Gospel—Wally Dear
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Well, the time has arrived.
We are here tonight to present the gospel of the grace of God.
And we like to begin by singing a hymn that has a question, starts with a question. Have you been to Jesus?
For the cleansing power #14 Could we stand as we sing #14.
Have you been to Jesus?
When the bridegroom comes when you're crossing like your and why in the blood of the land.
Will your soul be ready for the mansion? Right. I did watch in my father's land.
We'll sing another hymn about being washed. Oh happy days when Jesus washed my sins away #5.
Oh Happy Day, fix my destiny.
And my God.
We'll make this flow in our three chores.
I shall be strong, you're falling wrong. And I'd be dead. And I'd be dead when Jesus was my sins away. To keep on me. Hard to watch and pray and let me go.
And sing every day.
Remind me to transaction from I am my Lord and He is one.
He threw me out like following. All right, You can't pass the one you like. Happy day. Happy day.
When Jesus falls, my sinks are ready.
He must be my love. He's watching bread and live results.
I'll be ready when she's like tomorrow, my sister.
No rest, my Lord, to see if I get my heart and it's only this man it's entered. Breath, Lord, and the crown thy glory.
Wake me up at 3:30.
5:00 PM.
And I can change my support. My sins are away.
And pray. And they breathe Joycely angry, praying.
Let's look to the Lord for His help tonight in prayer.
Well, when you approach the gospel, of course, you wonder what portion of God's word would be appropriate.
There's 31,000 verses in the Bible.
And everyone of those verses are important.
But what came before me tonight?
Was a man we read about.
In the three gospels, Matthew.
Mark and Luke.
And this particular man is one of my favorite individuals, and I think it's because I see in this man.
One who is?
Shall I put it this way? Enthused about Jesus?
And it's evident in his actions. And perhaps you know who I'm speaking about here tonight. His name is Bartimaeus. And I know we've many times turned to this wonderful account of Bartimaeus, but I trust this is what the Lord is laid on my heart.
And you know, these Bible stories, they're so wonderful, I don't think we can ever wear them out. So I'd like to turn to this story. It's found in, as I say, the three Gospels, but I want to turn to it in the Gospel according to Luke.
Gospel according to Luke.
18 and verse.
And we'll read down to the end of the chapter.
And it came to pass that as he was come nigh unto Jericho, a certain blind man sat by the wayside, begging and hearing the multitude passed by. He asked what it meant, and they told him that Jesus of Nazareth passes by.
And he cried, saying, Jesus, the Son of David, have mercy on me.
And they which went before rebuked him that he should hold his peace.
But he cried so much the more. Thou, son of David, have mercy on me.
And Jesus stood and commanded him to be brought unto him. And when he was come near, he asked him, saying, What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee? And he said, Lord, that I may receive my sight. And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight, thy faith has saved thee. And immediately he received his sight.
And followed him, glorifying God in all the people, when they saw it, gave praise.
Unto God.
So this little account, it begins with five words.
And it came to pass. Simple words. What does it mean? It means that this actually happened. And we find as we read through the Gospels many times, these 5 words. And it came to pass. And this thrills my soul because I know that when I'm reading the Bible.
I'm reading the Gospels. I'm reading about Jesus. I'm not reading.
About fables or fairy tales or some.
Imagination of man. But I'm reading the word of God and he tells it the way it happened, and I feel so confident when I pick up this book and I read the Bible. The Bible is the word of God, but you know, it's impossible for God to lie.
It tells us that more than once, that's.
That thrills my soul.
Because if God cannot lie, and this is the word of God, what I'm reading here tonight is the truth. And you know, some of these stories are so remarkable and they're so intriguing and captivating.
The best stories that have ever been written are the stories about Jesus.
Well, it tells us here that Jesus came nigh unto Jericho. Now Jericho, we know in the Old Testament was the city of the curse.
And Jericho was destroyed, that it wasn't to be rebuilt, but we find out that man.
He ignores the word of God.
And he does his own thing.
And so this city was rebuilt.
What is remarkable that in spite of man's self will and rebellion, God still comes close to mankind and He.
Came, it tells us here, nigh unto Jericho, in a certain blind man sat by the wayside begging. It doesn't tell us his name here, but if you go to the other accounts you find out his name was Bartimaeus, and he had a big problem.
Because he was blind.
And so as a result, he couldn't work. And so he sat by the wayside on the side of the road, begging.
What happens next?
Hearing the multitude passed by, he asked what it meant now.
It's interesting to me.
That even though this man.
Could not see.
He had the ability to hear.
And hearing is so important.
You know it tells us that.
It comes.
By the word of God, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. So this man, he had his ears open, but he was blind. And you know, I think blindness.
Is really characteristic of.
Somebody who is outside of Christ, you know, the Lord Jesus said I am the light of the world.
He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness.
But by nature and by practice, we are sinners. The Bible tells us clearly that I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. We're all part of Adam's fallen race, and if we go back to Genesis, we find.
There how that?
Satan acquired rights over.
Eve was deceived.
And she listened to the devil.
And we had before us in these meetings how that the devil is a liar from the beginning, and you know the devil.
He has his way of presenting to us that which.
It appears very.
We find out he really has nothing good to offer.
It's been said.
That sin in prospect.
It's very attractive, but sin in retrospect.
It's hideous.
And so Eve.
She took of that fruit.
And God had presented every tree in that garden.
You can eat of any tree in this garden with beautiful garden there was flowers.
Blooming all over the place and all of these trees with the.
Fruit dripping off the trees. I don't think it would be hard to pick off a nice juicy fruit.
But you know, God wanted to see if his creature would obey him.
And you might say, the very first commandment in the word of God was, Thou shalt not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was a commandment because God said, when you eat thereof.
You're going to die.
Will die.
Replace the period with a question mark.
Yeah, he has, God said.
That you're not to eat of this tree? Has he said that you're going to die?
Satan puts a question into our minds as to the truth of God.
And we?
Eve, she listened.
To Satan.
She took the fruit and she ate it, and then she gave it to Adam.
Her husband.
And he ate of it. He was not deceived.
By that one man's disobedience, it tells us that sin come into the world, and death by sin.
And so death is passed upon all men. What a dreadful consequence to disobedience, acting independent of God.
And so we call it the fall. And what a great fall it was.
And so we find the wages of sin is death. But.
The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Satan acquired.
Rights over.
The fallen race.
But you know God.
He and we're going to read more about this.
Provided the means whereby poor fallen man could be redeemed and.
Could be born again and become part of a brand new race of which Christ himself was the head of the race.
Through his death and resurrection.
And so as I look around here tonight, I look into the faces of many that are part of that new race, your new creation in Christ, and it just is so wonderful to think of what God does in spite of man's willfulness. Well, we find that there was.
Sin and death.
And Satan.
And you know, if we turn over, I believe it's in.
2nd Corinthians.
Chapter 4.
It speaks there about.
The apostle says if our gospel it's hid, it's hid to them who are lost in whom the God of this world, and that Satan has blinded the minds of them that believe not.
It's a terrible thing to be blinded by Satan.
I believe here tonight as I look around.
Everyone has the ability to see you have physical eyesight.
And how wonderful that is.
But the question is, is there anybody here tonight who is spiritually blind, spiritually dead?
Because you have never ever come to the light. You have never come to the one who can impart life, and that's the Lord Jesus. It tells us that in Him was life and the life was the light.
Of men, this is what he wants to apart to us, life and light.
Here we find.
Bartimaeus is blind and he is begging.
You know.
By nature and practice, as I say, as sinners.
We have really nothing to give to God. In fact, we're bankrupt.
We're beggars.
But we find in this wonderful story what God can do for a beggar.
And if we turn back, I believe it's in First Samuel we read there about.
The beggar in the dunghill he's made.
To sit among Princess.
These elevated to the throne of Glory, made to sit amongst Princess even though he was a beggar.
What happens here?
Bartimaeus hears the multitude.
There was quite a commotion and so he wonders what it's all about.
And so they told him, Jesus of Nazareth passes by.
Notice the response.
He cried saying.
Jesus now, son of David, have mercy on me.
Without hesitation, he cries.
And he recognizes need.
He recognizes helplessness. I take it he had heard about Jesus.
And he recognized that Jesus was indeed the Messiah.
Because what does he say here? Jesus, thou son of David, the Messiah, was to be the son of David.
And he says have mercy on me.
You know God really appreciates when we cry out for mercy.
If we backed up in this chapter to.
Verse 10 It says here about two men. It says two men went up into the temple to pray. This is verse 10.
Of our chapter.
The one affair to see the other Republican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself. God, I thank thee that I am not his other men are extortioners, unjust adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week. I give ties of all that I possess.
So here's a man. He's all wrapped up with himself.
He's full of pride. And what's the middle letter in the word pride?
Anybody know what the middle letter is? Yeah.
You got it, big fat eye.
Do you know what the middle letter in the word faith is?
Yeah, I.
That's another.
But in the first case.
The eyes trusting in himself.
That he's better than others, as it tells us here. That was the Pharisee. But let's read about the one that has faith.
And in faith the eye is trusting in God, trusting in the Lord, So it tells us here. And the publican in verse 13, standing afar off were not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me, a Sinner. I understand that in the original.
Instead of indefinite article a Sinner.
He puts a definite article the Sinner.
And so here this man.
He acknowledges his sin.
He doesn't consider himself better than anybody else. In fact, he's saying that if everybody else is OK, I'm still the Sinner.
So yes, low thoughts of himself.
And he cries out to God. It's been referred to as the sinner's prayer.
What is the result? 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house, justified rather than the other. For everyone that exalts himself shall be abased, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
So the Lord is rich in mercy. He delights to impart it. Mercy is not getting what we deserve. And we all deserve judgment. We all deserve.
To suffer under the wrath of God.
We all deserve hell, but you know God's desire is that not any should perish.
The other day I noticed.
Big sign on the back of a vehicle is parked at the gas pump and you could read it from quite a distance and it said this in big bold letters please.
Do not go to hell.
That reflects the mind of God.
We got it in John 316.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish.
But should have everlasting.
God doesn't want you to perish.
He wants you to be happy.
He wants to take you to his beautiful home. He wants you to enjoy his companionship.
But we can't enjoy it if we're still in our sins.
Now this publican, he goes to his house. Justified.
Justification for the believer in the Lord Jesus is to be declared righteous.
It's a wonderful truth that if we can get a grip on, it ought to cause us to rejoice.
Because it tells us, you know, that the Lord Jesus, he was made sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might become the righteousness of God.
In him.
And so we can enjoy perfect standing before God as a result of the finished work of our Savior at the cross of Calvary.
Here it tells us that they tried to shut Bartimaeus up.
It says here in verse 39. And they which went before rebuked him, that he should hold his peace.
They rebuked.
Bartimaeus and that said.
They thought that Bartimaeus was acting most inappropriately, calling out. But you know, Bartimaeus was one who had pertinacity. I looked up that word and it means to be.
And Bartimaeus.
He had no regard for what the crowd thought. In another Gospel, I think it's Matthew, it says the multitude told him to be quiet.
But Bartimaeus had one person on his mind, and that was Jesus. Now what? How? Tonight I asked you a question.
I know it's our brother when he gives thanks for the.
The meal tonight.
In his prayer, he spoke about one individual in this hall.
One who might.
Be in their sins in need of salvation.
And I haven't forgot what he said in his prayer. And my question to you is this Are you possibly that one person?
That needs salvation.
And if you are, I want to talk to you here tonight.
You are.
In a very, very precarious position. You know, time is short. We sing a hymn, don't we? Time is gliding swiftly by death and judgment both draw nigh.
None of us have any lease on life. It tells us in the Proverbs both not thyself of tomorrow, for don't know it's not what they may bring forth.
I'm sure many of us.
Have been very startled to hear about the death of.
Maybe a friend, maybe a work associate, maybe somebody at school. I know this summer we were way out in a little trip and.
We came back and.
I asked about man in town.
Oh, he died. He died.
Is that so? Yes, yes, he had. Well, it was actually pancreatic cancer.
And one month later, he's in eternity.
Another young man.
Name is David.
And you know David?
He got in the vehicle with another friend.
He had a headache.
And he hid it out.
Toward his home in the next community.
He died.
In the car.
None of us know.
What a day will bring forth.
There's something else to consider.
Besides the fact that we might die.
While we're on that subject, I.
I just wrote down.
A little statistic here.
During this one hour gospel meeting.
Would anybody know how many people will die?
I'm talking about the whole wide world.
There's people dying every second.
And in one hour.
6392 People.
Will enter eternity.
Saw 6400 people.
In the course of this gospel meeting.
You say, well, that won't be me because I.
I got good health, everything is good. I want to tell you something else that might happen.
The Lord is coming.
You had this in Kentucky last week.
And none of us know when that's going to take place.
But you know, we believe it's going to be soon.
We sing a song with the boys and girls. Jesus will come again.
Soon, soon, soon. And if he were to come tonight?
Where would you be?
Where would you be?
Would you be with the Lord Jesus?
Would you be caught up together with the other believers in this hall?
To be with the Lord.
Or would you still be sitting here on your seat?
There's a very solemn and very sobering thought.
And we're not trying to scare.
The boys and girls.
Or the older ones.
But you know, now is the accepted time.
Behold, now is the day of salvation.
Procrastination is one of Satan's.
Masterpieces. It's a tool that Satan uses.
You say, well, you know, I don't really.
The gospel per SE, but I'm not quite ready to accept it. I'll accept it at some later date.
It's called procrastination.
And you know, many souls are caught in his trap, and they procrastinate until it's too late.
And so.
We would earnestly.
Desire that if there is someone here tonight still in your sins, without God, without Christ on the broad Rd. that leads to destruction, that you might be like.
Bartimaeus, and without hesitation cry out to the Lord.
Barton Bayus. He was prompt and he was persistent.
Somebody said when is the best time?
To come to Christ.
Somebody said, well NOW, now.
Somebody else said the first time that you hear about him.
This was, I believe, the first opportunity that Bartimaeus had to come to Christ, and he seized the opportunity because.
He knew this might be the last chance he had to connect with the Lord Jesus, because the Lord Jesus was passing by.
And so he was not going to miss out on the blessing.
So when he was told to be quiet, it tells us here he cried so much. No more.
Thou, Son of David, have mercy on me.
You don't want to miss out on the blessing.
And we don't want you to miss out on the blessing.
But seek ye the Lord.
While he may be found.
Call you upon him.
While he is near.
He may be found tonight. He is near tonight. Be like Bartimaeus, reach out, call upon him. He'll save your soul and cleanse your heart. He'll make you whole. He'll make you happy. You can go out of this hall singing from the bottom of your heart. Oh Happy Day when Jesus washed my sins away. Do you feel the burden of your sin here tonight?
Your sin is separating you.
From God.
And this is serious.
You cannot be happy here tonight.
If you are in your sins.
Separated from God.
And if you don't close in with the offer of salvation, you could be separated from God for eternity.
I saw this little.
Poem and we know part of it. Perhaps the clock of life is wound but once.
And no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop at late or early hour.
Now is the only time we own to do His precious will.
Do not wait until tomorrow.
For the clock may then be still.
To lose ones health is sad indeed.
To lose ones I should say, to lose ones wealth is sad indeed, to lose ones health is more, but to lose ones soul is such a loss that no one.
Can restore.
And you know, there's no second chance.
And that used to strike fear into my soul. You know, I used to sit on seats like this where the boys and girls are sitting. And we're so happy to see you here. Here you are singing the hymns, listening to stories about Jesus. And your parents are so delighted to have you here.
But my question to you tonight.
Is how you saved.
Are you truly SAVED? Do you know your sins forgiven like the little hymn says? Are you on your way to heaven?
Now maybe there's somebody here tonight and you question.
Whether you're truly saved, in fact.
Maybe you've put your faith in the Lord, but you don't really feel saved.
Well, we can't rest on feelings. What we need to do is look at the Word of God and see what it says.
And rest on the word of God. And we find out that faith is what saves by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It's a gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. Salvation is by faith.
God looks for repentance. It's a willingness to acknowledge my sin, take sides with God against myself, and put my trust in the Lord Jesus and the work that he accomplished there at the cross of Calvary. Because you know the Lord Jesus, he was hung up to die.
I remember we used to visit a man.
Mr. Faulkner But he had a little plaque on the wall and.
The question on the plaque.
Was put to Jesus.
How much do you love me?
And then the next words were and he stretched out his.
And died.
That's how much he loves you.
They took nails.
And they pounded those nails.
With hammers, just pounded them right into the wood.
Through his hands, through his feet.
And the cross was erected. I think it was dropped into a hole.
And that's what they used to do. They dropped that cross into a hole that was dug into the ground. Can you imagine the pain that would be associated with that jerk when the.
Cross hit.
The ground.
The Lord Jesus, he said.
All my bones are out of joint.
Why did he do this?
It was in love.
This is why in love for you and for me.
The Son of God love me.
And gave himself.
And God sent him, and this was manifested the love of God.
To us because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
As we often sing in that hymn, you know, by the one chief Treasurer, his bosom freely gave his own pure love. We measure his Willy mind to save.
Yes, this is the love of God.
He meets us in our need.
He plans salvation.
He does it all.
There's nothing left for you or for me to do.
But to simply accept?
His offer of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus.
But how many there are? They don't understand grace. They think they got to do something.
And they're not clear about the fact that once we become a sheep of Christ.
We're always his. He's never going to let us down, you know?
Picture the shepherd. He's found the sheep.
The sheep is on his shoulders. Is the sheep holding on to the shepherd?
No, the shepherd is holding on to the sheep.
Will the Good Shepherd ever let?
One of his sheep.
Go, Willie. It's an insult to the shepherd. You know, the Lord Jesus has been charged to bring homes in safety, every one of his sheep by his Father, and so to suggest that we can lose our salvation.
It's really an insult to the power and love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's never do that. And yet how many there are. They just seem to fight against grace and they just cannot accept the fact that there's nothing left for you or me to do but to believe. I was speaking that I guess maybe it was last weekend.
A man and he professed to know the Lord, and we had a conversation, but I I could see that.
He wasn't 100% sure about his salvation.
But it seemed to me that, you know, he had a respect for the Lord and.
Anyway, I spoke about Noah. I said you know when.
Noah went into that ark.
It tells us that the Lord shut him in.
Noah is in a secure place.
Noah can't open the door because the Lord shut him in.
I said, you know, Noah, he might fall down in the ark and he might be kind of messed up.
But he's not going to fall out of the Ark.
Well, Christopher, he said. Well, that's true, but wasn't there a window?
In the Ark.
So he was thinking that Noah could lose.
You might say bye.
Going out the window.
That wouldn't happen.
But I just bring that up because there are so many.
They look for some loophole whereby you know they can do something in order, if not to obtain salvation, at least to maintain it. But I want to tell you here tonight, salvation is of the Lord, and just as we have here with Bartimaeus.
The Lord showed mercy and the Lord he did it all. It says Jesus stood.
The multitude, they thought that.
Pardon meus, he wasn't a.
Very important person. He was a blind man. He was a beggar. And of course, if you go over to John Nine, you find there one that was born blind from his birth. And then he begin to wonder, well, now who is it that's a Sinner here? The parents or the command that he's born blind?
So they cast aspersion on the.
Or the man. And I think they were casting aspersions on Artemis too.
But you know Jesus.
Had his sights.
On Emmaus, Bartimaeus was in his sights. He was the important one in the story. He was the important one in the multitude. And so the Lord.
Calls for Bartimaeus.
And in another place it says the multitude, they say Bartimaeus.
He's calling for you.
You know, the the multitude is so fickle they they can change their tune at first they're saying.
Be quiet, Bartimaeus. The next thing is, he said. Come on, Bartimaeus. Come on, He's calling for you. You can't trust the multitude.
To crowd.
Are misleading.
But part of Maus, he was led to Jesus.
And it says here.
When he was come near.
The Lord asked him, saying, What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee?
The Lord already knew what He wanted.
But you know, I think the Lord, he likes when we express our need to him. It's a wonderful privilege to go to the Lord in prayer.
We sing at him. What a friend we have in Jesus while our sins increase to bear. What a privilege to carry everything.
To God in prayer He wants us to express what's on our heart. He wants us to unburden our souls. You know it says in I believe it's Psalm. Is it? 55 Cast thy burden upon the Lord, or roll thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.
Sometimes the burden is so great, you know, it's kind of like a big.
Bayla hay and these bales of hay, they can weigh hundreds of pounds, but there they are on the wagon and they need to be unloaded. Well, you can't just, you know, physically pick up that bail and just throw it off, but you can roll it off the wagon. And so I believe in one place it speaks about rolling off the burden.
On to the Lord, and He'll sustain us.
And the Lord Jesus says, Come unto me, all ye that labor in our heavy laden eye will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, learn of Me. I'm meek and lowly in heart. You shall find rest for your souls.
My yoke is easy. My burden is light. It's wonderful to come to Jesus.
And we earnestly pray for any here tonight who have not come, come.
Well, you have opportunity.
Don't procrastinate. Don't wait.
This might be your last gospel meeting.
We see a text on the highway up in Maine and it says.
This may be your last text.
And it's beamed out over a screen as you drive down the road.
Because we know texting and driving are.
Very risky and have contributed to many many accidents and some fatal. But this might be your last gospel meeting. And if this is your last gospel meeting.
You need to take opportunity to come to Jesus and come now without delay. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. And if you reject or neglect.
You are in serious trouble.
Hebrews 2-3 How shall we escape if we neglect?
So great salvation.
I read about a man. He found it.
Paper as he was walking down the road in Johannesburg, South Africa and he saw in the paper it said £5000 reward.
You looked at that 5000 lbs. I could really use that.
Kind of money. I wonder how do you go about getting this?
Picked up the paper and here was a gospel tract and he opened it up.
And that question was there, How shall we escape if we neglect?
So great salvation.
5000 lbs British pounds were being offered.
To the one who could answer that question.
That question is still going unanswered.
We cannot escape if we neglect God's salvation. God's salvation is Jesus.
And God would have all men to honor the Son.
The Sun.
Is the supreme delight of the Father's heart because Jesus, the Son of God in this world, He always did what pleased the Father. His thought life was in perfect harmony with God, His words.
And God so much appreciated his Son. He could say, This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. And so the Father, he loves his Son. He's given all things into his hand.
And is sobering to think of that next verse. He that believeth on the Son has life, and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. And that's in John 336. John 316 we have the love of God, but even in 316 we have a perishing. But you know, God resents.
Those who reject his son, I think it's the worst crime.
That man could ever commit.
To reject or to neglect His Son. And God resents that so much that that's why it speaks about the wrath of God abiding on one.
Well, the end of this story is beautiful. It says Jesus said unto Bartimaeus, Receive thy sight, Bartimaeus. He told what he was on his heart. He wasn't trying to be.
Tricky or ask a.
You might say question with ulterior motive or anything of that nature or give an answer, but immediately it says.
He received his sight, followed Jesus, glorifying God. All the people, when they saw it, gave praise unto God.
But I'm going to just.
Leave 5 words with you. 5 words.
Thy faith.
Hath saved thee only believe salvation.
Is by faith.
As we pray, if you would like to know for sure that you're on your way to heaven, you just tell the Lord, Jesus said.
You want to be saved and you believe that He indeed is the one who can save you, and you just put your trust in the Lord Jesus.
And rest on his finished work and his precious blood that we opened it meeting with that can cleanse us from all sin and believe that God has raised him from the dead.
It's all part of salvation.
There was a girl by name of Rose.
And she began to question her salvation.
But she went to that wonderful verse, Romans 10:00 and 9:00.
And there it says, If thou shalt confess with thy mouth, Jesus says Lord, Rose said, That's me. I've confessed Jesus as Lord.
And believe in thine heart.
That God has raised him from the dead.
She said that's Rose. That's me. I believe that God raised him from the dead.
Thou shalt be saved.
Big smile. That's me. I am saved.
So we just have to.
Stay with the Word of God.
Don't rely on feelings, go by God in His Word.
Let's pray. Father, we just thank Thee for the opportunity to tell out the wonderful message of the Gospel.