IN this account of the building of the wall, it is interesting to note that some of the sons and daughters are mentioned as engaged in the work. It is a wonderful thing when the grace of God has so worked in the hearts of all the family, that the sons and daughters seek grace and strength to carry on the work of the Lord. Moses had told the children of Israel in Deut. 6: “And these words which I command you this day shalt be in thine heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and thou shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way...” How good it is to see the children respond and carry on in what the Lord would have them do. Teaching these things in the family corresponds to the exercise shown here, for of some it is said, he repaired “over against his house.” This would remind us that testimony and service for the Lord should begin at home.
Another who is singled out for special notice is Meshullam the son of Berechiah who, it is said, repaired “over against his chamber.” It would seem that he did not have a house, only a room, but though his quarters were small, yet he was found faithful. And this is a comfort if our sphere of service may seem to be small, for faithfulness in the place in which the Lord has placed us is that which He values and commends.
Then we read about Uzziel, the goldsmith, and Hananiah, the son of an apothecary, working together in repairing and fortifying Jerusalem. It is lovely to see this happy spirit that united these men of profession—they were not too proud to labor amid rough stones and rubbish if the work of the Lord called for it.
Baruch the son of Zabbai gets a nice commendation here for it says he “earnestly repaired.” v. 20. Later on we read that “he was a faithful ma and feared God above many” The Lord takes note of how we labor. Here was one who labored whole-heartedly in the work, which is quite a contrast to what is said in chapter 4: “And Judah said, The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed and there is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall.” In everything that the Lord has committed to man, there has always been much failure, so we shall always find rubbish. The enemy would have us to be discouraged by pointing out the failures of others, but the faith which the Lord has committed to us is a holy faith, and the failures of many cannot touch that. The Lord knew all about the failures which would be brought in, before He went to the cross, as He shows us in the parables. Some would profess His name without their being reality, nevertheless He endured the cross, despising the shame, that such poor creatures as we are might be saved. So we are to heed His word which says: “Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way, but let it rather be healed.” Heb. 12:12, 1312Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; 13And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. (Hebrews 12:12‑13).
Revivals have often begun with the faith and energy of one individual! Nehemiah’s zeal had drawn out others and the chapter closes with the happy picture of all working together in service for the Lord. And this should encourage us today that we too might “stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” Phil. 1:2727Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; (Philippians 1:27).