Bible Talks: Ezra 6:1-15.

We were noticing last week that the adversaries of the Jews, appealed to Darius, requesting that a search be made for the decree of Cyrus on which the Jews had acted. But in this Satan once more overreached himself, and was used to further the work he hated. Darius had the greatest respect and regard for Cyrus as the founder of the empire and he was always disposed to act upon what he had done. Accordingly he had a search made and the decree was found. We learn from this chapter that this remarkable decree went into detail, even giving the dimensions of the house to be built at Jerusalem. It also commanded that “the expenses be given out of the king’s house.”
The result was that Darius rebuked Tatnai and his companions, telling them, “Let the work of this house of God alone; let the governor of the Jews and the elders of the Jews build this house of God in his place.” Instead of listening to their adversaries he put honor on the builders and made fresh commands carrying out still more fully what had already been proclaimed by Cyrus. He ordered Tatnai and his friends to take the expenses out of the tribute due to the king from the territories beyond the river (Euphrates) and to give it to these men, the Jews, so that they would not be hindered. Furthermore they were to supply them with animals for burnt offerings for the God of heaven, as well as provisions according to what the priests at Jerusalem should require daily; for the king desired that offerings should be made to the God of heaven, and prayers for the life of the king and his sons.
Darius also proclaimed that if any one altered his word in this connection, his house was to be torn down and a gallows made from it, on which he should be hanged. Furthermore he pronounced a curse on all kings and people who should at any time seek to destroy the house of God at Jerusalem. Then he ordered that what he had commanded should be done with speed.
Thus the adversaries were completely stopped in their evil work, and the Jews, helped by the prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah, finished the temple on the third day of the last month in the sixth year of Darius.
We can be encouraged by this interesting record in seeing how that God works behind the scenes, using the power of the enemy for the accomplishment of His purposes, causing all things to work together for good to them that love Him. “When a man’s ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him” (Prow. 16:7); and faith can say, “They that be with us are more than they that be with them.” The little remnant of Jews, while bowing to the authority of their Gentile masters, nevertheless refused any unholy alliance with the world, and God honored them for it.
It is instructive to note the two classes — the builders and the prophets — ever the witness of the grace of God to His people. It says, “they prospered through the prophesying” of Haggai and Zechariah. And if we, in our daily walk and service for the Lord, are attentive to the word of those who unfold and apply the mind of God as revealed in the Scriptures, we too shall prosper and be blessed in our souls.
ML 04/05/1959