Bible Searchers: 2001

Table of Contents

1. Luke 6: January 2001
2. "One Another" : January 2001
3. Luke 7: February 2001
4. Kindness: February 2001
5. Luke 8: March 2001
6. Mockers: March 2001
7. Luke 9: April 2001
8. "What Shall I Do?" : April 2001
9. Luke 10: May 2001
10. Swords: May 2001
11. Luke 11: June 2001
12. Stoning: June 2001
13. Luke 12: July 2001
14. "What Hast Thou Done?" : July 2001
15. Luke 13: August 2001
16. The Heart: August 2001
17. Luke 14: September 2001
18. Fire: September 2001
19. Luke 15: October 2001
20. Thoughts: October 2001
21. Luke 16: November 2001
22. Who Can Do It: November 2001
23. Luke 17: December 2001
24. Wise People: December 2001

Luke 6: January 2001

Do you think the people showed the Lord and His disciples much hospitality? The reason the disciples had to pluck the ears of corn on the Sabbath day was because they were hungry. They didn’t have enough to eat, and this was God’s provision for the poor people (Deuteronomy 23:25). The Creator of all things, “though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor” (2 Corinthians 8:9).
Before you make an important decision, do you pray about it? The Lord was about to choose twelve apostles from among His disciples. He spent the entire night in prayer before making this choice. What an example for us to follow! We are to make our requests with thanksgiving to God for every matter on our hearts.
The Lord did things without partiality. He was kind to all who came to Him. The whole multitude sought to touch Him, and all that did were healed.
Not only were His works great, but His words were full of grace and truth. They went beyond what was written in the Old Testament. There, Israel was told to destroy their enemies. Now, His disciples were told to love their enemies and to do good, because God is kind even to the unthankful and to the evil. In fact, those who heard the words of the Lord and did them are compared to a house whose foundation was built on a rock that could not be moved.
How good it is to read the Bible and pray daily so that we can be unmovable in the storms of life!
1. What did David and his men take and ____________ when they were hungry? Luke 6:___
2. When the Lord Jesus spent all ____________ in a mountain, what was He doing? Luke 6:___
3. Everyone who was sick sought to ____________ the Lord. What happened to them when they did? Luke 6:___
4. If we love our enemies and do ____________ , our reward shall be great. Whose children shall we be? Luke 6:___
5. What happened to the house that had a foundation on a ____________ when the flood arose? Luke 6:___

"One Another" : January 2001

We live in a very selfish world. Everyone seems to be looking out for his or her own interests. “All seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ’s” (Philippians 2:21).
The Bible would encourage us to consider others, rather than ourselves. Priscilla and Aquila are a good example of a couple who were willing to lay down their necks for others (Romans 16:4).
Above all, we think of the Lord Jesus, who considered others and endured the contradiction of sinners against Himself, enduring the cross, so that we might be saved.
If we are saved, we have even more reason to be considerate of others. The Bible has many exhortations for Christians to consider one another. Let us see if we can find a few of them.
1. Instead of having bitterness, wrath and anger towards one another, what should we do because God has forgiven us for Christ’s sake?
Ephesians 4:___
2. What commandment did the Lord give His disciples, using Himself as an example? John 15:___
3. We are not to provoke others to wrath, but we are to consider one another and provoke one another to do what? Hebrews 10:___
4. Rather than setting up ourselves, what are we to do to one another with brotherly love? Romans 12:___
5. If the word of Christ dwells in us richly, what will we be able to do for one another? Colossians 3:___

Luke 7: February 2001

Isn’t it remarkable that the Lord Jesus found greater faith in a Gentile centurion than in any of the nation of Israel? Although the elders of the Jews said that this centurion was worthy to have his servant healed, the centurion did not consider himself worthy to go to the Lord or that He should enter his house. He knew that the Lord had more authority than he and only needed to speak the word and his servant would be healed. Did the Lord Jesus disappoint his great faith? No, He may test our faith but He will never disappoint it!
Sin has brought so much sorrow into the world. Everywhere we go there are cemeteries. As the Lord drew near to the city of Nain, there was a funeral coming out and a poor widow was weeping because her only son had died. Why was he dead? Because “sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12).
John the Baptist was in prison and was getting a little discouraged. Did the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God, have the power to get John out of that awful place? Sometimes we fail in faith as John, for he thought that the Lord had forgotten about him. The same hour that his disciples were with the Lord, many were cured of infirmities, plagues and evil spirits, and the blind were made to see. The Lord certainly has the power to deliver us in any circumstance, but we should be submissive to His will.
Simon the Pharisee didn’t consider himself to be as great a sinner as the woman who was washing the Lord’s feet with her tears and then wiped them with her hair. It was the custom to provide guests with water for their feet and greet them with a kiss. Simon did neither of these things. He showed little love for the Lord, while she showed by her faith and works how much she loved Him.
1. What did a certain centurion do that showed he loved the ____________ of Israel? Luke 7:___
2. What happened to the ____________ young man when Jesus said to him, “Arise”? Luke 7:___
3. What did Jesus do in the ____________ hour that the disciples of John asked, “Art Thou He that should come? or look we for another?” Luke 7:___
4. A woman anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped them with the hairs of her head. What kind of a ____________ was she? Luke 7:___
5. The woman loved the Lord very much, as shown by all that she did for Him, but it was ____________ that saved her. Luke 7:___

Kindness: February 2001

In the Word of God, we are encouraged to be kind. The priest and the Levite certainly were not very kind to the man who fell among thieves. Would you have done what the Samaritan did? The Lord Jesus is kind beyond comparison. Not only did He die for us, but He now lives for us, daily manifesting kindness in so many ways: He sends rain, sunshine and fresh air to breath, and He gives us food, clothing, shelter, health and other comforts too numerous to mention. As Christians, we can show kindness to others, even as God has shown kindness to us. The Bible tells us of people who wanted to show kindness to others and of people who desired to be shown kindness.
1. What did David want to show the house of Saul for Jonathan’s sake?
2 Samuel 9:___
2. After we were foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, what appeared from God our Saviour? Titus 3:___
3. Besides thinking about Joseph, what else would the chief butler be doing in making mention of him to Pharaoh? Genesis 40:___
4. What verses show that by kindness, Paul was approved as a minister of God? 2 Corinthians 6:___
5. In the ages to come, what will God show us through Christ Jesus?
Ephesians 2:___

Luke 8: March 2001

Evil spirits had complete control of a woman named Mary Magdalene until Jesus healed her. Now she wanted to serve Him in any way she could.
The devil does not like people who hear and believe the Word of God because they will be saved. He will try to occupy them with cares, with riches, and with pleasures of this life so that they will forget about what they have heard.
Many people were now following the Lord. His own family couldn’t get near Him because of the crowd. Then He told them, “My mother and My brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it.” Are you in His family?
Have you ever been in jeopardy? When the disciples were crossing the lake, they thought they were about to perish in a storm. However, they went to the right Person for help and all was made calm.
Rendered safe by His protection,
We shall pass the watery waste,
Trusting to His wise direction,
We shall gain the port at last;
And with wonder,
Think on toils and dangers past.
Having crossed safely to the other side of the lake, they met a demon-possessed man named Legion. When he saw Jesus, he fell at His feet because he knew He was the Son of God who would one day punish demons. The Lord gave this poor man his right mind. He then wanted to follow Jesus but was told to return to his house and tell “how great things God hath done unto thee.” Instead, the whole city was told what “great things Jesus had done unto him.” He knew that Jesus is God.
When the Lord finally arrived at the ruler of the synagogue’s house, his daughter was dead. Because death is such a sorrowful thing, all the people were weeping and wailing. However, the Lord Jesus is “the resurrection, and the life” (John 11:25) and has the power to raise whom He will. When He said, “Maid, arise,” she arose right away.
What a wonderful day is coming for all those who have received the Lord Jesus as their own Saviour. He will say to them, “Rise up, My love, My fair one, and come away” (Song of Solomon 2:10).
1. What was the name of the ____________ out of whom the Lord cast seven devils? Luke 8:___
2. Why does the devil take away the ____________ out of their hearts?
Luke 8:___
3. Whom did the Lord say are now His ____________ and His brethren?
Luke 8:___
4. How did the people feel when they saw Legion, sitting at the feet of ____________ , clothed and in his right mind? Luke 8:___
5. When the Lord said, “Weep not; she is not ____________ , but sleepeth,” what were all the people doing? Luke 8:___

Mockers: March 2001

It is a serious thing to mock God or His servants. In the Bible we read of awful judgments that fell upon those that mocked. We live in a time when people mock God and nothing seems to happen. Does God not take notice of such mockers? Remember that the Lord “is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). Those who do not repent of their evil ways will surely stand before the great white throne and answer for their mockery. Galatians 6:7 says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
The following questions give us a few examples of those who mocked.
1. When little children mocked Elisha and said, “Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head,” what happened to them? 2 Kings 2:___
2. The Apostle Paul preached the resurrection of the dead to them of Athens. What was their reaction? Acts 17:___
3. When Hezekiah sent posts through Ephraim and Manasseh, even to Zebulon, how were they received? 2 Chronicles 30:___
4. After the soldiers put a crown of thorns on the Lord’s head, what did they do in saying, “Hail, King of the Jews”? Matthew 27:___
5. What did the apostles say there would be in the last times? Jude:___

Luke 9: April 2001

In this chapter the Lord shares with the twelve disciples the privilege of preaching and healing. What a time of great blessing it was for Israel! However, there was a man named Herod who had a bad conscience because he had beheaded John the Baptist. Some people thought that John was risen again and was doing all these miracles.
As the evening drew on, large crowds followed the Lord into a desert place and it was time for supper. What were they going to eat? They only had five loaves and two fishes, but that was enough for the Lord Jesus. He gave thanks and had the disciples set this before the multitude. They ate, were all filled, and twelve baskets of fragments remained!
After eight days the Lord took Peter and John and James up into a mountain to pray. Moses and Elias (Elijah) appeared and talked with Jesus about what was going to happen in Jerusalem. Peter was so afraid that he didn’t know what to say. Then a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son: hear Him.” God does not want His Son put on the same level with sinful man.
When they came down from the mountain, He told them that He would be delivered into the hands of men. Instead of feeling badly about this, they were arguing about who would be the greatest. Are we looking for a great place in a world that crucified the Lord Jesus?
Although He is the Lord of glory, yet He was in the world as a stranger. Even the foxes had holes and the birds of the air had nests, but He didn’t have anywhere to lay His head. What a blessed Lord we have! He emptied Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross (Philippians 2:8).
1. Who beheaded ____________ the Baptist? Luke 9:___
2. Besides feeding a multitude of over five thousand, how many ____________ of fragments remained? Luke 9:___
3. What did the voice that came out of the ____________ say concerning God’s Son? Luke 9:___
4. To be ____________ , whom did Jesus say we would have to receive in His name? Luke 9:___
5. Foxes have holes and birds have ____________ , but who had nowhere to lay His head? Luke 9:___

"What Shall I Do?" : April 2001

Often, when we ask, “What shall I do?” we are perplexed or are at our wits’ end - we do not know what to do! In the Bible, this question is often asked. It is interesting to see what was done. Sometimes it was asked seriously, and sometimes a foolish decision was made because the Lord was not consulted. In Luke 20, the lord of the vineyard is a picture of God the Father who said, “What shall I do? I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him.” It touches our hearts to find that God went to such extremities to redeem sinful men. God could not have given more - nor would He give less. Such is His love for us!
1. What did a certain rich man think within himself when his ground brought forth plentifully? Luke 12:___
2. When Peter and the apostles preached on the day of Pentecost, many were pricked in their heart. What question did they ask? Acts 2:___
3. The Lord loved a man who came running and then kneeled before Him. What did he ask the Lord? Mark 10:___
4. Moses cried to the Lord when the people were about to stone him. What did Moses say? Exodus 17:___
5. After the jailer brought out Paul and Silas, what did he say to them?
Acts 16:___

Luke 10: May 2001

This is the only gospel where we read that the Lord sent out seventy in addition to the twelve apostles. The work was great and the laborers were few. This is just as true today as it was then. To confirm their message, the Lord enabled them to perform miracles. Having completed their mission, they returned with joy but were told that they should rather rejoice because their names were written in heaven. Do you know if your name is written in heaven? Receive the Lord Jesus as Saviour and it will be!
Next, we read that the Lord rejoiced because the message was simple enough for babies to understand, but it was hidden from the wise and prudent because they didn’t want to believe God’s message. The lawyer who stood up was in this category. In answering his question, the Lord told the wonderful story of the good Samaritan. The Samaritan carried with him just what the half-dead man needed - oil, wine, transportation and money to pay for his recovery. Today, the gospel message brings with it just what sinful men need - salvation!
The Lord Jesus valued the hospitality that Martha and Mary displayed and He values anything you may do for Him. But do you know what one thing is most important? It is to pay attention to His Word and believe it.
1. What should we pray that the ____________ of the harvest would send forth? Luke 10:___
2. When the seventy returned again with ____________ , what did they say to the Lord? Luke 10:___
3. The Lord of heaven and earth has hid these things from the ____________ and prudent. To whom have they been revealed? Luke 10:___
4. Besides binding up the man’s wounds and pouring in ____________ and wine, what else did the Samaritan do for him? Luke 10:___
5. Which sister had chosen the ____________ thing that is needful?
Luke 10:___

Swords: May 2001

It must be terrible to be sliced by a sword! You know how sharp a sword is and how easy it is to be cut by one. Do you know how many people have lost their lives because of swords in battle? No doubt millions have been slain by the sword in battle. This deadly weapon is mentioned many times in the Bible, for it was used from the earliest days. Today, swords are not used too often, for men have invented other weapons of warfare.
An instrument like a sword used to harvest sugarcane is called a machete. It is very sharp and long and is also used to cut tree branches, brush and grass.
Soon the Lord Jesus will judge the nations and will then bring peace to the world. Wars will cease and people will change “their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Isaiah 2:4).
1. What did the Lord Jesus tell Peter about all those that take the sword?
Matthew 26:___
2. The sword of Goliath was kept wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod. What did David say about that sword? 1 Samuel 21:___
3. Because King David had despised the commandment of the Lord, what did Nathan say would never depart from his house? 2 Samuel 12:___
4. What did the Lord of hosts say would smite the shepherd?
Zechariah 13:___
5. When the Lord Jesus was born, the angels said, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace.” When men rejected Him, what did He send instead of peace on earth? Matthew 10:___

Luke 11: June 2001

Prayer is the expression of dependence. Under the law the disciples were not taught to pray. In the New Testament we are often exhorted to pray to the Lord, not only for ourselves, but for others as well. We can rest assured that our prayers will be heard at any time of the day or night. Within our comfortable circumstances we may forget the needs of others, but God never does. We are told, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”
If Satan were to fight against his own wicked kingdom, would he not be brought to desolation? Surely so! And yet some were saying that the Lord cast out wicked spirits through the power of Beelzebub, their chief. Unbelief is contrary to sound reason and is the opposite of faith. Why did the queen of the south come to Jerusalem to hear the wisdom of Solomon? Because she had faith in what she heard about Solomon. But the Lord Jesus, who is greater than Solomon, was rejected by this evil generation.
Much of the world’s religion is for the outside and looks good to man. However, the Lord also looks on the inside and can see when the inward part is full of wickedness. Only the blood of the Lord Jesus can cleanse the inside from every sin.
Many times God sent prophets and apostles to warn men. Instead of listening to their message, they were despised and put to death. May we learn from their bad example to fear God and trust in His great salvation today!
1. What answer did his friend give from ____________ his house?
Luke 11:___
2. A kingdom divided against itself is brought to ____________ . What will happen to a house divided against itself? Luke 11:___
3. Why did the queen of the ____________ come from the utmost parts of the earth? Luke 11:___
4. Although the Pharisees were cleaning the ____________ , what does the Lord say about their inward part? Luke 11:___
5. How were the prophets and ____________ that God sent being treated?
Luke 11:___

Stoning: June 2001

Have you ever been hit by a stone? It hurt, didn’t it? Well, how would you like to be hit by so many stones that you die? In Bible times, that was one way that people were punished for disobeying God. One stone in David’s sling was used of God to slay the giant Goliath. If one of the children of Israel were to serve other gods besides the Lord God, they were to be stoned to death. This was done so that everybody would be afraid to do such a wicked thing. God threw down great stones from heaven upon the Amorites and slew them before the armies of Israel (Joshua 10:11). In like manner God will soon execute a great judgment upon this world by great hailstones out of heaven upon men that blaspheme God (Revelation 16:21).
Let’s find examples of several people in the Bible who were stoned.
1. What happened to Achan and his family because they troubled Israel by taking gold and silver that was forbidden? Joshua 7:___
2. After Stephen gave a faithful witness for the Lord, what did wicked men do after casting him out of the city? Acts 7:___
3. Naboth valued the inheritance of his fathers and would not give it to Ahab. What did they do to him? 1 Kings 21:___
4. Although he didn’t die, what did Jews from Antioch and Iconium do to the Apostle Paul? Acts 14:___
5. What did they do to Zechariah after he delivered God’s message?
2 Chronicles 24:___

Luke 12: July 2001

Covetousness is the desire to have something that belongs to another person. God tells us to beware of covetousness. Because of this sin, many people have been kept from coming to Christ for salvation. The rich man desired to have so much that he left God out of his life completely. God called him “fool,” because he provided only for this life and forgot about eternity.
Did you know that God cares for the birds of the air, the beasts of the earth and the flowers of the field? If you were to examine the glory of the lily under a microscope, you would find God’s intricate handiwork. If He has such care for beautiful flowers, will He not rather take care of boys and girls who are much more precious in His eyes?
The Lord Jesus wants us to be ready and watching for His return. Those who are not ready will be left behind for judgment. They should have known that God wanted to be their Saviour, not their Judge.
By looking in the sky and studying clouds and wind patterns, men can predict the weather. Can we tell by conditions in the world that things are getting worse and worse? (See 2 Timothy 3:13.)
1. We are to beware of covetousness. What does our ____________ not consist of? Luke 12:___
2. What did God call a rich man who had ____________ many things?
Luke 12:___
3. What flower has God arrayed better than Solomon in all his ____________ ? Luke 12:___
4. If the goodman of the house had ____________ what hour the thief was coming, what would he have done? Luke 12:___
5. Although hypocrites could discern the face of the ____________ and of the earth, what were they not able to do? Luke 12:___

"What Hast Thou Done?" : July 2001

Many of the things we have done we would like to forget, because we are ashamed of what we did. God says, “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10). There was only one Person who always did what was right. He said, “Which of you convinceth Me of sin?” Never did He do one thing wrong; He was holy.
On the other hand, man departed from God and immediately fell into sin through disobedience. How much sorrow has been brought into the world as a result! There is only one way that we can have our sinful past cleared before God. Someone had to die for our sins. Romans 5:6 says, “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Aren’t you glad that verse is in the Bible? Otherwise, there would be no hope for us, for we could never stand before God on the ground of what we have done. Each one of us knows that we “have sinned, and come short of the glory of God,” but, praise God, “the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Have you received Him as your own personal Saviour? What will your answer be when God asks you, “What hast thou done?”
1. After Adam said that he ate of the tree, what question did God ask the woman? Genesis 3:___
2. Saul did not keep the commandment of the Lord. When Samuel came to Saul, what did he ask him? 1 Samuel 13:___
3. At the first, Pilate did not know why the nation and the chief priests delivered the Lord Jesus to him. What question did he have to ask? John 18:___
4. After Cain told the Lord that he didn’t know where his brother was, what did God ask him? Genesis 4:___
5. What did David say after he had numbered the people? 2 Samuel 24:___

Luke 13: August 2001

Pilate had killed some Galileans, and a tower in Siloam fell and killed eighteen others. People probably thought they must have been great sinners to die such terrible deaths. But the Lord told those around Him that they would likewise perish, except they repented of their sins.
If you had carefully planted a garden or a fruit tree and all that grew were weeds, never fruit, what would you do? The parable the Lord told was of a man who came seeking fruit for three years. How patient he was! Yet God had been faithfully laboring with His vineyard (Israel) for many years and they yielded only wild grapes. See Isaiah 5:2. If Israel as a nation did not bear fruit, they would be cut down.
The poor woman, who was bowed together, could only look down. When the Lord healed her, she could look straight into His face and glorify God! How angry this made those who thought more of their animals than of this poor woman.
A grain of mustard seed is very small. The number of those who followed the Lord at first was small, but over the years, a great number of people said they were Christians. Many were not real believers and are compared to the fowls of the air that lodged in the branches of the great tree of profession. God knows those who are false and those who are real. Be sure that you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour.
The Lord wanted to bless Israel and Jerusalem, the capital, but they refused to walk in His ways or listen to His prophets. What could He do? He will send an enemy with armies that would desolate them. Then they will repent and say in truth, “Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.”
1. How many years did the owner come ____________ fruit on the fig tree?
Luke 13:___
2. The woman who was ____________ together had a spirit of infirmity for how many years? Luke 13:___
3. When the Lord laid His hands on her and ____________ her, she was made straight. What did she do? Luke 13:___
4. What happened to the grain of ____________ seed which a man cast into his garden? Luke 13:___
5. The house of Israel will be left ____________ until what time?
Luke 13:___
“Ye shall know
them by
their fruits.
Do men gather
grapes of
thorns, or figs
of thistles?”
Matthew 7:16

The Heart: August 2001

The heart is a very important member of our body. Without a healthy heart, we would not be able to perform many functions that require endurance. In the Bible, the word “heart” is used as the seat of life or strength. Sometimes the word “heart” refers to our minds, our souls or our understanding. It is also used to refer to the center or inner part of a thing. Many are the exhortations of Scripture, therefore, to keep our hearts with all diligence - to protect them in every possible way from danger and difficulty. Did you know that the tongue is untamable because our hearts are morally bad? See James 3:8 and Romans 7:18. Also, things that we do, eat and see all affect our hearts. When the Lord says, “My son, give Me thine heart” (Proverbs 23:26), it means our entire person, not just that little organ. Then again, we are told, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart” (Proverbs 3:5).
We will look at a few of the many references in the Bible to the heart.
1. Besides preaching the gospel to the poor, what would the Lord do for the brokenhearted? Luke 4:___
2. What did God see that grieved Him so much that He would destroy man that He created? Genesis 6:___
3. What kind of a heart is said to be an abomination to the Lord?
Proverbs 16:___
4. Concerning the thoughts and intents of the heart, what is the Word of God able to do? Hebrews 4:___
5. Is our character formed by what we think in our hearts? Proverbs 23:___

Luke 14: September 2001

One of the chief Pharisees kindly invited the Lord Jesus to his house for a meal, but a number of his friends had bad motives. They wanted to see if the Lord would heal a man from his sickness on the Sabbath day. The law was given by Moses, but grace was shown by the Lord every day of the week.
Do you know who is the most honorable Person who took the lowest room? The Lord Jesus left heaven, came into the world and went down to the death of the cross. Man naturally likes to make himself look good. When they were told to seek out the lowest room, it was contrary to their natural desires. The Lord set an example for those who would desire to follow Him.
The gospel of God’s grace goes out to “whosoever will”; He does not exclude anyone. Those who preach the good news of salvation to the poor, maimed, lame or blind will surely be rewarded at the resurrection of the just.
When someone invites us to a supper, we usually try our best to accept the invitation. The excuses we read of in this chapter were not good ones. They really did not want to go. How would you feel if none of the people you invited to your house wanted to come? Yet there are thousands who refuse God’s invitation to partake of the gospel supper. Their reasons are only excuses in God’s sight.
Many today would like to be disciples (followers) of the Lord, but there is a price to pay. Great multitudes followed the Lord because of the benefit they were able to get. When it came to leaving family, friends or the synagogue, it was a difficult decision. Were they willing to leave all and follow the Lord Jesus? Whoever was not going to bear his cross and come after Him could not be His disciple.
1. What hard work would a Pharisee do on the Sabbath ____________ if his ox fell into a pit? Luke 14:___
2. What was said to the man who sat down in the ____________ room?
Luke 14:___
3. If a person were to invite the poor, the maimed, the ____________ and the blind to a feast, when would he be recompensed? Luke 14:___
4. When the master of the ____________ heard the excuses of the bidden guests, how did he feel? Luke 14:___
5. In order to be a ____________ of the Lord, what two things must we be willing to do? Luke 14:___

Fire: September 2001

Fire is dangerous to play with. We can get burned, seriously injured, and even die. Even if you pass your finger over a lit candle, it can hurt! Do you know that the Bible says, “Our God is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:29)? How dreadful it must be to fall into His hands for judgment. The lake of fire is where all those who are not redeemed by the Lord Jesus will spend eternity. What an awful place of torment that must be!
Several times fire came down from heaven, either in judgment or in acceptance of that which was offered in sacrifice. Solomon notes that fire was one of four things that never say, “It is enough.”
A Christian can be so thankful that the Lord Jesus bore the fire of God’s judgment for our sins on the cross (Lamentations 1:13).
1. The prophets of Baal couldn’t produce fire under their offering. What happened to the sacrifice on the altar of the Lord after Elijah prayed?
1 Kings 18:___
2. When Moses was on the backside of the desert, he saw a bush burning, but it was not consumed. Who was in the midst of the bush and spoke to Moses? Exodus 3:___
3. Solomon finished praying and fire came down from heaven. What did the children of Israel say in worship and praise? 2 Chronicles 7:___
4. The captain and his fifty men didn’t offer any sacrifice. What happened when there came down fire from heaven? 2 Kings 1:___
5. James and John wanted to call down fire from heaven like Elias. How did the Lord Jesus answer them? Luke 9:___

Luke 15: October 2001

In the chapter before, the Pharisees were happy to have the Lord Jesus eat with them, but they didn’t want Him to eat with publicans and sinners. They thought they were better than other people. The Lord knew their thoughts and told the parable about the hundred sheep. What a wonderful picture of His love in seeking those who were lost in their sins, dying for them and then bringing them home again!
Silver may be valuable, but it is lifeless. The lost piece of silver had to be found by the woman using a candle and broom. Great was her joy in finding it, and so great is the joy in the presence of God over one sinner that repents.
The story of the prodigal (wasteful) son is well-known. Neither boy loved his father, and the youngest took his belongings and left home for a far country. When he came to poverty, he started to think about “home,” but would he be received back? He was even willing to be a servant. When his father saw him, he covered his son with kisses and ordered his servants to clothe his son and bring him into the house. As the elder son neared the house, he heard the music and dancing and asked what it all meant.
Do you not think that he would have been happy that his brother returned? No, the elder son was angry with his father and would not go in. Only those who confess that they have sinned will enter into heaven and share the Father’s joy.
1. If any of the Pharisees or scribes had a hundred ____________ and lost one of them, what would he do? Luke 15:___
2. When the ____________ found her lost piece of silver, what did she want her neighbors to do? Luke 15:___
3. What did the younger son do with his substance in that ____________ country? Luke 15:___
4. Name the three things that the ____________ wanted to have put on his younger son. Luke 15:___
5. The elder ____________ was angry. With whom did he want to make merry? Luke 15:___

Thoughts: October 2001

During our waking hours we are always thinking about something. Some of our thoughts are pleasant, some are sad, while others are serious or exciting. How much of our “thought” life is profitable and pleasing to the Lord? Perhaps our actions and words are acceptable, yet we are glad no one knows what we are thinking. Realizing that God knows our every thought is a humbling fact. The Bible says that as a person “thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). How often our thoughts condemn us! The remedy is found in Philippians 4:8 where numerous things are mentioned upon which we can think. God would have our thoughts guided by the Word of God concerning eternal matters, instead of relying upon man’s thoughts.
1. What does God say about His thoughts in comparison with our thoughts?
Isaiah 55:___
2. The imagination of the thoughts of man’s heart: Was it good or evil?
Genesis 6:___
3. The Lord wanted to hear the Pharisees’ thoughts about the Christ. What question did He ask them? Matthew 22:___
4. When the high priest asked the people, “What think ye,” how did they reply? Matthew 26:___
5. God is in heaven; we are on earth. Does He know our thoughts?
Psalm 139:___

Luke 16: November 2001

A steward has the responsibility of caring for his master’s goods. The steward in our chapter was not only a waster, but he was lazy. When told that he would lose his job, he said within himself, “I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed.” We should be willing to dig in the Word of God for ourselves and beg from others that which they enjoy of the Lord Jesus Christ. But this man was thinking of the future in making friends who would receive him afterwards. The Lord wants us to use the things of this world for future blessing. Soon, the things of this world, called the mammon (riches) of unrighteousness, will pass away, but the children of light are going to enjoy everlasting habitations.
The Pharisees were trying to serve God and riches because they were covetous. This is not possible. A servant can only serve one master faithfully. They thought that if a man was rich, it was a sign of God’s favor. The following account is of a rich person who was covetous, for he didn’t help Lazarus. His riches didn’t help him, for when he died, he lifted up his eyes in hell. He certainly did not have God’s favor. Lazarus did, for he was found in a place of comfort and rest.
Do you think the rich man wanted company where he was? No, he asked that Lazarus be sent to his five brothers and tell them what an awful place hell is. Today we tell people about the judgment of God for sin and they reply, “No one ever came back to tell us.” But do you think they would believe if someone rose from the dead? Remember, the Lord Jesus raised another man named Lazarus from the dead in John 11, but the chief priests tried to put him to death again!
1. There were two things the steward said within ____________ that he would not do. What were they? Luke 16:___
2. Why should we make to ourselves friends of the mammon of ____________ ? Luke 16:___
3. What did the Lord say about the servant who tries to ____________ two masters? Luke 16:___
4. When the rich man died and was buried, where was he when he lifted ____________ his eyes? Luke 16:___
5. Would the rich man’s five brethren be persuaded if someone ____________ from the dead? Luke 16:___

Who Can Do It: November 2001

We live in an age when men think they can do or accomplish just about anything. It is a time when they have made great achievements, but there are many things that are beyond their ability. Man is a created being; he is not a creator. He is an inventor and a discoverer. He cannot make something out of nothing, neither can he impart life to what is dead. Only God can create, give life, and do what would be impossible for man. The Lord Jesus did many miracles to show that He is God come down to man. Let’s search the Scriptures to find examples of things that only the Lord Jesus as God could do.
1. The scribes and Pharisees said that only God could forgive sins. What did the Lord Jesus say to the man who had palsy before He healed him?
Luke 5:___
2. The king of Israel said that only God could heal a man of his leprosy (2 Kings 5:7). What happened to the man who was full of leprosy when the Lord Jesus touched him? Luke 5:___
3. Since the world began it was not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind. When Jesus told the blind man, “Go, wash in the pool Siloam,” what happened? John 9:___
4. In Psalm 78:19 the people spake against God, saying, “Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?” How many people did Jesus feed in the wilderness?
Mark 8:___
5. No man was able, or worthy, to open and to read the book. Who alone was able to do it? Revelation 5:___

Luke 17: December 2001

In the Lord’s ministry to the people there was both teaching and healing. This chapter gives us both. In the matter of a trespass (sin) by a brother, we are to have a forgiving spirit. The apostles thought this was a hard teaching to follow, but we should remember that when we confess our sins to Him, all is forgiven us. Keeping the example of the Lord Jesus before us, we realize how far short we come. Do you think we can do as much for Him as He has done for us? At best, we would say, “We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.”
After this teaching, we have a miracle of healing. There were ten lepers who were healed, but only one whose heart was touched enough to cause him to turn back and give glory to God. Should not the other nine have returned to say “Thank you”?
The Pharisees felt that they were ready for the kingdom of God and only wanted to know when the kingdom of God would be ready for them. That blessed time will come, but first the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected. The question of our sins had to be settled before the kingdom could be established.
Judgment was about to fall on that unbelieving generation. What happened in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot are given as an example. People forget that God judged wickedness in the past and that He will do it again in the future. That is why we are told to “flee from the wrath to come” (Matthew 3:7).
1. If someone ____________ against you seven times in one day and says, “I repent,” what should you do? Luke 17:___
2. What are we to ____________ after doing all those things that we are commanded? Luke 17:___
3. Of the ____________ lepers who were cleansed, how many of them turned back to glorify God? Luke 17:___
4. The Son of Man (the Lord Jesus) will come as the shining lightning, but ____________ what must happen to Him? Luke 17:___
5. When ____________ went out of Sodom, what happened to that city?
Luke 17:___

Wise People: December 2001

A name that comes to mind when thinking of a wise person is Albert Einstein. In the Bible we read that Solomon had great wisdom and that he was wiser than Ethan, Heman, Chalcol and Darda, other wise men of his time. But do you know that “great men are not always wise”? If they leave God out of their lives, they are foolish. Only the Scriptures are able to make us wise unto salvation (2 Timothy 3:15). God will give us wisdom if we receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour (1 Corinthians 1:30). A person who rejects the Lord Jesus Christ is not wise in God’s eyes, no matter how much education he may have. On the other hand, there are many poor people who are “rich in faith” (James 2:5). These are the ones whom God considers to be “wise people.”
1. When wise men came from the east to Jerusalem, whom were they seeking? Matthew 2:___
2. What did a wise woman who lived in Abel advise all the people in her wisdom? 2 Samuel 20:___
3. What counsel does God give to kings so they can be wise? Psalm 2:___
4. A companion of fools will be destroyed. What is the opposite of this?
Proverbs 13:___
5. The sluggard is told to consider the ant. What wise thing does it do?
Proverbs 6:___