Bible Searchers: 1998

Table of Contents

1. Matthew 14: January 1998
2. Philippians 3: January 1998
3. Matthew 15: February 1998
4. Philippians 4: February 1998
5. Matthew 16: March 1998
6. Colossians 1: March 1998
7. Matthew 17: April 1998
8. Colossians 2: April 1998
9. Matthew 18: May 1998
10. Colossians 3: May 1998
11. Matthew 19: June 1998
12. Colossians 4: June 1998
13. Matthew 20: July 1998
14. The Holy Spirit: July 1998
15. Matthew 21: August 1998
16. Supper: August 1998
17. Matthew 22: September 1998
18. The Man Christ Jesus: September 1998
19. Matthew 23: October 1998
20. Willingness: October 1998
21. Matthew 24: November 1998
22. The Holy Spirit: November 1998
23. Matthew 25: December 1998
24. "The Branch": December 1998

Matthew 14: January 1998

Here we read of John the Baptist again. He had rebuked King Herod for his sin of living with Herodias, his brother’s wife. Herod would have killed John for his faithful words, but Herod feared that his people would not like him if he did that because they all thought John was a prophet. So he put John in prison instead. On Herod’s birthday there was a big party, and when Herodias’s daughter danced for him, he promised her a great reward. She asked for John to be beheaded, and Herod felt forced to give her what she wanted. But his disciples buried him properly and then shared their sorrow with Jesus.
When Jesus heard about John’s death, He went to a desert place to be alone. But He wasn’t alone for very long. Many people always seemed to be able to find Him, and they flocked to Him because He helped them with their problems. He healed those among them who were sick. He fed the large group of people who gathered around Him with just five loaves of bread and two fish. And all this He did because of the compassion (love) that was in His heart for each one of those people.
Then the disciples got into a boat to go to the other side of the lake, but they found it hard to make any progress because of a strong wind that was against them. In the middle of the night, the Lord Jesus walked to them on the water. Peter saw Him coming and asked to walk on the water too. As long as he kept his eyes on Jesus, Peter was able to walk to Him on the water, but when he looked around at the waves, he began to sink. Peter cried for help and the Lord Jesus immediately reached out to pick him up. Then the wind stopped too.
Let’s rest awhile in our journey so you can find the following verses.
1. The writings of Moses and all of the ____________ speak about the Lord Jesus. Luke 24:___
2. When Jesus was about to leave His disciples to go back to heaven, He knew it would make them sad, but He said that He would change their ____________ into joy. John 16:___
3. God’s love and ____________ never stop and they are fresh every morning. Lamentations 3:______ (2 verses)
4. If God is on our side, no one can be ____________ us, because He has given His Son to die for us and He will always take care of us. Romans 8:___
5. God is always right next to us to ____________ us whenever we get into trouble. Psalm 46:___

Philippians 3: January 1998

Having spoken of our Lord Jesus Christ in His humiliation in chapter 2, the Apostle Paul next presents Him as our blessed object in the glory. Paul had seen Christ up there, and his one goal was to be more like Him down here. This gave energy to his Christian life and made him give the proper value -worthless - to everything of earth and this world.
1. In presenting such a glorious object to us, the Apostle recognizes that there are things that hinder us in pursuing this goal. One of these enemies is our sinful flesh (vs. 3). How are we to reckon ourselves, in view of the sin that is in us, so that we might not have any confidence in the flesh? Romans 6:___
2. Paul had an impressive list of credentials and honors in which he might have boasted (vss. 4-6). However, when he weighed their value against the excellence of knowing his Lord better and deeper, he found that they were worthless (vss. 7-8). They not only didn’t help; they were a positive hindrance, and so he gave them up completely in order that he might wholeheartedly pursue his goal. When addressing the Ephesian elders, what else did he say was not dear to him, because his objective was far more valuable? Acts 20:___
3. So completely did the Apostle desire to know Christ and be like Him that he even wanted to be like Him in death (vs. 10). Then he would experience resurrection from among the dead, as Christ had when He was raised. Who else will experience this resurrection when the Lord Himself comes from heaven with a shout? 1 Thessalonians 4:___
4. Paul recognizes that we don’t all grow at the same rate (vs. 15). He encourages the Philippian saints, and ourselves also, to follow those whose lives show that they have the same object as the Apostle Paul. Why could he tell believers to follow himself? 1 Corinthians 11:___
5. Our bodies are subject to weakness and decay. We are part of the creation that groans in pain together. But at the coming of the Lord, these bodies will be changed to be just like His resurrection body of glory (vss. 20-21). What will we experience when we are delivered from this bondage of corruption?
Romans 8:___

Matthew 15: February 1998

Wherever Jesus went, as He lived in this world, there always was a group of people who found fault with everything that He did and everything that He said. They looked clean and well-dressed. They taught the Jewish people many rules, some from the Old Testament and some that they had made up, that they expected the people to obey. But in their hearts they hated the Lord Jesus and wanted to get rid of Him. Jesus taught that what is most important is not how we look on the outside, as other people see us, but how our hearts look to God, for He can see all the sin that fills our hearts.
What a cheer the “woman of Canaan” must have been to the Lord Jesus! She was not a Jew in Israel; she was a Gentile from a neighboring country. Usually the Jews did not have anything to do with Gentiles. But this woman’s daughter was possessed by a demon, and the mother knew that only Jesus could help her with her serious problem. Many tried to turn her away, but the Lord Jesus valued her great faith that would not give up, and so He was very happy to deliver her daughter from the demon.
Jesus had come to heal and bless the people. Here He also does another miracle with food - He once again feeds a multitude of people with just a few loaves and fish. Those who received the blessing “glorified the God of Israel” -they gave Him the honor and thanks that He deserved.
Now we need some rest in our journey, and while we do you can find the following verses.
1. Children should always ____________ their parents, because this pleases the Lord. Colossians 3:___
2. What is it that can cleanse our hearts from all ____________ ?
1 John 1:___
3. We are saved only by grace, through ____________ , not by anything that we can do ourselves. Ephesians 2:___
4. The Lord Jesus came to ____________ those who have been under bondage and slavery to the devil all their lives. Hebrews 2:___
5. When we receive God’s wonderful gift, the Lord Jesus and His death on the cross to save us from our sins, it is only right that we should give Him ____________ . 2 Corinthians 9:___

Philippians 4: February 1998

The Apostle Paul concludes this lovely epistle with the strength that will carry the Lord’s people along the path of Christian experience through this world. As in every chapter, it is Christ. His strength gives power to rise above every circumstance in order to produce fruit that is well-pleasing to God.
1. Paul had labored fervently for the saints in Philippi so that they might grow in their souls. Their progress gave him joy, and he looked forward to a coming day when their faithfulness would crown his labors for the Lord. But in order for them and him to look forward to that day, they must “stand fast in the Lord” (vs. 1). What part of the Christian’s armor helps him to stand?
Ephesians 6:___
2. There were evidently two sisters who did not have a common mind and heart as they lived together in this assembly (vs. 2). Who are we called to have fellowship (common thoughts) with, which also forms the basis on which we can be perfectly joined together in the same mind? 1 Corinthians 1:___
3. “Rejoice” and “joy” are key words in this epistle (vs. 4). Though Paul was writing from prison, he still had his eye on the Lord, and therein he found the true source of joy. What should characterize those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, though they do not yet see Him? 1 Peter 1:___
4. Sometimes it is harder for us to know how “to abound” than it is “to be abased”; Paul had learned how to do both (vss. 11-12). What hidden ingredient must be added to godliness in order for us to realize true gain in our spiritual lives? 1 Timothy 6:___
5. Paul valued the care of the Philippians as they helped with the temporal needs of his daily life. He knew that it was like a sweet odor that ascended to God for His pleasure (vs. 18). How does God view our praise to Him and our doing good to others by sharing our possessions with them?
Hebrews 13:______ (2 verses)

Matthew 16: March 1998

Here are those same enemies of the Lord Jesus, called Pharisees and Sadducees, trying to find fault with Him again. They often asked Him questions, which might look like they were just trying to learn something from Him, but the Bible tells us that their questions came from hearts that were wicked. The Lord Jesus then warned others to be careful about their teachings.
How wonderful each time we read of those who loved the Lord Jesus and were ready to listen to His teachings. Peter was one of these, and he was eager to tell others that Jesus is the Son of God. Now Jesus never changes. He always has been the Son of God, He still is, and He always will be, and so this truth is like a solid rock. When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, then we are safe forever, and not even Satan can knock us off this rock-solid foundation.
As we move along on our journey, we find out that Jesus was on a journey too. He begins to share with us that His journey is heading to Jerusalem where He will suffer, die and then rise again alive the third day. We are probably all like Peter, who doesn’t want to see the Lord Jesus finish that journey, because it’s too sad to think about His having to die. But if He doesn’t die, then we can’t have our sins forgiven. Aren’t we so very thankful that He was willing to die for us?
Now we’ll stop and rest while you find these verses.
1. At the trial of the Lord Jesus, just before He was crucified, Pilate had to admit three times that he found no ____________ in Him. John 19:___
2. We often look different, think different and act different than we did a year ago. But the Lord is God, and He never ____________ . Malachi 3:___
3. Those who hear what Jesus teaches in the Bible and do what He says are like a wise man who built his house on a ____________ . Matthew 7:___
4. The Lord Jesus is like a seed of wheat that must be put in the ground and ____________ if it is going to bear any fruit. John 12:___
5. David knew that the only way to be happy (“blessed”) was to have his sins (“transgression”) ____________ . Psalm 32:___

Colossians 1: March 1998

In many ways the Epistle to the Colossians is similar to the Epistle to the Ephesians. However, Colossians presents a facet of the truth of God, as well as some very important exhortations for our practical lives, that we do not get anywhere else.
The Christian in Colossians is risen with Christ, as he is in Ephesians, but he is not sitting in heavenly places; he is still on earth. His life is hidden up there with Christ, and Christ is his life, providing in him the hope of glory as something yet to be realized. All of this provides character for the believer’s present life.
1. The Apostle Paul had heard of the faith, love and hope (vss. 4-5) in the Colossians’ hearts and lives. This gave him cause for thanksgiving in his prayers for these dear saints. How had these same three things been evident through the activities of the Thessalonian believers? 1 Thessalonians 1:___
2. Producing fruit in our lives and growing in our knowledge of God is directly dependent on our walk being worthy of the Lord and pleasing to Him (vs. 10). What kind of fruit does the Spirit of God desire to reproduce in us?
Galatians 5:______ (2 verses)
3. As we think of the supremacy of our Lord Jesus Christ, one of His glories is as creator (vss. 16-17). Why do the twenty-four elders give Him honor and glory? Revelation 4:___
4. Of course, our Lord Jesus Christ is also worthy of all honor as redeemer (vs. 14). His precious blood provides the righteous means for God to forgive all our sins. Why do those same elders sing a new song? Revelation 5:___
5. Paul’s special mission was to reveal what God had kept hidden all through the Old Testament times (vss. 25-27). This was no ordinary secret. It was God’s grand purpose to bring both Jews and Gentiles into eternal blessing by forming them together into the one body of Christ. How does the Spirit of God describe what the church (which is the body of Christ) is to her head?
Ephesians 1:___

Matthew 17: April 1998

Sometimes when you have a secret about something very happy that is going to happen, you like to share the secret with your closest friends before it actually happens, so that they can look forward to it with you. That is what the Lord Jesus did in our chapter. He took three of His disciples to the top of a high mountain, and there He showed them, along with Moses and Elijah, what a beautiful and glorious time it will be when He gets to reign as the supreme King over this whole world. They learned that day that God will have everyone give all the honor to His beloved Son. Now this hasn’t happened yet, but we can look forward to it too.
After having such a wonderful view of the glory of the Lord Jesus, the disciples find that they are unable to cast a demon out of a boy. Why? Jesus says that we must have our trust in Him; we have no strength in ourselves. We can’t get along one minute without Him. And it’s when we pray that we tell Him what we need and get His help for all our problems.
These are some very important lessons that we’re learning along our journey, so we’d better take a break while we find the following verses.
1. God knows and is going to judge every ____________ that is in our hearts, so we should always be careful that our thoughts are pleasing to Him.
Romans 2:___
2. Those who go to preach the gospel to someone else have ____________ feet, because God so appreciates every time that we tell someone else about the Lord Jesus. Romans 10:___
3. Christ died for ungodly people who have no ____________ .
Romans 5:___
4. We should always continue to ____________ , and then eagerly watch for the Lord to answer our requests. When He does, and even before, don’t forget to thank Him. Colossians 4:___
5. The Lord Jesus is now sitting on a throne of grace, and we are invited to come boldly and to come often to get all the ____________ that we ever need.
Hebrews 4:___

Colossians 2: April 1998

The wonderful truth that the Apostle Paul taught in the first chapter raises our hearts up to heights which our minds can hardly fathom. But the enemy is ever active to rob Christ of His glory and to rob our souls of the enjoyment of it. So the Apostle must warn us of all those inventions of the human mind which attempt to hinder us from entering into our true place in Christ.
1. The ultimate safeguard from going astray after other ideas is to assure our hearts that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ and nowhere else (vss. 2-3). What did the Apostle Peter encourage the saints to grow in, so that they would not be led away by error? 2 Peter 3:___
2. As a tree receives its vital nutrients through its roots, so we are to have our roots firmly fixed in Christ (vss. 6-7). What is the result of drawing a fresh, continual supply of nourishment from “the rivers of water” - the Holy Spirit and the Word of God? Psalm 1:___
3. One of the snares of the devil is philosophy, which comes from the teaching of men and is according to the elements of the world but not in any way from Christ (vs. 8). What should we do with all of the thoughts and imaginations that come from our natural minds and hearts? 2 Corinthians 10:___
4. Another snare is the false notion that we should live under legal ordinances, such as the children of Israel did under the law (vss. 20-23). God put an end to such a system of righteousness by the cross of Christ, for man had proven up to that point that he was incapable of attaining God’s righteousness by his own efforts. On what basis is God’s righteousness now available to all mankind? Romans 3:___
5. In the first chapter we learned that Christ is the head of the body, of which all believers are members. Now we learn that going after the various ideas of men comes from “not holding the Head” (vs. 19) - that is, not looking to Him to teach us and to form all of our thoughts. What is the purpose for which the ascended Head has given gifts to every joint of His body? Ephesians 4:___

Matthew 18: May 1998

When the disciples asked who would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, they hardly expected a little child to be an example.
After death, a person will either go to be with the Lord Jesus in heaven or, if he dies in his sins, suffer in everlasting fire. So that we can be saved, the Son of Man died for us on the cross. This fills our hearts with praise and worship as we come together on the first day of the week to remember Him in His death.
Now the Lord would have us show compassion to the lost, give them the gospel (good news) and pray for their salvation.
Let’s rest awhile in our journey so you can find the following verses.
1. Who are those who shall be the ____________ in the kingdom of heaven?
Matthew 18:___
2. What did the Lord Jesus say it was better to do, rather than be cast into ____________ fire? Matthew 18:___
3. The Lord Jesus is also called the ____________ . Why did He come into the world? Matthew 18:___
4. Where two or three are gathered ____________ unto the name of the Lord Jesus, what promise did He give them? Matthew 18:___
5. The Lord has shown great ____________ in forgiving us our sins. What would He like us to do towards our fellow companions? Matthew 18:___

Colossians 3: May 1998

In all of the Apostle Paul’s epistles, he teaches the doctrine first and then follows with practical exhortations so that we might live in keeping with the doctrine which we profess to believe. After teaching us that we have died and risen with Christ, he tells us some of the habits and characteristics of the old man that must be “put off” as well as the beautiful traits of the new man that we ought to “put on” and display. He also shows us how we should conduct ourselves in the relationships of life, including our households and our employment. Indeed, everything we do should be done heartily for the Lord.
1. If we are really dead and risen with Christ, the One who is seated at the right hand of God, then our affections should be fixed on and occupied with heavenly things (vss. 1-2). Why does the Apostle John solemnly warn us not to love the things of the world? 1 John 2:___
2. We are naturally repulsed by gross wickedness—the things listed in verse 5—but every one of us has been guilty of some of the sins in verse 8 at one time or another. What is the divine remedy in order that we not practice these lusts that come from our flesh? Galatians 5:___
3. Among those qualities of “the new man” which we are to “put on” is “humbleness of mind” (vs. 12). Our blessed Lord Jesus Christ is always our perfect example. How low did He humble Himself? Philippians 2:___
4. Singing is one way in which we can share the teachings of the Word of God with others (vs. 16); it also expresses the joy and peace that are in our hearts. What did two of the Lord’s prisoners do in the middle of the night?
Acts 16:___
5. God is concerned about and gives us instructions for our behavior in each of our relationships - wives and husbands, children and parents, and servants and masters (vss. 18-25). In each case we are encouraged to fulfill our responsibilities “as to the Lord” and thereby we will enjoy His blessing in our lives. What credit does the Holy Spirit give to Sarah in her behavior as a wife, which is a good example for us? 1 Peter 3:___

Matthew 19: June 1998

The Lord Jesus often had multitudes around Him because of His words and His wonderful works. His words were usually gracious, but sometimes they were of judgment and of things the people didn’t want to obey. When the Pharisees asked about divorce, He told them that God joined together a man and his wife, and man was not to put them asunder. When they heard this, they said it was not good to marry but rather to live as a eunuch. However, this is not God’s purpose for most people.
The Lord Jesus would have us to trust and follow Him while we are young, but in this chapter we read of someone who loved his riches more than following the Lord. We hope he realized what a poor decision he made that day and had a change of heart. Those who follow the Lord in this world will someday share in the glory of heaven.
Now we need some rest in our journey, and while we do you can find the following verses.
1. What did the Lord Jesus do for the great ____________ that followed Him? Matthew 19:___
2. When two people get married, who is it that ____________ them together? Matthew 19:___
3. A eunuch cannot have any children, but why would anyone make themselves ____________ ? Matthew 19:___
4. When people came to the Lord in faith, they left rejoicing. How did the rich ____________ man go away? Matthew 19:___
5. What special privilege will the twelve apostles have in the regeneration when the Son of Man (the Lord Jesus) sits on the throne of His ____________ ?
Matthew 19:___

Colossians 4: June 1998

The Apostle Paul continues from the last chapter with further practical exhortations to help believers to live up to that position in which their death and resurrection with Christ had put them. He adds a touching request for their prayers, showing that he needed them as much as they needed his for them, as he assured them in chapter 1.
He finishes the Epistle with various special messages to specific individuals. Many of these notes we might well covet for the record of our own lives and service for the Lord. However, the mention of some of the names here, such as Demas, who later forsook Paul for love of this present world, is a solemn reminder that we must walk in daily communion with the Lord if we are to live for His glory down here till He comes.
1. Prayer is essential to growth in our Christian lives. Here we are encouraged not only to pray but also to look for the answers and to be thankful for them even before we get them (vs. 2). The Lord Jesus told a story about a widow and a judge for what purpose? Luke 18:___
2. Two things ought to be evident every time we open our mouths to speak: grace and salt (vs. 6). Grace is the love and kindness of God, showing that the spirit of our words is from Him. Salt cleanses and preserves, and having our speech “seasoned with salt” means that we must always speak the truth of God, even when we meet with the opposition of an evil world. The Lord Jesus perfectly combined these two things in His speech, and so the people were ready to throw Him over a hill for the truth that He had spoken, though they had just wondered at what kind of words from His mouth? Luke 4:___
3. It is encouraging to hear Paul tell the Colossians to receive Mark (vs. 10), the one who had left Paul earlier on one of his trips. Later, what further commendation is the Apostle able to give about Mark? 2 Timothy 4:___
4. Epaphras had a special desire for the Colossian saints that he earnestly and repeatedly expressed to the Lord in prayer: that they would “stand perfect and complete in all the will of God” (vs. 12). The Apostle Paul shared this same desire for them and prayed that they “might be filled with the knowledge of His will.” What does he say will be the result when we walk in a way that is worthy of the Lord? Colossians 1:___
5. Archippus needed to be stirred up to fulfill the ministry (or service) the Lord had given him to do (vs. 17). Timothy also needed encouragement from the Apostle Paul to exercise his gift from God. What spirit has God given us, so that we might be faithful in using the gift we have from Him? 2 Timothy 1:___

Matthew 20: July 1998

The kindness of the owner of the vineyard is told out in this chapter. He had an agreement with the first laborers, which is a picture of Israel under law, who agreed to serve God. The laborers who were hired later at about the eleventh hour had no agreement and were dependent on the grace and kindness of the master of the vineyard. Do you think they were disappointed? God is better to us than we ever thought!
Although the Lord was so kind to all, the hearts of most men remained unchanged. The leaders of the people wanted to condemn Him to death and deliver Him to the Gentiles to be crucified. This should have filled the disciples with sorrow, but instead we read that the mother of Zebedee’s children wanted the Lord to grant special favors for them. How clearly the Bible tells out what is in man’s natural heart!
During the life of the Lord Jesus, He constantly ministered to others and then at the end gave His life as a ransom for many. What love can compare with this?
Lastly, the reason the multitude rebuked the two blind men was because of their testimony to “the Son of David.” But Jesus touched their eyes and healed them. Soon multitudes will be compelled to confess “that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Now we’ll stop and rest while you find these verses.
1. The lord of the vineyard was very kind to his laborers. How much did his steward pay those that were hired about the ____________ hour?
Matthew 20:___
2. What did the Lord say He would do on the third day after He was ____________ ? Matthew 20:___
3. The mother of Zebedee’s children wanted the Lord to ____________ a favor to her sons. What was it? Matthew 20:___
4. If the Son of Man did not come to be ____________ unto (to be served), what did He come for? Matthew 20:___
5. What did the two blind men do after Jesus ____________ their eyes?
Matthew 20:___

The Holy Spirit: July 1998

The Holy Spirit is one of three divine persons in the Godhead (Matthew 28:19) and we read of His activity in the very first chapter of the Bible. Anyone who is saved has had a work of the Holy Spirit in their hearts (John 3:5). In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit sometimes came upon men, but today He indwells believers (Ephesians 1:13) and unites them into one body.
1. Who is it that will guide us into all the truth? John 16:___
2. The Holy Spirit is also called the Comforter. How long does He abide with the believer in Christ? John 14:___
3. What three things did the Lord Jesus say the Holy Spirit (Comforter) would reprove the world of? John 16:___
4. Today, the Holy Spirit restrains (“lets”) things from getting out of hand. How long will this restraint continue? 1 Thessalonians 2:___
5. Christians have gifts (such as wisdom, knowledge and faith) given to them. Who is it that divides to every man severally as He will? 1 Corinthians 12:___

Matthew 21: August 1998

We now come to the Lord’s entry into Jerusalem. He didn’t come with a grand army and riding on “a white horse” (Revelation 19:11), but rather as a meek man, sitting upon an ass! Children saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David,” really upset the religious leaders, because they were full of envy.
However, man’s hatred did not stop the Lord’s love from flowing out, and after cleansing the temple the second time, He then heals the blind and the lame before leaving the city to spend the night in Bethany.
The next morning, He was hungry and seeing a fig tree with plenty of leaves, He expected to find fruit but found nothing but leaves. What a picture of the nation of Israel - a great profession of religion but no fruit for God!
When the Lord entered the temple again, the chief priests and elders questioned His authority. Since they couldn’t even determine the authority for John’s mission, how could they determine His? He exposes their hearts to others, for they pretended to go and do God’s will, but went not. Others who had a very bad beginning repented and went, for repentance will take action.
This wasn’t all that He had to say to the chief priests and Pharisees, because in the closing parable He draws a picture of Israel’s history in their rejection of God’s prophets, and finally, when the husbandmen saw the son, they slew him. What an awful judgment awaits those who reject the Son of God. “Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish” (Psalm 2:12).
We’d better take a break on our journey to think about what we’ve been learning and to find the following verses.
1. Who did the prophet say would come to Sion “meek, and sitting upon an ____________ , and a colt the foal of an ass” ? Matthew 21:___
2. In 2 Samuel 5:8 it says, “The lame and the ____________ , that are hated of David’s soul.” What did the Lord Jesus do for them in the temple?
Matthew 21:___
3. When the Lord found ____________ but leaves on the fig tree, what did He do to it? Matthew 21:___
4. The first son rebelled at the beginning. What did he do after he ____________ ? Matthew 21:___
5. What did the ____________ say about the one they intended to kill?
Matthew 21:___

Supper: August 1998

There are various suppers mentioned in Scripture. Usually it was the main meal of the day and was eaten when labors were ended and they were about ready to rest. However, there are other suppers that are referred to, some good and some not so good.
1. What is eaten at the supper of the great God? Revelation 19:___
2. In Luke 14 a man made a great supper and invited many. Who responded to the invitation? Luke 14:___
3. After having eaten the supper of the Passover, what new thing did the Lord introduce as a memorial of His shed blood? Luke 22:___
4. What did Martha, Lazarus and Mary do that showed their affection for the Lord Jesus? John 12:___
5. When the Corinthians came together into one place to eat their supper, were they doing it in an orderly way? 1 Corinthians 11:___

Matthew 22: September 1998

The Lord Jesus often spoke in parables to the people. A parable is a short story that teaches a truth or a moral lesson. When our Lord came into this world, His own people, the Jews, did not receive Him. In this chapter, they are the bidden guests who would not come. But God’s plans to honor His Son will not be frustrated by man’s rejection of His offer. Again the invitation goes out to those on the highways, gathering in both bad and good guests to the wedding. These are mainly Gentiles who have now been responding to the gospel invitation for over 1900 years. How gracious of the Lord to call those who were so unworthy! For all eternity He will be praised for His loving-kindness.
Can you imagine men trying to entangle the Lord Jesus in His talk? It was impossible! First they flatter Him and then they ask a tricky question. The Lord’s answer, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s,” is so well-known that it is often quoted today! The Lord is mighty in strength and wisdom (Job 36:5). He can answer any question we may have, no matter how difficult! Some people add to the Bible and some take away from it. When they said that there was no resurrection the Sadducees were taking away from the Bible, for which there is a stern warning in Revelation 22:19. The fact that all will rise again shows the great power of God.
David, besides being a king, was also a prophet (Acts 2:29-30) and could foresee that his son would be greater than he, calling Him “Lord.” The genealogy given in Matthew shows the Lord Jesus coming through the family of David, yet in Psalm 110 David refers to his descendent as “Lord.” How can this be? He was greater than King David, for He is “King of kings, and Lord of lords” (Rev. 19:16).
1. Usually, when we are invited to a wedding, we are happy to go. How did the bidden ____________ respond to the wedding invitation? Matthew 22:___
2. Since those who were bidden were not worthy, where did the servants go next to furnish the ____________ with guests? Matthew 22:___
3. Did the Lord Jesus forbid to ____________ tribute to Caesar, as false witnesses claimed in Luke 23:2? Matthew 22:___
4. The Apostle Paul said that if there was no ____________ , believers would be of all men most miserable (1 Cor. 15:19). What did the Sadducees say? Matthew 22:___
5. What we think of Christ will determine our eternal destiny. Christ was to come through the lineage of David. What did ____________ in spirit call his son? Matthew 22:___

The Man Christ Jesus: September 1998

Men often try to bring the Lord Jesus down to the level of other men (Matt. 17:4), but there are many proofs in the Bible that He was more than a man. He was a real man, but He was also God “manifest in the flesh” (1 Tim. 3:16).
As a man He felt thirst, weariness and reproach, but He was sinless and had no fallen nature as we have. As God He performed miracles, forgave sins, spoke as none other did, possessed all wisdom and exercised power over wind and waves.
In reading the Old Testament we find that God was great, powerful, wise and good. In the New Testament we discover that He loves us so much He sent His only begotten Son to die for us. Hebrews 10:12 states that “this man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins, forever sat down on the right hand of God.”
1. What did Pilate say to the people after Jesus came forth wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe? John 19:___
2. What reason did the officers give the chief priests and Pharisees for not bringing Jesus? John 7:___
3. The repentant thief on the cross said something about the Lord Jesus that was absolutely true. What was it? Luke 23:___
4. Through whom is preached the forgiveness of sins? Acts 13:___
5. When the woman at the well left her waterpot and went into the city, what did she tell the men? John 4:___

Matthew 23: October 1998

Man often uses his religion to exalt himself. The scribes and Pharisees did many things so that men would notice them, but they did not practice what they preached. The Lord Jesus not only wants us to know the truth but to live it as well.
The Lord makes a statement that is the very opposite of how man thinks. He says, Humble yourself and you shall be exalted, but man exalts himself in order to get ahead in this world. How unlike the One who, though over all, “humbled Himself . . . even to the death of the cross” (Phil. 2:8).
Many people observe religious ceremonies but their hearts are far from God. This may make them feel good, but what the Lord is really looking for is righteous “judgment, mercy, and faith,” more than tithe of mint and anise.
Today some say, “If we were living when Jesus was on earth, we would not have crucified Him.” The scribes and Pharisees were saying the same thing about the treatment their fathers gave the prophets before them. The Lord Jesus mentioned the prophet Zacharias who was slain long ago, but now He was going to send other prophets who would receive the same treatment by the present generation, showing that over the years the heart of man had not changed.
God’s grace is greater than all man’s evil, and He will have disciples who have trusted in Him and are redeemed by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus. They will sing to the praise of His eternal glory!
1. The Bible tells us that the works and teachings of the Lord Jesus were the same (Acts 1:1). Were the scribes and ____________ doing and saying the same things? Matthew 23:___
2. In the world to come, what type of person will be ____________ ?
Matthew 23:___
3. What did the Lord Jesus tell the Pharisees was more important than paying ____________ of mint and anise and cummin? Matthew 23:___
4. ____________ the son of Barachias wrote the next to the last book in the Old Testament. How did his life end? Matthew 23:___
5. What will the ____________ of the Lord Jesus say when they see Him in a future day? Matthew 23:___

Willingness: October 1998

When the Lord Jesus is ruling over this world, His people shall be willing to do what He desires. Wouldn’t it be nice if we were willing in this day of His rejection to say as little Samuel, “Speak, Lord; for Thy servant heareth” (1 Sam. 3:9)?
Many things that we must do each day can be performed easily if we “do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Col. 3:23). We are not commanded to do things for the Lord, because the term “let us” in Hebrews expresses the desire of the new nature to do things for the Lord out of a willing heart. It is the response of a redeemed heart for all that has been done by a giving God.
While walking with the two going to Emmaus, why do you suppose the Lord Jesus made “as though He would have gone further”? He wanted to see if they would willingly invite Him into their home.
1. In the Old Testament they were required to give the tenth part to the Lord (Lev. 27:32). Today, what kind of giver does God love? 2 Corinthians 9:___
2. When the Lord exercises His power in Zion, in what attitude will His people serve Him? Psalm 110:___
3. When David gave thanks before the congregation, what did he say about himself and the people, concerning the offering that was made to the Lord?
1 Chronicles 29:___
4. What does it say about the men and women who brought an offering of gold unto the Lord? 1 Chronicles 29:___
5. The Lord does not expect us to give what we do not have, but what must we have first before we give anything? 2 Corinthians 8:___

Matthew 24: November 1998

Almost everyone is interested in coming events. The Lord’s disciples were no different. They wanted to know what would happen in the future. Perhaps they were looking forward to seeing more prosperous and peaceful days during their lifetime, without any wars, but the Lord painted a very dark picture for them. Those who know Jesus as Saviour today will be taken to be with Him before this terrible time falls upon the world in the last days. Judgment is God’s “strange work” (Isa. 28:21). He takes no pleasure in judgment, so He will shorten the period of great tribulation for the sake of His elect. This should stir us up to warn sinners to “flee from the wrath to come” and to thank the Lord Jesus for keeping us “from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world” (Rev. 3:10).
God, in His mercy, has given us a book, the Bible, which records past history and tells of future events. What He has told us is more stable than heaven and earth. Do you ever thank the Lord Jesus for the Bible? It is God’s personal letter to you and me.
There was a great flood in the days of Noah because of man’s wickedness. We are told that the Son of Man will execute judgment again, taking away the wicked while they are working in the field, in the mill, or wherever they may be. We should expect the Lord to return any day and not be like the evil servant who lived like the ungodly around him.
1. Before the Lord Jesus comes again, will there be ____________ in the world? Matthew 24:___
2. Unbelievers will know that we are the Lord’s disciples if we love one another (John 13:35). Because iniquity shall abound in the ____________ days, what will happen to the love of many? Matthew 24:___
3. Why will the Lord ____________ the days of tribulation coming upon the world? Matthew 24:___
4. After heaven and ____________ are gone, what will not pass away?
Matthew 24:___
5. An evil ____________ smote his fellows and began to eat and drink with the drunken. What did he say in his heart? Matthew 24:___

The Holy Spirit: November 1998

The Holy Spirit is one of the three Persons in the Godhead (Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14). We first read of the Spirit in Genesis 1:2, where in creation He moved upon the face of the waters.
Although we cannot see the Holy Spirit, He is very active in the world both among believers and unbelievers, though in different ways (John 16:8,13). He personally acts as a restraint in the affairs of men today, hindering sin from running rampant and thus allowing Christians to live in a measure of peace and quiet (2 Thess. 2:6-7). But soon, when the Lord Jesus comes to take those who are saved to be with Him, the world will be unhindered in following its evil course.
When we believe the gospel and receive the Lord Jesus as our personal Saviour, the Holy Spirit indwells us. This is not like the Old Testament times when the Spirit of God came upon men of faith. See Judges 15:14 as an example.
The Holy Spirit would occupy our hearts with the Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:26), but when we walk in paths of self-pleasing, He is grieved (Eph. 4:30) and cannot fill our hearts with joy. What do you think the servant occupied the heart of Rebekah with (Gen. 24)? Was it not with the man she had never seen but was soon going to meet?
1. In Revelation 18, Babylon becomes the habitation of devils, the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. Who inhabits those who are builded together through the Spirit? Ephesians 2:___
2. Some of the Corinthians had the gift of wisdom, some the gift of knowledge and some another gift. Who was dividing to each man?
1 Corinthians 12:___
3. The disciples were sorry to hear that the Lord was going away. What is the name of the One the Father was going to send who would abide with them forever? John 14:___
4. What was it David was afraid God would take away from him, because he had grievously sinned? Psalm 51:___
5. The gospel preacher proclaims God’s message and the Holy Spirit strives with men (Gen. 6:3). What three things does He reprove the world of?
John 16:___

Matthew 25: December 1998

Have you ever heard the gospel preached from the parable of the ten virgins? Did you ever wonder how five of them could be so foolish as to take no oil? Yet there are multitudes today who have only a lamp of profession. That is, they have a religion but not a personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Soon the opportunity to be saved will be past and the door of grace will be forever closed.
We are thankful that the Lord did not come before we heard the gospel and received the forgiveness of all our sins. May such love encourage us to serve Him as He enables us with the talents we have received, for all have at least one talent.
The Lord Jesus takes the title of “Son of Man” when He acts in judgment (John 5:27) over all the nations and none will refuse to keep this appointment. His eye is on His sheep, and all the good works that are done out of love for the Lord He will reward in the coming earthly kingdom. But what about those who despise the good news of God’s King? He will say to these on His left hand, “Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” Surely, it is “a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb. 10:31).
1. Oil is a picture of the Holy Spirit who dwells in the believer today. What was the difference between the five wise and the ____________ foolish virgins?
Matthew 25:___
2. What did the Lord say to the five foolish virgins who came after the ____________ was shut? Matthew 25:___
3. What thoughts did the servant who ____________ one talent have towards his lord? Matthew 25:___
4. The King (the Son of Man) had a blessing for the ____________ on his right hand. What was it? Matthew 25:___
5. What judgment did the King have for the goats on his ____________ hand? Matthew 25:___

"The Branch": December 1998

Did you ever climb the branches of a sturdy tree and marvel how strong it was? Perhaps you built a tree house on some of those branches or had a swing hung from one. On a hot summer day, those same branches reach out and provide shade where we can have a picnic with our friends.
Did you know that “The Branch” is one of the titles of the Lord Jesus? When the Jews rejected Him as their Messiah, He went out to bless others just like Joseph’s “fruitful bough . . . whose branches run over the wall” (Gen. 49:22). God would not be hindered in reaching out, like a branch to “whosoever will.”
The Lord Jesus grew up as a tender plant before God in a world that was like dry ground (Isa. 53:2). He delighted in God’s Word and was like a tree planted by the rivers of water and brought forth fruit in due season (Psalm 1:23).
Men have produced their own branches (Matt. 13:32), but if you seek rest and shade beneath these branches, you will find yourself in evil company. There is coming a time when a King will reign who is called a righteous Branch, and then peace and rest will prevail.
1. What was God going to grow for David that will produce judgment and righteousness in the land? Jeremiah 33:___
2. Some of the branches (Israel) were broken off so that the wild olive (Gentiles) could be grafted in. What verse tells us this? Romans 11:___
3. What is the name of the man whom God said would build the temple of the Lord? Zechariah 6:___
4. As the Branch, the Lord Jesus is the offspring of David, but is He also the Root of David? Revelation 5:___
5. God has a servant in Zechariah 3. What is His name? Zechariah 3:___