Bible Searchers: 2002
Table of Contents
Luke 18: January 2002
God always encourages us to come before Him in prayer. Sometimes He does not answer our prayers as quickly as we would like. Sometimes the answer is “No” or “Wait,” but be certain, He knows what is best for us. If we are treated badly because we are His children, there is coming a day when He will avenge His people, perhaps not here, but hereafter.
Next, the Lord shows us how we are to come before Him in prayer. The Pharisee had a longer prayer than the publican, but he was self-righteous and exalted himself. The publican smote upon his breast, the heart being the source of all his sin, and called on God for mercy. We read that through the Lord Jesus “all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses” (Acts 13:39).
How sad it is to see that the disciples didn’t want the little children brought to Jesus. Do you know that unless you receive the kingdom of God as a little child, you cannot enter in?
The ruler who wanted eternal life was rich but he lacked one thing. It was faith in Jesus, for he would not follow Him. Are you willing to follow the Lord Jesus even though it will cost you something - perhaps everything?
The Lord was gradually making His way to Jerusalem. It was there that the Jews would deliver Him to the Gentiles. He would be mocked, spitefully treated, spit on, scourged and then put to death. How wicked the heart of man is! We can understand such treatment for a bad man, but the Lord Jesus only “went about doing good, and healing all” (Acts 10:38).
The blind beggar had better spiritual sight than the multitude. They told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. He cried out, “Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.” Who told the blind man that Jesus is the Son of David? Surely he had faith, and so the Lord said, “Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee.”
1. Why will God ____________ His own elect? Luke 18:___
2. The publican stood afar off and would not lift up his eyes to heaven. After he smote upon his ____________ , what did he say? Luke 18:___
3. A certain ruler was very rich, but he still ____________ one thing. What did Jesus tell him to do? Luke 18:___
4. The Lord Jesus told the twelve that the Gentiles would mock Him and put Him to ____________ . Then what would He do after three days? Luke 18:___
5. The multitude told the blind man that ____________ of Nazareth passed by. How did the blind man cry out? Luke 18:___
One Thing: January 2002
The Bible tells us that “a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8) and that “no man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). The Lord Jesus also said that “no servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (Luke 16:13).
These scriptures and others would encourage us who know the Lord as Saviour to walk in separation from the world. We cannot enjoy Christ and the world together. Remember that this world crucified the Lord Jesus and, even today, has no love for Him.
Often we get so involved with the affairs of life that we have no time for the One who died for us. “He. . . that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful” (Matthew 13:22). Our one object in life should be to serve Christ. Let’s find a few “one things” in the Bible.
1. The man who came running to Jesus was earnest, he was reverent (he kneeled), he was humble (wanted to know), he knew the commandments, and he was rich. After the Lord looked at him and loved him, what did He say?
Mark 10:___
2. Martha was careful and troubled about many things. What did Jesus tell her about Mary? Luke 10:___
3. When the man with the withered hand rose and stood forth, what did Jesus ask the scribes and Pharisees? Luke 6:___
4. What was the Apostle Paul’s purpose concerning things behind and things before? Philippians 3:___ & ___ (2 verses)
5. The chief priests and scribes asked about the Lord’s authority. How many questions did He ask to see if they were honest? Luke 20:___
Luke 19: February 2002
We come now to the closing days of the Lord’s ministry on earth. He passed through Jericho for the last time, on His way to Jerusalem. Zaccheus was not going to miss this opportunity to see Jesus. But there were difficulties. He was a little man and couldn’t see above the crowd. What could he do? He saw a tree ahead and ran to climb up above all those people. Do you think the Lord Jesus knew who was in that tree? He not only knew his name, but He knew all about him. The Lord wanted to go to his house, but the people murmured because they knew that Zaccheus was a sinner. Were they not sinners also? When the Lord left that house, Zaccheus was a saved sinner, “for the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
In the parable of the nobleman we see how he rewards faithfulness. The good servant gained ten pounds and was rewarded by ruling over ten cities. The wicked servant did nothing with the pound that was given to him. He really had no love for his master and so did nothing for him.
As the Lord approached Jerusalem, two of His disciples were told to bring a colt for Him to sit on. The whole multitude of the disciples said, “Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.” Their religious leaders objected to such rejoicing, but the Lord said that if the people were silent, the stones would cry out! Today, the Lord has living stones giving Him praise (1 Peter 2:5).
Was not the Lord saddened to see that religious center so hardened against Him? He foretold of a time that was soon coming when their enemies would level Jerusalem to the ground. All this would happen because they didn’t realize that their Lord and Saviour was visiting them.
1. Zaccheus ran and ____________ up a tree. What kind of a tree was it?
Luke 19:___
2. When Zaccheus received the Lord into his house, all the people ____________ . What did they say about Zaccheus? Luke 19:___
3. What did the nobleman say to the ____________ servant who had gained ten pounds? Luke 19:___
4. As the Lord descended the mount of Olives, what did the whole ____________ of the disciples begin to do? Luke 19:___
5. Why would the enemy cast a trench around Jerusalem and lay it even with the ____________ , not leaving one stone upon another? Luke 19:___
Strangers: February 2002
Have you ever met someone who looked, talked or dressed differently from everyone else? When you asked, you found out that they were strangers from another country. Where they came from, they looked, talked and dressed in a manner different than you.
The Bible tells us that a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is a stranger in this world. The Lord Jesus said, “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world” (John 17:16). If you are saved, Christ is your life and heaven is your home. If we want to please the Lord, our behavior is different from those who don’t. Perhaps you’ve suspected someone was a believer just by the way they talked or looked. The Lord Jesus talked in such a manner that officers said, “Never man spake like this man” (John 7:46). The Apostle Peter wrote a letter to believers whom he called “strangers and pilgrims.” They were strangers to the world now that they were saved for heaven. May the Lord help us to live as He lived in a world of sin.
1. All those who died in faith, not having received the promises, what did they confess? Hebrews 11:___
2. What question did Cleopas ask Jesus? Luke 24:___
3. The king commended those on His right hand. What did they do for the stranger? Matthew 25:___
4. The Samaritan returned to give glory to God. What did Jesus call him?
Luke 17:___
5. Who are they that are requested to abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul? 1 Peter 2:___
Luke 20: March 2002
The “gospel” means “good news” or “glad tidings.” This is what the Lord Jesus was preaching in the temple. The people wanted to listen, but their religious leaders were envious. They demanded to know who gave the Lord His authority to teach and preach. Jesus said that if they could tell Him who gave John the Baptist authority, He would answer them. But they were afraid to say that John’s authority came from heaven because they feared the people would stone them. They really did not have the fear of God at all!
Now the Lord put forth a parable that they were able to understand. The owner of the vineyard sent servants and they were beaten or wounded. Would you have then sent your son to those wicked servants? What a picture this parable is of God’s love to lost sinners. He sent many prophets, but they were all rejected. Lastly, God sent His only begotten and beloved Son into this world to die for lost sinners. Love like this cannot be measured.
The Lord’s parable only angered these leaders, so they sent spies to lay a trap for Him. The Lord knew their craftiness, for He knows the heart of all men. The reply given to their question shows His infinite wisdom, for it was He who gave Solomon his wisdom.
Next came the Sadducees who denied any resurrection. They certainly would not be worthy of the resurrection of the dead because they didn’t believe the Scriptures or have faith in God’s power to raise the dead.
Now it was the Lord’s turn to expose these leaders before all the people. He told them to beware of their love for show [or shew] in long prayers and long robes. They would receive the greater judgment.
1. If the chief priests and the scribes and the elders were to ____________ that the baptism of John was of men, what would all the people do to them?
Luke 20:___
2. After the third servant was wounded and cast out, whom did the lord of the ____________ decide to send? Luke 20:___
3. When the Lord Jesus perceived the ____________ of the spies, what did He say to them? Luke 20:___
4. Will those who are accounted ____________ to obtain that world and the resurrection from the dead ever be given in marriage? Luke 20:___
5. What will happen to the scribes who devoured widow’s houses and for a ____________ made long prayers? Luke 20:___
The Bowed Knee or Falling Down: March 2002
What a sign of homage or reverence the bowed knee is! Subjects usually bow down before their king, servants before their masters and saints before their Lord and Saviour.
There are many illustrations in Scripture of people bowing the knee before others whom they honored. Sometimes such honor was shown to an unworthy object, such as a piece of wood or stone. Certainly the Lord Jesus is worthy of such honor, and, while here, many bowed before Him. Do we not often bow before Him in prayer each day? Some people never do, but they will bow their knees before the Lord Jesus in a coming day. How good it is to fall before Him now as sinners, receive Him as Saviour and then bow our knees before Him in worship!
1. What will all in heaven, in earth and under the earth do at the name of Jesus? Philippians 2:___
2. A man will use wood to warm himself or to bake his bread. What will he do with the residue? Isaiah 44:___
3. After the soldiers put a crown of thorns on His head and a reed in His right hand, what did they mockingly do? Matthew 27:___
4. What did Nebuchadnezzar tell Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego to do when all kinds of music was heard? Daniel 3:___
5. When the healed woman saw that she was not hid, what did she do?
Luke 8:___
Luke 21: April 2002
While in Jerusalem, Jesus noticed how people made donations to the treasury of God. Some cast in a lot and some a little. A poor widow cast in only two mites. Why did the Lord say that she cast more into the offerings of God than all the others? She gave 100%; the others didn’t.
Herod built the temple with magnificent stones. When the people called this to the Lord’s attention, He said that not one stone would be left standing. Not only did He predict the future of that temple, but He spoke of persecution of those who followed Him. They were to look to Him, and such wisdom would be given that their adversaries would not be able to gainsay or resist their words. (You will see an illustration of this in Acts 6:10.) Even so, some of them would be put to death, but not a hair of their head would perish. They may die, but they would never perish!
Much of what is related in this chapter is yet to be fulfilled or is even taking place today. Do we not see men’s hearts failing them today because of fear, both of natural calamities and of God’s judgment? God is very gracious and patient, not willing that any should perish, but eventually His judgment will fall on evildoers. The words of the Lord Jesus will come to pass, even though heaven and earth pass away.
What a favored city Jerusalem was! But Jesus did not spend the night there. He went out to the Mount of Olives, there to rest and pray. Although maker of heaven and earth, He was here as a homeless stranger.
1. What did the Lord say about the poor widow who cast more into the ____________ of God than the rich? Luke 21:___
2. What would the Lord give His disciples that their adversaries would not be able to ____________ nor resist? Luke 21:___
3. Although some of the disciples would be put to death, what would not happen to a ____________ of their head? Luke 21:___
4. Why would men’s ____________ be failing them for fear? Luke 21:___
5. In the daytime the Lord taught in the temple. When He went __________ , where did He spend the night? Luke 21:___
Saviour: April 2002
The best thing in life that you can do is receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Saviour. Many know that He is the Saviour, but they have never believed on Him as their own personal Saviour. A person who feels he can swim to shore doesn’t want a lifeguard, and they who think they are good enough do not feel that they need the Saviour. The angel told Mary to name her son “Jesus,” which means “Saviour,” for He would save His people from their sins. Are you one of His people? Confess your sins to Him and receive Him as your Saviour, and you will be one of His people.
1. What did the apostles see and testify about the Father? 1 John 4:___
2. The Lord said, “They are My people, children that will not lie.” Then what did He become to them? Isaiah 63:___
3. How is God described after His love and kindness toward man appeared?
Titus 3:___
4. When Mary rejoiced in spirit, how did she address God? Luke 1:___
5. The angel said that someone was born that day in the city of David. Who was it? Luke 2:___
Luke 22: May 2002
“The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25). Because the chief priests and scribes feared the people, they sought to kill the Lord Jesus in the absence of the multitude. How happy they were when Judas offered to do this for them!
The passover was to be eaten in the place of the Lord’s appointment. How exact were the directions given to His disciples! After they ate the passover, He gave them the cup and the bread, which were to remind them of His blood and His body. He has not asked us to do anything difficult, but simply to remember what He has done for us.
It is sad to see the disciples arguing as to who would be the greatest at such a time as this. Simon Peter was a leader and Satan knew it. Although he would fail, he had faith, and the Lord always intercedes for His own, even when we don’t pray for ourselves.
Next, He went out with His disciples to the mount of Olives to pray. What a sorrowful time it was for them. The Lord earnestly prayed, but they fell asleep. If we were more in prayer, we would not yield to temptation so easily.
Then the multitudes came and took the Lord to the high priest’s house. Poor Peter followed afar off and then denied his Master three times. When the Lord turned and looked upon Peter, it must have melted his heart, for he went out and wept bitterly. Are we not often moved to tears when we dishonor our Lord?
1. Because the chief priests and scribes feared the people, Judas ____________ to betray the Lord under what conditions? Luke 22:___
2. The broken bread is a picture of the Lord’s ____________ which was given for us. What did He ask His disciples to do? Luke 22:___
3. Although Satan would sift Simon as wheat, why would his ____________ not fail? Luke 22:___
4. The Lord found His disciples sleeping. Why did He tell them to rise and ____________ ? Luke 22:___
5. When the Lord turned and ____________ upon Peter, what did he remember? Luke 22:___
Majority - Minority: May 2002
Perhaps you have heard some of these statements before: “The majority is always right.” “Follow the crowd.” “In union there is strength.” Now, this is what people say; it is not Scripture. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it is not. If God is with one person, that person is on the winning side. However, if there is a multitude of people and God is not for them, they will not win. All your friends may say, “Everybody’s doing it,” but God says, “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil” (Exodus 23:2). The Bible has many examples of those who were in the minority and yet overcame. They acted in faith and God helped them. These examples are recorded so that we too may overcome difficulties and walk in obedience to God’s Word.
1. What did Jonathan tell his armor-bearer that God might do for the two of them? 1 Samuel 14:___
2. At Paul’s first answer, all men forsook him. Did anyone stand with him?
2 Timothy 4:___
3. There were many, many people living in the days of Noah. How many people did God save when He brought the flood upon the world? 1 Peter 3:___
4. Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him were many, but Abram overcame them. How many men did Abram have? Genesis 14:___
5. In the day of vengeance, how many will there be to help and uphold the Lord? Isaiah 63:___
Luke 23: June 2002
The whole multitude began to falsely accuse the Lord. Pilate then sent Him to Herod and neither of them could find anything worthy of death in Him. However, Pilate and Herod became friends in rejecting Jesus.
Finally the multitude got their way. Barabbas was released and Jesus was crucified in a place called Calvary. Even on the cross, they mocked Him, but there was one man who repented. He read the superscription, written in Greek, Latin and Hebrew, and believed it. Because he had faith in Jesus as Lord, he went to paradise that same day. For others there it was a dark day. The earth shook and the veil of the temple was torn. When Jesus cried out with a loud voice and gave up His life, the centurion glorified God and said, “Certainly this was a righteous man.” Dear friends, all this the Lord suffered so that, believing, we might be set free.
1. The Lord said, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesars’s.” What did the multitude ____________ Him of saying? Luke 23:___
2. What happened on the same day that ____________ returned Jesus to Pilate? Luke 23:___
3. When they came to a ____________ which is called Calvary, what did they do to the Lord Jesus and the malefactors? Luke 23:___
4. A superscription was written in Greek and ____________ and Hebrew. What did it say? Luke 23:___
5. When the centurion saw what was done, what did he say that ____________ God? Luke 23:___
Zeal: June 2002
It is always good to be zealous in a good thing (Galatians 4:18), but sometimes our zeal can be misdirected. Such was the case with Saul of Tarsus, who, concerning zeal, was persecuting the church (Philippians 3:6). He was sincere, but he was sincerely wrong in what he was doing. Many people today are very zealous in what they are doing, but is their zeal according to God? His will is revealed to us in the Bible. How needful it is to familiarize ourselves with the holy Scriptures so that our zeal will be according to knowledge. To be slothful or negligent as a Christian is not honoring to our Lord. The Bible records the lives of those who had zeal both in a good and in a bad direction. May we learn from these examples, for the Lord will certainly reward those who serve Him acceptably.
1. What did the Lord say He would do for Phinehas because he was zealous for his God? Numbers 25:___
2. Those who have been redeemed from all iniquity, what are they to be zealous of? Titus 2:___
3. Of what did Jehu boast of to Jehonadab concerning zeal? 2 Kings 10:___
4. Although Epaphras was of Colosse, for what two other cities did he pray with great zeal? Colossians 4:___
5. Israel had a zeal for God, but was it according to knowledge?
Romans 10:___
Luke 24: July 2002
The resurrection of the Lord Jesus shows us the power of God over death. When the women came to the sepulchre, it was empty! The Lord had told the disciples that He would be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified, and then rise the third day.
Because they had forgotten these things, they were sad. Two of them left Jerusalem, but Jesus went with them. They trusted that it had been He that should have redeemed Israel - that is, deliverance from Roman bondage. The Lord will yet do this, but His death provides spiritual redemption for Israel and for us. As he walked with them, He began at Moses and all the prophets and expounded in all the Scriptures about things concerning Himself.
Well, it wasn’t long before those who were sad were glad. They returned to Jerusalem that same night and told the others what had happened. Then Jesus Himself appeared in their midst. He told them that beginning at Jerusalem, they were to preach repentance and remission of sins in His name to all nations.
After the Lord was carried up into heaven, they worshipped Him, being filled with great joy, and were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. What a happy note on which to end the gospel by Luke. If you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you too will be happy!
1. When the Lord Jesus was in Galilee, He told His disciples that He would be delivered into the hands of ____________ men and be crucified. Then what would happen? Luke 24:___
2. What was it that Cleopas trusted that Jesus of Nazareth ____________ have done for Israel? Luke 24:___
3. Where do we learn about the ____________ concerning the Lord Jesus?
Luke 24:___
4. The disciples were told to preach repentance and remission of sins ____________ at what city? Luke 24:___
5. After they returned to Jerusalem, what did they ____________ do in the temple? Luke 24:___
Satan's Methods: July 2002
Satan has many ways in which he tries to turn aside a Christian from following the Lord. If one method doesn’t work, he will try another. Our only security is to keep close to the Lord and walk in obedience and dependence. Revelation 12:9 says that “the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.” This casting out is yet future, but today Satan is still in heavenly places, deceiving the lost and trying to mislead real believers. Did you know that Satan can even transform himself into an angel of light? His demons can also appear as ministers of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). There is a path that we can walk (Job 29:7) where we are safe. It is the path of faith. On this path, nothing can befall us except what our loving Lord allows.
1. Why must the Christian be sober and vigilant? 1 Peter 5:___
2. Whose snare can come upon those that oppose themselves?
2 Timothy 2:___
3. When a person hears the Word of God and refuses to understand it, who will take it away from his heart? Matthew 13:___
4. What did Satan desire to do with Simon? Luke 22:___
5. Why are we exhorted to put on the whole armor of God? Ephesians 6:___
John 1: August 2002
Have you ever noticed that the first three words of John’s gospel are the same as the first three words in the Bible (Genesis 1:1)? But the beginning mentioned here goes back farther than the creation of the heavens and the earth, because the Word always existed. The Lord Jesus is here called the Word because He told out what God was and is. He made the world and then came into it as a man, but they did not know Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the sons of God. What a blessed position is given to those who believe on His name!
One day, while John was baptizing, he saw Jesus coming to him and said, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” John knew this because the Spirit of God descended from heaven and abode upon Him.
The Lord invited two of John’s disciples to His house. One of them, Andrew, was persuaded that Jesus was the Messiah. The first thing he did was to go and find his brother Simon. We too should present our brothers and sisters to the Lord.
Shortly after, the Lord also called Philip to follow Him. Philip realized that Jesus of Nazareth was the one whom Moses wrote about. He quickly searched for his friend Nathaniel and found him under a fig tree. Do you know that even before Philip called Nathaniel, the Lord saw him? No matter where we are, the eye of the Lord is upon us!
1. Although the Lord Jesus was in the world and the ____________ was made by Him, what does it say about the world? John 1:___
2. What does He give to those who ____________ Him or believe on His name? John 1:___
3. When John saw ____________ coming unto him, what did he say?
John 1:___
4. What did Andrew say when he found his own ____________ Simon?
John 1:___
5. Before ____________ called Nathaniel, where did the Lord see him?
John 1:___
Our Desires: August 2002
What do you desire more than anything else in life? That is a searching question, isn’t it? You probably have many desires, but are they pleasing to God? To have right desires, our thoughts should be governed by the Word of God, the Bible. Do you know that while the Lord Jesus was here, several of His desires are mentioned: He desired to eat the last passover with the apostles before suffering (Luke 22:15), and He desired that those that the Father gave Him be with Him to behold His glory (John 17:24). The desires of others are recorded too. Some were good and some were not. As we search our Bibles for the answers to the following questions, may the Lord give each of us to have proper desires in life.
1. What is the one thing that David desired of the Lord? Psalm 27:___
2. As Judah waits for the judgments of the Lord, what is their desire?
Isaiah 26:___
3. The Lord was found and He gave them rest round about. What two things brought this about? 2 Chronicles 15:___
4. The Queen of Sheba gave King Solomon many precious things. What did he give her? 1 Kings 10:___
5. As a person gets older, what happens to all their desires?
Ecclesiastes 12:___
John 2: September 2002
Don’t you like going to weddings? They are so much fun! The bride and bridegroom are there and, often, plenty of food. The Lord Jesus was invited to a marriage and He went, along with His disciples. There must have been many people there because, before long, they were all out of wine. What could they do? The mother of Jesus told the servants to do whatever He said. They were told to fill six waterpots with water, and then they served it to the ruler of the feast. What he tasted was not water, but good wine! It was the first miracle the Lord performed.
Sometime afterwards, Jesus went into the temple at Jerusalem and noticed people were buying and selling. From small cords He made a whip and drove them all out. His Father’s house was not to be used for business.
When the Jews asked for a sign, Jesus said what He would do. He said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” He was talking about His resurrection!
Although people saw the miracles that Jesus did, they did not believe in Him in their hearts. He looks right into our hearts and knows if we have received Him as our Saviour.
1. The mother of Jesus said something to the ____________ , which is also true today. What was it? John 2:___
2. The ruler of the feast tasted the water that was made into ____________ . What did he say about it? John 2:___
3. When Jesus made a scourge of small ____________ , what did He do with it? John 2:___
4. Jesus said, “Destroy this ____________ , and in three days I will raise it up.” What temple was He talking about? John 2:___
5. Although many believed when they saw the miracles, why did ____________ not commit Himself unto them? John 2:___
Sorrow: September 2002
People often blame God for all the sorrow that is in the world. When God made the world and placed man in the Garden of Eden, there was no sin or sorrow. What happened then? Through man’s disobedience, “sin entered into the world, and death by sin” (Romans 5:12). A flood of sorrow followed. Will things always be so sad? Will there ever be a change? Yes, praise God! The “Man of Sorrows” (Isaiah 53:3) came down from heaven to take “away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). There is going to be a time when the results of man’s sin will be forever removed.
Presently, we are passing through a world of much sorrow. Can we have any joy here? If we know the Lord Jesus Christ as our own personal Saviour, we can rejoice that our sins are forgiven. We have been brought out of darkness into marvelous light. We can sing a new song and rejoice in the hope of soon going to be with Him in the Father’s mansions (John 14:2).
Those who are lost in sin have good cause to be sorrowful, for there is nothing ahead of them but judgment. A Christian can be happy, even though surrounded by sorrow, knowing that all will end well.
1. If a person lives seventy (threescore and ten) or even eighty (fourscore) years, what describes their life before being cut off? Psalm 90:___
2. What is not added to the blessing of the Lord? Proverbs 10:___
3. After Adam hearkened unto the voice of his wife, what would happen all the days of his life? Genesis 3:___
4. God will wipe away all tears. What else will be “no more”?
Revelation 21:___
5. Israel will return to their land with singing and find wheat, wine and oil. What will not be there anymore? Jeremiah 31:___
John 3: October 2002
Nicodemus was a religious man who saw the miracles that Jesus did. He knew that God must have sent Jesus, but he didn’t know that he himself was a lost sinner. When he was told that he had to be born again before he could see the kingdom of God, Nicodemus did not understand. The Lord had to explain that God works in an unseen way in a person’s heart, just like the wind is sent. We don’t know where it comes from or where it is going, but we can feel it, hear its sound, and see its effect.
Then the Lord told Nicodemus some of the most wonderful words in the Bible - how he could have everlasting life! People around the world have memorized John 3:16. Have you?
God is love and God is also light. People like to do their evil deeds when it is dark so others will not see them. But God can see as well in the dark as in the light. The Lord Jesus is the light of the world, and He reveals the sin that is in man’s dark heart. If we come to Him and confess our sins, He will forgive us. But if we do not believe on Him, the wrath of God abides on us. While there is yet time, “flee from the wrath to come.”
1. Nicodemus was a religious Pharisee. What did he have to do before he could see the ____________ of God? John 3:___
2. We can feel the wind when it blows and we can hear the ____________ thereof. What does Jesus compare this to? John 3:___
3. Because God so loved the world, what did He give so that we could have ____________ life? John 3:___
4. Why would a person who does ____________ hate the light? John 3:___
5. Those that believe on the Son have everlasting life. What is true of those who do not ____________ on the Son? John 3:___
The Riches of His Grace: October 2002
In heaven, children of wrath, thieves and the “Mary Magdalenes” will be found. All will be sharing the same glory as that which the Lord Jesus enjoys. This is the result of His work here on earth. All those who have faith in Him will participate in it. God will show in the ages to come the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness towards us by Christ Jesus. Angels and principalities will see poor sinners and the whole church in the same glory as the Son of God. They will understand, as much as possible, the exceeding riches of the grace that brought us there.
1. Rahab was a bad woman, but grace was shown to her. Why was she spared? Hebrews 11:___
2. After Manasseh humbled himself greatly before the God of Israel, what did he learn? 2 Chronicles 33:___
3. Did Christ Jesus save the chief of sinners? 1 Timothy 1:___
4. Nebuchadnezzar was a very proud king, but at the end of his days he lifted up his eyes and his understanding returned. Then what did he say?
Daniel 4:___
5. A publican admitted to God that he was a sinner. In what condition did he go down to his house? Luke 18:___
John 4: November 2002
The Lord Jesus is God, and He became a real man. He felt thirst, sadness, weariness, joy, anger, compassion and other things that people feel - but He was sinless, and not only that, He was holy; He could not sin.
In this chapter we find Him weary with His journey. When He came to Samaria, He sat on a well and rested. A woman came to that well to get water, and Jesus asked her for a drink. She never thought that a man who was a Jew would ask a woman of Samaria for a drink. He did this because He wanted to bring her blessing. Her life had been filled with sorrow. Now she met someone who could bring her happiness and salvation. She started to speak about religion, so Jesus told her that the time had come for true worship of the Father; it had to be in spirit and in truth. How strange this all sounded to her! He told her that He was Messias the Christ, and she believed Him.
About this time, Jesus’ disciples arrived and marveled that He talked with a woman of Samaria. It brought such joy to His heart in leading one sinner to God that food had no interest to Him at that moment. He told the disciples that the multitudes are just like fields ready to harvest. The Lord was sowing the good seed and soon the disciples could reap many men and women by bringing them to salvation.
At the end of this chapter, a nobleman wanted Jesus to come quickly and heal his son. The Lord didn’t go, but He just spoke the word and the child was healed. What power there is in His words! This wonderful miracle caused the nobleman’s whole house to believe in Jesus. Do you believe in Jesus too?
1. What did Jesus ask a woman of ____________ to give Him? John 4:___
2. If the woman had known who it was that spoke to her, what would she have ____________ of Him? John 4:___
3. When will the hour ____________ when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth? John 4:___
4. Although there were yet four months before ____________ time, what did Jesus say about the fields? John 4:___
5. After the father knew that his son was living, what did he do with his ____________ house? John 4:___
Our Spirits: November 2002
Let’s consider the spirit in which something is done. We can have a good spirit or show a bad spirit when told to do something. It is a joy to meet a person who has a happy spirit rather than one who displays a grumpy disposition all the time. Do you think the Lord Jesus is concerned with the spirit we display to those around us? What did He do when He was reviled (1 Peter 2:23), when they laughed Him to scorn (Matthew 9:24), and when He was oppressed and afflicted (Isaiah 53:7)?
Sometimes it may be difficult to show a Christian spirit when others make fun of us, but if we remember all that He did for us, it will be easier. Then, we can ask the Lord to help us to display a good spirit in an evil world. When we do so, we shine as lights in a dark place. We will be happy (1 Peter 3:14), and we will bring joy to the heart of God our Father.
The Bible has many illustrations of those who had a good spirit and of those that didn’t.
1. Why was Daniel preferred above the presidents and princes so that the king thought to set him over the whole realm? Daniel 6:___
2. When the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, what began to trouble him? 1 Samuel 16:___
3. All the men who had seen the Lord’s glory and miracles in Egypt and in the wilderness would not see the land. Why was Caleb an exception?
Numbers 14:___
4. What does it say about the man in whose spirit there is no guile?
Psalm 32:___
5. What did Paul desire would be with Philemon’s spirit? Philemon ___
John 5: December 2002
God sent an angel to the Bethesda pool because He loved His people and the city of Jerusalem. It was a testimony to His kindness and care for the Jewish people. Their sin had brought much sorrow and sickness among them. We read about a great multitude of these sick folk waiting for an angel to stir up the water. The first one in the water was healed. How could a man who couldn’t walk get there before others? One day, the Lord Jesus met one and healed that poor man. Do you know why the Jews got angry? They were angry because Jesus did this miracle on the Sabbath day. They would rather that this man remain lame than that the Sabbath be broken.
As a child, many of us have memorized this verse: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” What a good gospel verse this is! Notice that we don’t have to do any work (it was all done for us) to have everlasting life. We need only to believe, that is, to receive the Lord Jesus into our hearts by faith.
John the Baptist bore witness to the Lord Jesus, but what greater witness could He have than the many miracles He did? The Father also bore witness to His Son (Matthew 3:17), as did so many scriptures, from Moses and all the prophets.
1. There was a pool of ____________ called Bethesda. What kind of people lay waiting there? John 5:___
2. What ____________ of the week was it when the impotent man was made whole? John 5:___
3. The Jews sought to kill Jesus for two reasons. One was that they said that He had ____________ the Sabbath. What was the other reason? John 5:___
4. What does one have who hears His word and ____________ on Him?
John 5:___
5. There is a ____________ witness than that of John that the Father sent Jesus. What is it? John 5:___
Repentance: December 2002
Repentance is when our conscience convicts us as sinners before God and we turn from our evil ways. The prodigal repented and said, “I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son” (Luke 15:18-19). A believer can also repent as Peter did in Luke 22:61-62.
Remember that it is “the goodness of God [that] leadeth thee to repentance” (Romans 2:4) along with “godly sorrow” (2 Corinthians 7:10).
Today, God “commandeth all men everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30). This is the only way a sinner can receive “remission of sins” (Luke 24:47). Both repentance and faith in Christ are necessary in order to be saved. Have you ever repented and received the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour?
1. What was granted to the Gentiles, causing them to glorify God?
Acts 11:___
2. Paul testified two things to the Jews and also to the Greeks. What were they? Acts 20:___
3. Peter told them to repent and be baptized. What would then happen?
Acts 2:___
4. After Job heard with his ear and saw with his eye, what did he say?
Job 42:___
5. Why did Jesus say, “Repent ye, and believe the gospel”? Mark 1:___