Bible Talks

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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Numbers 3:1-1 3
IT MUST have been a great joy 1 and satisfaction to an Israelite to look up and see the ensign, or banner, of his father’s house under which he marched and fought. Some regiments in the world have magnificent banners, telling of battles they have won. In Exodus 17 where Moses built an altar he called it, Jehovah-Nissi, which means, “The Lord is my banner.” What an honor and privilege for us now, dear young Christian, to march under the banner of Jesus, the Son of God. What battles He has fought, what victories He has won, and that for us! May we have grace to sing,
The Lord is our Banner,
The battle is His,
The weakest of saints
More than conqueror is.
The order of the camp (chap. 2:18-25) helps us to understand the meaning of Psalm 80:22Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh stir up thy strength, and come and save us. (Psalm 80:2): “Before Ephraim, and Benjamin, and Manasseh, stir up Thy strength, and come save us.” On the wilderness march these three tribes followed immediately behind the ark, the symbol of the Lord’s presence. May we too follow the Lord and keep close to Him as He leads us on amid the temptations and dangers of the wilderness way. When Israel came out of Egypt, Amalek came and “smote the hindmost” of them, those that were feeble. If we keep close to the Lord we will be safe from Satan’s power.
In chapter 3 we have the priesthood in Aaron and his sons, and then the tribe of Levi are presented to Aaron the priest, “that they may minister unto him.” When God smote the firstborn in Egypt, He spared the firstborn of Israel through the sheltering blood, but He claimed them for Himself. Now instead of the firstborn He took the tribe of Levi to serve Aaron and keep the charge of the tabernacle. Believers now are seen as both “firstborn” ones, wholly claimed by God and given to Christ to serve in God’s house over which He is set as Lord. Only one tribe had this privilege in that day, but now under grace it is the privilege of all the redeemed to serve God within the veil in praise, worship and thanksgiving. This is our happy portion even now, but soon we shall serve Him better in brighter scenes above.
How wonderful to think of the grace that has redeemed us and given us to Christ, to serve Him in this way both now and forever. It was the mercy of God that spared the firstborn of Israel in Egypt, so the Levites were in a special way connected with mercy. Thus it is with us. Those who have a deep sense of the mercy of God that has spared them from judgment will serve Him best.
The Levites were arranged by their families and each had its own definite branch of service. Every Christian has his own particular service from God, and he is responsible to perform it as unto the Lord. We are not left to choose for ourselves in this. The Lord Jesus gives us grace and strength to do His will and keeps us happy in it. How many have proved the truth of His words, “My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Matt. 11:3030For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:30). What a blessed Master we have to serve!
Memory Verse: “I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD: THE GOOD SHEPHERD GIVETH HIS LIFE FOR THE SHEEP.” John 10:1111I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. (John 10:11)