The Children’s Class
1. Is God’s eternal power already seen in the things of creation all around us?
2. How is the righteousness of God made good to all them that believe?
3. Is faith counted for righteousness when we work for salvation or when we simply believe?
4. What was the result of one man’s (Adam’s) disobedience?
5. What is the gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord?
6. What is our relationship with God when we are led by the Spirit of God?
7. For whom does God make all things work together for good?
The Young People’s Class
1. What question did Jonathan raise in defense of David, that caused on outburst of temper in Kina Saul? 1 Sam. 20.
2. What response did a similar question, asked with reference to the Lord Jesus, bring from the multitudes at His trial? Luke 23.
3. Will we experience a measure of this hatred also if we speak well of Christ in the world? John 15.
4. When David and Jonathan embraced, whose affection proved stronger? 1 Sam.
5. Is our love of God worthy to be compared to the love He has for us? 1 John 4.
6. Did Jonathan choose to follow David in rejection, or did he return to the comforts of the city? 1 Sam.
7. What did Jesus say about those who would follow after Him? Matt. 16.
ML 09/03/1961