The Lord gave the “great woman” of Shunem a son as He had promised, but it was not long until He tested her faith. One day when the child was grown, he went out with his father to the field with the reapers. Suddenly he experienced a pain in his head, and his father told a servant to carry him to his mother. The servant did so, and the child sat on her knee until noon and then died.
She had been walking with God in her soul, and so He sustained her in this deep trial. She was not swallowed up with sorrow, but realized that the Lord had allowed it, and that He alone could help her. She therefore took the dead child to the room of the man of God and laid him on his bed. She then told her husband that she would go to Carmel where the man of God was at this time, and she saddled an ass for the journey. Her husband could not understand her doing this, for he apparently did not know the One to whom we can turn in trouble. He lacked faith for such a trial in any case. How true it is that trouble brings out the true state of our souls, and if we are going on with the Lord, He sustains us. We then find a blessing in the trial, instead of questioning or rebelling against the ways of God.
This “great woman” started out for Carmel, telling her servant to go right forward with all speed. When she came near, Elisha saw her and sent his servant to meet her. He asked her if she, her husband, and her child were all well. She answered, “It is well.” This was faith indeed. Her only child was dead, and yet she could say, “It is well!” How wonderfully the Lord sustains those who look to Him, for if we consider that He orders all our circumstances, they must be well. He is perfect in wisdom, love, and power.
“We expect a bright tomorrow;
All will be well
Faith can sing through days of sorrow
All, all is well.
On our Father’s love relying,
Jesus every need supplying;
Or in living, or in dying,
All must be well.”
When the mother of the child came to Elisha she caught him by the feet, and Gehazi his servant was ready to pull her away. He did not like such familiarity, but Elisha said to leave her alone. The natural heart of man can never understand the confidence of faith. Such people, like Gehazi, do not believe that the Lord is interested in all the affairs of our lives — but He is! Even Elisha did not know what had taken place, but having the spirit of His Master, he would not turn her away. What a lesson for us! We may not understand the trials others are passing through at times, but let us learn to be gentle and not turn them away. Our hardness of heart and lack of sympathy often hinders us from helping those who are in need of help and comfort. Gehazi would have missed the opportunity altogether, but Elisha won her confidence and she soon opened her heart to him. However, she did not tell all her trouble at first, but her remarks revealed something of the burden upon her heart. Elisha was quick to see this, and was willing to help. He told Gehazi to go without delay, and lay his staff upon the face of the dead child.
ML 12/23/1956