Bible Searchers: 1999
Table of Contents
Matthew 26: January 1999
Now we are coming to the final days of the Lord’s journey before going to Jerusalem to die on the cross. The passover lamb spoken of in Exodus 12 was a picture of God’s Son who would lay down His life so that we could be delivered from the bondage of our sins.
Notice how carefully the Bible describes the attitudes of all involved during those last few days. The chief priests and scribes were crafty and did not want to cause an uproar on the feast day, but in this they failed because we read that “a tumult was made” (Matthew 27:24). Then, a woman revealed the affections of her heart for the Lord by pouring very precious ointment on His head. How the disciples felt about this “waste” is mentioned in verse 8 as “indignation.” God knows how we feel about things, even when we don’t say a word.
The disciples did not decide among themselves where would be a good place to keep the feast of unleavened bread (also called the passover); they asked the Lord for directions. The Bible has instructions to guide believers today to where the Lord would be in the midst (Matthew 18:20).
When the Lord said that one of them would betray Him, they were exceeding sorrowful. They began to say, “Lord, is it I?” for they did not trust themselves, but, the next moment, led by Peter’s example of self-confidence, none of the disciples thought that they would ever deny their Lord. They were willing in spirit but didn’t realize how weak their flesh was.
Repentance is of the Lord, and it is the goodness of God that leads us to repent (Romans 2:4). If we were left to ourselves, we would all choose to continue in our sins. Judas was a covetous person who betrayed the Lord Jesus for thirty pieces of silver because he loved money. Peter, on the other hand, loved the Lord, but he was self-confident, thinking that he would never deny his master. “He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool” (Proverbs 28:26). Isn’t this a lesson we often have to learn?
1. The Lord Jesus said He would be crucified during the feast of the passover. The ____________ and scribes did not want this to take place during what time, lest there be an uproar among the people? Matthew 26:___
2. Who did the disciples ask for directions as to where to go to keep the feast of ____________ bread, also called the passover? Matthew 26:___
3. When the Lord said that one of His disciples would ____________ Him, they began to say, “Lord, is it I?” What did Judas say? Matthew 26:___
4. Peter denied the Lord Jesus three times. Was he the only disciple who said he would not ____________ Him? Matthew 26:___
5. When their sin was found out, ____________ and Judas did two very different things. What did Peter do? Matthew 26:___
Important Questions: January 1999
We often ask people questions in order to learn, to gather information or to test their knowledge. When people ask us questions, they find out how we feel about a certain matter or how little we may know about what is being asked. Sometimes we don’t want to be questioned because it may bring out some sin in our lives about which we are ashamed.
The Lord Jesus asked questions of those who were about Him, and often they did not like it because they were sinners and He was holy. In the book of Job, God asked many questions that only reveal man’s ignorance. Then there are times when a question brought out an answer of faith.
Let us look at a few important questions in the Bible.
1. What important question does the Lord ask, showing the value of the soul? Mark 8:___
2. When the jailer came in trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas, what question did he ask? Acts 16:___
3. What did a strong angel ask with a loud voice? Revelation 5:___
4. On the cross, what question did the Lord ask at the ninth hour with a loud voice? Matthew 27:___
5. After the blind man received his sight and the Pharisees cast him out of the synagogue, Jesus asked him something very important. What was it?
John 9:___
Matthew 27: February 1999
The picture grows darker as we enter this chapter. Those who should have led the people in the right way are leading them to perform the most wicked act this world has ever seen. The Jewish leaders had already delivered Jesus to the Roman authorities, and Judas realized that this time Jesus was not going to escape, so he returned the thirty pieces of silver, saying that he had betrayed innocent blood. This testimony did not bother the chief priests and elders in the least, for their hearts were hardened and determined to get rid of Jesus. However, being under Roman authority, they were not allowed to put a man to death, so they delivered him to Pilate to crucify Him, as the Lord said they would (John 12:32-33).
Do you think God will ever forget what man did to His beloved Son? Pilate tried to excuse himself by taking water, washing his hands and saying, “I am innocent.” Was he? No! Neither are people today innocent, but they can have their sins washed away in the precious blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19)!
God allowed man to do this awful deed because His love was greater than man’s hatred, and He wanted to be “a just God and a Saviour,” saying, “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 45:21-22).
At the ninth hour, after three hours of total darkness, the Lord cried out, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” Do you know the answer to that question? I do. It was for me that He was forsaken, for He paid the penalty I deserved. My sins were laid on Him and He suffered in my place on the cross. It was for you too, if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour.
There were some there that day who did not go along with the crowd. A rich man named Joseph was a disciple who loved the Lord and wanted to do what he could for Him. We are living in 1999. Is there something we can do for the Lord?
1. Judas told the chief priests and elders that the Lord Jesus was ____________ . What was their reply? Matthew 27:___
2. Although the chief priests and elders accused Jesus of many things, did Pilate really know why they had ____________ Jesus to him?
Matthew 27:___
3. In Psalm 51:7 David asked God to “wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” In our chapter, who took ____________ and washed his hands?
Matthew 27:___
4. What did the Lord Jesus say at the ninth ____________ that was so important that it is recorded in two different languages? Matthew 27:___
5. The Lord Jesus said it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24). Can you find the name of a ____________ man who was Jesus’ disciple?
Matthew 27:___
Pleasures: February 1999
We all like to be happy and naturally seek out pleasures, but do you know that some pleasures can be very harmful? God wants His children to be happy, but He also warns us about dangerous pleasures that the enemy of souls uses to trap people, not only for life, but for eternity! Therefore, how careful the Christian must be as to where he finds his pleasure and satisfaction.
1. In James 5, how did the rich live “on the earth”? James 5:___
2. How will God abundantly satisfy those that put their trust under the shadow of His wings? Psalm 36:___
3. In the last days, what is it that men will love more than God?
2 Timothy 3:___
4. Where is it that we shall have pleasures forevermore? Psalm 16:___
5. What did Moses choose rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season? Hebrews 11:___
Matthew 28: March 1999
It was their love for the Lord Jesus that brought these devoted women to the sepulcher very early on the first day of the week. They need not have worried about who would roll back the stone from the door because the angel of the Lord had already done this, not to let the Lord out, but to show the world He was not there. He was risen!
Great joy filled the hearts of these women as they ran to bring the good news to the Lord’s disciples. Would those who hated the Lord now be persuaded who He was and repent of their sins? No, they heard what the soldiers had to say and then made up a story which is commonly reported to this day by those who would not “be persuaded, though one rose from the dead” (Luke 16:31).
Nazareth, where Jesus was brought up, was in Galilee. That is the area where He began His ministry (Luke 23:5) and that is where He ends with His loved disciples. Have you ever heard, “Don’t be a doubting Thomas”? Well, when the eleven disciples saw the Lord, they worshipped, but some doubted -Thomas was not alone! Thomas is also called Didymus, which means “a twin.” Perhaps we are his twin, for we often doubt the Lord instead of trusting.
Although the word “trinity” is not found in the Bible, the three Persons of the Godhead - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - are mentioned in one verse in which the disciples are sent to teach worldwide. What a comfort it must have been to the Lord’s followers that He would always be with them, no matter where they went.
As we conclude this lovely gospel, may we remember that God’s promise still stands: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
1. The angel showed the women that the Lord was risen from the dead. What ____________ of the week did this happen? Matthew 28:___
2. A little while ago, these women were filled with sorrow at the cross. Now what ____________ their hearts as they ran to bring the disciples word of His resurrection? Matthew 28:___
3. What lie is commonly ____________ among the Jews until this day?
Matthew 28:___
4. A certain area is mentioned three times in this chapter. Where was the mountain where Jesus appointed the ____________ to go? Matthew 28:___
5. Write out the verse that ____________ the names of the three Persons of the Godhead. Matthew 28:___
Angels: March 1999
Angels are spiritual beings who act as God’s messengers and execute God’s judgments. Man is said to be a little inferior to the angels (Hebrews 2:7). But do you know that angels do not know the joy of redemption? Only those who know their sins forgiven can sing before God. Angels are servants to those who are redeemed, even though such may be unaware of their presence or service. Let us look at a few references to angels in the Bible.
1. In Job 38 angels are called “the sons of God” because they were made by Him. What did they do when God laid the foundations of the earth? Job 38:___
2. In the temptations of Jesus, when the devil left Him, who came and ministered unto Him? Matthew 4:___
3. The angels never saw the Lord Jesus before He was manifested in flesh. Then what does it say? 1 Timothy 3:___
4. What do the angels of God do when one sinner repents? Luke 15:___
5. To whom are the angels ministering today? Hebrews 1:___
Mark 1: April 1999
The gospel according to Mark presents the Lord Jesus to us as the perfect Servant. Mark failed as a servant, for he deserted the Apostle Paul and returned to Jerusalem (Acts 12:25; 13:13), but afterwards he was restored and became profitable for the ministry (2 Timothy 4:11).
The Lord Jesus Christ did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many. In this Gospel, “straightway” is used about forty times, for a servant does what he is told “immediately.” Are we quick to obey the Word of God?
For the first time in this world’s history, a man appears in whom God is well pleased, perfect in all His ways, words and thoughts. Little wonder that the angelic host breaks out saying, “Glory to God in the highest.”
The disciples were busy at work when the Lord called them to follow Him. Simon and Andrew were casting a net into the sea, and James and John were busy mending their nets. The Lord was busy teaching the multitudes, healing the sick and casting out unclean spirits with authority, and yet He got up very early in the morning to pray. Do we follow such a wonderful example and make time for prayer, or are we too busy?
The Lord never healed people in an unfeeling manner. How often was He moved with compassion towards those who were either infirm or sorrowing, entering into the suffering caused by sin. Do you know of any who came to Jesus for healing and went away disappointed? Here comes a leper, and he knows the Lord can make him clean again, but he doesn’t know if He is willing. He soon finds out and, as a result, tells all he meets about what great things the Lord has done for him. Do we tell others about our Saviour?
1. What is the very first thing that Mark wants us to know about who ____________ Christ is? Mark 1:___
2. God the Father said, “Thou art My beloved Son, in whom I am well ____________ , ” but what person of the Godhead was like a dove descending upon Him? Mark 1:___
3. Even though we may be busy, it is always good to obey the Lord when He speaks. What did Simon and ____________ do when Jesus said, “Come ye after Me”? Mark 1:___
4. The people were astonished that the Lord taught with such ____________ . What else was He able to do “with authority”? Mark 1:___
5. The leper knew that the Lord had the power to heal him, but he didn’t know if the Lord was ____________ to heal him. Was He? Mark 1:___
Friends: April 1999
Isn’t it nice to have friends! They have helped us out of many difficulties in life. A good friend will stand by us in times of trouble. Sometimes, though, bad friends have gotten us into trouble. What kind of friends did the prodigal son have?
Friends are often mentioned in the Bible. Some were good, helping, while others passed by. Some were bad and gave very wicked advice (2 Samuel 13:35). Ask the Lord Jesus to help you choose friends that will guide you in the right way.
1. When Judas came with much people to take Jesus, what did Jesus say to him? Matthew 26:___
2. What was said to the man who sat in the lowest room? Luke 14:___
3. In order to have friends, what is necessary? Proverbs 18:___
4. Instead of servants, what does the Lord Jesus call His disciples?
John 15:___
5. How should we behave toward one who is our friend and also the friend of our father? Proverbs 27:___
Mark 2: May 1999
News travels quickly. It was reported that the Lord Jesus had returned and, without waiting for an invitation, a multitude gathered at a certain man’s house. Would you like it if a big hole were made in the roof of your house? Some of those who wanted to see Jesus made a big hole in the roof of the house where He was. But the Lord did not complain, because He knew that those who did it had faith in Him. Without faith in the Lord Jesus we cannot please God and our sins cannot be forgiven. Although almost all the people had to stand, there were some called scribes sitting there who didn’t think that Jesus could forgive sins. They didn’t realize that He was God. To heal a man sick of the palsy was very easy for Him to do, but to forgive his sins, the Lord Jesus had to die!
Do you think that religious people would invite publicans and sinners into their homes to eat? That is what the Lord Jesus did. He turned none away.
We don’t like to go hungry, do we? It seems as if the Lord’s disciples did not have enough to eat. They had to go out to the cornfields to find corn. How poor the Lord and His disciples were! Was He not creator of all things and King of Israel? Yet He was here as poor and “despised and rejected of men” (Isaiah 53:3).
1. What did a man sick with the palsy and his four friends have, so that the Lord Jesus could say, “Son, thy ____________ be forgiven thee”? Mark 2:___
2. The ____________ reasoned about two things in their hearts. The first was false and the second was true. What were they reasoning? Mark 2:___
3. What kind of people did the Lord ____________ eat and drink with?
Mark 2:___
4. The Bible says, “There is ____________ righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10). Then who did the Lord Jesus come to call? Mark 2:___
5. The Lord’s disciples were hungry, so they ate ____________ as the law allowed (Deuteronomy 23:25). What other rejected king was hungry “and they that were with him”? Mark 2:___
Joy: May 1999
The Lord Jesus wants His people to be happy. That is why He has told us so many wonderful things in the Bible. The promises contained in it will certainly be kept, and they are for all eternity! Joy is the fruit of the Spirit that all believers have (Galatians 5:22). However, there are many little things that, like the little foxes mentioned in Song of Solomon 2:15, can rob us of our joy in the Lord. What should be true of all those who have entered the kingdom of God is “righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Romans 14:17). A Christian who is always sad cannot be thinking much about the happy future God has prepared for them that love Him.
The world has many pleasures to make people happy, but they are all temporary and often end in disappointment. If the Lord passes Christians through times of sorrow, they have the joy of knowing that His presence is with them (Psalm 23:4). Also, they know that the Lord Jesus will share His glory with all those who have suffered for Him.
Wasn’t it wonderful that Jesus was born into this world? Little wonder the angels were so happy! But when the Lord accomplished our redemption by dying on the cross and then rose from the grave and went back to heaven, that was much more wonderful. Soon He will come again and take all those who love Him home to be with Himself, and then their joy will be full (Psalm 16:11). God’s desire for us is that we may be filled “with all joy and peace in believing” (Romans 15:13).
Do you know that even today joy can be brought to the heart of God? One way is for His children to walk in the truth (3 John 4), and another is when a sinner repents and returns to Him (Luke 15:10).
1. What kind of tidings did an angel of the Lord bring to the shepherds one night? Luke 2:___
2. When the Lord’s glory is revealed, what will be the portion of those who are now partakers of Christ’s sufferings? 1 Peter 4:___
3. After the wise men left Herod and saw the star again, what was their reaction? Matthew 2:___
4. Why has the Lord spoken these things to us? John 15:___
5. Although we have never seen the Lord, believing in Him, what do we have in our hearts? 1 Peter 1:___
Mark 3: June 1999
The Lord Jesus “went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.” The sabbath day was as busy as any other day for Him. However, many preferred their religious observance of this day rather than the grace and healing that the Lord provided. Their hard hearts did not prevent Him from doing a good work on the Sabbath, even though the Pharisees and the Herodians wanted to destroy Him for doing it.
What a busy servant the Lord was! In grace He called twelve men to share in the work and in the preaching. Then He called the scribes to show how wrong they were in saying that these wonderful works were of Satan. If Satan’s house were divided, it could not stand.
There were so many people surrounding the Lord that His own family had to stand afar off. Then the Lord said that those who did the will of God were “My brother, and My sister, and mother.” You can be brought into the family of God by receiving the Lord Jesus as your Saviour today.
1. On a certain ____________ day, why was the Lord Jesus grieved with the people in the synagogue? Mark 3:___
2. What was the response of the Pharisees and the ____________ to the wonderful miracle that the Lord did? Mark 3:___
3. The Lord chose twelve ____________ to be with Him and to go forth and preach. What else did they have power to do? Mark 3:___
4. Satan is compared to a strong man. Before the Lord Jesus can enter his ____________ and spoil it, what must He do? Mark 3:___
5. Who did the Lord Jesus say would be His brother and ____________ and mother? Mark 3:___
Behold: June 1999
“Behold” (which means see or pay attention) is such a little word, but how important it is! It is found in the Bible more than twelve hundred times, because God has important things to tell us.
Sometimes God wants us to carefully consider something or look at someone or notice what He is about to do. In Matthew 6:26 the Lord would have us behold the birds of heaven with the purpose of learning lessons of faith from them. We are also told to “behold My servant” (Matthew 12:18), the Lord Jesus, if we want to see how a man walked in perfection through a world full of sin. When the women came to the sepulcher where the Lord was, they were told that “He is risen; He is not here: behold the place where they laid Him” (Mark 16:6). What wonderful news this was! Then the Lord told His disciples, “Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself” (Luke 24:39). This filled their sorrowing hearts with joy! After His ascension, Stephen said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56).
There are many other places where this important word “behold” is used, but we will stop here and see if you can locate a few references by yourself.
1. What did Pilate say when he presented Jesus to the people wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe? John 19:___
2. At midnight, what cry was made? Matthew 25:___
3. The Lord told Ananias, “Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight.” What was Saul of Tarsus doing there? Acts 9:___
4. Will Christians have to wait a long time for each to receive a reward?
Revelation 22:___
5. When John saw Jesus coming to him, what did he say? John 1:___
Mark 4: July 1999
This chapter mentions some of the things that the Lord said in parables. A parable is a story that teaches us a lesson. Often, if the parable is too hard, we need someone to explain it to us. Did you guess that the seed the sower planted was the Word of God? The disciples did not know until the Lord explained the parable to them. Only the seed that fell on good ground produced fruit for the sower. We can only have fruitful lives if we follow the Word of God.
Have you ever sung the song, “Hide it under a bushel? No! I’m going to let it shine”? It was taken from verse 21 of our chapter. The Lord wants Christians to shine as a candle in a dark place, giving light to those who are in sin’s darkness.
Can you imagine an herb growing to the size of a tree? In a garden of herbs, the mustard seed is the least of all. After growing and serving its purpose, if left uncared for, it will grow so big that it overshadows the other herbs. The purpose of the gospel is to save precious souls, not to make the world a better place in which to live.
When Jesus said to His disciples, “Let us pass over unto the other side,” do you think He was going to let them perish in the middle of the lake? No, He was going to test their little faith and then show them that everything was under His control. As a man He would sleep, but as the Lord, the Saviour and the friend, He awoke and said, “Peace, be still,” and there was a great calm.
1. The ____________ that fell on stony ground sprang up quickly. Why did it wither away so quickly? Mark 4:___
2. Why did the Lord Jesus speak in ____________ to those that were without faith? Mark 4:___
3. There are two places where you do not want to put a ____________ . Can you name them? Mark 4:___
4. What small grain of seed can ____________ so big that the birds of the air lodge under its shadow? Mark 4:___
5. When the Lord arose from sleep, what did He do to make the wind stop and make such a great ____________ ? Mark 4:___
“By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents.” Hebrews 11:23
Fear: July 1999
Sometimes we notice a sign on homes or cars that reads, “No fear.” It reminds us of what the Bible says, “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” The believer fears God (that is, he shows reverence or respect) because of His greatness and for what He did in giving His only Son to die for us. The lost may fear God because he knows that his sins deserve judgment, or he may try to convince himself that there is no God to judge his sins.
It is a good thing to have the fear of God always before us, as we read in Proverbs 23:17, “Be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long.” How many times we would have been spared a fall into sin if this admonition had been obeyed!
In the last book of the Old Testament, God’s people had lost the reverence or honor that was due to God. He said, “If then I be a father, where is Mine honor? and if I be a master, where is My fear?” However, there were some among them “that feared the Lord [and] spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name” (Malachi 3:16).
Be sure that all who die in their sins will be afraid when they stand before God’s great white throne. It is far better to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour now and then seek to “serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear” (Hebrews 12:28).
1. What is it that the ungodly do not have before their eyes? Romans 3:___
2. The malefactor who repented said something to the other malefactor about God. What was it? Luke 23:___
3. What is the conclusion of the whole matter and the whole duty of man?
Ecclesiastes 12:___
4. Even though a Christian walks through the valley of the shadow of death, why does he not fear evil? Psalm 23:___
5. What is the beginning of wisdom? Psalm 111:___
Mark 5: August 1999
In chapter 4, the Lord said, “Let us pass over unto the other side.” Now we read, “They came over unto the other side.” The Lord always fulfills His Word, even though a storm may come into our lives.
A wild man with an unclean spirit met the Lord when He came out of the ship. This man was like many today, living among the dead with an old nature that cannot be controlled. The Lord Jesus delivered this poor man who was now seen “sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind.” Were the people of that area happy to be free of a man possessed with a devil, or were they sad that their swine (pigs) perished in the sea? They were sad, and the healed man was glad. They wanted Jesus to leave, but he wanted to be with the Lord Jesus.
Twelve years is a long time to be sick and seeing doctors. First one doctor tried to help the sick woman, then another and another, until all her money was gone. One day she heard that Jesus was passing by and knew that He could heal her. Her faith was rewarded, and she went to her house healed and in peace.
Was the Lord too late by the time He arrived at Jairus’s house? Remember that He is “the resurrection, and the life” (John 11:25), and soon all will be raised — some for eternal judgment and some for eternal blessing. When He took that girl’s hand, death had to leave, and she got up and walked around the room. What a blessed Saviour we have, and His love is as great as His power.
1. Most people live in comfortable homes. Where did the man with an ____________ spirit spend his nights and days? Mark 5:___
2. When the people from the city and the country saw what was done for the man possessed with a ____________ , what did they want Jesus to do?
Mark 5:___
3. Jesus is Lord. When the ____________ man was sent home to tell “how great things the Lord hath done,” what did he begin to publish in Decapolis?
Mark 5:___
4. A certain woman who had been bleeding for ____________ years thought that by just touching the Lord’s clothes, she would be healed. Was she disappointed? Mark 5:___
5. When Jesus came to the ruler’s ____________ , many wept and wailed. What did they do when the Lord said, “The damsel is not dead, but sleepeth”?
Mark 5:___
"I Am": August 1999
When Moses asked God what His name is, God said, “I Am.” No matter how far back we go or how far into the future we look, God is always there. He has many other names, but His name, “I Am,” brings before us that He has always existed.
When the Lord Jesus was here, He said, “Before Abraham was, I am.” The Jews, who knew the Old Testament scriptures, said, “Thou, being a man, makest Thyself God” (John 10:33). Was the Lord Jesus really God? Yes, He is! God’s Word declares that He is, and we believe God. Also, when we read about how He was born, the miracles He performed, the words He said, His death and resurrection, we can come to no other conclusion!
Have you ever sung this lovely hymn?
Thou art the everlasting Word,
The Father’s only Son;
God manifest, God seen and heard,
The heaven’s beloved One;
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou
That every knee to Thee should bow.
The Bible records other names for the Lord Jesus Christ which could never be true of any mortal man but which are all perfectly true of Him. See if you can find a few examples of these lovely names.
1. Who is “the way, the truth, and the life”? John 14:___
2. Because Jesus is the light of the world, what will we have if we follow Him?
John 8:___
3. By whom may a person enter in, be saved and find pasture? John 10:___
4. Who is the resurrection and the life, and he that believes in Him, though he were dead, yet shall he live? John 11:___
5. How is it that he who comes to Jesus will never hunger or thirst?
John 6:___
Mark 6: September 1999
After being away on a long trip, we all enjoy getting back again. In this chapter, the Lord Jesus came back to His own country. It was His custom to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath day. They should have received what He taught and did, for they knew Him and His brothers and sisters. Their unbelief caused the Lord to marvel, and because of it, He could not do a mighty work there and went elsewhere.
There was much territory to cover, so the twelve apostles were sent out by two and two to preach and to work miracles in other cities. When Herod heard what was being done in the name of the Lord, his conscience bothered him. He had slain John the Baptist and now he thought that John had risen again. What an awful thing it is to have a bad conscience for all eternity! If we receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, He can give us a good conscience.
Multitudes were always following Jesus, but we don’t read that He became impatient with them. Instead, He was moved with compassion toward them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. The hungry crowd would have been sent away by the disciples with nothing to eat, but the Lord gave thanks for a few loaves and fishes and fed them all. Not only were they filled, but there were taken up twelve baskets full of fragments.
Finally He sent the people away and the disciples got into a boat to cross the sea. A contrary wind blew, making it very hard to row. The Lord saw the entire situation. If you are passing through a difficult situation, be sure that the Lord knows about it! There is not a contrary wind that enters our lives, except allowed by the Lord for our good.
1. The Lord Jesus came from a large family. Can you name four of His ____________ ? Mark 6:___
2. A centurion, who was a Gentile, had such great faith that Jesus marveled (Matthew 8:10). Why did the Lord ____________ at the Jews? Mark 6:___
3. When the ____________ of the Lord Jesus was spread abroad, what did Herod think had happened? Mark 6:___
4. After the Lord Jesus fed about five thousand men with the five loaves and two fishes, were there any ____________ left over? Mark 6:___
5. There are many strong winds that blow into our lives. When did the contrary ____________ cease to blow on the sea? Mark 6:___
Money: September 1999
We can do so many things with money! “Money answereth all things” (Ecclesiastes 10:19). But money can also be very harmful. The Bible says, “Labor not to be rich” (Proverbs 23:4), and those who love money pierce “themselves through with many sorrows” (1 Timothy 6:10).
Although so much can be bought with money, the best things are freely given to us by God. “Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? And your labor for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness” (Isaiah 55:12). Salvation is offered to us as God’s gift. Who paid the price? The Lord Jesus did at Calvary when He died for our sins. Now God can offer the gift of eternal life to those who have no money. To have great riches and not salvation would be great poverty. The Bible tells us that riches are very “uncertain” (1 Timothy 6:17) and tend to “fly away” (Proverbs 23:5), but the riches that God gives are “reserved in heaven” (1 Peter 1:4).
1. What did the Apostle Peter tell Simon about his money because he thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money? Acts 8:___
2. What did the Lord Jesus say that shows that a man’s soul is of more value than the whole world? Mark 8:___
3. A certain rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen, fared sumptuously every day. With all this wealth, was he able to buy a place in heaven?
Luke 16:___
4. Who was exceedingly rich, yet became poor? 2 Corinthians 8:___
5. When Jesus told the young man how to have treasure in heaven, he went away sorrowful. Why? Matthew 19:___
Mark 7: October 1999
Not all traditions are bad, but one that is contrary to the teaching of the Bible is wrong. Perhaps you can think of some that people keep which the Word of God condemns.
The Pharisees and the scribes were very careful about the tradition of washing hands, cups, pots and tables, but showed little concern about having a clean heart.
What a privilege we have in showing honor to our parents. Sometimes we forget this and disobey or say what is not pleasing to them. In the Old Testament, God said that if a child cursed father or mother, he was to be put to death; it was the law, without grace.
Next, we find that many things are mentioned that defile a man, but they all come from within his evil heart. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). When we receive the Lord Jesus as Saviour, He gives us a clean heart (Psalm 51:10).
In the gospel by Mark, a Gentile woman is the only person who calls Jesus “Lord.” She was willing to take the place of a little dog under a table, just to get some of the blessing that the Lord was freely giving. Only as we humble ourselves can the Lord bring blessing into our lives as He did into hers.
What a hard case we have next, but “is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14). He sighed over this pitiful man, then spoke a word and healed him. He wasn’t looking for public praise, for He said, “Tell no man.” The astonished people said, “He hath done all things well.” How true these words are!
1. Why did the Pharisees and all the Jews ____________ their hands often before eating? Mark 7:___
2. Under the law of Moses, what would happen to anyone who ____________ his father or mother? Mark 7:___
3. What one word describes those things that come from within and ____________ a man? Mark 7:___
4. Was the Syrophenician woman willing to take the place of a ____________ under a table to get a crumb of blessing? Mark 7:___
5. When the Lord healed the poor man’s ears and tongue, what did the ____________ people say? Mark 7:___
“As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God.”
Psalm 42:1
Everlasting: October 1999
Eternity is for a long time! Even if we could think of something never ending, we cannot think of something that has no beginning, but the Bible says, “From everlasting [eternity] to everlasting [eternity], Thou art God” (Psalm 90:2). God breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). Man will continue to live forever in one of two places. Therefore, how important it is to be sure of our eternal destiny! Read and believe John 3:16.
There are other things in the Bible that are “everlasting.” Let’s see if we can find them.
1. What does the eternal God have underneath all His children?
Deuteronomy 33:___
2. What kind of love does God have for poor, failing Israel? Jeremiah 31:___
3. What will happen to those who did not show kindness to the least of the Lord’s brethren? Matthew 25:___
4. The kings of this world and their kingdoms soon pass away. How long will the kingdom of the Lord last? Daniel 4:___
5. How long does the mercy of the Lord last? Psalm 100:___
Mark 8: November 1999
How compassionate a man the Lord Jesus was! Unlike ourselves, He was always thinking of others. The great multitude that followed them had come from afar and were now hungry. When the disciples asked how it was possible for anyone to feed so many people in a wilderness place, it appears that they had already forgotten about the feeding of the five thousand.
If we have much food or little food, we should always give thanks when we sit down to eat. When the Lord multiplied all this food, it was a great sign, or miracle, but it did not change the hearts of the Pharisees as to who the Lord was - they seek for a sign, or miracle, from heaven. Everything that the Lord did was a sign from heaven!
The town of Bethsaida, where so many works had been done (Matthew 11:21), is not where the blind man was going to be healed. At first, he looked up and saw “men as trees, walking.” (Often we see men to be bigger than they are.) When the Lord touched him again, he saw clearly.
The Lord told His disciples exactly what would befall Him beforehand, but when it actually came to pass, they had forgotten or were very surprised. Much unbelief was in their hearts, as in ours, for they were clearly told that three days after being killed, He would rise again.
Many wanted to follow the Lord, but discipleship would cost something. It was a price that few would be willing to pay. Whoever would follow or come after Him would have to deny himself, take up his cross and follow the Lord. May we be given grace to be true disciples (followers) of the Lord.
1. After the Lord commanded the people to sit ____________ and before He broke the seven loaves, what did He do? Mark 8:___
2. The Lord Jesus had just performed a great miracle in feeding four thousand people. What did the Pharisees ____________ of Him from heaven, tempting Him? Mark 8:___
3. When the Lord Jesus asked the blind man if he saw anything, what was his reply when he ____________ up? Mark 8:___
4. After the Son of Man suffers and is killed, what remarkable thing would He do after ____________ days? Mark 8:___
5. The Lord said that “whosoever will ____________ after me” would have to do three things. What are they? Mark 8:___
God's Thoughts: November 1999
“My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).
Why are not our thoughts like God’s thoughts and our ways as God’s ways? When someone treats us unkindly, we often have bad thoughts towards them, but not so God. Although He hates sin, He loves the sinner and “is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil” (Luke 6:35).
We are described in Titus 3 as being “sometime foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.” What is the thought of God about changing all this? Why, “the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared.”
Do you know what are “the secret things [that] belong unto the Lord our God” (Deuteronomy 29:29)? They are His thoughts of bringing in grace when man failed under law. How good God’s thoughts are! He purposes to replace all man’s wickedness through “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).
1. The disciples thought that the woman wasted the precious ointment. What was Jesus’ thought concerning this woman’s work? Matthew 26:___
2. The Lord’s thoughts were upon His suffering and death. What were the disciples’ thoughts as they disputed among themselves? Mark 9:___
3. The disciples rebuked the mothers who brought their little children to the Lord. What were the Lord’s thoughts about these children? Matthew 19:___
4. The Lord’s brethren thought that it was time for Him to go up to the feast of tabernacles. What was His reply? John 7:___
5. Peter thought that the Lord would never come to such a cruel death. What did the Lord tell him? Matthew 16:___
Mark 9: December 1999
What a privilege it was for Peter, James and John to see the kingdom of God come with power on that high mountain. Peter wanted to build three tabernacles, one for the Lord, one for Moses and one for Elias (Elijah). But God said, “This is My beloved Son: hear Him.” No man was to be put on the same level as the Lord Jesus Christ. That is why, when they looked round about, they saw no man anymore, save Jesus only with themselves.
When they came down from the mountain, the disciples could not cast out a demon. Evil spirits hate people and try to destroy them if they can, but this demon was powerless to disobey the Lord. The disciples had no power in this case because they had not been praying and fasting. If we do not pray and deny ourselves, we too will be as weak as the disciples.
Don’t you think that after the Lord told His followers that He would be killed, they would be filled with sorrow? Instead, they were disputing who among themselves should be the greatest in the kingdom of God. The lesson of the little child taught them to be very humble, instead of very great.
There are many things that will keep people from going to heaven. They may like to do things (the hands) that are evil, see things (the eyes) that are evil or go to places (the feet) that are evil. It would be better to lose an eye than to be cast into hell fire.
1. On the mount of transfiguration, for whom did Peter want to make three ____________ ? Mark 9:___
2. After a voice came out of the cloud and Peter, James and John ____________ round about, who did they see? Mark 9:___
3. Why did the demon ____________ the child into the fire and into the waters? Mark 9:___
4. Just after Jesus told His disciples that He would be killed, what were they ____________ among themselves? Mark 9:___
5. If your eye would cause you to sin, why would it be better to have one ____________ rather than having two eyes? Mark 9:___
Remember: December 1999
We tend to forget so easily that we have to be reminded many times. Sometimes we do not remember because other matters are on our mind. God would have us put first things first, and what is more important than the salvation of our souls? After we are saved, do we then forget to thank God for “so great salvation” (Hebrews 2:3)? Parents often tell their children, “Remember to say, ‘Thank you!’”
Let us see if there are places in the Bible where we are told to remember something.
1. What did Joseph ask of the chief butler when it would be well with him?
Genesis 40:___
2. Because the Lord had blotted out transgressions and would not remember sins, what is His request? Isaiah 43:___
3. What are we told to remember in the days of our youth?
Ecclesiastes 12:___
4. After the Lord took bread, gave thanks, broke it and gave it to the disciples, what did He say? Luke 22:___
5. What are we to do concerning them whose faith we are to follow?
Hebrews 13:___