Bought With a Price - a Heart Won

Duration: 44min
Colossians 1:18; 1 Corinthians 6:19‑20
Address—Dwight Dods
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You don't have to turn to it, but I'd like to read very well.
First part of our verse.
Simon and Colossians, chapter one.
Verse 18.
Just the end of the verse.
That in all things.
He might have the preeminence.
That in all things.
I want to sing a hymn that was given out this afternoon.
#46 in the back.
Before we sing it, thank you. Before we sing it.
Trust me, good most of crap heard of.
What the exercise was of the author who wrote this hymn?
He was George W Fraser lived in Ireland in the mid 1800s.
Grew up in a, we might say it, religious family.
I believe no less than seven of his cousins were ordained minister, so-called.
And George has reached the age of 20, but he didn't know the Lord Jesus as Savior.
And perhaps there's someone in this room tonight.
That has grown up among those of the Lord's people.
Sat here through these last two days.
And still does not know.
The Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior.
Well, age 20.
There was a revival in Ireland.
And George's brother persuaded him to go with him to hear a preacher preach the gospel.
And when they got there, the room was full.
There's no room inside at all.
But they climbed up to a window.
And the lesson at that window?
And George was saved that night.
Not only saved, he came to love the Lord Jesus.
His heart was taken up with that one.
And some believe it was about 11 years later George married.
And he just so loved his wife.
Quite right, is it not?
He enjoyed every minute that he could spend with his wife.
But he became extremely exercised.
That he was not given.
The Lord His rightful place, He was to have the preeminence.
Evening, marriage, even those good things that God gives us, the Lord Jesus still has that first place and ought to have that first place in our lives.
And so tonight, as we sing this hymn #46 in the back of the book.
Has he became an exercise about it? George Kaiser or Fraser? Rather, he wrote this little him as a prayer.
Have I an object, Lord below, which would divide my heart with thee? The next verse says, Have IA hope, however dear, which would defer thy coming. Lord. As he thought of the happy times he would spend as his wife, there was a danger that he might defer a time and hope the Lord wouldn't come for a little while. And it was an exercise tomb. Oh, I hope each one of us can sing this hymn tonight as a prayer of our heart.
#46 is someone to start please?
McDonald's umm for your.
Roswell, Michigan 900-2788, 868-2059 so that I can give you anything.
Uh, we're good. We've been getting yeah.
So we're comfortable.
Around the beginning together with my.
Granddad and I've been doing.
We just looked for the Lord for His help, blessing.
Our loving God.
Father tonight.
We signed thee.
For our Lord Jesus Christ.
Recite the.
That we were once far off.
Desiring to go our own way.
Without a sin, thy beloved Son.
To be our object.
To save our souls.
To win our hearts.
And tonight we do. Thank you for each one in this room.
We know as the Lord Jesus as Savior.
We have to confess.
Having such love showed to us.
How little her heart respond.
But we do look to the.
That maybe more so.
And so tonight, as we open thy word.
And consider.
Thy word.
We just ask for Thy blessing and help.
We pray, our God and Father, that thy well beloved Son and be glorified tonight.
Then you might be made much of.
We ask it in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
And I don't intend to do a lot of reading tonight.
I'd like to look at verse in Corinthians.
First Corinthians chapter.
I want to read just the end of verse 19.
And part of.
1St 20.
You are not your own.
Where you're bought for the price.
Love it tonight.
We think of the cost for which we've been bought.
Does it not win our hearts?
And yet I have to confess. I've had to confess to the Lord.
I just don't understand how my heart can be so cold.
With such love shown toward.
Bought with a price, redeemed with the precious blood of Christ. It was his life He gave. He shed his blood in order to bias. Now we're not alone.
You know this these last two days.
We've had much before us.
Much precious truth.
For now, we're about to go home.
Someone had mentioned that they was.
Yesterday. Perhaps the day.
That we hope we didn't go home the same way as we came.
While the ministry was precious.
While it was needful.
We need the truth.
We wouldn't know what God's thoughts were for us and how He would have us to behave. We didn't know the truth.
But you know the truth will not keep us.
We could have all the truth.
And walk apart from the Lord Jesus.
I thought of the Ephesian Saints.
They were given the highest truth ever given to mankind.
And why do you read in Revelation? I have somewhat against thee.
I was left I first loved.
And we used to often hear in Ottawa.
The truth will never keep us. It's the love of the truth.
Unless we have a heart for the Lord Jesus.
Unless we go home from these meetings with their hearts warmed up towards him, we'll go home exactly the same way as we came.
But if we get it grasped, can I speak to my own stool? Because I don't feel that. I just don't understand how I can be so indifferent to his claims of love.
The Lord doesn't give us and tell us what we have to do step by step, and Softman said the Lord doesn't want robots.
He wants her heart. My son, give me thine heart.
We've all perhaps heard the story.
Of the slave lady.
She's been very faithful in work.
She served her master's well, she's a hard worker, and she had the desire that someday she would purchase her freedom.
Put her Master. Put her up with the auction.
And there was one man there, he just kept bidding and one person bid higher, he bid higher and it kept going higher and higher.
And she realized she'd never be able to purchase her own freedom.
And as the price got higher and higher for us, she realized that this man must know that I'm a faithful worker and he's willing to pay highly for someone to serve him.
And as the price got higher and higher?
She came more angry and hateful towards that man was doing the bidding.
And when finally.
An account was made, sold to the highest bidder.
She looked at him.
Spit on them all you want if I can get out of me.
All you want is that you'll serve you.
He said. My lady, I didn't buy you for you to serve me.
I bought you to set you free.
The tears start running down our eyes.
And she said then I'll serve you forever. I'll serve you as long as I live.
He won her heart.
There's no difficulty for that woman to serve now.
And that ought to be the way with our hearts.
Now I'd like to look at.
Another verse.
Time has slipped around, so let's move on to Malachi.
Chapter 3.
Verse 8.
Will a man rob God?
Yet ye have robbed me.
What'd you say?
We're in. Have we robbed thee?
You know, these are pretty strong words.
This was Carver speaking to his earthly people here.
And he says you have robbed me.
We know what it is to steal.
If we take somebody else's goods, use them without permission.
It's stealing.
We've just read that we're not our own.
Do we ever use ourselves as if we were our own?
Well, our brother Robert.
Yesterday spoke a little about getting up in the morning with that realization that we're not alone.
And to come before the Lord in prayer.
I don't want it. I belong to the.
What would you have me do today?
What would you have me even to wear?
You know, if we're in that conscious sense.
That we were the Lords and he had bought us and he won our hearts.
Perhaps we'd start the day a little different, and perhaps we'd go about the day a little different.
But you know, here it seems that.
These ones didn't even realize they were robbing God.
Is it possible that we are the same?
They said we're in. How are we robbing you?
And tonight I'd just like to spend a little while, perhaps.
Considering some of the places and some of the ways that we might be robbing God.
It was mentioned as well today.
So we'll menus will go back home.
Now we're going to come to the per meeting.
Three meeting.
Lord say morning meaning.
Lord's Day morning, we'll perhaps see.
Chair is pretty well filled up.
Compare meeting.
The same Lord is there was there the Lord say morning.
What's the matter?
Hooey, Robbins.
Are we not robbing the Lord Jesus of that fellowship He just so desires? I've wondered if the Lord was to make himself seen to our natural eyes.
How different we might be.
With the excuses we give for not being at the prayer meeting, earth or reading meaning.
Stand if the Lord is seen.
You know Thomas missed a meeting.
And all his brethren seemed to have said to him.
We've seen the Lord.
Thomas is at the next meeting.
And so I'd just like to encourage you.
We've had this afternoon. Robert brought it forward very forcefully how Satan is making every effort.
Trip us up. He's far smarter than we are.
And what is going to be the answer?
How are we going to combat it?
You know what? I meditate a little on it.
If we were to put the Lord Jesus and give us rightful place and every one of those strategies that Satan has set up, they wouldn't work.
If we just give them that rightful place, this is all things. He must have the preeminence, He must have that place in all things.
And so it comes to the.
Time for meeting?
Perhaps we.
Think well I got some homework I'd like to do.
And it seems very important.
But we put it in the light of is it to get a better market school far to meet the Lord Jesus and give him the joy of your presence?
Oh, there's no problem. Disappears.
Is it some business deal we have to get through?
Again, if we give them the rightful place, the 1St place and there's no problem.
We'll be there.
And so I really feel it. And then this goes to myself to.
Our difficulty may not be we've got good intentions that we do have good intentions may be true, but so many other things come in.
I want to tell you some advice that an older brother in Ottawa gave me. Give some of us. He's long since with the Lord, a man that almost never missed a meeting. I can barely remember that man missing a meeting.
He had a very important job too. He was the head of the company.
I found out that many times at the meeting, but he was back at work until after midnight, but he wanted to be at the meetings.
But his comment was he said there's those who.
Where it was.
Center or gravitate around the assembly and the Lord's things.
And there are those who find.
So see rotates around them.
Sounds a little bit, uh, so we have to question what do you mean?
Well, he said. You know.
Some of us we.
Make our timetable up.
And if someone wants something done business meeting on meeting night, fill that in. We haven't got time. We don't have time to go to meeting that night.
And so at the end of the week.
If there's nothing at fell on meeting night, then we go to meeting.
For those who rotate around the assembly, the first thought is the things the Lord come first. So somebody asks, can you be at such and such a place for a meeting? No, I've got another meeting to be at.
If we're going to plan our holidays.
First thought is not how nice the place is going to be, but is there an assembly there?
Put the Lord first.
And so there's the two sides.
And I remember when I.
Start into real estate sales. One of the managers give me some advice.
He said your time is going to be consumed.
So the first thing at the beginning of the year, those days we had it written Daytimers, we called them appointment book. Nowadays it's on their cell phone and I don't know how to use, but it's the same thing, he said at the beginning of the year.
You black out all the important dates.
Year anniversary.
Appointment made.
Your spouse's birthday? Put it in. Your children's birthday? Put it in.
So he says when the phone rings and somebody wants to see a house or wants to see some property, uh, sorry, I've already got another appointment.
So I thought, well, if we do that, then you fill in all the meeting nights.
And that's what we have to do.
Well, I think that's one area that we.
Rob got on.
User time for ourselves.
Another area a time is fine, so I'm just going to briefly touch on them.
Do you need more time, brother?
Call House.
Mentioned something.
This afternoon.
What does God say?
It's been an exercise and I hope you understand.
That's exactly what Paul was getting at.
The question of how accurate the translations are that we may be using.
You say, well, it doesn't really matter too much.
I've come to the conclusion it has a great effect.
On what takes place, it's been mentioned here that much has been brought into his family, has come in from the camp. But you know, some of the things I've looked into that has crept into the assembly has come in from so-called the Bible.
Shocking, yeah.
You know, years ago there was a brother said that Satan knew too well that Christians would never give up the Bible. There was no hope for the Satan to get rid of the Bible. So he said what I'll do is I'll corrupt it.
I want to ask you a question if you sent a letter.
To your loved ones.
And before it arrived, someone took that letter.
And they changed it.
Hey, props are doing good faith, just thought they'd make your letter a little more understandable.
And he changed your letter.
And your loved one got it.
And it wasn't exactly as you had written it.
So you sent them another letter with exactly as it was and they said, oh, I preferred the one that they changed.
What is this honor would be to the you, wouldn't it?
You know, there's been changes.
Made with no justification in some of the translations.
Number of the errors that have come in, if you look them up and some of the translations, you're fine. Where the air came from didn't come from the camp, they came from another translation and it was done on purpose. I believe Satan was at behind it.
I want to mention just one little one.
So simple a thing.
Mr. Garvey's translation in King James.
And in the original Greek? In the original Hebrew.
God was very careful when you give a simple thing as.
Personal pronoun.
God doesn't leave things that are confusion.
Who are you speaking to? More than one. It was ye.
If you're speaking to one person with thee or thou.
Simple thing, but it makes a huge difference.
Many places in the Word of God.
If you change it to the more St. level language that we use in many of the translation today and just make it you.
You is not even a good English word for the legal profession. I don't think lawyers here or not, but they would understand that it's caused an awful lot of trouble using the word you because when they write something, if they say you to refer to one person or is it a person number, it's a confused word in the English language and God doesn't cause confusion. But what has happened? Man has brought in that why?
To make it more palatable to those who might want to hear or listen or whatever. Where's the Lord's prominence go? Was he not first?
Why not keep it as we put it?
Perhaps a song. I was surprised that someone who's good age I say it is probably his 20s.
This was mentioned and he said, well, I've never known that before. I thought it was just a matter of the old English that people wanted to use.
He'd never known there was a difference in the word meaning.
And so that we want to be careful, I'm not telling you what translation you use. I do say that if you want to check it out, Mr. Darby, as far as I'm concerned, is by far the most accurate.
And if you wanna check something.
See, if it says the same thing as his, it may give it another word. It may help. I'm not saying one, but let's check the accuracy of it.
Writer who's not even with us.
EE pointed out.
Over 100 places in the Bible.
If you.
Take the word.
Ye, ye or thee, or thou, I make it all you. There's over 100 places that cause confusion in the Word of God.
So has it added something? It's only caused confusion. Has it taken away something from God's Word? It has taken away.
There's no question and everyone agrees is taking We've lost something if we don't get the same meaning.
What does the word of God say? Old Testament? They were not to remove anything from the law, however they had any. We come to Revelation.
We will not add or subtract.
You say, well, it's just a little thing.
In Matthew chapter 5, I believe it is.
It says that every jot.
Of God's word will be fulfilled.
What's the jot the smallest alphabet Alphabet in the Hebrew language I believe it was.
The title was those little marks underneath the letter that made sure you got the right letter to put it into our language, into English language. You might say it's, it's the I just that little stroke. And plus the title, the dot above God says he takes note of every one of those little marks.
Crossing the T very important to God.
And man is taking the liberty.
Two, take them out.
Change the meaning.
I said Manny it. Uh, yes.
We've probably lost do I mean, but we've probably figured out some way.
Many places I've looked it would be almost impossible to figure out one that's often used. The Lord Jesus said to his disciples. Well, Peter was there.
Satan has desired to have you, everyone of you.
And I prayed for thee.
Fear that your faith say a lot. We wouldn't get that if we have it. We'd lost something of God's word.
How important keep a good translation.
But I believe it brings in even more.
To our Lord Jesus Christ.
And I think if we our hearts have been touched. This morning we sat in a meeting, we thought what considered what the Lord Jesus went through to redeem us.
If that hasn't touched your hearts, what more can you do?
And so we want him to be honored.
Speaking of that little pronoun.
Never in the covers of God's Word is the Godhead addressed in the plural.
And yet we've fallen into because of our translations that we've got used to using perhaps.
Of addressing the Godhead in that term, you say it's a singular word.
It's also plural word if you address them as you.
If you address.
Lord Jesus and speak of the Godhead and as you.
I do not know where you hold the truth of the Trinity.
In his worst state, that word is addressed in that way. It's blossoming. It is taken as a plural.
Stand and call to God in a word that could be used in the plural, denying the Trinity, that he is one, that God is one. You've denied the very ground in which your salvation rests.
Well, I hope that no one takes offense. Where does that look at this?
It is for His honor and for His glory.
It's not a matter of what sounds more reverent. I've heard arrogance put up over different arguments that this word sounds more reverent than that word. It perhaps is. That is not the point.
We have God's word for it.
And to suggest nor the I believe it's the Orthodox Church.
Has already ruled.
I have the copy of it home to anyone.
That addresses the Godhead with EU word you.
They determine.
That you no longer hold the truth of the Trinity.
Are we going to dishonor them by doing so?
By just bringing that up the burden I have and I just know that each one and we fall into these things, the ones here, Malachi, those things that they didn't realize they were doing.
But you know, we're just about the end of our time.
But what's so encouraging this little?
Park in Malachi.
We read it again. It says William and rob God, yet you have robbed me. But ye say we're in how we rob thee.
And tithes and offerings.
He are cursed and with a curse, for ye have robbed me even this whole nation.
Well, there was judgment to come for such reserving, robbing God that which he was, so do.
But you know, I want to read the next verse. God was so gracious and He's so gracious with us. He just waits to bring in blessing.
And he says, oh, why not change, change, bring in the ties into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house. And prove me. Now we're with the Lord of hosts. Set the Lord of hosts. If I will not open the windows of heaven and pour yet a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive. Oh, he just waits. If we have strayed, we all do. We make this get off.
Here we have the Lord just waiting to change. Give me my rightful place now, this poor yard, a blessing that you won't be able to contain it.
Oh, isn't that the God that we have? What a savior we have? Well, I'll leave this a few thoughts. I trust no one will be offended. I leave, it says in Haggai. Consider.
Consider your way. He would have it at least twice over in the same chapter.
This is considered these things, and I would have you tonight to consider them in the Lord's presence. What is for His glory? What is giving Him His rightful place?
We're not our own.
I see your time is gone. Maybe we just look to the Lord for His blessing.
Our living God loving Father.
We once more as we come to the end of this meeting and the end of these meetings.
For the love and grace has been shown towards us.
We thank you again for the Lord Jesus.
Without it, give up at such a cost to thyself.
We hear thy word, says the Father loved the Son.
Thou is love thy son, and yet thou to send them into this world.
Become our Savior and we thank thee for everyone in this room that's come to know the Lord Jesus as Savior that no other sins are gone nowhere on the way to meet thee Lord Jesus. Assume we'll hear the shout if you're reminded the endo lost me as soon as soon they are going to come.
But while we're here.
We own. That's how we fail. We own how our hearts get taken up with our own things.
How that the advantages?
Of this world seen the loom big before us.
No, sometimes we should come to Satan's strategy.
We do us as we leave this place.
That we may, given that grace to give thee, Lord Jesus, thy rightful place.
That place of preeminence.
A place above all else.
Knowing then the psalmist told us to seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these other things shall be added to the fowl supplier need. And so we just asked thy blessing and Thy word in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.