Both Hands Full

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YP Sing Address—D. Blake
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Well, before we get started, let's go ahead and pray.
Our God and Father, we do thank Thee that we can sing these hymns and how we can look forward, Lord to.
They soon returned where we will see the fully glorified. And we do thank Thee that now we can have Thy word opened up and we can learn from it. Pray that what's shared from my word would be of Thee and before the benefit of all we do pray this now and Thy precious name, Lord Jesus, Amen.
OK, I have a lot of questions so I'm going to need answers.
What did Jonathan Chaney talk about last night? There's two specific words that he talked about.
Who remembers what they were?
Talked about.
About possessions, possessions, OK, so he talked about who were two men that he he talked about several, but who were two specific men?
OK, so law and Abraham. Abraham is why I was thinking of. Then he talked Abraham was a starts with PA Pilgrim. Then later he talked about Jacob and who was he? A stranger Pilgrim and strangers so.
Keep that in mind. And what?
I would like to take up and I'm going to read a verse and there's a word in this verse that I'm going to talk about, but I want to see if anyone can give me a definition of this word. This will be an Exodus 29.
And it will be verse 9.
And this word will start with C.
And thou shalt gird them with girdles, Aaron and his sons, and put the bonnets on them.
And the priest office shall be theirs for perpetual statute. And thou shalt consecrate Aaron and his sons. What word in their service see.
Got it. Consecrate. Let's consecrate mean.
It's a big word.
Who knows what consecrate means?
OK, I'm going to, by the way, what is that game that your boys and some girls were playing out there in the Octagon and you're hitting the ball?
Why is it?
OK, I had never seen it, never heard it. Looks like a fun game. And what's the other game? I know you were playing, some of you were where you have the.
Spike ball.
What are the parts of the body that you're using playing those games?
Your arms? What's at the end of your arm? Your hands. OK, I don't know if you want the last game of Gaga.
Guys get OK, but I know you were on the last ones, so do you mind volunteering? I need someone else to stand up with me. I know your last name is Arlenson Jacob Day. Put your hands out. I was going to get bigger cups but.
Looks like you have steady hands.
He's consecrated.
Probably could have had a big basis since he has big hands but his hands are full or with fullness. Consecration is with hands full. What do you think his mind is on right now?
Not spilling the water. He's paying attention.
Your mind is probably on sitting back down, but he's paying attention to what's in his hands. He's consecrated and may use the word concentrated, but consecrated with hands full. And so I would like to go over two aspects of consecration. OK, thank you.
And those two aspects.
Our worship and service. Not worship, service worship and service. Those are two distinct parts of our pilgrimage and as being strangers here below so I want to take up worship first because.
I do believe that we don't have the worship aspect correct of who the Lord Jesus is.
Our service is going to be very confused, so first I want to look in Leviticus 16.
And again, this has to do with the priest.
But Leviticus.
16 And I'm just going to be taking little snippets out of a verse. This is verse 12 And he shall take a sensor full of burning coals of fire from off the altar before the Lord, and his hands full of sweet incidents, beaten small, and bring it within the veil. Here the priest was to be consecrated with what?
What was he to be consecrated with? Does the word consecrate isn't in here? It just says hands full.
Sweet instance and where was he to go?
Inside the veil? Who is inside the veil?
I know we haven't had it yet in the.
Discussion on the Tabernacle, but who is inside the veil?
The approach to God he was to have, and again, I'm only taking one aspect of this verse, but he was to have his hands full of sweet incense.
Why is sweet to God?
I think, remember I'm going to bring out the aspect of worship, what is sweet to God that we can bring right into his presence.
What's that? OK, pray. Prayers are sweet. I'm thinking of what's the most sweetest thing that we can ever bring to God, and we may bring it in prayer. You're correct.
Christ, is that what you said? Sorry, I said praise, praise. Well, so I'm thinking of, I'm still thinking of worship, but I guess I gave it out.
So the Lord Jesus, that is the sweetest thing that we can bring to God. And again, it's both hands full. Just like Jacob here, he had both hands. There's nothing sweeter that we can bring to God than the Lord Jesus and.
I I think of the apostle Paul.
Sometimes he in his epistles, he's riding along and there's something that he just burst out into who the he's talking about the Lord Jesus and he just burst out into. Sometimes the word doxology is used by worship, and so worship is when we take up with who the Lord Jesus is.
And may say well.
What is a sweet incense beaten small?
And I was like to make an application that.
We can read our Bible every day and there may be a verse that we come across that brings out something of the beauties of the Lord Jesus and we can pray like you said, just pray to God and and repeat that verse. You know God knows infinitely more about the Lord Jesus than we ever will.
But he still likes to hear us.
Tell him about his son.
That is, there's nothing greater that we can bring to God than bring sweet incense of the Lord Jesus.
There's another side of constant creation in regards to worship. I want to bring out this consecration. Always good.
OK, you're shaking your head no. Does anyone else agree that consecration is always good?
OK, it's not. There is a time that consecration was done that wasn't good. And this is in First Kings.
And remember, consecration just means hands full.
So Jeroboam he's.
Taking the 10 tribes of Israel.
And going to take a verse first. Kings 12, verse 26.
And Jeroboam said in his heart, and then I'm going to jump down to verse 31, and he made in House of high places and made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi. The word consecration is and out first. But if we turn over to chapter 13 and verse 33, we'll get the verse.
After this thing jeroboam return not.
From his evil way, but made again of the lowest of the people, priests of the high places. Whosoever would, he consecrated him, and he became one of the priests of the high places.
That first verse I read.
Where did Jeroboam's thoughts come from?
His heart.
What's the Bible say about the heart? The heart is.
Deceitful and desperately wicked.
We cannot.
Come up out of our hearts, or bring up out of our hearts proper thoughts of who Christ is.
We have to guard against that.
We have to guard against our mind coming up with who we think Christ is. We always have to come from the word of God on who Christ is. You know you may find a catchy phrase on YouTube or or in some song.
If it's according to scripture, then it's according to scripture. But we have to guard.
At letting those be in our heart. And then.
I say this carefully, saying this is the offering to God because what Jeroboam did here, it was idolatry, and we can come up with who God is and who the Lord Jesus is in our mind and in our heart.
And and that's idolatry. We come up with our own God.
So that's something to be warned about, to always come from the Word of God as to who the Lord Jesus is.
OK, so that was worship. What was the next word I was going to talk about?
Who remembers service?
Let's turn and I believe Josh mentioned his name.
And the meeting on the Tabernacle, This would be Exodus.
And I'll read verse two. See, I have called by name Bezaleal, the son of Uri, the son of her of the tribe of Judah. And I have filled him with the Spirit of God and wisdom and an understanding and knowledge and in all manner of workmanship to devise cunning works to work in gold and in silver and in brass. And it goes on. And it speaks of oh, holy up and.
Get down to verse 10 and the close of service and the holy garments for Aaron.
The priests and the garments of his sons to minister in the priests office, and the anointing oil and sweet incense for the holy place, according to all that have commanded thee. Shall they do so? These two men? And then there are many others that were wise hearted that God had raised up to put together the Tabernacle. Now some of the items, they were visible, they could be seen.
Some of the items they were It might have been the sewing of the.
Yeah, the ram skins, the badger skins, those men have been as seen.
And I would like to make a simple application.
In the assembly, the men.
The things that are done in assembly meeting the men are seen as far as the publicly seen.
There are things that are unseen that the sisters.
Do does one have a higher importance over the other?
That's correct, there isn't. It's all for the service of the Lord.
To glorify the Lord Jesus, to bring out the beauties of the Lord Jesus and.
So these, these ones, they were raised up of God, each of you, and I trust each of you have put your faith in the Lord Jesus, have been raised up of God to do his service.
Now, could there be things that we do with our hands that are not of God and service?
My girls can't answer this question because we often refer to this at home.
Who is someone that put both hands in something? His hands were full.
And he went along, eating out of his hands.
OK, my daughter did answer OK at home sometimes if.
My girls grab a cookie in each hand will say don't be a Samson.
Samson was a man of mixed principles.
Where did he so he he got that? What was it that he could got out?
Honey, could you imagine? He's a grown man. He's. Sometimes you see young kids grab.
Things off the table and they're trying to figure out which to eat. Samson was a grown man and he had his hands full of honey and he's walking along and the Bible doesn't give a strong description and want to be careful with the imaginations, but you can see, imagine the honey, it's just falling off and he's just eating it.
Was Honey speak of Indiana a scripture?
Pleasure. Pleasure. OK, yes, this. Were you the one that answered it yet or whoever did? It's along that line.
I think by the T there was a thing of honey. What was the honey for?
Sweetener, Sweetener.
This honey manufactured no.
So it's natural, natural sweetness.
Here there's a lot of natural sweetness that we're enjoying.
I'm probably going to get messed up goo goo ball Gaga OK Gaga ball. There is hikes can enjoy seeing things of nature.
And some of you were doing the climbing wall. Those are things that that we can enjoy natural sweetness. And there's nothing wrong with natural sweetness. If I want to look at a verse.
And this verse came to me this morning.
Visiting with Tim, this is Ecclesiastes.
I believe it's chapter 4.
Chapter 4 and verse 6.
Better is a handful with quietness than both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit. I think that was Samson.
He lost his discernment. His eyes had been put out.
Samson's life was full and you read the Samson's life and there was a lot of activity going on in Samson's life.
I would say the other thing is it was unclear you took out of Alliance carcass. You're you're true, you have.
Probably wouldn't have been very sanitary.
And so here this is. And who wrote Ecclesiastes?
How many wives does Solomon have?
700 too many. Yeah, too many. It might have been 700 and 300 concubines. He had two hands full. He, he should have known better. He wrote this handful of quietness. So there are those things that we have to do while living on this earth. There's the verse that in Luke 19 that says.
Occupy till I come.
And the Lord Jesus even said, I pray this is John 17, not to take them out of the world, but that we would be kept while we're in this world. A lot of you are in school. You have to do school.
Some of us as fathers, but all of us as fathers, we have to provide for our family.
The mothers are at home mostly and provide for what's needed for the household so.
And then there's the natural sweetness. We talked about the things that we can enjoy. God has given those things for us to enjoy.
But when we put both hands into those things.
We can lose our discernment like solemn or well, Solomon and Samson.
Who, though, was someone?
That took up handfuls of purpose.
Ruth. And what was it that she was picking up?
I believe it is barley. That's right, the poorer man's food.
And that can also speak of Christ she was or the Lord Jesus Christ. She was picking those things up and so.
While May say that she wasn't getting much grain.
But she was doing it with purpose, and so in our service for the Lord.
We do it with purpose for the Lord.
There's something that struck with recently.
I have some wounds in my hands and well, I should say scars.
Not wounds. And sometimes, especially in my girls who are younger, they would like to hear the stories of where those wounds came from.
Often those wounds happened. I should say scars because.
Their their clothes, stuff, they're no longer open. They happen because I wasn't being careful.
Such as I didn't put on a glove or I was cutting on a saw and I wasn't being careful as I was coming around and would cut my finger. There's some that have lost their fingers.
And I'm making an application here.
There are things that we may do in our life that are going to be scars for the rest of your life.
Just like on my hand, I have certain scars that are going to be there until my body's changed and resurrection. There are things that you may take up with things that you do.
Those are going to be scars.
Some you make it over quickly, but some may last the rest of your life.
Be very mindful of what you take up with.
Now I'm going to pick on loop debut because I saw you win that spike ball, so I want you to come up. I have one more.
So watch what going to put this on his head because he won at.
Spike ball.
OK, I want you to cast that down.
OK, what did he use?
His hands. OK, you can go sit. Thank you.
Sometimes illustration as they look kind of funny, but they stick with us a little bit better. Revelation.
Chapter 2.
Sorry, this would be Revelation 4.
And verse 10.
The four and 20 elders fall down before him that sat on the throne and worshipped him, that liveth forever and ever, and listened to this part and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power, for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
I believe this is the last reference.
It doesn't say hands here, but as Luke illustrated, hands were used. I want to be clear, this is most likely figurative. I don't, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe this is saying that we're going to actually be given a crown like a king would wear when we're in heaven. I suggest that's more figurative and I would like to make the application that.
For what we do.
On this earth, God is going to give us something.
Specifically to each of us.
And that's why we occupy till I come. There are rewards also that he'll give us. But.
What are we going to do with them?
Cast them at His feet. We are going to acknowledge that He gave us the ability, He gave us the desire, He gave us the opportunity.
To do.
To be consecrated to him. And so with our hands and again, I, I believe this is figurative. We are going to say, Lord, it's all you, you did it all.
And we'll take the Olympics, for example, when they win.
A trophy or an Olympics, It'd be a medal. What do they do with it? Do they stick in their back pocket?
Well, sometimes when the pitchers are being taken, what they'll yeah, they'll hold it above their head.
Let's be careful that we don't go walking around saying look at my service, look what I'm doing.
Because in heaven.
We should acknowledge it now in heaven. We will fully acknowledge that it was all Him. He has just chosen us, but it's still all Him. All our service is based off of Him. Now. I'm not going to take much longer and it's a full study in itself, but the hands of the Lord Jesus.
Can anyone tell me what something is that the Lord Jesus had in his hands?
Go ahead.
Nails very good.
With some in his life here.
Scars are wounds, yeah, he'll have that for all eternity. You'll have those wounds, and we'll come back to that.
In his life here, who can name me something I had in his hands?
Little children, and I believe that's the only thing that we read of that he had in his hands.
I could be wrong there if I couldn't find anything else.
That's what he values.
His little children and each of us can take that place as little children. Even the money, when they asked is it lawful to give to Caesar or not, he says show me a coin. I don't know that he handled that coin, I think as they showed him.
And that's an example for us. His hands were occupied with his Father's business and his Father has chosen us. And that's who the Lord Jesus handled that first song that we sang this evening.
What did say they did with his hands in the garden?
They bound his hands.
I think it's 56. And that thing about Jesus, those hands that did such good, they nailed them to a.
Cross of wood.
That's what they did to his hands.
Those wounds he'll have for all eternity, and we're going to see those wounds for all eternity because you know what he's going to be doing for all eternity.
Someone whispered it, serving his talks about how he'll he'll have us sit down and he will serve us. As in Luke 12.
That's what the Lord Jesus will be doing for all eternity. That's very humbling where he's the creator and psalms that talks about the handiwork.
And and now those hands, they've been pierced, and for all eternity he'll be serving us so.
Again, we're pilgrims and strangers that had last night.
And As for pilgrims and strangers, first comes worship and then it comes service where we can be consecrated. Was consecration mean?
Hands full.
For the Lord.
Let's just commend ourselves.
Our God and Father, we do.
Thank you for this time to consider what our occupation is to be and how.
Wonderful. It is Lord Jesus, that we will be with thee and.
Is beyond human thought what it will be to have our Creator have our Savior to serve us. We pray that in the time that we have left here on this earth that.
We would worship thee and serve thee as thou hast desired. We pray this now and thy precious name, Lord Jesus.
Ergon and Father, we do thank thee for the.
Hands that have provided the refreshments to eat and the much labor of love that's been done with the hands of those that prepared it. Pray this and thy precious name, Lord Jesus, Amen.