Bible Searchers: 2003

Table of Contents

1. John 6: January 2003
2. "This Man" : January 2003
3. John 7: February 2003
4. The Fig Tree: February 2003
5. John 8: March 2003
6. Nests: March 2003
7. John 9: April 2003
8. Doors: April 2003
9. John 10: May 2003
10. A Good Conscience: May 2003
11. John 11: June 2003
12. Warnings: June 2003
13. John 12: July 2003
14. Remember: July 2003
15. John 13: August 2003
16. New Things: August 2003
17. John 14: September 2003
18. Garments: September 2003
19. John 15: October 2003
20. Hair: October 2003
21. John 16: November 2003
22. Maidens: November 2003
23. John 17: December 2003
24. Young Men: December 2003

John 6: January 2003

This chapter shows us that most of the people were following Jesus because of the miracles performed on the sick and because He fed them. How few there were who realized that He was God manifest in flesh! In Leviticus 23, the Passover was called one of the feasts of the Lord, but now it is called a feast of the Jews, because the Lord was left out of their thoughts.
When they came to the area where Philip lived, the Lord asked him where would be a good place to buy bread to feed the multitude. Andrew said there was a lad in the crowd who had five loaves of bread and two small fishes. Do you think this would have been enough for five thousand men? In the hands of Jesus it was! If we devote what little we have to Him, He will multiply it and use it for blessing.
What a great miracle this was! If He would be their king, all their food would be supplied. The Lord knew their thoughts. To have Him as king with their wicked hearts unchanged would never do. He must first die for sinners and then they can receive Jesus as Lord and king. Repentant sinners are those that the Father will give to the Lord Jesus as a love gift.
Jesus came down from heaven as a man so that He could die and give His flesh for the life of the world. When He told them this, they said, “This is an hard saying; who can hear it?” As a result, many left and walked no more with Him. Then Jesus asked the twelve, “Will ye also go away?” What a wonderful answer Simon Peter gave: “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.” Do you believe this about the Lord Jesus?
1. Who had five barley loaves and two small ____________ with him?
John 6:___
2. When Jesus perceived that they would come and take Him by force to make Him a ____________ , what did He do? John 6:___
3. Will the Lord Jesus receive all those that the Father ____________ to Him? John 6:___
4. What would the Lord Jesus ____________ for the life of the world?
John 6:___
5. Concerning Jesus, what did Simon Peter ____________ and was sure about? John 6:___

"This Man" : January 2003

Man’s history on earth is very sad. It is filled with departure from God, and, as a result, sin and death have come in. War among nations has been common from the beginning of time. Wherever we look today, we see sickness, poverty and rebellion against authority. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) because “there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not” (Ecclesiastes 7:20). Someone once said, “If it were not for the fact that God came into this world as a man in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ and lived a life of sinless perfection for the glory of God, I would be ashamed to be a man.”
Who was this Man? What does the Bible have to say about Him? What did His contemporaries think of what He did and said? Many are the references in Scripture as to Him, but let us always remember that this was God manifest in flesh (1 Timothy 3:16) and not just another man.
1. After the storm was calmed, what did the disciples wonder as to this Man?
Luke 8:___
2. What were the people in the synagogue so astonished about concerning this Man? Matthew 13:___
3. After the Lord gave up the ghost, what did the centurion say about this Man? Mark 15:___
4. Through whom is preached the forgiveness of sins? Acts 13:___
5. Who was it that sat down on the right hand of God forever?
Hebrews 10:___

John 7: February 2003

In the previous chapter, the Passover feast was near. In this chapter, the feast of tabernacles was at hand. At this time, the Lord’s brothers and sisters did not yet believe in Him. They suggested that He go to the feast and display His mighty works to the world. But He testified to the world that their works were evil and so they hated Him.
When the Lord received direction from His Father, He did go up to the feast and taught in the temple. He always did the Father’s will and said that if any man would do His will, he would know of the doctrine. God would reveal the truth to those who desired to walk in it. When Jesus told them that they did not know His Father, they sought to take Him, but no man laid hands on Him, because His hour was not yet come.
Jesus said that those that believe on Him would receive the Spirit. But the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified.
The Pharisees and the chief priests didn’t like what the people were saying about Jesus’ mighty works, so they sent officers to take Him. When the officers returned, they were asked why they had not brought Jesus. The answer they gave was: “Never man spake like this man.” Who else could have spoken such words of grace, love, power, comfort and wisdom as this Man?
1. Why did the ____________ hate Jesus? John 7:___
2. If any man would do His ____________ , what would he know?
John 7:___
3. When they sought to take Him, why could no ____________ lay hands on Him? John 7:___
4. While Jesus was on earth, why was the ____________ Ghost not yet given? John 7:___
5. The chief priests and Pharisees asked why Jesus was not brought to them. What ____________ did the officers give? John 7:___

The Fig Tree: February 2003

Of all the trees that were in the Garden of Eden, the only tree mentioned by name that we have today is the fig tree. Adam and Eve attempted to cover the fact that now they were naked before God (Hebrews 4:13) by sewing fig leaves together. The fig tree is mentioned more than sixty-six times in twenty-eight different books of the Bible. Often it is used as the subject of a parable or illustration to teach a spiritual truth. In the days of Isaiah the prophet, a lump of figs was laid on Hezekiah’s boil and he recovered from his sickness. Abigail brought, among other things, two hundred cakes of figs to David.
Before Philip called Nathanael, the Lord saw him under the fig tree. When the Lord was hungry, he wanted some fruit from the fig tree but found only leaves. The Lord cursed that fig tree and it began to dry up from the roots and withered away.
What a checkered history the fig has had! Let’s follow a few references to it in our Bibles.
1. In Jotham’s parable, when the trees said to the fig tree, “Come thou, and reign over us,” what did the fig tree say? Judges 9:___
2. When the Lord asked Jeremiah what he saw in the two baskets, what did he say? Jeremiah 24:___
3. What do we learn from the fig tree when its branch is yet tender and it begins to put forth leaves? Matthew 24:___
4. Even though the fig tree would not blossom, what would the prophet rejoice and joy in? Habakkuk 3:___
5. In a coming day of blessing, when there is no more war, where shall every man sit? Micah 4:___

John 8: March 2003

In this chapter, the scribes and Pharisees join together to tempt Jesus. “The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John 1:17). They knew what the law said to do about this woman, but they didn’t know the grace that was in Jesus Christ. After writing on the ground, He lifted up Himself and said, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” Don’t you marvel at such an answer? Do you really think they could have tempted Him?
Another remarkable statement that Jesus made is: “I am the light of the world.” It would be pride for any other person to say this! But it is true that those that follow Him do not walk in darkness but have the light of life. Because of sin, all others are in moral and spiritual darkness.
The Lord Jesus always existed. One of His names is “I Am.” He not only became a man, but He was always God the Son (Proverbs 30:4; 8:30). It is important to believe this, because if He was only a man, He could not save us (Jeremiah 17:5).
From the very beginning, the devil told a lie to Eve and then led Cain to murder Abel. He did not abide in the truth that he knew. Jesus always told the truth, and sinful men did not like it because it convicted them.
The Jews said that Abraham was their father, but they weren’t acting as Abraham’s children. In wanting to kill Jesus, they were behaving as children of the devil. When Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I Am” (John 8:58), they wanted to stone Him because He claimed to be God (see Exodus 3:14).
1. When Jesus ____________ up Himself, what did He say to the scribes and Pharisees? John 8:___
2. Jesus is the light of the world. What is true of those that ____________ Him? John 8:___
3. What will happen to those who do not ____________ that Jesus is the great “I Am”? John 8:___
4. The devil is a murderer and a liar. What does not ____________ in him?
John 8:___
5. Abraham lived many years ago. Was the Lord Jesus ____________ Abraham? John 8:___

Nests: March 2003

A nest is usually made of twigs, grass and mud that a bird will form into a circular home in which to lay its eggs. But not all nests are on trees. Fishes, turtles and other animals have nests on the ground or under the water. These nests are “home” for them. Job said, “I shall die in my nest” (Job 29:18), referring to his comfortable home. As a bird that wanders from her nest (Proverbs 27:8) can get into trouble, so can a man that wanders from his place. The Lord Jesus made every creature (John 1:3) in the world, yet He said, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man hath not where to lay His head” (Matthew 8:20). He was in this world as a homeless stranger. It is very easy for us to get comfortable in our “nest.”
1. Where was the swallow able to build her nest? Psalm 84:___
2. How does the eagle train the young ones in her nest?
Deuteronomy 32:___
3. The dwelling place of the Kenites was strong. What is it compared to?
Numbers 24:___
4. What does it say about the man who tries to set his nest on high?
Habakkuk 2:___
5. After the Lord punishes Idumea (Edom), what will the great owl be able to do in that desolate land? Isaiah 34:___

John 9: April 2003

When the disciples asked, “Who did sin, this man, or his parents?” they knew that sickness, blindness and other afflictions came into the world because of sin. In Jesus’ answer, “Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him,” we learn that both a physical and a spiritual blessing would be his. The blind man was told to go and wash in the pool of Siloam. He obeyed and received sight. Rather than believe that a miracle had been performed, the Jews didn’t believe that he had been blind, so they called his parents. The parents were afraid of being put out of the synagogue, so they told a lie, because they did know that Jesus (verse 11) had opened their son’s eyes. These Jews pretended to give God the praise, while saying that Jesus is a sinner. They forgot “that all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honoreth not the Son honoreth not the Father which hath sent Him” (John 5:23).
The blind man was growing in his knowledge of God. He knew that if any man would worship God and do His will, he would be heard.
The Jews didn’t want to hear this, so they cast him out. Jesus knew that they had done this and found him. When the Lord Jesus told him that He was the Son of God, he believed and worshipped the Lord. He received both physical and spiritual sight. What a blessing! Do you have both?
1. When the blind man washed in the ____________ of Siloam, what happened? John 9:___
2. Why were the ____________ of the blind man afraid of the Jews?
John 9:___
3. The Jews said, “Give ____________ the praise.” What did they say about Jesus? John 9:___
4. What will God do if any man ____________ Him and does His will?
John 9:___
5. When the ____________ Jesus said that He was the Son of God, what did the blind man say and do? John 9:___

Doors: April 2003

How many doors do you pass through each day? There are doors to go outside and doors to go inside. Some are locked and some are left open all the time. Some doors are important, such as the one on the bank vault. Probably you have several doors in your home and even more at your school. Some say, “Danger - Do Not Enter,” and others say, “Walk Right In.” There are many doors mentioned in the Bible. God warns us not to enter through some, and other doors we are exhorted most earnestly to enter. Some of these doors are still opened, but we are warned that they will soon be shut. Let us flee the doors that lead to trouble and enter that Door that leads to life everlasting.
1. The Lord Jesus is standing at this door and knocking. What does He tell everyone who hears His voice? Revelation 3:___
2. When the bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with him, what did they do next? Matthew 25:___
3. The city of Jericho had large doors or gates. What did they do with them because of the children of Israel? Joshua 6:___
4. The Lord Jesus said, “I am the door.” If anyone enters through Him, what will happen? John 10:___
5. The disciples shut the doors because they feared the Jews. Did this stop the Lord Jesus from entering? John 20:___

John 10: May 2003

In this chapter the Lord Jesus is presented to us as the good shepherd. Do you know that He would even die for His own sheep?
The only way we can become one of His sheep is to receive Him as our Saviour. Any man who wants to enter in and be saved must come through the Lord Jesus, for He is also the door - not one of many doors, but the only door by which we can enter God’s heaven.
The Lord Jesus proved His love for the sheep by laying down His life for them. A hireling would flee, but the good shepherd would rather die. He died because we were sinners, and His precious blood has put away our sins. Now He can offer eternal life to all those who trust in Him and they shall never perish. What a wonderful gift this is! Have you received the Lord Jesus as your Saviour?
The people that He was talking to had no love for Him because they were content with their religion and their sins. They rejected the One whom the Father sent into the world and said He was blaspheming, because He said, “I am the Son of God.” However, there were many who believed on Him and said, “All things that John spake of this man were true.”
1. After the porter opens the door, what does the shepherd do for his ____________ sheep? John 10:___
2. The Lord Jesus is the door. What will happen to any ____________ who enters in? John 10:___
3. What does the ____________ shepherd give for the sheep? John 10:___
4. Eternal life is a gift. What ____________ never happen to His sheep?
John 10:___
5. What were the Jews saying of Him whom the Father sanctified and ____________ into the world? John 10:___

A Good Conscience: May 2003

Our word “conscience” comes from two Latin words: con, meaning “with,” and scio, meaning “to know.” The conscience is that internal judge that witnesses to us - that enables us to “know with,” either approving or accusing actions (Romans 2:14-15). Conscience may be compared to a window that lets in the light of God’s truth. If we persist in disobeying, the window gets dirtier and dirtier, until the light cannot enter. This leads to a “defiled” conscience (Titus 1:15). A “seared” conscience is one that is no longer sensitive to what is right and wrong (1 Tim. 4:2). It is even possible for the conscience to be so darkened that it approves of things that are bad and accuses those that do good. A criminal feels guilty if he “squeals” on his friends, but he feels happy if he succeeds in crime. This is “an evil conscience” (Heb. 10:22).
Conscience depends on knowledge, the “light” coming through the window. As we read the Word, we better understand God’s will. Our conscience becomes more sensitive to right and wrong. A “good conscience” will approve when we do right and accuse us when we think or do wrong.
1. What exercise did Paul engage in so that he could be void of offence toward God and men? Acts 24:___
2. What is said about the man’s conscience who eats without knowledge?
1 Corinthians 8:___
3. Beginning at the eldest, the people went out one by one. What convicted them? John 8:___
4. Timothy charged the Ephesians that they teach no other doctrine. What was “the end of the commandment” he gave? 1 Timothy 1:___
5. When Christ offered Himself to God without spot, what was the blessed result? Hebrews 9:___

John 11: June 2003

Sorrow has entered into this world because of sin. Sin also makes us weak, sick, and eventually we die. When the Lord Jesus was here, he healed the sick and raised the dead. What wonderful power He had! Even though He did these miracles, those in Judea wanted to kill Him. Jesus was going there again, and Thomas, called Didymus, said, “Let us also go, that we may die with Him.”
As soon as Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went to meet Him. Afterwards, when Mary came, she fell at His feet and said the same words as her sister: “Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” They knew the Lord could heal their brother, but they didn’t know that He could raise him from among the dead.
When Jesus said, “Lazarus, come forth,” that dead man came out of the cave. What a testimony the people had that day as to the power of God in the Man Christ Jesus! As a result, many believed on Him. However, there were others who refused to believe, and they went to the high priest. He told them “that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.” That is exactly what came to pass. Blessing will finally come, not only to the nation of Israel, but also to all the children of God.
1. When Jesus heard that Lazarus was ____________ , what did He say?
John 11:___
2. What did Thomas, which is called ____________ , say that showed he really loved the Lord? John 11:___
3. When Mary ____________ where Jesus was, what did she do that Martha did not do? John 11:___
4. Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus come ____________ .” Then what happened? John 11:___
5. What did Caiaphas consider to be ____________ for them and the whole nation? John 11:___

Warnings: June 2003

There are many warning signs all around us. Some warn of danger in a product, others of danger on the road, and others of danger in or to the environment. Disobeying warnings can result in punishment, sorrow or even death. Do you know that there are many warnings in the Word of God? Many people were warned beforehand of the consequences of their actions. They ignored the warnings and it brought sorrow into their lives. God wants us to be safe and happy, so we are told to avoid certain things that can only harm us. If you love someone, you would certainly want to protect that person from every danger. Experience is not the best teacher; to obey, before experiencing hurt, is better. God loves us so much that He has given His only Son to deliver us from eternal punishment. Sadly, those who refuse the warning to “flee from the wrath to come” will suffer the consequences of their neglect. One reason God gave us the Bible is so that we can learn from the failures of others and avoid the pitfalls. Another reason is that because we all have failed in some measure, God has provided a way of escape for sinners through the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. Now God both warns and commands “all men everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30).
1. What warning did God give Adam in the garden of Eden? Genesis 2:___
2. Shimei was told not to cross over the brook Kidron. If he did so, what would happen? 1 Kings 2:___
3. A king of Israel was not to multiply horses, wives or gold (Deut. 17:1517). What happened to King Solomon when he was old? 1 Kings 11:___
4. What warning did God give Josiah through Necho king of Egypt?
2 Chronicles 35:___
5. Johanan warned Gedaliah that Ishmael would slay him. Gedaliah ignored this warning. What happened to him? Jeremiah 41:___

John 12: July 2003

Jesus often went to Bethany. There was a family He loved who lived in that town. I think that Martha, Lazarus and Mary loved the Lord Jesus also, for they made Him a supper. Martha served, Lazarus sat at the table, and Mary took a pound of ointment of spikenard and anointed the feet of Jesus.
As you can imagine, many people wanted to see Lazarus - the man that the Lord brought back to life again. But do you know that the chief priests wanted to put Lazarus to death again? Why? The reason was that many believed on Jesus because of Lazarus. Now that the Lord was in Jerusalem, He was about to give up His life. What did He mean when He said, “He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal”?
Many people love this world so much that they give no thought to eternal things, and others, who put the things of God first because they love the Lord, will enjoy eternal life with Him.
Even though Jesus did so many miracles, they didn’t believe on Him because their hearts were hardened by sin. They didn’t come to the light, for their deeds were evil. Will God judge people for their sinful deeds? Yes! In a coming day the Lord Jesus will judge people who do not repent by the very words that He spoke to them while on earth. How important it is that we believe the Bible, which is the Word of God.
1. What did Mary do with the pound of ____________ of spikenard, very costly? John 12:___
2. For what ____________ did the chief priests want to put Lazarus to death? John 12:___
3. What did the Lord Jesus say about him who loves his life and about him who ____________ his life? John 12:___
4. Because Jesus did so many ____________ , did they believe on Him?
John 12:___
5. If anyone rejects Jesus and does not receive His words, what will ____________ him in the last day? John 12:___

Remember: July 2003

We like to remember certain things in our lives. Other things that happened we would like to forget. Perhaps we can learn a lesson from those bad things that happened as well as the good things. Do you remember your birthday? What about your name and address? Do you remember the time you were sick and had to stay in bed all day? That wasn’t too pleasant, was it? The Lord has tempered our lives together with what we consider to be both happy days and sad days. Certain things we learned in school we don’t remember anymore. Much that we were taught has been forgotten. Older people find that their memory is not as good as when they were younger. Therefore, it is very important to fill our minds with that which is good while we are young. What the world has to offer is temporal (for a little while). What God offers is for eternity. One ends in death and the other in glory. Do you know that after we die we will remember what took place in our lives (Luke 16:25)? God wants us to remember that the most important thing in life is to repent and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour while there is still time.
1. What did the Lord want Israel to remember about the forty years in the wilderness? Deuteronomy 8:___
2. What Old Testament character are we told to remember in this chapter?
Luke 17:___
3. Before the years draw nigh in which we have no pleasure, what should we do? Ecclesiastes 12:___
4. Lest the disciples should be discouraged when persecuted, what did the Lord want them to remember? John 15:___
5. Joseph asked the chief butler to remember him. Did he do this?
Genesis 40:___

John 13: August 2003

The end of the Lord’s public ministry was drawing near. He was about to leave those whom He loved. In lowly grace, He began to wash the disciples’ feet. Peter thought there was no need for his Master to take a servant’s position. Jesus told Peter that he was clean, except that his feet needed to be washed. As Christians, we are easily soiled by the filth in this world. Psalm 119:9 says, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed  .  .  .  according to Thy word.”
The Lord Jesus left us an example that we should apply the Word of God to ourselves and also share it with others. It is not enough to know these things, but we should do them as well; then we will be happy.
There was one disciple who had been with the Lord for more than three years whose heart had not changed. Judas had the bag of money and he was a thief. Why did Jesus say, “That thou doest, do quickly”? Because He knew Judas was about to betray Him. The Lord knows everyone’s heart; nothing can be hidden from Him.
Now that He was about to leave them, He wanted them to behave as He did. They were to love one another as He loved them. If we do this, everyone will know that we are disciples of the Lord Jesus.
1. How long had Jesus ____________ His own which were in the world?
John 13:___
2. The disciples (except for Judas) were clean. What part only ____________ to be washed? John 13:___
3. If we ____________ these things, how are we to be happy? John 13:___
4. After Satan entered into Judas Iscariot, what did Jesus ____________ to him? John 13:___
5. How can all men know ____________ we are Jesus’ disciples?
John 13:___

New Things: August 2003

When we get something new, it usually works well, looks good, and brings us joy. After a while, though, it starts to get old and break down. Perhaps we will have to replace it with other toys, some new clothing, another automobile or new equipment. We too are all getting older.
At one point, wise King Solomon said, “There is no new thing under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9), because it was all here before he was living. Everything around us decays because of sin. The Bible tells us that God can change this and make things that will never grow old. Have you noticed how many “new things” there are in the Bible? We read in Revelation 21:5, “Behold, I make all things new.” What a wonderful day that will be when the effects of sin will no longer mar everything! Even now, there are things that God calls “new” and which will never grow old.
1. What is said about any man who is in Christ? 2 Corinthians 5:___
2. In the message to Philadelphia, can you find two new things promised to the overcomer? Revelation 3:___
3. When the Lord brings a person up out of the horrible pit of miry clay, what kind of song is in his mouth? Psalm 40:___
4. Because there was fault with the first covenant, what did the Lord make with the house of Israel and Judah? Hebrews 8:___
5. Instead of a stony heart, what will the Lord God give Israel in a coming day? Ezekiel 36:___

John 14: September 2003

The Lord said, “Now is my soul troubled” (ch. 12:27), but He tells His disciples, “Let not your heart be troubled.” What a precious Saviour - always concerned about others, not Himself. May we be imitators of such grace! He was about to leave this world and prepare a place for His disciples. His very presence in heaven prepares the place for us!
Aren’t you glad that Thomas asked Jesus about the way? Now we have that well-known verse, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.”
Now that He was about to leave the world, His disciples would show their love by keeping His commandments or His words. We desire to do whatever pleases those whom we love. Also, He would send the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, who would instruct them in all things and recall the Lord’s words to their remembrance. This certainly would bring comfort and peace to their hearts during the Lord’s absence.
Why did the Lord say, “Arise, let us go hence”? He was showing the world His love to the Father and submission to His will. He was going to the cross of Calvary because He loved us too and would die for our sins so that we could be saved.
1. What will the Lord Jesus do after He prepares a ____________ for His disciples? John 14:___
2. When Thomas said that he didn’t know the way, what answer did ____________ give to him? John 14:___
3. If we ____________ the Lord Jesus, what should we keep? John 14:___
4. What would the Lord Jesus leave with the disciples so that their ____________ would not be afraid? John 14:___
5. How can the ____________ know that the Lord Jesus loved the Father?
John 14:___

Garments: September 2003

The garments, or clothing, that a person wears tell us much about them. Many children, when they go to school, wear uniforms. Perhaps your father wears work clothes on his job. People who live in very cold climates wear warm garments and those who live near the equator have light clothing. Sometimes you can tell if a person is rich or poor by their garments. Most mothers like to see their children dressed in clean clothing. There are many references in Scripture to people’s garments. Did you know that Israel’s priests had to wear holy garments (Exodus 28:2)? A man named Joshua was seen clothed with filthy garments (Zechariah 3:3), and the Gibeonites put on old garments (Joshua 9:5). Because cold weather was coming, the Apostle Paul wanted Timothy to bring the cloak he had left at Troas with him (2 Timothy 4:13). But, best of all, if you are a Christian, you can say, “He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10). This garment can only be had by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour.
1. Besides silver and gold, what else did Achan covet and take?
Joshua 7:___
2. The Lord Jesus had garments and a coat. What did the soldiers do with His garments? John 19:___
3. What does it say about the clothes of the children of Israel during the forty years in the wilderness? Deuteronomy 29:___
4. Why is the virtuous woman not afraid of the snow for her household?
Proverbs 31:___
5. There were a few in Sardis who were worthy to walk with the Lord. What do we read about their garments? Revelation 3:___

John 15: October 2003

Have you ever walked through a vineyard and tasted those delicious grapes? It requires a lot of hard work to grow good grapes. The husbandman must constantly prune the branches and pull out the weeds. If a branch is to bear fruit, it must be connected to the vine in order to get nourishment. Now, the Lord is the true vine who brought forth fruit for God the Father. If we want to be fruitful, we must abide in the Lord and obey His words. If we live for ourselves, we cannot bring forth fruit for God. The reason these things were spoken unto us is because God wants us to be happy and our joy to be full.
In the Old Testament, there was a man named Abraham who was called “the friend of God” (James 2:23). But, do you know that we can be friends of God too? And if we are His friends, He will make all things known to us. Also, friends of God are not loved by the world, because they don’t belong to this world.
While here, the Lord certainly comforted His own. Now He was going to leave this world and send another Comforter from the Father. The Son came from the Father to bear witness to the Father, and the Spirit was coming from the Father to bear witness to the Son.
1. In order for the branch to ____________ fruit, where must it abide?
John 15:___
2. What does the Lord say about one who ____________ in Him, and whose words abide in him? John 15:___
3. Why has the Lord spoken ____________ us these things? John 15:___
4. If we were of the world, the ____________ would love us. Why does the world hate us? John 15:___
5. The Comforter that is sent from the ____________ also has another name. What is it? John 15:___

Hair: October 2003

There are over eighty references to hair in the Bible. God has made it to grow on mankind for protection and as an ornament. Hair can be thick or thin, long or short. Hair on cats, rabbits and leopards is called fur, and on sheep we call it fleece. Fleece is used to make blankets and clothing. The hair on horses is used to make carpets and paint brushes. During hot weather, some animals shed their hair, while to others the Lord gives a thicker covering of hair for warmth in cold weather.
Did you know that the hairs of your head are all numbered by God (Matthew 10:30)? It shows how much He cares for and loves us. There was a sinner woman who loved the Lord so much that she washed His feet with tears and wiped them with the hairs of her head (Luke 7:38,44). One time a pillow of goats’ hair was used to deceive the enemies of David (1 Samuel 19:13,16). And remember when they threw Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego into the fire, it “had no power, nor was a hair of their head singed” (Daniel 3:27)? Let us search out a few more times where hair is mentioned in the Scriptures.
1. There were eleven curtains that covered the tabernacle. What were they made of? Exodus 26:___
2. After they shaved off the seven locks of Samson’s head, what began to grow again? Judges 16:___
3. What description are we given of the Ancient of days? Daniel 7:___
4. Absalom was a very handsome man. What does it say about his hair?
2 Samuel 14:___
5. What was John the Baptist’s raiment made of? Matthew 3:___

John 16: November 2003

In this chapter, the Lord Jesus tells the disciples what would take place after He was gone. They would be persecuted, but another Comforter would be sent after Jesus went away. The Comforter would reprove the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. This is what He is doing today, as well as bringing many to Christ for salvation. He is also called the Spirit of truth because He would guide them into all the truth. How thankful we should be to have such a divine Person to comfort and instruct us until the Lord Jesus comes again!
Another thing that we can be sure of is the love of the Father. He loves us because He is love and sent His Son as proof of that love. We love His Son and believe on Him. When we realize that someone loves us, we are ready to do anything to make them happy. Even though the disciples loved the Lord, there was one thing they could not do. He must go to the cross alone. What an awful time that was when He was made sin for us. God can now forgive the repentant sinner who receives Christ as Saviour. Such a person will then be filled with peace because he knows that all his sins are forgiven.
1. Why was it expedient for the disciples that the Lord Jesus go ____________ ? John 16:___
2. When the Spirit of ____________ is come, into what will He guide the disciples? John 16:___
3. Why did the Father Himself ____________ the disciples? John 16:___
4. Every man would be scattered and leave the Lord Jesus ____________ . But who would be with Him? John 16:___
5. How can we have ____________ and good cheer in a world of tribulation?
John 16:___

Maidens: November 2003

The Lord often uses young people in His service. Throughout the Bible we see how boys and girls were used to accomplish His purpose. This month we will consider some girls, often called “maidens” in Scripture. Even the youngest child can be used of the Lord. How old do you think Miriam was when she looked after her baby brother Moses in the ark of bulrushes? She must have been quite young, yet she was in the right place at the right time. Afterwards, she led the women in rejoicing over the defeat of Pharaoh and his armies. Those who serve the Lord when young are also often used by Him when they grow older. Remember the little captive maid of 2 Kings 5? We don’t even know her name, but we do know that she had faith that the prophet of God would heal Naaman. How did this little girl know it could be done? Proverbs 20:11 says that “even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure and whether it be right.” She must have done her work right or they would never have believed her. On the other hand, a girl can use her abilities for a wrong purpose. The daughter of Herodias could dance very well, but it was the cause of John the Baptist’s death.
May the Lord help us to use our talents and energies for Him while we are still young.
1. What was the name of the damsel (maid) who heard Peter knocking on the door? Acts 12:___
2. How old was the maiden who died and whom the Lord brought back to life? Luke 8:___
3. As Peter sat by the fire, who said, “This man was also with Him”?
Luke 22:___
4. When Esther’s mother and father died, she was orphaned. What is said about this maid? Esther 2:___
5. What were the young maidens going out to do when Saul and his servant found them? 1 Samuel 9:___

John 17: December 2003

This chapter gives us the Lord’s prayer. Earlier (Luke 11:14) He taught the disciples how to pray. Notice that when the Lord prays, there is no confession of sin (for He is holy), no feeling of inferiority (for He is God) and no entreaty for help (for He can do all things). The Lord Jesus always glorified the Father, and soon the Father would glorify the Son by raising Him from among the dead. Furthermore, the Son has power to give eternal life to all those who receive Him as their Saviour. Although all may avail themselves of this wonderful gift, not all men have faith, nor do they repent of their sin. But those who have and who keep His word are prayed for and looked after in a special way. True, “He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil” (Luke 6:35), but He prays for those who were given to Him, not for the world. They would be hated by the world but are left here as a witness. When He returns, then they will be taken out of this world, but His present prayer is that we be kept from all the evil around us.
Remember that the Lord Jesus always was; He had no beginning. The Father loved Him before the foundation of the world and always will. First Corinthians 16:22 says, “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.” Literally that means, “Accursed at the Lord’s coming.”
1. To whom has Jesus power to give ____________ life? John 17:___
2. What does it say about the ____________ who were given to Jesus out of the world? John 17:___
3. The Lord Jesus prays for those who were ____________ Him. Who does He not pray for? John 17:___
4. Although the Lord Jesus does not pray that they should be taken ____________ of the world, what is His request for them? John 17:___
5. Did the Father love the Lord Jesus before the ____________ of the world?
John 17:___

Young Men: December 2003

Last month we were considering “maidens” - young girls. This month we will look at the young men. They are often mentioned in Scripture for their strength and courage. They are also told to remember their Creator in the days of their youth and to devote their energies for His service.
The Bible tells us of several young men who began serving the Lord. Notice Joshua (Exodus 33:11), Josiah (2 Chronicles 34:3) and David (1 Samuel 17:58). Do you think that anyone who follows the Lord from his youth will ever be sorry that he did so? How many sorrows and dangers would be avoided! God will give “the young man knowledge and discretion” (Proverbs 1:4) and keep him on a clean path (Psalm 119:9). He wants young men to be happy (Ecclesiastes 11:9), but also to remember the end of the pathway - that all he does will be judged by Him. Do you know that there are many different things that a young man can do for the Lord? Notice what the young man did for the Apostle Paul in Acts 23:17 and what the young men of Acts 5:6 did for the early church. May the Lord exercise each young person as to what He would have them do.
1. What did a young man named Eutychus do while Paul was preaching?
Acts 20:___
2. What exhortation was Titus to give the young men? Titus 2:___
3. What did the young men do for Ruth when she was thirsty? Ruth 2:___
4. Why did the young man go away from Jesus sorrowful? Matthew 19:___
5. When Peter was young, he walked where he wanted. What would happen when he became old? John 21:___