I think I know what that boy felt like when he wanted to get back.”
“Yes, my boy, I guess you know something about it.”
“But, Mother, what made you so glad to get me back; for you I know was really such a naughty boy?”
“It was because I love you so much. And that was why the father was so glad to have his prodigal son back too.”
And that also is why God wants you and me to come to Him now, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
ML 05/14/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 32:19, 20
When Moses saw the people eating and dancing around the golden calf which Aaron had made, he was righteously angry. This was one of the times when it was right to be angry, for the Scripture says, “Be ye angry, and sin not.” Eph. 4:26. Of course we should never be angry when someone harms us or hurts our feelings, for to be angry at a time like that would not be righteous anger at all—it would be sin. We should rather be ready to forgive such a person and love him, even if he were our enemy. But when someone speaks evil of the Lord we should feel it keenly, and show our disapproval of such conduct, for the Word of God says, “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Eph. 5:11. This would be righteous anger— not against the person, but against the evil itself—and it was in this way that Moses was angry here, for the people had turned their backs on the Lord.
At this time Moses had in his hand the two tables of stone with the ten commandments written upon them by the finger of God. He immediately threw them on the ground right at the foot of the mount and smashed them to pieces. To a careless reader this might seem like a strange thing to do, but it was the only right thing to do at such a time as this. The children of Israel had undertaken to keep God’s holy law, and already they were breaking the first commandment by worshiping this golden calf. Now if Moses had brought the law, written with the finger of God, into the camp it would have meant certain judgment to everyone there. God’s holy law cannot be broken without incurring its curse, and this was solemn indeed, so Moses did not bring it in. The people had broken the commandments themselves, and so Moses broke the stones on which they were written and went into the camp without them. In this way the people were spared so awful a judgment. We shall see later how the people were put under a mixture of law and grace instead of just pure law, for the sacrifices were instituted. We must remember, of course, that grace is never the passing over of sin—for God never passes over sin; He must judge it. And so in type sin was judged in the animal victims which were offered in sacrifice, until Christ—the true Victim—accomplished the work of redemption on the cross.
Moses then took the golden calf and put it in the fire and ground it to powder. When we know a thing is wrong it is a good thing to be done with it completely. Halfway measures are no use. Moses did not set the calf away in some corner and tell them not to worship it—he ground it to powder so that it could never be used again. This is the only way to treat something we have found to be wrong. Do not set it away in some corner and then explain to others that you are not using it. Get rid of it—burn it—grind it up—or something, for it may become a snare to you in the future, hut it cannot if you have destroyed it.
There is another remark here which has a lesson for us. We are told that Moses took this miserably burned-and-ground-up golden calf, put it in water, and made the people drink it. What an unpleasant thing to have to drink! But this is a solemn reminder that we have to reap what we sow. (Gal. 6:7.) Oh, how careful we should be what we sow, for although God may graciously deliver us from some sin, as He delivered the children of Israel, we may still have to reap the results of it with sorrow.
ML 05/14/1950
A Little Talk About Gardens
Sandy needed a big rake, for he had a big task to do. He wanted a garden just like Mother’s, where beautiful flowers grew, and good things to eat.
Sandy knew how to make a garden of course! Another boy gave him some nice-looking seeds, and helped a little in the sowing. Sandy dusted off his hands with a feeling of satisfaction. Of course his garden would grow.
It did grow too, with rain and sunshine and very little patience. Sandy reaped an ugly crop of weeds and prickly wild cucumbers, which were thrown. at him. by the same boy who gave him the seeds! it was not a bit like Mother’s. Sandy didn’t understand.
Alas, poor little man, he reaped exactly what he sowed and didn’t like it. Neither do the rest of us, very often. We choose to sow seeds of selfishness, disobedience, and unkindness, but we don’t like to reap that sort of thing at all. And yet God’s Word says, “Whatsoever a man soweth., that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7.
Helen was wiser than Sandy. Her garden was beautiful with flowers, though it had some weeds too, but everyone praised her success. In the autumn however, her garden and Sandy’s looked very much alike—just dead.
Now many boys and girls are more like Helen. We try often to sow seeds of kindness and generosity in order to win the praise of others, and we reap a pleasant feeling of success. Even until we are feeble and wrinkled and old we are well spoken of, and then we die and our bodies return to dust—but what then?
Eric is one of God’s children, one of His very own. Eric was, by nature, as had as anyone else, but he is now a child of God by faith in Christ Jesus, that blessed Saviour who died that sinners might live. Eric is a gardener too! I’m sorry to say that he has planted many a bitter weed in his garden, which will grow up and sting him as long as he lives in this world, for we must all reap what we sow. But his garden also has many hidden seeds of kindness and unselfishness which were sown to please the Lord Jesus, and some of these lovely plants are bearing fruit even now. God is faithful. Eric’s seeds of obedience to the Word of God will never die, but will yield beautiful everlasting flowers in eternity. “He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting” Galatians 6:8.
Now my reader, I have described three gardeners, Sandy, Helen and Eric. Sandy is like a boy or girl who refuses to accept the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and who lives an outwardly evil and sinful life. He has sorrow here, and forever in hell. Helen is like one who is kind and generous to others, but who is satisfied with his own works and the praise of others. But God looks on the heart and He says “All have sinned.” No matter how many kind acts we do, they will never put away our sins. Eric has learned this. He is not relying on his own good works for salvation, but on the precious blood of Jesus which cleanses from all sin, and now he loves the Lord Jesus. Eric is not perfect, but he does want to please Him in his daily life.
Dear reader, to which of these three gardeners can we liken you? I hope you are like Eric.
ML 05/21/1950
Shoshi of India
Shoshi father and mother died when he was a very little boy, and he would have had to beg or starve, had it not been for the Orphanage. Mr. Vaughn was a missionary who was spending his life in India, telling the native heathen about the love of God. There were many boys and girls like Shoshi, who had neither father nor mother, and so Mr. Vaughn built a home for them which he had called an orphanage.
In this comfortable home, the boys and girls were taught to read and write, and do many useful things the things which you learn in school. But he knew these boys and girls knew nothing at all about the true God and of His Son the Lord Jesus. I expect you could tell many things about the Lord Jesus and about heaven. Mr. Vaughn told the children that there was a part of them that never dies, and he often read to them from the Bible of the beautiful. place which is waiting for all whose sins are washed away in the blood of Jesus.
Shoshi was very young, but he listened carefully to all that was said, and one day he told Mr. Vaughn that he now believed in the Lord Jesus, arid that he knew that all his sins were washed away in the blood which was shed on the cross. Maybe the reader of this story has a Christian father and mother, but can you say, as Shoshi did, that all your sins are gone too?
Not long after this, Shashi began to get thin and pale. The doctor was called and he told Mr. Vaughn that the dear boy had consumption and should be taken away from the Orphanage.
In a day or two, Mr. Vaughn packed up Shoshi’s clothes and a Bengali Testament, and he and Shoshi started out for the hospital. The dear little boy was sorry to leave his kind friend, but he knew that the Lord Jesus loved him and that made everything so much brighter. A few days later Mr. Vaughn went to visit the little fellow and found him very weak, but still very happy. He pointed to another man in the room and said, “Sahib, go and speak to that man. I am sure he wants to be a Christian.”
When Mr. Vaughn went to speak to the stranger, he found that Shoshi had been reading to him from his Testament, and telling him of the love of Jesus.
“I never heard such words in my life,” said the poor sick man. “Will you give me a book like it?”
“I will gladly do that,” said the missionary, and soon the sick man had a Bengali Testament of his own.
As soon as Mr. Vaughn had another chance, he went again to the hospital and went right to Shoshi’s bed. But somebody else was in it! Yes, Shoshi had been called away by the Lord Jesus to that home where nobody ever says “I am sick.” Sadly the missionary turned away and stepped over to the other man’s bed. It was empty! The nurse told him that the man was so sick that they could do nothing for him and he had gone away.
Two years later Mr. Vaughn was visiting the “Home for Lepers.” Suddenly a man came up to him with a happy face. “Sahib, don’t you remember me? Don’t you remember little Shoshi and the sick man to whom he read and spoke of Jesus? I am that man and I thank God that He brought that child to my bedside. I am now a poor leper, so have come to this home, but thank God, I have been reading that Testament, and now I know Jesus as my Saviour.”
This man’s name was David, and for three years he lived in this Home, always ill in bed, but no one ever saw him unhappy or cross. Day by day, the other lepers gathered round his bed, and he read to them the wonderful stories about Jesus, and told them of the free salvation offered to every one of them. When at last the Lord called David home to heaven, the others in the Home said that they had lost their friend and teacher.
What about the one who is reading this story? It is not likely that you have either consumption or leprosy, but you are most certainly going to leave this world someday. Can you say that you are trusting in the Lord Jesus as your own Saviour as both Shoshi and David did?
“The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10.
ML 05/21/1950
Rich or Poor
Earl was a sick boy. His Sunday School teacher had just paid him a visit, and was leaving to make another.
“I must leave now, Earl, I am going to visit a poor sick woman.”
“Does she love the Saviour?” asked Earl.
“Yes, I believe she does.”
“Then she isn’t poor, she is rich.”
“For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might he rich.” 2 Cor. 8:9.
ML 05/21/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 32:21-27
Aaron was rebuked for his part in this idolatry, and though his heart was apparently not in it in the same way as the rest of the people, he was responsible because of his place of leadership.
Moses had interceded for the people on the mount, pleading the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and so here he counted upon the faithfulness of God to preserve a remnant in grace. He knew that there were some who would be on the Lord’s side and so he stood in the gate of the camp and said “Who is on the Lord’s side? let him come unto me.” The sons of Levi came forward at once and stood by Moses. They were all ready for action.
Let us pause here and think of the days in which we live. Surely they are days of eating, drinking, and dancing, just as it was in the camp of Israel. There is a similar call going forth now, urging those who are on the Lord’s side to take a definite stand. How can a true believer go on with the world and its ways? How can he have any part in its sinful pleasures? Our place is outside of it all with our Great Leader, the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us not hesitate or delay, but let us go forth to Him. Let us take our stand on His side and at His side before “this present evil world” in which we live.
This stand was followed by action—action too of a very difficult kind to our cowardly natures. They were to take their swords and go in and out among the people. Every one of them was to kill his brother, his friend, and his neighbor. They had said they were on the Lord’s side, now they were to prove it by action. What we find today is much profession but sad to say many who profess the Lord go on hand in hand with the world. It was not so here. There were two definite classes; those who were on the Lord’s side, and those who were not. There was no middle ground. The sons of Levi were not “good mixers,” for they carried their swords and they were not wanted by their idolatrous brothers, friends and neighbors. Undoubtedly they were called “Joy-killers” but it mattered little to them what others thought for they were pleasing the Lord and obeying His command.
And how can a Christian be a good mixer with the world? If he carries his “sword” (the Word of God) he will not be wanted any more than the sons of Levi. Let us notice the order in which they were told to use their swords: it was first on their brothers, then on their companions, and then on their neighbors. Have you and I used the sword as we should? Have we spoken the Word of the Lord faithfully to our relatives? Have we any companions to whom we have never spoken about Christ and warned them of judgment to come? Have we “kept back our swords from blood” in order to keep our friendship with them? And what about our neighbors? Have they heard the way of salvation from us? These are searching questions for each one of us, are they not? but fitting indeed for those who profess to be on the Lord’s side. May we be more faithful and use the “sword of the Spirit” more of ten for God’s glory and the blessing of others! What is greatly needed today is devotedness to Christ, and surely He is worthy of our ALL.
ML 05/21/1950
Beware of the Dog
In Rome many years ago, lived a rich man who owned a beautiful home. This man was very much afraid that thieves might steal some of his treasures.
His neighbors kept their homes guarded by very fierce dogs, which were ready to pounce upon any stranger daring to step inside the gate. This rich man, however, had no dog. Instead of that, the words “Cave man,” “Beware of the Dog,” were carved in stone over his doorway. It was supposed to frighten thieves, and perhaps it did for a while, hut there were no teeth behind it. That “Beware” really meant nothing at all.
Boys and girls, when God says “Beware.” He means it. He does not speak just to frighten you, but rather because He loves you, and warns of the righteous wrath which awaits the sinner. His “Beware” is a very loving warning not to frighten you away, but to bring you to Himself. He had paid a great ransom for your soul, to deliver you from judgment. That great ransom is the life-blood of His beloved Son.
If the fierce dog of Roman days sprang at a visitor, it would be too late for the poor man to explain his mistake and hasten away. However, the children of the family were perfectly safe. The old dog knew his master’s family, and a stranger could only he admitted. when he came with some member of the family.
You may come to heaven, children. God wants you to come. But who will take you safely from your place of wrath to God’s home of joy and love? If you are willing now, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, will cover you, hide you, shelter you, and bring you to His Father’s home above. But you must now put your trust in Him who will, in His own time, take you to heaven. If you die in your sins, there is no ransom great enough to deliver you then. It will he too late! When God says “Beware,” He really means it.
ML 05/28/1950
Come as You Are
One night as the rain fell heavily and the wind shook the door on its hinges, a dear lonely mother lay in her bed and could not sleep. Her daughter had gone astray, and had been away from home for some time. The mother didn’t know where or how she was, but the fear that she might be out in such a storm awoke the tenderest feelings of her heart.
Soon the mother arose from her bed and knelt in prayer. She had often commended her dear Sheila to the Lord in prayer, and still earnestly she cried that her daughter might be found by the Good Shepherd.
While the mother yet prayed, and while the storm yet raged, she heard a knock at the door. When she opened it, a well-known voice asked if she could be forgiven.
What a meeting!
The tears and the endearing words of the mother mingled with the tears and the confessions of the wayward daughter. There stood the daughter, barefoot and in rags, wet with the storm, but repentant. And she was welcomed home!
As soon as the grateful mother had her daughter clothed and warmed, she knelt by her side and thanked God for her return, and then cried to God that He would save her soul. At this point, the daughter whispered in her mother’s ear, “I am saved already, Mother dear.”
The mother was overjoyed as they embraced again.
“Yes,” said Sheila, “about a week ago, heard a man preaching on the streets, and as I stood and listened, all my sins seemed to come up before me, and I was so frightened that I ran to my boarding house and there got down on my knees and accepted the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. And then I left for home at once, and I have walked all the way.”
Have you ever felt yourself a sinner in the sight of a holy God, dear reader? God knows all about you and there is nothing that you have ever said or done that has escaped His eye. And in spite of all this He wants you to do just what Sheila did—to come as you are.
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isaiah 1:18.
ML 05/28/1950
Wresting the Scriptures
Things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction.” 2 Peter 3:16.
This practice of wresting the Scriptures was becoming prevalent in Peter’s day, but it has become so common today that we are confronted with it on every hand, and one feels constrained to speak a word about it to our young readers. To put it very simply it means that when we do not want to act upon some Scripture we find a way of “getting around it.” We “wrestle” with it, we try to change its meaning to suit ourselves, and we thus argue our way out of the path of simple obedience, all because we do not want to obey the Word of God. When our wills get to work we always resist the truth.
All this is deeply solemn, and yet so prevalent on every hand. There is hardly a truth in the Bible that has not been argued away by some group of Christians or professing Christians. The most “feasible” arguments are brought forward—all “good reasons” why we should not accept the plain statements of Scripture, or at least why we should not act upon them in our “modern” age. We are told that conditions have changed today and we have to follow the trend of the times, but all this is strange and foreign to the ear of the child of God who trembles at God’s Word. (Isaiah 66:2.) Mordecai unflinchingly refused to bow to Haman the Amalekite, because the Lord had said that He would have war with Amalek from generation to generation. (Exodus 17:16.) How could he bow to one upon whom the Lord had declared war? Daniel would not eat of the king’s meat, because God had said in the law that he must not do so. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego would not bow to Nebuchadnezzar’s image, because centuries before God had commanded His people not to bow to a graven image. All these dear faithful men of God, whose names most of us remember from childhood, were men who trembled at God’s Word. They could have argued—they could have “wrested” the Scriptures as undoubtedly many of the people did, perhaps even their best friends—but God had spoken and that settled it. Regardless of the consequences they must obey God, whether it meant the gallows or the fiery furnace—they would leave that with God—their path was plain and simple through it all, because GOD HAD SPOKEN.
Now there are some things in the Bible, as our verse says, which are hard to be understood. They are hard because they are contrary to our natural thoughts. The truth of God requires the submission of our minds to His Word; but let us never wrest the Scriptures. There are two classes of people who do this; the “unlearned,” and the “unstable.” Some people have had bad teaching and are “unlearned” in the truth of God. They have listened to certain lines of argument and have never carefully and prayerfully searched the Scriptures for themselves. Others are “unstable.” They listen to every wind of doctrine that conies along and follow that which suits them the best. Both of these groups wrest the Scriptures to their own loss. May the Lord give to us, dear young people, the opened ear of Samuel to say, “Speak, Lord; for Thy servant heareth.” 1 Sam. 3:9. This path brings eternal gain—instead of loss.
ML 05/28/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 32:28-33
What great blessing came to the sons of Levi for their faithfulness that day. They were chosen to serve the Lord among His people. The Scripture says “It is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful,” (1 Cor. 4:2), and if we are going to serve the Lord we must be willing to be faithful. We must not draw back, on account of someone near and dear to us, or someone far away. We must not hide or cover sin in ourselves, our family, our friends, or anyone else. Of course we should never speak of it unless it is absolutely necessary, and even then with sorrow, but sin must be dealt with according to the Word of God. God cannot, and will not, use us in His service unless we are willing to act faithfully for His glory no matter what others may say or think. I don’t suppose the sons of Levi were very popular in the camp, but the Lord honored them abundantly and this is what really matters, is it not? (Deut. 33: 8-11.)
Moses loved the people greatly. He had interceded for them on the top of the mount according to the mind of God, pleading the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and God had heard him. Now something of self and of his own importance seemed to come into his heart here, for he said “I will go up unto the Lord; peradventure I shall make an atonement for your sin.” He seemed to think of what he could do but the Lord had to show Moses that anything he could do would not be accepted to make an atonement. Blotting out Moses’ name from God’s book would never answer for the sins of the people. There was One and only One who could meet the judgment for that guilty nation. Apart from that great work accomplished at Calvary by the Lord Jesus Christ, every sinner’s name must be blotted out of God’s book, and this would mean condemnation to one and all, “for all have sinned.” Romans 3:23. No ordinary man, no matter how great he might be, could make atonement for himself or for anyone else. The Lord Jesus Christ alone—the sinless, spotless, Victim—could accomplish so great, a work, and praise His name He has done it.
When Moses spoke of going up he said, “peradventure,” as though he feared that his well-meaning attempt might fail—as it surely did. And so, dear reader, neither your parents, your wife, your husband, or anyone else can save you. There is no “peradventure” or “perhaps” about it for God’s Word is definite. It says, “None ... can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him.” Psalm 49:7.
But we have good news for you. Moses was only a type; and an imperfect one at that, of the One who has already “gone up” and there is no “peradventure” as to whether His Person and work is acceptable to a thrice holy God. He is already seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high (Hebrews 1:3), “having obtained eternal redemption for us.” Hebrews 9:12. Moses was refused, but the blessed Son of God has met all the claims of God against sin once and for all, and God has declared His satisfaction in Him. The one who believes in Him is “perfected forever,” and “clean every whit.” God is satisfied and so are we! Dear reader, have you put your full confiding trust in Christ’s Person and work? There is no other way of salvation but through Him. What a glorious Saviour He is!
ML 05/28/1950
A Basket for Kitty
Look at our new bed,” said Mildred.
“Bed?” I asked, looking puzzled.
“Yes,” she laughed, “look inside.” At that very moment, up jumped a frightened little kitten which had been sound asleep in this new and comfortable sleeping place.
“Isn’t it nice?” she said. “Mother gave it to me for my kitten.”
The kitten by this time was purring on Mildred’s shoulder, and I had a chance to examine the basket.
“It’s made by the blind,” she added, “and it fits kitty exactly.”
“I know a blind lady who used to make baskets like that,” I said. “She had some very beautiful ones too.”
“My friend is not only blind, but deaf and dumb too. She can neither see or hear nor speak.”
“That, is dreadful,” said Mildred.
“Yes, but she knows the Lord Jesus as her Saviour, and she has a far happier face than lots of people who can do everything. She told me that she is going to see her blessed Saviour someday soon, and hear His voice and sing His praises. You should see her reading the Bible with her fingertips. It’s really wonderful. And when she talks with her clever fingers, it’s nearly always about the Lord and the Lord’s people.
“If you ask her, she will tell you that, though she was horn as healthy as any other little girl, the Lord Jesus is more to her than all that she has lost. It would be far more dreadful to live in health without the Lord Jesus, than to be in that dear old lady’s place. If you lost your hearing, sight, and speech, Mildred, what would you have left?”
This was a big thought. Mildred made no answer, for she did not love the Lord Jesus, and the question made her very uncomfortable. She turned away, and our conversation came to an end.
May I ask our readers the same question today. If you lost your sight, hearing, and speech, what would you have left? Can you answer as the old blind lady can, “I have Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.”
ML 06/04/1950
In the Gypsy's Tent
George decided to go away and have a good time, His mother was a Christian, and not only did she plead with him to give his heart to the Saviour, but he knew she was praying for hint all the time, and he wanted to get away from her influence. His mother still prayed for him, and she passed away with this prayer on her lips, “Lord, save George.”
He heard the news of his mother’s death, hut it seemed to make no impression on him, and he went on in his sinful ways. One day as he was tramping across the country, he was taken suddenly ill and lay down beneath a hedge. He thought he was dying and knew he had been a very wicked boy. He tried to remember what his Sunday school teacher told him, but nothing would come to his mind except that he was sure he was the worst sinner in the world.
Next morning some gypsies saw him lying there, arid asked why he was on the ground. He had just strength to murmur, “I’m dying,” so they took pity on him and carried him to their tent. They cared for him, and one little girl named Vic, used to sit by him and sing. One day she sang:
“He breaks the power of canceled sin,
He sets the prisoner free,
His blood can make the foulest clean,
His blood availed for me.”
“That’s what my mother used to sing,” he said. “She’s safe in heaven now and I’ll never see her again.”
“Oh yes, you may, if you will only come to Jesus,” said the young gypsy.
“No, no, I’m too bad to come to Him.”
“But you know the hymn says, “His blood can make the foulest clean.”
“So it does, but it’s too good to be true.”
“See in the Testament the lady gave me it says that Jesus came to save the lost, so that must he you.”
“Perhaps it is,” he answered slowly.
“Yes, and here it is again, ‘I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.’” Matt. 9:13.
“Thank God for that! that’s what I’ve heard many a time, but had forgotten. I will now take the Lord Jesus as my Saviour.”
There was rejoicing in heaven as well as in the gypsy’s tent that day. George was not only saved from the guilt of his sins, but also from his sinful life. Then he began to seek other sinners like himself and point them to the Saviour.
Dear reader, have you, like George, seen yourself a sinner in God’s sight, and taken Jesus as your Saviour? If not, you may do so at once and take the salvation God has provided, and longs to give you.
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9.
ML 06/04/1950
Bible Questions for June
The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in Revelation, chapters 1-11.
1.“From the wrath of the Lamb.”
2.“Hath redeemed us to God.”
3.“He shall reign forever and ever.”
4.“Washed us from our sins.”
5.“I stand at the door.”
6.“With the sword of My mouth.”
7. “White in the blood of the Lamb.”
The Young People’s Class Edification
We read a good deal in the New Testament about edifying, and edification, and it is a most necessary line of truth. To edify someone in the Lord’s things means to impart some knowledge to him which is helpful in his Christian life.
There is one verse about this which should exercise those who seek to serve the Lord in any way. It says, “Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things whereby one may edify another.” We should always seek peace for God’s people. We should never find any pleasure in an argument, for it is sure to be “the flesh.” However, we should not seek “peace at any price,” for peace at the expense of the truth of God is not God’s peace. One might have to rebuke a fellow Christian, even as Paul rebuked Peter (Gal. 2:11), hut it should be with a desire for his ultimate blessing. Unless what we have to say is true and necessary, whether in conversation or in the assembly, we had better not say it, for it will not edify.
If we had always allowed this verse to govern our conduct, how often we would have remained silent when. we spoke, and how often we would have spoken when we remained silent. Sometimes we act as though we would rather displease the Lord than “make bad friends,” but let us ever seek God’s glory first; then the blessing of His people. This, and this only, is the way to truly edify them.
1.How should we please our neighbors? Romans 15.
2.What two things are we told to follow after? Romans 14.
3.What is the true purpose of prophesying in the assembly? 1 Corinthians.
4.What is the result when the Church is edified? Acts 9.
5.Why have gifts been given to the Church? Ephesians.
6.Would raising unprofitable “questions” edify the saints? 1 Timothy.
7.In what should we seek to excel? 1 Corinthians.
ML 06/04/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 32:34-33:13
God told Moses of the judgment that must come upon the people because of their sin in worshiping the golden calf, but blessed be His name, the judgment which we deserved has fallen upon Christ. He bore it for us, but, let us remind any unsaved reader of these lines that if you continue to reject the grace of God as revealed in Christ you will surely come under His judgment, and when He “visits” your sins upon you it will be a solemn day or rather a solemn and eternal night.
God had not forgotten His promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but any hope of the children of Israel getting into the land upon the ground of their own faithfulness was gone. God then told Moses to lead them into the land himself for if God came among them in His glory there would he judgment. Moses became the mediator for the people, a figure as we shall see later, of the true Mediator—Christ Jesus.
The people then, at the command of Moses, stripped themselves of their ornaments, and so it is most necessary that the sinner take his true place as guilty if he is to get any blessing from God. Anything that might adorn him must he laid aside, for man is guilty, ruined, and undone. And even we who are saved need to remember the great distance which we were from God when He saved us. We ought to set aside anything and everything which exalts the flesh or would attempt to make it fair and beautiful. Even God-given gifts should never he used for the exaltation of self.
Moses then took the tabernacle and pitched it “afar off from the camp.” If God could not be among them in the camp because of their sin, faith on Moses’ part led him to pitch the tabernacle outside of it, and the glory of God appeared to him there. All those who sought the Lord went out to the “Tabernacle of the congregation” outside the camp. Moses went back into the camp, for he was the mediator who typified Christ who is ready to meet the sinner where he is, or even the saint in a wrong position. Joshua, however, beautiful type of Christ in the midst of His people, remained in the tabernacle of the congregation, and how sweet it is to faith to know that there is an outside place—a place of reproach—where the Lord is in the midst of His own. (Hebrews 13:13.) Most of the people, sad to say, rained in the camp, choosing to worship at their tent door, in the place where the golden calf had been chosen instead of Jehovah. How often we see the same thing today, and how many there are who, though they have found the Lord as their Saviour, fail to seek out the place where He is in the midst. They prefer to remain in the camp than to bear His reproach in the outside place.
Moses then asked the Lord to reveal to him the way by which he was to lead the people through the wilderness. Nor does he think of himself alone, hut identifies himself with the people, calling them Thy people—God’s people. Moses knew that he himself had found grace in the sight of the Lord, but now he says, “I and Thy people.” May we too have more of the heart of Christ in this, which shows itself in love to His people no matter how badly they have failed. They are God’s people and He will never give them up. Let us then be willing to love and serve them for His sake until He calls us to our home above!
ML 06/04/1950
A Penny for Your Thoughts
A penny for your thoughts,” my little man. They are worth more than a penny today, for Cecil is in real serious trouble, and I shall tell you how it all happened.
Cecil was riding on the street car with Mother. He was looking out the window, and “day-dreaming,” as little boys sometimes do. Mother was busy with little sister, and a few parcels.
When the car turned to go around the block, Mother got off, as usual. She helped little sister to the side-walk, and then looked up to see the car moving away, with Cecil day-dreaming all by himself beside the window.
Mother walked quickly across to the other side of the “loop,” to claim her little dreamer when the car came back. As for Cecil, he waited for no such thing. He suddenly found himself alone, and he jumped off at the first stop and ran all the way home.
What did he find? A locked door, and no sign of his mother. Cecil sat down on the steps feeling more alone than he had ever felt in his life. He was first hot and then cold, and very miserable, and I shall tell you the reason. He thought that the Lord Jesus had come and taken his mother and his little sister to heaven.
Soon his mother came home and was very glad to see her boy, but Cecil did not forget his misery. He did not belong to the Lord Jesus and he knew it. Though the Lord had not come yet, He was sure to come soon, and Cecil would be left forever without hope.
The boy knelt by his bedside and told the Lord Jesus that he was a sinner, but he wanted to be saved. He wanted to belong to the Saviour, now and forever. God heard him and saved him right away. Now, Cecil is looking forward to the Lord’s coming, and I have often heard him sing:
“Yes, we’ll gather at His coming,
His glorious, His glorious coming;
Gather with His saints at His coming,
If cleansed by the Saviour’s blood.”
Now, my dear reader, how is it with you? Does the thought of the Lord’s coming fill you with joy or with sorrow? Perhaps you can imagine Cecil’s misery if the Lord really had come. How will you feel if you are left behind? Oh, come to Jesus today!
ML 06/11/1950
Muriel's Faith
It was a cold blustery day in December. Most boys and girls like cold snowy days, but Charlie and Muriel liked summer much better, for their clothes were so few and so thin that the cold winds chilled them right through.
Charlie was eleven years old and. Muriel was eight. As our little story opens, Charlie is hurrying along the streets of the city of New York, leading little Muriel by the hand. Turning down a side alley, they entered a house that was in such dreadful condition that you would surely think nobody could live in it.
“Charlie, is it you, my son? Come here, dear.”
Leaving Muriel to warm herself by the tiny stove, Charlie went over to his mother’s bed.
“What success—no work yet?”
“No, Mother, none. Muriel and I have walked for miles and tried many places but it is no use. We must starve— or beg.”
“Did you go to see the persons who advertised in yesterday’s paper?”
“Yes, Mother, we called on every one but they all had boys already, and we went from store to store until we were both tired. Then we heard some singing so we went in to a little meeting house to get warmed. The preacher was telling the people to throw their bread in the river, or on the water, or something like that, and all the people said ‘Amen’ just like as if they were going to do so just as soon as they got home. But I just shook my fist at him under the seat ‘cause he might have told them to give their bread to poor people.” Here the rebellious tears sprang to his eyes, while his mother drew him to her.
“Hush, my son. You did not understand him—God does not like a rebellious heart.” Then she explained to him as well as she could the meaning of the Bible text, “Cast thy bread upon the waters.”
Little Muriel had listened carefully, both to the preacher and to her mother, and her childish heart took the message quite literally.
Quietly she stepped over to her mother and asked,
“Mother, does it mean that it will come back after a while with a big lot of bread?”
“Yes, dear, it means that what we give to the Lord will be given back many times over.”
Muriel said nothing but was quiet and thoughtful the whole afternoon.
Toward evening Charlie made a cup of tea for his mother—the last they had. After that each had a small slice of bread which left just one more slice in the cupboard, and no money to buy more.
After Charlie had gone out again to look for work, Muriel quietly took that last slice of bread from the cupboard and slipped out of the house.
This was her first venture onto the streets alone very far from home. She began to wonder where the river was, so she stopped a kind looking gentleman and asked him,
“Please, sir, is the water near here?” “Do you mean the river, my dear?” “Yes, sir.”
“It is quite a distance away. What takes such a little girl to the river on such a cold day? Hadn’t you better go home?”
“No, sir. I roust throw this bread in the river first, so we will get more.” Then she walked bravely on in the direction which he had pointed out for her.
The gentleman stood thinking. What could that dear little child mean? He decided he must follow her at a distance and see what she was going to do.
Muriel finally arrived at the river, and walked quickly out to the end of a wharf. The gentleman hid nearby behind some boxes, and watched to see what would happen.
The little girl pulled the bread from, her pocket and with a trembling voice began:
“Please, God, this is all the bread we’ve got and we must do without for breakfast but if it isn’t too long until the bread comes back, maybe Charlie can find some work and buy a little more. Please send it to Muriel Horn in Thomas Alley. Amen.” Then she threw the bread into the dark river.
ML 06/11/1950
"Indeed, I Do!"
Anything in my line, ma’am?” The speaker was an old woman with a basket on her arm. She had crossed the street to ask me to buy some of her wares. I bought a bit of lace, and after paying for it, offered her a gospel tract and said, “Do you know the Lord Jesus?”
“Indeed I do! He’s my Saviour.” “How do you know that?”
“‘The blood of Jesus Christ (God’s) Son cleanseth us from all sin.’ God says it and bless His name for His mercy to me, I believe it and I am saved.”
“You are quite right. It is the precious blood that has cleansed away my sins too, so you and I are both saved. But how long have you known this?”
“I’m just six years old, ma’am. I shall soon be sixty-four, but I’m only a babe, for I’ve lived only six years. I spent fifty-eight years in my sins and serving Satan, but six years ago I came to the Lord Jesus and now all my sins are gone. So you see I’m only a babe.”
Perhaps you haven’t lived fifty-eight years in your sins. Jesus is waiting TODAY to wash away all your sins.
“Behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Cor. 6:2.
ML 06/11/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 33:14-23
Moses had asked the Lord to show him the way he was to lead the people through the trackless Wilderness. It was going to be a difficult, journey and the people were wayward too, even though they were the people of God. What a blessed assuring answer the Lord gave to Moses. He said, “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.” How can any of us go through the “wilderness” of this dark world, with all its trials, snares, and pitfalls, unless we have these two things for our portion? We need the sense of His presence in our souls day by day, and the enjoyment of His rest (both of conscience and heart) in every circumstance. Then at the end we shall enter into our promised land—the glory above. Oh, what a blessed portion is ours!
Moses then asked to see God’s glory. God had talked with him face to face but Moses wanted to see the fullness of that glory; but it could not be granted. He could, however, see God’s “back parts” after God had passed by. The glory of God did not, and could not, shine out until after redemption had been accomplished, and so Moses must stand in the cleft of the rock where God covered him with His hand until after all His glory had passed by—then he could see His back parts. Oh how good to know that all the claims of God’s holiness have been fully met at the cross, and so Moses’ place as looking back is in one sense typical of ours. We can look back upon the work of redemption and see God’s glory fully maintained there, and rejoice. No man can see God in His full Godhead glory (1 Tim. 6:16) but all that the creature can behold shines in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Cor. 4:6.) Can you, dear reader, say that you are cleansed in the precious blood of Christ and fit for that glory? If so, let us look up and behold it now by faith. (2 Cor. 3:18.)
Perhaps we could learn a little lesson from this place where Moses stood in the cleft of the rock, which would he a cheer to us in times of trial. We may not always understand God’s way in all the sorrows He passes us through, but in it all we are safe in His hand, and the “afterward” of each trial He passes us through is blessed indeed. Dear reader, whether young or old, let us always trust His loving hand, for He will never send a trial or sorrow except, for our good, and even though we may not see His purpose in it at the time, it is His hand that is over our face and the “rock” is under us until it is past. And then what a sight awaits us —His glory—Himself!
Moses had broken the first tables of stone on which the ten commandments were written, for, as we have remarked before, if he had brought them into the camp it would have meant judgment upon all there. If God had dealt with the people according to pure law, He would have had to cut them off one and all, hut Moses took the place of a mediator. He stood between God and the guilty people and asked for mercy. How beautifully this brings before us the Lord Jesus, the Sent One of the Father, who stood between us and the judgment and did what Moses could never do, for He bore all the judgment in order to set us free. Moses could not make an atonement for the people, but the Lord Jesus has fully met all the holy claims of God against sin in order that we might be brought into the presence of God without fear.
ML 06/11/1950
"Be Ye Not … as the Mule"
Donald drove his two mules to town one day. He stopped at a store and loaded his wagon rather heavily with supplies to take home. Now came his hardest task.
“Giddap,” said Donald.
With much prodding and scolding, the mules slowly set themselves in motion.
“Whoa,” called a voice in the street. The mules came to a sudden stop.
“Giddap,” said Donald again. But no sooner had he coaxed them into unwilling motion, than the voice in the street again called, “Whoa.”
The mules came to a dead stop.
The man in the street laughed and walked away. The mules at last obeyed their master’s command and drew the heavy load home.
Now I dare say the mules knew well enough that the voice in the street was not that of their master. But they wanted to obey that voice. It suited their wishes exactly, so that is just what they did.
Boys and girls, there are two voices calling you today. The first is the voice of God, to whom you rightfully belong. His command is, “Prepare to meet thy God.” The other voice is Satan’s, which says, “You’ll be quite all right. There is lots of time to improve a little before you die.” Are you following the voice which suits your wishes, or are you listening to the true voice of God?
In eternity, Satan’s voice will no longer call. you, and you must submit to God’s judgment then. Why not hearken to Him now, and prepare to meet Him while you have time.
“How shall I prepare?” you may ask. My reader, the work is all done. It was done when the Lord Jesus on the cross cried out, “It, is finished.” It was done when our Saviour died to open heaven for sinners such as you and I. If you trust in that Saviour, and m His finished work alone, then you are prepared to meet your God.
ML 05/18/1950
Muriel's Faith
The gentleman wiped away the tears that flowed down his cheeks, and turned to follow the little girl again. He followed until she was met, by Charlie who had been hunting for her, and before long she was clasped in her mother’s arms. She told her mother where she had been and what she had done with their last slice of bread. The poor sick mother wept, but did not scold her little girl.
“Don’t cry, Mother. God will send it, sure, because the preacher said he would.”
Soon Charlie opened the big Bible and began to read a chapter aloud to his mother arid sister. Just before he finished the chapter, there was a loud knock at the door. Charlie jumped up to answer it, and was just in time to see a man disappear around the corner of the alley. But there at the door was a large basket with a label tied to the handle. He bent down and read the message on the label. It read, “For Muriel Horn. Her bread from off the water.” Charlie shouted for joy and called Muriel to come and help him carry in the basket. There, before their mother’s shining eyes they lifted out a wonderful assortment of food, milk, bread, and even a fine plump chicken! And in the bottom of the basket was a letter addressed to “Charlie Horn.” Quickly he opened the envelope and found this message. “Master Charles Horn is hereby appointed messenger in the store of John Wilson & Co., at the salary of $5.00 a week. To begin at once.”
The family immediately bowed their knees and thanked God for hearing their prayers, and then had a grand supper before they went to bed for the night. Charlie was right on time for work the next morning and is still working there, although he is not a messenger boy any longer.
Dear children, God loves you and wants you to be happy. He has given the best gift of heaven, and offers you something worth more than the finest box of groceries in all the world. Will you take His gift and thank Him for it?
“The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
ML 06/18/1950
Heaven's Door
Bessie’s grandmother died, and they told Bessie that she had gone to heaven to be with Jesus. Bessie often thought about this, although she was just a little girl, and she began to wonder if she could find heaven, for she would-like to be there too.
After breakfast one morning she set out to find the door of heaven. She knew the way to the cemetery where they had taken her grandmother’s body, and so to the cemetery she went. And sure enough there were two big doors on the side of a hill. Bessie didn’t know that it was called a vault, and she thought it must be the door to heaven, so she ran happily up and knocked. No answer came. She waited and waited, and knocked till her little hand ached, but still there was no answer.
Sadly she turned homeward, thinking the angels must he too busy to hear her. She went right to her Sunday school teacher and told her all about her visit to the door of heaven, and that she couldn’t get in. Then she was told more about that beautiful place, and the teacher had her learn this verse from memory. Perhaps you could learn it too.
“I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” John 10:9.
Yes, boys and girls, Jesus is the Way and the Door of heaven, and we must come to Him and take Him as our Saviour if we mean to enter there.
ML 06/18/1950
"All" Means Me Too
Walter was lonesome for his father and mother. They had moved to Chicago, and left him with relatives in a town many miles away, hoping to come and get him in a few weeks. The little fellow had no money and so could not buy a ticket on the train, and as it was many miles, he could not walk. What was he to do?
Walter was just like the sinner away from God: but we know what put the sinner so far away from God—it was sin. I hope there is a big longing in your heart to get to God and to the home prepared in heaven, just as there was in Walter’s little heart to see his father and mother. You can’t walk there, and you can’t pay the fare—but let me tell you the rest of the story.
This lad used to go to the station and watch the Chicago train go through, and just wished that he could get on.
One day, just as the train was ready to start, Walter decided he must see his father so he stepped on and took his seat, and away went the train towards Chicago. Soon the conductor came through asking for tickets. The poor boy didn’t know what to do, and the conductor told him that he must get off at the next station. Soon Walter found himself standing once again beside the train, and he was almost ready to cry, for he thought he would never get to see Chicago—and Daddy. Just before the train started out again, the conductor waved his hand and shouted “All aboard.”
That was just what the lonesome boy wanted. “‘All—that means me too.” And without any further invitation Walter jumped on the train and once again was on his way towards father and mother. This time when the conductor came through calling “Tickets” he was a bit angry with the little fellow. “I told you to get off at that last station.”
“Yes, sir,” said Walter, “and I did get, off too. But just before the train started you called ‘All aboard,’ and I thought that meant me so I got on again.”
The gentleman across the aisle began to laugh and said to the conductor, “How much is the fare to Chicago?” He was told the amount, and he promptly paid it, and handed Walter the ticket.
Isn’t that just like our Saviour, the Lord Jesus? He paid my fare and I am going to His home prepared on high. I could never pay my own fare, but He paid the full price, and that meant giving up His own life for me. He loves you and would like to take you to heaven if you will but come to Him as a needy sinner.
“The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20.
ML 06/18/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 34:1-34
Let us notice a little about how God used Moses as a mediator for the people. Since Moses could not make atonement for them on the top of the mount, the law could not be removed and so Moses went up into the mount again and God wrote the ten commandments on tables of stone the second time. Moses did not however bring these second tables of stone into the camp as he had started to do with the first. This time he put them into the ark which typifies Christ. He was the only One who could keep God’s holy law. Faith must look on to Him. God did, however, because of Moses’ work as a mediator, put the people under a mixture of law and grace. God revealed Himself to Moses as merciful arid gracious, but He said that He could not clear the guilty—this awaited the glorious and perfect work the Lord Jesus was going to accomplish on Calvary.
God then told Moses how that He was going to bring the people into the land (in grace) but warns them that they were to walk in separation from the people of Canaan and not to make any covenants with them.
When they entered the land they were to appear before the Lord three times in a year. When they went up to keep these feasts they might have feared that the enemy would come in and possess their land but God said that He would keep anyone from even wanting it. What an encouragement this should be for us, for if we put the Lord first He will surely look after our interests for us. He is too rich to be any man’s debtor, and though we are not promised earthly prosperity as the Jew was, we know He will care for us in His own way while we lay up our treasures in heaven.
After Moses had received these second tables of stone, and the revelation of God’s mercy and grace, his face shone when he came back into the camp. Moses did not know it, however, but this partial revelation of God’s grace which he received was so wonderful that the children of Israel could not look at him. They had to ask him to put a veil over his face. How little the natural heart of man knows about grace—it is contrary to all his thoughts! Even the smallest child, if not taught from the Word of God, thinks of obtaining God’s favor through works of his own. It is hard for the sinner to acknowledge that he deserves eternal judgment, and that the only way he can be saved is by grace alone. The children of Israel could not stand even this little bit of God’s grace reflecting from “Moses’ face. Surely “the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:14.
We know that now the veil is gone, for “grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” John 1:17. Surely as we think of it our faces should shine too! After Moses had been in the presence of God receiving this wonderful revelation he came to the people with a shining face, arid undoubtedly if we keep company with Jesus our faces will shine too. Moses did not know, however, that his face was shining, and so we should never try to put on an appearance of godliness to others but if we are enjoying the love of Christ others will see it and we will not have to put it on. Oh, for more shining-face Christians today—those who are living in the company of Jesus so as to reflect His love and grace to others!
ML 06/18/1950
John Bach
I never heard of a kitten who could play the piano, did you? But perhaps you have heard of John Bach who lived years ago, and who loved to play the piano even when he was very small.
John Bach had an older brother who was jealous of the little boy, and never wanted to lend him any music books. But John was determined to play, so he crept downstairs the night, borrowed his brother’s music book, and spent long hours after midnight copying the pages by the light of the moon.
You can imagine his brother’s surprise and anger when he found the new copy in John’s room. He tore it to pieces. Hours of night copying all torn to bits, but John was not very sorry. He just went down to the big piano and played every note of it from memory. The book was gone, but his memory held good. Music was so interesting to him, for his heart was in it.
The Devil has been trying for thousands of years to destroy the Word of God and throw it away like John’s brother with the music. But some of God’s people have copied it by hand, and loved it, and memorized it, and God has not let Satan destroy it. Now, Satan knows that he can’t destroy that Book, so he is trying to make people put it on the shelf and leave it there without reading it.
My dear reader, what are you doing with your Bible? Do you read it sometimes, or not at all? Or do you memorize it until it is part of you, you believe it, and love it, and live it?
If you don’t read and believe it now, Satan may one day succeed in taking that Book from you, and what else have you for eternity? If you believe it now, then angry men may tear or destroy or despise your Bible, but they can never take away the living Word—the Lord Jesus—from you. He said,
ML 06/25/1950
Saved on a Hay Rake
Dan was riding the hay rake. The horses were swishing their tails at the flies and the sun was hot, but Dan was not thinking of these things. As the horses patiently pulled the rake, these words were going through his mind, “Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.”
It was a verse a preacher had carefully gone over with him the night before as he tried to show him God’s way of salvation. But somehow they were just words to Dan.
For a long time Dan had wanted to be saved. He knew that his heart was sinful, and that he must be saved before he dared to face God. Night after night when the evening chores were done he would sit at the kitchen table reading his Bible. Then after the others had gone to bed he would kneel and pray, again and again, “O God, save me, save me!”
There had even been times when he was out in the fields that he had knelt between the rows of corn where no one could see him, and with tears had begged God to save him.
But his praying and reading the Bible had brought no peace to his troubled heart. He felt that he still was not saved, and if the Lord should return he would be left behind. Now as he was driving the horses and lifting the rake it seemed to him that the Lord must not care for him or He surely would have heard him and taken away his sins.
Suddenly the words of his verse seemed to speak to him, “Christ also HATH once suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust” ... . “for me ... . I’m the unjust one,” cried Dan to himself, “and He has already done it!” Then as he thought of the rest of the verse his face began to glow with joy, “that He might bring us ... .(that’s me)... to God!”
“I’m saved ... .saved!” his happy heart rejoiced. “The Lord Jesus has suffered for my sins... it’s already done!”
Yes, dear young reader, the work is done—eternally done, and you can add nothing to it by your prayers or good deeds. Accept the Saviour now, and thank Him for that finished work.
“Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” 1 Peter 3:18.
ML 06/25/1950
Vacation Time
Most of our young readers are looking forward to having a vacation very shortly. Perhaps it may be for a week, or it may be longer, hut it is so good to get away from the daily routine of school, office, or workshop, arid have a change and rest.
Long, long ago when the disciples had been very busy in their service for the Lord, He said, “Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile.” He knew what the human body could stand, and so He took them apart for a time of quiet rest. Undoubtedly there is something very instructive for us in all this, even in our day. The disciples did not make their own plans—the Lord did everything. Is there not often a tendency with us to just go ahead with our own plans without looking to the Lord? Or perhaps we make all our plans and then ask the Lord to bless them. We want Him to care for us, protect us, and be with us in our plans, but how different it was with the disciples here. The suggestion came from the Lord; He chose the time and place, and He took them there. It was His plan and they had His company.
We are living in an evil world, dear young folks, and the thought of the natural man is to be free from restraint. When vacation time comes his first thought is to have a good time and do just as he likes. He wants to throw aside restraint and indulge himself in the way most pleasing to his natural desires. He calls that a good vacation. The thought of being subject to the Word of God or trying to please the Lord is farthest from his thoughts, and especially when he is away from those who might impose any such restraint, “because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Romans 8: 7. The natural man loves “the pleasures of sin.” But the Lord says to us, “Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometime darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light.” Eph. 5:7, 8. We are never to copy the world. The very thought of being conformed to the world is contrary to our calling. We are the children of the light, while they are in the darkness; arid darkness and light have nothing in common. They cannot exist together, for when light enters the darkness is gone. How wonderful to be the children of light!
And yet how responsible we are, and one feels it most important that we should remember this, even as to how we spend our vacation. If we spend it in the chilling company of the world we will get chilled too, and perhaps, like jelly in the mold, we will be taking on the world’s ways and talk. We will be doing the things they do, dressing like them (in ways forbidden of God) and even defending them. Oh may the Lord keep us from this present evil world in any of its varying forms!
How different it is when we let the Lord do the choosing—when we wait for marching orders from above. He knows the need of rest and He provides a “place apart.” There we can enjoy His company and the company of others of “like precious faith.” Undoubtedly we will be able to meet with His own in His appointed way too, and then, when vacation time is over, we will return to our homes refreshed and strengthened both physically and spiritually.
ML 06/25/1950
Bible Talks
Exodus 35-40
Once again the Sabbath is mentioned, for God delights to remind His people of His rest. It was always connected with His covenants with them, and although they could never earn it, it will finally be brought to them through God’s faithfulness, founded upon redemption.
How the enemy would like to have hindered the building of the tabernacle, and if God had not intervened in grace when the people fell to worshiping the golden calf, if would never have been built at all, but “the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” Romans 11:29. It was to be a pattern of things in the heavens, and also of the future blessing of Israel, and how the enemy would oppose anything that speaks of the grace of God—but God’s grace triumphed and it was built.
And so these chapters 35 to 40 show us how everything was finally built according to the pattern which God had shown Moses. We will not go into any detail here, for we have already spoken of the typical meaning of the furniture and so forth, but undoubtedly these chapters have an important lesson for us. We have the Word of God to guide us just “as the Lord commanded Moses,” and now God is writing in His book above as to how we are carrying out the “pattern” which He has given us. As He looks down does He see us seeking to walk for His glory in this wilderness scene? Our lives are like “living epistles” which others can see too, and how watchful we should be. Alas, we must all confess how we have failed, but there is a day coming when every believer will be just like the “Pattern”—just like Christ. Yes, God’s grace will someday triumph in all the redeemed!
At last the tabernacle was finished and set up, with everything in its right place, and then the glory of God came down upon it. God could dwell in the midst of His people, but still in the thick darkness, because there could not he nearness, nor could God be fully revealed, until Christ had accomplished redemption. Now the veil has been rent so that God can come out in the fullness of His grace, and we who are saved can go into His presence “accepted in the Beloved.” Ephesians 1:6. We can now look up by faith and “see Jesus ... .crowned with glory and honor.” Hebrews 2:9.
As the children of Israel went from place to place in their wilderness journey they must await guidance from above. They did not move until the cloud moved, and when it did move they must move too. If they had remained, it would have been to remain without the Lord’s presence. What a lesson for us, dear young reader. Let us not run from place to place just for our own advantage, but let us be ready to pull up and go if and when the Lord gives us “marching orders.” We cannot do anything without Him (John 15:5) but we can do and endure all things in His strength. (Phil. 4:13.) May we ever be found leaning upon His blessed arm!
We have, we trust, gleaned a little from this deeply interesting book. of Exodus. It began with the children of Israel as slaves in Egypt, and then told of how God provided a way of shelter from the judgment that fell upon that dark land, by the blood of the passover lamb. Then there was the passage through the Red Sea where Pharaoh’s hosts were overthrown. What patience God displayed with His people through the wilderness journey which followed, and even when they had asked for, and broken, His holy law, in grace He found a way whereby He could bless them—all in view of Christ’s perfect work on Calvary the ground of all blessing.
ML 06/25/1950
Pots and Pans
Here is a hardware store on two legs! It moves about with a little tinkling rattle, and the faster it goes, the more noise it makes. It has a smile too, this queer hardware store, and it talks, if you are interested. Now, boys and girls, what would you like to buy?
If you would like a wash basin, it seems to me that the top layer of our friend’s hat would be much more satisfactory than the basin under his left elbow. That lower one won’t hold water. It leaks. It’s just full of holes, and all the water you pour into it, just slips right through and out again.
Children, when you read this paper, God is pouring the water of His holy Word into your ears. Are you going to let it slip right out again? Will it go, as some people say “in one ear and out the other?” “Therefore,” says the Word of God, “we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.” Hebrews 2:1.
It is a very solemn thing to be like a leaking vessel. It is dangerous to let slip the Word which you have heard from God. Do not dare to forget that judgment has already fallen upon God’s disobedient people in times gone by, and is yet to fall upon you if you die without Christ.
Keep God’s Word. Treasure it up in your heart. Don’t be a leaking vessel, for you are responsible before God to retain and to obey His Word.
“HE THAT HATH AN EAR, LET HIM HEAR.” Revelation 2:11.
ML 07/02/1950
A Good Mirror
In one of the savage tribes of Africa, the wife of the chief was told by her people that she was the most lovely creature on earth. One day some white traders came and soon everyone was crowding around to find something for which they traded their possessions.
The wife of the chief had heard that there were wonderful pieces of glass which showed your face if you looked in them, and to her delight she found one and soon bargained for it. She went at once to her hut to sit down and take a long look at her beauty. But what a shock she got! She saw only a wrinkled and ugly black face, for the glass reflected her just as she was.
What do you suppose she did? She doubled up her fists and struck the glass and it was smashed to pieces. She hated the glass as it showed her the truth about herself.
This is why so many people dislike the Bible, for it shows us how God sees us. Romans 3 gives us a very vivid picture of what we are in God’s sight. It tells us: “There is none that doeth good, no, not one” (v. 12) and “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” v. 23. We cannot make ourselves fit, for God, but when we find out our sinful and hopeless Coition and that God has provided a Saviour, even His only begotten Son, we can come to Him. If we acknowledge our condition to Him, and put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour we will be made fit for God’s presence.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Cor. 5:17. Have you, dear reader, been made a new creature?
ML 07/02/1950
The Gift
Marion and her mother were spending a week’s holiday together at a summer escort by the sea. Marion never went to Sunday School, and her mother never told her about the Lord Jesus, but Jesus loved them both and wanted them to know of His love.
Sunday morning came, and Marion’s little playmate came running up and said to her mother,
“Please, may Marion come with me to the service?”
“What service are you talking about?”
“Why down on the beach there is a man who tells us Bible stories every Sunday afternoon, and I would like Marion to come with me.”
“All right then, she may go.”
That afternoon, the careless mother watched her little girl run off hand-in-hand with her friend. After a time she became a little uneasy and started off to find them. Soon she came upon a group of about three hundred children all sitting on the sand and listening to the story of God’s love in sending the Lord Jesus. He was teaching them this verse, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
It was very new to Marion’s mother. She had always felt that she should perhaps be a little more religious, but she had never thought of God as loving her and offering her a gift. She knew that she was a sinner, and she intended to try to please God a little better—but this was so different.
When the meeting was over, she walked slowly hack with Marion, and together they knelt down and each one told the Lord. Jesus that they were lost and would like to accept Him as Saviour. They gladly accepted God’s gift and were saved.
“The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
ML 07/02/1950
Bible Questions for July
The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in Revelation, chapters 12-22.
1.“Whosoever was not found written.”
2.“The Lamb is the light thereof.”
3.“By the blood of the Lamb.”
4.“Which die in the Lord.”
5.“Come out of her, My people.”
6.“Whosoever will, let him take.”
7.“For Thou only art holy.”
The Young People’s Class Exhortation
Exhortation means something that is said in order to call people near for a particular purpose, and so when we seek to exhort others we should bear this in mind. It may not be to bring before them some new line of truth, but rather to stir them up as to things they already know very well. Peter found it necessary to stir up the pure minds of the believers in his day about the things they knew quite well, for they, like ourselves, were inclined to be forgetful of divine things.
If we seek to exhort others, let us be sure it comes from the heart and is not just a rehearsal of truth in a formal way. If we are going to call them “near” we will have to be “near” ourselves. We will have to be enjoying the Lord in our own souls if we expect the hearts of our fellow believers to be stirred. Think of how the hearts of those two on the road to Emmaus “burned” within them as they listened to the words of the blessed “Stranger”—the Lord Himself.
The word of exhortation which Barnabas ministered to the young believers at Antioch was very simple. He didn’t develop some great truth, but he truly “called them near” as he exhorted them to cleave to the Lord with purpose of heart.
May the Lord help each one of us to speak the right word of exhortation, when and where He would have us, whether in individual conversation or in the assembly.
1.What was Peter’s exhortation to sinners in Jerusalem? Acts 2.
2.What did Barnabas exhort the young believers in Antioch to do? Acts.
3.In what did Paul exhort the Thessalonians to abound? 1 Thessalonians.
4.What exhortation was given to busybodies? 2 Thessalonians.
5.What exhortation is particularly given to young men? Titus.
6.Is exhortation needed more as “the day” approaches? Hebrews 10.
7.Does God take notice of those who accept exhortations which are according to His mind? 2 Corinthians 8.
ML 07/02/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 1:1-7
We have now come to a somewhat difficult book, the book of Leviticus, but it is very interesting and instructive if we read it carefully and prayerfully. Let us mention once again that God is not telling us about “Jewish customs” simply to satisfy our curiosity, but all this ritual and these sacrifices were given of God and have a meaning which, if laid hold of, is most precious for us. They all point on to Christ, the blessed Antitype of all these “shadows of good things to come.”
If you or I had been writing the book of Leviticus we would have put the sin offering and the trespass offering first, because we would first think of our own need, but those whom God used to write the Bible did not write according to their own thoughts, for “holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” 2 Peter 1:21. They wrote what God told them, for “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God.” 2 Tim. 3:16. It is God’s Word, not man’s.
The burnt offering comes first because it typifies what the work of Christ on Calvary is to God. The book begins then by giving God’s side first, for if God has been fully satisfied and glorified about the question of sin, surely we can be satisfied too. This is what we see, in type, presented to us in the burnt offering, and how precious it is to our hearts to meditate upon Christ in this way. God not only puts the burnt offering first, but He begins with the very highest aspect of it—the bullock. It was a voluntary sacrifice too, that is the one who brought it did not hoer to do so, and so we love to think of the Lord Jesus willingly doing the Father’s will even unto death, and that the death of the cross. We hear Him saying, “I come to do Thy will, O God,” Hebrews 10:9, and nothing turned Him back from this.
The offerer then placed his hands on the head of the bullock, which was without blemish, and in this way the value of the sacrifice was, as it were, transferred to him. When we think of the perfect delight the Father found in the work of His Son, that blessed One who became a man in order to glorify God, how marvelous it is that we should be brought to God in all the perfect acceptance of His Person and work, for we are “accepted in the Beloved.” Ephesians 1:6. We then read that “he shall kill the bullock before the Lord,” and how beautifully this typifies the Lord Jesus offering Himself “without spot to God.” Hebrews 9:14. No one took His life from Him—He laid it down of Himself. (John 10: 18.) The blood of the bullock—the sign that it had died was then taken and sprinkled upon the altar “for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” Lev. 17:11.
The body of the bullock was then cut in pieces to be offered upon the brazen altar. Fire in the Scripture is a figure of judgment, and so we see the Lord Jesus exposed to the judgment of God in those three dark hours on the cross, and just as all this offering went up as a sweet savor to God, so we know that the work of the Lord Jesus was most pleasing to the heart of God His Father. Sinful men and women from Adam downward had dishonored God in every way possible, but as God looked down upon His blessed Son He saw nothing but that which gave fullest joy to His heart, and never more so than when He glorified Him in His atoning sufferings and death.
ML 07/02/1950
The Woman with the Waterpot
It was long ago that the woman of Samaria came to the well in the heat of the day. She brought with her an empty pitcher. She found there a Man, weary with His journey, sitting on the edge of the well.
“Give Me to drink,” He asked of her. The poor woman wondered that Jewish pride would let this Man speak to her, a Samaritan, but His answer surprised her still more. “If thou knewest the gift of God, arid who it is that saith to thee, Give Me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living water.”
Now my reader, who was He? He was the Son of God, the Creator of heaven and earth, sitting weary and. thirsty, and asking a poor sinner for a drink. The woman did not understand, and perhaps you don’t understand either, but the Man who sat by the well was very patient with her. He did not speak in long, hard words, nor expect her to answer in special words memorized out of a book.
That Man, who is also God, spoke to her about the well, and the water, and the home she had come from, and showed that He knew all about them. He spoke right to her heart, plainly and patiently, until she understood. He does the same right now, to you He knows all about you, and your friends, and the home you come from, and He speaks right to your heart.
The woman of Samaria listened well. He showed up all her sin, but He also showed her who He was. She felt her sin as she had never felt it before, but she learned to know the Saviour of sinners that day. She soon forgot all about her empty waterpot, and went into the city to tell others to come and see Him also. “Come,” she said, “come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?”
Boys and girls, will you listen to Him too? He wants to show you who He is and what He has done for you. He knows all the badness of your own heart too and yet He died on Calvary in order that He might save you and bless you eternally. Just kneel before Him, remembering that He knows all about you, and ask Him to save you now. Then you also will be ready to tell others,
ML 07/09/1950
The Postman and His Message
Some years ago a postman found a letter in his big bundle addressed to “Any sinner in Horton.” He didn’t know what to do with the strange letter, so he offered it to the postmaster, and then to all his fellow postmen, but none of them wanted it. Then he took it from door to door on his rounds, causing some people to become quite angry. They didn’t think he should even offer them such a letter. Nobody wanted it, not even the postman himself, so it was sent to the dead-letter office.
If you had lived in Horton, would you have said, “I’ll take that letter, for I know that I am a sinner in the sight of a holy God?” Perhaps you could add, “But as I have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ, I now am a sinner saved by grace.”
Remember, the man who was justified in the sight of God was the man who said, “God be merciful to me a sinner.” If you have never kneeled in the presence of God and owned yourself as a helpless sinner, DO IT NOW.
“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Tim. 1:15.
ML 07/09/1950
A Little Welsh Girl
Many years ago there were very few Bibles arid only the rich people could afford to buy one. The parents of a little girl in Wales did not have a Bible, nor did their neighbors, and the nearest one was at a house some miles away over the hills. Every week this faithful little girl would walk there and back to learn her text for Sunday school.
One week when asked by her teacher why she had riot learned her text she said, “Please, sir, the weather was very bad.”
“Very true,” said her teacher, “but what has that to do with learning your verse?”
He was much surprised to hear that she had walked so far each week to learn her text. Bible are not scarce now and nearly every home has one or several, but how few value them as this girl did!
The Bible, you know, is a message from God to you, and He expects you to read it. It tells of His love to you in sending His Son Jesus into this world to die for sinners. But unless you read His message and believe that Jesus died for you, and bore your punishment when He suffered on the cross, you will not get the blessing He longs to give you. Do take Him as your Saviour while it is still the day of His grace.
“Read your Bible, read it through and through,
“Read your Bible, see what God can do;
He can save you, bless and keep you too,
If you’ll only trust Him He’ll do this for you.”
ML 07/09/1950
Mary's Earrings
Mr. Warner loved the Lord Jesus and he loved to tell others the glad tidings. Not far from his town was a place called Milton, where there was a busy coal mine, and he planned to go there and preach the gospel.
When the meetings started there was great fun made by the miners who had very little use for the Bible. In that mine there were quite a few women and girls, and their ringleader was called Mary. She and her friends laughed at the thought of gospel preachings.
“Mary,” said one of the others, “will you go and see what it is like, and let us know on Monday morning?”
“I will,” said Mary with a loud laugh.
And so Mary was found at the Gospel Hall, and settled down to have some fun as she listened for the first time to a gospel preaching. But God knew all about Mary and her careless friends, and He wanted Mary to know His love. As she sat through that service she became more and more uneasy as she felt her lost condition and began to realize that she was on her road to the lake of fire. When she heard of the love of God in sending His Son the Lord Jesus to die for sinners, she bowed. her head and wept. When the meeting was over, she was able to say, through faith, “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20.
Monday morning came, and Mary was at work with the rest. Let us listen to their talk.
“Did Mary go to the preaching?”
“Yes, let’s hear the story and have some fun.”
“But I hear she was converted herself.”
“Nonsense, she hasn’t been. She still had earrings on this morning!”
Mary was standing nearby, and had heard these remarks. This was her opportunity to witness for her Saviour. Lifting one hand to her ear, she took off the ring, and laying it on the block before her, she raised her hammer and smashed it to pieces. In the same manner she treated the other. Then she turned and told the girls of the love of God that had reached her sinful heart, and urged them to accept Jesus too.
“Them that honor Me I will honor, and they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed,” 1 Sam. 2:30.
ML 07/09/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 1:8-13
We notice that in these instructions as to the burnt offering, the head of the bullock is particularly mentioned. This reminds us of how every thought in the mind of Christ was pleasing to God His Father. How many wrong thoughts we have, even though we try to keep the old nature in the place of death, hut the Lord Jesus was “holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners.” Hebrews 7:26. There was nothing but perfection in all His thoughts. The fat always speaks of the excellence of the animal — the best— and then his inwards and his legs washed in water would remind us of how all the Lord Jesus did, even the very inward motives of His heart, were always according to the “water” of the Word. We sometimes do a right thing in a wrong way or from a wrong motive but it was never so with the Lord. Everything He thought, said, and did was pleasing to God His Father and when was it more so than when He “offered Himself without spot to God.” Hebrews 9:14. The whole bullock was then burned upon the altar as a sweet savor to the Lord, and oh what a sweet savor, infinite in its perfection, arose to God when the Lord Jesus glorified Him about the question of sin.
This burnt offering was not necessarily a bullock, though this is mentioned first because it is the highest aspect of it. The bullock is the largest clean animal. It might however be a sheep or a goat, or even turtledoves or young pigeons. This would remind us of the different measures of our appreciation of the work of Christ. At best it is in a very feeble way that we do so, but God delights to have our worship “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23), even though we do not lay hold of the preciousness of the work of His Son as we should. Perhaps some older brother or sister who has been carefully walking with God for many years may appreciate. Christ in a much greater measure than one who has recently been saved, but God accepts the praise of both, as long as it comes from the heart.
In a meeting for praise or worship according to the Word of God, there is perfect liberty for each brother, young or old, to take part. It may be by the giving out of a hymn or perhaps the reading of a scripture or in prayer that we thus present Christ to God, telling of the loveliness we see in His Person and the perfection of His blessed work. This is what true worship is. It is not a sermon, but the heart telling itself out in exalting Christ according to the measure it has learned of Him. Hon this delights the heart of God our Father who sent Him. We need not try to keep up to someone else, any more than an Israelite should think he must offer a bullock simply because his neighbor did so, but let us keep to our own measure. Our worship is not for the ears of others but for the ear of God who knows our hearts. Of course if we walk with God our knowledge of Himself and of Christ, His blessed Son, will deepen, as will our note of praise. In an assembly of saints too, we should remember that we are to speak as the mouthpiece of the whole assembly. We ought not therefore just give out some favorite hymn or read some favorite scripture, but rather wait upon the Lord to guide us by His Spirit as to that character of worship suited to the purpose of our coming together. “They shall not be ashamed that wait for Me.” Isaiah 49:23.
ML 07/09/1950
Seen from Above
We looked up one day, hundreds of us on our way home from school, to see the huge blimp floating slowly through the sky.
“I wonder,” said one little fellow, “what we look like from up there.”
“We don’t show at all,” answered another. “Only big things show from up there.”
Yes, little fellow, you are right, as any flier could tell you. But how do you look from above the bright blue sky? How do you look from heaven, where God is?
God sees little people, yes, and counts every hair on their heads too. Imagine that! But we really cannot imagine or understand God’s wisdom. We can just say, “Yes, Lord,” to what His Word tells us.
Perhaps you are very little, and have just done some “little” sins today. Most people don’t know what you have done at all. They can’t see and they don’t care. But God sees. Perhaps He does not call your deeds “little” at all. A lie is not a little thing in God’s sight for nothing less than the precious blood of Christ, can put it away. A cup of cold water is not just a “little” thing either, if you are saved, and carry it carefully to give to someone just to please the Lord Jesus.
ML 07/16/1950
"Oh, Mother..... I Cannot Die!"
Jean was a bright pretty girl, and a favorite of all her companions at work. She was just sixteen, and she was looking forward to a life of pleasure. God had given her a good home, and a fine voice, which she used to sing all the popular songs as they came out. In the factory where Jean worked, there was a Christian girl who used to speak to some of her companions about the Lord Jesus. She had often spoken to Jean, but had met with laughter instead of interest. “Don’t worry about me, Margaret, I have a long life ahead of me.” So Margaret would walk quietly away to pray for her friend.
One afternoon Jean went home from work feeling sick. Her mother thought it was just a cold, but before morning she seemed so much worse that a door was called. He at once found it to be a very serious infection, and gave very little hope of recovery.
“Mother,” cried Jean, “send for Margaret to come and pray for me.”
Margaret came, and at once began again to tell Jean of God’s love in sending Jesus to die for her. But that was not at all what Jean wanted. “Pray God to make me well again,” she said. “If God will make me well, I shall try so hard to be good, and will go to church too, and read my Bible.”
Margaret was shocked to hear all this strange talk, and she knelt down, and cried to God to awaken poor Jean to her need of a Saviour before she died.
They parted soon, never again to meet on earth. “Mother,” said Jean. “I will not die. Oh, Mother, Christmas is coming, I cannot die! I have so many parties and so many plans for the holidays, I must not die.”
Before morning, Jean was in eternity.
Dear young reader, you may be young and healthy, hut you may be in eternity tonight. I beg of you to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour right now before you set aside this paper.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.” Hebrews 2:3
ML 07/16/1950
An African Boy's Example
A Christian man was visiting, Africa and he went with a missionary friend to some native villages. As they visited each mud hut the first questions always were: “From where has Bwana come?” and “Why has he come so far?”
“Tell them,” said the missionary, “and I will translate what you say.” So he gladly told them he had come from England to bring them a message from God who loved them. He told them much more, but his earnest words meant little to them, and the women turned to their never-ending work of pounding meal, and the children laughed and the men made a sort of hopeless grunt and settled down to watch the women work.
They went from hut to hut, but every time were met with the same. response. Together the two friends started off along the native path through the forest, and soon came to another clearing and collection of mud. huts. While the missionary talked with some standing around, his friend turned to look into a hut near him. To his great surprise it was clean, and a boy of about fourteen years, dressed in English clothes, was sitting on a log reading a Bible.
Unthinkingly the man spoke to him in English, and to his surprise the boy came to the door saying, “Good afternoon, sir.”
“So you can speak English! Where did you learn it?”
“At the Mission School, sir.”
“And do you know my Lord Jesus as your Saviour?”
“Oh yes, He came to live in my heart in April last year, and I have been baptized with my new name, John I want to love and serve my Lord like John did—he was a friend of Jesus.”
“Tell me, how did you receive the Bible which you have?”
“At school I used to listen to it read, and I longed to have one myself. I worked hard to save some pennies, and when I had saved fifty, news came that God’s Words had arrived from England. I hurried to the school and the missionary let me have this for my fifty pennies, and I love to read it whenever I can.”
“Yes, I saw you reading God’s Word when I looked into your hut—why were you reading this afternoon?”
“Sir, I have finished all the work I do for my mother who working down the valley. I got the wood and the water, and the mealies are cooking. I have no sister, so I help my mother—isn’t that what a Christian boy should do?”
“Yes, indeed. Tell me, were these people my friend is talking to saying good words?”
“No, no, they were had words, very had words, sir, so I opened my Bible to read. Where clean water flows all is clean—so I read God’s words, then my eyes and my heart keep clean.”
“God bless you, my dear boy. Here in your heathen village I have learned many lessons today. Tell me, do your people listen to you when you speak to them about the Bible?”
“No, Bwana, they say, ‘We will hear God’s words, not yours, you are not a man.’ I then read to them many pages and they stand under our village tree and listen, the men, the women and the children. Sometimes they say, ‘Hark, the Big Chief God is talking in our language, let all listen.’ It is very hard to live here, sir. I sometimes wish I could go back to the Mission Station, but I think Jesus wants me to stay with my mother like John did. No one loves my Saviour here, not even my mother, but they know Jesus lives in my heart.”
It made Bwana very happy to meet this dear young lad who is trying to live to please his Saviour in far-away Africa. And how happy it would make us if every boy and girl who knows the Lord Jesus as his or her own personal Saviour would follow this lad’s example. He was reading his Bible to keep himself-from the evil ways of the men of the village, as well as reading it to the others, and speaking of the Lord Jesus to them whenever he could.
“Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to Thy word.” Psalm 119:9.
“The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth. understanding unto the simple.” Psalm 119:130.
ML 07/16/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 1:14-2:3
If the burnt offering was turtle-doves or young pigeons there were two things which could not be accepted, and they were to be put upon the east side of the altar by the place of the ashes. Since the tabernacle faced toward the east and the presence of God was in the holy of holies, we can see that the east side would be, as it were, away from the presence of God. Now these two things which could not be accepted were the crop and the feathers. The crop, as we all know, is the undigested food which the bird has eaten, and the feathers would be its outward appearance which is pleasant to the eye. Both these things were set aside and could not be accepted in sacrifice. This would show us that, anything we have read and know only in our heads, but have never “digested” and made our own in a practical way, is not acceptable to God in worship. Nor is anything we “put on” just for the eye of others, pleasing to God at all. Oh, how much we often say and do for others to hear and see! Let us be careful to put all hypocrisy aside, and not deceive ourselves, or try to deceive others, by putting on a front which is not real. Let us remember that “the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed.” 1 Samuel 2:3. He knows all, and He does not want “the crop” nor “the feathers” no matter how many good things are in the crop, or how pretty the feathers may be!
We now come, in this second chapter, to the meat offering. It tells us of the perfect humanity of the Lord Jesus. The meat offering was of fine flour and there is no mention of blood in connection with it for it is not a question of making atonement here.
The Lord Jesus was perfect man as well as perfect God, and the great attack of the enemy is to deny the deity of Christ simply because He became a man. We will notice therefore that the meat offering is the only one of the offerings which is spoken of as most holy. You and I have fallen human natures but the Lord Jesus’ humanity was holy. He could not sin for there was nothing but perfection within, and no response whatever to the temptations from without. It is because we have fallen natures that we find a response within when temptation is presented to us, hut this was never so with the blessed Lord Jesus.
The reason the meat offering was of fine flour was because there was a perfect evenness of every moral grace in Christ. The nicest people we know always have some outstanding characteristic such as kindness, generosity, consideration for others, or the like, while they lack in other virtues, but every moral grace was equal and perfect in Christ. Then oil was poured upon it for Christ was anointed by the Spirit for His service. (Matt. 3:16, 17.) Then the frankincense which was put upon it, would remind us of the voice from heaven saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” The Lord Jesus’ life was always a fragrance to God His Father.
Part of this meat offering was burned upon the altar as a sweet savor to God, reminding us that every test the Lord Jesus passed through, only brought out the perfection of His sinless humanity. The priest was then able to have his portion, and so we as believers have our portion in reading of Christ’s perfect life. It becomes our spiritual food.
ML 07/16/1950
A Call for the Thirsty
Ho, ye thirsty ones, come and drink.” This is our friend’s call, as he walks slowly down the street of an Eastern city. He may have walked some miles, to fill his goatskin with clear water and now, after carefully tying all leaky points, he is ready to begin his daily rounds.
“Ho, ye thirsty ones, come and drink.” He passes a tired old woman, heavily loaded and thirsty too but she does not buy from him for she has no money.
“Ho, ye thirsty ones,” he calls again. A young gentleman passes by but he does not stop. He has had plenty to drink elsewhere, and he is not thirsty.
“Ho, ye thirsty ones,” he repeats the call. Perhaps Isaiah the prophet, many years ago, was one who paid his money for a drink from the goatskin bag, and his heart was moved with pity for the many who could not afford to buy. At last the water seller’s bag is flat and empty, and he goes his way.
I don’t suppose you have ever heard the cry of the water seller, but there is another cry that comes to you today. By the Holy Spirit of God, Isaiah cried, “He, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters,... yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without, price.” Isaiah 55:1.
Isn’t it wonderful that God should choose to be a Giver like this? He does not ask for money, He just calls for thirsty sinners and promises joy eternal and life everlasting through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The water seller calls until his bag is empty. God calls until His day of grace is done. When is that? I don’t know, but there are plenty of signs that we are near the end of God’s day of grace right now. Perhaps He will not call to you tomorrow. Are you coming, coming now as a thirsty sinner, to God who calls you?
After God’s day of invitation, comes God’s day of judgment, and “the fire that never shall be quenched.” God says that there is not one drop of water in hell. God’s loving invitation is also a command. Listen now and obey.
ML 07/23/1950
The Little Boys' Prayer Meeting
Some time ago, in the Sunday school at Kent, a number of the boys gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus. Their teachers had faithfully told there again and again about the love of Jesus in coming to die for sinners, and had warned them about the awful future of boys who grew up and died without taking Jesus as their own Saviour.
When these boys at last owned themselves sinners and took Jesus as their Saviour, they began to think about their friends at school, and wished that they too might know Jesus for their own. They agreed to meet every day after school to pray for their schoolmates. Where do you suppose they held their prayer meetings? In the barn on top of the haymow.
Freddie’s father noticed these boys going into his barn every day, and he wondered what they were doing. One day he quietly went in after them and heard a low murmur of voices. It was the voices of these young lads, praying to God to convert their playmates! And God heard their prayer too, and one after another of the boys in that school bowed their knees before the Lord Jesus, confessed Him as their Saviour, and then joined in prayer for the rest.
Dear children, the same Saviour, who was so precious to these boys, is saying to you: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.” Rev. 3:20.
ML 07/23/1950
Talking to Jesus
Did you speak to me, Grandma?” Little Barbara had been watching beside Grandma’s bed, as she lay half asleep. The dear old lady had just been telling Barbara a story about Jesus, and then had closed her eyes to rest a while. While she rested, Barbara thought she heard her speak again.
“No, dear, I wasn’t speaking to you —I was just speaking to Jesus.”
The dear suffering face lighted up with a happy smile in memory of the many happy hours in which she had “talked with Jesus,” and at hand when she would be with Jesus and would hear His own voice.
Perhaps you, dear little reader, have often talked about the King, or about the President, but have you ever talked to either of them? I don’t suppose you have! It is a different thing to talk about a person and to talk to a person. Just so, many boys and girls talk about Jesus, but how many talk to Him? How can you talk to Him?
Just get down on your knees and He will hear you He wants you, first of all, to tell Him all your need as a sinner, and you may be sure that He is ready and able to forgive you, once for all. But if you already are forgiven, and know Jesus as your Saviour, then He wants you to talk with Him often and tell Him all your troubles, and to thank Him again and again for His love to you. Have you ever talked to Jesus? Have you ever thanked Him for dying on the cross to wash your sins away?
ML 07/23/1950
The Brave Sea Captain
Uncle William had come to visit us for a week. We all loved Uncle William, perhaps most of all because of the interesting stories which he told.
The first morning that he was with us, he gathered us all together and asked is each to say a Bible verse for him. It was Lena’s verse which made him tell us this story. Her verse was, “Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalm 121:4.
“That will always be my special verse,” said Uncle William, “and I will tell you why.”
“It takes me back to the very first trip I took at sea. We ran into a terrible storm, and we all thought that we would never see land again. The waves piled up so high around us and then came crashing down on our ship with a thundering roar. The great vessel cracked and groaned in all its joints as though it would split in two. For two days and two nights the storm raged on, and all during that time the brave captain stood on the bridge and guided the ship as best he could. It was cold, and the rain and hail and sleet beat against him, but he would not leave. On the third day the storm began to wear away, the danger was over, and the captain went down to his cabin to rest. He never came out again. Pneumonia set in, and in three days he was dead.
“Children, I can’t tell you how I felt as they let the body of our brave captain down into the sea. I cried like a little child. But I was not the only one—tears were in the eyes of the big strong seamen too.
“Among the passengers there was a preacher of the gospel. I can still hear his voice, sounding out over the wide ocean, ‘Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.’ He spoke of the bravery of our captain who had given his life to guide the ship, and then he went on to tell us of the matchless love of our Lord Jesus who went into death for poor sinners like ourselves. He warned us about the storm of judgment ahead, and begged us to take Jesus as our own Saviour. In that very hour, Jesus became my own personal Saviour, and that verse has been a favorite of mine ever since.”
Can you, reader, also say that Jesus is your Saviour? He loves you and wants to wash away your sins if you will but come to Him.
“Come now, and let us reason tether, saith the Lord though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Isaiah 1:18.
ML 07/23/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 2:4-10
If anyone brought a meat offering which was baken in the oven it was to be of unleavened cakes mingled with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil. Leaven is a type of sin, and so these cakes and wafers being unleavened would remind us once again of the Lord Jesus who was the sinless One. He never had sin in Him though it was laid on Him during those dark hours of Calvary. He was always “unleavened” and His every action was always by the Spirit (“mingled with oil.”) He was also “anointed with oil” when at His baptism the Spirit of God came. upon Him like a dove, marking Him out as God’s beloved Son and giving power for service too. His perfect service was ever by the power of the Spirit of God. These cakes were baked in the oven where no one could see them while the heat of the fire was doing its work, and so we think of the hidden sufferings of Christ as man in this world. He took a body capable of suffering. What sufferings He endured. which no man could see or understand! He felt, as only a righteous man could feel, the sorrows which sin has brought, the rejection and hatred of man led on of Satan, and then last of all how really and fully He felt what it, was to be forsaken of God when He was bearing our sins in those dark hours. Oh what hidden sufferings His holy soul endured there, we shall never know, and yet how fully God His Father was glorified in it all.
Then there was the meat offering which was taken in a pan or a frying pan. We can all see anything while it is cooking in a frying pan, and so in these we learn that there were some of Christ’s sufferings which were seen by others. He was hungry, thirsty, and weary, and then what sufferings He endured at the hands of man, which all could see, as they stood around that cross; the crown of thorns, the spitting, and the nails in His blessed hands and feet. How the heart of God found its delight in seeing the perfect obedience of that blessed One all through His sufferings in this way.
There were two things forbidden in any offering of the Lord made by fire. They were leaven and honey. We have already remarked that leaven is a type of evil, and since these offerings typify Christ we can easily see that leaven could not be in them. But some might wonder why honey was forbidden seeing it is so sweet, but honey typifies that natural sweetness which is not-the fruit of the Spirit’s work. The frankincense is typical of that fragrance which is by the Spirit. Sometimes we are generous because we like to be well thought, of we are very courteous at times just to make a good impression on others. Those are the motives which control the heart of natural men but such motives never governed the heart of Jesus, nor will they be our motives if we are walking with God. We will he kind to please God. We will be courteous for the same reason—not to be well thought of by others. Then if faithfulness to the Lord leads us to do something that may seem unkind, there will be the fragrance of the frankincense which will be sweet to God even if others do not appreciate it. Then too, if we have Christ before our hearts we can continue in kindness whether people thank us or not, because we know that the Lord is pleased by these lovely Christian graces in His own.
ML 07/23/1950
Once I visited a farm where the children had a pet lamb named Wuggins. The children were raising him themselves, for his mother had died.
The country was very hilly. Wuggins liked to play, but often went too far away into the hills and could not find his way home.
One day he went away, and the children were afraid they could never find him again. We all went into the hills to look for him, and called and called but could not find him. While the children searched close by, I went far away looking for him.
After a long time I saw him and called, “Wuggins, Wuggins,” but he did not know my voice; he only ran away. I went back to tell the children, for he knew their voices. So when they got near enough to call him, Wuggins came to them, and they carried him home in their arms. The children were little shepherds who loved their little lamb.
We are all like Wuggins. We are lost, unless we know the Good Shepherd. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Jesus said, “I am the Good Shepherd; the Good Shepherd giveth. His life for the sheep.” John 10:11.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:27, 28.
The Lord Jesus wants us to come to Him and be saved. All we need to do is believe on Him. Just receive the Lord Jesus as your Saviour. In the Bible God tells us, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
The Bible also says, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6.
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.
Jesus died for His sheep. Will you ask the Lord Jesus to be your Good Shepherd and pick you up in His strong arms and carry you to heaven, just as the children carried Wuggins home? Jesus will be your Good Shepherd if you will ask Him. Won’t you ask Him right now? He said:
ML 07/30/1950
Working for Jesus
I hope there are many saved boys and girls who read the Messages of Love. Perhaps you have wondered if there is any little work that you could do to please the Lord Jesus. I will tell you one way, which I learned from a story of a little girl whom I knew.
One Lord’s day evening, as I was telling out the gospel of the grace of God, I noticed little Norma sitting all by herself on the front row. She watched me with so much interest and attention that I couldn’t forget her. The next Lord’s day she was there again, and seemed once more to be ready to catch every word of the address. One day I went to Norma’s home, and while visiting, I mentioned to her mother about Norma’s very careful interest in the gospel meeting. Then I learned the reason why. There was an old lady down the street who was crippled and was not able to get out to any services at all, and it was Norma’s greatest delight to go and tell her all that she could remember of the meetings. Norma herself loved the Lord Jesus, and she wanted to do this for Him.
Do you, dear young Christian reader, have any friend or neighbor who is sick or blind? Could you not listen carefully to the gospel message and then take it to your friend? You will not only he making, others happy, but pleasing the Lord Jesus too.
“Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee.” Mark 5:19.
ML 07/30/1950
Have You Counted the Cost?
Two young men were talking seriously about conversion. One was a happy Christian, and he was telling his friend how much Jesus had done for him.
“I do wish that you would come to Him and let Him save you too. Garry.”
“I am thinking about it, Paul, in fact I have often thought about it before now, but it means giving up quite a few things. In fact, I am counting the cost of being a Christian.”
A third young man had just joined the group and heard this last remark. He put his hand on Garry’s shoulder and said,
“Garry, have you ever counted the cost of NOT taking Jesus as your Saviour?”
That was something that Garry hadn’t quite thought about. Have you? What if you should go into eternity without having Jesus as your Saviour? I am glad to say that this remark so disturbed that young man that he could rest no more until he came to Jesus and accepted Him as his Saviour.
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth NOT the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36.
ML 07/30/1950
"Where Art Thou?"
This is the first question recorded in the Bible which God asked of man. There had been no need of any questions like this before, for Adam and Eve were perfectly happy, and God did not have to seek them. They had no desire to hide from God. His own hand had planted the garden and He had placed them in it, supplying them with everything they needed, for He delighted in their blessing.
But something very sad had taken place. Adam and Eve had sinned. They had listened to the voice of Satan and had eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which God had forbidden. They now had a sinful fallen nature, and when the Lord God walked in the garden in the cool of the day their first thought was to hide from Him. They soon found a hiding place among the trees, but it was not a safe one for God’s eye can see in the darkness as well as in the light, behind the tree or in front of it.
God’s voice then called and said to Adam, “Where art thou?” What a searching question this was, and Adam must answer it. He must confess his sin and tell why he sought to hide.
Now I don’t suppose the one who reads these lines is hiding behind a tree. However, you may be trying to hide from God! You may have often tried to hide from someone whom you were afraid would speak to you about Christ. Perhaps you went to your own room, or just slipped quietly outside when one of the Lord’s servants came to your home! Did you ever ask yourself why you did such a thing? You were not afraid of the visitor, surely, for he did not want to harm you, but somehow you felt afraid. Do you know that you hid for the same reason that Adam hid? You have sinned, and you are afraid of God if you are not saved. Moreover, you don’t like anyone to make you feel that God is near. Perhaps you don’t mind thinking of God at a distance, but somehow you are afraid to meet Him. It is your sins that make you afraid, and you will always be afraid until your sins are gone.
Dear friend, God says to you, as He said to Adam that day, “Where art thou?” If you are not saved you are lost. You are away from God; an alien by birth and an enemy by choice. You may be kind to your fellow man, you may have a lovely disposition and be ready to help in every good cause. Indeed many other nice things could perhaps be said about you—yet you are lost and far from God if you know not Christ as your Saviour. Unless you have taken your true place as a sinner and been “reconciled to God by the death of His Son,” you are His enemy. (Rom. 5:10.) But God Himself is trying to get your ear today. He calls, “Where art thou?” He wants to bring you to Himself clothed in a robe of righteousness of His own providing and perfectly suited to His presence. Why not come to Him? He loves you in spite of your sins, and if you will come to Him today He will remove all your fears. Then you will not want to hide from. God any longer, but instead it will be true of you as of every believer, that “Your life is hid with Christ in God.” Col. 3:3. You will no longer be at a distance but “made nigh by the blood of Christ.” Eph. 2:13. Reader, “Where art thou’’ today?
ML 07/30/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 2:11-16
We were noticing last week that there was to be no honey in the offerings to the Lord and we would just like to add a few words more about this. Natural affection is like the honey too, and though quite right and proper in its place it has no part in the offerings to God, for it is not the fruit of the Spirit. We must not, however, set aside natural relationships, for God has established them, but let us always remember that they are not acceptable to God in sacrifice. All honey was to be excluded from the sacrifices.
Then there was something which was to be included in every sacrifice. It was salt. If you or I had been making the choice we would have chosen honey rather than salt, but then God’s thoughts are not ours, and we will always find that we must put aside our thoughts to get God’s. Salt was used very largely to preserve or keep things in those days, and it would typify to us the fact that everything connected with the life and death of the Lord Jesus will be preserved to God’s glory. The remembrance and the blessings which flow from them will abide eternally. All these sacrifices typified Christ, and surely both now and forever we shall remember and rejoice in the fruit of what He has accomplished. The perfect grace in Him was always “seasoned with salt,” and will be preserved, but with us there is so much of self connected even with our “holy things,” and the grace in us is not always “seasoned” as it should be, so as to abide for God’s glory. In everything we say, in all our contacts with others, saved or unsaved, may we leave with each one something that will abide for God’s glory. It may sting a little, as salt does, and so sometimes because of this, and to escape the world’s scorn, we do not confess the Lord. We may perhaps show the grace of Christ, but a little word or a gospel tract may, like the salt, remain and be preserved, bearing fruit for eternity; or a little word spoken to a fellow believer may bring lasting blessing to his soul. This is what it means by “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Col. 4:6.
A portion of the meat offering was to be the food of the priests, and now all believers are priests (1 Peter 2:5) and if we are entering into and enjoying this place and privilege we will be found feeding upon Christ in our souls. We will find in His perfect spotless life as man that which comforts, strengthens, and encourages us in our pathway through this wilderness scene. Let us learn to meditate upon Him more in all the loveliness of His perfect walk here below.
When the firstfruits were offered they were to be green corn dried by the fire and beaten out. Then oil and frankincense were put upon it. This would remind us of the Lord Jesus in resurrection now wearing our nature on the throne. He is a perfect man in the glory—this same Jesus, the One who died for us. He was quickened by the Spirit (the oil) after He, like the corn of wheat, had fallen into the ground and died. (John 12:24.) Now He is in the glory, and what grace, what loveliness, and excellence shine in His blessed face, like the fragrance of the frankincense. How we delight to think of Him as the true firstfruits, enjoying thus the very things that delight the heart of God Himself—blessed portion indeed!
ML 07/30/1950
The Doll That Grew
Hope had a very strange doll. It was a doll that looked much like a gingerbread boy—and it was stuffed with hard dry kernels of corn. You see, Hope lived quite a long time ago, and when she coaxed her mother for a doll her mother had to sit down and make one for her, for there were no stores nearby where she might buy one.
Although it was not a beautiful doll like the ones girls have today, still Hope loved it very dearly, and played house with her and took her out for walks just as little girls do with their dollies now.
One day Hope and her brother James had a bad quarrel. James had been carving out a pretty little ship and was carefully cutting out one of the masts when Hope bumped into him, knocking the little ship to the floor. Several pieces were broken off, and James in an. angry voice cried,
“Can’t you watch where you’re going? Look what you did!”
“I don’t care if I did! answered Hope. Of course she did care—whatever made her say that? she wondered. She was so ashamed that she hurried outdoors.
“I’ll fix her, I will! —the mean thing!” thought James, and just then he noticed her little doll lying on a chair. Picking it up, he hurried out another door and made his way to the tool shed where he got a shovel. Then he ran quickly around to the garden and, away at the end of it where there was soft ground and nothing seemed to be planted, he dug a hole and buried the doll!
“There—that’s the end of that! That’ll pay her back for breaking my things,” said James to himself. “And nobody will ever know what happened to it!” But James forgot about God! God has said, “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper” (Proverbs 28: 13), and again, “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23.
Many days went by, and Hope cried many tears, but no one could find the little doll. It seemed to be a mystery that couldn’t be solved—the doll had just vanished! James was not as happy as he thought he would be either; instead he began to feel he had done a pretty mean thing. Once he even thought of digging the doll up again, but when he thought of the hard time he would have trying to explain how it happened to be so dirty he decided to leave it where it was.
A few days after a rainy spell Mother was out in the garden gathering some vegetables when she noticed a spot of fresh green down at the foot of the garden. “That’s strange,” she thought, “there is nothing planted down there.”
So she went closer to see—and there, just in the shape of a little doll were green blades of corn growing! The hidden sin was uncovered, just as God’s Word says it will be.
Sin hidden in the heart will just as surely be uncovered one day too, and oh—what a sad day it will be for all who have not trusted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Why not, right today, believe on Him
ML 08/06/1950
Jenny Carey
Jennie Carey is only ten years old, but she has saved the lives of hundreds of people. Perhaps you wonder how a little girl like that could do such a wonderful thing.
In one of the Western States. Jennie lives with her father and mother. One day, as she was out playing in the fields, she saw smoke in the distance. She hurried over to see what the trouble might be, and there she found that the railway bridge, which carried the train high over a river, was burning slowly. She could see that parts of the wooden framework had already fallen away, and she knew the bridge would not bear the weight of the train. Quickly she took off her little red coat and ran down the track, for she knew that a fast train was soon to come along.
Presently she heard the whistle as the train came round the bend. She stood right in the middle of the track and waved her red coat. She shouted too, but I’m sure the engineer couldn’t hear her for the noise of his big locomotive. Just at the last minute she jumped off the track but kept waving as the train roared past. Then she heard the grinding of the wheels and she knew that her warning had been seen and the engineer was stopping the train. It was stopped in time, just before it would have started out over the burning and weakened bridge. The many hundreds of passengers climbed out of the coaches to see why the train had stopped so suddenly, and when they saw how near they had been to a terrible wreck, they thanked brave Jennie Carey.
There are many thousands today in the “world’s express,” hurrying on toward eternity. They close their eyes and their ears to all thoughts of danger, and turn away from anyone who warns them of what lies ahead.
A prudent man forseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.” Proverbs 22:3.
Are you prudent, or simple? The Lord Jesus Christ is the Hiding Place, and if you are not safe in Christ, you are rushing on to destruction.
“Flee from the wrath to come.” Matt. 3:7.
ML 08/06/1950
Bible Questions for August
The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in Matthew. chapters 1-9.
1.“Many will say to Me.”
2.“But sinners to repentance.”
3.“Bless them that curse you.”
4.“God with us.”
5.“He saith unto them. Follow Me.”
6.“The ax is laid unto the root.”
7.“Seek ye first the kingdom.”
The Young People’s Class Comfort
Yes, our God is the God of all comfort. He knows the trials through winch we must pass in this scene of sin and sorrow, for His blessed Son—the Lord Jesus —has passed through it before us. He felt all the trials of the way too (sin apart) and is now our Great High Priest who sympathizes with us in all our tribulation and infirmities.
How often we find the prophets, even after warning of judgment, speaking “comfortable words” to those who took heed. The Lord Jesus was the Man of Sorrows here because He felt for others. He knew the sorrows that sin had brought, and He never healed anyone without entering into their sorrow, for “Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.” Matthew 8:17.
How often the Lord’s people need a word of comfort too! How often we could gain their ears and bring real blessing to them if we knew how to speak a word of comfort when needed. The Lord Jesus could “speak a word in season to him that is weary” (Isaiah 50:4), and if we walk with Him, He will enable us to do it too. The Word of God abounds with precious promises and words of comfort to the believer which we can pass on to them, lifting their hearts out of their trials and sorrows, and helping them to set their minds on things above. And so the comfort passes from one to another; Paul was comforted and he in turn comforted others—let us do this too, and “speak... to comfort.”
1.What was David’s comfort in affliction? Psalm 119.
2.Having been comforted ourselves, how should we act toward others in trouble? 2 Corinthians.
3.Were all Paul’s fellow workers a comfort to him? Colossians.
4.Was it a comfort to Paul’s heart to see the saints going on well? Philippians 2.
5.What truth is spoken of as o source of special comfort? 1 Thessalonians 4.
6.How did the Lord answer the one who was concerned with the state of things in Judah? Zechariah 1.
7.Who looked for comforters but found none? Psalm 69.
ML 08/06/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 3:1-4
The next one of the offerings mentioned is the peace offering. As we have remarked before, each one of these offerings brings before us a different aspect of the work of Christ. The burnt offering is what the work of Christ is to God, fully glorifying Him about sin. The meat offering is Christ’s perfect humanity and shows us in type how every testing and trial He passed through as man only brought out a perfect evenness and fragrance which was a delight to the heart of God His Father, as well as being food for us as priests.
The peace offering in our chapter today could be called the communion offering. As soon as sin entered the world in the garden of Eden, communion or fellowship between God and man was broken, and it could only be restored in Christ the One who has fully glorified God about the question of sin. He has brought those who are saved into a place of acceptance and favor where we can have “fellowship with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1:3. We have been brought into a nearer place—far nearer—than that enjoyed by Adam before sin entered. We were once enemies, but have now been “reconciled to God by the death of His Son.” Romans 5:10. All our guilty fears are gone and we can “joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:11. Blessed portion!
The way of approach to God is thus typified in all the sacrifices of the Old Testament, for the only way sinful man could stand before a thrice holy God was through the blood of a sacrifice. And now in the peace offering we have the ground of communion so beautifully. typified, as well as the energy that maintains it.
First of all we notice that the offering might be taken from among the herd, such as a bullock, or it might be from among the flock, such as a sheep or a goat. The bullock is a large animal whereas the sheep or goats are smaller showing us that the measure of communion is not the same with ever believer, but communion is only through Christ. The more we are occupied with Him, the more we shat! enjoy that blessed intimacy of communion with God in our souls. May our measure be thus increased!
When the offering was presented the offerer put his hands upon the head of the animal, thus identifying himself with it. The animal was then killed and its blood sprinkled upon the altar round about. The only way of entrance into the presence of God is through the blood, for it is the blood that puts sin away.
If we connect what we have here with the law of the peace offering in chapter 7, we will learn many precious things, helping us to realize in fuller measure what a wonderful privilege it is to have the thoughts of God and to be in the enjoyment of Christ. We notice here that the fat upon the inwards of the animal was burned upon the altar, and it is called “the food” of thy offering. God would teach us first of all of His portion in Christ, and our communion and enjoyment is because of this. How He delights to bring His people into His thoughts, enjoying that which He enjoys. If we love someone we want him to enjoy what we enjoy, and it is wonderful to think that God our Father wants us to rejoice with Him, and have His thoughts about His Son.
ML 08/06/1950
Following Jesus
B-R-R, B-R-R-R-M.” All summer long, Timmy’s mouth made noises like those his father’s tractor makes. in the picture he is filling his toy barn with grass, just the same way that he sees his father haul in hay.
On the lawn and in the sandbox his tools are busy all day long, and when we ask him what he is doing he says, “Farming like Daddy.”
Don’t you think that when Timmy grows up he will be just like his father?
But if his father makes mistakes, Timmy might make the same mistakes. Well, Timmy knows Someone else too, who has never made a mistake. This is the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s beloved Son, and since Timmy knows that Jesus washed his sins away, Timmy wants to be like that wonderful Saviour.
If you are saved, I am sure you want to be like Jesus too. But how can you learn about Him and what pleases Him? The only place to find out about the Lord Jesus is in the Bible and we should read it daily. Pray to Him too and He will help you, just as much as you need each day.
“Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps.” 1 Peter 2:21.
ML 08/13/1950
Contented, but All Wrong
I well remember meeting a young man who was quite contented, but he was all wrong. It happened in Detroit, where I had just boarded the train for Chicago. Across the aisle from me was this young man who settled himself down, leaned back against a comfortable pillow, and prepared for his journey. He was the picture of contentment. And what do you think happened to make him suddenly very disturbed? When the train had been rolling along for some miles, he suddenly found he was on the wrong train! He was going in the wrong direction! Do you think he settled back and said, “But, Mr. Conductor, I am quite sincere about this, and I feel quite contented, and I don’t think you should upset me by suggesting that I am on the wrong train.” Not a bit of it. When he heard the conductor’s message, lie believed, and he at once asked for instructions what to do next. He was told to get off at the next station and get on an east-bound train.
Take care, young reader, you may he very happy, very comfortable, but yet. on the road to hell. But we rejoice to tell you that there is a way of escape. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt he saved.” Acts 16:31.
There are many roads to hell—but only one way to heaven. “There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved,” Acts 4:12.
ML 08/13/1950
"I Do Trust Him"
Some time ago when we were visiting in a village we called to see a friend named Mrs. Fulton. She was out, and the only person in the house was her daughter Alice, whom we had not met before. We had a solemn talk with her about her soul and about eternity. After some time, she began to cry, for she began to feel that she had never taken Jesus as her Saviour, and the thought of her sins troubled her. Have you ever been troubled about your sins? You are going to have to meet God someday, and He has a record of everything that you have said and done. When we saw that Alice was so unhappy about her sins, we read to her from. our Bible, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. Still she continued to cry, so we gave her one more verse, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
A week later we were in the same village again, and we met Alice on the street. At once she said, “I would like you to come with me and visit Mrs. Coleman, she is dying.” We went with her gladly, and as we were returning from the visit, Alice said, “Do you think Mrs. Coleman is saved?”
I told her that she had said that she was trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ, and remarked that it was a very solemn thing to leave the question of salvation till the very last hour. Then I turned to Alice and said, “But what about yourself, Alice, are you saved?”
“Yes, I am saved. After you left me a week ago, thought about what you had said, and that verse settled it, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.’”
A few weeks later, one dark foggy night in March, Alice was sent with a message to a neighbor’s house. She bad been there before and knew the road quite well. As she went out of the house, a dear Christian who was in the room made a remark about trusting in the Lord. With her hand still on the handle of the door, Alice turned round and said happily, “I do trust Him,” And those sweet words were almost her last on earth. She went to the neighbor’s, delivered her message, and was heard running quickly back. But the night was very dark and it was so foggy that she missed the path and fell right into the river. Her brother, who was walking near the bridge at the time, heard a loud scream and a splash, and he ran quickly for help. But the fog was so heavy that nobody could find the little girl until the morning light.
Tell me, dear reader, do you think Alice ever regretted that day when she took God at His word, and accepted His salvation? Never!
Arid now I ask you, if God were to call you thus suddenly into eternity, where would you he? May you be able to say right now, “I do trust Him.”
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
ML 08/13/1950
Mother and Peggy had gone downtown to shop together one Saturday afternoon. They were in one of the big stores when Peggy began to coax:
“Please, Mother, let’s go and see the toys!”
So they made their way through the busy store and into the elevator. Soon they stepped out right into the most wonderful display. An electric train with real lights and a noisy whistle was speeding along through tunnels and under little bridges. In another corner were all the lovely dolls; and then there were games and things to play house with! Peggy felt that she would like to stay there all day just looking at everything. She wandered from one thing to another having such a good time!
Then she saw a beautiful dollhouse that looked almost real enough to live in. After peeking in a window here and there she called her mother to come and see too.
“Oh, look, Mother, isn’t this nice?”
Mother didn’t answer so Peggy looked quickly around, but she couldn’t see Mother.
There were many people all around her so perhaps Mother was nearby in the crowd. Peggy called a bit louder, “Mother, Mother.”
In a few moments she grew frightened and wanted to cry. “Mother, where are you?”
She was lost! What should she do? She sat down on a toy chair and cried and cried. Even the nicest doll couldn’t interest her any more—she was lost!
Suddenly she thought she heard a familiar voice. She stopped crying to listen.
“Peggy, Peggy!”
“Here I am, Mother! I’m so glad you found me—I was lost and so frightened.”
But she didn’t have time to say much more for Mother had been frightened too, and now she was hugging Peggy so tightly in her arms!
Do you know that Peggy was lost before she knew it? Yes, she was! But at first she wasn’t frightened for she was having such a good time and she hadn’t discovered that she was all alone until she looked around for her mother.
Boys and girls, some of you are lost—and perhaps you don’t know it. You are happy and are having a good time, but you are lost in sin and far, far away from God. But God is watching you, and He wants to welcome you into His arms.
“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10.
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way: and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6.
ML 08/13/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 3:5-17
The fat, which was the excellence of the animal, was to be burned upon the altar as a sweet savor unto the Lord. This shows us in type that there was that in Christ which only God His Father could fully appreciate, which He alone could measure, and it was a delight to His heart. Oh what excellence the Father found in Christ—even all His delight.
Along with this peace offering there were also unleavened cakes mingled with oil, unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and fried cakes mingled with oil to be offered to the Lord. In these unleavened cakes and wafers we see a beautiful type of all the perfection of Christ’s life down here. Every act was by the power of the Spirit (mingled with oil), and then we see Him marked out by the Spirit at His baptism (anointed with oil), and every trial He passed through only manifested this. In all this we can see that, having learned the true ground of fellowship through Christ’s glorious work of redemption (like the peace offering), now we can enjoy, in communion, every thought of Himself, whether in His perfect life or in His atoning death. Oh what a blessed place we have been brought into! May we know more of what it is to “joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Roman 5:11.
It may seem surprising to some of us that it also mentions that leavened bread was to be offered with the peace offering, for leaven as we know is a type of evil. This cannot refer to Christ, for He was “holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners.” Hebrews 7:26. He never had sin in Him though it was on Him during those three hours of darkness on Calvary, Undoubtedly this leavened bread refers to us as believers, for we have a sinful nature in us, and while we are enjoying communion with the Lord in our souls, the old nature (the leaven) is still there. However, if self is judged and in the plan of death, like the bread baked in the oven where the action of the yeast (or leaven) is stopped, then we can still enjoy communion with the Lord. Communion is not hindered because sin (the old nature) is in us, but because we allow it to act. Let us then seek grace to always keep it in the place of death.
The right shoulder was to be given to Aaron and his sons to eat, and this reminds us of a special portion which we have when we enjoy the Lord in fellowship with His people. Aaron and his sons are typical of Christ and the Church, and how sweet it is to sit down with those who have learned the true ground of fellowship and feed upon Christ together. No doubt we get a little taste of this when we sit at His table to remember Him in His death, with those who are gathered as members of the body of Christ.
We must mention here that no one who was unclean could eat of the flesh of the peace offering, whether he was defiled by his own personal uncleanness or by touching some unclean thing. We learn from this that not only are we defiled by our own personal sins, but contact with evil in the way of going on with it, defiles too. Let us remember this at all times. Making friendships with those who are “dead in sin” whether in school, in business, or in social life, will surely rob us of communion with the Lord, for we cannot enjoy the sweetness of His love and the friendship of this sinful world at the same time. They will not mix at all.
ML 08/13/1950
An Important Day
This is a very important day for the three little children in our picture, and you know how you feel when an important day is coming near. They have been invited to a wedding, and for days they have been bubbling with excitement to see what a real wedding looks like.
Mother has done all the rest. She stitched and sewed for many an hour, and even kept count of the days too, for little Sonny never could remember whether it was to be tomorrow or how many days after. At last the time came, and there was a great deal of washing and combing and buttoning and tying, but at last the roses were pinned on each dress, and away they went. Wedding guests must not be late, you know.
The important day was happy and sunshiny, but now the children have been invited to another wedding which is far more important still. It is better than the marriage of a king or a princess, and you are invited too! We are writing this story to tell you about it, so that you will be sure to be ready when the day. arrives.
It is a special invitation from the King of kings and Lord of lords. We cannot tell you the date, but He knows and He will not forget to come for you, if you are ready. Perhaps you are wondering what cleaning up and dressing up must be done for so wonderful an event, but the One who has sent, the invitation will gladly take care of that for you. This is God’s invitation, and He demands clean hearts not just clean faces and hands. He wants to make you clean inside, and to wash away every stain of sin which His eye can see. Then He will clothe you in His own robe of righteousness through Christ’s finished work; yes, and when the time comes, He will give you a new body without a wrinkle or a scar. Now, did you ever hear of so wonderful a wedding invitation in your life before?
“But what must I do, to be sure that He will take me, when He comes to gather His own?” you ask. That question is easy to answer, even for little boys and girls like the ones in our picture. The Lord Jesus has prepared everything for you. It was very, very costly, more than the most expensive wedding on earth, for it cost Him the suffering and death of Calvary. Now He wants you because He loves you, and although you are a sinner all you need to do is to accept Him as your own personal Saviour.
If you do not receive Him what will He do? He will have to shut you out of His happy home forever and send you down into hell. How terrible that would be! Why not accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour now and be ready when He comes to take His own to Himself?
ML 08/20/1950
"I am a Great Sinner"
Are you a great sinner? One afternoon our Sunday school was interrupted by a knock at the door. A lady asked if one of the teachers would please come and visit her mother who was very sick. All the children in our class knelt down, and we asked the Lord to bless the dear sick woman. and lead her to the Lord Jesus. Then I went out and followed this lady to her home. There I found her aged mother very, very sick in bed. I could see that there was not much hope of her being well again, so I bent down and said, “Are you ready to die?”
“No, I am a great sinner!” she said.
What would you say to a grew sinner who was dying? Could you tell her to start praying and reading her Bible? Could you tell her to try to live a better life? No, it was too late for such things, and indeed they in themselves are not part of God’s way of salvation at any time. There is only one Book in the world that will bring comfort to a dying person, so I opened my Bible.
Verse by verse, I read to her Isaiah chapter 53. She listened so eagerly that I felt the Lord was speaking to her. When the chapter was finished she smiled and a look of peace came over her face. With the little strength she had left, she whispered, “I am a sinner, but I am now trusting in Jesus alone. My sins are gone.”
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6.
ML 08/20/1950
A Prickly Playmate
Buster was excited! What could this strange thing be? He had seen it climbing down out of a tree, and thinking that it was a cat, had come bounding over to play—or tease —a bit.
But this creature was not a cat at all. He did not spit or try to scratch, he did not even run away from him. He just curled himself into a ball, tucked his feet under himself, and watched Buster.
Buster barked loudly and fiercely, but the little eyes just watched him steadily. Even when Buster ran close, as though he were going to bite him, he did not move. It began to make Buster a bit cross. All right, he would show him! He would not bite too hard, but—with a little rush Buster ran into him. With a surprised yelp of real pain, Buster leaped back!
Why—what had happened? The little fellow still had not moved, and yet something had hurt terribly when he had bitten him. With another dash Buster was back to punish him, but again he bounded away in pain. Now in real fury he tried first one side and then another, until finally he could stand it no longer, and yelping with pain and shameful defeat, he ran for home.
Then the porcupine uncurled himself, and walked slowly on his way!
Under the front porch, Buster was in misery. His nose, tongue and mouth—his whole head was burning and stinging with what felt like fiery needles. Finally, at his master’s call he came crawling out. With the help of a pair of pliers the quills were soon removed, and once more Buster crawled under the far corner of the porch, a much wiser, but a very unhappy puppy.
Would you be surprised if I told you that many boys and girls choose just as strange a playmate? They choose to play with sin! They like to do many things that are wrong, go places they should not, listen to things that are not clean. Oh, how many sharp, poisonous quills of sin enter their hearts and minds that will someday cause great pain and sorrow!
How much better to choose the Lord Jesus for our Saviour and Friend! He can wash away our sins and heal the sore spots that sin has left. He can and will give us real joy and happiness forever!
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Roman 6:23.
ML 08/20/1950
The Christians' Book
Some years ago, a Jewish Rabbi was visiting a friend of his. While they were talking together in the parlor, the Rabbi noticed a small book on the table.
“What is this?” he asked, picking it up.
“Oh, that is the Christians’ book,” answered the unbelieving friend. “Don’t bother yourself with it.”
But the young Jew had already glanced at the Book, and had read the opening words of Matthew’s Gospel.
“The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.” These few words had made this book most interesting. He had been taught to despise Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and he was surprised to find that He was the Son of David, and the Son of Abraham. As his friend noticed him still reading it thoughtfully, he spoke again, “Don’t read it, it is the Christians’ book, and is no good.”
“But I would like very much to read it.”
“Very well, take it. I give it to you as a birthday present.”
God watched over that young Rabbi as he took that blessed Testament home, and there, where nobody could see him, he read it through and through. He found in it the story of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God. He found that he, who formerly had hated this same Jesus, was a sinner in need of a Saviour, and he bowed at the feet of the Lord Jesus and became a Christian. For many years, and with much suffering, he told others of this some Jesus—his Saviour.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
ML 08/20/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 3-4:2
We learn in all these instructions as to the offerings of the Lord, just how careful one must be in order to be a partaker, and while we are not under law now, surely the wondrous grace of God which has now been revealed would not make us any less careful. Unless we judge every defiling thing in our lives we will not enjoy communion with the Lord, any more than an Israelite could eat of the peace offering when he was defiled. Even to maintain a connection as a partaker with groups of professing Christians where evil is knowingly allowed would defile us. May the Lord give us a deeper concern about what is suited to those who have “fellowship with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1:3.
The man who offered the peace offering could eat the flesh of it himself, as well as inviting other clean persons to share it with him. This too is instructive, for when we have enjoyed something of the sweetness of Christ ourselves it is increasingly precious when we share it with others. May we encourage you, dear young reader, to share what you are enjoying with others. It always does us good to meet those who have some precious thoughts about the love of Christ to pass on, and each one of us can do this in our measure.
The children of Israel were forbidden to keep the flesh of the peace offering until the next day. It had to be eaten on the same day, except in the case of a vow, and then, because, of this special energy of faith, they could keep it until the second day, hut no longer. Sometimes when there is a special spiritual energy, the enjoyment of a particular portion may remain with us, but very often it is just enjoyed in fullness at the time. No doubt we have all enjoyed this special portion on occasion, but even then to keep it over to the “third day” was forbidden and evil. The most precious truths an empty and even hateful when the, become cold formalities, or doctrines held apart from the energy of the Spirit working in us.
Next comes the sin offering. After giving us the burnt offering, the meat offering, and the peace offering, all presenting more particularly God’s side of things, we now come to that which has to do with the way our deep need as sinners has been met. What a blessed thing it is for the soul to see that the work of Christ has fully met our need, and that, not according to what our measure of sin is, but according to God’s. God in His infinite holiness must punish sin, but when the offender offered the sacrifice which God Himself required, he could be sure that God’s righteous claims were satisfied. Of course we need hardly remark here that the blood of all these animal sacrifices could never put away sin, but when we see that these types point on to Christ, all the details and instructions are full of interest for us. How perfectly His work in putting away sin has met all God’s righteous claims am! brought us nigh.
Some would tell us that a wrong act could not be called a sin unless you knew it was a sin, but we see at the very outset that a sacrifice was required for sins of ignorance. Let us ever re member that God measures sin according to His own standard, and not ours.
ML 08/20/1950
The Birthday Cake
Mix and sift and stir and bake,
What goes into a birthday cake?
Eggs and butter and all things sweet,
Only a mother could plan this treat—
And as I’m working, I think and pray
For our dear little boy who is one today.
I think, as I mix with a steady hand,
How God the Father hath mixed and planned
A life for our boy, with its tears and song;
It is perfectly wise, and it cannot be long.
It leads to Home in the glory land,
If only he follow where God hath planned.
Now, as I sift the fine white flour
I pray for our son in temptation’s hour.
Teach him to come to the throne of grace
And seek Thy help in the humble place.
He may sifted be, but he cannot fall
If he comes to Thee as his all in all.
I stir in the milk, like Thy holy Word,
Which from a child his ears have heard,
And I pray that his soul thereby may grow
And be stirred to care for Thine own below
With the tender love of his little heart,
Of Thy lovingkindness as counterpart.
I kneel to commit this birthday treat
To the oven’s fervent baking heat,
And my heart goes up to Another One
Who had a beloved only Son.
The fire of judgment, His loved One bore,
That our son might be pardoned for evermore.
Mix and sift and stir and bake,
Love goes into a birthday cake,
And if here I must brush a tear with my hand,
The love He gave He will understand,
For as I’m working, I think and pray
For our dear little son, who is one today.
ML 08/27/1950
Bobbie and the Train
Bobbie, who was just four years old, and his little sister were left at home under the care of a neighbor while their father and mother went to London.
Hearing someone say that they were expected home by the next train, Bobbie slipped out of the house when nobody was looking and hurried to the station as fast as his little legs would carry him.
Just as he got there, he heard the whistle of the train away down the track, and he started off down the line to meet them. He didn’t think of his terrible danger—he just knew that his father and mother were on that train, and he wanted to see them. Jimmie, the paper boy, was standing on the platform, and he caught sight of the little fellow. At the risk of his own life, he jumped down and seized little Bobbie and sprang up onto the platform again just as the train roared in.
When Bobbie’s parents stepped off the train, they. found their son standing in the center of a crowd of people. They were soon told the story of how Bobbie had nearly lost his life, and you may imagine how the mother’s heart thanked God as she hugged and kissed her little lad. You may be sure too, that brave Jimmie, the paper boy, was thanked and rewarded for saving Bobbie’s life.
Do you know that you too, are in danger, unless you have taken Jesus as your Saviour? You may not know your danger, any more than Bobble did, but there is One who is watching you and He sees the danger, and wishes you to step into His outstretched arms and be saved.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.” Hebrews 2:3.
ML 08/27/1950
"A" "The" "My"
It was in a little country schoolhouse. There were five boys and seven girls in the school, and their teacher was a Christian who often tried to tell the children about the Saviour. These children were like many more—they knew all about the Lord Jesus an could answer many questions about His wonderful birth and His good deeds.
This day, however, the teacher wrote in big letters on the blackboard, the three words at the top of this little story. Then she went on to tell then that most children believe that Jesus is A Saviour. She asked them if the all believed that. Every hand went up right away. Then she told them that many children also believe that Jesus is THE Saviour, and again they all raised their hands when asked if they believed that also.
“Now,” she added, “there are not so many who can say ‘He is MY Saviour.’” She waited a minute or two while the children quietly thought about it. She feared to ask them to raise their hands, for she wanted have them answer that question before, God, and not, before herself.
After school, little Freddie came up to her and said, “Miss Slack, I have taken Jesus today as “MY” Saviour.”
“Him that cometh to Me I will in a wise cast out.” John 6:37.
ML 08/27/1950
"Am I my Brother's Keeper?"
Last month we looked at God’s question to Adam; “Where art thou?” God became a seeking God as soon as sin entered the world, but what a contrast to this we see in Cain’s question which we will consider today.
We all know the sad story of how Cain was angry because God had accepted Abel’s sacrifice, and rejected his. Abel had put the death of a little animal between himself and a holy God, and God had accepted him. Cain had attempted to approach God with the fruit of a cursed earth and God rejected him, and this made Cain so angry that he murdered his brother. Surely this is a striking picture of how the Lord Jesus was hated without a cause and then put to death, but how thankful we can he that the blood of Christ “speaketh better things than that of Abel.” Heb. 12:24. Abel’s blood called for vengeance on Cain, but the precious blood of Christ, shed by sinners like ourselves, is now the ground of blessing for sinners. Yes, dear reader, it calls for blessing, forgiveness, and salvation for all those who accept Him as their Saviour.
We know that many of our readers have already accepted Him and rejoice in the knowledge of His love. Our talk today is especially for such, for we feel there is a lesson for us also in Cain’s question. Before we were saved we were all living for ourselves, and even when we did some act of kindness we did not do it to please the Lord but for a certain good feeling or self-satisfaction we received in it. Perhaps we vainly hoped that such things would help to make us fit for God’s holy presence, but now we have learned that salvation is all of grace, and how we praise God for it. But God did not save us to live “unto ourselves,” but “unto Him who died for us and rose again.” Our lives belong to Him, and the more we realize His love, the more we will feel that His interests are now to be our interests.
Our first responsibility is to God, unquestionably, but let us not forget our responsibility to our brethren in Christ. All that we do or say has an effect upon them for good or bad. We are either a help or a hindrance. If my brother is in need I should try to help him. If he is discouraged I should seek grace from the Lord to encourage him in the path. If he needs rebuke I should know how to speak it in love. I should not say “Let someone else do it,” for that is the same as saying, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” It is to shirk a responsibility—a debt of love which we owe to one another. (Romans 13:8.) “Let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:18. May the Lord teach us how to be keepers of our brothers in a practical way!
There is also another point here. We have a responsibility to the world. What are we doing to bring the gospel message to the lost? Do we realize that we are debtors, each in our measure, to bring the story of redeeming love to them? Let us not leave it to others, and push our own responsibility aside. Think of the persecuted saints of old who went everywhere preaching the Word (Acts 8:4), and let us imitate their faith! It may be a gospel tract, a visit to a hospital, a Sunday school class, or perhaps a word spoken at the door to a tradesman. In the case of a brother it may be some more public service, hut let us never say, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Love counts it a privilege to be engaged in God’s interests in this poor world.
ML 08/27/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 4:3-7
The first sin offering mentioned. a is for the sin of a priest. We then find in the remainder of the chapter that there was a difference made according to the position of the one who had sinned. It is always a principle with God that “to whomsoever much is given, of the same shall be much required.” Luke 12:48. If the reader of these lines has been brought up in a Christian home, he is much more responsible than others who have not had that privilege.
When one of the priests sinned he was to bring a young bullock without blemish for a sin offering. It was to be a large animal because his sin was the more serious on account of his position among the people of God. He needed to realize in a greater way the awfulness of what sin is before God, if he was to act as a priest on behalf of the people of God. Needless to say, however, each and all of the sacrifices must be without blemish, for they typified the Lord Jesus—the sinless One. The bullock was to be brought to the door of the tabernacle, and there the priest who had sinned must put his hand upon its head. In the other offerings mentioned previously, the putting on of the hands was that the offerer might be identified with the value of the sacrifice, but here it is rather that the guilt might be, as it were, transferred to the animal which was to die in his stead.
When the bullock had been killed then some of its blood was taken and sprinkled seven times in front of the veil in the holy place. This was only done when one of the priests or the whole congregation sinned. This would show us that when someone who takes a particular place of service among the Lord’s people sins, or when evil becomes a known thing in the assembly, then collective communion is interrupted and needs to be restored. However, once there is a realization of the sin and it is dealt with according to God, then, through the value of the sacrifice, communion is restored. The blood sprinkled seven times before thy veil would tell us of this perfect restoration. Of course we must remember that in Christianity the believer’s standing is perfect through Christ’s finished work. Nevertheless our enjoyment of this in a practical way, even collectively, is only realized as sin is confessed and dealt with. (1 Cor. 5:2.)
Some of the blood was also put upon the horns of the altar of incense. The altar tells us of collective worship. The worship of the assembly is interrupted in a special way if there is some unjudged sin among one who is a leader, or if there is some collectively known sin which is unjudged. Of course any individual sin hinders worship in the assembly, but here it is particularly the sin of a priest or of the assembly as a whole. May we ever remember that holiness becomes God’s house. No doubt much of the lack of communion and happy assembly worship in this day is the result of a lack of watchfulness in these things.
After this the rest of the blood was poured out at the bottom of the altar of burnt offering. This speaks more particularly of meeting the personal guilt of the one who had sinned. Even though the one who had sinned was a priest he needed personal restoration. How definitely God would emphasize the enormity of sin in His presence. Let us be careful that we do not treat it lightly.
ML 08/27/1950
The Big Fish
Our friend the fisherman was never satisfied. He caught many a fish, but he always wanted a big one. Even the three-hundred-pounder in our picture made him hope that someday he would catch a bigger one.
The Lord Jesus told His disciples long ago that He would make them “fishers of men.” They were good fishermen too, and by His power, they gathered in many precious souls which had. been going hard after Satan’s bait.
Most fishermen toss back their little fish into the water, but God values His little ones just as much as His big ones. He has paid the same price for each. A tender little sinner or a hard old sinner, each one requires the atoning death of the Son of God to fit him for heaven.
Now Satan has very fine bait for you. He may be using comic books or other things to keep little folks from reading God’s wonderful Word and many a deeper brighter lure for older folks, for Satan knows well how to bait his deadly hook for each one.
God throws out His blessed gospel net for your salvation. This paper has been given you because we, who love the Lord Jesus, desire to be “fishers of men” also. We pray that God Himself will gather you, big people and little people, to our crucified Saviour. Will you come to Him today, for pardon and. peace and eternity with Christ in glory?
ML 09/03/1950
No Trespassing
Bob and I used to have a lot of fun on the way to and from school. Our way was through a country lane about a mile long, with not a house to be seen, and very seldom a policeman. We used to run through the woods, climb the trees, and pick the flowers along the way, and generally enjoy ourselves a great deal.
One day, just as we started out as usual, we noticed a big new sign which read “No Trespassing.” This meant that we must keep to the road, and would not be allowed. ‘to climb the trees or pick the flowers. No sooner had we seen and read that sign, than we seemed to want to disobey it! On our way borne from school, we threw a few stones at that signboard, but still it stood firm. Each day we threw more stones, and even mud, until finally we could hardly read the words at all. We were like hundreds of others who dislike the warnings of the Word of God, and who do their very best to keep away from anyone who might remind them of God’s Word.
One morning we saw that the farmer who owned the fields had set up a new board with the same big black letters, “No Trespassing.” This time we climbed over the hedge, rooted it up, post and ail, and then ran away as fast as we could. But we were followed! Yes, the farmer had been watching, and he quickly gave chase. In fact he went right to the principal of our school, and saw that we were punished for our deeds.
We should have had sense enough to know that we could not get rid of the law by pulling up the sign. Now, we do not wish you, boys and girls, to find yourself standing before God’s judgment throne to have to answer for the awful sin of making light of, and insulting His Holy Word.
We ran for a mile, but we were finally found out and punished. Some people go on for fifty years and more. running away from God whom they have wronged. But in the end, they will be punished for their sins.
The difference is this: The God against whom you have sinned, loves you and is waiting to forgive you through the blood of His own dear Son if only you will turn and own your sin to Him.
“God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?” Numbers 23:19.
ML 09/03/1950
Among Robbers
One night a band of robbers broke into the house of a Christian man in China. They took away his son and then asked for a great sum of money as a ransom. The poor father did not have enough money to pay the ransom, end he knew that if the money was not police on a certain day in an appointed place, the child would be killed by the robbers. But he knew the One who has said: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalm 50:15. The father got down on his knees and prayed earnestly to God to save his child. He prayed the whole day and the following night.
Early in the morning he heard the voice of his boy at the door. He had a happy face, but his clothes were torn and his feet were sore. He told his parents how the Lord had helped him. In the evening the robbers were quarrelling among themselves and not watching him, and so he took the opportunity to steal away in the twilight. He had run all night to get home. With thankful hearts the whole family praised the Lord for this merciful deliverance.
ML 09/03/1950
Bible Questions for September
The Children’s Class
1.“Into a mountain apart to pray.”
2.“They shall give account thereof.”
3.“And hast revealed them unto babes.”
4.“If he shall gain the whole world.”
5.“Fear them not therefore.”
6.“Greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
7.“Their heart is far from Me.”
The Young People’s Class The Gospel
The gospel of God is God’s good news. It brings to poor sinful man a message of forgiveness and. salvation. It tells us of our true condition as God sees it and then reveals what God has done in the person of Christ, His beloved Son, to put away our sins. It tells the sinner that God loves him and that he may come to God just as he is and he cleansed, forgiven, and “justified from all things.” Truly this is good news the best that ever fell upon the sinners ears!
When we believe this glorious gospel we receive a new life from God and are put in an entirely new standing before Him. We are now “in Christ.” It is not that His merits are put to our account, hut Christ Himself is our righteousness. Now we are just waiting that glorious moment when He will come and we shall be changed into His image, then to be with Him and like Him forever. What a glorious gospel it is! Its blessings extend beyond what we could ever ask or think, hut they are all made good to ‘us in Christ, the glorified Man at God’s right hand.
Dear reader, have you believed this gospel message? If not, why not believe it today? And may we who are saved seek to enjoy more fully what is ours in Christ, while we await His coming!
1.Give a simple scriptural statement of the gospel. 1 Cor. 15.
2.Why was Paul not ashamed of the gospel? Romans.
3. What two great truths, unknown before, have been “brought to light” through the gospel? 2 Timothy.
4.Did Paul make any charge for preaching the gospel? 1 Cor. 9.
5.From whom is the gospel hidden? 2 Corinthians.
6.What will come upon those who obey not the gospel? 2 Thess.
7.What does God say about those who preach another gospel? Galatians.
ML 09/03/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 4:8-16
After some of the blood of the sin offering had been put upon the horns of the altar of sweet incense, then the rest of it was poured out at the bottom of the altar of burnt offering. Here we see that the individual is never lost sight of, and the one who had sinned, though a priest, needed personal restoration, Then the fat of the bullock was taken and offered upon the altar of burnt offering. The fat is the excellence of the animal, in type, and even though it is the sin offering we are considering (which tells us particularly of the awful judgment of our sins at Calvary) nevertheless God delights to remind us of the preciousness of what Christ’s work was to His heart. Even when His holy soul was made an offering for sin, God the Father found infinite delight in Him, and He delights to remind us of this.
Then the whole bullock (except its fat and blood as mentioned) was carried outside the camp to the place where the ashes were poured out and burned there. The skin, head, legs, inwards, and dung were all burned together, reminding us of the awful judgment of sin at the cross. The skin, like the self-righteousness of which man might boast, along with the dung which is vile and hateful, were all burned together. There is nothing of sinful man or his doings in nature that God can accept. No works of our own can put away sin, no matter how nice these works may appear to others. Like the pretty skin of the animal they must all be burned up. All that we were as men in the flesh has come to a complete end. in the death of Christ and this is aptly pictured as we see the whole bullock burned to ashes outside the camp. As we consider this, and think of what it cost the holy spotless Lamb of god to suffer without the gate of Jerusalem for us, how our hearts bow in worship and thanksgiving to Him. (Hebrews 13:13) knowing that He is now seated at tit. right hand of the Majesty on high. May our hearts and, lips be more filled with His praises, and may our lives, toc, show forth our appreciation of what He has done for us.
Next we have provision made for the sin of the whole congregation. We have remarked before that this speaks of some unjudged, collective sin among the people of God. Even though the assembly did not know of it they were guilty. Oh what an awful thing sin is before God. He cannot go on with it, or bless His people when they allow it among them. As soon, therefore, as the sin was known (for God must bring sin to light,) and none of us should ever have any part in trying to cover it up then a bullock must be brought and offered. for a sin offering. The elders the of congregation were to place their hands upon its head, and it was killed “before the Lord.” A bullock is the largest clean animal, and the elders of the people must realize, as representing the “whole congregation,” the solemn judgment of sin. Of course we know that the work, of Christ has settled the sin question FOREVER before a holy God, but the knowledge of this shook never lessen in our minds the horrible ness of what sin is—it should. ratite make us realize it more fully!
“In His spotless soul’s distress,
I have learned my guiltiness;
Oh how vile my low estate,
Since my ransom was so great.”
ML 09/03/1950
The Boy Who Wanted to Know
Ray went back to get the cows, as he had done many another evening on the farm. But today there was something special on his mind. Many a time he had heard other people say that they were saved and knew it. He had often heard, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt he saved,” but somehow it seemed to mean everyone else hut Ray. He just couldn’t say that he was saved.
He walked past the old zig-zag snake fence on his father’s farm without his customary whistle. He just couldn’t whistle, because he didn’t know that he was saved. Then he stopped, slipped into a fence corner clear of bushes, and knelt down to tell the Lord just how he felt. He did so want to know that he was saved.
The cows came home as usual and the evening chores were done. Then his father hitched up the horse to the old-fashioned buggy and drove his family to a farm home where a gospel meeting was to be held that evening.
Ray had prayed, and now he was watching for the answer. A godly old man stood up and read 1 John 5:13. “These things I have written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.”
“That ye may know.” The doubts all fled from. Ray’s mind like clouds before sunlight. That was a long time ago, hut the fears have never come back. He will tell you with a happy smile any day you wish to ask him, that he knows that he has eternal life, because he believes on the name of the Son of God, who loved him, and gave Himself for him.
Reader, do you know that you have eternal life? There is joy unspeakable in knowing Him, our precious Saviour, whom to know is life eternal. Do not live in doubt any longer. God wants you to know.
ML 09/10/1950
Leroy's Decision
Come on in, children. It is time for our morning reading.”
Charles came willingly, as soon as his mother called, but Leroy did not want to come. He did not appreciate having to give up even a few minutes of his time for Bible stories. He much preferred playing in the sand with his little cars. He followed his older brother, grumbling, and usually took very little interest in the stories; even though there were lovely pictures in the story book, already neatly colored by his older brothers
Leroy’s little heart had remained untouched by the gospel and mum prayers had gone up for his salvation, He was only a little boy of four and he had not realized his soul’s need.
The story this morning was of Ruth. Orpah, and Naomi, a story not usually very appealing to little boys like Charles and Leroy, who usually prefer stories that are a bit more exciting slid as “David and Goliath” or “Daniel in the Lion’s Den.” When the Spirit of God chooses to speak, however, He may use that which to us seems unsuited to the individual concerned.
Leroy’s mother expressed real sorrow that her darling “baby” boy still preferred his toys to the Bible stories. She explained the different parts, as the story was read, in order to make it plain to their little minds. “And Ruth chose to go back with Naomi to God’s country and worship the true and living God.”
“Wasn’t that nice,” said Charles, his little face beaming. He had already accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour, and to hear such an account of another, filled his little heart with delight.
Leroy had nothing to say. He had become strangely silent and thoughtful.
“But Orpah made a sad choice; she preferred her heathen gods to the God of Israel and was easily persuaded to return to them. She is not heard of again. Many little children make the same sad mistake arid prefer their play to the Word of God. That is all now dear little ones,” said their mother.
Charles hurried from the room but Leroy sat very still on the davenport. Mother again told Leroy that he could go and play but he was crying to himself. At last he could endure it no longer and cried out, “Oh, Mother, I want to be saved right now.”
“All right Leroy,” said Mother, “just kneel down here by the chair and tell the Lord what you want,”
Amid the sobs and tears little Leroy cried out, “O Lord, I want to be saved right now,” and he has never since expressed any doubts that the Lord had taken him in. The Lord Jesus said:
“Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
ML 09/10/1950
The Open Door
Within a town of Holland once
A widow dwelt, ‘twas said,
So poor, alas! her children asked
One night in vain for bread.
Now this poor woman loved the Lord
And knew that He was good,
So with her little ones around
She prayed to Him for food.
When prayer was done, her eldest son,
A boy of eight years old,
Said softly: “In the Holy Book,
Dear Mother, we are told,
“How God, with food by ravens brought,
Supplied the prophet’s need.”
“Yes, yes, my son, but that was done
Long, long ago indeed.”
“But, Mother, God may do again
What He has done before,
And so to let the birds fly in
I will unloose the door.”
Ere long the Burgomaster passed,
And noticing a light
Paused to discover why the door
Was ope’ so late at night.
“My little Dirk has done it, Sir,”
The widow smiling said,
“E’en that the ravens might fly in
To bring my children bread.”
“Indeed,” the Burgomaster cried,
“Then here’s a raven, lad,
Come to my home and you shall see
Where bread may soon be had.”
Along the streets toward his house
He quickly led the boy,
And sent him back with food that filled
The humble home with joy.
The supper ended, little Dirk
Went to the open door,
Looked up and said, “Lord, many thanks,”
And shut it fast once more.
And tho’ no bird had entered in
He knew that God on high
Had listened to his mother’s prayer,
And sent a full supply.
ML 09/10/1950
Charles Li
Charles Li was a very earnest Chinese Christian who also had a successful business. God laid the need of his unsaved countrymen on his heart and Charles decided to give up his business and to devote all his time to the spreading of the gospel. His acquaintances called him mad. And the more so because he had a large family to support. But Charles was firm, and through his preaching many heathen. souls were turned from darkness to light. After some years marry of these rich business men who had called Charles mad, had lost all their wealth through civil war, while Charles was still happy in the Lord’s service and in His care.
“Them that honor Me will honor, and they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.” 1 Samuel 2.30.
ML 09/10/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 4:17-35
We notice that collective worship was interrupted by the sin of the whole congregation (as it was by the sin of a priest) and so the blood had to be sprinkled before the veil in the holy place seven times. So perfect is the work of Christ that the moment sin is dealt with according to the Word of God, collective worship is perfectly restored. Then the blood must also be sprinkled on the horns of the altar of incense, showing that it is only through a deep realization of the awfulness of sin, and of the infinite value of the blood of Christ, that collective communion is restored. When a case of sin arises in an assembly let us remember that each individual in the assembly should be exercised about it, just as in the case of Achan’s sin, we read, “Israel hath sinned,” and again, “all Israel stoned him with stones.” Joshua 7:11, 25. Such things are not to be just the concern of two or three, but of the whole assembly, when sin is in their midst.
Next we come to the sin of a ruler. It is a serious thing to be a leader; or to have a position of influence among the people of God, for we are reminded in James 3:1, “My brethren, he not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.” One who takes the place of a leader acquires a certain amount of influence, and if he sins it is more serious than those who do not have such a place. The ruler therefore was to bring a male goat for his sin offering. We notice, however, that in the case of a ruler, as in the case of the common people who sinned, the blood was only sprinkled on the horns of the altar of burnt offering and not on the altar of incense, nor before the veil, because collective communion and worship are not broken (though they are hindered) by such individual sin. Personal communion and worship it broken, however, and that is why the blood must be put on the horns of the altar of burnt. offering. Nor was the body of die animal in this case burned outside the camp because the blood was not brought into the tabernacle in this case. We find however, that the priest ate the flesh of it in the holy place, and how this reminds us of the Lord Jesus, our Great High Priest, who made our guilt His own and met our individual need when He bore our sins on Calvary, He is also concerned on our behalf even now, as our Great High Priest above, though He settled our account forever at the cross. Oh that we too (for now every believer is a priest) felt the sins of others according to God, and were more concerned to intercede for other failing believers according to His hear! Only the Lord Jesus—our Great High Priest—could bear sin’s penalty, but we can have His thoughts and interests on our hearts even here.
The offering for the sins of one of the common people was the same, as to its order, as the sin of a ruler, except that a female animal would he accepted. This reminds us once again that we are responsible according to our place and privilege before God, but let us remember whether our privileges be few or many, sin is SIN before God and nothing is passed over. The moment, however, that the sacrifice appointed by God had been offered, the sin was forgiven, and as we now rest upon the infinite value of the precious blood of Christ, our souls have peace.
ML 09/10/1950
A man who had been selling bananas had a few left, and he held them out to some boys who were playing nearby. They stopped their play and looked with longing eyes. “Come on,” said, the man, holding out the golden fruit.
But they were unbelieving and would not go toward. him. This is just like so many today when God offers them salvation. “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Rom. 6.23. “Whosoever will, let him take.” Rev. 22:17. But they doubt, hesitate, and do not believe.
One boy, as he saw the beautiful fruit and thought it might be true, began to move slowly toward the man, but his friends called, out, “Don’t, he’ll catch you!”
But the boy wanted the bananas, and kept looking toward the man offering them. When he saw them being put back in to the basket he went up to him and timidly put out his hand. “No,” said the man. “you are too late.”
“Ho! all ye heavy-laden, come,
Here’s pardon, comfort, rest and home;
Ye wand’rers from a Father’s face,
Return, accept His proffered grace,
Ye tempted ones, there’s refuge nigh:
‘Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.’
“But if you still His call refuse,
And all His wondrous love abuse,
Soon will He sadly from you turn,
Your bitter prayer for pardon spurn.
‘Too late! too late!’ will be the cry—
‘Jesus of Nazareth has passed by.’”
Let nothing keep you from taking God’s gift while it is offered.
ML 09/17/1950
The Indian Boy's Sermon
Far away in India, a group of dark-skinned, black-eyed boys were standing at a street corner. You would have thought them very, funny to look at, with their long loose cotton clothes; but there was nothing strange in their appearance to the crowds of people passing that busy afternoon. Yet as God looked down from heaven, what a difference He saw! Most, if not all, of those people passing by worshiped idols —ugly idols; blocks of wood and stone. They try to wash away their sins by bathing in the river Ganges, and they know nothing of the precious blood of Jesus which alone can cleanse from all sin. But these boys had heard and believed, and they were Christian boys. That very ‘day, their Sunday school teacher was going to preach on that street corner, and so the boys had come along to help him sing. Most of their playmates were playing games here and there, but since they had learned of Jesus love, they wanted to do what pleased Him.
They were at the corner in good time, but the teacher was not. Something had happened which kept him at home, and he had no way of letting the boys know.
“Let us sing a hymn; he may come by the time we have finished,” said one.
So the boys sang one hymn, and their another, but no teacher came. Quite a crowd had gathered to listen.
“Let us go home now,” said one of the boys, as they finished their fourth hymn.
“Don’t you think one of us should try to preach the gospel?” The boss looked at one another, hut not one of them stepped forward. The people began to laugh.
What would you do if the people started to laugh at you? One of the very youngest of the boys stepped forward to speak but the people laughed all the harder, and started to call him name. The dear lad closed his eyes and asked the Lord to help him, and then he asked the people, as politely as he could, to please listen to his message.
“Gentlemen,” he said, “the Bible tell us that once, when the Lord Jesus was, in this world, His clothes became so dazzling, and His face so bright, that even those who loved Him were frightened. Gentlemen, I pray you, think: if that happened to those who loved Him what will happen to those who do not love Him at all, when He comes back in His glory to judge the world? Good afternoon.” Then, bowing politely, the boy stepped back into the group, and they were all soon on their way home.
Will you ask yourself that question? When you see the Lord Jesus, for yet will surely see Him, will you, tremble and feel frightened, or will you meet Him as your Saviour who loved you and died for you?
“Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him.” Revelation. 1:7.
ML 09/17/1950
Three Prayers
Some little girls were talking to a friend one day about the Lord Jesus, and how to come to Him. One of them, a little one about eight years old, said, “Every night I pray, ‘Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.’”
“Oh, I don’t pray that.. I pray, ‘God he merciful to me a sinner,’” said Grace, who was two or three years older.
Then they turned to Kathy, the smallest of them all, and asked, “What do you pray, Kathy?”
“I pray, ‘I thank Thee, O God, for washing me and making me whiter than snow in the blood of Jesus.’”
I’m very sure that dear little Kathy’s prayer made the heart of the Lord Jesus glad, for He loves us to take Him at His Word, and to rejoice in the knowledge of our sins forgiven.
And now, which of those prayers could you pray best, RIGHT NOW? Which one suits you? What about all those sins of yours—the lies you have told, the impatient words you have used, and the naughty things you have done? Are they still all written down in God’s book against you? If this is so, let me tell you that you are in a terrible place right now. Come to Him right now; just as you are with that little prayer “God be merciful to me a sinner.” He will hear you right away and cleanse your heart from sin, and you will then be able to thank Him many times over, as Kathy delighted to do.
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
“O give thanks un to the Lord; for He is good for His mercy endureth forever,” Psalm 136:l.
ML 09/17/1950
"I Ought to Love Jesus"
“I ought to love Jesus,” sang little Peggy as she ran down the street. “Why ought you to love Jesus, little girl?” I asked her, but she only looked at me and ran away.
Peggy was like a great many children, and grown-up people too, who sing words which they do not mean. It is quite true that we ought to love Jesus, for He first loved us and He died on the cross for sinners.
One summer day little Peggy gathered, along with crowds of other boys and girls, to board the special bus which was to take them out to a park for their Sunday school treat. Before long they were having a wonderful time playing games, running races, and shouting. Peggy joined hands with her sister, to play “London Bridge” when she suddenly fell back. We thought she had fainted, but she was dead! Yes, dear little Peggy who sang “I ought to love Jesus” was dead! I do not know if she did love Jesus, but if she was washed in His precious blood, she will sing forever and ever. But if she just knew that hymn and did not know the Saviour, she will weep and mourn forever and ever.
Dear boys and girls, we often bear you sing such hymns, and as we listen to you, we often pray that you may know in your hearts, that you have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus. If you had been Peggy, where would you be now? Come to Jesus now.
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins he as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isaiah 1:18.
ML 09/17/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 5:1
We now come to the trespass offering. It has to do more particularly with those sins which we only know to be sins because God has forbidden them, even though perhaps they are not sins against natural conscience. For example, natural conscience might not tell a woman that she should not wear clothes pertaining to a man, and she might think it was all right to do so, but it is a sin because God has forbidden it in His Word. (Deut. 22:5.) This is the importance of reading God’s Word diligently in order that we might know His mind, and how it shows us what sin is before Him. How much we needed the true “Trespass offering,” for we have all sinned!
But it is good to know that God has not taken up the sin question according to our thoughts or standards. That would never do! We who are sinful in our very nature are incapable of measuring sin aright, and natural conscience is a very imperfect guide at its best. But God has taken up and settled the sin question according to the majesty and holiness of His own throne, when the Lord Jesus bore the judgment of sin on Calvary. Perhaps the one who reads these lines has Formed his own standard of sin and is trying to go by this standard, vainly thinking that this will satisfy a holy God. First of all, dear reader, we would remind you that you have not, and cannot, even measure up to the standard set by your own conscience. Your own conscience tells you that you are a sinner and you know it! But even if you could measure up to your own standard, we must solemnly warn you that you have fallen sadly short of God’s standard, for His Word declares that “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. Yes, you are guilty before a thrice holy God, and where is your trespass offering? It is not a little lamb or a goat that you need—they were only types and shadows—but the Lord Jesus, God’s Lamb, is the true Trespass Offering. Have you accepted Him your own personal Saviour? Has It precious blood cleansed away ALL your sins according to God’s perfect knowledge of them? Do not go on in your sins one moment longer, we beseech you, but come to Christ now.
“Oh! what a Saviour is Jesus the Lord!
Well may His name by His saint he adored!
He has redeemed them from he by His blood,
Saved them forever and brought-them to God.”
In the first verse of our chapter we are told that when one is called upon, under oath (such as in a courtroom) to tell what he knows about any matter he must do so. We find the blessed Lord doing this when the high priest adjured Him by God to tell if He we truly the Son of God. (Matt. 26:63, 64). Up to this time the Lord had remained silent, never defending Himself, but when put under oath, He replied at once because He always walked in obedience to God His Father. May we ever seek to be obedient too, even though we may not understand, at times, the reason why. We are reminded once again that when God speaks we must never question, we must obey. We find this perfectly exemplified in the life of the Lord Jesus. He took the servant’s place, and in that place He was obedient even unto death, He would rather die than disobey.
ML 09/17/1950
Streets of Water
Over in Italy lies the beautiful city of Venice. It is different from any other city, for you may step out your front door, down the veranda steps, and there you are, right at the water’s edge.
Of course you don’t take another step after that. You call for a “gondola,” and glide away upon the quiet waters of the canal to visit your friends or see the town.
It must be strange never to go for a walk, but everybody either goes boating or stays at home. You see, the streets are all water, and nobody walks on water.
Nobody, did I say? The Lord Jesus did when He was here on earth. Peter did too, when his eyes were on the Lord.
There is another street that no man could walk on unless God fitted him for it, and that is the golden street of heaven. But Peter can walk on that street too, because he is saved by the Lord Jesus who is God the Son.
Are you saved too? Have you the right to walk the street of gold in company with the Son of God? Your feet have often walked in sin, as you know, and God says that no sin can enter, heaven. He says that all who die in their sins must go into the flames of hell. But Jesus endured the judgment which we deserved to save us from our sin. He suffered that agony in Calvary’s dark hours that we might he cleansed and fitted for heaven. Are you willing to cry as Peter did, “Lord, save me?” He will hear you and save you at once, as He did Peter. Then through Him who died for you, you will. be able to walk the golden street of heaven, which none but the saved ones can ever tread.
ML 09/24/1950
"Where Is He?"
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey had just moved into their new home a few doors from us. Their little boy Freddie was a happy little lad, and he always called a cheery “Good-morning” as he passed the door.
This morning he didn’t seem quite so happy, and he added, “Mother is sick this morning,”
“And have you asked God to make your mother better?”
Freddie looking hopefully into my face, and in simple trust, asked, “Where is He?”
“Just up there beyond that blue sky, and He loves children.”
“How will I get up there to ask Him?”
Then I explained to him how God could see him, though he could not see God. I don’t suppose the boys and girls who read this paper would have to ask where God lives. You know He lives in heaven, and perhaps you know that He sent Jesus to die for sinners. You may know a lot more than Freddie knew, but unless you know Jesus as your own Saviour, you will never be in that home above the bright blue sky.
“This is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only cite God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou Nast sew John 17:3.
ML 09/24/1950
"I'm Ready to Go"
The evening gospel meeting was over, and we were walking slowly home with our little seven-year-old son. Suddenly we noticed the sky in the distance was glowing red. Our little boy noticed it first, and wanted to know if it was the Lord Jesus coming bad again.
“Daddy, I do wish the Lord Jesus would come right now and take us to heaven. I’m ready to go, for I have taken the Lord Jesus as my Saviour.”
The light in the sky was the reflection from a very had fire, and it made us think and speak of the fire of God’s judgment which will soon fall upon this poor world. The Word of God tells us, “The heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. The heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” 2 Peter 3:7,10.
If your town should begin to burn and the fire were coming nearer and nearer to your home, would you frightened? I know you would, and you would be very glad for a safe place to go. And when the storm of God’s fire and judgment falls on this poor world, only those who are safe in fir Lord Jesus Christ will be in the glory where no storms can ever reach us. Are you safe in Christ? Are you ready to go?
ML 09/24/1950
"How Shall We Escape?"
How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3. What a startling question this is! Indeed it is a most solemn one too; and yet why is the answer not given to us? Surely there must be a reason for this! Indeed it is because there is NO escape. How can one escape when there is no escape? If anyone continues to neglect the great salvation which God offers, there will be no escape from the awful judgment, that must fall upon him—none whatever.
God has provided a Saviour for sinners in the person of His own Son. He can save the vilest, for there is cleansing power in the precious blood of Christ to put away all the sins of all those who believe. God’s proclamation of pardon says, “By Him all that believe are justified from all things.” Acts 13:39. And again, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7. But God has no remedy for one who rejects Christ. Nor does He have any remedy for one who continues to neglect Him. Christ is the ONLY remedy—the ONLY way of escape—and to reject or neglect Him is fatal, for God has no other Saviour. In a sense it is worse to neglect God’s great salvation than to reject it. It is to say that you need Christ, but that you will. put off accepting Him until some other time. How solemn!
Felix, of whom we read in Acts 24, was one of this group. He was a neglecter. He heard from the lips of Paul about God’s great salvation. He heard about judgment to come, and as he listened he trembled. He was deeply concerned, hut he hesitated. It might mean suffering and persecution and even death, for he held a high position and was much esteemed no doubt. Of course he did not want to positively reject the opportunity of being saved for probably he intended. to some day, and so he said to Paul, “Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.” Acts 24:25. As far as we know the convenient season never came. He just put it off, and if he died as he lived he will find. out to his eternal sorrow that there is “no escape” from hell. Friend, I repeat it; there is no escape if you neglect so great salvation.
Think what you are doing if you are neglecting God’s great salvation. Consider it well! God loves you and waits to save you. No angel can save you. No man, no matter how great he is can save you. All your good resolutions, good works, or anything your own hands could do can never put away one sin. Not even the perfect sinless LIFE of the blessed Son of God could save us. The cost of redemption was beyond all these. It is so great we cannot measure it. The Lord Jesus must die. He must hear the load of judgment which our sins deserved before one soul could be saved. He could speak the word and worlds were created, but the salvation of your soul and mine was a greater work than creation. God placed the sins of all those who believe upon the holy head of the Lord Jesus in those three hours of darkness and He bore the whole storm. Now He is risen and seated at God’s right hand as the proof that God is satisfied with His finished work.
Oh what a great salvation this is; and it was a great Person who accomplished it at great cost to Himself. The love that offers it to you is great indeed. Have you accepted it? Do not be a Christ-neglecter, we beseech you.
ML 09/24/1950
Bible Talks
Further examples are now given to us of things that would be a trespass against the Lord, according to the law. There were ordinances about touching unclean things, which, in everyday life, we might not think very serious, but once again we are reminded that it is a defiling world and that God’s measurement of sin is not ours. We become so accustomed to the sin we see around us every day that we are liable to think very lightly of it, but sin is SIN before God and nothing less than a sacrifice appointed by God Himself can put it away from before His holy eye. How blessed to know that the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross has settled the sin question forever for all those who believe, and that, not according to our own standards, but according to God’s.
When it speaks of swearing in our chapter it does riot mean bad language or taking the Name of the Lord in vain upon our lips, as we would think of it today, but it means promising something with an oath. It is not so commonly done today, but it would show us that we should never make a promise which we are unable to keep. It is a solemn thing to give one’s word about something and then break it. Be sure you have the Lord’s mind before you make a promise, and then once you have given your word (unless the promise itself is a sin against God, see Matt. 14:9) ask the Lord for grace to carry it out no matter how difficult it is. People think all too lightly of a promise in these days, but God looks upon a broken promise as a serious sin.
The offerings allowed for the trespass offering were smaller than the sin offering, for the more “light” one has, the more responsible he is. Nevertheless there was no passing over of sin—it must be judged. If the one who had sinned was unable to bring a lamb or a kid, or perhaps not even turtledoves, or young pigeons, then he was to bring a handful of fine flour. Undoubtedly this would teach us that although some dear simple souls might not lay hold of the value of the work of Christ, still their trust is in Him alone as the One who alone can meet their soul’s need. God then sees that faith in the person of His Son and the sinner is forgiven, just as He accepted the fine flour from the hand of a guilty Israelite and he way forgiven his trespass. How this teaches us that God is ever willing to save, we that it is riot a question in salvation, as to how much a man knows, but whether his trust is in Christ, the Person who accomplished the work Needless to say, the eye of God rested upon the blood as that which atom could put away sin, even though the offerer did not apprehend it.
Next we read of trespasses in God’s holy things. This was more serious that touching something unclean, and a ram must be offered with money to make amends for the harm that had been done. As we think of how we one, trampled God’s glory in the dust and dishonored Him so terribly, surely we are guilty in this, but in these sacrifices not only was the guilt of the sinner settled, but a fifth part was added to it. How beautifully this shows us that no only as the work of Christ settled all God’s claims against sin, but added glory has been brought to God through it. What a wonderful work was accomplished at Calvary!
ML 09/24/1950
What Happened at Pompeii
A terrific volcano blew up at Pompeii years ago. The great: destroying mountain Vesuvius, filled with melted rock and ashes poured out its contents over the city full of people.
There had been some slight warning, but few realized the danger until the whole crowded city was darkened with a steady rain of ashes. It was difficult to breathe and impossible to see. Thousands of people were buried alive in ashes and lava.
Awful indeed is the fate of man when God lets loose one small part of His power to judge His sinful creatures. Could anyone, even the wisest, escape from such a death?
The story is told of one young girl who escaped, and she was by no means the wisest or strongest. She was a blind girl, and in that awful ashy darkness, she alone knew the way. She had never seen the glories of the ancient city, but she knew the way out of it. Her knowledge led a small party of friends to the harbor boats and safety.
My reader, do you know the way to safety out of this world? You may know a great deal about its glories and its achievements, but do you know the way out of it to safety, and home in the presence of God?
There is only one way, even the way of the cross. That blessed One, who died. on Calvary, who was despised of men, and then forsaken of God, that same Jesus is the only way out of this doomed world. It is a wonderful world no doubt, and perhaps you are unwilling to leave it, but God has said He must judge it. If you wait until that time of judgment, there will be no way of escape then. It will be too late.
ML 10/01/1950
What is the name of the country where you see many windmills, and where boys and girls wear wooden shoes? Holland. I want to tell you of something that happened in that country many years ago.
The ground is so flat and low that at times the sea has rushed in over part of it, and destroyed whole towns. In one of these floods, which occurred about two hundred and fifty years ago, more than twenty thousand people were drowned. Many brave people rushed about in boats, trying to save as many others as they could. On a little bit of high land, left standing from an island, what do you think they found? An old cradle, with a baby asleep in it, and a cat curled up at her feet, all safe and sound.
Where the little baby came from, and to whom she belonged, no one could find out. But in her memory, the island was called “Kinderclyde” which means “Child Dyke” and it goes by that strange name to this day.
Dear children, your young lives are surrounded too by danger and death on all sides. But God is watching over you and He loves you. If you will take the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, when the storms of judgment, sweep over this world, you will he forever safe. “Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.” Psalm 2:12.
ML 10/01/1950
The Broken Lamp
Edward was running home from school with a very red and guilty face. He seemed to think that everyone was looking at him and that the police would soon be after him. As soon as he stepped inside the door he went straight to his father and told him just what he had done. He and his friend Charlie had been playing along the street and were throwing stones. All at once, Edward’s throw missed its mark and broke a street light. It was an accident, but Edward knew that he was guilty and deserved to be punished. His father told him that it was wrong to throw stones where they might cause damage, and suggested that after supper they go together to the street lighting company and pay for the damage.
Poor Edward could hardly eat his supper, and soon he and his father were walking together into the office of the manager. Here Edward quickly confessed just what he had done, told the man that he was sorry, and offered to pay for the damage. The gentleman listened, and then wrote somethings down in a notebook and looked up again at poor Edward. He smiled at him and said,
“I want to thank you for coming and telling me this, and I want to forgive you. I will pay for the damage myself.’
Then he shook hands with Edward and with his father. You may guess that Edward walked out of the office feeling very much happier than when he went in. He was forgiven!
Now I have some good news for you. God loves sinners, but He hates sin. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
God is now righteous in forgiving and blessing every sinner who comes to Him owning his sins and his need. Do not try to hide your sins from God.
He has seen and knows all. Just come and tell Him who a sinner you are, and you will find that He delights to forgive you.
“I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin.” Psalm 32:5.
ML 10/01/1950
Bible Questions for October
The Children’s Class
1.“Call no man your father upon the earth.”
2.“Be ye also ready.”
3.“All they that take the sword.”
4.“Of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
5.“Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures.”
6.“He goeth before you into Galilee.”
7.“To give His life a ransom.”
The Young People’s Class Doctrine
We find many dear souls today who do not know anything more than the simple gospel. They know that their sins are forgiven and that they are saved, but they never make any real progress in the truth. We rejoice unfeignedly that they are saved, but when we see the confusion of Christendom. and the many “winds of doctrine”. in the religious world today, we feel afresh the great need that those who are young should be “established in the present truth.” 2 Peter 1:12.
An ascended Christ has given gifts “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12) and it is through these gifts in the assembly that the lambs of the flock are fed and established.
When Saul of Tars-us was saved, he immediately asked, “Lord, what, wilt Thou have me to do?” This is the normal desire of a new-born child of God and shows a healthy state of soul. When once we find the place and path the Lord has chosen (for He has promised “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them,” Matt. 18:20) there we will find the Word of God rightly divided and food for the soul. There we can learn the doctrines which will keep us from the thoughts and ideas of men which have intruded so largely into Christendom today. One feels very much that there never was a greater need than there is today of being well established in “the doctrine which is according to godliness.” 1 Tim. 6:3.
1.Where is the sure place to get (sound) doctrine? 2 Timothy.
2.If one is really willing to do the will of God, can he know of the doctrine? John.
3.How can a servant adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour? Titus.
4.Where did the Pharisees and scribes get their doctrines? Mark.
5.Does God tell us that people will want sound doctrine in the last days? 2 Timothy.
6.What kind of doctrines does the Spirit warn us will be prevalent in the latter times? 1 Timothy.
7.Should we invite into our homes those who bring false doctrine of to the person of Christ? 2 John.
ML 10/01/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 5:17-6:9.
Once again tie guilt of the sinner is emphasized, for whether he knew of the sin or not, he was guilty before God, and nothing less than the sacrifice appointed by God could be accepted to make an atonement for him. If the one who reads these lines is unsaved, we plead with you to come to Christ now, taking the guilty sinner’s place and receiving the salvation which God so freely offers to you. Now is the day of God’s grace— tomorrow it may be too late!
We now come to the trespasses against one’s neighbor, for such things are also sins against God. There is one important thing to notice here, and that is that the one who sinned was to make it right with his neighbor as well as bringing his trespass offering. Sometimes this is forgotten. It is best and most important to get right with the Lord, but this does not in any way alter one’s responsibility to restore to his neighbor that in which he has wronged him. Moreover there was to be no delay, for it was to straightened up with the neighbor the same day as the offering was made to the Lord.
If the one who reads these lines has done a wrong to someone, or owes someone a sum of money which you have left unpaid, do not forget that you have sinned against the Lord, and it will not be forgiven you in the government of God until you own it to the Lord and. make it right with the one you have wronged. The debt may be “outlawed” before men but it is not “outlawed” before God until you have settled it. It is a solemn thing to go on from year to year, as some Christians do, with seemingly no conscience about wrongs they have done or debts they owe. Undoubtedly the poverty of soul of many dear children of God is the results of carelessness in these things. Perhaps some may say, “We are not under law.” Yes, that is true, for if we were under law the judgment of sin would be swift and severe, but God’s thoughts about sin have not changed because we are under grace. Sin is still sin before God, and may any dormant conscience be stirred by this searching portion of God’s Word so that the unsettled wrongs of the past may be cleared up in a way that is for God’s glory.
After telling us about these different offerings we now come to the matter of who was to partake of them, and how. First there is the law of the burnt offering. The fire was ever to be burning upon the altar—it was never to go out. Of course we know that Christ’s work has glorified God once for all about the question of sin, but the fragrance of it ever ascends. And so in the morning we are to feed upon Christ, like the morning sacrifice (Exodus 29:38,39) and then to be in the good of it all through the day like the offering burning all through the day. Then in the evening there was another lamb to be offered for the evening sacrifice and it was to burn all night upon the altar. Even while all were asleep, the fragrance of the sacrifice still ascended, and so even when we are spiritually “asleep,” and our souls are not in the good of Christ’s perfect work as we should be, still the fragrance of it ascends to God who never slumbers nor sleeps. (Psalm 121:4). Oh how precious the work of Christ was, and ever is, to Him!
ML 10/01/1950
How John Hurt Himself
John sauntered along the forest path, J1’ hands in pockets, going his own way. Suddenly, he stumbled over something, He looked down and saw a small stone in the path. “I don’t want it there,” thought John and he gave it a good strong kick with his toe.
Oh, but it hurt! It wasn’t a small stone really, but a very big one with just the top showing. John has a sore toe, and the stumbling stone is still there.
The Apostle Paul made a mistake like that when he was young. He kicked against an object which was far beyond the power of any man or boy. He hated those who loved the Lord Jesus, and he was so exceedingly mad against them that he tried to get rid of them in every possible way. But a light from heaven stopped him on one of his wild journeys, and a voice said, “It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.”
Yes, Paul hurt himself, and the Christians whom he hated grew and multiplied.
The Jews made that same mistake when our blessed Lord was on earth, and that is why the Lord became a stumbling stone to them. (1 Peter 2:8). They tried to get rid of God’s beloved Son, but by so doing they scattered themselves to the four corners of the earth, and that Stone still lives. The One whom they despised is now exalted at the right hand of God.
Are you making the same mistake to day? Are you trying to get rid of the thought of Christ Jesus who came into the world to save sinners? Are you stumbling at that Stumbling Stone? Beware my reader, for you cannot move that Stone. You can only injure yourself by despising it.
That Stumbling Stone is our blessed Rock, our Shelter from judgment, our Hume for eternity. That, precious Saviour who was once despised has suffered all God’s wrath for our sakes, and in Him we have found joy and peace in believing.
Reader, what is God’s Son to you? is lie your Stumbling Stone or your Rock of Refuge? God’s Word says,
ML 10/08/1950
My Sins! My Sins!
Two men had been roaming through the woods during the night in search of deer. They had just one rifle, but they found no deer, or animals of any kind. Toward daybreak, one of the men decided they should go home, and the other insisted that they hunt a little longer. In the argument which followed, one of the men struggled to take the gun from his friend, and by accident shot his friend and wounded him badly.
A short time later, the terrified hunter knocked at the door of a nearby cottage and told the awakened owner of the accident and asked for help. Between them, they carried the wounded man to the cottage and laid him on a bed. They soon realized that just a few more heartbeats and the poor fellow would he gone. He was suffering greatly, but it was neither his bodily suffering, nor his earthly disappointment that troubled him in those solemn moments as he drew nearer and nearer to the gates of eternity.
Two terrible thoughts filled his soul with horror, and the walls of the cottage echoed with his cry, “My sins, my sins—and the judgment day!”
The owner’s wife stood by and listened. She could bear it no longer and she ran to get the dying man a drink of water. As she reached it over to his lips he cried aloud, “Water can never quench my thirst. My sins, my sins, and the judgment day!” And then he passed into eternity!
Now dear children, notice. This man, looked in two directions, backward, he saw his sins; forward, he saw the judgment day. Have you ever looked in these two directions? Can you look back and remember sins that you wish you could forget? And perhaps you are afraid to look forward lest the though of judgment should frighten you. You may be very young yet, and you may think that you have a long time to live, but I would urge you now, with tin, paper still in your hand, to look had and ponder what you are before a holy God. Then look at the Lord Jesus dying for sinners on the cross of Calvary. Take Him as your Saviour and you will then be able to look onward and say,
“For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us, to God.” 1 Peter 3:18
ML 10/08/1950
The Brave Fisher Boy
I want to tell you about a brave boy who risked his life to save his father. Brave Carl lived with his father and mother m a little cottage by the sea. His father was a fisherman, and Carl, who was a strong big boy, used to go with his father, and help him row the boat.
One day Carl stayed at home to help mend the nets. and salt the fish. The wind was fair, and he watched his father start out over the sunny sea. When the father reached his usual place of fishing he tried with no success to catch salmon. In the afternoon he made for a ledge of rocks which stretched far out into the ocean, and there he tied his boat, and again started to fish. He knew that when the tide came up the rocks would be covered with water, but he planned to use his faithful boat to get away.
All this time his wife and Carl were hard at work with the nets, when suddenly they noticed dark clouds gathering above. Sea birds went screaming aloft in the air and the rolling waves grew darker and darker.
Carl seized his cap and hurried away to the cliffs to see if his father’s boat was near. Long and anxiously he looked, while the rising wind roared around him and almost lifted him off his feet. At last he saw the well-known boat coming to shore, and joyfully ran to tell his mother. Hurrying together to the beach, they found that the boat was empty! As a great wave lifted it high and dry upon the sands, they ran. to look at it and found but a few fish, a line, and a net were all that it contained, Carl’s father was not there!
Carl noticed that the rope was not coiled in its usual place but dragging loosely in the sand, and at once guessed, that his father had, landed somewhere and that the boat had been broken away by the force of the waves. In a moment, he dragged the boat back to the surging waves and leaped in. With a prayer to God to help him, he palled with all his might on the oars, and started out for the rocks. He had often been out there with his father, and he guessed that he might be stranded. No doubt the Lord directed Carl and helped him, for He delights to answer us when we cry to Him for help.
After a terrible struggle, Carl drew near to the well-known rocks, and there, as he had hoped, he saw his father standing. He was standing up to his waist in the water, and clasping hard to a solid bit of rock, just waiting for the waves to go over his head. He had not noticed the approach of the storm, and when at last he ran to jump into the boat, he had found it gone! He also had cried to God to send deliverance, and God heard him. Quickly the exhausted father sprang into the boat, crying, “My brave boy! Thank God, oh, thank God for this!” Very soon, Carl and his father were back safe at their cottage, and there, with Carl’s mother, they thanked the Lord with tears for His deliverance.
Carl willingly risked his young life to save his dear father. But there is One who loved. His enemies enough to send His own Son to die for them. Yes, God loved you and me so much. that He sent the Lord Jesus, who went to the cross and gave up His own life, that He might bring us to God. Have you ever thanked the Lord Jesus for rescuing you from hell?
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ. Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15.
ML 10/08/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 6:10-7:7
After the sacrifice had been offered then the priest was to put on his linen garment and breeches and carry the ashes out and put them in a clean place. In every detail we are reminded of what that work was to God, for the very ashes must be put in a clean place. Let us never allow anything that takes from the infinite value of the work of Christ.
The law of the meat offering comes next, telling us of how the priests had a portion of this offering to eat. The meat offering typifies Christ in His perfect humanity, and as believers we can feed upon this, rejoicing in His perfect life which was ever by the power of the Spirit of God and was a fragrance to God His Father. These things, then, become our food, but we notice that they were to be eaten in the holy place and that they were most holy. As we thus feed upon Christ in His perfect sinless humanity, we must never allow our natural minds to work, but always “eat” of Him in the holy place. Let us never attempt to understand the divine mystery of His person but believe it and worship.
When the priest was anointed, a meat offering was to be offered, half in the morning and half in the evening. The truth of Christ’s perfect humanity is the very touchstone of Christianity and must ever be maintained, and so this meat offering, made at the time the priest was anointed, was to be wholly burned upon the altar. The solemnity of this great truth. must be impressed, in figure, upon the minds of the priests at the beginning and the end of the day. There is always a danger of those who are leaders in the professing church, allowing their minds to try to solve the mystery of the person of Christ, and so this was to be a statute, forever unto the Lord. No one Should ever be received into the assembly of God who is not sound as to the deity of Christ. We are to believe and war. ship, but never question this great fundamental truth.
In what follows we shall see how thy holy character of what is suited to God was strictly maintained in the sin and trespass offering. Only Christ, the holy spotless Lamb of God, could put away sin, for we must ever remember that it is the Person who did the work of redemption that gave it its value. He alone could put away our awful sins. The priest who offered the sin offering was to eat it (if for the sin of one of the people) in the holy place, showing that he entered into the awfulness of the sin and felt it according to the mini of God. This is important today, for those who are in the place of leaders ought to feel the sin of one of the children of God with a godly concern for the Lord’s glory. The realization of value of the blood was ever to be maintained; and no lightness as to it was to be allowed. Any garment or vessel on which the blood was mistakenly sprinkled was to cleansed or broken. At this point one would like to say a word in connection with jokes about the Bible. Sometimes we hear such jokes, and we would learn from this chapter just how hateful such things are to God, and we who are Christians should have no part with them, whether they are said in fun or not. Sin is a terrible thing with God.
ML 10/08/1950
A fire was raging in a large building in London. It was thought that all had escaped, when suddenly someone saw a man hanging by his hands from a window in an upper story. A ladder was quickly brought, but it was to short to reach him. The fireman climbed up as far as he could and called the man to drop down to him, but he did not answer—he was deaf and dumb!
How sad! To be so near certain death, and yet deaf to the offers of salvation! But there are many boys and girls who are deaf to the offers of the salvation of their soul. Are you one of them? He needed to be saved from a burning building, but you. need to be saved from a burning bell, He needed salvation for the body, but you need salvation for your soul, Will you willfully be deaf any longer, or will you hear the warning of love and be saved?
With great difficulty a brave fireman climbed up so that he could touch the foot of the poor man, attracting his attention, and thus he was saved.
The fire of God’s judgment is before those who die in their sins, and a way of escape has been provided, but, “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Heb. 2:3. You must own yourself a guilty sinner deserving punishment and believe that the Lord Jesus came down from heaven, and bore your sins on Calvary’s cross. Then you will be saved—saved from an endless hell, and saved to spend eternity with the precious Saviour, who loved you and gave Himself for you.
ML 10/15/1950
The Young Black Prince
Mr. Turner had been a missionary in Africa for many years. He had returned to spend his last few years in England, and he loved to tell of Jesus wherever he went. One day he was invited to speak to some girls at a boarding-school. Just the very day before, a young black prince from Africa had come to his home to visit him, so the old missionary said, “May bring my friend, the black prince, along with me?”
“Certainly,” said the bead mistress, “I am sure the girls would be glad to see him, and hear him too, if Ile would. like to speak to them.”
When Mr. Turner made this known to his colored friend, he was surprised and asked, “What can I say to young ladies who know God and love the Lord Jesus—I, who have only known Him such a little while?”
The answer of the missionary surprised him still more. “You say they know God, but that is a mistake. Of course, they have heard of Him ever since they were born, but some of them do not yet know Him, and their hearts have never been touched by His love.”
On arriving at the school, the missionary gave a little talk and showed them some idols and curiosities which he had collected in Yoruba, West Africa, and at the close he asked his colored friend to speak. The young prince began,
“Dear young ladies. I cannot say much to you, for I find your language is a very hard one to learn. I thought you all knew more than I do, for I have been brought up in a heathen country, and worshiped idols such as you have been looking at, and I have only known your God a little while. My friend, Mr. Turner, tells me that perhaps some of you do not know Him yet, and this seems so strange to me that I cannot find it in my head to believe it. Is it really true? Our gods an so wicked and hard and cruel we could not love them; but when your missionary came and told us about your God, how loving He is, and how He gave His Only dear Son to die such a cruel death to save us and to wash away our black sins, then my heart believed in Him and loved Him. Can you hear about such great love and not love Him back? My eyes feel as if they could weep for you; but you will soon get to know Him, won’t you? I must tell you that my father is a king, and I might be one next to him; but I do not want to be king, I want instead to go and tell my people about this loving God and His Son Jesus, and my brother may be king instead. I pray that you may soon all know God and take Jesus as your Saviour.”
One of the girls who listened did just what that young man from Africa asked. She was sorry for her own sin and ingratitude, and found no rest until she knew and believed in the love of God in Christ.
You may be well educated in the things of this world but ignorant of the love of God.
“And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.” John 17:3.
ML 10/15/1950
Patsy and the Little Fishes
Patsy and her friend Lois were running happily through the fields. Patsy was just three years old, hut she had been brought up in a Christian home, and she already loved the Lord Jesus.
Presently Lois noticed her little friend was leaning over the edge of a pond, looking down at the little fishes. “Come away quickly, Patsy, and don’t lean over the edge of that pond; you might fall in!”
“I only want to see if there are any of Jesus’ dear little fishes in this pond. Don’t you know which they are? Those are the very little ones I mean. I asked mother once if Jesus made them, and she said ‘Yes.’ So they are His, you know, and He feeds them and takes care of them all day long.”
“But you might tumble into the water, and then you would be drowned.”
“Oh, I don’t think so, or if I did, I ‘spect the Lord Jesus would let somebody lift me out again. Or even if I drowned, I would not mind so very much, because then I would go up to live with Him forever, and that would be so nice.”
In spite of all this happy chatter, Lois kept a very close watch over Patsy, and soon persuaded her to come away and pick flowers.
The love of Jesus seemed so to fill her baby heart that anything and everything that had to do with Him had an attraction for her. Dear young reader, can you say that you love God because He first loved you? And as you look at the birds and flowers, do you ever think of the God who made them?
The Bible says, “All things were made by Him,’ and best of all, the same God who made all these beautiful things has given His own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be your Saviour. Will you accept Jesus today as your Saviour?
ML 10/15/1950
Safety First!
In a city where a good many of our readers live, I have often noticed a big sign which reads, “Safety first.” Sometimes we see it in big letters on the front of street cars, and very often we see the same two words near schools. It warns drivers to be careful and watch for little children, and it also means for the little children to watch carefully for cars.
And what mother does not warn her little ones as they leave for school in the morning, to be careful when crossing the streets? It is wise indeed to wish to preserve the life that God has given to us, but we find from Genesis 2:7 that God has given to every one of us a soul that never dies, and we should be greatly concerned about SAFETY for eternity, as well as for time. The only way to be safe for eternity is to take our place before God as lost and ruined sinners, according to Romans 3:23, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God,” and find shelter under the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ shed at Calvary’s cross.
“In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:14.
ML 10/15/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 7:8-38
The priest who offered the burnt-offering for any man was to have the skin of the animal for himself. This is very interesting and instructive. As worshipers we do not come to get, but to give, but God will never be any man’s debtor and He delights to give, so that if we are really worshiping in the Spirit we will get a blessing for ourselves, and the result will be that Christ will be seen in us. The skin is that part of the animal which was seen by others, and what a privilege it is to seek to walk as He walked and to “show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9.
The law of the peace offering follows next in order, but we will not speak of it here, for we have already spoken of it when considering the peace offering in chapter 3. We notice once again, however, that the eating of fat and blood was forbidden of God. The fat brings before us, in type, the excellence of the animal, and so it would remind us of the fact that all glory belongs to God. God has declared “that no flesh should glory in His presence”. (1 Cor. 1:29), and we will always find that false doctrine seeks to rob God of His glory and to give some glory to man. This is like eating the fat which God forbids. Then too the eating of blood was forbidden, for “the life ... is in the blood” (Lev. 17:11) and the children of Israel were not to eat of it. This is repeated again in Christianity (Acts 15:28, 29) for we must ever remember that life belongs to God, and that the cost of our redemption is nothing less than “the precious blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:19.
We now come to the consecration of Aaron and his sons as priests, and it was such an important event that the whole congregation was called together to witness it. The offerings recorded in the previous chapters have brought before us the various aspects of the, work of Christ, and how fully He glorified God about the question of sin, as well as meeting the sinner’s need. This must be recorded first. The Lord Jesus, our Great High Priest, of whom Aaron was a type, must accomplish the work of redemption first, before taking up His priestly work on high. We must first be “reconciled to God by the death” of His Son” before we could be “saved by His life.” (Romans 5:10.) And so now, having accomplished redemption. He ever lives to make intercession lo us—never wearying in His priestly service above in spite of all our infirmities and weakness. Aaron’s sons typify to us the position of believers as priests and what could we know of our place as priests if we had not first learned the value of Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary. The unbeliever cannot worship God for it is only through the work of Christ that we are fitted to draw near a worshipers. Now, as holy priests, we can offer up our “spiritual sacrifice acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.” Peter 2:5. All this is beautifully typified in our chapter as we shall see.
Some dear Christians are very happy in knowing that their sins are gone, they never go any further in the soul’s experience. They rejoice in Christ’s finished work but they know very little about worship. If there are any such who are reading these lines. may you hear the call, as to all congregation of Israel, to come an learn more of these precious truths which are typically presented to us here.
ML 10/15/1950
The Hindu Lady and the Kitten
In a gloomy little temple in India lived a gloomy little old woman. All her life she had been very religious, living on the poorest food, with scarcely a ray of sunshine or a breath of fresh air in her dark prison temple. She never ate meat or fish, and she never killed anything, not even a fly or a mosquito! She had chosen this life herself in order to gain merit, and win a better place in the next world.
As you may imagine, the temple was foul with mice, rats, snakes, bats and many another pest. But the poor old woman spent long hours reciting prayers to a big cruel looking image, and hoped that all her wretchedness would bring her into great favor with that god.
Her visitors were few and unwelcome. One day, however, a man came to the temple, and she agreed to speak with him through the opening which served as a window. His face was happy, and his words were of the blessed Lord Jesus, who had filled his young life with joy, so that he longed. to tell the poor old woman of the joy he had found in the Saviour’s love.
The woman listened curiously. She had studied religion all her life, and had often wondered about the white man’s God. The story of the Saviour’s agony and death on Calvary was wonderful to her, and she believed every word of it, until he began to say that the precious blood which flowed from His wounded side was shed to save sinners. He told her that it had cleansed his sins away, and he longed that it might do the same for her.
“Do you mean to say,” cried the poor woman, “that I may go straight to heaven if I believe that Jesus died for me?”
“Yes,” answered the man.
“Then all my life of privation and prayer is worth nothing?”
“Nothing before God,” answered the Christian.
“Then I will not, have it,” she cried. She disappeared from the little window, back to her life of vain prayers and wretchedness. The missionary went on his way, hut he prayed often for the woman whose wrinkled face of deep wretchedness he could not forget.
Meanwhile, the mice began to disappear from the old temple, for a very active young cat took up her abode there. Many a battle took place before the poor old lady’s eyes, and she prayed often to that cruel unanswering god, that he might understand that this destruction was not her deed.
The cat soon added a small family of kittens to her lonely home. The old lady took a real interest in the tiny creatures, until one day, in the half darkness, she accidentally stepped upon one of them. There was no doubt about it—the kitten was dead. For the first time in all her superstitious years, she had taken the life of a living creature, and her grief knew no bounds. She thought that her sin was beyond forgiveness, and her wails of grief could be heard all through the village.
The missionary heard of this when he came again, and he went straight to the temple. The poor sad face was thinner than ever, but her proud spirit was broken now. She sobbed out her longing to hear more of the One who could forgive such a sinner as she. The young man gladly told her again of the One whom our God sent into this world in order that God in all His righteousness and holiness, might have forgiven sinners at home with Himself.
It was different now. The poor proud woman learned to say “for me—He died for me.” She left her lonely temple, for our God who loves us also says, “Love one another.”
All her Christless years (and yours too) are barren, fit for burning, but God in His mercy saved her in her old age.
Are you saved? Have you learned to say, “He died for me,” or are you still clinging to what you yourself have done? May God in His mercy break your proud spirit before it is forever too late.
ML 10/22/1950
Which Are You Like?
One day when I was a little boy my father brought me a strange looking present. It was a piece of metal shaped like a small horseshoe. Very soon we found. that it was not an ordinary piece of metal, but could do some wonderful things. It could pick up needles and nails and screws! What was it? A magnet.
After we had played with it for a while, father got some needles and pins and spread them out on the table. Then he held the magnet over the top of them, and a strange thing happened. All the needles jumped up to meet de magnet, and all the pins were left behind. Can you tell me why this was?
Oh, you say, the needles were steel, and the pins were brass or tin. Yes, that was just it. Although they looked ate same color outside, the inside was not the right material to be attracted by the magnet.
Now you know that the Lord Jesus is coming someday very soon to call out of this world all those that belong to Himself. All those who have been born again and have a clean heart will go up to meet Him in the air.
One day a group of children joined in singing,
“We know there’s a bright, and a glorious home,
Away in the heavens high,
Where all the redeemed shall with Jesus dwell;
But will you be there and I?”
I said to one little girl in the group, “Will you he there, Florence?” “Oh, yes,” she said, “I’ve always been a good girl. I’ll be there.” She looked all right outside, and she was always at Sunday school too, but she was not right inside, for she was trusting to herself instead of to Jesus.
And now, dear reader, which are you —a “pin” or a “needle?” I mean by that, will you be caught up to be forever with the Lord Jesus when he comes for His own? If you have taken Jesus as your Saviour and have been horn again, you will be there. But although you may try so hard to be good, and to act like a Christian, this will only make your outside clean but it will never make you ready to be with Jesus.
“Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3.
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isaiah 1:18.
ML 10/22/1950
Has She Come?
We don’t see many people traveling about in horse-drawn carriages in these days. Our streets are crowded with automobiles instead. But this story happened in a big city some years ago. Two young ladies were driving uptown to do some shopping. While one went into the store to buy the groceries, the other, a young girl, stayed in the carriage and held the horse’s reins. Suddenly something frightened the horse and he plunged forward, and in a moment was galloping down the street. The poor girl hung onto the carriage but was in danger of being thrown to the ground. All at once a strong man leaped from the side of the road and grasped the reins and brought the frightened horse to a stand. The girl escaped unhurt. But the brave helper was carried away in an ambulance—bleeding and unconscious,
“Has the young lady come?” he asked faintly, as they laid him on the bed.
Poor fellow! He had been thrown to the ground in stopping the wild horse, and now he was dying, and he wanted to see the girl for whom his life had been given.
“Has the young lady come?” Again and again he cried in his delirium, till the sound died faintly away at the touch of death. SHE NEVER CAME!
Dear children, I know Someone who suffered and died for sinners. His name is the Lord Jesus, and He says, “Suffer little children to come unto Me.” Luke 18:16.
ML 10/22/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 8:1-12
Before speaking of Christ’s priestly work for us in heaven now, let us notice the first thing that was done to Aaron and his sons. They were washed all over with water. We will speak of Aaron first since he typifies Christ, and so in this we see the Lord Jesus as that blessed One who is the living Word. He is the full expression of all that God is, and the whole of God’s written Word spoke of, and pointed on to, Him—the Living Word. This is no doubt what we would learn from the water (which typifies the Word) applied to Aaron the high priest.
Aaron was then taken alone and the garments of glory and beauty (which we spoke of in our talks on Exodus 28) were put upon him. Then Moses took the anointing oil and anointed the tabernacle and everything in it, as well as sprinkling it upon. the altar seven times. Then he anointed the altar, the laver, and its foot, and. he also poured the anointing oil upon Aaron’s head and it went clown to the very skirts of his garments. (Psalm 133:2.) We notice that the blood had to be put upon Aaron’s sons first, before the anointing oil, but with Aaron the oil was put on first. Aaron here is a picture of the Lord Jesus, who, because of who He is, the blessed Son of God, could be marked out by the Spirit of God coming upon Him like a dove, like the anointing oil poured upon Aaron. There was no sin to be cleansed away in Him—no blood need be applied to Him in this way—for He was the sinless One. Blessed be His Name—how our hearts adore Him!
No doubt this scene presented in our chapter looks on prophetically to a coming day when the Lord Jesus will, in His own right as Creator, take what is rightfully His—this whole scene. Then, lust as the tabernacle and all about it were anointed with oil, so the whole “earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Isaiah 11:9. Oh what a blessed day it will be for this poor groaning creation! Of course we know that the Lord Jesus has also a Redeemer’s right to this world (see Rev. 5), for He bought the field (Matt. 13:38, 44), but this does not alter His right to it the Creator. His sovereign right to it Creator is presented to us in Revelation 4, and also in this first part, of our chapter, in a typical way.
We know too, as we have remarked before, that the Lord Jesus is our Great High Priest now, interceding for us at the right hand of God. There He wears His garments of “glory and beauty” for us, maintaining our cause in righteousness because of the infinite value of His finished work. We can come to Him for grace to help in every time of need (Heb. 4:16) and with holy confidence too, for He has trodden the path before us and knows every difficulty and trial of the way. Then too He is our Advocate when we have sinned and pleads our cause before the Father. (1 John 2:1.) The very moment we confess our sins then He restores us to the happy sense in our souls of the Father’s love. The Lord Jesus faithfully carries this twofold work for us on high, and it is most needful for us as believers that we avail ourselves of this priestly service day by day. We will speak of it more fully next week, if the Lord will.
ML 10/22/1950
Joyce Gets into Trouble
Joyce what have you done?” exclaimed Mother.
There stood baby Joyce, with a puzzled and troubled look on her little streaked face, clutching in one fat hand a sticky, empty brown bottle. She had seen the brown bottle on the shelf and somehow had managed to reach it and loosen the top. It was such fun to pour the sticky brown liquid over her hands, rub it over her rosy cheeks, even to taste a little and then spill the rest; down her legs and over her little bare toes.
“Oh baby, baby, what shall we do?” said Mother. She tried to wipe the little stained hands but even after she had rubbed and scrubbed, the brown hands were no cleaner and the little brown face was still sticky and stained.
So Mother filled the bath with warm. water and tried again, rubbing and scrubbing with soap and a brush, but it was to use. The brown stains would not wash. off. Joyce cried and stretched out her arms to Mother who lifted her out and patted her dry, and said,
“We can cover them up, my baby, but we cannot wash them away.”
She carefully covered the big brown stains with fragrant white powder and baby Joyce smiled again as Mother tucked her into bed and laughed at her white little hands.
But next day the white powder was gone and the brown stains were still there—next day, and for many, many days. Soap and water couldn’t wash them away and nothing could really cover them up.
Dear children, do you know of something else that soap and water cannot wash away and that cannot be covered up? It is SIN. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. You have sinned; and the stains of sin are on your heart, and you cannot wash them away. You may weep as little Joyce did; you may try to cover them up, but they are there and God sees them. “All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” Hebrews 4:13. Only one thing can cleanse your sin-stained heart, dear children.
“What can wash away my stain?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me white and clean?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”
Will you come to Him today and say,
ML 10/29/1950
"Isn't That Good?"
Mr. Martin was sitting in the big railway station at Detroit waiting for the train. An old man came and sat down beside him, and in a few moments Mr. Martin turned and offered him a gospel tract. This started a conversation between them, and soot the old man said he had come to Detroit to see a doctor, because he had been feeling very sick. The doctor had just told him that nothing could be done and that he only had about four months to live. Mr. Martin asked,
“And are you not afraid to die?” “Oh, no, I am not afraid to die.” “Why not? Are you sure you a going to heaven?”
“Yes, I am sure. I have lived all my life in the north of Michigan, and neither my wife nor myself can read. I had never heard a sermon since left home as a boy, and we had no Bible in our home. Our own little boy went to school up there and learned I read, and then one day a man spoke to him on the way home from school, and gave him a Testament to read. Every evening after that, we would all sit around the supper table and Donald would read to us from the Testament. One night he was reading in 1 Timothy 1 until he came to verse 15: ‘This a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.” When I heard that wonderful verse, I well remember I called out, ‘Stop! Stop! Wife, isn’t that good! We are sinners and Christ Jesus came into the world to save us—isn’t thy good?’ And right then we both knelt down beside the supper table and thanked God for His great gift, which in simple faith we had just accepted.
Perhaps the reader of this little paper has often heard that wonderful verse before. You may even be able to say it, and many others, from memory. But have you ever knelt down an; thanked God for sending the Lord Jesus to die for you?
“Thanks he unto God for His unspeakable gift.” 2 Cor. 9:15.
ML 10/29/1950
Purpose of Heart
After Stephen had been stoned to death for his testimony to Christ, a great persecution broke out against the Christians. Many of them were put to death, while others were forced to leave their homes and wander about seeking a new dwelling place, but as they traveled from place to place they did not complain about their troubles. Instead of this they carried a wonderful message. They told of a better home above, a home of peace and joy, and the hope of being there was very real and precious to them. They told of the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work at Calvary which had opened up the way of salvation for sinners. They preached full and free forgiveness of sins to all those who believed in Him, and undoubtedly their lives gave testimony to the reality of what they preached, for great numbers turned to the Lord in the ancient city of Antioch as the result of it.
News of this blessing spread to Jerusalem, and the assembly there became greatly interested in these young believers. They were anxious to try to help them, and so Barnabas, “A good man ... . full of the Holy Ghost and of faith” (Acts 11:24) went down in fellowship with his brethren to encourage these dear ones in the path of faith. When he arrived he was refreshed by seeing this wonderful work of God’s grace, and he “exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord.” Acts 11:23. We would like to call the attention of our young readers to this exhortation, for we feel it is as needful for us today as it was for them centuries ago. It always takes purpose of heart to go on, especially when there is any opposition. And dead fish can float down stream, but it takes a good lively one to swim against the current! And so we find it takes real purpose of heart and strength from above to go against the current of this world, which is ever downward. How often each one of us, whether young or old, fails in this, especially when taking a stand for the Lord entails suffering. It is comparatively easy to be faithful when we are surrounded by those who love our Saviour, but it takes real spiritual energy to be faithful among unsaved schoolmates, in the workshop and office, or before unsaved relatives. It is in these circumstances that we are really tested and find the need of this exhortation.
How blessed to think of the One who never turned aside from. His purpose, but was “obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” Phil. 2:8. Indeed, if there is going to be any real purpose of heart in our lives, there must be occupation with Him. Arid this is not possible through mere strength of natural character, for if we are unwatchful we are prone to fail in our very strongest point, as Moses and Samson did. It is only by cleaving to the Lord. He is the source of all strength, and so by keeping close to Him we will be enabled to go on in spite of the difficulties of the way. Even though we are so weak in ourselves, we have His promise, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 129) and when we count upon the Lord He always undertakes for us.
May these words then, spoken by Barnabas to the dear young believers at Antioch so long ago, be a word in season for each one of us today. It is the path of blessing and true happiness, no matter how difficult the way.
ML 10/29/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 8:12-17
Since we have such a Great High Priest who ever lives to make intercession for us, why should we try to bear our burdens alone? Let us rather tell the Lord all about our difficulties and trials and ask Him to help us. We can come to Him at any hour of the day or night. We can come to Him at home in our little room, or at school or at work—in every time of need—and our hearts can just send up a swift prayer to the throne of grace, knowing that we have a Great High Priest who knows all about us and who has trodden the path ‘Himself, sin apart. Nothing is too small or too great for us to whisper into His loving ear, and His loving heart is ever ready to supply the needed grace. How many a sin we would be kept from, if we always remembered to do this!
But if we are not watchful and forget to ask for the needed help from above, then sin comes in, for we cannot walk in our own strength. What are we to do then? How good to know that the same One who is our Great High Priest to keep us from sinning, is our Advocate when we have sinned. We can just come and confess the sin to Him, telling Him the whole story, and judging not only the sin itself but the carelessness, the pride, or the stubbornness that caused it. Yes, we must own the whole thing to the Lord in order to be restored. Happy fellowship between our souls and God is broken by even. the smallest sin, but it is restored the moment we confess it. We do not have to leave it to the end of the day, but we can lift up our hearts at once and be restored right where we are. To leave it until the end of the day often only leads to further sin.
After Aaron had been anointed and sanctified, then his sons were brought to Moses and clothed in coats, girdles, and bonnets. As we have remarked before, Aaron’s sons typify believers, and so, having been washed all over by the Word and pronounced “Clean every whit” (John 13:10), we now have a robe of righteousness which we are to display in a practical way, like these linen coats of Aaron’s sons. Then too our natural desires and our thoughts are to be brought into accordance with this practical righteousness, like their girdles and bonnets. These things are most necessary for us if we are to enjoy our position as priests.
Then a bullock was taken for a sin offering, and Aaron and his sons placed their hands upon its head. Then it was killed. We know that the Lord Jesus made our guilt His own in those three hours of darkness on Calvary, dying in our guilty place in order that we might be brought into a place of favor end acceptance. We are now “in Christ’ before God through His finished work. Aaron’s sons are therefore brought in here, for now we are associated with Christ and accepted in Him. We are reminded in this sin offering of the awfulness of sin and that nothing but the precious blood of Christ, of whom the bullock was a type, could put it away. Then too its body was burned outside the camp, while the fat was burned upon the altar of burnt offering. Oh how awful is the judgment of sin, for even the body of this animal was burned in an outside place, and so our blessed Saviour suffered outside the gate as our Sin-bearer. Nevertheless the fat was burned on the altar, and so we know that the Father found His infinite delight in Jesus, and never more so than when He was bearing our sins is those dark hours on Calvary.
ML 10/29/1950
Cats Are Just Cats
The little fellow in our picture is fond of his kitten, don’t you think? Phyllis is very fond of her cats, too. They are beautiful Persian prizewinners, and their names are Black Beauty and Pugnacious.
If you had seen those two cats cuddled up together on Phyllis’ couch, you would have thought, as we did, that they were as friendly, happy, good-natured, and affectionate toward each other and all the world as any cats you could wish for. But just rub them the wrong way and find out!
Looks are deceiving. When Black Beauty became the proud mother of four little kittens, Puggy rose up in the most ridiculous outburst of jealousy you ever saw. She just bristled with anger all over. She spit at the very sight of her old friend. She would starve rather than share the same feeding dish. Her friendship was all burned up in jealous rage. Cats are just cats, after all.
But with us, my reader, it is different. Sometimes, in spite of good appearances, a miserable feeling of anger and jealousy rises inside of us. Have you ever felt like that? That evil heart was there all the time, but we didn’t realize it until someone else stirred it up. But now, there it is in all its ugliness, and what are we to do?
Pugnacious just felt angry and she showed it all over. Pugnacious is just a cat and is not responsible to God. But you and I have a record, which we must face some day before God, God cares for the needs of cats, of course, but for us He sent His Son, because we have sinned against Him. These outbursts of anger on our part are not funny, they are very sinful indeed, and God remembers them, Not until you have asked Him to wash and cleanse you in the precious blood of His beloved Son, can God say, “Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.” Heb. 10:17.
Still, even after we are saved, the angry feeling rises again, and what are we to do? Come at once to Jesus and ask Him to help us in every time of need. Is it not wonderful that He wants us to come “boldly” too, without any fear, just whenever we need Him? When cats feel angry, they just get angry, but we who are saved can do as the hymn says:
“Ask the Saviour, to help you,
Comfort, strengthen and keep you,
He is willing to aid you,
He will carry you through.”
ML 11/05/1950
Far away in the city of Shanghai China, there was a man who had a large family, hut sad to say he did not love them very much. He was poor and could not buy enough food to feed them all, and so one day he said to the eldest girl, “You will have to take your little sister away, for we have too many mouths to fill.”
The elder sister led her away to another part of that great city, and then said to her, “Wait here for a little while and I will soon be back.” This was a lie, for she had no thought of returning. After the little girl had waited a long, long time, she realized that her sister had forsaken her, and she started to cry. At last a kind policeman saw her and took her to a “love school,” which had been opened just for girls like her by missionaries who wanted to tell them about the Lord Jesus.
The kind missionaries took her in and gave her a nice warm bath, a good meal, and a comfortable bed. She stayed in this new home for a long time, and there, with about two hundred girls like herself, she heard about how the Lord Jesus had died for sinners. She learned of a better home above where all the boys and girls who take Jesus, as their Saviour will spend eternity.
Now I expect most of you little girls who read this story have a father who loves you, and he would not leave you all alone on a street corner like this poor little Chinese girl. But no matter how much your father loves you, or how nice a home you have in the world, you will have to leave it someday, I wonder if you have a home above, in God the Father’s house. Have you come to His Son, the Lord Jesus, in order that you might be cleansed in His precious blood, and made fit for that bright name where sin can never enter? It is most important that you come to Him now, for some day it will be to late and the door will be shut, never to open again. Why not come to Jesus today?
“And they that were ready went in with Him to the marriage: and the door was shut.” Matthew 25:10.
ML 11/05/1950
Bible Questions for November
The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in Mark, chapters 1-8.
1.“Great things the Lord hath done.”
2.“And taketh away the Word.”
3.“And told Him all things.”
4.“Repent ye, and believe the gospel.”
5.“He hath done all things well.”
6.“Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed.”
7.“I came not to call the righteous.”
The Young People’s Class Steadfastness
This is a thing which is greatly lacking in our day. Everything around us is being shaken. People and nations are doing things which we never expected of them, for it is a day of rapid changes and one never knows what will take place over night. Feelings of uncertainty are being expressed on every hand.
But in the midst of all this the believer has assurance and certainty. He has the Word of God which speaks with divine authority about the future. It tells us that we have “a kingdom which cannot be moved,” and that in God’s time, Christ will take His rightful place of headship over all things. It assures us that the circumstances of our daily lives are ordered of God our Father in love, and that our future is to spend eternity in the Father’s house. Blessed assurance! Blessed hope!
The knowledge and enjoyment of this gives steadfastness. It keeps us from being led about with all the ideas and thoughts of men. We can rest upon the Word of God and labor on in spite of difficulties. Even though others criticize or turn aside and give up, we can remain steadfast in the path and in our work for the Lord, but only in the measure in which we have the eye fastened upon Him who is “the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” May we know more of this holy steadfastness day by day, as the Lord’s coming draws near!
1.Who was the perfect example of steadfastness? Luke 9.
2.Is the believer’s hope a steadfast one? Hebrews 6.
3.As Stephen looked steadfastly up, whom did he see? Acts.
4.What message was given to the disciples who looked steadfastly toward heaven? Acts.
5.What gave joy to the Apostle’s heart in his absence from the Colossian saints? Colossians.
6.Is there a danger of even a steadfast believer being led away if he is unwatchful? 2 Peter.
7.Why should we be steadfast and unmovable in our work for the Lord? 1 Corinthians 15.
ML 11/05/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 8:18-9:22
Next there was the ram for a burnt offering which tells us of the sweet savor of Christ’s devoted obedience which we have already spoken, of in our talk on Exodus 29. Then there was the second ram—the ram of consecration—the blood of which was sprinkled on the tip of Aaron’s right ear, on his right thumb, and on the great toe of his right foot. This was done to Aaron’s sons too. It speaks of Christ’s obedient consecrated life even unto death, and also of how the same devotedness should he the character of our lives. Of course Aaron himself had been anointed with oil (typical of the Holy Spirit) first before the blood was put on for he typifies Christ. With us the blood must come first, for we must be cleansed from our sins before we can be indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God.
After the blood had been put upon them, Aaron and his sons were given the wave offering, and so in worship how we delight to present Christ to God in all the excellence of His Person and work.
Then the anointing oil and the blood were to be sprinkled upon Aaron and his sons and upon their garments. Priestly service must be by the power of the Spirit, while never forgetting the cost of our redemption, even the precious blood of Christ. But how blessed to be identified with Christ as the One who has received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:33), after having accomplished that great redemptive work.
For seven days Aaron and his sons were to abide at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, feeding upon that which typified accomplished redemption, and the glory of the Lord did not appear to the people until the eighth day. Surely this is a beautiful picture of the Church’s place now, for while Israel has not seen the glory of God shining in the, face of Jesus Christ, we do, and we are in a place of nearness to Himself through sovereign grace on the ground of accomplished redemption. There we can feed upon the blessed fruits of what He has done, in that hidden place of separation, like Aaron and his sons together at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation May our souls be stirred to enter into and enjoy these things in fuller measure, and may we count it a privilege to keep the charge of the Lord until it comes again—a moment which is very near at hand!
On the eighth day Aaron brought a sin offering and a burnt offering, while the children of Israel brought a sin offering, a burnt offering, peace offerings, and a meat offering mingled with oil. Then “all the congregation drew near and stood before the Lord” (verse 5). They were all present to see the wonderful things which were take place that day, and if in any measure we are able to lay hold of the marvelous truths seen in type here, we will wonder and worship too!
Aaron, once again a type of Christ took all the sacrifices and offered them before the people in God’s appointed way. The only part that Aaron’s sons had in all this was to bring the blood to Aaron, and since they typify the Church, what a wonderful picture we see here of the time when the Lord Jesus comes in glory for the deliverance of Israel, for we will be with Him then—our robes washed in the blood the Lamb. We will be, as it were “bringing the blood” as the ground of our redemption—and of Israel’s too!
ML 11/05/1950
The Weaver
Why do some people say that our life is like a weaving, and God is the One who weaves?
If you stand by the weaving lady today, and watch her at work, perhaps it will help you to understand. She does not notice us, but continues steadily building up her pattern on the strong hempen cords. It is hard to guess what color she will choose next from the beautiful rainbow skeins of yarn in her lap. The finished pattern is her secret, but we can admire what she has done already.
Now, my reader, that weaving is like your life. You are the cords (good cords we hope, and not rotten ones), and God is choosing each day what colors He will weave into your life. Sometimes He chooses yellow for sunny happy days, sometimes He chooses red for very important days, sometimes green for healthy growing days, and sometimes gray for lonely sick days, or hard and painful days of black.
Why does He choose so? We cannot tell you, but “we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28. If He has sent a gray day when you wanted a golden day, perhaps the tears come and they won’t seem to stay back. Then doubt not, dear Christian, that the Lord Himself has chosen this gray day for you, and the time is sure to come when you will thank Him for choosing so. It would specially honor Him if you thank Him for that gray day even now.
But are you, after all, offering God rotten cord to work with? Are you, unsaved reader, living on day after day with an evil unbelieving heart, doubting His wisdom, and grumbling about the rain and the cold which He sends? Even if He sends you golden days, what good are they if they are woven upon rotten cords—that is, if they are spent according to the wishes of your unbelieving heart?
God wants to save you from your sins and from the power of evil within you He wants to give you a new power, which, like good hempen cord, can make all your days beautiful in His sight, and fit to be rewarded in eternity. Stop and think before you grumble about what God sends. Are you offering Him good cord or had upon which to weave the colors of your life?
Even we Christians sometimes grumble and want to change His perfect plans and then we wonder at the ruin and failure which result. We have a new nature, like good trusty cord, but we need to walk according to its desires, by the power of the Spirit of God. Then God Himself will be gloried in the beauty of what He has wrought in us. Is that not cause enough to be thankful, gray days and all?
“We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.
ML 11/12/1950
Little Mary's Faith
Fire! Fire! The school is on fire:” The children were busily doing their lessons one morning when someone burst open the door of their classroom and shouted that terrible message. At once nearly all the children sprang from their seats and rushed toward the door, until there was danger of their being trampled down in their efforts to get out quickly. During this and panic there was one dear little girl who sat quietly in her place and didn’t move at all.
Soon it was found that the alarm was false, and the pupils again went back to their places in the classroom. Then the girl next to little Mary turned and said to her, “Mary, how is it that you could sit so quiet and unafraid when everybody else rushed out?”
“My father told me,” said Mary quietly, “that if there was an alarm of fire, it was best for us to sit still in our seats and wait for the teacher to tell us what to do. My father is a fireman—and he knows best.”
Here was faith. Mary trusted her father’s word, and she was not afraid. Earthly fathers do make mistakes sometimes, but we have One whom we can always believe and trust, even though many around us may be frightened. God tells us in His Word,
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee; because he trusteth in Thee.” Isaiah 26:3.
ML 11/12/1950
George's Warning
George Mason was twelve years old, and he was a real favorite at the Sunday school, His teacher loved him, and so did all the other boys and girls. Although he was full of life and fun, he was always quiet and well-behaved while in his class. He listened eagerly to the story of the love of God in sending Jesus to die for sinners. He grew very solemn when told of his own sins, and of what would happen to him if those sins were not forgiven. But I am sorry to say that George did something that many other boys and girls do. He listened to the story and he knew it was true, but he didn’t come to Jesus. And before very long he didn’t seem so solemn and thoughtful when reminded of his sins.
One day George was invited, along with all the other children, to a Sunday school picnic. He thought a moment and then said to his teacher,
“Do I deserve this invitation? I do not want it unless I deserve it.”
His teacher told him that the invitation was a free gift to all the children. “And by this you may learn,” added die teacher, “of the gift of God, eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Will you have God’s gift right now, George?”
“No, another day,” murmured George.
A while later, George and some of his friends were listening to a man preaching the gospel in the open air. George’s friends laughed at him, and soon George joined with them in mocking the faithful preacher. Suddenly the preacher turned and looked at George and said sadly, “If that boy knew that he might he in eternity in a week, he would not mock at God’s message.”
On the following Sunday, George’s chair was vacant, so when the class was over, the teacher called at his home. He was too late! At the very time the Sunday school door closed, and the class began, George died!
Dear boys and girls, do not put off your decision for Christ until tomorrow, for that may be too late.
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
ML 11/12/1950
It Stings!
How pretty!” shouted little Sam, as his fat little hand grasped a cluster of white lilacs which grew near the front gate. The next moment Sam’s face grew red with fright, and he dashed the flowers to the ground, shrieking, “It stings, it stings!”
What made it sting? It was a bright, beautiful, sweet-smelling flower. How could it hurt the child’s hand? I will tell you.
A busy little bee, in search of some honey, had just pushed his nose in among the lilac blossoms, and was sucking the nectar from it, when Sammy’s fat hand disturbed him. In a moment, he drove his sharp sting into the child’s hand.
When Sammy’s mother had dried his tears, and comforted him, she said: “Now, my boy, let this teach you a lesson. Many pretty things have very sharp stings.”
Let every child make a note of this. “Many pretty things have very sharp stings.” It may save you from being stung if you remember it,
The Bible says, “The sting of death is sin.” You may not think of sin as something very ugly and hateful, for Satan has made it appear very pretty, just as he did to Eve in the garden of Eden. Eve saw that the fruit of the forbidden tree was “pleasant to the eyes” but she didn’t see the sting of sin that went with it Every boy and girl has been stung by sin, and the only remedy is the blood of Jesus. You know you have sinned so why not go to Jesus just as you are and He will cleanse you. And then remember that many pretty things have sharp stings!
“The wages of sin is death; but, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord,” Romans 6:23.
ML 11/12/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 9:22-24
Last week we were speaking of Aaron offering the sacrifices in the presence of all the children of Israel on the eighth day. As yet we know that the veil is upon their hearts as a nation (2 Cor. 3:15) while they abide in unbelief (Romans 11:23) but we know that the day is coming when they, like Thomas, will see and believe. They do not know the value of the work of Christ on Calvary now, but when He comes in glory with His saints they will then know that the One whom they rejected was the One who accomplished redemption for them. They will take up the words of Isaiah 53, owning how He was despised and they esteemed Him not when He came in His humiliation, but they will then say, “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” Verse 5. They will then learn the value of His sacrifice on Calvary, arid what a day of blessing that will he for them.
We notice therefore that as soon as Aaron had made an end of offering the sacrifices, then he lifted up his hand and blessed the people and came down. Their guilt had been met, faith had laid hold of this on their part, and now they are blessed.
Then “Moses and Aaron went into the ‘tabernacle of the congregation, and came out, and blessed the people: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto all the people.” Verse 23. Here we have the blessing of both Moses and Aaron, typically Christ as King and Priest, and what glory will be seen in Jerusalem in the millennial day when the kingdom is set up. The fire carne out and consumed the sacrifice “which when the people saw, they shouted, and fell on their faces,” and how the nation will indeed shout and fall on their facts in worship in that day!
As we contemplate the marvelous wisdom of God in all these types, and the way in which they are given to us in such a perfect order, we are forced to say that only God could write such a book. Here we have traced the various aspects of the work of Christ as seen in the offerings, then Christ as our Great High Priest, and every believer as a priest too as seen in consecration of Aaron and his sons. Then, after Aaron and his sons had remained inside the door of the tabernacle for seven days (like the Church now as separated to the Lord), then on the eighth day the people saw the sacrifice and Aaron lifted up his hand and blessed them. After this Moses and Aaron together went into the tabernacle and came out and blessed them and the glory of the Lord appeared to all the poeple. This looks on to the day when Israel will learn the value of the sacrifice of Calvary and then Christ’s kingdom will be established in power and blessing on the earth, Israel being the center it government in that day.
Once again we see that God gives as His own purposes in grace, before letting us see how sadly man fails, as he always does, when put on his own responsibility. We will see this very definitely in the next chapter, but how blessed to lose sight of man in nature. and to see God’s Man, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the vast scene of glory that will be brought in through Him and His finished work.
ML 11/12/1950
The Daughter of the Basket maker
In China one often sees the men l pushing wheelbarrows laden with bamboo. Bamboo is very useful and. countless things are made out of it, such as furniture and all sorts of household articles. I would like to tell you of the little daughter of a bamboo-maker. Her father had a little shop on the street of a large town, far away in the interior of China. Day by day he spent his time making baskets and other useful things out of bamboo. He was getting older and so was his wife, and their faces looked sad. Of all their many children, only the youngest one, this little daughter, was left at home. She used to sit in her father’s shop all day long without moving, for although she was seven years old, she could not walk.
But the Lord in His mercy sent light into their darkness. One day a gospel work was begun by a missionary next to the bamboo shop. The poor basket-maker listened night after night to the wonderful glad tidings about the Saviour of the world. The Lord opened his heart and he put his trust in the Lord Jesus. Soon the missionary’s young wife arrived and had classes for women and children in their home, which was quite a distance from the bamboo shop. But the bamboomaker made a basket for Fuh-mei, for this was the name of his little girl, and the mother carried the daughter in that basket on her back to all the meetings.
There was little Fuh-mei sitting and listening to all that was said. has soon memorized Scripture verses and hymns and learned to read. When the women could not answer a question, Fuh-mei always could. She gave her heart to the Lord Jesus and trusted in Him. The Lord strengthened her little body too and she was soon able to walk, and grew up to love and serve the Lord Jesus.
ML 12/19/1950
Boy Wanted
More than once have I seen a sign in a store window “Boy Wanted.” Two verses of Scripture come to my mind when I. see those words.
“No man can serve two masters.” Matthew 6:24.
“Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” Joshua 24:15.
There are three things that a boy is usually anxious to know when he looks for a job. 1. Who is to be his master? 2. What kind of work will he be expected to do? 3, What wages will he be paid?
Now will every boy and girl who reads this story please think of these things. If you come to tire Lord Jesus and take Him as your Saviour, will He be a good Master to serve? You know He will. And what kind of work will He want you to do? He says, “My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:30. It is true you may be laughed at if you belong to Jesus and try to serve Him, but it is a very, very happy path. And what are His wages? He gives eternal life as a gift, not as wages. But when we serve and follow Him, we find that He delights to bless us and to cheer and comfort us with His own presence.
We are anxious that this “Good Master” should become yours, for you will never be sorry if He does.
If the Lord Jesus is not your Saviour and Master, then you have the devil for your master, And the devil is anything but a kind master, although may offer you all kinds of sinful pleasures to tempt you to follow him. His wages are sorrow and misery and death, followed by endless weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Listen to the words of the Lord Jesus— He who has proved His deep love for sinners by giving up His own life blood on the cross— “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden. and I will give you rest.” Matt, 11:28. “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
ML 11/19/1950
A Snowsuit for Joan
“It’s very important,” said Mother om day,
“A snowsuit for Joan I must have right away.
The flowers have faded, the leaves are all down,
And flurries of snow will soon whiten the town.
It’s very important, before it does storm,
To make sure that my dear little Joan will be warm.”
It’s very important, as God’s Word makes clear,
That we should be sheltered as judgment draws near,
Our sins are past counting, like hairs on our head,
And God’s promise of judgment mad fill us with dread.
It’s very important, no time for delay.
To make sure we are sheltered before that great day.
Then Mother went searching for snowsuit and hat
And mittens and overshoes added to that,
Till Joan was all bundled from fore head to toe.
And she’s not a bit Loki, though she’s out in the snow.
She’s playing and smiling as glad as can be,
It’s very important to Mother, you see.
You need not go searching for something to hide
Your sins from the One who on Calvary died.
He knows that you need Him, and that’s why He gave
His life-blood in dying, to shelter and save.
Without Him, no refuge for you could there be,
It’s very important to Jesus, you see.
Then come to our Saviour, come now while you’re young,
His blood is our shelter from judgment to come.
Our God has provided this refuge complete
For sinners who early will bow at His feet.
Just hiding in Jesus will save you for aye,
It’s very important to trust Him today.
“A man shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest.” Isaiah 32:2.
ML 11/19/1950
God's Lamp
Up in Bobby’s attic, among grandfather’s old things, was a rusty old dusty lantern. Nobody cared that the spiders had been quite at home in it for years. If Mother had cleaned the attic she would probably have thrown. it away, for it was an old-fashioned thing, and they had plenty of electric lights downstairs.
One day, the electric lights failed. Not once, but many times the household was left in darkness on a winter evening. Bobby remembered the dusty old lantern he had seen among Grandfather’s things in the attic, and what a wonderful discovery that was!
No more fumbling and stumbling in darkened hall, for the owner of that lantern. They must do without the bright glare of electric lights, but the faithful old lantern always threw plenty of light for the one who used it. Bobby dusted it off with extra pleasure because Mother said that it was his.
There was another old Lamp in Bobby’s attic, older, dustier, but far more precious than the lantern which was now shining in Mother’s kitchen. There it lay among Grandfather’s things, unloved and uncared for. It had already lighted the old man’s path to heaven, and it was ready to do the same thing for Bobby, but he did not know that he needed it.
This precious Lamp is the Word of God. Its light is clear and steady, lighting the path to glory for anyone who feels the need of it. Bobby’s young feet have already had many a stumble in the paths of sin, but the little boy has been satisfied with the opinions of others for his “light,” and has never let the light of the Word of God shine upon his path at all. Bobby does not know the Lord Jesus. He has not yet taken one step upon the path to heaven.
Have you this wonderful Lamp m your house, my reader? Is it dusty and unused? If you leave it unloved and unread, your feet will stumble upon the paths of sin until you reach the end of that broad road—destruction—the lake of fire. Do not wait until all the lights of this world go out for you in death, because you will then be in outer darkness, without the Light which you are refusing today. Let the light of God’s Word shine unto your heart now.
“The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.” Psalm 119:130.
ML 11/19/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 10:1-3
Every time man an been put in a place of responsibility he has always failed, There are no exceptions to this rule, for there is absolutely no good in Marl by nature. The Word of God tells us this so definitely, for it says, “The flesh profiteth nothing” (John 6:63) and again, “I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing.” Romans 7:18. This is exactly what is exemplified in our chapter which has many needful and important lessons for us in our day, when man is exalting himself as never before.
Two of Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, had seen the offering of the sacrifices in the previous chapter. They had seen the glory of the Lord appear to the people. Moreover they themselves were in a special place of favor for they were anointed priests to the Lord, but in spite of all this they had unbroken wills. They acted upon their own thoughts and rejected the command of the Lord. The fire to be used in the censer of incense was to come from the brazen altar (Lev. 16:12) and no other fire would do, Perhaps they did not know why the fire must come from that one place and no other, but it should have been enough that God had commanded it. We must never reason when God speaks, for He demands the submission of our minds to His revelation. (2 Cor. 10:5.)
What a voice this should be to many in our day who are choosing their own way of approach to God. They may be in high positions in the religious world and even wear Judaistic robes as Aaron’s sons did, but the place Aaron’s sons were in did not exempt them from the judgment—yea, it was the very cause for such a solemn, open display of God’s judgment upon them.
God said, “I will be sanctified in them that, come nigh Me, and before all the people will I be glorified.” Verse 3. This is very solemn indeed and should cause searching of heart on the part of any who come before God as worshipers, whether leaders or otherwise. It is most important that we come in God’s way and not with any “strange fire” of our own choosing. It is not a question here of whether Nadab and Abihu were men of faith or not, but of what is suited to God. There is no incense that is sweet to God except which speaks of Christ, and so the fire must come from the brazen altar where the burnt offerings were sacrificed. There we see Christ, in type, as the One who glorified God about sin and true worship must begin with this fact.
When God sets something up He shows His mind at the first, judging, the first outbreak of sin. We see this in our chapter as well as in the case of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5, for in both cases they were smitten dead before the Lord because of their sin. Now God does not deal in open judgment, generally, but let us never suppose that because He does not do so, His thoughts about sin have changed, for at the judgment seat of Christ for believers, and at the great white throne for the lost, He will manifest His own thoughts as to everything in our lives. For believers it will be to see all that was not done in accordance with God’s Word burned up. while they themselves will be saved through Christ’s redemptive work (1 Cor. 3:15) but for the unsaved it will be to hear those awful words, “Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire.” Matt. 25:41.
ML 11/19/1950
Too Late
Here is a picture of a street in China and we will tell you a true story about a Chinese lady who lived on a street like this. She was a young widow, very intelligent and attractive. One day a missionary family came to live in her neighborhood, and they were the first ones to preach the gospel in that far interior town of China. The Chinese lady became quite friendly with the missionary’s wife who told her over and over again about the only way of salvation and eternal happiness through the Lord Jesus Christ. The young woman was touched, but she did riot want to break with her sinful life. One day, when she heard about the Lord’s coming, she exclaimed: “When He comes and I see Him, then I will believe in Him and follow Him.” The missionary had to tell her with a sad heart, that it would then be too late.
Be in time, be in time,
While the voice of Jesus calls you,
Be in time.
If in sin you longer wait,
You will find no open gate,
And your cry be—
“Just too late!”
Be in time.
How many there are today, who are just like this Chinese lady. They intend to be saved some day, but they want to live in their sins as long as they can. What an awful awakening it will be for them when the Lord comes, and they find themselves on the outside of the door. They will have to admit their own folly like those of old who said:
ML 11/26/1950
The Wrong Train
I had just seated myself on the train, all ready for my first trip to the city of Taunton. Just before the train started a young lady stepped into the compartment, and sat down. Just as the train started she spoke up, “I suppose this train stops at Reading?”
“I think not,” I said, “but you ought to have asked before you got on. This train goes through to Taunton without stopping.”
She looked a bit worried for a while, but then seemed to forget her worries until we finally drew nearer to Reading. Then she picked up her suitcase and looked anxiously out the window. Presently the name “Reading” flashed by the window, and then to her dismay, we went straight through and just caught a glimpse of the station and platform as we went by.
She was on the wrong train for sure, end her friends were all waiting for her at Reading!
I could not help feeling sorry for her, and as the train hurried along, I thought: The same train that is taking me to my destination, is every moment taking her away from hers.
You, too, are a traveler, young reader. Time is hurrying you and me both onward—somewhere. Those who are saved are being hurried onward and upward to the glory to be with the Lord Jesus Christ. And those who are not saved are being hurried onward and downward to everlasting darkness.
It may be that your father and mother are both Christians, and together in the same house they are getting nears’ and nearer heaven, while you are go L_ Ling nearer and nearer hell.
If you come to the Lord Jesus now and accept Him as your own Saviour, you too will be on your way to glory.
“There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.
ML 11/26/1950
"Not yet"
Remember now thy Creator,” was once said to a little boy.
“Not yet,” said the lad, as he busied himself with his ball and bat; “when I grow older I will think about it.”
The boy grew to be a young man.
“Remember now thy Creator,” he heard again.
“Not yet,” said the young man; “I am now about to begin work and when I have learned my trade and get into business, I shall have more time to think about such things.”
His business prospered.
“Remember now thy Creator,” once more was brought to his ears.
“Not yet,” said the business man; “my children must have my care, and when they are settled in life I shall is better able to attend to such matters.
Soon his hair began to turn gray.
“Remember now thy Creator,” a friend reminded him one day.
“Not yet,” was still his answer; “I’ll soon retire from business and then I shall have lots of time to read and pray.”
Soon after this answer, he died, I fear, without Christ. He lost his soul because of two words,
“Remember now thy Creator in flu. days of thy youth.” Eccles. 12:1.
ML 11/26/1950
"The Disciples Were Called Christians"
Last month we were considering Barnabas’ exhortation to the young believers in Antioch. He “exhorted them all, that with purpose cd heart they would cleave unto the Lord” (Acts 11:23) and undoubtedly his exhortation is just as timely for us today as it was for them in that day. We still have the same wily foe who would ever hinder our spiritual progress if he possibly can, hut he cannot harm us if we stay in the path of dependence on the Lord. May we be kept in it!
But Barnabas’ work did not stop there. He did not just give the exhortation and then leave them, He knew they needed instruction and spiritual food for the pathway, and perhaps he felt his own incompetency as a teacher so he went down to Tarsus seeking for Saul. Apparently Saul had not been saved for very long at this time but he had spent three years in Arabia, and those silent years in a Christian’s life, when he finds himself alone with God, are often rich in blessing to the soul. Moses’ forty years on the backside of the desert were most necessary and important in God’s ways with him, and undoubtedly fitted him in a special way for his path of service afterward. So, it was with Saul of Tarsus, and so it will be with us if we learn of Him in these times of quietness, it appears, in the portion we are considering, that Barnabas recognized Saul’s gift as a teacher too, and so they labored together in this great work.
They started holding meetings, and the work spread so much that they remained there for a whole year. Great numbers came together to hear, as Barnabas and Saul told out the wonderful message of redemption and established those who had believed in the truth. Undoubtedly there was great joy in that city, as there had been in Samaria some years before when Philip preached there.
Now, dear young reader, have you and I availed ourselves of the wonderful privileges we have of hearing the truth today? Perhaps there is a little meeting near at hand where the Word of God is read and taught according to truth. Are we found present at these meetings? We are far more privileged than those dear young believers at Antioch, for we now have the whole Word of God but it had not all been written then. Each one, too, can sit in the meeting with the Word of God before him and read for himself, and in most places we can do this in peace and quietness. Oh, how favored we are! And yet as we attend these little readings from place to place how many empty seats there are. Other interests have crowded in and there is little time for the Word. Oh may the Lord exercise each one of us in these things! Let us be diligent at the meetings and not miss the blessing.
There were exceedingly practical results produced by these meetings in Antioch long ago. The people in the city could see that the ones who attended them were different—they were new creatures in Christ Jesus. They acted like new men; the bad habits fell off and they talked about Christ, and their neighbors could see that He was their “all in all.” They did not have any sectarian name, but exalted ONE NAME ONLY and so the people of the city began to call them “Christians.” And would it not be lovely if even today, our walk, our talk, our everything, were such that all who know us could see Christ in us in such a way that they would put His Name upon us, calling us Christians.
ML 11/26/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 10:3-10
We have noticed the solemn judgment that fell upon Nadab and Abihu because of their sin, and how God said, “I will be sanctified in them that come nigh Me, and before all the people will I be glorified.” We can realize a little of what this meant to Aaron, their father, and how keenly he must have felt it; but we read. that “Aaron held his peace.” He would not, he must not, question the righteousness of God in dealing as He did with his sons. This is a deeply searching scene for Christian parents in this day, for too often we take our children’s part, even when we know they are in a path of disobedience to God and His Word. Naturally we might be inclined to say that we must take our children’s part, and truly this is what nature would feel, but “Aaron held his peace.” He was in a place of nearness to the Lord as a priest, and the “honey” of nature had no place there. He must continue in his faithful service to the Lord in spite of this deep sorrow in his family.
Of course we need hardly remark that natural affections are given of God and are quite right and proper in their place, but the claims of God are above nature. Faithfulness to God must come first, even in our dealings with those naturally near and dear to us. Let us seek grace always to remember this, whether it be a boy with his brother or a father with his son, for the Lord cannot bless those who give Him second place in their heart, lives, or home—nor in the assembly of God.
Aaron’s nephews were called upon to come near and carry the bodies of Nadab and Abihu outside the camp. The relatives must not shrink from this task, for they too must learn the cost of faithfulness to God. How often division among the Lord’s people is caused by a whole family standing together in a path of disobedience, instead of taking part in the discipline according to the Word of God. These things are very solemn, and as we feel our own weakness let us utter the prayer of the Psalmist, “Preserve me, O God, for in Thee do I put my trust.” Psalm 16:1.
If Aaron or his two other sons Eleazar and Ithamar, had taken part the mourning they would have had is give up their priestly service, and God would not allow that. He did, however tell the whole house of Israel to “bewail the burning the Lord hall, kindled.” Christian sorrow is right and proper in its place, and would to God we all felt any case of sin among tilt people of God, but it is wrong for us to allow such things to hinder our worship or service to the Lord. How beautifully God keeps everything in its proper place, preserving us from being extremists in one direction or the other.
Aaron and his sons were also warned not to drink wine nor strong drink when they went into the tabernacle. These things, we know, excite nature. and this was not to be allowed in their priestly service. We find so much of that which appeals to nature in the religious activity of our day, but it is not according to God and it hinders spiritual discernment. When people have their eyes upon some man with very pleasing personality they find it hard to “put a difference between holy and unholy,” because they do not have the single eye for Christ and His glory. Real issues are often clouded in this way.
ML 11/26/1950
A Visit to the Observatory
The sun was not shining upon our side of the world. It was dark and clear and cold, just the right evening for a visit to the Observatory. Inside the big round dome we found a huge telescope and, one by one, each of the visitors peered through it up into the night sky.
When my turn came, I climbed a little ladder and saw, for the first time, a “close-up” of the far-away moon. There were mountains and valleys and ups and downs that I had never suspected before.
“We call it moonlight,” explained the man, “but it is really sunlight.”
The moon after all only reflects the light of the sun you know. The sun is so very powerful and dazzling that it is easy to understand why the Lord Jesus is called the “Sun of Righteousness.” But during the night the sun is out of sight, even as the Lord Jesus is absent now. The moon lights up the nighttime, even as we, who are Christians, should light up the darkness of this world while the Lord Jesus is away.
Now the moon is, in itself, rocky and barren and lifeless, just as you and I are in ourselves. But how beautifully it shines with light from the sun! And so we who are saved can shine to God’s glory in this dark world now when we reflect the loveliness of our absent Lord.
The moon, after all, is a pretty poor light and not very dependable. Sometimes it looks big, sometimes small, and sometimes we cannot see it at all. It is an apt picture of us, who belong to the Lord Jesus, who often show ourselves so poor and unfaithful before the world. Yet as long as we turn our hearts toward the One who is in heaven at God’s right hand, just so long does He see and value our shining, whether the world does or not.
When, however, the earth hides the light of the sun, the poor moon does not shine at all. It is eclipsed, because it faces the earth, not the sun.
Children, is your face turned toward the earth, or “the Sun”—God’s “Sun?” Are your thoughts and your hopes fixed upon earth or upon Jesus? Have you accepted Him as your own personal Saviour? Soon He will come, and all earthly plans will perish, hut those who belong to Him will shine in His beauty forever and ever.
ML 12/03/1950
A Lamb in Christ's Flock
Three little girls were telling each other what they wanted to be when they grew up. Winnie wanted to be a queen, Bertha wanted to write books. Marion wanted to be a lamb in Christ’s flock.
“Suppose you stray away and get lost?” said Winnie.
“The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost,” answered Marion.
Any little boy or girl who puts his or her trust, in the Lord Jesus need not fear being lost. The Good Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep will carry the little lambs in His bosom quite near to His loving heart. He has said,
“I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish.” John 10:28.
ML 12/03/1950
"My Book"
Little Betty was left in the parlor for a few minutes with a man who had come to see her father. She was rather shy, but as she saw the man sitting there with nobody to talk to she thought she should do something about it. She went and picked up her father’s Bible and took it over to the stranger. “Would you like to read a little hit from this while you are waiting? It is my father’s book. I don’t often see him reading any other,” she said.
I hope there is a Bible in your home that is used every day. It is a good thing if the Bible is your father’s favorite book, hut it is better still if you can say, “It is my book.”
Betty grew up, and at twelve years of age she accepted the Lord Jesus as her own Saviour, and then the Bible became her book as it had been her father’s.
Perhaps there are many things in God’s wonderful book which you cannot understand. Maybe there are words there which are too long for you to read. But you will find there the sweetest story in all the world—the story of Jesus’ love in dying for sinners.
“From a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Tim. 3:15.
ML 12/03/1950
"Jesus Has Got Me Now!"
At a children’s service a little girl was listening eagerly to the word of the speaker, as he pressed upon his young hearers the need of accepting the Lord Jesus as their own Saviour. The child was deeply anxious, and when spoken to she burst into tears.
“And are you trusting the Lord Jesus?” she was asked, and at once she replied, “Oh, yes.” “why, how long has that been?” asked the speaker. The reply was, “Only just now, when you were telling us to trust Jesus, just where we were sitting, and I did.” As they were about to say goodnight, the speaker put the following little test before her: “Now, Joan, when you came to the service this evening you did not belong to the Lord Jesus, but you are going out of this place a believer in Him and belonging now to Him. But tomorrow, if Satan brings a doubt into your mind as to whether you ate. really saved, what will you tell him?”
A smile instantly lit up her happy and thoughtful face, and she replied in a simple yet confident manner, “Oh, I shall tell him that Jesus has got me now!” How good it is to have the assurance of God’s Word on which to rest our souls, It says,
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:27, 28.
ML 12/03/1950
Bible Questions for December
The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in Mark, chapters 9-16.
1.“My words shall not pass away.”
2.“Go ye into all the world.”
3.“All things are possible unto Thee.”
4.“One thing thou lackest.”
5.“But if ye do not forgive.”
6.“Jesus only with themselves.”
7.“This man was the Son of God.”
The Young People’s Class Friends
The Lord Jesus tells us that He has called those who follow Him, His friends. What a wonderful privilege this is! A servant does not always know what his master is doing, but the Lord Jesus said, “I have called you friends; for all things that I have beard of My Father I have made known unto you.” John 15:15. How blessed to be in such a place of intimacy! Sometimes our earthly friends fail and disappoint us, but this Friend is always the same, now and forever.
Since the Lord Jesus become such a wonderful Friend to us, surely we ought to seek to please Him and refuse the friendship of all those who do not love Him. When we were saved we were brought into a new circle of friends—those who love the Lord—and so David could say, “I am a companion of all them that fear Thee, and of them that keep Thy precepts.” Psalm 119:63. If we would only allow the Lord Jesus, our best Friend, to choose our friends for us, we would be spared many a sorrow, and the ones He chooses will always be the best. He will never fail us, arid as we grow older we will find those bonds of Christian love with those we love in Christ will deepen, and they will abide forever.
1.Who is the Friend that sticketh closer than a brother? Proverbs.
2.Who was called the friend of God? James.
3.Whom did the Lord Jesus befriend? Matt. 11.
4.Does talebearing help friendship? Proverbs.
5.What did Job do for his friends who had misjudged him? Job 42.
6.What does God call one who is a friend of the world? James.
7.Over what matter did Pilate and Herod become friends? Luke 23.
ML 12/03/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 10:11-20
Aaron and his sons were also responsible to teach the children of Israel all that the Lord had spoken. This was a solemn charge and one that we need to remember today. Sometimes we take for granted that young believers know a great many things which they do not know. We should be faithful in teaching them the truth of God at each opportunity, and how many a false step might be saved if our young people were taught this precious heritage.
Since failure had come in, and Nadab and Abihu had been smitten dead, there was liable to be a decline in spiritual energy. Have we not all felt this way at times? When some deep sorrow has come into our homes, by someone near and dear dishonoring the Lord, or by some great trial in the assembly, we are liable to sort of lose heart and let spiritual energy lag behind. That is why the command is given to the two remaining sons, Eleazar and Ithamar, to eat the meat offering in the holy place, “because it is thy due.” Failure never alters God’s purposes in grace, hut it is liable to weaken our realization of that grace, and so we are encouraged to lay hold of our privileges. Then there were the wave breast and the heave shoulder which Aaron, his sons, and his daughters were to eat in a clean place. How this speaks of the affections and strength of Christ which is our portion, and that “by a statute forever.” Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ, and no failure, whether individual or collective, changes those divine affections and that strength. which holds each redeemed one safe and secure in the arms of the Good Shepherd. We cannot enjoy this until sin has been owned and judged, but when this. is done, then “He restoreth my soul.”
Aaron and his sons should have eater the sin offering in the holy place as the Lord had commanded, for its blood had not been brought into the sanctuary. As priests they were to enter it, and bear before the Lord the iniquity of the children of Israel when they sinned, just as those who have the responsible care of the assembly today should ever feel, according to the mind of God, any sin that comes among us. How little there is of this today! How little concern on every hand for the Lord’s glory, and the enemy has so succeeded in occupying us with other things that we do not have the spiritual energy to feel sin as we should, or to meet it in the power of the Spirit of God.
Aaron had continued with his priestly service even after the solemn judgment that had fallen upon his sons Nadab and Abihu, hut he seemed or able to rise fully to his responsibility, in connection with the sin offering. He explained this to Moses, and when Moses heard it he was content. The Lord never wants us to act beyond on state of soul. If we find a lack of spiritual energy (which many of us must confess) let us not pretend what is not real. Let us tell the Lord all about it as Aaron told Moses, and seek grace to go on. Then the Lord will still use and strengthen us if we walk with Him. How often He must allow us to fee our own utter weakness in order that we may lean more heavily on Him and, feeling our dependence, draw all our strength from Him!
What Are Shoes for?
Shoes are not for a little boy’s mouth. Oh, dear, no! Mother bought those shoes for her little boy’s feet, and there he is with bare toes and a shoe in his mouth. Mother will have to straighten that matter up before he walks abroad in this dangerous world.
God has provided “shoes” for His children too, and He wants us to wear them. He says that our feet should be “shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” Eph. 6:15. They are very costly shoes, for it was not easy for God to offer peace to sinners on earth, where even children quarrel and fight. But the Lord Jesus has “made peace through the blood of His cross.” God now offers, to sinners like we are, His forgiveness and His peace.
Let us walk then, with our “feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” Let us, who know that our sins are forgiven, walk through this world as God’s blessed little peacemakers, messengers of God’s glad tidings to troubled souls. God loves to see His children walking in peace.
ML 12/10/1950
"Jesus Is Mine"
Jessie Reynolds was a gay and thoughtless girl the first time I met her. Friends had often spoken to her about Jesus, but she only laughed at them and told them that she didn’t want to be religious; she wanted to have a good time.
Perhaps the reader of this paper has said the same thing to any who sought to bring you to the feet of Jesus. You may have seen some who profess to be very religious, with solemn and unhappy faces. But, my young friend, you must not take your ideas of being saved from such people, for very often it turns out that they are not true Christians at all, but merely religious people who expect to get to heaven because they are so solemn. Jesus never made anybody sad and gloomy. He has made thousands of hearts to bound with perfect joy, and filled their tongues with singing. None are as truly happy as the people whose sins are washed away in the blood of Jesus.
But I must tell you about Jessie. Her friend Pauline finally coaxed her to go to a gospel meeting. It was so different from what she had expected. The folks seemed to be happy, and there were many girls there of her own age who came to her and spoke to her, with much joy, of what Jesus had done for them. The next night, Jessie didn’t need to be coaxed. She knew that these people had a happiness which she longed for, and she began to feel burdened about her sins. When the meeting was over she went slowly home with the tears running down her cheeks, and with a great longing in her heart to know Jesus as her Saviour.
The third night she again entered the gospel hall, and went up to the first person she met, saying with happy smile, “Jesus is mine.” Yes, Jessie had come to Jesus, and He had accepted her and her heart was joyful.
My dear young friend, “O taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8.
ML 12/10/1950
"It Is Well"
Some years ago a ship was wrecked on the coast of Africa. Everyone on board was drowned but one sailor boy, who was washed to the shore barely living. He was picked up and lay bruised and suffering for weeks on a sickbed.
He was visited by a young man who tried to lead the sailor lad to Christ who died for sinners. “Suppose,” said the young Christian, “that when your vessel was smashed to pieces, and you were sinking, exhausted, and unable to save yourself, a lifeboat came along and you were offered a safe and sure rescue, you would thank God and take the offer, would you not?”
“Yes, sir, indeed I would.”
Then he was made to understand that the invitation was being given him to accept Christ as the lifeboat and the only protection from the storm that was coming.
Many years rolled away, and the Christian missionary toiled on, mile, and miles from the coast of Africa, in the heart of a northern city. One day he was again in a sickroom. Everything showed that it was also a room ready for death. The nurses and the doctor moved about so swiftly, and yet silently and solemnly. The sufferer was nearly gone. The visitor stepped over to the bed, and true to his calling, bent down and whispered to the dying man,
“Is it well with your soul?”
There was a sudden glance of the eye, and a smile of recognition—such a smile!
“God bless you, sir! The lifeboat holds—still holds! It is well with my soul.”
Yes it was the same sailor, just about the end of the journey, but his, trust was in the Lord Jesus Christ and he was safe for eternity.
Without Christ you will become a wreck, and be lost in the blackness of darkness forever. With Christ as your Saviour, you can join in that heavenly note of praise, “Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood,.. to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever.” Revelation 1:5, 6.
ML 12/10/1950
No Place to Pray
I’ve no place to pray.” Betty’s teacher had been telling the class that God liked to have us speak to Him and tell Him our needs, and to thank Him too, for the gift of the Lord Jesus. But Betty lived in a little place that had only three rooms, and she had three brother and three sister. So there wasn’t much chance for Betty to get away alone.
Her teacher told her she could sometime slip away into one of the little dark bedrooms and shut the door. There she could be alone with God, and the rest of the family wouldn’t miss her for a few minutes. Betty promised to try.
Almost everybody can find a little corner for prayer if he wants to. I once heard of a man who worked in a large machine shop, who, after eating his lunch at noon, used to go inside a big old boiler to pray. One of his companions found him there, and asked if he might come in and pray with him. After a while they had quite a prayer meeting inside that old boiler, and souls were saved there.
I knew a man who lived in a small house who always went out to the barn to pray. And I also knew a young girl who couldn’t get a chance for quiet prayer till all the day’s work of a large family was done, and then she had to go down into the cellar to be alone. But she wanted to be alone with the Lord, and it was very sweet to her soul!
We read in Acts 10:9 that Peter went to the housetop to pray about the sixth hour.
God is everywhere and if we cannot be alone, we can pray to Him in our hearts. He can even hear a thought-prayer.
“The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers.” 1 Peter 3:12.
ML 12/10/1950
One Soul
Two pioneer missionaries walked all day through the streets of a little town, far away in the interior of China where foreigners had hardly ever been seen. They were giving away tracts and speaking to the people about the only true God and the only Saviour. They met with no encouragement, although crowds were gathering all the time to have a look on the strange “foreign devils,” as they called them. They were rather disheartened when, toward evening, they turned to leave the town and the crowds behind them. They saw a boy in his teens following them. He approached them and wanted to know more about the Lord Jesus. There was just one soul ready to listen to the gospel, but the day’s work was not in vain.
“My word ... . shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11.
ML 12/10/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 11:1
We now come to some very interesting instructions, given to the children of Israel, as to what animals, birds, and creeping things they could eat. Some were to be considered clean, while others were unclean and abominable to them. God would impress upon them how exceedingly holy He is, and how utterly unfit man is, in his natural state, to be in His presence. They were so surrounded by all that was unclean and abominable, as well as being sinful and defiled in themselves, that this should have stripped them of any thought of self-righteousness. How could they Measure up to what God required? And how could. they find enough animals to atone for all their sins? Surely their case was a hopeless one! —and indeed it was apart from the one perfect sacrifice which the Lord Jesus was to accomplish on Calvary’s cross.
If anyone reading these lines thinks that he can measure up to God’s standards under the law, let him carefully consider all that God has written in the book of Leviticus alone. Then let him remember that the Scripture says, “Verily I say unto you, Till heaven and. earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all he fulfilled.” Matt. 5:18. The law can never do anything for man in his natural state, but curse him and leave him in his helplessness. It is like the Levite who saw the poor wounded man in the ditch and passed. by on the other side. He was unable to do anything for him. (Luke 10:32.) It took the good Samaritan to come where he was and lift him up and take him to an inn.
And so in the face of all these laws and ordinances of Judaism, which should convict anyone of their sin before God, how good to be able to turn to the Lord Jesus, the true Good Sarmatian, who has fully met all our need. How blessed to look at that cross by faith, and see nailed to it all “the handwriting of ordinances that was against us” (Col. 2:14) and to know that in those three dark hours all our guilty sins were placed upon His blessed holy head, while He became the Sin-bearer for all those who belies, in Him. What gratitude should fill our hearts as we hear those glorious words “It is finished” from His blessed lips, for now we know that God has been fully glorified about the question of sin. All our need too has been met “or for all” in His atoning death. May each of us who have accepted Christ our precious Saviour, realize in a deeper measure what it cost Him to take our place on Calvary, for we can see, by reading these chapters in Leviticus just how enormous the debt was.
Before speaking of these clean animals and other things which the Israelites were allowed to eat, we will remind our readers once again that for us they are only “shadows of good things to come.” We have been delivered from the law, not to live a lawless life of course, but that the will of God might become the law of liberty to our hearts; and so these chapters has much precious instruction for us in as spiritual life. Our new man now finds its delight in pleasing the Lord, and when walking in the enjoyment of hi love in our souls we feel that “His commandments are not grievous.” 1 John 5:3. The enemy of our souls may tell us that it is a hard path, but those who have walked in it have found that “he ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.” Proverbs 3:17.
ML 12/10/1950
How Can He Get Out?
How can the poor ape get out? Well, it would be easier to tell you how he got in. He was born in the cage behind good strong bars. His mother ape had been a wild wanderer in a southern jungle years ago, but this tittle fellow was horn in captivity. That’s how he got in.
Does he like it? He seems to, yes. The visitors are very interesting, and they throw him bananas sometimes.
The keeper is kind to him and he sleeps in peace, and his thoughts never go very high. He’s only an ape, after all.
A child born in captivity is different, You, my reader, have been born in a place of captivity to sin and Satan. You like the service of sin well enough, perhaps, and think it is fun, but you have a conscience inside, which reminds you that you must meet God about every one of those sins.
But how can the ape get out? He cannot. He is still there, and the bars are as strong as ever. Death will someday end his captivity; but if you are unsaved death will not set you free. If you die in your sins you will go into a lost eternity, but our story would not be worth telling if it ended there. But it doesn’t, and we have a glorious message to tell you of the Saviour who can set you free.
The Son of God took the captive sinner’s place. The Lord Jesus Christ suffered under the judgment of sin, suffered and died, and rose again, that we might be free in Him beyond the power of sin and death. The bars of sin are broken for you, if you claim that risen Saviour as your own. You may, by accepting Him now, be set free forever, but remember His solemn warning to those who believe not.
ML 12/17/1950
A Chinese farmer had a young son named Po-ri. One day a missionary visited his home to tell about the only Saviour. His parents did not want to listen for they were in heathen darkness. But Po-ri listened with all his heart, and whenever he saw the missionary coming he was ready to learn more about the gospel. He even came to her home to be taught the Word of God, and soon believed in the Lord Jesus and was baptized. Shortly after he had accepted the Lord as his Saviour, even though very young, he contracted tuberculosis and died. How good it was that he accepted the Lord when he did, for he never lived to grow up.
Do not put off accepting the Lord until later, dear reader, for life is very uncertain, and God’s time is NOW.
Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1.
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Cor. 6:2.
ML 12/17/1950
A little girl stood gazing,
One chill December day,
Outside a glorious window,
Where toys in myriads lay;
She longed she had been able
One blue-eyed doll to buy;
But, empty was her pocket,
And tear drops dimmed her eye.
A lady, loving-hearted,
Stood watching her unseen,
She guessed what caused the trouble,
She saw her sorrow keen.
She whispered, “Choose the nicest,
The biggest doll you see,
For you, my dear, I’ll buy it,
‘Twill be a gift from me.”
The child looked up in wonder,
Unused such words to hear;
She did not know the speaker,
Who strangely called her “dear.”
She never dreamed the lady
Had meant the words she said;
And, to her friend’s amazement,
She turned about and fled.
Here find a faithful picture
Of how we treat the Lord,
Who offers us salvation
So clearly in His Word.
Alas, we doubt His promise,
And think it can’t be true,
That He should grant a pardon
To souls like me and you.
Today, if you but hearken,
If you His name confess,
And when He whispers, “Trust Me,”
You gladly answer, “Yes,”
With joy you shall be singing,
Because you’ve found the Lord;
And doubted Him no longer,
But took Him at His Word.
“The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
ML 12/17/1950
Jimmy the Thief
Jimmy was sent upstairs for a biscuit for his baby sister. They were nice biscuits, and the little fellow ate a big piece of one himself while he was up there. That was stealing, and Jimmy was a thief! When he came back down, his mother asked,
“Jimmy, did you eat any of the biscuit yourself?”
Some of the biscuit was still in his mouth and he was afraid to open it, so he just shook his head “No.” He hoped that he had covered his sin all up and that his mother would not know.
“Open your mouth!”
Now poor Jimmy was found out. He didn’t have time to swallow the last crumbs, and when his mother saw diem she gave him a really sound whipping. Jimmy had stolen, and Jimmy had told a lie. I hope his mother also taught him a Bible verse which says,
“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Prov. 28:13.
No, children, you CAN’T COVER YOUR SINS. God’s eye is upon you all the time, and even though Father and Mother may never find out, GOD KNOWS.
But, GOD WILL COVER THEM FOR YOU. He says, “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” Psalm 32:1.
Are you trying to cover your sins yourself, or are they covered, and gone from God’s sight under the blood of the Lord Jesus?
ML 12/17/1950
The Meeting Place
The train for Montreal was just ready to leave. A lady stood on the steps and waved to her friend, calling out as she did so, “Good-bye, we shall meet again.” Then she entered the coach and sat beside me.
I thought of the uncertainty of this life and of the soon corning again of our Lord Jesus, and so I turned to her and said,
“Your parting words to your friend set me thinking.”
“Did they?” she answered. “Why?”
“I was thinking that three different things might happen. If you are both saved and belong to the Lord Jesus, you will both meet in heaven. If one of you is saved and the other not, you will be widely separated for all eternity. And if neither one of you belongs to the Lord Jesus, you will both be in the lake of fire.”
“Oh, I hope not,” she answered quickly, “I wouldn’t like to be there.”
I repeated then, these words,
“He that believed” on Him is not condemned; hut he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:18.
The lady had nothing more to say, but I sat there and prayed that she might accept Jesus as her Saviour and so be traveling, not only to Montreal, but to heaven. WHERE WILL YOUR MEETING PLACE BE?
“Prepare to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12.
ML 12/17/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 11:1-8
In deciding what kinds of meat were clean and what were unclean, nothing was left to the thoughts or personal judgment of one of the children of Israel. God told them what they could eat and what they must not eat, and although, undoubtedly, they did not know the reason for all these instructions, it was enough that God had spoken. Faith always believes God and obeys without questioning, and so with us who can now see the types and shadows in it all, we are riot relieved of the necessity of walking in the path of obedience. For us in Christianity we have learned that “Every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer.” 1 Timothy 4:4, 5. But we must not forget the spiritual application of all these things, which is most instructive and important.
First the Israelites were told that the only animals which were to be clean to them were those that parted the hoof and chewed the cud. Some animals chewed the cud but did not part the hoof, while others parted the hoof but did not chew the cud. Then there were those which did not do either; but all three groups were in the same class before God—they were unclean. Parting the hoof would speak to us of separation, and of that care in our walk as children of God. An animal such as a horse or a camel which does not part the hoof, goes recklessly forward, while one that parts the hoof is more careful. This would show us that an unsaved man, like the unclean animals, goes recklessly and carelessly on, not realizing the danger of the path he is treading. The Christian, on the other hand, taught of God, seeks to walk carefully through this dark scene, in the spirit of dependence on the Lord, fleeting his own weakness, am drat that he needs wisdom and strength from above, he realizes that the only safe path is that of separation from this present evil world. In this way he “divides the hoof,” which is most necessary.
‘The chewing of the cud would speak of something inward, and a most important thing: meditation. Even unsaved men and women and boys and girls often read the Bible, but they never find any real joy in it, nor do they meditate upon it in order to learn more of the loveliness of Jesus our precious Saviour from its blessed pages. Oh how needful this is if we are to go on for God’s glory in this world where all is against us. Let us feed upon Christ!
We see then that two things were necessary; the one outward and the other inward, and it is most important that both of these things characterize us if we would seek to please the Lord in our daily lives. Some animals had one qualification without the other, but as we have already remarked they were still unclean. And so we find some who, walk in a formal outward separation: like the Pharisees of old, but they have no love toward God. It is not separation to Christ. They have never had to do with God about their sins, but remain, in spite of an outward show of piety, “dead in trespasses and sins” before Him. They are still unclean. Then there are some who read the Word of God, even preaching about it and writing religious books. They are, as it were, “chewing the cud” but the word they speak and write has no power over their lives. They can talk well but they are Christ rejecters in their hearts. These too are unclean before God.
ML 12/17/1950
George, the Doctor's Horse
Dr. McLean’s life was a very busy one, for he was a country doctor in Canada many years ago. He had a beautiful gray horse named George, which had galloped away on many a hasty journey with his skillful master. The whole countryside knew and loved Dr. McLean.
One day, an excited messenger called the doctor to a farm home a short distance away. “I’ll be home for dinner,” he shouted back as his horse galloped through the gate. But dinner time came and supper too, and still no sign of the doctor at home.
Long after dark, his folks were surprised to hear the sound of his footsteps returning alone, and everyone asked at once, “Where’s George?”
“Broken leg,” said the doctor shortly. “I must go back and shoot him.”
This was done as soon as the doctor could tramp back with a gun and a lantern. Never again could the faithful old horse bring his master home.
The doctor was reminded once again that death and trouble spoil the best plans on earth. That is why the Scripture tells us to say, “If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.”
We never can be quite sure, even when we set out for school, that death will not find us before we reach home.
There is only One who can speak of the future with assurance. He tells us that the future of the lost ones is eternal hell, and that the future of the saved ones is eternal glory. We all deserve eternal hell because we have sinned, and that is why the Lord Jesus passed through death for our sakes. All of us who trust in Him can be sure, quite sure, that He will bring us Home to that eternal glory. Have you trusted. Him as your own precious Saviour?
ML 12/24/1950
The Only Way
On his way home from school Jim passed a little building used as a Sunday School. One day he noticed that someone had placed a poster outside the hall. Several days later he stopped to read it, and this is what he read, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” Every time he passed he read it over until lie knew it by heart and repeated it to himself many times during the day. He noticed too, that at the boom it said, “John 14:6.”
Jim didn’t know very much about Jesus—except having heard that He was God’s Son. But now he wanted to find out more about Him; and when he heard the sweet story of Jesus’ love, His death on the cross that He might wash away the sins of each boy or girl who would trust in Him, he was touched and immediately accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour.
How happy he was, and ever since that time his greatest joy has been to tell others about the precious Saviour he has found.
Have you, dear children, who have perhaps heard the gospel message many times, believed it as Jim did? And those of you who have believed do you seek to tell others the good news of Jesus’ love?
“Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee.” Mark 5:19.
ML 12/24/1950
Sarah's Hymn
Sarah was a little girl, just eight years old, and very small for her age. She was a poor child too—I don’t believe she ever had more than two presents given her in her life, and one of them was a red flannel dress and the other was a hymn hook.
Sarah often went to bed with only a piece of dry bread for supper, are’ the breakfast she had before starting for school in the morning was barely enough to keep her going till dinner time.
She had no father, and her mother was a cross woman. You could hear her scolding the children as you walked down the village street. The house where they lived was dirty, and the children were quarrelsome. So you see Sarah didn’t have a very pleasant life.
She was a quiet little girl. When she went to the Sunday school class in the big house at the end of the village, she used to sit as still as a little mouse, and never make a sound. Some of the other children used to whisper and laugh but Sarah never did. And some of them need to ask questions, and want to have things explained to them, but Sarah was too shy to say a word. She just at quietly, and her teacher didn’t even know whether she was really listening.
The favorite hymn at this little class was one which is a favorite with every boy and girl. “Jesus loves me, this I know.” When that hymn was given at, most of the children didn’t even open their hymn books, for they knew the words so well they could sing them by heart. The teacher used to like to tear the children singing it, especially the chorus—
“Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.”
Sarah sang it with the others, too, till she knew every word.
After a time the teacher moved away, and there was an end to the weekly class, and the singing. But Sarah never forgot her favorite hymn.
A few months after the teacher had gone, Sarah took very sick. Her mother didn’t have much time to take care of her, so she used to lie on a bed in the kitchen all day with no comforts about her. No one knew how sick she really was, because she hardly ever complained. But as she lay there, she used to sing over and over again to herself that hymn till she knew the words not only in her memory, but right down her heart; she loved to think that Jesus loved and died for her.
Then came the day when Sarah was much worse that her mother had to call the doctor. He was a kind old man and he looked very sad as he took the thin little hand in his, and felt her pulse. Oh how fast it beat! How the fever was raging! “Rheumatic fever!” he said, “and she’s gone too far; I can’t do anything for her.”
Sarah’s mother cried when she heard that, for she didn’t want to lose her little girl. Although she was a cross woman, she loved her little patient sufferer very much.
The neighbors came in after the doctor had gone when they heard that Sarah was dying, and said things to comfort her.
“Don’t you be afraid,” they said, “maybe it’s not as bad as he thinks.”
“I’m not afraid,” said Sarah, “Jesus loves me.” And then repeated the last verse of her hymn—
“Jesus loves me! He will stay
Close beside me all the way:
If I trust Him should I die
He will take me home on high.”
That was just the thing she needed now. She had sung about it often, and now the time had come. She was dying, but why should that frighten her? There was no fear at all in her little heart, and as she grew weaker and weaker she sang,
“Little ones to Him belong:
They are weak, but He is strong.”
A few days later her poor weak body lay lifeless on the little bed; and her happy soul, washed in the blood of Jesus, went up right through the gate which He had died to open for her, into the lovely Home which He had made ready for her. And now Sarah is forever with Jesus!
I feel sure that the reader of this story can sing “Jesus loves me,” hut I do hope that, like Sarah, you have really taken and trusted Him as your own Saviour.
“Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14.
ML 12/24/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 11:9-19
After telling the children of Israel which animals were clean and which were unclean, we now come to the instructions about fishes. They were only permitted to eat those which had fins and scales. The fish uses its fins to push itself forward against the current of the rivers and streams, and this it can do even though the water may be flowing very swiftly. We are reminded here of the Christian in his pathway through this world where he finds the “stream” against him as he presses upward to glory. The course of this world is ever downward. It is a good thing to learn this while we are young; for if we allow ourselves to be caught in the current of things here, we will soon be drifting down with those around us. How much we need that energy of faith which “swims” against the stream! The thought of doing things simply because the world does them, or in the same way they do them, is entirely wrong. The Word of God says: “Be not ye... like unto them,” Matt. 6:8; and again, “Be not conformed to this world,” Romans 12:2, and so we need our spiritual “fins” to press on in spite of opposition.
Then there were the scales. They are like a little coat of armor to the fish, keeping out any defilements and impurities while swimming through the water. The best fish prefer cool clean water; but if it is necessary for them to pass through dirty water, they can do so without defilement. And so we, too, should never willingly go into temptation’s ways; hut if we are unwillingly placed there, we can count on the Lord to preserve us if we have on our armor. (Eph. 6:11-17.) How needful that we always have it on—every part of it! The clean fish is always protected by its scales, even though they may not seem so necessary when swimming in clean water, but in this way it is always ready if someone unexpectedly stirs up the mud.
As to the birds, all birds that fed upon flesh were unclean—they were abominable. Such birds might soar up on high like the eagle, but they would come down just as quickly to feed upon the carcasses of dead things; and so one might profess to be occupied with things above, but if they still continue to feed upon and find their pleasure in that which the carnal nature desires, there is no evidence of divine life. They would be just like the eagle—unclean. Then there were also birds which fed upon everything. They could eat the fresh green things, or the unclean flesh of dead animals, according to the occasion. These, too, were unclean. In the same way we find those who can talk freely on any subject, holy or unholy, and seem to feel at home in any kind of company. Alas, such are seen here as in the class with the unclean. It is sad to meet such people, and yet we find many of them today. But how can a true Christian he a “good mixer” with the world? The precious things of Christ and the unclean trash of this poor world are entirely different—they will not mix at all. Even the beautiful white swan was in the same class as the bat—both were unclean—and so being on the clean side of the broad road, instead of the unclean side, does not change its end. Pilate and Herod, men of entirely different characters, became friends in rejecting Christ; and so the clean living unsaved man and the drunkard will join hands in rejecting God’s message of grace. Let us not be deceived by outward appearances, for “the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7.
ML 12/24/1950
Jesus Knows the Way
Patsy had put her trust in the Lord Jesus and she was quite sure that she was going to heaven. She was very happy about it, and often told others about the good news. One day a man came to deliver coal at Patsy’s home, and the little girl was watching with great interest while the coal was shoveled into the basement. Soon she stepped up to the big man and said, “Jesus is my Saviour, and I am going to heaven someday.”
This man didn’t believe in the Lord Jesus, or in heaven either, so he quickly answered the little girl, “You do not know the way to heaven.”
“No,” she replied, “but the Lord Jesus does, and He is the One that has promised to take me there.” “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6.
ML 12/31/1950
Etienne, the Rag Gatherer
Etienne lived in the great city of Paris, the capital of France, As a young man he had a good trade, and lived in a comfortable home with his wife and children. In the year 1870 there was a great war between France and Germany, and Paris was besieged for a long time. Soldiers were on guard all around the city, and no food could be brought in. Very soon all the food they had was eaten up, and people had to live upon all kinds of things; horses, dogs, rats, anything they could get. Fuel was very scarce, too, and the suffering people had to cut up their furniture and burn it to keep warm. Hundreds of them died, especially little children; and although many of them lived through it, they were small and sickly.
It was during this terrible French war that poor Etienne lost all that he had: wife, children, money, and health; and when it was all over he found himself a lonely and brokenhearted man, with no way of earning an honest living. The only job he could think of was a “rag gatherer.” Most of you who live in cities have heard these men going up and down the streets calling out for rags, bones, and bottles. In this country they generally go about in the day-time, but in Paris they were only allowed to gather at night.
Poor old Etienne built himself a bit of a shack with broken boards and hits of tin and canvas. He had no comfort, for he knew nothing of the comfort that comes from trusting in the Lord Jesus.
One summer evening, as Etienne was passing down a long street, he heard the sound of children’s voices singing. He stopped and listened. The door of the little room was open, and when he looked inside he saw a group of children, and a few older people singing happily. The tired old man stepped inside and sat down to listen. They were singing a hymn about the “Door of mercy.” You will not understand the French words of this hymn. but it tells of the Lord Jesus standing and inviting weary and heavy-laden sinners to come to Him and find rest. Every word went to Etienne’s heart. Was he not sad and lonely? Yes, and perishing too. A deep sense of sin and danger filled his heart, and a yearning for pardon and peace was aroused within him.
Then the preacher stood up and told simply and lovingly of how the Lord Jesus came down from heaven and went to the cross of Calvary to bear the sinner’s punishment. Night after night Etienne came to hear the story of Jesus, the Saviour; and best of all, he opened his sinful heart and accepted Jesus as his own Saviour. Then he busied himself telling others of the it” and peace and forgiveness which he had found, and delighted to bring others to the ball to hear more of the good news.
One week Etienne was not to be found in his usual place at the hall. Some of the children offered to go to his hut and see if he was well. They found the dear happy face cold and still. Etienne had gone home to be with the Lord in his sleep. He is now in heaven where, “They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.” Revelation 7:16, 17.
ML 12/31/1950
"Fellowship in the Gospel"
The epistle to the Philippians is of special interest to us as young people because it is so exceedingly practical, and it brings before us normal Christian experience. It brings Christ before our hearts as our Life, our Example, our Object, and our Strength—yea He is our all in all. Let us remember that Christianity is not just certain doctrines (though doctrine is most necessary in its place); but it is a Person, God’s beloved Son, who can fill the heart and mold the life. May He ever fill our vision!
The assembly at Philippi was the first one in Europe, and there was much that was very commendable about them. When Paul went there to preach the gospel for the first time, there seemed little result to his labors and only a few women appeared interested in the message he proclaimed. As the work began to spread, then opposition was stirred up and he was cast into prison, but God used him in that very place to the salvation of the jailer. We can readily see from all this that it was not an easy place for gospel work, and yet it is lovely to find the Apostle commending them in his epistle for their “fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.” Philippians 1:5. Although there was-so much that would ordinarily discourage and cast down, still they continued faithfully spreading the glad tidings.
Surely this should have a voice to as. We are not usually confronted with open opposition to the gospel today, though there is some of this (and it is increasing); but what we generally meet with is cold indifference, which is most discouraging. We do not like to get the “cold shoulder” of the world when we offer a gospel tract, or speak a little word for our precious Saviour. But we must be prepared to receive either opposition or indifference from a world that once cried, “Away with Him, away with Him, crucify Him,” when Christ was presented to them. Our blessed Saviour did not have an easy path, and should we expect ours to be easy? If we are loyal to Him we will be reproached as He was.
It was because of these things that Timothy was exhorted, “Be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God,” 2 Timothy 1:8; and again, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ,” 2 Timothy 2:3. May we, too, profit by these exhortations—they are for us as well as for Timothy!
Let us ask ourselves, then, if we are having real fellowship in the gospel work right where we are. Undoubtedly the Lord has a little service for each one of us if we are only willing to do it. It may be giving out tracts, visiting the sick and the poor, preaching in the open air, or personal work. Then, too, there is the gospel meeting. Do we make a special effort to be there, whether few or many are present? Do we hold up the hands of the speaker in prayer before the meeting, as well as during the meeting? Are we willing to help in the Sunday school, seeking the blessing and salvation of the children who come? Are we in our seats on time, if at all possible, helping to sing the hymns in such a way that strangers who come in will feel that we are really interested in the salvation of their souls? These are searching questions for us all, but they are practical ways in which we can have “fellowship in the gospel”—that wonderful message of God’s love to sinners.
ML 12/31/1950
Bible Talks
Leviticus 11:20-12:5
In a general way, we notice from our chapter that all flying things which were adaptable to both the earth and the sky were unclean; but there were some, such as the grasshopper, whose legs lifted them above the earth which were clean. God wants His people for Himself, and although we all have to live in the world and mingle with it to a certain extent, we need spiritual “legs” to lift us above it, so that we do not allow ourselves to get into too close contact with this defiling scene. Let us rather, like the grasshopper, be ready to leap or fly above it when free. This we see in the disciples of old, of whom we read in Acts 4:23, “Being let go, they went to their own company.”
Next we come to the instructions about creeping things. Any creeping things which crept upon the earth, or crawled upon it were unclean. They lived in close contact with the earth and had no means of rising above it. Then, too, many of them, such as the mouse and the ferret, are sly things living very largely in the dark. They are like men who “loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” John 3: 19. May we, who belong to the family of God, learn in all these instructions that, while we are in the world, we are not of it (John 17: 15, 16), and seek grace to walk here as heavenly men.
We notice in all this that nothing was left to the wisdom or personal opinion of the Israelite. He was to obey because God had spoken—a principle of all importance in the things of God. Then, too, not only was an Israelite made unclean by eating of these things; but even by touching their carcasses. In this we learn that not only do our own personal sins defile, but even contact with evil develop. In some cases it was necessary for the offender to wash his clothes, for if one cannot remain where he is and be faithful to God, then he must change his associations of life. This is what is typified in washing the clothes. It is applying the Word of God to what is nearest and, perhaps, dearest to us in life. Then, too, any vessels which could not be cleansed had to be broken, when defiled, and this would show us that no matter what it costs us to be faithful to the Lord we should not draw hack. Faithfulness to the Lord comes first—personal considerations should always be secondary. Since the Lord is holy, those who are called into association with Him must he holy too.
After telling us what meats were clean and what were unclean, we now learn that even the birth of a child made the mother unclean. Even that which is right in its place, and which would have caused great joy apart from the fall, is now mingled with that which reminds us of sin. If it was the birth of a son the mother was unclean for seven days; if a daughter, for fourteen days. Eve was deceived in the garden, and therefore, “the woman being deceived was in the transgression,” 1 Tim. 2:14, (though Adam was of course guilty too). Therefore the birth of a daughter caused uncleanness for a longer period, for “God requireth that which is past.” Eccl. 3:15. Surely we are reminded here that everything which is the result of the activity of man in his natural state is unclean, for like David of old we were, “shapen in iniquity.” Psalm 51:5. There is nothing for us to boast about as we read this chapter—there is only One who was born holy, the blessed Son of God. (Luke 1:35.)
ML 12/31/1950