Who does not love birds— the bright, beautiful winged messengers that flutter around our windows, build their nests in our trees, and pour out their sweet songs in our ears? God has given us the birds to remind us too, of the great things of eternity and of the way of life and peace and happiness. Come and let us see if we can gather some simple yet precious lessons from five of our feathered friends:
These were among the clean birds and fit to be offered to God in sacrifice. You may ask why they should die. What harm have they done? None whatever, but there is a poor leper standing yonder by the side of God’s altar. He has been unclean for many days, and dare not come near to God, or mix among His people. Now he is about to be cleansed, and before this can be, he must bring two birds alive and clean, and give them to the priest. See, he has one of them in his hand now, and the other lies dead at his feet. Some drops of its blood have fallen upon the water in the basin, now the priest sprinkles a little of that water upon the poor trembling leper, and then pronounces the joyful words, “Thou art clean.”
This, dear children, is a sad, but true picture of you; yes, all of us. That leper represents a sinner, that harmless bird the Saviour: the blood shed tells of His sacrifice for sin, and the water sprinkled speaks of cleansing from sin.
The gentle dove bearing an olive leaf in her mouth, when returning to the ark, showed Noah that the judgment of the flood was past, and that where once violence and wickedness had been, all was cleansed and at peace. That dove and the leaf speak of peace. We know that peace was made by the blood of Jesus. Then He rose from the dead and spoke that word “Peace” to His trembling disciples.
Have you all that peace? Can you say as you look upon that peaceful dove — “A mind at perfect peace with God, Oh what a word is this?”
The eagle is the bird of power. Look at these great outspread wings. She carries her little ones there. Before the young eaglets can fly, she takes them and bears them on her wings. By this beautiful figure, God tells of how He carries His people along life’s way and safely home to glory. “I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto Myself.” Are some of you afraid to trust Jesus? Do you fear you might fall and perish? You need not, when His power is engaged to carry you through. His blood to cleanse, His peace to enjoy, His power to keep, you will then be able to praise Him too.
THE SINGING BIRDS (Song of Sol. 2:1212The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; (Song of Solomon 2:12)). How sweetly the lark sings as she rises up heavenward, and pours forth her morning note of praise. Even in the shades of evening, the thrush sings her song. So the believer, the one who knows Jesus, can sing in days of brightness and in sorrow’s night, the early morn of life, and when its sun goes down. Happy Christian, who would not be like thee! Last of all, we have —
Sent out of the ark by Noah, it is a type of the sinner, feeding on death and corruption, wandering over the trackless waters, far from the ark, that home of peace. Is that like you, dear reader? Come then to Jesus. He waits to welcome you. There is room for you. But you say, “I am unclean.” The Saviour knows it; yet He bids you come. “This man receiveth sinners.” “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” Come to Jesus then, just as you are, just now, and you will receive a warm welcome.
ML 06/25/1967