Bobby and the Train

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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Bobby, who was just four years old, and his little sister, had been left in the care of a neighbor while their father and mother went into the city on the train.
Hearing that his parents would be coming home on the next train, little Bobby slipped out of the house when no one was looking and started off to the station, as fast as his little legs could carry him.
Arriving there he heard the whistle of the train away down the track. Unaware of his danger, he started off down the line to meet the train. He just knew that his father and mother were on that train, and he couldn’t wait to see them again.
It so happened that Jimmie, the paper boy, standing on the platform caught sight of the little fellow running up the track. At the risk of his own life Jimmie jumped down on the track, seized Bobby and sprang up onto the platform again just as the train roared into the station.
When Bobby’s parents stepped off the train, they saw a large crowd gathered around a small boy-it was their own Bobby. They were soon told the story of how he nearly lost his life, and you can imagine how both mother and father thanked God as they hugged and kissed their little lad. You may be sure, too, that Jimmie came in for unbounded grateful thanks and a reward for saving their dear little son’s life.
If you have not trusted Jesus as your Saviour, you, too, are in danger, dear reader. Bobby did not realize his peril, and perhaps you do not either. It is a solemn thing not to be saved, when judgment, like a train coming down the track, is on the way.
But there is One who loves you and whose outstretched arms will immediately reach out and lift you to a place of everlasting safety, if you will only let Him. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:3131And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts 16:31).