Bible Searchers: 2007

Table of Contents

1. Romans 5: January 2007
2. The Last Days: January 2007
3. Romans 6: February 2007
4. Conscience: February 2007
5. Romans 7: March 2007
6. Prayer: March 2007
7. Romans 8: April 2007
8. Sowing and Reaping: April 2007
9. Romans 9: May 2007
10. Refreshment: May 2007
11. Romans 10: June 2007
12. Substitution: June 2007
13. Romans 11: July 2007
14. Reverence: July 2007
15. Romans 12: August 2007
16. Gifts: August 2007
17. Swords: September 2007
18. Romans 13: September 2007
19. Sin: October 2007
20. Romans 14: October 2007
21. Eternity: November 2007
22. Romans 15: November 2007
23. Sheep: December 2007
24. Romans 16: December 2007

Romans 5: January 2007

In this chapter, the blessed results of justification are unfolded. What believers possess and enjoy are shown in the opening verses. It is a grand thing now to have peace with the God against whom we had sinned. When the Lord Jesus rose from the dead, He said to His disciples, “Peace be unto you.” After showing them His hands and His side, He again said, “Peace be unto you.” Not only has He given us peace as to the sin question, but He has given to us the Holy Spirit as a Comforter (John 14:16) while we are in this world. Another thing that the Holy Spirit does for us is to shed abroad the love of God in our hearts. Now we love the very God whom we hated before. What a change takes place in the life of a believer! Do you think we earned God’s favor? Did not man reject and crucify His only Son? True, but such is God’s love, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Who would not be commended for such love as this?
We cannot blame others for all the misery in this world. Each one of us was born with a fallen, sinful nature. The only person who was holy is the Lord Jesus, so death had no claim upon Him, as it has upon us, who are sinners by nature and by practice. That is why death will claim every one of us, if the Lord does not return soon.
It was not the obedient life of Christ which makes us righteous, but His obedience in the death of the cross. In this sad world, where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. For this blessed fact, we will praise God forever!
1. How can we have ____________ with God through our Lord Jesus Christ? Romans 5:___
2. How is the ____________ of God shed abroad in our hearts?
Romans 5:___
3. What was our condition when God ____________ His love toward us?
4. If sin entered into the world by one man, why has ____________ passed upon all men? Romans 5:___
5. Although sin ____________ , what has much more abounded?
Romans 5:___

The Last Days: January 2007

The Bible mentions certain things which will characterize the last days. They describe a condition that will cause those days to be extremely difficult. Many of these things are characteristic of our own day and the Lord warns us of these things beforehand so that we will be prepared. When the Lord Jesus was here, He told His disciples what to expect so that they would not be offended or stumbled when it came to pass - see John 16:1. There are important facts that the Lord would have us know and we should learn them.
Even in the Old Testament, Jacob wanted his sons to know what would happen to them “in the last days” (Genesis 49:1). In 2 Timothy 3:25 there are nineteen things listed which are not much different from Romans 1:29-31. What was found in Roman heathendom is quite similar to what will be found in the final condition of religion without God. Notice that the list in 2 Timothy begins with “lovers of their own selves” and ends with not “lovers of God.” Where are our affections placed? Next we read that men will be “covetous,” that is, they will love money, which is a root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10) and leads to materialism. Do you think that “boasters” and “proud” is an accurate description of self-centered people around us today? Disobedience is very prevalent today, not only to parents, but to all authority. And “unthankful” - how often do you see people thank the Lord for their food or for anything else? These and many other sad traits show clearly that we are living in the last days.
1. When a man touched Daniel and set him upright, what did he say about the last end? Daniel 8:___
2. What has been revealed in the last time? 1 Peter 1:___
3. What will rich men do in “the last days”? James 5:___
4. By whom has God spoken to us in these last days? Hebrews 1:___
5. How can we know that it is the last time? 1 John 2:___

Romans 6: February 2007

Inasmuch as we have died to sin in the death of Christ, deliverance from sin should be manifested in our lives. Do we think that now that we are Christians we can sin and do as we please? Not so. If we love the Lord, we will try to please the One who died for us and set us free. We should walk in newness of life. If we are identified with the death of Christ, we shall also be identified with Him in His resurrection. What a blessed hope and encouragement this is!
The promise of living with Christ will enable us to live in separation from that which dishonors God in this sinful world. If we look to Him for daily strength and grace, we will reckon ourselves to be dead to sin and alive to God. Our bodies have many members and each of them is under our control. We don’t have to go to evil places or say bad things. We are to guard our eyes, ears, lips, hands and feet. The members of our body are to be yielded to God as instruments of righteousness. What a noble purpose for life—to know that we can please the Lord in all that we say and do!
We all like to receive wages for our labor. But do you know that sin has a wage that is earned? It is death. But God also has a gift to offer to those who will receive it. Do you know what it is? It is offered through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1. Shall we continue in ____________ that grace may abound?
Romans 6:___
2. If we be dead with ____________ , what do we also believe will happen?
Romans 6:___
3. We are to ____________ ourselves dead to sin but alive unto what?
Romans 6:___
4. To whom are we to yield the ____________ of our body? Romans 6:___
5. What are the wages of sin and the ____________ of God?
Romans 6:___

Conscience: February 2007

The word “conscience” means “to know with, to know together.” Conscience is the inner “judge” or “witness” that approves when we do right and disapproves when we do wrong (Romans 2:15). Conscience does not set the standard; it only applies it. The Word of God is the true standard, which shines upon the conscience. It’s like a window that lets in light. The cleaner the window is, the more the light shines in. If the window gets dirty, the light gets dimmer, and finally darkness replaces the light. A good conscience, or pure conscience (1 Timothy 3:9), is one that lets in God’s light so that we are convicted if we do wrong and encouraged if we do right. A defiled conscience (1 Corinthians 8:7) results from doing what one believes is wrong. If a person continues to sin against his conscience, he may end up with a seared conscience (1 Timothy 4:2). Then his hardened conscience would no longer bother him, even when he was doing wrong. Our conscience needs to be enlightened by the Word of God. Paul persecuted the church, so how could he claim to have a good conscience? He had lived up to the light he had, and that is all that a good conscience requires. After he became a Christian and the light of God’s glory shone into his heart (2 Corinthians 4:6), Paul saw things differently and called himself the chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15).
1. Why did the people go out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the least? John 8:___
2. Do the Gentiles have something written in their hearts that bears witness to them? Romans 2:___
3. God’s purpose is that we have charity out of a pure heart and faith unfeigned. What else is found in this verse? 1 Timothy 1:___
4. How will the blood of Christ better enable us to serve the living God?
Hebrews 9:___
5. What is the commendation given for those who endure grief and suffer wrongfully? 1 Peter 2:___

Romans 7: March 2007

What is to be the rule of life for a believer? Not the law given at Sinai, but the risen Lord Christ. When a believer is justified by faith, does he need the law to please God? These questions are answered in this chapter. It is evident that the law of our land only applies to those who are living. Once we die, we are beyond the reach of the law. An unconverted person can only please himself, not God whom he does not know. The Scriptures tell us while we were in the flesh (that is, without Christ), our members only brought forth fruit unto death, not fruit unto God. Because man is a sinner by nature and by practice and couldn’t keep God’s commandment, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t holy, just and good. It was, but it showed that man wasn’t holy, just or good. The lesson we learn in this is that in our flesh dwells no good thing. The only way, therefore, that we can please God is to receive a new nature by receiving Jesus as Saviour and then it will be our delight to keep the law of God. We cannot work for our salvation (that can only be obtained by believing in the Lord Jesus), but after salvation, we can do “good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).
1. How long does the ____________ have dominion over a man?
Romans 7:___
2. What kind of ____________ did we bring forth when we were in the flesh?
Romans 7:___
3. Although grace is better, what three words describe the law and the ____________? Romans 7:___
4. We know that in our ____________ (the old nature) we cannot find this. What is it? Romans 7:___
5. What enables the believer to ____________ in the law of God?
Romans 7:___

Prayer: March 2007

Have you ever noticed how much of the Bible is taken up with the subject of prayer? We scarcely open our Bibles and we read, “Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord,” and as we close the book, we read the “Amen” of an earnest supplication. Daniel prayed three times a day; David called upon his God with all his heart; Elijah prayed on a mountain; Paul and Silas prayed in a dungeon. If the Lord has said so much about prayer, it is because we are in need of it as long as we are in this world. A Christian who doesn’t pray will not have any spiritual power. As children of God, we should seek our Father’s face for daily grace and strength to honor Him. We can ask for patience and help to be a blessing to others and to be more for the glory of the Lord. The Scriptures exhort us to “continue in prayer” (Colossians 4:2).
1. Where did Peter go to pray about the sixth hour? Acts 10:___
2. What did the Apostle desire that men do everywhere, without wrath and doubting? 1 Timothy 2:___
3. If you are afflicted, what should you do? James 5:___
4. In the morning, a great while before day, what did the Lord do in a solitary place? Mark 1:___
5. What does the Lord say about the prayer of the upright? Proverbs 15:___

Romans 8: April 2007

This chapter is the mountaintop of the epistle. Here we see the believer in Christ Jesus as free from all condemnation, free from the law of sin and death, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. As we walk day by day, led by the Spirit, we will fulfill the righteousness of the law without being under it. Our object will be to please the Lord, not to keep the law. But if a person does not know the Lord, he doesn’t have the Spirit of God indwelling him. As children of God, we are not promised an easy path through this world. We may be called upon to suffer as a Christian. The Apostle Paul suffered much for the Lord. His evaluation of present sufferings was that they were as nothing compared to the glory that is ahead. How this should encourage us as we go on through life! The Lord loves us, the Spirit makes intercession for us, and all things are working together for good for them that love God. Not only that, but the Lord Jesus Christ is on high making intercession on our behalf. Without all these resources, none of us would make it through this world for God’s glory. We are only “kept by the power of God” (1 Peter 1:5).
1. What will be fulfilled if we ____________ not after the flesh, but after the Spirit? Romans 8:___
2. If a person does not ____________ the Spirit, does he belong to Christ?
Romans 8:___
3. To what are the ____________ of this present time not worthy to be compared? Romans 8:___
4. How are things working ____________ for them that love God?
Romans 8:___
5. In verses 26-27, the Spirit makes intercession for us. Who is at the right hand of God also making ____________ for us? Romans 8:___

Sowing and Reaping: April 2007

We reap what we sow, not only in our gardens, but in our lives. Scripture affords many illustrations of this. Jacob deceived his father who was old and could not see, but Jacob was then deceived by the father of Leah. Jacob’s sons sold Joseph into Egypt, but they also had to go into Egypt afterwards. They saw the anguish of their brother when they sold him to the Midianite slave traders, but they were made to feel anguish before Joseph afterwards. Abimelech slew his seventy brethren on one stone, and he was himself slain by having a piece of a millstone cast upon his head. King Saul spared Agag, the Amalekite, and finally an Amalekite took away his life. David wronged the wife of Uriah and slew her husband, but he lived to see his son Amnon wrong Tamar and then Amnon slain by Absalom. In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth, there the dogs licked the blood of Ahab. As we sow, so we reap is the general principle of God’s government in this world. However, sometimes He may come and show mercy and not reward us according to our deserts. When the Lord Jesus suffered for us on the cross, He took the judgment that we deserved and set us free. How great was His love for those who were enemies by wicked works!
1. What will all those that take the sword reap? Matthew 26:___
2. If you cause the righteous to go astray in an evil way, what will happen to you? Proverbs 28:___
3. We are told not to be deceived; God is not mocked. Why?
Galatians 6:___
4. There are seven things that are an abomination to the Lord. What is the seventh one? Proverbs 6:___
5. What did Eliphaz observe concerning those that plow iniquity and sow wickedness? Job 4:___

Romans 9: May 2007

When Paul was in Jerusalem, the Jewish mob said, “Away with such a fellow from the earth.” They hated him, but he loved his brethren so much that he wished to be cut off from Christ for them, if it were possible. The Jews boasted saying, “We have Abraham to our father,” but Galatians 3:7 says that only those that are of faith are the children of Abraham. So today, those who are not born again are not children of God. None of us deserved God’s salvation, but He has mercy and compassion, and some have been saved. God raised up others to demonstrate His power and to glorify His holy name in the earth. People who persist in their sins and unbelief and rebellion against God make themselves vessels fitted to destruction. However, in His sovereign grace, God shows mercy to vessels which He prepares for glory. We all deserved to be cut off, but God was determined to save some. As a nation, Israel found the Lord Jesus to be a rock of offence and a stumblingstone, but if you believe on Him, you will never be ashamed, because your eternal destiny with Christ is secure.
1. Paul loved his ____________ so much that what did he wish for himself?
Romans 9:___
2. Who are not the ____________ of God? Romans 9:___
3. Why had God ____________ up Pharaoh? Romans 9:___
4. What are God’s purposes for the ____________ of mercy?
Romans 9:___
5. Christ is called both a stumblingstone and a ____________ of offence. What is said of those who believe on Him? Romans 9:___

Refreshment: May 2007

Have you ever found refreshment on a hot summer day in the shade of a large tree? Or perhaps you’ve been refreshed by an offer of cold water when thirsty or a comfortable chair when tired. After resting or drinking we felt invigorated and able to continue. If we “know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary” (Isaiah 50:4), we can refresh a person who is discouraged. There are often times in our lives when we can use encouragement in our circumstances. If we just listen to one who is passing through difficulty (Job 32:20), they are refreshed as they unburden their heart to you. The Bible says that a faithful messenger refreshes the soul of his masters (Proverbs 25:13). Do you know that the Lord offers rest to the weary and says, “This is the refreshing: yet they would not hear” (Isaiah 28:12). In spite of man’s stubborn rebellion, after God’s judgment “the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19). By the daily reading of God’s Word, we can find refreshment for our souls as we go through this world.
1. How did Onesiphorus refresh the Apostle Paul when he was in Rome?
2 Timothy 1:___
2. Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus refreshed the spirit of others. How did they do it? 1 Corinthians 16:___
3. If Paul did the will of God with joy, how would he be affected?
Romans 15:___
4. Because of the love that Philemon had for the saints, what did Paul say about him? Philemon ___
5. Who will be as the shadow of a great rock and as water in a dry place?
Isaiah 32:___

Romans 10: June 2007

Today, Israel is set aside as a nation and God is dealing with them in discipline. However, individuals are being saved. Is this our desire and prayer for them? God’s desire is that all men would be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). Many people have a zeal for God, even those who follow false religions, but such zeal is of no value unless it is according to the knowledge of God’s Word. To seek to be righteous before God by keeping the law will always end in failure. But if anyone looks to Christ for salvation, his faith is counted for righteousness. The Bible clearly states that if you will confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you are saved. How simple the gospel is, and free too, because Jesus paid the price for our redemption on the cross. Now we can go out and tell others the good news of salvation. Is not the Lord happy when we do this? Does He not say, “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace!” Moses’ law was not glad tidings! Therefore, when someone brings us the gospel, we ought to hear and believe the Word of God.
1. Besides having a ____________ of God, what else should we have?
Romans 10:___
2. For those that believe on ____________ , what does that end?
Romans 10:___
3. If you truly believe that the Lord Jesus was ____________ from the dead, what happens? Romans 10:___
4. In this chapter, who are they who have ____________ feet?
Romans 10:___
5. What do we have to ____________ in order for faith to come?
Romans 10:___

Substitution: June 2007

In Leviticus 4:27-29 we read, “If any one of the common people sin  .  .  .  then he shall bring his offering  .  .  .  and he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering.” If, by the laying on of his hand, the animal became the offerer’s sacrifice, much more shall the Lord Jesus become our sacrifice by laying on Him the hand of faith. As the animal was accepted as a substitute, so shall the Lord Jesus be a substitute for the repentant sinner. The great truth of substitution is our hope, joy and boast. Jesus is accepted as an atonement for us, and we are “accepted in the Beloved.” We obtain all the benefits of His completed sacrifice. Have you never accepted the Lord as your sacrifice? Do so without delay! He will be yours, if you will have Him. Receiving Him, you are reconciled to God and your sins are blotted out. Accept no other substitute.
1. Moses was willing to be a substitute for Israel, but he couldn’t be one. What did he say about God’s book? Exodus 32:___
2. What did Paul wish for himself because of his brethren? Romans 9:___
3. King David wanted to be substitute for Absalom. What was his lamentation? 2 Samuel 18:___
4. Who once suffered for sins as a substitute that He might bring us to God?
1 Peter 3:___
5. What is the song of those who are redeemed to God out of every kindred, tongue, people and nation? Revelation 5:___

Romans 11: July 2007

Has God nothing more in store for the nation of Israel? Far be the thought. The gifts and calling of God are not forgotten. He is a faithful and covenant-keeping God. He knew that their history would be one of failure and departure. Was not the Apostle Paul an Israelite who obtained mercy? In the Old Testament, Elias (Elijah) thought he was the only one left, but he forgot that God could preserve others too. It was written hundreds of years earlier (Isaiah 29:10) that He had given Israel the spirit of slumber, which is true of that nation to this day. Their unbelief is the means of blessing now going out to other nations. They were broken off and others were brought in by faith in Christ. But the Lord will yet bring the Jewish nation into blessing in a coming day, for He shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob and all Israel will be saved. The failure of Israel and all mankind did not take God by surprise. He knew all about it beforehand and provided a remedy. Such wisdom and knowledge is unsearchable and beyond our understanding!
1. What answer did ____________ give to Elias? Romans 11:___
2. God has ____________ Israel what kind of spirit? Romans 11:___
3. Why was Israel ____________ off, and how do the Gentiles stand?
Romans 11:___
4. In the future, how is it that ____________ Israel shall be saved?
Romans 11:___
5. Name two things that are ____________ and past finding out.
Romans 11:___

Reverence: July 2007

Reverence is a trait that is often lacking in this modern age. There is much polish and politeness, but the quality of veneration is rarely to be found. It is in keeping with the character of the “last days” spoken of in 2 Timothy 3:17. Reverence is everywhere enjoined in Scripture. Children are commanded to honor their parents (Ephesians 6:13). Wives are told to reverence their husbands (Ephesians 5:33), and as to old people, it is commanded, “Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honor the face of the old man, and fear thy God” (Leviticus 19:32). Reverence to rulers is also required, for we read, “Render therefore to all their dues  .  .  .  fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor” (Romans 13:7). Reverence towards God and the holy things connected with His name are especially to be observed. “God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about Him” (Psalm 89:7). “Holy and reverend is His name” (Psalm 111:9). The growing disregard of reverence for the things of God is sad. Even professing Christians speak of God as if He were such an one as themselves (Psalm 50:21). Rather, we should remember that He is “the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy” (Isaiah 57:15). We are always to speak respectfully to and about the Lord Jesus. The Bible says that “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow  .  .  .  and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11).
1. The lord said, “They will reverence my son.” What did the husbandmen say? Matthew 21:___
2. When Mephibosheth was come to King David, what did he do?
2 Samuel 9:___
3. How can we serve God acceptably? Hebrews 12:___
4. When Mordecai bowed not nor did reverence, how did Haman feel?
Esther 3:___
5. What are we to give to our fathers which correct us? Hebrews 12:___

Romans 12: August 2007

Isaac Watts wrote a hymn that says, “Love so amazing, so divine, demands my heart, my life, my all.” Now that God has made known the riches of His grace in the gospel, we are shown how to walk in a world of sin and tribulation. The Lord Jesus has shed His blood to redeem us; now what response can we give in return for such love? We can offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to God by seeking to serve Him in all we do. To know what is acceptable to God, we need to know His will as revealed in the Bible. Do we read the Scriptures daily? As we do, our minds will be renewed, and the will of God found out, and we will not be conformed to this world. It is true that we cannot go out of this world, but if we would please our Lord, we would abhor that which is evil and cleave to that which is good. As to our fellow-man, we are to be kind, not curse our persecutors, not seek vengeance, be honest, and try to live peaceably with all men. Remember how the Lord behaved towards those who hated Him. In doing as the Lord did in feeding the hungry and giving water to the thirsty, we would melt the heart of our enemy or “heap coals of fire on his head.”
1. Name a ____________ that would be acceptable to God today.
Romans 12:___
2. Rather than be ____________ to this world, what should we do?
Romans 12:___
3. How should we deal with that which is ____________ and that which is good? Romans 12:___
4. If possible, how are we to ____________ with all men? Romans 12:___
5. What does the Bible say we should be ____________ for our enemy?
Romans 12:___

Gifts: August 2007

We all like to receive gifts. We also like to give gifts to others on special occasions such as birthdays, graduations and weddings. Sometimes it is difficult to think of a suitable gift. Maybe your friend has just about everything, or perhaps you don’t have much money to spend on a really nice gift. You try to think of something they could really use and that they would like and that you can afford. When the Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem, wise men from the east brought Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Those that came to hear King Solomon’s wisdom brought him gifts (1 Kings 10:25). On the other hand, judges and officers were not to accept gifts lest they pervert justice by being bribed (Deuteronomy 16:18-19). Samuel’s sons failed in this, for they “turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment” (1 Samuel 8:3). Do you know that God also loves to give gifts? And the kind of gifts He gives, no one else can possibly give. In Romans 6:23 we read that “the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Also, in Ephesians 2:8 we find that “faith  .  .  .  is the gift of God,” and in Acts 2:38 the disciples were told that they would “receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Only God can give such gifts. Have you received those gifts from Him? You don’t pay for a gift - it is freely offered. But remember that it cost God the death of His only begotten Son to offer these priceless gifts to whosoever will.
1. The Lord Jesus is the gift of God. If asked, what would He have given the woman? John 4:___
2. Before you offer any gift to God, what should you do first? Matthew 5:___
3. How did Simon the sorcerer think he could obtain the gift of God?
Acts 8:___
4. From where and from whom does every good and perfect gift come?
James 1:___
5. When God’s two witnesses are killed, what will they that dwell upon the earth do? Revelation 11:___

Swords: September 2007

Quite a few swords are mentioned in the Bible. The first one we read about is “a flaming sword” that God placed at the east of the Garden of Eden after man sinned. Then we will remember Goliath’s sword, of which David said, “There is none like that” (1 Samuel 21:9). It was a great sword, but it was used to cut off Goliath’s own head. Gideon was a man used of God, who cried, “The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon,” and with only three hundred men, he overcame a host of Midianites and Amalekites. Jonathan loved David so much that he gave him his sword, the very sword that Jonathan had used to slay many Philistines. Later on, Abishai wanted to use his sword to take off Shimei’s head, but David didn’t allow him to do this because God was punishing David. In the New Testament, Peter wrongly used his sword and the Lord said, “Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword” (Matthew 26:52). There is another kind of sword which the Christian is to use, called “the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” (Ephesians 6:17). There are many other swords referred to in the Scriptures. Let’s search out a few.
1. The higher powers are called ministers of God. Why do they have a sword?
Romans 13:___
2. What did the captain of the Lord’s host have in his hand? Joshua 5:___
3. What is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword?
Hebrews 4:___
4. When the Lord shall judge among the nations, what will people do with their swords? Isaiah 2:___
5. What are the four sore judgments that the Lord God would send upon Jerusalem? Ezekiel 14:___

Romans 13: September 2007

A Christian is a citizen of another world, passing as a stranger and a pilgrim through a strange land. However, we are not to be found in opposition to human government, even though it may be run by very unrighteous men. As we look into this thirteenth chapter, the man who sat upon the throne when the Apostle gave these instructions was a wicked man who persecuted the early Christians. Yet we are told to be subject to the higher powers. Even poor government is better than no government. Imagine what this world would be like if there were no restraint at all. (Look at Genesis 6:5.) People are afraid to do evil if they know they will be punished when found out. Therefore we should pay our taxes and render honor and custom to those whom God has placed in authority over us. The only debt that we should owe to others is that of love. Did not Christ love us while we were yet sinners? If we love others, we certainly will do them no harm, but will seek out their welfare. We live in the last days of this world’s history and God says, “The night is far spent.” When morning draws near, we awake out of our sleep to begin another day’s labor. As Christians, we are nearer to the salvation of our bodies than when we first believed. Our behavior should be upright and honest, reflecting Christ, making no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lusts.
1. Why should we be ____________ to the higher powers? Romans 13:___
2. Why should we be ____________ if we do that which is evil? Romans 13:___
3. What is the only debt that we should ____________ to another person?
Romans 13:___
4. Why is it high time to ____________ out of sleep? Romans 13:___
5. Rather than make ____________ for the flesh, what should we do?
Romans 13:___

Sin: October 2007

Sin is any thought, word or deed that falls short of God’s standard of holiness. It is missing the mark, or coming short of the target. The Native American whose arrow fell short of the target said “I sinned.” In his language, the same word was used for sinning and falling short of a target. Sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4), doing our own will instead of the will of God. Sin is not only doing what is wrong, but failing to do what we know to be right (James 4:17). Also, if we do not have a clear conscience about something and yet do it, it is sin, for “whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). Sin begins in the mind and, if allowed to act, will end in death. There is a difference between sins and sin. Sins are the wrong things we do; sin refers to our evil nature. Christ died for our evil nature as well as for our evil deeds. God forgives our sins, but He condemns sin in the flesh (Romans 8:3). John the Baptist proclaimed the Lord Jesus as “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” There is coming a day where there will be new heavens and a new earth, wherein righteousness will dwell.
1. How many have sinned and come short of the glory of God? Romans 3:___
2. If a believer sins, who does he have as an advocate with the Father?
1 John 2:___
3. What was it that separated God from Israel so that He hid His face and would not hear? Isaiah 59:___
4. What confession did the prodigal son make to his father? Luke 15:___
5. What blessedness did David describe of the man to whom God imputed righteousness without works? Romans 4:___ and ___

Romans 14: October 2007

This chapter explains our responsibility to those who are weaker in the faith. We are to walk in love with those who do not have as much light. Their consciences are troubled about various things and we ought not to offend them. It is easy to fall into the spirit of legality, but life, not light, is the basis upon which we receive one another. After all, we have one Master who will judge His own servants. He knows the thoughts and intents of each heart. We can judge actions but should not judge motives. Isn’t it a comfort to know that whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s? Nothing can “separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” All judgment has been committed to the Son and we must all stand before His judgment seat. Believers will have their labors evaluated for reward, and unbelievers will be judged for their sins, and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess to God. May we seek to lay up treasure in heaven, and at the same time warn the ungodly to flee from the judgment to come. In the Old Testament times, there were certain things that were not to be eaten, but today the kingdom of God has more to do with righteousness, and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I am to consider my weaker brother and in no way do anything whereby he is stumbled or is offended or is made weak.
1. Why should we not ____________ another man’s servant? Romans 14:___
2. To whom do we belong, whether we live or ____________ we die?
Romans 14:___
3. It is written that every knee and ____________ tongue shall do what?
Romans 14:___
4. If the kingdom of ____________ is not meat and drink, what is it?
Romans 14:___
5. What should I refrain from doing if my brother is stumbled or is ____________ or is made weak? Romans 14:___

Eternity: November 2007

The very thought of eternity overwhelms us! We cannot comprehend something that has no beginning or no ending. Yet we read in Psalm 90:2, “From everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God,” or it could read, “From eternity to eternity Thou art God.” Eternity is a long, long time. Actually, it is timeless. Heaven and hell will go on for eternity. Who said so? The God who inhabits eternity (Isaiah 57:15) tells us so in the Bible. Therefore, how important it is that we be prepared to spend eternity in heaven by receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. For those that do trust in Him, He has “obtained eternal redemption” (Hebrews 9:12) through His own blood. Also, He has become “the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him” (Hebrews 5:9). Let us try to illustrate time in relation to eternity. Suppose you were on an ocean cruiser, attached a thread to a thimble, dropped it into the ocean and then pulled up a thimble full of salt water. This little amount of water would represent time, taken out of the ocean of eternity. Do you know that all people will exist eternally? But not all have eternal life, because that is God’s gift to believers only (John 3:36). Unbelievers will exist eternally, for the wrath of God will abide on them. Eternity no longer strikes fear in the believer’s heart, because 1 John 5:13 says, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” If you are undergoing difficulties during this little period of time, remember this encouraging verse: “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deut. 33:27).
1. For how long will honor and glory be given to the King eternal? 1 Timothy 1:___
2. This verse tells us that the punishment of the wicked and the blessing of the righteous are eternal. Matthew 25:___
3. What does the Lord give to His sheep that they can never lose? John 10:___
4. The things that we see - are they temporal or eternal? 2 Corinthians 4:___
5. What is the promise that the Lord Jesus has promised us? 1 John 2:___

Romans 15: November 2007

This chapter gives us an additional motive as to why we should not please ourselves. It is to please Christ, who did not please Himself, but patiently bore all the reproaches of men. We should be likeminded toward one another. The Old Testament scriptures contain many illustrations of what happened in those days so that we could learn patience and be comforted who have hope in the same God. We should also remember that Christ received us with all our imperfections. We certainly weren’t perfect when we came to Him for salvation. In like manner, we are to receive one another, as Christ also received us for God’s glory. The Roman believers were mostly Gentiles. The Apostle shows that there were many Old Testament scriptures that told of blessing going out to Gentiles (vss. 9-12). He is called “the God of hope” because He is able to bring to pass everything that He has promised. He can also fill us with all joy and peace when we believe. If we really love the brethren, we will care for their needs. Here we read that the Gentiles of Macedonia and Achaia helped their poor Jewish brethren in Jerusalem. That’s because the love of God was shed abroad in their hearts. Lastly, Paul wanted the dear Roman believers to pray for him. He requested this because he knew that they had the love of the Spirit in their hearts.
1. For what purpose were the things that ____________ aforetime written down?
Romans 15:___
2. How are we to ____________ one another? Romans 15:___
3. What can the God of hope ____________ us with? Romans 15:___
4. For whom did those of Macedonia and ____________ make a contribution?
Romans 15:___
5. For the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ and for the ____________ of the Spirit, what did Paul request of the Romans? Romans 15:___

Sheep: December 2007

Sheep are very important to man because they provide both food and clothing. They are raised in every part of the world, and in Australia and New Zealand there are more sheep than people. In Palestine they follow the shepherd. They know his voice and will not follow a stranger. In the Bible, we read that sheep and lambs were offered in sacrifice. The Passover lambs were a type of the Lord Jesus, who was called “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” Sheep are quite defenseless and are dependent upon the shepherd for safety and for good pasture. Did you know that Job had seven thousand sheep that were stolen, but then the Lord gave him fourteen thousand sheep at the end of his trial? Sheep, like people, like to wander and are easily misled. Like sheep, how easily are we overcome by evil, so it is necessary to keep close to the Good Shepherd. Many people know Psalm 23 but forget that the Lord had to die for them as mentioned in Psalm 22. We must know Him as our Saviour before we can have Him as our Shepherd. In the future judgment of the nations (Matthew 25:31-46), the saved ones are called “sheep” and the lost ones are called “goats.”
1. Cain was a tiller of the ground, but what did Abel do? Genesis 4:___
2. What would a good shepherd give for his sheep? John 10:___
3. How many sheep and oxen were sacrificed by Solomon and the congregation of Israel? 2 Chronicles 5:___
4. When all things are put under the Lord’s feet, what land animals will be given to Him? Psalm 8:___
5. What do we read of believers who were as sheep going astray? 1 Peter 2:___

Romans 16: December 2007

Salutations to various saints close the epistle. We are introduced into the family circle. As the kings of Israel had chronicles written of them, so God writes chronicles of His heavenly people. Every one of our characters and deeds are written in heaven. Priscilla and Aquila not only helped the Apostle Paul but were willing to lay down their own lives for him. It also appears that the assembly met in their home. Phebe was a sister who had been a succorer of many, and Mary labored much for the saints. Then there were two of Paul’s relatives, Andronicus and Junia, who were saved before he was. Don’t you think that they prayed for their brother’s salvation? Even in the early church there were difficulties and those who introduced wrong doctrine. How were they to behave toward these who walked in such a contrary way? They were to be avoided by the brethren. The Roman believers had a reputation for being subject to the Word of God. This made the Apostle happy. However, added to their obedience, he would also have them to be wise to that which was good and simple concerning evil. What a wonderful book the Bible is! And we could not have been born at a better time. God has now made manifest what before had been kept secret. May we read this blessed book every day of our lives.
1. Because Priscilla and ____________ were also in Christ Jesus, what did they do for the Apostle Paul? Romans 16:___
2. Name two people who were Paul’s kinsmen, fellow-prisoners, and were in Christ ____________ Paul was. Romans 16:___
3. What are we to do with those that cause divisions and offences ____________ to the doctrine which we have learned? Romans 16:___
4. Even though the ____________ of the Romans was known to all men, what else would Paul have them to do? Romans 16:___
5. How is the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, ___________ made manifest? Romans 16:___