Bible Searchers: 1992
Table of Contents
Ezra - January 5, 1992
After godly king Josiah passed off the scene, the rest of the kings that Judah had were wicked. The tribes of Benjamin and Judah had been faithful to the Lord, but as time went on, they became more and more disobedient. Finally God allowed a terrible judgment to fall on His beloved people, just as had come on their brethren in the ten tribes of Israel.
The disobedient and willful people of Judah and Benjamin were carried away as captives into an enemy land (Babylon) and were no longer able to enjoy the good land that God had given them. They were warned by prophets that this captivity would last for seventy years. How serious for those who belong to the Lord Jesus to disobey Him!
After seventy years of captivity, God remembered His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and He caused Cyrus, king of Persia, to proclaim liberty to the captive Jews. This first proclamation of liberty happened during the time of a captive named Ezra. Ezra was a faithful Jew who really loved Jehovah, the God of Israel. He was a scribe (one who recorded God’s Word in a book) and he led the people back to the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem the first time.
We will rest in our journey now while you find the following verses:
1. The Lord Jesus was crucified by ____________ hands. Acts 2:___
2. Unsaved people who are going to fall under the righteous judgment of God for their sins are ____________ to their parents. Romans 1:___
3. God has said that there is none who is ____________. Romans 3:___
4. Christians have received very wonderful ____________ of blessing from God. 2 Peter 1:___
5. If someone wants to serve the Lord, he must be ____________. 1 Corinthians 4:___
The Book of Acts - Chapter 4: January 5, 1992
After the lame man was healed, Peter preached a very solemn message to the people who had witnessed this miracle. There was immediate opposition from the priest, the Sadducees and the captain of the temple. But many of the people who had heard the message believed what Peter had said and the number of the believers in the early Church increased to around 5,000.
The apostles were brought before the leaders and questioned and threatened, but Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke plainly and powerfully to them. Those who were in opposition could not withstand his words nor the testimony of the healed man. They threatened the apostles and then let them go. This event was marked by a special display of power of the Spirit of God in the assembly at Jerusalem. (See Acts 4:31.)
1. The rulers were unable to understand how the apostles could speak with such authority because they had judged them to be ignorant and unschooled. What has God chosen in order that the wise and mighty of this world will be confounded? 1 Corinthians 1:___
2. What was the reaction of the people who listened to the Lord Jesus teach in the synagogue in Capernaum? Mark 1:___
3. What was the reaction of the people to His teaching in the country that he had grown up in? What was the Lord Jesus unable to do because of this reaction? (Find two verses.) Mark 6:___
4. What was the reaction of some of the Athenian philosophers to the gospel message that Paul preached? Acts 17:___
5. How is the preaching of the cross received by those who are perishing? 1 Corinthians 1:___
“And he [Joseph] said, I seek my brethren:
tell me, I pray thee, where
they feed their flocks.”
Genesis 37:16
Ezra - February 2, 1992
The proclamation from king Cyrus to the captive people of God asked a question. He wanted to know who was willing among them to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple of God. He told them in the proclamation that God had told him to set the Jews at liberty so they could rebuild His dwelling place.
King Cyrus also said that those who remained in Babylon should send money and other supplies with those who were to go back. Cyrus did another very wonderful thing. All of the vessels of the original temple (the house of God in Jerusalem that had been destroyed 70 years before), that had been taken when the people were carried away captive, were returned so that they could be used in the new temple. These vessels were made of gold and silver.
When the Jews heard the good news, the leaders (“chief of the fathers . . . the priests, and the Levites”) arose to go back and lead all the others who wanted to return.
Before going further in our journey, let’s rest while you find these verses:
1. The Apostle Paul said that those who serve the Lord must patiently instruct those who have been taken ____________ by Satan so that they might be free. 2 Timothy 2:___
2. The apostles in the early church taught and preached every day in people’s houses and in the ____________. Acts 5:___
3. If Paul had not appealed to Caesar for justice, he could have been set at ____________. Acts 26:___
4. The bodies that Christians have while in this world are called “earthen ____________”. 2 Corinthians 4:___
5. Tabitha was a sister in the Lord who was full of ____________ works that she did for the believers where she lived. Acts 9:___
The Book of Acts - Chapter 5: February 2, 1992
After the attempt by the Jewish leaders to silence the apostles had failed, there was a renewed demonstration of the power of the Spirit in the message that they were announcing. There was also a practical demonstration of this power shown as many brought their wealth and laid it at the apostles’ feet that it might be distributed to those who had need. It was a time when there were none that lacked among the early believers.
Satan was not long in seeking again to destroy this wonderful testimony to the risen Christ. This time, however, the attempt came from within, among the believers themselves. Ananias and Sapphira lied about how much of their money they were giving to the Lord. The solemn judgment was swift as they both died. This caused great fear among all who were believers and all others who heard about it.
Once this evil from within had been dealt with, there was a fresh display of blessing and power in the assembly. Once again, however, the leaders of the Jewish nation rose up to try and stop the movement from spreading. The apostles felt the shame of the public scourging, but they rejoiced that they were worthy to bear shame for the name of the Lord Jesus.
1. Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, lied. Who is termed the “father” of lies? John 8:___
2. What happened to Achan and his family when he lied about some wealth he had wrongfully acquired and tried to hide? Joshua 7:___
3. What happened to the assemblies when they were found walking in the fear of the Lord? Acts 9:___
4. The Jewish leaders tried to stop the message by putting the apostles in prison. But the Lord opened the doors so they could continue to preach the message. What has the Lord promised that His Word will not do?
Isaiah 55:___
5. When the Jewish leaders saw the miracle that Jesus had done, they were angry. What did the Pharisees and the Herodians take counsel together to do? Mark 3:___
Ezra - Chapters 2 and 3: March 1, 1992
There was a very large company of Israelites who wanted to go back from their captivity in Babylon to the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem that God had given to them. We are told that all the people numbered 42,360, besides the servants, maids, men and women who sang, and many animals such as camels, donkeys and goats. As large as this company seemed to be, it was very small compared to the original group of Israelites who had come through the wilderness from captivity in the land of Egypt. But size does not matter to God. He was very interested in this company, and no doubt He had far greater joy in seeing them return than the joy they felt in doing so.
Once they returned to the city they immediately started to rebuild the temple. The first thing they did was to build “the altar of the God of Israel.” It is wonderful to see how God desires us to worship Him first before we do anything else. After the altar was built and the sacrifices and offerings could again be offered to God, they began to rebuild the house of God (the temple). The first thing that they did was to rebuild the foundation.
When the foundation was finished, those who had been born in captivity and had never seen the original temple were happy to see it rebuilt, and when it was done, they shouted and praised the Lord because they now had a place begun among them where God would dwell. But the older people who had seen the original temple and knew how beautiful and large it had been, cried when they saw the new foundation because it was so small. The noise they all made was heard by people a very long way off.
Let’s rest for a while in our journey while you find the following verses:
1. The Bible warns people not to harden their hearts against God as the Israelites did when they were in the ____________. They had to stay there for forty years because of their rebellion. Hebrews 3:___
2. The fruit of the Spirit of God in a Christian includes ____________. Galatians 5:___
3. God is so pleased with the Lord Jesus that He commanded that all the angels ____________ Him (Jesus, the first-begotten of the Father).
Hebrews 1:___
4. The Apostle Paul has said that there can be no other ____________ for our faith to rest upon than the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:___
5. The Bible teaches us that those who suffer for the sake of the Lord Jesus are ____________. 1 Peter 3:___
The Book of Acts - Chapters 6 and 7: March 1, 1992
The wonderful testimony to the oneness of the early Church continued when there arose a problem in the assembly regarding the distribution of money for the needs of the believers. The apostles turned this service over to others so that they could continue in prayer and preaching the Word of God.
One of those who served in this way was a man named Stephen who was full of faith and power. His life and the wisdom of his words became intolerable to the Jewish leaders. They secretly planned to have others lie about what Stephen was preaching so that they might be able to kill him.
Stephen is brought before the Jewish leaders and preaches a soul-stirring message to them. The result is that they become furious with him, stop their ears so that they cannot hear what he is saying, and then take him out and stone him to death. But even in this there is a wonderful testimony, for Stephen sees the glory of God and Jesus standing at His right hand, and then quietly falls asleep.
1. Some in the early Church were unhappy because they thought that their families were being overlooked when money was given for those in need. What promise has God made to each of His children about their needs?
Philippians 4:___
2. Stephen is characterized as a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit. What two things does the Apostle Paul desire that believers might be filled with? (Find two verses.) Ephesians 3:___ and Ephesians 5:___
3. The Jewish leaders planned to use false witnesses in order to do away with Stephen. What did they use in order to get rid of the Lord Jesus?
Matthew 26:___
4. Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up into glory and saw the Lord Jesus standing on the right hand of God. Some day every eye will see Jesus come in the clouds. What will the reaction of the unbelievers be to this revelation? Revelation 1:___
5. What can believers see by faith even today? Hebrews 2:___
“And David put his hand
in his bag, and took
thence a stone, and slang it.”
1 Samuel 17:49
Ezra - Chapters 4, 5 and 6: April 5, 1992
It was not long before the enemies of the people of God came to try and stop the temple from being built. They hated the God of Israel and His people, and they tried to do many things to discourage and stop this wonderful work. These enemies even hired people to talk to the kings who reigned in Babylon and tell them how bad the Israelites were.
For a while they seemed to be successful in their attempts, for king Artaxerxes sent a formal decree commanding the Jews to stop building the temple. Later, however, when king Darius reigned, the work began again under the faithful commandments of Zechariah, Zerubbabel and Jozadak. God once again encouraged the people to go ahead with the building and king Darius found the original decree of king Cyrus which granted permission to the Israelites to build the temple.
Not long after this, the temple was finished (see chapter 6 and verse 15). Now all the proper sacrifices and offerings and praise and worship could be given to God. It was a happy time in Judah and Jerusalem.
Let’s rest again while you find the following verses:
1. The Bible very plainly tells us that before we were saved we were ____________ of God. Colossians 1:___
2. Ananias was afraid of Saul (Paul) until he was told by the Lord that Saul was going to bear His name before ____________. Acts 9:___
3. The Apostle Paul referred to Timothy as his beloved and ____________ son. 1 Corinthians 4:___
4. At the end of his life, Paul said that he had fought a good fight and that his course (pathway of life) was ____________. 2 Timothy 4:___
5. We learn in the Bible that God took no pleasure in the ____________ offered for the sin of the people. Hebrews 10:___
The Book of Acts - Chapter 8: April 5, 1992
A tremendous persecution now is allowed to break out in Jerusalem against the Church. It is as if Satan is going to do all within his power to finally smash this testimony. A man named Saul, who consented to the unrighteous stoning of Stephen, is introduced as one who creates great havoc among the believers at Jerusalem.
Many of the believers are scattered because of the persecution, but in this very scattering, God sees fit to spread the gospel message even as the believers are scattered throughout the lands.
The very first place recorded which receives this message outside of Jerusalem is the apostate land of Samaria (formerly the land which the ten rebellious tribes of Israel inhabited).
There is great blessing in the city of Samaria (the capital of the land of Samaria), and later there is great blessing in the soul of one man: the Ethiopian eunuch. The Word of God has been wonderfully spread by the very persecution that was planned to destroy it.
1. Those who were scattered away from Jerusalem continued to spread the Word of God as they fled from the persecution. What was the Apostle Paul’s encouragement to Timothy regarding preaching the Word of God?
2 Timothy 4:___
2. The subject of the message that Philip preached to those in Samaria was “Christ” (Acts 8:5). What did Paul tell the Corinthians was the subject of the message he preached? 1 Corinthians 1:___
3. The result of the message that Philip preached and the wonders that were done in the name of Christ in the city of Samaria caused great joy in the city. What was the subject of the message that the Spirit had given to the Lord Jesus to preach? Luke 4:___
4. After there had been much blessing among many people, the angel of the Lord directed Philip to go to the desert. Where did the Lord Jesus go after He had brought tremendous healing and blessing to multitudes of people?
Luke 4:___
5. After the eunuch had been saved, he continued on his way home rejoicing. Who did the man of Gadara, whom the Lord freed from the possession of demons, want to be with after he had been healed? Mark 5:___
MAY 1992
Ezra - Chapter 7: May 3, 1992
We now meet the man after whom the book of Ezra is named. Ezra was a descendant of Aaron the chief priest of Israel. Not only did Ezra have a claim to the priesthood by title of his family, but also because he was a very earnest-hearted man who understood and loved the Word of God.
God’s Word calls Ezra a “scribe” (one who knew and made copies of the Word of God). Ezra was also a captive in Babylon, but he lived under the reign of a kind king called Artaxerxes whose heart God had touched.
The king encouraged Ezra and as many of the children of Israel as desired to go back to Jerusalem in the land of Israel and make offerings to Jehovah in the house that had been rebuilt there. Not only did the king allow people to go back, but he gave great riches to Ezra to use as he wanted in order to provide the things with which the Israelites could offer burnt offerings and other sacrifices to Jehovah. King Artaxerxes appointed Ezra to be in charge of all these affairs and this caused Ezra to worship and thank the Lord for all His goodness and kindness.
Now we will rest while you find the following verses:
1. The Lord Jesus told a story about a ____________ who could not or would not help a wounded man. Luke 10:___
2. The Apostle Paul told Timothy to pray for those who were taken ____________ by the devil. 2 Timothy 2:___
3. The Lord Jesus taught that people speak with their mouth what is already in their ____________. Matthew 12:___
4. The soldiers made an ____________ of vinegar to the Lord Jesus when He was hanging on the cross. Luke 23:___
5. The wise men came seeking for Jesus because they wanted to ____________ Him. Matthew 2:___
The Book of Acts - Chapters 9-11: May 3, 1992
We have seen how God brought in Jewish believers into one body on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem. Later the gospel reached out to the city of Samaria where many Samaritans believed, an Ethiopian eunuch was saved, and now in our chapter we see the Spirit of God reaching out to the Gentiles and bringing them into the body of Christ through the preaching of Peter.
Before this happens, however, Saul of Tarsus is struck down by the Lord on the way to Damascus and thus the history of the Apostle Paul begins. We find that after he had received his sight and had taken food he immediately began to preach in the synagogue that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Before long, due to the persecution of the Jews he was forced to leave, is found in fellowship with those in Jerusalem, and finally was sent to his home in Tarsus.
Wonderful miracles of healing and restoration of life follow and then the account of the godly Cornelius and his friends is given. Peter learned through a vision from the Lord that the Gentiles and Jews alike were going to be blessed in the day of grace. But when the Jewish Christians heard what Peter had done in having fellowship with the Gentiles they were unhappy. The Spirit of God brought peace on the group and all were happy and at rest.
1. When Saul and Barnabas came to Jerusalem to the assembly there, the disciples refused to believe that Saul was a believer. In their fear, they refused to allow him to join with them. It took Barnabas’s commendation and testimony to allay their fears. Years later, Paul (formerly Saul of Tarsus) does a very similar thing for whom? Romans 16:___
2. Earlier in Damascus, the Jews had tried to kill Saul, but in Jerusalem it was the Grecians. What did the Lord tell the disciples they should expect from the world that hated Him? John 15:___
3. After Saul had gone to Tarsus the assemblies had rest and received comfort from the Holy Spirit. What did the Lord term the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John? John 14:___
4. When Peter healed Eneas he did so in the name of the Lord Jesus. Upon what basis will the Father answer our prayers? John 14:___
5. Before Peter prayed that Dorcas be raised from the dead, he had to put everyone out of the room. Where did Jesus encourage the disciples to pray in order that the Father might openly answer prayers? Matthew 6:___
Ezra - Chapters 8-10: June 7, 1992
Before Ezra led the people back to Jerusalem and the house of God, he gathered them all together so they could spend time in prayer for safety on their journey. The very kind king, Artaxerxes, had offered to send soldiers with them to care for them on their long trip. But Ezra felt that it would not be faithfulness to God to ask for help from the king when they had God who had promised to help and protect them.
Ezra also appointed certain faithful men to be in charge of carrying back the very precious vessels in which the offerings to God were made. These vessels were some that had been saved for over 70 years while the people were in captivity. This faithful little company finally left the land of Babylon and went on its long journey back to the land of Israel. Along the way were enemies who would have desired to rob and kill this helpless little company. But they had the Jehovah God of Israel protecting them and they came to Jerusalem in safety. The people did many things to show that they really wanted to serve and obey God. It was a very happy time for the children of Israel. Now before we continue with our journey we will rest while you find the following verses:
1. The Lord Jesus told His disciples that the demon which had so terribly hurt the little boy would not go out of him except by ____________ and fasting. Matthew 17:___
2. We are to give all of our ____________ to the Lord because He cares for us. 1 Peter 5:___
3. God made a wonderful ____________ even before the world was created. Titus 1:___
4. The Lord Jesus taught that we are to love our ____________ and try to help them. Luke 6:___
5. The Lord’s disciples were amazed because even the wind and the storm ____________ His commands. Luke 8:___
The Book of Acts - Chapters 10 and 11: June 7, 1992
Cornelius and his friends are brought into the assembly and Peter learns that there is no longer a distinction between the Jew and the Greek (Gentile). After assuring the hearts of the Jewish Christians at Jerusalem that the work with the Gentiles is of God, we have the record of the assembly being formed at Antioch. It was here that the disciples (followers) of the Lord Jesus were first called Christians.
1. Peter had trouble understanding how it was that Gentiles, who were outside of God’s blessing under the law, should now be brought into blessing. What position did the Syrophenician woman take before the Lord Jesus when she sought His blessing for her daughter? Matthew 15:___
2. When Peter came to Cornelius’s house, the centurion fell on his feet to worship him, but Peter would not allow him to do so. The Lord quoted Scripture when being tempted of Satan to clearly show that only who should be worshipped? Luke 4:___
3. Several Jewish disciples went with Peter when he went to the centurion’s home. What is needed in order that a matter may be established as true? Matthew 18:___
4. The result of the scattering of the believers during Saul’s persecution served to bring the gospel to the Gentile city of Antioch. Even though Paul found himself in trouble, even in prison for the Lord’s sake, what did he have to say was not bound? 2 Timothy 2:___
5. When the assembly heard about the work of God among many in Antioch, they sent Barnabas to be a help to them. What instructions did the Lord Jesus give to Peter concerning His followers? John 21:___
Nehemiah - Chapter 1: July 5, 1992
Some time after the days of Ezra, but still during the reign of Artaxerxes in Babylon, God began another wonderful work of restoration in the city of Jerusalem. Previously He had allowed the captive Jews to go back and rebuild the temple (the house of God). But the walls that were to surround the city of Jerusalem, to keep out the influences and enemies that would seek to hurt His dear people, were still in ruins.
The place where God would dwell (His house, the temple in Jerusalem) must be protected from all the evil influences which would come in from the outside. The walls of the city must be rebuilt and the gates restored.
God had used Ezra and other faithful men like him to rebuild the temple in an earlier day. Now He would stir the heart of another faithful man, Nehemiah, who along with others would go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls and the gates. We will learn many wonderful lessons of God’s care and protection for His beloved people during the days of Nehemiah as we continue on our journey through the Bible. Let’s stop long enough to find these verses:
1. There were some people who asked Jesus what they could do in order to do the ____________ of God. He told them that they should believe on Him. John 6:___
2. Mary and Joseph found the Lord Jesus sitting in the ____________. He was asking questions and listening to the teachers. Luke 2:___
3. We are told in God’s Word that before becoming Christians we are ____________ of God because of our wicked deeds. Colossians 1:___
4. Pilate asked the Jews what ____________ the Lord Jesus had done, seeing that they wanted to have Him killed. Luke 23:___
5. God’s Word tells us that if a person believes in his ____________ that Jesus was raised by God from the dead he is saved. Romans 10:___
The Book of Acts - Chapter 11: July 5, 1992
It was not long after Barnabas came to Antioch to help and shepherd the new believers that he realized someone else with greater teaching ability was needed there. He went to find Saul and brought him back in order that there might be a confirming and growth among the new assembly at Antioch. There was also a fellowship with Jerusalem, for prophets from there came to Antioch to pronounce the word of the Lord to the assembly.
1. Barnabas exhorted the new believers to not give up their faith but to stay close to the Lord Jesus. What is one purpose that prophesying in the assembly serves? 1 Corinthians 14:___
2. We are told that Barnabas was full of the Holy Ghost at Antioch. How does the Bible characterize Stephen? Acts 6:___
3. Paul admonishes all believers to be filled with what? Ephesians 5:___
4. Saul seemed to be specially gifted as a teacher and that is evidently why Barnabas went to find him and bring him to Antioch. Barnabas had pastored the Antioch believers and now Saul is brought to lead in their teaching. In what order do we find the gifts of teachers and pastors listed in Ephesians 4? Ephesians 4:___
5. When the believers in Antioch heard of the need of the Jewish brethren they sent money to help sustain them. What is one of the things that Paul admonishes believers who are rich to be characterized by? 1 Timothy 6:___
Nehemiah - Chapter 1 (Continued): August 2, 1992
Nehemiah was a God-fearing Jew who was living in captivity in Babylon. He had a very important job in the palace of the king. Nehemiah served the king his wine each day. As part of this job it was very important that Nehemiah be happy in the king’s presence.
But Nehemiah had heard of the terrible condition of the city of Jerusalem and of how oppressed and sad the people of God who lived there felt. This made him very sad because Nehemiah loved God and knew that the condition of the Jews was the result of their sins and disobedience to God. He wept and prayed to God, confessing the sin of his people. In his prayers he reminded God that He had told Moses that if the people prayed and repented of their disobedience He would hear and help them no matter where they were. Nehemiah believed what God had said and, after we rest in our journey, we will see the wonderful way in which God rewarded the faith of Nehemiah.
1. There was a title put on the cross of the Lord Jesus which said that He was the ____________ of the Jews. Luke 23:___
2. The Bible teaches us that we can be ____________ even if we are suffering for doing what is right. 1 Peter 3:___
3. On the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem a wonderful miracle took place. After the Spirit of God formed the believers into one body, they spoke about God to those around and each person ____________ what they said in their own language. Acts 2:___
4. The Lord Jesus was concerned why the two who were walking to the village of Emmaus were ____________. Luke 24:___
5. When Peter realized that he had indeed denied the Lord Jesus, he left the hall and ____________ bitterly. Luke 22:___
The Book of Acts - Chapter 12: August 2, 1992
The scene now changes and we are brought in contact with yet another implacable foe of the believers in Jerusalem. This time it is no less than Herod himself. He had already ordered the killing of James the brother of John and had taken Peter and shut him up in prison in order to have him killed also.
Herod was doing this in order to gain favor with the Jews who desired to stamp out the name of the Lord Jesus and His followers in Jerusalem. But we learn about the power of collective prayer in the deliverance of Peter to the assembly where earnest prayer was being made for him.
1. Herod, like Pilate before him, desired to please the Jews even though it meant the killing of an innocent man. Into what position before God is a person placed who will be a friend of the world? James 4:___
2. The Word of God records that there was unceasing and earnest prayer made for Peter. What is the result of the earnest prayer of the righteous person? James 5:___
3. What confidence does a believer have if he knows that his prayer is being asked according to God’s will? 1 John 5:___
4. What is one thing that the prayer of faith will accomplish? James 5:___
5. When Peter came to the house where many were gathered together praying, they refused to believe that he was really free from prison. What did the Lord Jesus do to the disciples (the Apostles), because they refused to believe the report that He had risen from the dead? Mark 16:___
Nehemiah - Chapter 2: September 6, 1992
Even though Nehemiah was very sad about the condition of his brethren and the city where God had dwelt in the temple (Jerusalem) before it was destroyed, he still had to do a very important job each day. He was responsible to bring wine to the king. In this job it was necessary that Nehemiah be happy in the king’s presence.
But one day when Nehemiah brought wine to the king, he was asked by Artaxerxes why he was sad. Nehemiah was very frightened by this question and prayed to God for help. God did help him, and Nehemiah told the king the truth about why he was so sad.
The king then asked Nehemiah a very wonderful question - Artaxerxes asked Nehemiah what he wanted. When Nehemiah told him he wanted to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the city where his relatives had lived, the king granted him permission, and thus Nehemiah became the special servant of God to be in charge of the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem. Let’s rest in our journey through the Bible while you look for the answers to these questions.
1. God sent fire and brimstone to ____________ all the wicked people who lived in Sodom after Lot left the city. Luke 17:___
2. Christians who suffer because they want to please God will be ____________ even in their suffering. 1 Peter 3:___
3. Martha wanted the Lord Jesus to tell her sister Mary to come and ____________ her with the housework. Luke 10:___
4. Because Jesus told the ____________ about what they were in God’s sight, the Jews wanted to kill Him. John 8:___
5. The wise men came from the east because they were looking for Jesus who had been born and whose star they had seen. They came to the city of ____________ thinking that they would find Him there. Matthew 2:___
The Book of Acts - Chapter 13: September 6, 1992
The Holy Spirit separates Saul (soon to be called Paul) and Barnabas to the special work to which He had called them. It is interesting to note that the direction seems to go to the assembly at Antioch as well as to Saul and Barnabas. The Spirit clearly shows us here the importance of fellowship in the assembly among the believers and those who are special servants of the Lord.
As they go forth, Satan raises up many different kinds of foes to withstand the preaching of the gospel. Paul begins in each location to which he comes by preaching the gospel to the Jews. When they reject the wonderful message of love and forgiveness from the heart of God, he turns to the Gentiles with the same message.
1. The Spirit records that though He was sending Saul and Barnabas on a special service, He commanded the assembly in Antioch to show fellowship with them by the laying on of hands. It is important to note that God does not send His servants on missions which will cause them to stand independent of the assembly, even though they are individually responsible to God for their special work. What was one of the special characteristics of the early assembly soon after it was formed? Acts 2:___
2. In Galatians, Paul recounts some of his early missionary work as guided by the Spirit. What was it that James, Cephas (Peter) and John “gave” to him and Barnabas? Galatians 2:___
3. Why was it that Paul could have such joy in his prayers for the believers at Philippi? Philippians 1:___
4. The Apostle John desired that those to whom he was writing would be able to have fellowship with him. What was this fellowship based upon?
1 John 1:___
5. What does Paul warn the Corinthian believers that they are not to have fellowship with? 2 Corinthians 6:___
Nehemiah - Chapter 2 (Continued): October 4, 1992
King Artaxerxes was very kind to Nehemiah and gave him all that he asked. Not only did he send a letter with Nehemiah granting him permission to rebuild the wall and the city of Jerusalem, but he also gave him all the materials that he would need. The king even sent soldiers with him to make sure he had a safe journey!
But there were some very wicked men who lived in the land of Judah who were not of the children of Israel. They were idolaters and were really enemies of the people of God. Two of these wicked men were named Sanballat and Tobiah. We learn that they were sad because someone cared about the people of God and wanted to help them. We will see many ways in which these wicked men and their friends tried to stop Nehemiah from doing what God wanted him to do at Jerusalem.
When Nehemiah got to Jerusalem, he went out at night without anyone knowing about it and walked all around the city to see the terrible destruction that the enemies of God’s people had caused to the city. We’ll rest for a while now so that you can find the following verses:
1. Jesus taught that since God is ____________ even to those who are evil and unthankful, we should follow this example. Luke 6:___
2. Jesus ____________ His twelve disciples special powers against Satan and his demons. This special power also allowed the disciples to heal people who were sick. Matthew 10:___
3. The centurion commanded that Paul should have soldiers to keep him ____________ from the Jews who wanted to kill him, and carry him to the governor Felix. Acts 23:___
4. The kind Samaritan took the wounded man to a place where he could be ____________ for. Luke 10:___
5. Christians can come right into God’s presence through prayer at any time in order to receive ___________ for their trials and difficulties. Hebrews 4:___
The Book of Acts - Chapters 13 and 14: October 4, 1992
As Paul and Barnabas travel on their missionary journey, they meet with a wide variety of opposition, including a Jew who was a false prophet, religious women, chief leaders among men and the rulers of the Jews.
Even when they heal a crippled man, those very people who witness this miracle, under the influence of Jews from Antioch, stone Paul and leave him for dead. At the end of their journeys, they return to Antioch and rehearse before the whole assembly all that had happened on their journey.
1. The Jews were often the ones who raised the opposition against Paul and the gospel that he preached. However, there were Jews and proselytes (Gentiles who adopted the Jewish religion) who did believe his gospel. Paul exhorted them to continue in the grace of God revealed in his gospel. By what are we saved by means of the gift of faith? Ephesians 2:___
2. What was it that caused the Lord Jesus to “taste death for every man”? Hebrews 2:___
3. What does the grace of God do for those who are redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ? Romans 3:___
4. What abounded far beyond sin? Romans 5:___
5. How are we to sing spiritual songs to the Lord? Colossians 3:___
Nehemiah - Chapters 2 and 3: November 1, 1992
Nehemiah was very sad at all the destruction of Jerusalem that he had seen. But he was encouraged in the Lord to start to rebuild what had been destroyed. Not only was he encouraged, but he also encouraged and strengthened the Jews who had a heart to help him.
But there was an enemy who did not want to see this rebuilding take place. Sanballat and his two friends (ch. 2:19) laughed and mocked at the desire of these people of God to rebuild the walls of the city. They even accused Nehemiah of rebelling against King Artaxerxes.
Nehemiah was not turned aside by these false accusations, and he wasn’t scared by their laughter. He trusted in God to help the Jews and he knew that these wicked men had no business trying to stop what God was doing.
Now we’ll rest while you find the following verses:
1. The Lord Jesus warned that the way which leads to eternal ____________ is an easy one to follow. Matthew 7:___
2. The Apostle Paul found that he was ____________ (“comforted” sometimes means the same as “encouraged”) by the faith in Christ that both he and the Romans had. Romans 1:___
3. Paul said that it was the Lord who ____________ him and gave him the ability to preach the gospel. 2 Timothy 4:___
4. When the very intelligent philosophers in Athens heard Paul preach about the resurrection, the reaction of some was to ____________ his message. Acts 17:___
5. The Apostle John warns believers that they must judge spirits, for there are many ___________ prophets who have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:___
The Book of Acts - Chapter 15: November 1, 1992
We see a striking example of Satan’s attempt to divide the assemblies, that the Spirit of God had formed, by bringing in false teaching. It is beautiful and most instructive to see how the believers at Antioch do not try to settle things on their own, but, in order to maintain the unity of the Spirit, they send disciples to Jerusalem that there might be fellowship in the decision about the bad teaching.
Many important principles of assembly functions and actions are presented in this chapter. The result of the efforts of the believers to walk together in fellowship was blessing and one which encouraged the hearts of all believers.
Because unity is of God, Satan will always seek to divide and bring in confusion among God’s people. May we be given grace, as the early believers, to walk together in oneness of mind and in peace!
1. The question of the bad teaching that was presented by the Jewish teachers from Jerusalem had to do with adding works to the wonderful salvation of God by pure grace that Paul preached. Find the verse that clearly teaches the difference between grace and works. Romans 11:___
2. Is it possible to be justified before God by the works of the law?
Galatians 2:___
3. If it were possible to be saved and justified by man’s works, what would he start to do? Ephesians 2:___
4. Why did God save us and call us to Himself? 2 Timothy 1:___
5. What does the blood of Christ purge our conscience from?
Hebrews 9:___
Nehemiah - Chapters 3 and 4: December 6, 1992
The building of the wall around Jerusalem started. But there was something else that was very important that had to be built as part of the wall. If a wall were built to protect something, it would be of no use if there were not gates in the wall - a way to get inside and to come out.
Gates are important, not only to allow an entrance, but also to create a way to control what comes in and out. So you see, it was very important that gates be built in the wall that Nehemiah was building around Jerusalem. The wall had several gates in it and each gate had a name. The name probably signified the special purpose that each gate was to serve. The first gate that was built was named the “sheep gate”. The names of some of the other gates were the “valley gate”, the “fish gate”, the “old gate” and the “horse gate”.
We will take a rest in our journey now while you search for the following verses:
1. The Apostle Paul teaches us that Christians are a ____________ that belongs to God. 1 Corinthians 3:___
2. The wicked Jews who wanted to kill the Apostle Paul after he was saved watched the ____________ of the city all day and all night in order to catch him. Acts 9:___
3. The Lord Jesus made those who were selling ____________ in the temple leave because they were not honoring His Father’s house, the house that was for prayer. John 2:___
4. King David was not afraid to walk through a ____________ darkened by the shadow of death, for he knew that God was with him. Psalm 23:___
5. After the disciples had been fishing all night long and caught nothing, they were invited to a meal prepared by the Lord Jesus, which included ____________ and bread. John 21:___
The Book of Acts - Chapter 16: December 6, 1992
On his second missionary journey, Paul finds Timothy and takes him along with him. The Spirit was pleased to bring much blessing as a result of the preaching of Paul. As he travels about, Paul finds that when he wants to go to some places in order to preach, the Spirit prevents him. He is at last definitely directed by the Spirit to the city of Philippi where he meets the godly Jewish woman Lydia and the ungodly Philippian jailer. Both receive eternal blessing by the grace of God, not only for themselves but for their whole households.
1. The Spirit of God records that the contact that Paul made with Lydia happened because he was at a place where prayer was often made to God. Later Paul makes contact with a young woman possessed by a demon (whom he eventually casts out) as he was on his way to a prayer meeting. Finally, when Paul was in prison with Silas, they prayed and sang, and the result was a mighty work of God. How often did Paul encourage the Roman believers to be in prayer? Romans 12:___
2. After a believer has put to use all of the armor of God which has been provided, what is he to be found doing? Ephesians 6:___
3. Rather than worrying about things, believers are encouraged to do what? Philippians 4:___
4. What is the result of the fervent prayer of a righteous person?
James 5:___
5. What are we to be doing in view of the nearness of the Lord’s coming? 1 Peter 4:___