Bible Searchers: 1993

Table of Contents

1. Nehemiah - Chapter 4: January 3, 1993
2. The Book of Acts - Chapter 17: January 3, 1993
3. Nehemiah - Chapter 4: February 7, 1993
4. The Book of Acts - Chapters 18 & 19: February 7, 1993
5. Nehemiah - Chapters 4 & 5: March 7, 1993
6. The Book of Acts - Chapters 19 & 20: March 7, 1993
7. Nehemiah - Chapter 6: April 4, 1993
8. The Book of Acts - Chapter 20: April 4, 1993
9. Nehemiah - Chapters 8-13: May 2, 1993
10. The Book of Acts - Chapter 21: May 2, 1993
11. Esther - June 6, 1993
12. The Book of Acts - Chapters 22-23: June 6, 1993
13. Esther - Chapters 1 and 2: July 4, 1993
14. The Book of Acts - Chapters 24-25: July 4, 1993
15. Esther - Chapters 2-4: August 1, 1993
16. The Book of Acts - Chapters 25-26: August 1, 1993
17. Esther - Chapters 3 & 4: September 5, 1993
18. The Book of Acts - Chapter 27: September 5, 1993
19. Esther - Chapter 4 : October 3, 1993
20. The Book of Acts - Chapter 27: October 3, 1993
21. Esther - Chapter 5: November 7, 1993
22. The Book of Acts - Chapter 27: November 7, 1993
23. Esther - Chapter 6: December 5, 1993
24. The Book of Acts - Chapter 27: December 5, 1993

Nehemiah - Chapter 4: January 3, 1993

When the enemies of the people of God (Sanballat, Tobiah and their friends) saw that the work on the wall was going on and that Nehemiah trusted in the Lord to help him complete it - they began to mock the Jews.
They made fun of the efforts of the Jews; they pointed out the feeble and broken condition of the city and they reminded everyone that the wall was so weak that even a little “fox” could break down the wall that was being built.
How encouraging to see that Nehemiah did not defend himself, and he answered nothing - he simply prayed to God and left all in His care. The wonderful result was that there was tremendous progress made in the building of the wall in spite of all the hindrances that the enemy used against Nehemiah.
Now it’s time to take a rest in our journey through the Bible while you look up the following verses:
1. Paul labored in the gospel because he ____________ in the living God.
1 Timothy 4:___
2. The Lord Jesus said that people would ____________ a person who started to build a house but could not finish it. Luke 14:___
3. Paul taught that it is the ____________ things of this world which are not understood by the mighty (strong). 1 Corinthians 1:___
4. When the Lord Jesus was falsely accused before Pilate, He ____________ nothing. Matthew 27:___
5. When Paul and Silas had been falsely accused and beaten and thrown into prison, they ____________ and the Lord delivered them. Acts 16:___

The Book of Acts - Chapter 17: January 3, 1993

Paul and Silas continue on their missionary journey encountering all kinds of trials, opposition and danger. The Jews continue to be the force that raises opposition to the gospel that Paul preached. In some cases they use very rough people to oppose Paul (“certain lewd fellows of the baser sort,” Acts 17:5), and in others they used people of very high social and religious standing (“the Jews stirred up the devout and honorable women, and the chief men of the city,” Acts 13:50).
The Word of God is not hindered in all of this and so the two come to Berea. Here one of the nicest commendations of the Spirit of God is given to these Jews. They are called “more noble” than those in Thessalonica because they not only received what Paul and Silas preached with a ready mind, but they also searched the Scriptures to see if what they were hearing was supported by God’s Word as the truth.
Finally Paul’s journey takes him to Athens, Greece - the very center of learning and man’s intelligence in the whole of the known world. Here in the very center of man’s wisdom, Paul meets with the greatest spiritual darkness and ignorance. Though encouraging, it is most solemn to consider that only a few residents of Athens were given faith to turn from their own intelligence and in simple faith accept the message that Paul preached.
1. The Jews stirred up and used people from every class of society to oppose Paul and the gospel he preached. According to the prayer of praise lifted up to the Lord in Acts 4, who was responsible for opposing God and His Son, Jesus?
Acts 4:___
2. What characterized the witness of those who testified against the Lord Jesus the night before He was crucified? Mark 14:___
3. Fearing further strife and contention, the brethren sent Paul and Silas away from the uproar their gospel preaching had caused in Thessalonica. What instructions does Paul later give to Timothy about the character that a servant of the Lord should maintain? 2 Timothy 2:___
4. Even though it was an Apostle of Jesus Christ who was preaching to them, the Berean Christians are commended for confirming Paul’s teaching by Scripture. What did Paul desire would happen to one, even though he were an angel of God, if the gospel he preached was not according to the Word of God?
Galatians 1:___
5. The very intelligent Athenian idolaters were really very foolish in God’s sight. Paul has to speak to them about the “unknown God” as if he were speaking to them as a little child. What has God done to the wisdom of this world? 1 Corinthians 1:___

Nehemiah - Chapter 4: February 7, 1993

When Sanballat, Tobiah and all their friends (these were the enemies of the people of God) saw that the wall around the city of Jerusalem was being rebuilt and that their mocking had not discouraged Nehemiah and the Jews, they became very angry.
These wicked men did not want the people of God to have their city protected against them, so they began to make plans to come and fight against Nehemiah and stop any further building on the wall. Nehemiah and the people not only prayed to God for help, but they set a guard and watched for Sanballat and his armies both day and night.
Sad to say, even some of the people of God hindered the work by saying discouraging things. They said that the job of rebuilding the wall was too great a task for them to complete. Also, others of the Jews who wanted to be friends with Sanballat told Nehemiah that the city would be attacked when the builders least expected this to take place. How sad for those who belong to God to discourage others of His dear children who are trying to please Him in their lives!
While we stop and rest you find the following verses:
1. If a man wants to be a help and a leader of God’s dear people, he must not get ____________ easily. Titus 1:___
2. Some Christians are called on to ____________ against an enemy. When God asks them to do this, He also gives them courage through faith.
Hebrews 11:___
3. When Paul was about to leave the Ephesians for the last time, he told them that they were to be on their guard against the attacks of the enemy. He warned them to ____________. Acts 20:___
4. The Apostle Paul was willing to suffer every kind of trial in order that nothing would ____________ the gospel of Christ being preached.
1 Corinthians 9:___
5. Abraham was called the ____________ of God because he believed what God told him. James 2:___

The Book of Acts - Chapters 18 & 19: February 7, 1993

Paul continues on his journey and in the way, when coming to Corinth, meets with Aquila and Priscilla whose lives will be seen to be a real blessing to the people of God. He also meets again with Silas and Timothy and thus begins a long work of blessing in the city of Corinth.
As with any work of God, blessing is not unopposed. The Jews raise a tremendous opposition to Paul even to the point of blaspheming against God. The Lord appears to Paul at night, encouraging him with the words: “I have much people in this city.”
The godly Jew Apollos is introduced and Aquila and Priscilla begin to instruct him in the gospel because he only knew of the repentance of John the Baptist. Apollos becomes an effective servant for Christ.
In the city of Ephesus (to which Paul later wrote the wonderful Epistle to the Ephesians), the apostles meet with the awful spectacle of Jews given up to witchcraft and demon worship and the violence of heathen idolatry. Yet against this sad backdrop is formed the assembly who received the very highest spiritual communications from God through the Apostle Paul.
1. The Apostle Paul, though sent by the Spirit of God on this missionary journey, did not expect others to provide for his needs. He worked with Aquila and Priscilla as tent-makers while preaching the gospel in Corinth. What command did Paul give the Thessalonian Christians regarding those who would not labor to earn a living? 2 Thessalonians 3:___
2. The time came when Paul could no longer contend with the Jews who continually opposed and blasphemed his message. After delivering a stern rebuke to them, he began to meet with Gentiles in a private home. What danger did Paul see for those who were listening to men argue about Scripture? 2 Timothy 2:___
3. The message that Paul was preaching often caused great turmoil in those cities where it was given. But God had encouraged Paul to go forward and preach in spite of the pressure to be silent. What was the message of Peter to the religious leaders in Jerusalem at an earlier time when they had commanded the apostles to stop preaching Christ? Acts 5:___
4. Sosthenes was the chief ruler of the Jewish synagogue in Corinth and no doubt a leader in the movement to have Paul beaten and punished for preaching the gospel. But it was Sosthenes himself who received the rebuke and beating. What does the Word of God say about “sowing” and “reaping”?
Galatians 6:___
5. Even though Apollos was an eloquent man and learned in the Scriptures, he needed further instruction. What did Paul recommend that Timothy do in order that he might be a better workman of the things of God revealed in Scripture? 2 Timothy 2:___

Nehemiah - Chapters 4 & 5: March 7, 1993

Nehemiah’s watchfulness, care and dependence on God for help brought about a further defeat of the enemies of the Jews. The building continued in the face of the threats of the army of Sanballat to come against the city and fight.
Each of those who built on the wall carried their sword or other weapon with them while they worked. Nehemiah also had a trumpet which he could blow to sound an alarm if the enemy attacked. It might seem that because of the courage of the Jews and the continued building on the wall that all would go well and the job soon would be done. But sad to say, the problems did not stop there. The Jews began to mistreat each other!
Those who were rich and had plenty of everything became greedy and took advantage of their poor brethren. The poor Jews had to sell everything they owned including their children (who became slaves to the rich Jews) in order to buy enough food to eat!
When Nehemiah heard of this he became very angry and rebuked those rich men who had been so greedy and unloving to their brethren. Everyone agreed to stop this naughty practice and the result was that all the people praised the Lord together.
Now we will rest in our journey while you look for the following verses:
1. Not even the ____________ of an enemy of Christians could be used to keep the Lord Jesus’ love from us. Romans 8:___
2. Christians are going to be caught up to be with the Lord Jesus in heaven forever when the ____________ of God sounds. 1 Corinthians 15:___
3. The Lord Jesus, who was very ____________, became very poor when He died on the cross for sinners. 2 Corinthians 8:___
4. If I give all of my wealth to the ____________ it does no good unless I have love for the Lord in my heart. 1 Corinthians 13:___
5. It is through the Lord Jesus that we offer ____________ and worship to God. Hebrews 13:___

The Book of Acts - Chapters 19 & 20: March 7, 1993

Perhaps we find here two of the most significant chapters in the history of the acts of the Spirit of God in the early Church. Here we learn how Paul was introduced to the gospel work in Ephesus, the power of God working there and the assembly being formed. Later we have recorded for our admonition and instruction the account of the young man Eutychus and his fall from the third story loft where Paul was preaching.
After this we find Paul warning and confirming his love to the believers at Ephesus when he meets with the elders of the assembly for the last time. Both these accounts are rich in warning and instruction for believers today - not only for our lives as individuals but as we go on collectively in assemblies gathered to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1. Ephesus was a city wholly given over to the wickedness of heathen idolatry. There were many who, seeing the power of God at work (Acts 19:14), believed the message that Paul preached and a huge fortune in books dealing with witchcraft and demonism was thrown into a fire and destroyed. What is the result of true faith when tried by the fire of persecution and opposition?
1 Peter 1:___
2. Those in Ephesus who had used the worship of heathen idols to make themselves rich raised a storm of persecution against those who had brought the light of Christianity and its message of the free grace of God. What were the instructions of the Lord Jesus to His disciples concerning what they were to charge for bringing His blessing to needy souls? Matthew 10:___
3. The “first day of the week” found the disciples gathered together for a special reason. What was the purpose? Acts 20:___
4. What did the early Church in Jerusalem continue “steadfastly” doing?
Acts 2:___
5. Paul wrote in Corinthians that believers would be able to remember the Lord in His death (“breaking bread” or showing “the Lord’s death”) until He comes back from heaven. How often can this be done? 1 Corinthians 11:___

Nehemiah - Chapter 6: April 4, 1993

Sanballat, Tobiah and all of the other enemies of the people of God heard that the wall was completed and that there were no longer any holes in it. They realized now that the city of Jerusalem was once again safe, behind the big strong wall, from their attacks.
Since the enemies of the Jews could no longer attack the city and destroy it (because it was protected by the wall), Sanballat tried another way to hurt Nehemiah and the Jews in Jerusalem. He invited Nehemiah to meet with him and his friends in one of the little villages (a “village” is a very small town) outside the safety of the city of Jerusalem.
Sanballat told Nehemiah a lie, hoping that this would make him meet in one of the villages. Sanballat said that everyone knew that the only reason Nehemiah had built the wall was so that he could be a king in Jerusalem! He even said that Nehemiah had hired men (called “prophets”) to tell all the Jews that he was their new king.
Others - Jews who were friends of Sanballat - tried to scare Nehemiah so that he would flee (run away) to protect his own life. None of these things fooled Nehemiah and, because he trusted in God, Nehemiah was preserved from being hurt and the work on the wall was finished.
Now we will stop on our journey while you try to find the following verses:
1. Even though the Apostle Paul was writing the same things to the Philippian believers that he had already told them, he said it was ____________ for them to receive them again. Philippians 3:___
2. A Christian should never tell a ____________ to another person.
Colossians 3:___
3. Christians are to submit to the rule of those who are over them, whether they are a governor or even a ____________. They submit to authority for the Lord’s sake. 1 Peter 2:___
4. Christians are to ____________ (“run away from”) wicked sins such as idolatry. Idolatry is having something in our hearts that is more important to us than the Lord Jesus. 1 Corinthians 10:___
5. Those dear believers who were women in the Old Testament and ____________ in God proved this by the way they treated their husbands.
1 Peter 3:___

The Book of Acts - Chapter 20: April 4, 1993

This month we want to continue our consideration of the very instructive accounts given in Acts 20. Paul is determined in his heart to make another visit to his beloved people at Jerusalem. On the way he stops and calls for the elders at Ephesus where he gives them a farewell message. It would be the last time he would see them in this world - and his heart is full of longing as he faithfully and lovingly warns them of the dangers that lie ahead for the assembly.
The divine record of this meeting has tremendous instruction for those of the people of God today who are gathered to the Lord’s name. We find a wonderful and concise summation of all that Paul had been doing as he served the Lord Jesus in preaching the gospel and of those things to be watchful for after his presence was no longer a “staying” force in the assembly.
1. After the breaking of bread (the remembrance of the Lord) at Ephesus, Paul spoke to the church (assembly), no doubt sharing with them the truth of God which had been given to him by the risen Christ in glory. What value did Paul place on having true knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in his heart?
Philippians 3:___
2. Eutychus fell down to the level of the world after he had fallen asleep while listening to Paul speak. What admonition is given to the Thessalonian believers who are called “children of the day” rather than “children of the night”?
1 Thessalonians 4:___
3. When the morning came, Paul left Ephesus - and he never returned to that city. When will the Church leave this world, never to return?
1 Thessalonians 4:___
4. Paul reminded the Ephesian elders that his whole reason for being among them had been to deliver to them the precious truth of God. According to Paul, what kind of vessel (“container”) held the wonderful truth of the Lord Jesus Christ? 2 Corinthians 4:___
5. Paul knew that he was about to leave the Ephesian believers, never to return. He warned them that when he was gone, great trials and difficulties would come among them to hurt and divide the Church which Christ had purchased with His own blood. What two things did Paul have confidence would keep them in the midst of these coming difficulties? Acts 20:___

Nehemiah - Chapters 8-13: May 2, 1993

There were many more things that confronted Nehemiah and the people of God as they worked to finish the wall and the doors and gates around the city of Jerusalem. God was very kind to them and Nehemiah remained faithful to God, and so the work was completed.
The last thing we will notice before we leave Nehemiah was the day when all of the people came to hear the book of the law of God read to them. Because of their great failure, many had not even heard it read before this time! They were all very anxious to hear what God’s Word said to them.
Ezra and several other leaders stood before the people on a special stage and read the law to them. All the people, including the children who could understand what was being read, listened carefully. The book was read to them from dawn until noon!
The people wept when they heard God’s Word read and realized just how badly they had failed God. But Nehemiah and Ezra comforted their hearts and told them not to weep, for this was a day for them to rejoice in the Lord and to enjoy the good things they heard from His Word. The result of all this was that the people made a covenant too with God in which they once again promised to be faithful to Him.
Now before we go further in our journey, we will rest so that you can find the following verses.
1. God requires that a person who is a steward (someone who is responsible for caring for things of value) of His Word be a ____________ person.
1 Corinthians 4:___
2. The ____________ is one of the names given the Lord Jesus, who was in “the beginning” with God. John 1:___
3. The Lord has commanded ____________ to obey their parents.
Ephesians 6:___
4. The Lord Jesus ____________ about the sad future of the city of Jerusalem because they had rejected Him. Luke 19:___
5. We who are Christians are to __________ in the Lord. Philippians 3:___

The Book of Acts - Chapter 21: May 2, 1993

After Paul left the Ephesian elders, he traveled on towards Jerusalem. His tremendous love for his people, the Jews, caused him to disregard the warning that the Lord sent to him concerning Jerusalem.
It was evident that the Spirit of God was using various individuals to warn Paul not to go to the city. But finally we read that those who tried to keep him from this stopped and left the beloved Apostle to the will of God.
Paul continued on his way and when at Jerusalem he was placed in a situation which made him appear to take up with the Jewish religion. In order not to offend the multitudes of Jews who were visiting in Jerusalem, Paul took a Jewish vow and shaved his head. However, a tumult was still raised against him and he was taken prisoner by the Roman soldiers.
1. It was no doubt Paul’s intense love for his brethren in the flesh, the Jews, which caused him to disregard the warnings of the Spirit against his trip to Jerusalem. Paul was ready to die at Jerusalem if some of his brethren could be saved. What makes one willing to “endure all things”?
1 Corinthians 13:___
2. Paul’s intense love for the Jews is but a reflection of the love of the Lord Jesus for the nation of Israel. How was the Lord’s love graphically demonstrated on one visit to the city of Jerusalem? Luke 19:___
3. What was the standard by which the Lord wanted His disciples to love each other? John 13:___
4. What is the greatest measure of love that can be shown by one to another? John 15:___
5. The love of God in our hearts will cause us to “lay down our lives” for our brethren. Perhaps our service for our brethren is more the thought here than physically dying for them. 1 John 3:___

Esther - June 6, 1993

The book of Esther tells the story of God’s wonderful care over His people when an enemy tried to destroy them. The account of the events in the book of Esther happened at a time when the people of God were captive in a strange land. As we have noticed before, this captivity happened because of their disobedience to God’s will and commands to them.
The events recorded in the book of Esther show how God can care for His people in wonderful ways when He is hidden behind the scenes. Mordecai and Esther were Jews and Jehovah was their God, and they were wonderfully kept and protected by God when their wicked enemy would have destroyed them.
There are many wonderful lessons that we can learn for our Christian life in reading the story of Esther. Before we start this interesting journey we will rest while you look for the following verses.
1. Christians are encouraged to give all their ____________ and worries to the Lord. 1 Peter 5:___
2. The Lord Jesus, through death, has ____________ Satan’s power over us. Hebrews 2:___
3. The Lord Jesus died so that He might redeem a special ____________ to Himself. Titus 2:___
4. One of the names of the Lord Jesus recorded in the Old Testament is ____________. Isaiah 9:___
5. Christians are to treat their ____________ very kindly. Romans 12:___

The Book of Acts - Chapters 22-23: June 6, 1993

Paul was taken prisoner and was called to defend himself before the Roman authorities. He spoke the truth to the Jews who were condemning him as well as the Roman rulers. He used these occasions to preach the gospel to all who heard him.
The Jews’ hatred for his message increased and a plot was laid by them against Paul to kill him. God continued His wonderful care of Paul, and in each instance the plans of his enemies were defeated.
Paul was finally sent under the protection of Roman soldiers to the governor of that area, Felix.
1. Paul used every possible occasion to preach the gospel to those around him, even though he was a prisoner in very uncomfortable circumstances. How often and when does he exhort Timothy to preach the Word of God?
2 Timothy 4:___
2. The circumstances of Paul’s preaching were far from ideal. Under what circumstances and environment are we to preach the Word of God?
Philippians 2:___
3. Paul’s faithful preaching and service to the Lord caused him great persecution and suffering. How does he describe his sufferings?
2 Corinthians 6:___
4. How much was Paul willing to suffer in order to not hinder the gospel of Christ? 1 Corinthians 9:___
5. What do we look for as “heirs of God” if we suffer with Christ now?
Romans 8:___

Esther - Chapters 1 and 2: July 4, 1993

King Ahasuerus was a very powerful king. He ruled over a vast kingdom and was in absolute power and control. He was a very proud king and held a great feast to show off the glory and grandeur of his kingdom to his important subjects who had been invited to this feast. This celebration and feast lasted for over 6 months!
But something happened that spoiled the king’s happiness. He wanted to show off the beauty of his queen - Vashti - so he called her to come in before his guests. Vashti did a very bad thing. She refused to obey the king’s command.
Because of this, Ahasuerus’s wise men told him that he should not allow her to be queen anymore. Later, the king began a search for a new queen. And it was during this time that the beautiful Esther (who, unknown to the king, was a Jewess) was chosen by him as his queen.
We will rest now while you search for the following verses.
1. Wise men came from the East searching for the one who was born ____________ of the Jews. Matthew 2:___
2. Those people who hated the Lord and wanted to kill Him did not want to do so on the special day of the ____________. Mark 14:___
3. Wicked Absalom, who tried to kill his father, King David, was a very ____________ man. 2 Samuel 14:___
4. A terrible judgment awaits those who do not ____________ the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thessalonians 1:___
5. Men who believed themselves ____________ became fools when they gave up their belief in God. Romans 1:___

The Book of Acts - Chapters 24-25: July 4, 1993

The governor of the region was named Felix. Though a Roman, he had married a Jewish woman named Drusilla. Felix was not a believer in the true God, though he must have known about Jehovah, the God of Israel, because we are told that he had “perfect knowledge of that way.”
The Jewish leaders had hired an orator who condemned Paul before Felix. Paul’s answer was such that Felix realized that Paul was innocent. However, because he was hoping that someone would offer him a bribe to release Paul, he kept him in prison.
Later Felix and his wife heard Paul reason out of the Scriptures about righteousness, temperance and coming judgment. Though these things caused Felix to tremble, he sent Paul away until he had a more “convenient” time to hear him. We have no Scriptural account to tell us that Felix ever believed Paul’s message in his heart.
1. Felix knew about the righteousness of God and he evidently realized that he was not walking righteously before God. Even though he trembled at Paul’s message, he did nothing about it. What are the three characteristics of the “kingdom of God”? Romans 14:___
2. Tertullus the orator, hired to condemn Paul, spoke with smooth words and in an eloquent fashion. However, all that he said was a lie. What kind of words did Paul use in preaching the message of truth that God had given to him?
1 Corinthians 2:___
3. Paul reasoned with Felix and his wife concerning faith in Christ. How does the world view the “preaching of the cross”? 1 Corinthians 1:___
4. The desire for money led Felix to keep Paul in prison unrighteously for over two years. What does God tell us about the love of money? 1 Timothy 6:___
5. Felix often listened to Paul while he was a prisoner. But his motive was not because of an honest desire to hear the Word of God. The message of salvation sadly appears to have been hid to Felix’s eyes because of his greed and covetousness. Who is it that blinds the eyes of men so they cannot receive the light of the gospel message? 2 Corinthians 4:___

Esther - Chapters 2-4: August 1, 1993

The new queen - Esther - had an uncle who had raised her from the time she was orphaned. His name was Mordecai. He was evidently a God-fearing Jew.
One day Mordecai did a very nice thing for the King Ahasuerus, even though the king had made Mordecai’s people captives in his land. Two of the king’s servants planned to assassinate the king because they were angry with him. Mordecai found out about it and told the king. Even though the king’s life was saved, Mordecai did not receive any reward for this great kindness.
Shortly after this, the king promoted a man named Haman to the highest place of authority under him in the kingdom. Haman was an Amalekite - the bitter enemies of the people of God. Though all people were to reverence Haman, Mordecai refused to bow before this wicked enemy of the Jews. This made Haman, who knew that Mordecai was a Jew, so angry that he planned a terrible revenge - not only against Mordecai but against all of the Jews in Ahasuerus’s kingdom.
We need to stop and rest in our journey now. While we are resting, you find the following Bible verses.
1. God has promised a wonderful and eternal rest for His ____________.
Hebrews 4:___
2. The Lord Jesus has freed us from the power of sin and now we (Christians) are ____________ of righteousness. Romans 6:___
3. One who is a “bishop” (leader) of God’s people must not become quickly ____________. Titus 1:___
4. By the death of the Lord Jesus, God “reconciled” us (brought us back to Himself) when we were ____________ of His. Romans 5:___
5. Paul desired the prayers of his brethren that he and his helpers would be delivered from ____________ men. 2 Thessalonians 3:___

The Book of Acts - Chapters 25-26: August 1, 1993

Paul, while still a prisoner, once again is called before kings and rulers to give an account of his life. Though they can find nothing to condemn him, the Roman rulers continue to leave him bound as a prisoner.
During this time, the beloved Apostle appealed to the highest authority in the Roman Empire - Cæsar Augustus, the Emperor. Though we feel that this was a failure on his part, the Lord in grace stood by Paul and encouraged him. Paul later recounts how the Lord appeared to him and told him to “be of good cheer.”
The rulers all finally determined that Paul was truly innocent and should be set at liberty. However, since he had made an appeal to Cæsar, he would have to go to Rome to appear before him.
1. When Paul recounted his story before Festus and King Agrippa, Festus said that he was “beside himself,” which means that they judged him to be out of his mind. How does the Word of God tell us that “Greeks” (Gentiles) view the preaching of Christ crucified? 1 Corinthians 1:___
2. Evidently Paul’s preaching had a tremendous effect on King Agrippa and his heart was stirred. But he apparently refused to believe in his heart what Paul preached. Three times in Hebrews God warns about men allowing something to happen to their heart. What is it? Hebrews 3 or 4:___
3. The testimony of the Roman leaders, after hearing Paul, was that he had done nothing worthy of death. What was the testimony of the Roman centurion as to the character of the Lord Jesus after He had given His life on the cross?
Luke 23:___
4. What was the testimony of the thief who was crucified with the Lord Jesus as to His character? Luke 23:___
5. How does God view the sufferings of His people when they suffer for well doing? 1 Peter 2:___

Esther - Chapters 3 & 4: September 5, 1993

Haman - the wicked enemy of the Jews - thought of a plan to get rid of all of God’s people who were living as captives in King Ahasuerus’ land. Haman told the king that a people (he was talking about the Jews), who lived in his kingdom, were different from everyone else. Because they had their own laws which were different from all others, they refused to obey the king. Haman said it would be in the king’s interest to destroy these people.
The king gave Haman permission to do what he wanted with the Jews. Ahasuerus also gave wicked Haman the money necessary to carry out all his evil plans. Soon after this a letter was sent out from Haman and sealed with the king’s seal that on a certain day all Jews in the whole land of Babylon could be killed, and all their property and money taken by those who destroyed them.
This made Haman very happy, but all the people in the capital city of Shushan, where the king lived in his palace, were very sad and confused.
We will stop and rest in our journey now. While we have stopped you can take time to find the following Bible verses.
1. If we want to help those who have been taken ____________ by Satan, we must teach them in a meek and humble way. 2 Timothy 2:___
2. God has promised that someday He will write His ____________ in the hearts of the Jewish people rather than on stones. Hebrews 8:___
3. Peter made it very plain to the Jewish leaders that the disciples of the Lord Jesus were to ____________ God, rather than men. Acts 5:___
4. Those who became disciples of the Lord Jesus in the very earliest days of the assembly brought the ____________ that they owned and put it at the feet of the apostles so that it could be distributed to those who were in need.
Acts 4:___
5. Paul warned believers that some who tempted the Lord through their self-will and disobedience were ____________ of serpents. 1 Corinthians 10:___

The Book of Acts - Chapter 27: September 5, 1993

Acts 27 is a most instructive chapter. It contains wonderful lessons as well as warnings for believers as we travel on our way home to be with our Lord Jesus Christ. Though this chapter contains a very accurate history of all that befell the Apostle and those who travelled with him on his way to Rome, it also presents a little picture of the history of the assembly in this world.
It is well worth spending time considering - but not for the sake of gaining knowledge. We need to carefully study the moral instructions which are contained in this story so that we might be kept in our “journey” through this world.
Paul was going on a journey - not one which he would have chosen to travel as a prisoner. But he submitted to the ways of God with him and thus we see how he was used in blessing to all those that went with him to Rome.
1. In reading through the various epistles of Paul, it becomes evident that as time went on many disciples no longer wished to be with Paul. What caused Demas to leave the Apostle? 2 Timothy 4:___
2. Simply being found with other Christians is not a guarantee that we will be kept going on in the assembly. When Paul wrote his epistle to the Colossians (which was written some time before he wrote to Timothy), who did he specially mention were with him and sent their greetings to the Colossian assembly? Colossians 4:___
3. It is possible that only two other believers went with Paul on his journey to Rome: Luke and Aristarchus. When Paul was rejected and sent away as a prisoner, being identified with him became very unpopular. Later Paul, in writing to Timothy, told him that all in Asia had turned from him. Who does he mention as not having forsaken him when a prisoner in Rome?
2 Timothy 1:___
4. Paul characterized himself as the “prisoner” of the Lord. How was Timothy (and all believers) to feel towards him? 2 Timothy 1:___
5. Onesiphorus was not the only one who benefited from his association with Paul. In the last chapter of 2 Timothy (the last recorded letter he wrote before he was martyred), to whom does Paul send his special greeting?
2 Timothy 4:___

Esther - Chapter 4 : October 3, 1993

When Mordecai, the godly Jew and the uncle of Esther the queen, heard what Haman had done, he was very sad. He sat before the king’s gate in sackcloth (a sign of humiliation and sorrow) and cried with a “loud and bitter” cry. In all the king’s lands, wherever the Jews lived, when they heard this awful news they wept and were very sad.
Queen Esther had not heard what the wicked Haman had done and she did not understand why her uncle Mordecai was so sad. She sent clothing to him so that he would no longer sit in the king’s gate in sackcloth, but he refused it. When Esther questioned why he did these things, he then told her all that Haman had caused the king to do and the letter he had written about the destruction of the Jews. Mordecai also told Esther that she should go in to the king’s throne and plead for the lives of her people.
Esther reminded Mordecai that only those who were invited by the king were able to do this, and she had not been invited into his presence for 30 days. But she agreed and asked that Mordecai and all the Jews in Shushan would fast (refusing to eat food) with her and her maidens, and then after three days she would attempt to go before the king.
Before we find out what happened to Esther on our journey, we will rest while you find the following verses.
1. The Lord Jesus promised His disciples that the ____________ they felt would be turned into joy. John 16:___
2. Many people ____________ because a little girl had died. But Jesus told them that she was only asleep. Luke 8:___
3. The rich young man went away from the Lord Jesus because he was ____________ about what the Lord had told him to do. Mark 10:___
4. Jesus warned that the entrance (gate) that leads to eternal ____________ is very wide. Matthew 7:___
5. The Lord Jesus did not come to destroy men’s ____________ but to save them. Luke 9:___

The Book of Acts - Chapter 27: October 3, 1993

As Paul’s journey to Rome begins, the Spirit of God records that there were others who were also going with him. There were prisoners, the centurion and his soldiers sent to guard the prisoners, Luke (the one who recorded the journey), Aristarchus, and perhaps others.
When the ship stopped at port, the centurion kindly gave Paul liberty to go to his friends where he could be comforted and encouraged. The weather did not allow the ship to follow the course that the master had wished. However, God allowed it to find safe anchorage in a place called “Fair Havens.” Here Paul issued a warning - they should stay here rather than attempting to go further on the voyage before winter. But the centurion did not heed Paul’s advice. The appearance of Fair Havens did not please him - and so they left, intending to find a more comfortable port to winter in.
Not long after this, a terrible storm broke upon the ship and the journey which had started with so much promise of comfort and fair sailing became a journey into a raging tempest.
1. Though the world counted Paul a prisoner - one possibly guilty of wrongdoing in the eyes of the world - the Spirit of God is careful to record a difference between Paul and “certain other prisoners.” It must have been a great comfort to the Apostle to realize that the Lord fully understood his love for the Jews and Paul’s motives for what he had done. Though men judge based on what they see on the outside, how does God judge? 1 Samuel 16:___
2. When Paul was given the opportunity, he sought fellowship with those who were his friends. To whom did the disciples go when they were released by the Jewish leaders early in Acts? Acts 4:___
3. As days grow darker for Christians in this world, what are we encouraged to continue doing - and even to increase doing? Hebrews 10:___
4. Paul warned those in charge of the ship that they should not try to leave Fair Havens, for it would be dangerous to start on such a journey. How did Paul characterize the worldly Corinthian believers when he warned them?
1 Corinthians 4:___
5. The master of the ship did not want to stay at Fair Havens because it was not a comfortable place to spend the winter. Paul often recounts the things he suffered in his pathway of service for the Lord Jesus. What kind of pathway will those who seek to glorify God find in this world? 2 Timothy 3:___

Esther - Chapter 5: November 7, 1993

Esther put on her beautiful royal apparel and went into the court before the king’s throne. If anyone did this without being invited, one of two things must happen to them: If the king held out his golden scepter (a golden rod) towards the individual, it was a sign that they had obtained his royal grace and favor and that they were able to come into his presence without fear. If the king did not hold out his golden scepter, the individual was put to death because he had not obtained favor from the king.
When the king saw his beautiful queen standing in the court before the throne, he held out his golden scepter to her and she was invited to come into his presence. The king was so happy to have Esther in his presence that he offered to give her anything that she wanted, even to the half of his kingdom!
Esther’s request was very simple. She invited the king and the wicked Haman to come to a banquet which she had prepared for the king. Haman was very happy when he heard that he had been invited. But as he went home from the palace he saw Mordecai, who refused to pay any honor to this wicked man. Haman was so furious that he had a gallows built on which he intended to hang Mordecai, the faithful Jew.
Before we learn more about our story, we will rest so that you can find the following verses.
1. The Bible describes David as having a ____________ countenance. Samuel was to anoint him to be king over Israel. 1 Samuel 16:___
2. Though God was going to destroy the whole world with a flood because of the wickedness of men, Noah found ____________ in His sight and was spared. Genesis 6:___
3. Under the Jewish law that God had given them, a man could not be put to ____________ except at the witness of two or three witnesses.
Deuteronomy 17:___
4. A godly Jew named Caleb promised to ____________ his daughter as wife to the man who would defeat some of the enemies of the people of God.
Joshua 15:___
5. Nehemiah gave the responsibility of ruling over Jerusalem to a godly and ____________ man named Hananiah. Nehemiah 7:___
Proverbs 20:11

The Book of Acts - Chapter 27: November 7, 1993

Those who were in charge of the ship soon found that it would have been much wiser to listen to the warning of the Apostle Paul. Being found caught in such a terrible storm and realizing the great danger they were in, those on board began to work very hard to try to save themselves.
The first thing they did was to quit steering the ship. They had to let it go wherever the storm blew it. They tried to strengthen the ship, and, seeing that they were being driven close to some very dangerous coastline, they had to throw overboard the very equipment needed to steer it.
It was then that those on board lost all hope of being saved. But Paul gave them all a very comforting message, telling them that, though the ship would be lost, no one on board would lose his life. Some attempted to desert the ship, but Paul again warned them that if they were to be saved they must stay on board it.
1. The storm that came upon the ship made it impossible for the sailors to steer it - they had to let it drive with the wind. Having failed to listen to Paul’s warning, they now lost control of the ship. What is it that carries believers into danger and over which those who have not matured in faith have no control?
Ephesians 4:___
2. Those in the ship found themselves fighting a losing battle against the elements of nature. Believers are in a battle as well. What are we to do, once we have taken on us the whole armor of God, that we may not be defeated?
Ephesians 6:___
3. In an attempt to save the ship, essential parts of hardware were thrown overboard. The Apostle Paul reminded the Corinthian believers that in spite of persecutions and trials he had not “thrown overboard” the truth of God. How did he and his fellow laborers “commend” themselves to the consciences of others? 2 Corinthians 4:___
4. The terrible storm removed all “hope” from those on board the ship that they should be saved. When were we (those who now believe in Jesus) without “hope”? Ephesians 2:_______ (two verses)
5. What is the “hope” of believers? 1 Timothy 1:___

Esther - Chapter 6: December 5, 1993

On that very night God did not allow King Ahasuerus to sleep. The king commanded that the book of the records and history of his kingdom be read before him. As this book was being read, the king was reminded about the great kindness of Mordecai when he warned the king about the two wicked men who were planning to assassinate Ahasuerus.
The king wanted to know what reward had been given to Mordecai, and he was told that nothing was done for him. The king called for wicked Haman and asked him what he thought should be done to the “man whom the king delighted to honor.”
Now Haman was very proud and thought that the king was speaking about himself. So he made a plan which would show off his greatness to all the people of Shushan. But what Haman thought would be done to himself was in fact to be done for Mordecai!
Mordecai was dressed with the king’s garments and set upon the king’s horse. Then Haman himself had to lead Mordecai through the city of Shushan and proclaim publicly that this was what happened to the man whom the king delighted in honoring. Haman went home to his house humbled and ashamed.
Now we will rest so you can find the following verses before we finish our story of Esther.
1. Rather than listening to what the Apostle Paul had to say, the young man Eutychus fell into a deep ____________ and then fell out of a window.
Acts 20:___
2. Peter instructs us to add to a godly life the character of brotherly ____________ . 2 Peter 1:___
3. God commanded His people to ____________ their fathers and mothers.
Matthew 15:___
4. When the Lord Jesus was crucified, the soldiers took His ____________ and divided them up among themselves. Matthew 27:___
5. Paul was not ____________ of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, for it was God’s power to save from their sins people who believe it. Romans 1:___

The Book of Acts - Chapter 27: December 5, 1993

Those on board had gone without eating food for many days. Paul entreated them to eat, reminding them again that none of them would be lost. He then set an example before them by breaking bread, giving thanks for it and eating it.
Thus encouraged, others on board also began to eat. However, when they were filled and had enough, they began to cast the rest of the food into the sea. Having been driven towards the land, they now saw a creek and tried to steer the ship into it. The front of the ship stuck fast, the rear broke apart, and all on board were able to escape safe to land - though the soldiers had wanted to kill all the prisoners to prevent their escape - by clinging to pieces of the wreckage.
1. Paul desired that those on board would eat some food that they might not lose their physical strength. What had caused the Corinthian believers to be unable to eat the “meat” of the Word of God that Paul desired them to have?
1 Corinthians 3:___
2. Who is it that can eat and enjoy “strong” spiritual food? Hebrews 5:___
3. What is the intended consequence of spiritual “babes” being fed with the true “milk” from the Word of God? 1 Peter 2:___
4. Paul set an example by eating food, which cheered the others on board so that they were encouraged to eat also. On what basis did Paul encourage the Corinthian believers to follow his example of Christianity?
1 Corinthians 11:___
5. Though the ship was lost through the refusal to listen to Paul’s warning, no life was lost. All escaped safe to shore. What wonderful comfort is given by the Lord Jesus Himself as to the eternal security of those who believe in Him?
John 10:_______ (two verses)