Bible Reading.

WE do not neglect the Scriptures or our consciences would blame;
We keep the Bible handy, and look daily in the same:
But the question presses on us and ‘tis needful we should face —
Do we use the daily portion as God’s special means of Grace?
We can read it as a duty, and scarce think of what we read;
We may read for future service, for the sowing of the seed;
But do we stay to listen to the Voice which in it speaks,
And search His Message for us, as one hidden treasure seeks?
Oh the weakness of believers! Oh the Church’s fruitless toils!
Oh the worldly inconsistencies which our profession spoils!
There is blest revival waiting for the Church — our hearts, our work,
If faith seeks the Heavenly riches, which in the dear Page lurk.
W. Olney.