Bible Searchers: 1997
Table of Contents
Obadiah: January 1997
The prophecy of Obadiah is another very solemn one. Not only is Obadiah’s prophecy solemn, it is very short containing only one chapter of 21 verses. Obadiah’s solemn message, though it includes references to the children of Israel, is directed to another people, the descendants of Esau, who are called Edom. Esau was a brother of Jacob (called Israel). Even though they were their brethren, Edom hated Israel.
You may remember that early in our journey through the Bible we learned how Esau, the firstborn son of Isaac and Rebecca, had despised the blessings of the firstborn that were his birthright. One time, when he was very hungry, Esau sold all these wonderful blessings to Jacob, his brother, for some of Jacob’s food.
Later on Jacob did a very naughty thing and fooled Isaac, his father, by pretending to be Esau. Isaac blessed Jacob with the very blessings which he had intended to give to his son Esau. Because of this, Esau hated Jacob and planned to kill him. Jacob had to run away from home to hide from the wrath of his brother. Even though Jacob was naughty and had to suffer the results of his sin, God had determined to bless him. Esau and his descendants did not submit to God’s ways of blessing for Israel, and thus God speaks of hating Esau.
Now, many centuries later, Obadiah prophesies about the continued hatred of the descendants of Esau for the people of God, the descendants of Jacob. Because of the wicked way in which they had treated the children of Israel (in the future they will do the same) when they were defeated by their enemies, God was going to send a very solemn judgment upon them.
Now we will rest in our journey while you look for the following verses:
1. The Lord Jesus told His disciples that if they found that the world ____________ them, they should remember that that was how they felt toward the Lord Himself. John 15:___
2. James sharply rebuked rich men, not because they were wealthy, but because their wealth caused them to ____________ those who were poor.
James 2:___
3. The Lord Jesus often told His disciples that wicked men would ____________ Him. However, He also told them that He would rise again on the third day. Mark 10:___
4. We are told in the Bible of a coming day when the Lord Jesus will come back to this world to judge it for its wickedness. When that happens, wicked men will desire that the mountains and rocks ____________ them from His wrath. Revelation 6:___
5. The Apostle John mentioned in his epistle that the “young men” had, by faith, overcome the ____________ one, Satan. 1 John 2:___
Journey Through the Bible
Galatians 3: January 1997
The beloved Apostle Paul speaks very plainly and very strongly to the Galatian believers in this chapter. He tells them that they were foolish for allowing themselves to be deceived by false teaching. The Apostle’s sharp rebuke shows us how serious and how bad, in God’s eyes, was the doctrine they were being taught.
Those Jewish teachers who were seeking to bring the Galatian believers under the bondage of the law were very proud of their father, Abraham. Thus, the Apostle uses Abraham as the example by which he shows the error of their teaching. Abraham is a beautiful example of one who was counted righteous before God, not because of what he did, but because of his faith in God.
Those who try to gain favor with God by keeping the law are cursed if they break just one part of it. Righteousness cannot be gained by trying to keep the law. The Lord Jesus, the only Man who perfectly kept the law, has redeemed those who believe in Him from its curse by dying on the cross. In this way, the Gentiles (this included those in Galatia to whom Paul wrote) who believe in Him by faith can be brought into the blessing that God gave to Abraham. This promised blessing comes to us through the Lord Jesus.
The Apostle points out that the law guarded the Jews and maintained them in an outward relationship to God until faith brought them into the wonderful relationship of sons, having God as their Father.
1. The Apostle rebukes the Galatians very sharply, calling them “foolish,” for listening to the teaching of those who corrupted the gospel of the grace of Christ. What kind of lusts do believers experience, who seek to become wealthy in this world? 1 Timothy 6:___
2. What kinds of conversation should never characterize believers?
Ephesians 5:___
3. What kind of questions create arguments and strifes and are to be avoided by believers? 2 Timothy 2:___
4. What are some of the characteristics which the Apostle Paul uses to describe what he himself and others were like before they were saved?
Titus 3:___
5. By submitting, for the Lord’s sake, to the laws enacted by government, the believer is able to put to silence what kind of men? 1 Peter 2:___
Jonah 1: February 1997
The story of Jonah is perhaps the best known of the “minor prophets” in the Old Testament. Jonah prophesies very little about future events, except for the warning given to Nineveh. Instead, we read the wonderful story of how God works in grace and patience with one of His dear servants. This wonderful account contains many beautiful and important lessons.
God told Jonah to go to a very great and wicked Gentile city called Nineveh. He was to preach a message of coming judgment if the people of Nineveh did not repent from their wicked ways. Rather than obey the voice of the Lord, however, poor Jonah tried to run away from his responsibility by getting on a ship that was headed in a different direction.
The Lord sent a great storm against the ship. This storm was so sudden and terrible that even the heathen sailors knew that a Power greater than themselves had caused its fury. Jonah, who had been sleeping in the ship, was awakened and confessed that he was the reason for the storm. Though they tried very hard to control the ship, the sailors realized that the only way to save themselves was to obey what Jonah had told them to do. They were to throw him overboard into the raging sea.
As soon as they obeyed Jonah, two things happened: (1) the storm became calm and the sea immediately ceased raging, and, (2) a great fish, specially prepared by the Lord, swallowed Jonah alive. Jonah spent three days and nights inside the great fish before he was finally set free.
Before learning more about Jonah in our journey through the Bible, we will rest while you find the following verses.
1. The Apostle Paul told the Jews that through the ____________ of the Lord Jesus Christ even the Gentiles might be saved and brought into blessing.
Acts 15:___
2. Paul told Timothy to constantly ____________ the Word of God, the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 4:___
3. The mighty power of the gospel of the Lord Jesus caused many people to believe and to ____________ their evil deeds. Acts 19:___
4. Paul told his beloved Philippian brethren that he was going away. But even though he would no longer be with them, they were to ____________ as they had always done when he was with them. Philippians 2:___
5. It is only the Son of God that can make a person be truly ____________ .
John 8:___
Journey Through the Bible
Galatians 4: February 1997
The Apostle Paul has been speaking very sharply to the Gentile believers in Galatia. They had believed the gospel of Jesus Christ and had turned from their heathen darkness to the light of the knowledge of God. Now false Jewish teachers had come among them and had begun to teach them that they must observe the law, as the Jews did. This teaching was robbing them of their wonderful liberty as the sons of God, who, by the Spirit, addressed God as Father. The bad teaching sought to bring them back into bondage to the Jewish law.
Not only did these false teachers seek to turn the Galatian believers from the simplicity and liberty of the gospel, but they also tried to undermine the authority of the Apostle Paul. The believers had initially accepted Paul as a representative (angel) of God. There was nothing they would not have done for him or given to him. But now that they were listening to the message of the false teachers, they were rejecting Paul and were observing special days and times, as though in doing so they might find favor with God. Their actions caused him to become afraid that all of his labor in the gospel for them was in vain.
Paul, again going through the pain (travail) of seeing Christ formed afresh in the Galatian believers, points out to them the difference between the law, which they were now desiring to live under, and grace, which was their proper place of privilege and blessing. As believers in the Lord Jesus they were connected with Isaac, the promised heir. But by listening to the false teachers, they were connecting themselves with the son of Abraham’s bondwoman Hagar. They were leaving their place of freedom and liberty and placing themselves under bondage.
The Apostle closes this portion by showing them that Hagar and her son were cast out by Abraham. There was no liberty and blessing in their seeking to morally take the place as “children of the bondwoman”; they were children of the “free.”
1. Paul forcibly brings before the Gentile believers that accepting the teaching of the Jews who had come among them was taking away the liberty they had in Christ and was bringing them into the bondage of the law. What was the reaction of the Jewish leaders when the Lord told them that He, the Son, alone could make them free? John 8:___
2. How were the children of Israel delivered from the bondage they were under in Egypt? Acts 7:___
3. Believers have received the “Spirit of adoption” rather than the spirit of bondage. What does this Spirit of adoption cause the believer to cry?
Romans 8:___
4. What was the reason given by the writer of Hebrews that the Lord Jesus partook of “flesh and blood”? Hebrews 2:___
5. Like the Apostle Paul, the Apostle Peter had to contend with false teachers. These teachers promised freedom while they themselves were serving wickedness. How does Peter describe the true moral condition of these false teachers? 2 Peter 2:___
Jonah 2: March 1997
Jonah must have felt very sad, realizing that it was his disobedience which caused the Lord to create the great fish that had swallowed him up. But Jonah truly loved the Lord, and when he found himself in such serious circumstances, he prayed to the only One who could help him. He realized that there in the belly of the great fish he could do nothing to help himself.
Even in the midst of such a terrible affliction, Jonah did not forget the Lord. This was a wonderful proof of his faith in Jehovah, his God. Another proof of his faith in God, who would deliver him, was that while still inside the fish, Jonah thanked God. He confessed that salvation was from Him alone. The Lord then, in great loving-kindness, caused the fish to release Jonah. How very happy and thankful Jonah must have been!
We will stop for a while in our journey through the Bible while you find the following verses.
1. The rich, young ruler was ____________ when he heard the Lord Jesus tell him to sell all of his possessions and follow Jesus. Mark 10:___
2. The naughty things that children of ____________ do will bring the wrath (anger) of God on them for their sin. Colossians 3:___
3. When the Apostle Paul considered how wonderful eternal glory with the Lord Jesus would be, he described as “light” the ____________ through which believers pass. 2 Corinthians 4:___
4. The Jewish religious leaders had agreed among themselves to let no one come into their synagogue (the place where the Jewish people went to learn about Jehovah) who ____________ that Jesus was Christ, the Messiah.
John 9:___
5. The Apostle Peter told those to whom he wrote that if they suffered for doing what was pleasing to God (righteousness), they would be ____________ .
1 Peter 3:___
Journey Through the Bible
Galatians 5: March 1997
The Apostle Paul continues to press upon the Galatian believers to “stand fast” in the liberty they had in the Lord Jesus Christ through faith in the gospel. If they were to observe the law given to Israel, it would serve only to entangle them in an unbearable yoke of bondage.
The circumcision of the flesh that some of them had undergone only proved that they were under a law which it was impossible for them to keep. If they by this circumcision willingly placed themselves under law, the One they had believed, Christ, was of no profit to them. If they could gain blessing by keeping the law, Christ had died in vain and they were no longer justified before God by faith. The grace of God was of no profit to them if they were now under law.
They had begun their Christian race well but had faltered and stumbled in listening to those who sought to take away their liberty in Christ. All of their blessings and liberty came through the cross. But the cross condemned the very thing the Galatians were trying to improve — the flesh. If by circumcision they could make the flesh (the old nature) better and acceptable to God, why did Paul suffer such persecution in preaching the cross? Rather than seeing the Galatians use circumcision to cut off the flesh, Paul desired that the false teachers who were troubling them might be cut off.
Then he clearly presents the opposition of the flesh to the Spirit. If they walked in love in the Spirit, there would be no opportunity for the flesh to act. The Spirit and the flesh were contrary to each other. As believers with the Spirit dwelling in them, it was impossible that they should be guided by the law governing their flesh. Believers have eternal life and live in the Spirit; we are to walk according to the power of the Spirit rather than according to the flesh.
1. The wonderful message that the Lord Jesus preached to those who were captive did what for those who were wounded by their own sins? Luke 4:___
2. What did the Apostle Paul warn the Corinthians that their liberty in Christ could become to those who were weak in the faith? 1 Corinthians 8:___
3. What always exists where the Spirit of the Lord is? 2 Corinthians 3:___
4. The Apostle James encourages believers to act in view of their being judged by what law? James 2:___
5. The Apostle Peter teaches believers to submit to the ordinances of men, but they were not to use the liberty they had in Christ in what wrong way?
1 Peter 2:___
Jonah 3-4: April 1997
After Jonah’s terrible ordeal, the Lord once again told him to go to Nineveh and preach to them God’s warning of coming judgment. Do you think Jonah went this time? He surely did. He immediately arose and went to Nineveh. This city was so large that it took a person three days to walk through it. As soon as Jonah had entered the first day’s journey into the city, he began to warn the people that within forty days the city would be overthrown.
The people who lived in Nineveh and their king did not laugh or mock at this solemn message. They believed it. They proved their belief by the way that they acted, for they were so sad that no one in the city ate any food while they cried to God for mercy. Not only did they cry for mercy, but the people first stopped doing the evil and violent sins that they were guilty of.
God, who is very gracious and tenderhearted, saw that they were truly repentant by the way they acted. He did not bring upon them the judgment that Jonah had warned of. Now you would think that this would make Jonah very happy. But, instead, he was angry! Poor Jonah. God still had more to teach Jonah about his bad spirit. But we can be sure that someday we will see Jonah in heaven where he will never again be angry.
Let’s rest in our journey through the Bible while you look for the following verses.
1. Unlike Jonah, who warned of coming judgment, the prophet Isaiah was sent by the Spirit of God to ____________ “good tidings.” Isaiah 61:___
2. The Apostle Paul dearly loved the believers at Ephesus. He had spent three years among them ____________ them night and day concerning the attempts of the enemy to overthrow their faith. Acts 20:___
3. The children of Israel were so disobedient that they would not ____________ God even though He showed them many marvelous works while they were in the wilderness. Psalm 78:___
4. God has promised that if the one who is doing wicked things will stop and come back to Him in repentance, God will have ____________ on that person.
Isaiah 55:___
5. When the Lord Jesus spoke to those around Him, they all gave testimony of the very ____________ words which He spoke. Luke 4:___
Journey Through the Bible
Galatians 6: April 1997
The Apostle Paul closes his stern letter to the Galatian believers with important instructions as to how they should live practical Christian lives as those who are enjoying the liberty they have in Christ. They were not to be doing these things to gain favor with God as though under the law, which demanded something of man, but as a practical result of the Spirit of God dwelling in them.
Restoration of a wandering sheep of Christ was to be undertaken by those who were spiritual and to be done in meekness. They were to learn to bear each other’s burdens. At the same time, each one was responsible for the way in which he walked before God. They were to care for those who taught them the Word of God by providing for their practical needs. This sowing to the Spirit would reap blessing, even as sowing to the flesh would reap corruption.
The Apostle encourages believers to spend their time in well doing in view of the coming time of reaping the results of our efforts. Indeed, believers should do good to all men, but especially remembering other believers, whom Paul calls “the household of faith.”
The false teachers were seeking to find glory in their flesh and in their keeping of the law. The Apostle teaches us that the only thing we should glory in is the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is, in effect, God’s final judgment on flesh. The cross forever proved how bad the flesh is and how impossible it is to improve it by keeping the law.
Paul himself bore marks in his body to prove how he had maintained the truth which the Galatians had so readily given up. Though having written such a stern letter, he closes by commending the Galatian believers, whom he loved so much, to the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was by this grace, rather than the law, that they were truly blessed.
1. The Apostle Paul directed those who were spiritual in the Galatian assemblies to seek the restoration of one who was not walking in obedience to God. Why was it that Paul longed to see the believers in Rome? Romans 1:___
2. Because of their worldliness, Paul had to speak about the Lord to the Corinthians in a very simple way — as though he were talking to very little children. In what manner would he have desired to speak to them?
1 Corinthians 3:___
3. What will a man who is truly spiritual acknowledge the writings of Paul to be? 1 Corinthians 14:___
4. What kind of songs are believers to be found singing? Ephesians 5:___
5. What is the character of the wickedness against which believers are to fight? Ephesians 6:___
Micah Through Malachi: May 1997
After the prophet Jonah, there are seven other prophets who were inspired by God to write the prophecies that He gave to them. These prophets all had very important things to tell the people of God as well as those who were enemies of the nation of Israel. God loves His people, and they will be blessed according to His will. But because of their disobedience, He allowed and will allow many sad things to happen to them until they turn to Him in faith.
Even though there are many warnings given in these prophetic books, there are also many wonderful verses of comfort which tell of God’s unchangeable love and His desire to bless His beloved people. There are also solemn warnings given against those Gentile nations who, though allowed by God to punish the nation of Israel, took great delight in the pain and sorrow they inflicted upon God’s people.
These prophets all tell of things that yet have to be accomplished. After the Lord Jesus comes to take all believers home to the Father’s house to be with Him forever, these prophecies will have their final fulfillment.
We’ll rest now in our journey through the Bible, while you look for the following verses:
1. When the Lord Jesus took the little infants in His arms, He ____________ them. Mark 10:___
2. God’s wrath (“anger”) comes on the children of ____________ .
Colossians 3:___
3. The Apostle Paul wept as he ____________ believers about the coming attacks of the enemy of their souls. Acts 20:___
4. Those who love the Lord Jesus should try to ____________ the “feebleminded.” 1 Thessalonians 5:___
5. The ____________ that was built on a rock was able to withstand the rains and floods. Luke 6:___
Journey Through the Bible
Ephesians 1: May 1997
Having taken up the important subjects of the foundation truths of our salvation (Romans), correcting worldliness among believers (Corinthians), and correcting bad doctrine with the truth (Galatians), the Spirit of God now gives us the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesian believers. This epistle contains the “highest” truth concerning the blessings that belong to believers in Christ in glory. Paul unfolds, by the Spirit’s inspiration, the wonderful truths concerning the body of Christ (all believers in this world) and their association with their Head, the Lord Jesus, in glory. Ephesians ends with the most practical kinds of instruction concerning the various relationships of life and the armor that Christians are to wear in their battle with the powers of darkness.
1. What “exceeding” thing that God has directed towards us who are believers did Paul pray that we might know? Ephesians 1:___
2. What two things does the Apostle Paul describe as being the “fullness” of something? (Find two verses.) Ephesians 1:___ and 1:___
3. What two things are according to God’s “good pleasure”? (Find two verses.) Ephesians 1:___ and 1:___
4. What two things are according to God’s “riches”? (Find two verses.)
Ephesians 1:___ and 1:___
5. In what character of God do believers stand in holiness and blamelessness before Him? Ephesians 1:___
Matthew: June 1997
We have come to a very important place in our journey through the Bible. For the past several years we have been traveling through the Old Testament. These are the books of the Bible that were written before our Lord Jesus Christ was born into this world. We now are going to begin traveling through the books of the Bible that describe our Lord’s birth and the many important and wonderful things that happened during and after this blessed event. These books of the Bible are called the New Testament.
The New Testament, like the Old Testament, was written by many different men, each specially chosen of God and given His inspired words to record. The actual time during which the New Testament was written is very short compared to the Old Testament. While many hundreds of years of time separated the various books of the Bible recorded in the Old Testament, all of the books of the New Testament were recorded in less than one hundred years.
The first four books of the New Testament are called “Gospels,” because they record the wonderful news of the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. After this we have a history book called Acts, and then many different letters written to assemblies of believers or to individual believers. At the end is a book that contains the record of events yet to take place in this world called Revelation. We hope that you will enjoy and be helped by our journey through the New Testament.
1. After Moses was ____________ , his parents hid him from Pharaoh, who wanted to kill him. Hebrews 11:___
2. Believers are to work in an honest labor not only for the Lord but for ____________ who see us. 2 Corinthians 8:___
3. Paul said that the sufferings and trials that believers go through at this present ____________ are not worthy to be compared to the coming glory we shall enjoy. Romans 8:___
4. Some of the Athenian philosophers who heard Paul preach the ____________ of the dead mocked him. Acts 17:___
5. The apostles were mightily used of God to the blessing of multitudes of men and women who became ____________ . Acts 5:___
Ephesians 2: June 1997
In this lovely chapter, believers learn from what condition we have been brought into the wonderful blessings we have in Christ. The Lord Jesus is presented as the One who in His person is our peace, who has made peace and who has preached peace to us. What could never be brought together (Israel and the Gentiles) under the law has, under Christ and through Christ, been made into the dwelling place for God by His Spirit.
1. Those who are now brought near to Christ were once where?
Ephesians 2:___
2. What is God “rich” in? Ephesians 2:___
3. Has “peace” been preached only to those who were “far off” (Gentiles) from God? Ephesians 2:___
4. What gives believers (both Jews and Gentiles) access to God our Father?
Ephesians 2:___
5. We are saved by faith, not by works. What have we in Christ Jesus been created to do? Ephesians 2:___
Matthew 1-2: July 1997
The wonderful account of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is presented here. How wonderful to learn from God’s Word that the eternal Son of God was born a baby into the world that He had created. In this Gospel, the Lord Jesus comes to His people (the nation of Israel) as their Messiah. He was to be received by them as their King and to be honored and obeyed.
Sad to say, the Lord Jesus was rejected by His own nation. They did not receive their King when He was born. In this Gospel we only hear of “wise men” (who were not of the nation of Israel) who came seeking to worship the King born in Bethlehem. The religious leaders in Jerusalem, who were responsible to receive the Lord Jesus as their King, were troubled when they heard He had been born! Herod, the wicked Roman ruler over Israel, not only was troubled but sought to kill the Lord Jesus by destroying all the little boys in Bethlehem. But God had warned Joseph in a dream to flee away before this awful event took place.
Later, after the wicked Herod was dead, Joseph and Mary came back with the Lord Jesus and lived in a little village in Galilee called Nazareth.
Now we will rest in our journey while you find the following verses:
1. The shepherds were directed to look for a ____________ lying in a manger, who was to be the King of Israel. Luke 2:___
2. One of the names of the Lord Jesus that the world will see someday is ____________ of kings and Lord of lords. Revelation 19:___
3. Those who gave up the knowledge of God, professing themselves to be ____________ , were really fools before God. Romans 1:___
4. The Lord Jesus said that He would leave peace with believers when He went back to heaven. For this reason He told us not to be ____________ .
John 14:___
5. The Lord Jesus died on the cross because all of mankind is ____________ (no spiritual life) before God. 2 Corinthians 5:___
Ephesians 3: July 1997
In this chapter the Apostle Paul shows how God had entrusted to him the revelation of the “mystery of Christ” which had, up until then, been hidden to all believers of all ages. This wonderful mystery is summed up in verse 6: “That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel.”
1. What is the character of the riches in Christ which Paul proclaimed to the Gentiles? Ephesians 3:___
2. Who is to display before the heavenly beings the “manifold wisdom” of God? Ephesians 3:___
3. What is it that fills the believer with God’s fullness? Ephesians 3:___
4. What is the measure of what God is able to do for believers?
Ephesians 3:___
5. What kind of riches of God will strengthen the believer (the “inner man”)?
Ephesians 3:___
Matthew 3-4: August 1997
We learn of a man of God named John the Baptist who was born just a little before the Lord Jesus. He was given a special and wonderful mission by God to announce the coming of the Messiah (the Lord Jesus Christ) to the people of God. Those who believed his message showed that they were ready to receive their King by being baptized in the river Jordan.
Even the Lord Jesus came to be baptized. At first, John the Baptist did not want to baptize the Lord, for he knew and believed that He was the Messiah. But he obeyed the Lord’s word, and after the Lord Jesus was baptized, the Spirit of God like a dove lighted on Him, and a voice from heaven proclaimed Him as God’s well beloved Son.
Before the Lord Jesus began His service for God in this world, Satan tempted Him, trying to get Him to fail and to sin as all other men have done. But the Lord Jesus is both perfect God and perfect man. As a man, He had no sin and could do no sin; He was perfect. Thus Satan was completely defeated in his attempts, and the Lord Jesus began His life of service by healing those who were sick and in need. This caused many people to follow Him.
Now we will rest awhile in our journey so that you can find the following verses:
1. Abraham was counted righteous before God because he ____________ what God said. James 2:___
2. Abraham also proved his faith in God by ____________ what God told him to do. Hebrews 11:___
3. The message to the disciples on the mount was to hear the ____________ Son of God. Luke 9:___
4. Servants who are believers are to do their ____________ with a happy spirit because they do it for the Lord. Ephesians 6:___
5. All good and ____________ gifts come from only one source: our Father in heaven. James 1:___
Ephesians 4: August 1997
This chapter begins to teach us the responsibility of those who, as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, are blessed with such wonderful blessings as the Apostle has been presenting in the first three chapters. The Apostle first pleads that believers walk worthy of the position that they occupy in Christ in glory. He shows that practical Christianity is vital to those who, by faith in Christ, are members of His body.
1. What is the character of the “old man” that believers are to “put off”?
Ephesians 4:___
2. What is the bond in which believers are to seek to keep the “unity of the Spirit”? Ephesians 4:___
3. What did Christ first do before He “ascended” into glory?
Ephesians 4:___
4. What are believers to “put on” in a practical way? Ephesians 4:___
5. What has God “for Christ’s sake” done for each believer?
Ephesians 4:___
Matthew 5-7: September 1997
In these chapters of Matthew we read of the wonderful things which the Lord Jesus taught His disciples when He went up into a mountain. He started out by telling them of the blessings that belonged to those who wanted to please the Lord. They also learned that those who belong to Him are like a lighted candlestick which everyone can see in the dark.
Those who want to please the Lord are also not to strike back in anger against others who seek to hurt them. They are to love their enemies and pray for them. The Lord promised that God, who knew all of their needs, would care for them and that they should be careful to serve only the Lord. God’s kingdom and righteousness were the most important things they should seek for.
Those who want to follow the Lord must do so by walking on a sometimes difficult, narrow path. The path that leads to eternal destruction is wide and easy to walk on. True disciples of the Lord would be known by the “fruit” (works) that they produced in their lives.
Let’s rest awhile in our journey so you can find the following verses.
1. Before the Lord Jesus chose His disciples, He went into a ____________ and prayed all night to His Father. Luke 6:___
2. Mary Magdalene came to the grave, where the Lord Jesus was buried, early in the morning when it was still ____________ . John 20:___
3. The Apostle Paul tells believers to “put off” things like ____________ and filthy speech. Colossians 3:___
4. Christians are to ____________ one another by love rather than because they have to do it. Galatians 5:___
5. Believers are to have nothing to do with the ____________ of darkness which produce nothing that can satisfy God. Ephesians 5:___
Ephesians 5: September 1997
This lovely chapter begins with the Apostle pressing the vital importance of moral purity in believers’ lives, even to refusing to speak about the wickedness so prevalent in the world. Walking in the light of God’s presence and according to His will, the believer is filled with the Spirit, and thus the subject of his conversation will be hymns, spiritual songs and the giving of thanks to God.
The blessed relationship of the church to the Lord Jesus Christ is then brought out. This divine relationship is beautifully pictured in the marriage union. This relationship is to be lived in such a manner that the union of Christ and His church is glorified and honored by the marriage bond. Love and submission are two key principles in marriage.
1. What character did the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ have to God?
Ephesians 5:___
2. What is a believer to give thanks to God for? Ephesians 5:___
3. What is the Lord Jesus to the church, His body, besides its head?
Ephesians 5:___
4. What is coming on those who practice the evil things described in the first few verses of Ephesians 5? Ephesians 5:___
5. Following the example of the Lord Jesus, how is a man who loves his wife to treat her? Ephesians 5:___
Matthew 8-9: October 1997
When the Lord Jesus came down from the mountain, after teaching such wonderful words to those who followed Him, He began to do wonderful works. He healed the sick servant of a Roman centurion who believed in Him, and then the Lord Jesus healed a dear lady who was very ill with a fever. Those who were brought to Him possessed by wicked spirits were delivered and all who were sick were healed.
As the Lord Jesus and His disciples went across the sea to a country on the other side, a terrible storm arose. The disciples were very frightened and thought they were about to die. But the Lord Jesus rebuked the winds and the sea and all was immediately calm. Two fierce men who were possessed by wicked demons met the Lord Jesus when the boat came to the other side. He immediately delivered them by casting the demons out.
When the Lord Jesus came back to His own country, He healed a man who could not walk. After this He again taught some very important things to those who would listen to Him. While He was speaking, a ruler in Israel came begging the Lord Jesus to come and raise his daughter who had died. While on the way to the ruler’s house, a sick woman touched the border (hem) of the Lord Jesus’ garment, and she was healed of a sickness which had afflicted her for twelve years! At the ruler’s house the people scoffed at the Lord Jesus when He told them that the little girl was not dead. After He had made them all leave, He spoke to the little girl and she arose. How amazed and happy were her parents!
Let’s take another rest in our journey through the Bible so you can find the following verses.
1. Simon Peter and the other apostles gave up everything in order to ____________ the Lord Jesus. Mark 10:___
2. The Apostle Paul knew that when everyone else had forsaken him, the Lord was still with him and ____________ him from a wicked king whom he called a “lion.” 2 Timothy 4:___
3. The Lord Jesus bore the punishment that our sins deserved, so that believers can say that they have been ____________ by His stripes.
1 Peter 2:___
4. The believers in the early assembly at Jerusalem gave what they ____________ to be used for others. Acts 4:___
5. The leper whom the Lord Jesus ____________ was immediately made clean. Luke 5:___
Ephesians 6: October 1997
The Apostle concludes his epistle to the Ephesians by giving very important instructions for pleasing the Lord in whatever circumstance of life a believer may be found. The armor of God is provided for each believer to use, enabling him to overcome the enemy of our souls. The believer’s battle is not against flesh and blood (we have instructions for how to act towards those who “despitefully” treat us), but against the wickedness of evil powers in the heavenlies.
God has provided spiritual armor to enable the believer to “stand” against such attacks as these wicked “principalities” will make against us. It is interesting to note that the only piece of armor with which the believer could “attack” the enemy is the precious Word of God — “the sword of the Spirit.” The energy through which the battle is to be fought is by “prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
1. Children are to “obey your parents in the Lord.” How many “things” are included in this obedience? Colossians 3:___
2. Children are to “honor” their father and mother. Servants are to “honor” their masters (1 Tim. 6:1) and “elders” who rule well are to have “double honor” (1 Tim. 5:17). What is another group of individuals that are to be “honored”?
1 Timothy 5:___
3. What character of the devil is the “armor of God” to be used against?
Ephesians 6:___
4. Is a believer to put on the “whole armor of God” in order that he might attack wicked spirits and powers? Ephesians 6:___
5. Who were the Ephesian believers to specially pray for that the gospel might go forth in power? Ephesians 6:___
Matthew 10-12: November 1997
After doing all of these wonderful works (recorded in chapters 8-9), the Lord Jesus gave instructions to His twelve disciples (apostles), whose names are recorded in chapter 10. The twelve were to go forth healing and doing the same wonderful works that the Lord Jesus did — by the power that He gave to them. It would be a very serious thing for any village or city to refuse to receive the disciples of the Lord.
His disciples were not to be afraid, for the Lord Jesus would protect and care for them. He would see that they had everything they needed in order to go on the journey in service for Himself. If someone would only give them a cup of cold water because they were serving the Lord Jesus, He would reward that person.
Now John the Baptist, who loved the Lord, had been cast into prison and was very discouraged. He sent a message to the Lord Jesus asking Him if He really was the Messiah. The Lord Jesus’ message back to dear John was a report of all the wonderful things that were being done by the Lord. Indeed He was the promised Messiah! The Lord Jesus spoke very solemn words of warning to some people and cities who would not believe in Him. But He encouraged His followers, those who were weary, to give their burden to Him and thus to find rest for themselves.
Of course, there were many rulers and religious leaders in the nation of Israel who would not believe in Him. The Lord Jesus had to speak very strong and solemn words to them.
Let’s rest again in our journey through the Bible while you find the following verses.
1. Before the Apostle Paul was saved, when he was still called Saul, he sought to destroy the name of Jesus by threatening His ____________ .
Acts 9:___
2. God has delivered us from the ____________ of darkness and has brought us into the glorious kingdom of His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus.
Colossians 1:___
3. The only time people need to be ____________ of authorities (such as the police) is if they do evil things. Romans 13:___
4. As the children of Israel traveled through the wilderness, they became very ____________ because of the dreary pathway. Numbers 21:___
5. Paul’s ____________ to the believers in Ephesus was so important that he spent day and night for three years, in tears, delivering that message.
Acts 20:___
Philippians 1: November 1997
The beautiful little epistle of Paul to the Philippian believers gives, perhaps more than any other epistle, the principles of “normal Christianity” — what our day-to-day living should be in this world. The Philippian believers keenly felt the persecution and conflict associated with the gospel of Jesus Christ which Paul preached. But he encourages them not to be “terrified” by the afflictions, for it was, in a real way, an honor from the Lord for their faith in Him to be thus tested by suffering and persecution.
1. The principle of “fellowship” is something of which Paul has much to say in Philippians. What is the foundation of the fellowship of believers?
1 Corinthians 1:___
2. What had happened to Paul as a result of his preaching the gospel?
Philippians 1:___
3. Not only was Paul in bonds for preaching the gospel, but those who had personal grudges against him preached the gospel in order to make his suffering worse! What is the result of suffering with Christ? Romans 8:___
4. How was his dying considered “gain” by the Apostle Paul when he had already said that for him “to live was Christ”? Philippians 1:___
5. Not only were the Philippians encouraged by the Apostle to continue in their fellowship with him in the gospel, but they were to do what else in view of the gospel? Philippians 1:___
Matthew 13: December 1997
In this chapter, the Lord Jesus leaves the house in which He was staying and, seated in a boat by the seashore, He begins to preach a special message to a great crowd of people who had gathered there. He tells them parables (stories which illustrate a point) about the kingdom of heaven.
Sad to say, many of the people who were listening to Jesus with their ears were hardening their hearts against Him. The Lord Jesus likened Himself to a sower who planted good seed and those who heard His words to different kinds of ground that the seed was planted in. Most of the ground was not good and did not allow the seeds to grow and bring forth fruit.
After explaining the parable of the sower to His disciples, the Lord Jesus told more parables. Each of these stories was an example of the kingdom of heaven. He was the true King who should have reigned in the world, but He was rejected and so His kingdom was set up in heaven. Each one who believed by faith in Him was part of that kingdom, but there were those who also were part of it who did not really believe in Him. The time would come when He would set it up in this world and then these false professors would be punished. Until that time, the Lord Jesus carefully explained to His disciples what the kingdom of heaven would be like and how they were to act until He came back.
Let’s rest now in our journey through the Bible while you look for the following verses.
1. The message of Paul to the trembling Philippian jailor was that if he would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, both he and his ____________ would be saved. Acts 16:___
2. Judas, one of the twelve apostles, came with a ____________ (multitude) to take Jesus and deliver Him to be crucified. Luke 22:___
3. God has faithfully warned mankind (all people in the world) not to ____________ their hearts against Him — but to believe the gospel and be saved. Hebrews 3:___
4. Believers are to ____________ a person (a heretic) who tries to get them to follow him instead of following the Lord Jesus. Titus 3:___
5. Those souls who reject the Lord Jesus and pass into eternity are reserved for a coming day of judgment when they will be ____________ . 2 Peter 2:___
Philippians 2: December 1997
In this chapter the blessed Lord Jesus Christ Himself is set as the supreme example of submission, humility and obedience in His perfect, spotless life. This is the pattern, the “mind,” that ought to be found in each believer passing through this world.
1. The Philippians had fellowship with Paul in the gospel (ch. 1:5). If they were to enjoy fellowship and love with one another, with whom must they first have fellowship? Philippians 2:___
2. The grand pattern for Christian love and service is seen in perfection in the Lord Jesus Christ. Never again to be humbled thus, He is now exalted with a name above every name. What is the promise made to believers who humble themselves? 1 Peter 5:___
3. In view of the glorious work of the Lord Jesus, “every knee should bow” to Him. In this life many refuse to do this. However, what does God have to say about this? Romans 14:___
4. What two things ought to characterize the lives of those who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who “shine as lights” in this world? Philippians 2:___
5. What caused the nearly fatal illness of dear Epaphroditus?
Philippians 2:___