“AND THEY gave Him to drink wine mingled with myrrh: but He received it not. And when they had crucified Him, they parted His garments, casting lots upon them, what every man should take. And it was the third hour, and they crucified Him. And the superscription of His accusation was written over, THE KING OF THE JEWS.” vv. 23-26.
It was the practice of the Romans to indicate on each cross the accusation of the one being crucified. But neither Jewish nor Roman court had found any true accusation against this holy One. How then could this requirement be fulfilled? Pilate, in one tardy venture of boldness, dictates the inscription: “THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS,” Matthew 27:3737And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. (Matthew 27:37), and orders it written in Greek, Latin and Hebrew, so that all could read it. The Jews did not like this and wanted it changed to read “I am King of the Jews” which would leave room for them to discredit it. But Pilate is at this time firm in his decision. Still, we can scarcely credit Pilate with this act, for it was definitely ordered by God and thus what purported to be the “accusation against Jesus” became instead the everlasting accusation against the Jewish nation — they had crucified their own King!
Many Old Testament scriptures were fulfilled at this time. In reading Mark’s account, we turn back with interest to some of them: Psalms 69:20-2120Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none. 21They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink. (Psalm 69:20‑21). “I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none. They gave Me also gall for My meat; and in My thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink.”
If all four Gospels were reviewed we would find many other prophesies brought into fulfillment as well. When we have the Bible before us we have an amazing Book to contemplate. The fulfillment of these prophecies are but a further proof of the accuracy of this divinely inspired record that is God’s Word to mankind.
Let this Word “dwell in you richly.” It may be assailed on every hand by skeptics; critics with their “higher learning”; and other enemies of the truth. But we who have proved it, delight in its infallible character and its profound display of divine purposes, guiding our thoughts and hearts into the knowledge of God and His ways and counsels. We can emphasize without question that, though heaven [the atmospheric] and earth shall pass away, His Word shall never pass away. It is the Word that liveth and abideth forever. (See Matt. 24:3535Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. (Matthew 24:35) and 1 Pet. 1:2323Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. (1 Peter 1:23).)
Happy that one who through grace finds the voice of God now speaking to him in that Word, showing him his true condition as a lost sinner on the way to judgment, but pointing him to Christ, the Saviour of sinners and through faith in Him, deliverance from the wrath to come. Can you lay claim to acceptance of God’s Word and faith in that fished work of Calvary?