Bible Questions for October

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
Listen from:
The Children’s Class
1.“Cast off the works of darkness.”
2.“Not to please ourselves.”
3.“And shalt believe in thine heart.”
4.“Your reasonable service.”
5.“God blessed forever.”
6.“Account of himself to God.”
7.“For of Him, and through Him.”
The Young People’s Class Idle
When sin entered the world in the garden of Eden, God told Adam, “in the swea, of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground.” Genesis 3:1919In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. (Genesis 3:19). It is God’s order in a world of sin that we should work, and we should not try to escape it.
But Satan is always trying to break down God’s order. He has tried to urge man to seek a life of ease, and if not without work, at least with as little work as possible. Then, when people have spare time on their hands, Satan leads their idle hands to mischief and sin.
We need hardly remark here that salvation is not by any works of our own, but only through the work of Christ. We have no part in that, for Christ’s work is a finished work. But in a world of temptation, work is a gracious provision of God. Let us be careful to shun idleness as a thing to be feared, both in natural things and, as Christians, in spiritual things. We should not he known as time-wasters in our daily tasks, and surely much less in the things of God. Too often, at the end of the day, we have to confess the truth of what another once wrote: “Lost, one golden hour, somewhere bween sunrise and sunset. No reward is offered, for it is gone forever.”
1.What did the householder say to those who were idle? Matthew.
2.What do idle people do, among Christians? 1 Timothy.
3.What does God say about idle words? Matthew.
4.What does God say will happen to an idle soul? Proverbs 19.
5.What will happen to a house through idleness? Ecclesiastes 10.
6.Of what was there an “abundance” in Sodom? Ezekiel 16.
7.Of what did Pharaoh falsely accuse those who wanted to sacrifice to the Lord? Exodus 5.
ML 10/07/1951