Bible Searcher Name List: 2000
Table of Contents
United States
THIRD - Charis Primus.
FIRST - Jane Aubry; Harold Bell; Elizabeth Byland; Sheryl Byland; Amanda, Andrew, Jonathon and Miriam Chill; Kathryn Crowe; Katherine Larned; Violet Ruchti; Mr. and Mrs. Publius Ruga; Anna Semrau; Steve Shaw; Gwen Turner.
SECOND - Victoria Crowe; Alexandra Larned; Katherine Malpee; Ashley Turso.
THIRD - Danielle Bauter; Andrew Byland.
SECOND - Sue Hird.
FIRST - Roy Akagi; Joy Albertson; Ben, Daniela and Nathan Brimlow; Daniel, John and Kelly Brockmeier; Laura and Matthew Byers; Catherine and Elizabeth Conner; Elisabeth, Mary, Nathan, Peter and Ruth Corduan; Angel, Dixie and Lizet Dominguez; Abby, Gwendolyn, Stephanie and Gail Foyle; Abigail, Anne, Emily and Sally Gooding; Rachel Grebe; Barbara and Stuart Jackson; Edwin Sato; Joanna and Mrs. Mary Jo Shaffer; Beth and Jared Sutherland; Ashley Tegley; Matthew and Scott Widholm.
SECOND - Willie Addison; Carolyn Fournier; Jenny Fournier; Carla Mateos; Elizabeth Simpkins; Laura Widholm.
THIRD - Virginia Albertson; Alexis Cabral; Eve Simpkins.
FIRST - Andy, Beth Ann and David Bilisoly; Mrs. Bob Bilisoly; Crystal Glardon; Amanda, Aubrey and Matthew Huff; Janet Prost; Lydia Stern; Amber, Ben and Camrianne Totems; Alynn Vienot; Joshua Vienot; Abigail Weiss.
SECOND - Sharon Bylund; Danielle Vienot; Mrs. Bruce Weeks.
THIRD - Benjamin and Kramer Bookman; Anatoly Ray; Bethany Weeks.
FIRST - Anne, Kristy and Mrs. Timothy Ruga.
THIRD - Scott Ruga.
District of Columbia
FIRST - Marsha Moore.
FIRST - Ralph Erisman; Don-Hugh and Donna Lee Palmer; Austin, Bryce and Lynn Saint-Vincent.
SECOND - Tiffany Ledgister; Amy Miller.
THIRD - Simone Demetrius; Avonlea Gordon; Shanais Griffith; Alisha Ledgister; Nicole Ledgister.
FIRST - Andrew, Stephen and Sheryl Morgan.
FIRST - Alison, Amy, Emily and Kyle Brown; Curtis and Melanie Brown; Gordy and Greg Brown; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eggers; Lenae Giesbrecht; Mr. and Mrs. John Saint-Vincent; Brianna, Tiffani and Heidi Wood.
SECOND - Ryan Brown.
FIRST - Mrs. Roger Alberts; Mrs. Don Billingsley; Abigail, Hannah, Micah, Ruth and Titus Buchanan; Brian and Jeffrey Buchanan; Christy Campbell; Lydia Drown; Dr. Daniel Junod; Margaret Macy; Dorothy Miller; Brian, Christopher, Daniel, Emilie Ann and Nicholas Pickering; Curtis, Gwynne and Michael Robert; Holly Schoen; Charlie Seest; Sadie Todd; Tim VanRyn; Abigail Vedder.
SECOND - Karen Drown; Malory and Megan Gliori; Laura Markiano; Elizabeth and William Raymond; Joanna Simon; Heidi Todd.
THIRD - Christina Copes; Peter Drown; Kelly Logan; Heidi Schoen; Alex and Jared Vedder.
SECOND - Carla Lynn.
THIRD - Jenny Fluckiger.
FIRST - Lea, Lexa, Luka and Lydia Breman; Mrs. John Breuklander; Courtney and Ryan Carter; Laura Conley; Florence Denburger; Jacob Garbes; Allison, Benjamin, Bryan and Nathan Gentz; Jennifer, Jessica and Jodie Johnson; Lael, Lyndsey and Rylan Johnson; David, Paula and Stephen Kalina; Esther and Mrs. Lyle Ludvicek; Amanda O’Brien; Charles Pabst; Jake, Jonathan and Katie Potter; Johanna Renaud; Elizabeth Short; Mrs. Harold Stickfort; Matthew Stickfort; Mark Thurston; Sarah Thurston; Sharolyn VanDerHart; Alisha, Ashlee, J J and Joshua Waddle; Ronnie Williams.
SECOND - Emily Amsler; Tyler Gentz; Lydia Kalina; Gabrielle Short; Katelyn Short; Jason Stickfort; Jonathan Thurston; Rachel Williams.
THIRD - Laura Dempster; Gerit Garbes; Samantha Gentz; Stephanie Gentz; Stephen Gentz; Anthony Jackson; Joanna and Joseph Kalina; Jerry Ludvicek; Krystelle and Stephanie Palmer; Amanda Rich; Rachel Short; Philip Stickfort; Ruthie Thurston.
FIRST - Daren and Shani Gratts; David Olmstead; Mildred Olmstead; Michael, Paul and Valerii Zakharov.
THIRD - Zhena Zakharov.
FIRST - Marilyn Sue Cope; Ruth and Laura Davis; Donna Jones.
THIRD - Robert Beasley; Desiree Dixon; Jessica Edwards; Billy and Sam Houston; Stephanie Presson; Erica Shambo; Timper Sullenger.
FIRST - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Amsden; Rachel Brown; Abigail and Alex Nash.
FIRST - Nina Beckman; Rebekah DeBlock; Amanda, Amber, Matthew and Evelyn Dressler; Deborah Harrison; Ruby Harrison; Beverly and Nancy Llewellyn; Lisa Skidmore; Ruth Winebrenner.
SECOND - Audriana Beckman.
THIRD - Mary and Scott Slider.
FIRST - Emma and Samuel Hatton; Krista, Lena, Marlon and Darlene Webb.
SECOND - Mr. and Mrs. Chester Blomgren; Anna Hatton.
THIRD - Elisabeth Layne.
FIRST - Grace, Isaac and Joy Burrell; Aaron, Abbot, Cody and Melody Kastanek; Luke and Steve Mackewich; Mrs. John Pilon; Carrie Roossinck; Dawn Savolainen; Amber, Kelly and Stacy Suino; Amanda and Erik Tack; Luke, Matthew, Mike, Steve and Tim VanHolstyn.
SECOND - Dylan Chevalier; Brooke Cooper; Christina Hilbrand; Heidi and Kim Hindsley; Philip Mackewich; Anna and Esther Moore; Edward and Justin Stout.
THIRD - Nathan Fisher; Heather and Rachel Ford; Maria and Thomas Fowlkes; Kathy Godin; Darlene Herm; Brad Hindsley; Dorothy Kocharoff; Dawn and Diana McCoy; Andrew Pilon; Bryan Roossinck; Rachel Slocum; Aaron and Amanda Torrens; Laura Traverse; Kristine Yurek.
FIRST - Jessica Erlandson; Ruth Kollman; Helen Kuyper; Christine and John Macy; Alison and Kyle Roach.
SECOND - Andrew and Ryan Kollman.
FIRST - Austin and Kurtis Jennings.
THIRD - Clayton Jennings.
FIRST - Beth Fitch; Damaris, Emily, Ian and Noah Harvey; David, Gabriel, Joshua, Levi, Mary and Michael VanDerHart.
SECOND - Julia Vanderhart.
New Hampshire
FIRST - Elizabeth, Stuart and Tristan Baker.
New Jersey
FIRST - Mary Andree; Kimberly, Marco and Rina Boggio; Kathleen Cahill; Tara Christensen; Mrs. Jim Countouris; Judy Edghill; Andrew, James, Katherine, Matthew, Timothy and William Gorgas; Cheryl Hallowell; Ben and Keith Land; Lena Leeds; Sharon Macnab; Jane Porch; Abel, Jeremy, Jonathan, Joshua, Melita and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ruga; Ben, Matthew and Andrea Ruga; Brandon, William and Mrs. Russell Ruga; Brent, Leslie, Melanie and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ruga; Mr. and Mrs. David Ruga; Hannah Ruga; Janet, Lois and Mrs. Marilyn Ruga; Joanna, Jody and Julianna Ruga; Rhonda and Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Ruga; Steve and Erika Ruga; Amy, Sally and Mrs. Henry Sikora; Brian and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sikora; Jennifer, Matthew and Mrs. Michael Sikora; Timothy and Mrs. Dave Stewart; Jacob, Josiah, Matthias, Rachel and Mrs. Dan Wicks.
SECOND - Joshua and Wendy Beck; Rebecca Cahill; Stephanie Marcus; Jacob, Lydia and Rosemary Ruga; Jayme, Joel, Jolene and Mrs. Paul Ruga; Anne Semkowycz; Beverly and Kaitlyn Weir.
THIRD - Natasha Burrowes; Robert Cahill; Allison Calderone; Heather, Katelyn and Nathan D’Amore; Philip ElGawli; Heather Hallowell; John Marcus; Shari Rosario; Mr. and Mrs. James Ruga; Katie Ruga; Jason Sikora; Joseph Sikora; Rachel Stoddard; Ashley Thomas.
New York
FIRST - Jolene and Joshua Bieber; Charitie Bruning; Annel and Fiora Charles; Amy, Colleen, Janey, Susan and Mrs. David Fulwell; Mrs. Arthur Fulwell; Amethyst and Rachel Jenkins; Debbie, Joel, Luke and Nancy Johnson; Hillahn Steika; Caleb, David, Jared, Joshua, Lydia and Mrs. Stephen Stewart; Victoria Zambardi-Forcino.
SECOND - Dianne Anderson; Marion, Sam and Willie Doak; Karen Findlay; Dave and Krysta Johnson; Tim Smith; Aaron and Ben Stewart.
THIRD - Heather Amoia; Isaac and Levi Leab; Anesa Soleyn; Dawn Taitt.
North Carolina
FIRST - Mrs. Emma Amerson; Rebecca and Susannah McGarty; Avory and Lorenz Smith.
SECOND - Caroline McGarty.
THIRD - Shannon Neumann.
North Dakota
FIRST - Mrs. Virgil Sommer.
SECOND - Marissa Sommer.
FIRST - Joshua Ashwill; Christa Conley; Jessica, Megan, Michael, Trevor and Peggy Hapanowicz; Charlotte, David, Heidi, Joanne, Joshua, Kristelle, Melody and Mrs. Bruce Imbeau; Darlene Kohn; Deborah and Carolyn Waggoner; Bethany and Mrs. Bill Wright.
SECOND - Jayce Ashwill; Teddy Hapanowicz; Laura Via; Chase Wise.
THIRD - Westin Appleton; Ben Ashwill; Tiffany Bender; David Cole; Cristol McBee.
FIRST - Deborah Bartlett; Cornelia Ionescu; Calvin and Westin Lee; Clara and Nina Newby; Bethany, Holly and Karen Sester; Heather Sester; Heather Williams.
SECOND - Andrew and Sarah Bartlett; Jessica Brandon; Nathan Visan.
THIRD - Christina Brandon; Larysa Lee; Crystal Martin; Nolan Sester.
FIRST - Doris Braim; Mrs. Charles Cavric; Donna Daniels; Agnes Dickson; Susan Ekleberry; Mrs. Edward Fiedler; Mrs. Pam Gingery; Josephine Hixenbaugh; Debra and Jennifer Kramer; Peggy Kreitzburg; Mrs. Ronald Marchant; Hannah and Jessica Oliver; Mrs. Roland Rhodes; Mrs. Jessie Rochon; Alina and Caleb Shimmel; Janet Stutzman; Mrs. Louise Zahn.
SECOND - Elisabeth Costanzo; Desireé and Frank Hall; Cassandra and Michelle Healy; Samuel Kramer; Rachel Manypenny; Sarah Oliver.
THIRD - Heather Brinkmeyer; Andrew Broom; Mr. Charles Cavric; Carol Cowdery; Rachel Davis; Elizabeth Ellis; Taylor Hall; Christal Roberts; Christopher Schneekloth; Kimberly Seale; Nancy Sherrill; Nicolas Shimmel; Eric Sulava; Mike Sulava; Courtney Tansits; Dustin Varughese; Emily Vitale; Deanna Webster.
South Carolina
FIRST - Mrs. Charles Brandon.
FIRST - Danny Smith.
SECOND - Morgan Davidson.
THIRD - Austen Davidson.
FIRST - David Stevens; Virginia Tonn.
THIRD - Jacqueline Hunnicutt; Debra Patrick; Rickey Robinson.
FIRST - Christina Savage.
THIRD - Jessica Minchenko; Hannah Savage.
FIRST - Randy Dressler; Calista Kilcup.
THIRD - Debra Leeds.
FIRST - Marielle and Tristan Abbott; Mary Bacon; Andrew Baden; Pierce and Reece Beigh; Cameron and Cole Boboth; Jackie Bonnot; Dallas Brandon; Colin Cameron; Allen, Savitri and Thuvia Cantrell; Andrew Castillo; Abigail, Anna, Martha, Mary and Peter Cedarland; Ashley and Nicole Christenson; Andy Flodin; Jane and Philip Froese; Sara Grebe; James, Justin and Mark Hallowell; Kasii Harkins; Rebecca Harkins; Arnold Jacot; Caleb and Margaret James; Stefanie Kilcup; Austin Klassen; Matt and Ryan Klassen; Julianna and Rosie Knowles; Clark Leland; Amanda and Amy Moss; Jacob and Janell Munck; Michelle Munck; Hannah and Rebekah Paulakis; Elizabeth Sacksteder; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Shanander; Mrs. Mark Sutherland; Ben, Miles and Natasha Taylor; Brian Thonney; Kellie Tooke; Doug Wold.
SECOND - Heidi Abbink; Josh and Joy Bardell; Houston Castillo; Karolan Cornett; Rachel Dunn; Paul Froese; John Gillentine; Brent, Charlene, Jason, Tim and Mrs. Stephen Hallowell; John Hallowell; Jared and Mike Hardin; David Harkins; Alyssa Isely; Arnie Klassen; Jocelyn Klassen; Katie Lurvey; Sarah Nicoara; Sally Ray; Andy and Nathan Sutherland; Wesley Sutherland; Randy Taylor; Andrew Thonney; Peter Thonney; Ariel and Jessica Walling; Joseph Wold.
THIRD - Brian and Sonia Abbink; Sam Bardell; Benny and Derryn Brandon; Marcus Brennan; Abbey Dunn; Hannah Glockner; Bruce Hallowell; Jon Hardin; Sarah Harkins; Anna and Daisy Isely; Dillon Jacobsen; Barry Klassen; Miranda and Trista Klassen; Jared and Kristopher Langdon; Caleb Leland; Sarah McDonald; Ricky Morel; Daniel, Emily and Samuel Nicoara; Charity Sacksteder; Nick Saenz; Anthony Shanander; Jacob Taylor; Aaron and Robbie Thonney; Becca Walling; Craig Wold.
West Virginia
FIRST - Daniel, Sarah and Rachel Boddy; LeeAnn Burns; Natalie Dalonges; Ruth Dressler; Joann Ganoe; Ariel and James Kirk; Anita Lower; Debbie Michael; Abigail, Amos, Esther, Hannah, Isaac, Naomi, Nathan, Philip and Silas Pancake; Andrew and Gina Pancake; Kelly Pancake.
SECOND - Harmony Dressler; Josh Hartman; Debbie and Tony Welsh.
THIRD - Martha Ganoe; Katie Welsh.
FIRST - Laura Canny; Brendan, Brianna, Jonathan and Mrs. Dan Doran; Desiree Haring; Caleb and Hannah Hendrickson; Darren and Weston Kulp.
SECOND - Betty Crook; Stephanie Haring; Mrs. Charleen Toby.
THIRD - Erika Hintz; Ardella Parker.
SECOND - Jacquie Rose Heslop.
THIRD - Dorothee Bolay.
British Columbia
FIRST - Heidi, Laura, LeAnne and Tom Anstey; Jannie, Julia and Lisa Atkinson; Allister Barr; Kimberly Chretien; Jonathan Csanyi; Breanne, Caleigh, Drew, Kendra, Layne and Seth Funston; Rebecca, Sarah and Theresa Hammersmark; Jessica Hughes; Tanesha Lanterman; Wendy Leung; Jennifer and Stephanie Nixon; Andrea, Ruben and Tianna Pedro; Jennifer Rozendaal; Stuart Trenholm; Jessie Vissia; Andrea and Brittany Waitt; Jeff and Melissa Weening.
SECOND - Myeisha Lehwald.
THIRD - Jeff Coleman; Judy Horgan; Jayme and Tiesha Jordan; Jordan Lanterman; Chantessa Lehwald.
FIRST - Lawrence Harman; Novaley Martin.
New Brunswick
FIRST - Lorraine Bordage; Mark Downey; Jamie and Joel Griffin; Mrs. Arthur Hemmings; Carol Ann MacMurray; Jess, Joanna and Mary-Jane McAfee; Kaleb Morton; Mr. and Mrs. William Roach; David Stewart; Mrs. Judith Wilkin.
THIRD - Thomas Burton; Amy LeBlanc; Natalie Maguire; Rebekah McKeen.
Newfoundland & Labrador
FIRST - Sue Ann Barrett; Sharon Blake; Vera Blake; Christine and David Boone; Mrs. Olive Butler; Robbie and Mrs. Julia Butt; Mrs. Vivian Canning; Gerald Cull; Ruby Eady; Mrs. Emma Forward; Mrs. Dorothy Foster; Carla Gale; Debbie Genge; Marjorie Gillard; Cindy and Stacey-Lee Gillingham; Mrs. Sadie Ginn; Arlene Godwin; Mrs. Susie Goodyear; Amy Hann; Nicole and Sabrina Harvey; Mrs. Eileen Head; Sarah Heath; Emily Hill; Velma Hoddinott; Margaret Jarvis; Steven Kelly; Annette Leyte; Mrs. Earl Leyte; Patsy Leyte; Jeff, Lexie and Nita Loveless; Shirley Matchim; Cynthia and Patsy Matthews; MacKenzie, Malcolm and Marilyn Matthews; Nellie Matthews; Mrs. Annie Miller; Rachel and Ruth Mitchelmore; Mrs. Stella Mollon; Cavell Moyles; Jamie and Rudy Norman; Sybil O’Driscoll; David and Nathan Patterson; André Paul; Adrian Payne; Doris Payne; Mrs. Cora Penney; Mrs. Emma Penney; Mrs. Greta Penney; Timothy and Mrs. Linda Piercey; Mrs. Maisie Pike; Shirley Pike; Mrs. Isabel Reddick; Doris Regular; Bernard and Geena Rideout; Mrs. Ruby Rideout; Mrs. Coralie Roberts; Mrs. Joan Roberts; Benjie, Bethany and Ruth Roossinck; Cassandra and Kimberly Saunders; Jill and Mrs. Rowena Saunders; Maude Saunders; Sheldon Saunders; Morris and Rita Savoury; Glenda Shiner; Mrs. Ivy Shiner; Wanda Shiner; Cheryl and Ira Snow; Edith Snow; Jean Snow; Mary Tarrant; Alice Torraville; Christy, Crystal and Mrs. Christine Walters; Ryan and Sheila Wells; Jennifer Whalen; Ivy Young.
SECOND - Margret Barney; Mrs. Diana Bassey; Fred Jackman; Tracey Nicholle; Genista Pike.
THIRD - Marlene Burton; Damien Butt; Katy Canning; Daisy Cater; Joan Eady; Laurel Lee Feltham; Sandra Fudge; Charlene Lacy; Mrs. Deborah Leyte; Cindy Newman; Laura Payne; Elsie and Joey Prowse; Derek and Dalphine Pye; Felicia and Martha Rideout; Joanne Sheppard; Simone Stuckey; Deanne Young.
Nova Scotia
FIRST - Bethany, Kristi, Kylie and Melita Allan; Andrew Aulenback; Robert, Sarah, William and Linda Barkhouse; Barbara Beck; Rosemary Elliott; Lydia Lawless; Anna, Beth, Faith and Paula Nickerson; Paul Nowlan; Mandi and Janice O’Connor; Elizabeth, Joseph, Lydia and Rhoda Potter; Andy, Becky and Jake Sarty; Austin and Zachary Woodworth.
SECOND - Emilie Cormier; Abbigayle, Glen, Jeannette and Angela Harnish; Bethany Potter; Leanne Thompson.
THIRD - David Cress; Alexander and Gina Harnish; April Huntley; Moriah MacLeod; Andrew and Jacqueline Russell; Melissa Thompson.
FIRST - Daniel Allan; Hillary Barclay; Christine Bascombe; Johanne, Marianne and Suzanne Blair; Mrs. E.F. Brown; Casey, Jason and Mandy Brush; Andrew, David and Paul Burgess; David, Jacob and Rachel Burr; Sarah Charron; Bradley, Marianne, Rosemary, Steven and Tricia Covell; Lisa and Robert Covell; Jason Daplyn; Lauren Dennie; Mrs. Dwight Dods; Mrs. Earl Dods; Rachel Duhacek; Kevin Dyck; Danielle Falconer; Matt Foreshew; Bethany Fuller; Rebekah Fuller; Alicia and Matthieu Gagnon; Cailey Gersbach; Leanna and Nathaniel Getty; Ann and Kevin Gibson; Emily, Luke and Maurita Gibson; Andrew and Mark Giraldi; Mrs. Alice Gould; David, Timothy and William Green; Danielle, Isabelle and Chantal Guertin; Lise Guertin; Lindsay Guytan; Carolynn and Samuel Habicht; James Hale; Sheridon Hall; Kyle and Lisa Hayden; Aaron, Joseph and William Hayhoe; Jenny Hayhoe; Gloria and Lisa Hicks; Mrs. J. Hicks; James, Leila, William, Mike and Bonnie Hockings; Christine, Howard, Tami and Vicky House; Darren and James House; Mrs. Barbara Houston; David and Mrs. Ian Hurlbut; Amy, Kimberly and Mrs. Faye Hyland; Gabrielle Jones; Judy Joyce; Lynette Kaggwa; Lindsay Kelly; Jared Kember; Jessica Kember; Rob Kember; Daisy Kerr; Mrs. Elwood Kerr; Bonita Lacroix; Gloria Lamb; Rodger Lester; Gavin and Meghan Letourneau; Elizabeth Lewis; Anna, Cheryl, Stephen and Mrs. Lorne Macdonald; Emma and Megan Magee; Barbara and Victoria Martin; Abby, Melissa and Ronnie Mearns; Kimberly Minnett; William Morden; Sara Nii Noi; Jamie, Jennifer and Paul Osborne; Cindy Owen; Mike Pavey; Brent, Christopher, Megan and Tyler Pilkington; Barb Podpallock; Mrs. Ruth Prost; Alissa and Ashley Redekop; Ian, Kristen, Rachel and Rebecca Redekop; John-Michael and Julie Redekop; Jacob Reynolds; Marla Rodgers; Mrs. Eva Sales; Heidi Schinkel; Elizabeth, Joanna and Lois Shepherd; Teresa Shirkie; Edna Smith; Aaron Smits; Shanna Souter; Winona Spencer; Rachel Spindloe; Jennifer and Juliann Stewart; Ruth Stewart; Lucy Tachie; Christy and Emily Thurgood; Karol-Lee VanBree; Mr. and Mrs. Karl VanSpengen; Crystal, Megan, Ocean and Charmaine Werbeski; Dennis, Karen and Olivia Werden; Mrs. Osborne Wills; Norman Wood; Mrs. W.J. Wood; Rachel Yance.
SECOND - Kirsty Boar; Natasha Bowler; Shamaine Brathwaite; Tammy Brush; Patrick Callighan; André Charron; Rachel deJonge; Terri Denney; Lydia Dennie; Carolyn DiMarco; Rachel Dods; Michael Duhacek; Stacy Fraser; Natasha Gersbach; Katherine Getty; Tabitha Getty; Dustin Hermann; Natalia Iwanski; Jeremy Jairam; Leah Kember; Brian Kironde; Maggie Kiwanuka; Naomi Langfeld; Martin Letourneau; Janice Martin; Adam McLean; Craig Mearns; Nicole Mornix; Kurt Niessl; Desmond Prins; Jennifer Redekop; Bianca Ritchie; Dennis Schinkel; Kayla Shepherd; Brittany Smith; Del Sogah; Hannah, Lois and Luke Stewart; Nicolette Weathers; Graham Whatmough; Keziah and Reuben Yance.
THIRD - Helaina and Troy Barclay; Rachel Barkhouse; Suzanna Benn; Angela Bishun; Paul Bishun; Iain Boar; Jordan Bowler; Amanda Buchanan; Mary Ann Burzese; Justin Campbell-Shields; Joshua Chua; Megan Clapperton; Natalie DiMarco; Ashley Donalds; Melissa Facto; Aaron Fletcher; Marlon Hamilton; Jeremy, Kourtney, Mychal-Ann and Dayle Hayhoe; Jerome Hector; Krista Heinen; Matylda Iwanski; Danielle Jessom; Lynne Kaggwa; Bernadette Kahnert; Kaitlyn Kelly; Jeremy Kersey; Daniel Kidane; John Langfeld; Benjamin Lobbezoo; Amber and Heather-Jean McCallum; Christopher McLean; Laura Metcalf; Grace Millard; Ali Mohammed; Seol Moon; Julie Must; Derek Niessl; Christine Oliver; Michelle Peters; Sarah Phagoo; Caleb Pilkington; Alyssa Priddle; Ryan Ramphal; Jason and Jeffrey Redekop; James and Joseph Reynolds; Katryna Robinson; Robert Rogers; Holly Schinkel; Shannel Seelal; Jared Shecter; Amy Jo and Marita Smith; Caleb Smith; Benjamin Souriol; TerriAnn Steenburgh; Alex Stein; Elizabeth and Queen-Eva Tachie; Chris Thompson; Thomas Thurley; Nicoli Townsend; Amanda and Melissa Tran; Oniel Whittaker; Rachel and Rebecca Whittle; Treshanna Williams; Jesse Yance; Lydia Zotter.
Prince Edward Island
FIRST - Eric and Katie Arsenault; Sarah Gaudet; Jamie, Paul and Diane Luce.
SECOND - Hannah and Ruth MacKenzie; Robert and Delores Ramsay; Samantha Shaw.
THIRD - Tim MacKenzie.
FIRST - Ana Alberto; Caroline, David, Gerry and Mrs. Paul Arendt; Mrs. John Arendt; Edith Beckwith; Carol Berry; Andrew Chan; Carol Cheung; Caroline, Samuel and Mrs. Yolande Dobie; Deborah, Miriam and Rebekah Gallou; Emily, Joshua and Matthew Garfat; Stephanie Gideon; Iskouhie Hagopian; Montana Harman; Miranda and Olivia Ho; Bethany and Jonathan Kane; Genevieve Leger; Benjamin, Daniel and Marcus Macdonald; Anna Martin; Edythe Muir; Heather, Jennifer and Katherine Muir; Mrs. Monique Ouellet; Marie-Soleil Pichette; George and Gina Salhani; Daniel Santourian; Laura Schmid; Eliane and Mrs. Gilles Simard; Amanda and Brittany Tawk; Alan Benjamin, Jordan, Maranatha and Sean Weeks.
THIRD - Katie Chan; Bianca Gaudreault; Angela Ho.
FIRST - Mrs. Frances Brown; Carmen Clark.
SECOND - Camille Clark; Grace Muir; Nadia Zyelinske.
THIRD - Melissa Tschetter; Josh Zyelinske.
Other Lands
FIRST - Heather Gilkes.
THIRD - Yolanda Dickenson; Jonathan Gilkes.
SECOND - Anna Chapman; Nicole Melville; Elisa Winter.
THIRD - Emma Kenzler.
FIRST - Aldred Albury; Kristina James; Evelyn Symonette; Ruth Symonette.
SECOND - Alexandrea Beckles; Joanna, Natalie and Stacey Brown.
THIRD - Robyn Beckles; Garrette, Greer and Jourdan Bowe; Eddyka Dean; Anna James; Trenicka Rolle.
FIRST - Aletha Bishop; Jason and Mrs. Messaleta Connell; Suzette Walcott.
THIRD - Mary-Ann and Winston Bacchus; Jessie Carrington; Samantha Carrington; Michelle Greaves; Tina Greaves.
FIRST - Terry-Lynn Armstrong; Jasmine Brangman; Nicholas Butterfield; LaTroya Caines; Garfield Carmichael; Cardell Carter; Jennifer Dill; Toni Downing; Kim Druny; Chantelle Emery; Mildred Fough; Angela Furbert; Anthony Furbert; Kalita, Rachel and Stephen Furbert; Margo Furbert; Jordan Lambe; Trevor Lightbourne; Wendell Lovell; Rui Medeiros; Loutiqua Phillips; Adele and Jemina Richardson; Kaori Richardson; Barbara Roberts; Calvin Simmons; Cooper, Stuart and William Simpson; Kevin and Kimberly Smith; Judy Spence; Gladys Stowe; Louise Tankard; Angelo and Jah’Mico Trott; Mrs. Dalton Tucker; Delicia Tucker-Davis; Sharina Tuzo; Charlene Webb; Adrian Whitecross; Daniel and Jahmae Williams.
SECOND - Tyler Abbott; Shelby Baldwin; Steven Burchall; Joshua DaCosta; Marcus and Troy Fox; Melacia and Tiannai Lowe; Jay Matthews; Royadell Stovell; Jason Wheatley.
THIRD - Kyle Butterfield; Dwayne Coddington; Mendell Outerbridge; Donnette Reid; Datina Richardson; Rickeya Williams; Gina Wright.
FIRST - Paula Amalfi.
SECOND - Lorena Rule.
THIRD - Daniel Montes de Oka; Angelica and Jessica Rodriguez; Heather and Stephanie Rule.
England (Great Britain)
FIRST - Mrs. A. Eastwood; Mrs. Muriel Gover; Keely Maw; Nancy Nunn; Mrs. Maude Ridgway; Jessica Smith.
SECOND - Kelly and Leanne Barber; Kirsty Bland; Chelsea Gibson; Chantelle Horton; Amanda Richardson; Kelly Smith; Orion Watson; Ruth Woods.
THIRD - Peter Alizadeh; Melissa Bland; Dannielle Butt; Danielle Fray; Jack Hunnisett; Ryan Maw; Kreegan Newall; Zoe Robert; Beverley Smith; Joshua Smith; Sarah Smith; Kirsten Smithers.
FIRST - Raphael Abrahams; Clement Aduku-Quawe; James Afful; Isaac Ankumah; Derrick and Fifi Aryeh; Kofi Asante; Angela Bart-Addison; Philip Kwapong; Dealfina and Nicholas Mensah; Bernice and Brenda Nunoo; Emmanuel, Esther and James Quaye.
SECOND - Josiah Aryeh; Richard Awuah; Andrew Bart-Addison; Amanda Boye-Doe; Victoria Commey; Kate Graham; Matilda Kalayi; Eric and Erica Kwapong; Joseph Nunoo.
THIRD - Jonathan Addo; George Adusei; Evans Asamoah; Godine Ashitey; Beatrice Commey; Joyceline Daniels; Solomon Doku; Elizabeth Hammond; Doris, Joyce and Trudy Kwapong; Emmanuel Lamptey; Israel Larbie; Ahmed Mbrou; Michael and Philip Mensah; Cynthia, James, Mark and Samuel Pamford-Essuman; Juliana and Michael Quaye; Patrick Selikem; Louis Yankah.
FIRST - Mrs. Millicent Fraser; Markland Grey; Yvette Hutchinson; Beldina Powell; Fiona Thompson.
SECOND - Jodian Brooks; Ikayshie and Josephine Campbell; Edna James.
FIRST - Bentry B Banda; Burton Kumwenda; Chosani Makwakwa; Newton Ngwira; Wezzie Shaba; Samson Sichali; Seph Silwambo; Tione Soko.
SECOND - Mabvuto Jere; Khumbo Kalua; Tamara Kamanga; Nyembezi Mwale; Stanley Mwanyongo; Sanders Ngulube; Matias Ngwira; Geoffrey Nyasulu.
THIRD - Fatwell Banda; Ratwell IB and Yohani IB Banda; Yohani B Banda; Kondwani Chavula; Tamayani Kasiya; Maria Mwambira; Smith Mwangombo; Fyness Mwwoka; Beauty and Victoria Nyirenda; Nancy Nyirongo; Saloni Phiri.
FIRST - Gregory Chin.
FIRST - S. C. Okorienta.
SECOND - Uduak Etukudo; Maurice Ikpe; Olude James; Adewale Ogunkunle; Alice Oju; Mfon Samuel.
THIRD - Bameke Abiodun; Adepoju Adejoke; Taiwo Adeleye; Muili Adigum; Ifeyinwa Agbii; Kanayo Aguocha; Philip Ajiboye; Archibong, Glory, Isong, Jacob and Philip Akpan; Danjuma Alak; Vincent Alamezie; Matthew Alepu; Emmanuel Antai; Eme Archibong; Enobong and Rosemary Asuquo; Bakare Ayodele; Samuel Bamikunle; Anthony, Gabriel and Ubong Bassey; Idongesit Benson; Ajani Bolanle; Ulelu Chiemela; Abarika Christian; Fidelia Chukwu; Emem Clement; Idowu Damilola; Segbenu David; Ikpoki Dukonna; Idongesit Edem; Maria Effiong; Michael Ekong; Ogedemgbe Emmanuel; Emmanuel Ene; Ime Enyieokpon; Owoedinyene Etuk; Anietie Etukudo; Bernard Ezoh; Uriel Foster; Vicky Freeman; Tombara George; Shedrack Godpower; Chioma Hejenihi; Kevin Ifiok; Immanuel and Ubong Ifot; Dennis, Glory, Grace and Solomon Igwe; Jide Ilori; Joseph Inegbedion; Priscilla Inya; Onyebuchi Irondi; Eze John; David, Joseph and Olugbolade Joseph; Obakpolo Joshua; Solomon Kingson; Hassan Lusa; Kingsley Martins; Eric Mensah; Mrs. Kate Michael; Anubi Moses; Eno Nixon; Paulinus Obilor; Affiong and Emem Obong; Oka Ofem; Michael Ohuonu; Ebri Oje; Rex Oki; Itoro Okoko; James Okon; Emmanuel Okonofua; B. A. Olakunle; Bamidele Oluseyi; Joy Oluwatosin; Daniel Omakor; Jimoh Oyelola; Akano Oyeyemi; Emem, Eno and Ti-Obong Robert; Chinedu Shedrack; Samuel Silas; Bode Sok; Eno Tom; Ifiok Udeh; Stella Udo; Ifreke Udofia; Sunday Udoudo; Magnus Ugochukwu; Paul and Philip Ukpabio; Ufot Ukpe; Idorenyin Umanah; Samuel Upan; Amaechi Uwakwe.
Northern Ireland (Great Britain)
FIRST - Judith Alexander; Robert and Timothy Baker; Beth, Cherith, Kenneth and Lois Brown; David, Joanna, Ruth and Samuel Donaldson; Rachel Hamill; Gregg, Robert and Sharon McNabney; Stewart Miller; Alison, Emma, James and Roslyn Moore; Andrew, Grace and Naomi Moore; Phillip, Ruth and William Moore; Jonathan and Matthew Peden; Esther, Laura, Naomi, Ruth and Thomas Shannon; Anne, Janet, Robert, Samuel and Mrs. Agnes Wilkinson.
SECOND - Lydia Johnston; Mark Matthews.
THIRD - Louis McKelvey.
THIRD - Tessie Ramos.
Saint Vincent (West Indies)
FIRST - Alicia, Jennifer and Suzie Bacchus; Manasseh Bacchus; Kora and Neisha Baptiste; Desiree Blake; Melissa Brewley; Carl, Charles, Clint, Keran, Pearl and Walter Bynoe; Alanda Chance; Carnett Charles; Juliette Charles; Katelyn, Kizzy-Ann, Standford and Elizabeth Coy; Kallana Davis; Nigel Dollaway; Heather and Mr. and Mrs. Everard Gellizeau; Cynthia Haynes; Heather James; Heidie, Jael and Violet John; Serita John; Alison Kirby; Rosalind Laborde; Ayasha and Eunella Ollivierre; Gwen, James, Linetta, Mark, Oneka, Ronald and Shannique Ollivierre; Joslyn Ollivierre; Roniell Pompey; Jamal Richardson; Harris and Wintress Rouse; Denise Sampson; Ketura and Trecia Sampson; Helen Samuel; Johanna, ShellyAnn and Ve-Anna Thomas; Inica and Rosalie Tittle; Sonesha Walker; Jamal Williams; Sigourney Williams.
SECOND - Elvis Bacchus; Daron, Davon and Deon Baptiste; Alinda and Velina Blucher; Ephraim Bynoe; Susan Cayenne; Alex Coy; Kachelle Dasent; Melissa DaSilva; Dasroy Dolloway; Mary Doyle; Anita Harry; Mr. and Mrs. Edmund John; Rochelle, Roxcell and Shanel John; Marcia Jordon; Nelroy Laborde; Cleola Lawrence; Nursean and Silas Mulzac; Kelon Ollivierre; Saundra Phillips; Jonel and Ronel Pitt; Eastlyn Quashie; Evena Ragguette; Sabrina Richards; Mishka Sampson; Willicia Stewart; Twyla Thompson; Urcella Tittle; Alinder, Michael and Shericka Toney; Mosiah Walker; Keturah and Whitney Williams; Keverna Williams; Jason and Jeremi Young.
THIRD - Maurisa Abbott; Jennell and Jeon Adams; Anastasia Alexander; Marvin Browne; Shonnette Browne; Jacyntha, Jazelle and Varina Bynoe; Domake Caine; Cordell Campbell; Neisha Chance; Cynthia Charles; Shelly-Ann Daniel; StClair Dasent; Lucine Edwards; Shanna Edwards; Allison and Cideane Francis; Vacita Grant; Atlyn, Atticka and Juliana James; Isola Lawrence; Janike Matthias; Wintress Mulzac; Shanise Penn; Fiona Peters; Cassita Prince; Lucine Quow; Onita Robert; Junicia Sampson; Gauvanie Smith; Lenore Williams; Kamara Wilson; Collin Woodley; Jeffery Young.
FIRST - Judith Morillas.
SECOND - Elizabeth, Oriol and Ruth Morillas.
Trinidad (West Indies)
FIRST - Jonelle and Shinelle Abbott; Myrtle, Ngozi and Reuel Aberdeen; Jillan Aimable; Malieka Alleyne; Chantal Alphonso; Anika and Dafina Alves; Jason Australie; Josanne and Mrs. Carmen Baptiste; Jeremy and Joshua Barnes; Kevon and Shenese Beckles; Satasha Bernard; Kerry-Ann Best; Kathy-Ann Bissessar; Cindy, Gale, Jason and Ronnie Chadband; Candace and David Coker; Adrian Dillon; Alibe and Christina Doughty; Elma Edwards; Kwesi Edwards; Deborah Flemming; Franklyn Gabriel; Rhonda Gomez; Jaime Hackett; Annabelle Holder; Ayanna Ifill; Lesley Ifill; Ricardo Isaac; Valene John; Charles, Dawne, Elcene and Elton Joseph; Joanna and Susan Joseph; Margaret and Osaro Joseph; Yvonne Joseph; Janeil Kadoo; Karleen Lall; Mrs. Grace Layne; Denisea Lewis; Jerome Lindow; Brent and Margo Louis; Tracy Louis; Candice Lovell; Joanne Maloney; David and Lana Mark; Gabriel Martino; Theresa Matthews; Alice McClean; Lynette McClean; Alisha McIntosh; Jiselle Mitchell; Marsena Mosely; Annamaria and Kwame Nicholas; Lisa Norville; Anthony and John Peters; Amy Phakira; Kize-Ann Philbert; Akin Pierre; Affia and Esan Piper; Curlie and Daniel Quildon; David Roberts; Keisha Roberts; Gretchen Robinson; Rhoda Ryan; Kaydine Sampson; Neesha Singh; Sunita Singh; Neil Skerrette; Adonis Watkins; Lindyanna Wells; Carol, Keienda, Khristain, Liscoy and Patrice Wickham; Donna, Jean and Wendy Williams; Janelle, Jezeann and Jezele Williams; Jayron Williams; Kelly Williams; Camille Wilson; Ula Worrick.
SECOND - Keston Alexander; Avarlon Alleyne; Deyna and Ryan Alves; Rodney Anika; Renee Baker; Marc Beale; Cindy Bernard; Mrs. Pearl Boynes; Koleen Caesar; Althea Campbell; Candice and Monique Chadeesingh; Darren and Krystle Darampaul; Jilliscia DeVerteuil; Josanne DeVerteuil; Andrew Dhanoo; Crystal and Dane Doughty; John Duke; Chantell Forte; Alyssa Frederick; Corleone Garcia; Zhana and Zyndi George; Reyanna Gomez; Joanna Gonzales; Bianca Griffith; Ricardo Guy; Nakeshia Harding; Cassandra Hinkson; Kizzie Huggins; Aaliya John; Leslie-Ann John; Christopher and Sasha Johnson; Josanne Joseph; Ruth Joseph; Abbi Lawrence; Shanea Lewis; Jeneele Lindow; Beena and Kaveeta Maharaj; Runette Marshall; Akil McIntosh; Janette Mitchell; Danah Moses; Kome, Maurian and Onika Nicholas; Shane Pantin; Abigail Peters; Joycelyn and Phillicia Philip; Alena and Danikha Phillip; Cleeange Phillip; Stacy Phillip; Alicia Pierre; Keeva Placide; Abiel and Isaiah Quildon; Nikeisha Quildon; Cherise Ramsohan; Jennifer and Onika Robinson; Wyomia Robinson; Declan Ross; Alicia and Arlene Ryan; Tenyse Samuel; Anita Singh; Hellishidah Skinner; Genevieve Sooklal; Lana Sparks; Vachel Thompson; LaToya Wickham; Jayanne Williams; Priscilla Worrell; Joel and Kimberly Wyatt.
THIRD - Andrew and Barry Aberdeen; Allyson Andrews; LeeAnn Baptiste; Llewellyn Bethelmy; Tricia Bollers; Jamila Bournes; Nesha Campbell; Caleb Cato; Liselle Coker; Saara Cooper; Jaselle Daniel; Tricia Darampaul; Monica Degale; Ife Dingane; Keiron Durant; Kadeisha Edwards; Claesen and Makini Emmanuel; Elisabeth Floyd; Jovan Francis; Candice and Sherikki Francois; Avernel Frederick; Tiffany Gadoo; Shervon George; Jehan Ghany; Naomi Glenn; Dawnnie Goodridge; Alyssa Hackett; Sharon Hamilton; Kerry Hart; Kwasi Huggins; Maria John; Benson Joseph; Andy Julien; Aqeel King; Kyle Lall; Ayana LeBlanc; Loraine Maloney; Pertrice McClean; Janelle Mitchell; Sonja Nicholas; Ayasha Nickie; Richard Paul; Amma Pilgrim; Alice Piper; Kerriann Quildon; Karen Ramlogan; Lesley-Ann Richardson; Nyala Robinson; Richelle Rodney; Sherneil Smith; Renee and Ruvell Sobers; Tafari Sparks; Sarika Swarath; Catharine Thompson; Derik Thompson; Keisha and Natasha Thurab; Deka Walker; Devin Walker; Quincy Weeke; Irvin Williams; Jewel Williams; Steffon Woodley.
SECOND - Ireen Bwalya; Emmanuel Chikopo; Kaoma and Obedy Mambwe; Augustin Mbunji; Pardon Nyengele.
THIRD - Brian Bwalya; Constance Bwalya; Marc Chibuta; Lydia Chibwe; Maureen Chongo; Lumayi Cowdesia; Kabaso Elijah; Kalenga Evans; Brendah Kakoma; Cathlyne Kambilima; Kasanda Kasapoh; Nephas Kavelu; Angelina and Clara Lyondo; Kendrick Madzimah; Joseph Mbange; Haggai Mubanga; Lucy Mutale; Memory Mweemba; Lwendo Mwila; Agness and Bruce Ndiya; Chanda Precious; Agrippa Salima; Chanda Wilson.
THIRD - Sanangura Mawere.